CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
i just wanted to say..i love my purity cookbook..i had lost it many years ago in a move..and i got an updated / replacement one fro christmas..Mmmm yummy goodies in there! I made a homeade beef soup with the leftover prime rib bones that i had frozen after xmas, we're in between pays and with the 800$ vet bill and 400$ car bill, kinda short on money, so i grabbed the last of our carrots celery onions frozen corn, brocoli and some rice and threw it in their too. and i made some homeade teabiscuits, and scones with raisons for breakfast..David has never had teabiscuits or scones and they are sooo easy to make. then i baked some chocolate drop cookies, and i think i'm going to make 2 recipes each week from my book :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-01-12 14:18:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
ahh how i miss having a BBQ :( i'm the BBQ chef in my house lol and i usually bbq all year long..yes even in the winter :) i just can't eat pan fried steaks or burgers...wish i could have even a mini bbq here..haven't had bbq in..two summers /cry Cron on the bbq is the best..soo good.

Edited by Kimbear, 17 August 2010 - 08:58 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-17 08:58:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Went over to the sister in laws, and she made jabanero (sp?) chilli, with jabanero noodles. spicey but was very very good, however, i'm paying for it today.. i made a mocha chocolate cake which turned out soo fudgey and moist. and we had some cowboy chili aka was like a cold bean salad to me. chick peas, corn, white beans, onions, celery cilantro, italian dressing, umm somthing else lol very good. then we had godiva coffee chocolate and watched true blood. Very nice day out! sunshien and a pool as well.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-16 11:01:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
bah back to lonely single dinners for myself /sigh. lol i had a blast cookign for david's family while i was in Chicago. I tend to use alot of diff spices and make sure you can smell the food cooking :) gotta love that garlic!

Looks like tomatoe soup and grilled cheese tonight. soul food as i call it. Since this is hopefully my last month in canada. go go interview in 30 days!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-02-28 19:55:00
Canadabring cell phone to the interview
Montreal wont even allow musical greeting cards either. some people have had to go back to their hotel or car and leave stuff there.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-11 09:12:00
CanadaI-129F/K1 Request For Evidence: What's your experience?
or for omitting a check in a box. our lawyer did not check off box 18 i think it caused us a 3 month delay.Bascially you got an RFE. go over what you sent them to see if you missed anything.

Edited by Kimbear, 13 April 2012 - 11:27 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-13 11:26:00
CanadaAnswering the question "When is your wedding?"
hehe i always said right after i get my visa. they dont realize you can't bloody plan anything yet or book anything or do ANYthing yet. Nothing wrong with your answer, you basically told him in a roundabout way thats your doing the leagal paperwork to get the visa which allows you to get married. to be honest, after a while i started saying "whenever your goverment lets me" LOL
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-17 13:55:00
CanadaCredit bureau

In 2009 I bought my first ever brand new car from a dealership.
When I was browsing various dealerships, every time one would
run a credit inquiry on me, my score would drop a little.

we just bought a house and david's score plumented 50 points. but we've been told thats normal. its suposed to go back up ...i hope. lol

Edited by Kimbear, 17 May 2012 - 01:26 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-17 13:26:00
CanadaCredit bureau
ya it took me 6 months to get a card and it was a cap one card. I was refused for just about everything. since then its been a year now they have upped my limit twice and i'm almost at a 700 score. however, i can't seem to get any other cards even with good payment history etc. i keep getting the reply " not enough tradelines established" whenever i try and get one. well DUH thats why i'm asking for more LOL. i honestly dont like my cap one and its interest rate is terrible. the only good thing is i have no yearly fee, which would mean a min payment eveyr month no matter what.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-17 10:18:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....

We are finally back in Canada. I don't have internet access at my parents place where we are staying, so that is a big adjustment. We had a bit of an issue at the border and actually got turned back. My husband was arrested last year for a shoplifting charge, but since it was his first offense he qualified for something called judicial diversion and after a year of a sort of probation his charges were dismissed and his record was expunged. But he didn't have any court records to show at the border. We called his lawyer and got the documents and had no issue the next day....thank god!!

It was a long 4 days, but thankfully Emma was sooooo good and hardly fussed at all thanks to an ipad and sesame street downloads!! The dogs are so happy to be out on the farm and having unlimited areas to run an play!!

We are starting the immigration paperwork tomorrow! Will keep all updated

Glad to hear you arrived safe and sound! I can't believe how awesome Emma was..just wow! Good luck with the immigration for your hubby. Thinking positive thoughts for you!
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-22 16:24:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....
Wow the things i miss when i dont have net for 2 weeks! lol.

Congrats on the move back. I know you have been thinking about it for a while now. I'm sure it will all work out for you and hey at least you two get to be together during the Canadian side of Immigration eh? :) Dont be a stranger once you leave!
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-09 21:44:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
oh hehe i forgot to mention. We needed congress to come to the rescue again!! i swear gonna be on a first name basis soon lol between immigration and this :P

long story short this was a short sale and it was also a rental, owners lived in Cali the last few years. anyway the previous tenants never paid the 1600 COMED bill, and comed refused outright to hook up our power. they accused us of lying and of trying to get it restored for the prvious ppl who lived here. and i was soo super pissed off. like dude give me your fax number your supers number your president i'll fax you my damn bill of sale deed hud one w/e the freaking hell you want!

and the ppl ( we tried 3 times to get someone to do something) kept saying no you have to get autyhroized it will take a month! !!??? ####### are you serious?? SCREW THAT SH1TE!

So after contacting lawers etc we finally said..hmm i wonder...and we contacted our congressman again, and what do you know..i get a call from comed asking me for info and telling me i'll have electricity within 24 hours. the next day the congresmans office called to ask if it was back on and to let us know if we had any other issues to call them back.

WOOHOO. ya know..its kind ofweird. i never up north ever contacted the govt for anything cuz normally..they were useless..but down say jump and they seem to say hwo high.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-08 22:39:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
new house is great. puppies are still trying to get used to it. took a break for a coupole days cuz i over did it with my arm painting. was getting pains up and down it with tingling in the fingers. but i can't stand just letting it all sit there. it must be done so tomorrow now that 'im feeling better its back to painting. only half the house to go still UGH. i love the area we are in, right in the middle of two forest preserves, and the neighbours are great, and its so quiet yet we are so much closer to the city and ohare now. amg i have PRIVACY!!! lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-08 22:34:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
i'm not as senior as most of you ( and i dont mean age lol :P ) but i'm still around browsing. we've just been super busy with the house purchase and finally moved in and finally got internet after 2 weeks. OMG how i missed google and mapquest etc. i dont have a garmin or anything for the car so figuring out where stuff was around here was actually difficult. who knew phone booths and phone books rarely existed anymore?? !! i have about 4 months or so before i process ROC so i'll be around alot more then. for now i'll just be browsing etc. til the house gets in order. ugh..soo many boxes..and paint..and
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-08 10:38:00
CanadaThe Way We Were

Thanks Kimbear! It's true, I always become a complete nut. It's the true test of love, because my husband sill actually wants to me around me :lol:

The one thing I'm worried about is the house thing. We bought our house in my husbands name only. At the time I had no credit at all, and our loan officer wouldn't approve our loan if I was on it. I didn't care at the time, and I still really don't... but that's one piece of evidence we don't have. We have everything else but that. Tax returns, bills, insurance policies, a car loan, joint accounts, etc. I know a lot of people have been approved without a joint mortgage, but it seems like a big missing piece. I didn't worry about this until some other people stressed me out about it! I wrote a letter explaining the situation, so hopefully that will help.

Can you not be on title too? i know in illinois my bank told me that even though i'm not on the mortgage i can be on the title.. this way if David ever leaves me i get half the house She actually said that to his face.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-08-30 12:05:00
CanadaThe Way We Were

You guys are right, I should stop worrying. I might just tap into some other resources and send it out earlier. Otherwise, I guess it's not a big deal. It's not like I have it all prepared and ready to go anyways... I just have a desk of unsorted papers right now. I'm also stressed that I don't have enough evidence, even though my husband keeps telling me we have plenty. I think I need to stop stressing over everything! This immigration stuff still brings out the worst in me.

Welland was the same as always! This was my first trip since Christmas, but I had some more time to spend than last time, so I got to hit all the hot spots :lol: I really wish I could make more than 1-2 trips per year, but it's hard with work and other life commitments. Every 6 weeks is great OBX! You'll have to keep me updated if anything groundbreaking happens (not holding my breath...)

Huggle, i think it brings out the worst in most of us. I know i always become a complete nutter, and get stressed to the max. I'm sure you have enough stuff to prove your relationship. Itd be nice if they could just let the fact that yoru both together still be the only thing you need to show but you have a home financial stuff mixed family. not sure what else they want to see..other than an organ donation..i mean sheesh..:)

Edited by Kimbear, 29 August 2011 - 01:47 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2011-08-29 13:46:00
CanadaThe Way We Were

Never ever FORGET!

OMG..i just about spit coke out my nose with that one!!
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-08-26 19:09:00
CanadaThe Way We Were

Every morning I used to wake up, get my coffee, then read the new posts on the Canada Forum. It used to be a lot of fun chatting and catching up with everyone. That all seems to be gone. Now I only see process-related questions. I miss the chat. :(

Im still here..just been kinda depressed lately and didn't want to bring it here to you guys so i've been staying away..i used to post advice and stuff to help others who are going through it..but lately..i just can't seem to get in a frame of mind to offer the advice. Seems i dont have much to say unless i'm crabbing or complaining lol and I don't wanna be "that chick"..:)

Hugs but ya..i missed the old friendliness we all seemed to have here.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-08-19 20:05:00
CanadaWhat do you like best about Tim Hortons?
well i think it has more to do with family and hockey probably. Also last i knew they supported young hockey players etc as well. its a huge boon for the kids. i guess i just remember it as being very community oriented. and i always thought of hockey and home with tim hortons.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-02 11:48:00
CanadaWhat do you like best about Tim Hortons?

I used be a huge French Vanilla drinker, but than I found Second Cup Moccachino as the best :dance: ... I cant resist Tim Hortons Cheese Croissant is really really good. I dont mind walking 20min twice a week to get one :yes:
I will miss it when I move.

Second cup Mochachino's are heaven for much so i buy well i used to buy the espresso and i bought a machine and make em myself. Yummy!
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-03-27 10:20:00
CanadaWhat do you like best about Tim Hortons?
The breakfast sandwich's and the coffee! only thing i've found that comes close coffee wise for me down here is Dunkin. i've never been a doughnut person unless its Krispy Kreme.

I abhor Tim Hortons. They changed the recipe for the coffee several years ago and it taste like brown water in my opinion. The doughnuts and bagels are all frozen and par-baked and don't taste anything like a proper fresh doughnut should taste. I also worked there once- the customers were nice but the owners were @ssholes who didn't give a ####### about their employees, only the size of their wallet. They scheduled third shift employees for 14 hour shifts and did all kinds of borderline illegal ####### to spend as little money as possible... Full time workers who had been there for 3+ years never got any raises except when minimum wage wet up. Needless to say I looked for another job ASAP and only stuck around there for 4 months...

No, I'm not bitter :whistle: But in my opinion, Country Style makes better doughnuts because they're made from scratch (at least they were last time I checked- I worked at a Country Style a few years back, they might've changed it) and McDonalds has the best cheap coffee. Great Canadian Bagel makes good bagels.

Many a time I have been accused of not being a real Canadian because of my opinion on this matter :lol:

wel if they changed the reciper..then im not sure..i haven't had timmies since 2008 :( As for bagels..i so miss montreal bagels..not this soft ####### here with HFCS in it..blech! iwant my hard sweet St-Viateur bagels! They do deliver to usa..but its hella expensive :( Maybe next tax return lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-03-27 06:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
So just found out for 250$ my attorney can add me to the deed for the house. :dance: now to get the rest of my stuff in order for ROC in October...ya ya i know..i'm early lol. goign through stuff and tossing it in a box currently. Hopefully they see the deed in both our names as a huge piece of positive relationship info! :)

Love Rummoli!

The new 50's are see-through! :o And they're in Braille! That's awesome.

WHAT?? see through money?? no way! I've seen the braille on other notes before.

Woot, my boss let me come home early :)

It's Varba's birthday and he's having friends over, I"ll be cleaning the kitchen in my new found time off.

woot for early for the cleaning lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-06-01 13:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
haha i hear ya...sometimes i'm eating my hair or the dogs are or my husand just gets everywhere. when i met hubby i had mine chin length..i had just cut its been growing out about mid back length again..and i'm getting the itch to cut it short...takes too long to wash dry etc. OY and the drains hate me..even though i use one of those strainer things to catch it. i dunno..mebbie i'll cut it again..would make it one box of dye a month instead of two! lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-03-06 16:36:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
wow that must have felt soo weird! i remember when my hair was that long and i cut it chin lenght..this was years ago but head felt so light and all the shampoo i saved!!! LOL.

looks like you got the real thick wavy stuff i its annoying lol. i have to keep it up half the time or tuck it behind my ears. :)

the question is..How do YOU like it?
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-03-06 14:18:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
i've had long hair down to my butt, short to my chin and now its about shoulder length.

i have yet to try the bangs thing. was thinking of doing that, but the though of hair in my eyes would drive me crazy i think. also, my hair is so thick and curly and unruly its like straw at times. and i have that puffy thing happen when its too long.

only way to get over it was for me to just goin and say
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-11-30 11:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I want a Kitchen Aid mixer so bad.. maybe I should just get one.. we spent $250 on the hubster's new grill :P

my kitchen aid 5qt mixer...BEST THING EVER omg i dont knwo how i lived without it for sooo long! i got it on sale at sears a couple years ago. its the artisan one white. i absolutely love it. my mother inlaw has the bowl lifter type..and i HATE hers. its noisy, its annoying to use and lift up and down and no pour shield so flour and liquids go alover. and the bowl is not as steep as mine for whip cream etc.

but aid mixers are sooo worth it.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-10-20 14:42:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
so its cold rainy and windy with 10C temp here, been cold for the last couple weeks..and my best friend tells me on FB thats its sunny and 75C in montreal...

KimbearFemaleCanada2011-09-26 12:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I think beer has always been cheaper in Quebec!! Its pricey in Sask!!! I believe its a bit cheaper in Alberta as the Liquor board stores are privately owned!!

well i know you have the deposit to pay .10 per bottle .5 per can and tax of course but
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-09-26 11:38:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

we went to Tim Hortons once when we were back in Canada.. It was not very good.. the donuts I have not liked there for awhile and they were still not good but I used to really like their sandwiches from there but now those are not very good anymore either :(

Also I was astonished by the prices of the produce and meat at the stores there... I can't remember if the prices always were like that or maybe I just have grown accustomed to the cheaper prices here... A pack of 12 chicken thighs cost 10 bucks up there and that was on sale even.. yesterday at Food4Less we bought a pack of 16 thighs for around 7 bucks, regular price... We did buy some pork ribs up there for about 9 bucks a rack.. it was so good with our homemade BBQ sauce and there was a tonne of meat on the bones..

oh and don't get me started on beer.. my husband was astonished at the prices... around 50 bucks for 24 cans of Budlight and around 15 bucks for a 6 pack of Coronas :o

The corn on the cob up there is so good but it is majorly expensive too but it is worth it though.. :thumbs: we were paying about 7 bucks for a dozen... the corn here in the LA area is not nearly as good even though you can sometimes get 4 to 6 cobs for $1...

are you serious?? where was this? last i saw in montreal beer was like 28 for a 24pack!
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-09-26 05:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
so i just did a quick take on how many times i've moved in my life. and give or take a couple i dont remember when i was born, i've moved over 30 times and i'm only 37....well i've lived in 30 different houses..maybe that makes more sense.....and none of it was job related..i gotta say..thats pretty sad..
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-08-30 14:08:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I have never heard of or seen those in Canada before I joined VJ ...:P

OMG passion flakies..raspberry!!! i had almost forgotten about those!! another thing iv'e never seen here..joe louis or may wests..course anything Vachon i miss :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-08-30 12:21:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

In a few days our new adventure in a new country begins! Sound exotic, but its a very poor country, but should be very interesting. Will have a nice house, maid/cook and lucky enough to have a small pool. Will have to learn a new language as well, sucks to be me,lol but have known for awhile that I had to,and what have I done?? Not much,lol. I figure once there, will be forced to learn it. Which I will, as the onus is on me to learn their language, not them trying to understand me,lol

If your moving to another country and want to know their regulations in bringing in animals, check out http://www.aphis.usd.../iregs/animals/ Scroll down and find the country!! As well, as I found out, its best to contact that countries Consulate in the USA and see if the requirements have changed!! I was told that NO, our country that we are going to, does NOT require to be stamped by their embassy/consulate!! WRONG, yes it did! Beauty of living in the DC area, could catch the metro and walk down and get it stamped! Otherwise one has to mail it in and include return postage envelope

The biggest pain in our moving as been with the animals!! Ones vet has to give them a Physical! Send paperwork to the head vet of your State (and return postage paid envelope)and then to the host countries embassy!! All that costs $$ for the physical, fees and mailings. Plus one has to book the animals on flights, and they are separate, so 1 has to call he dog people and to ensure dates are available,then the regular booking line,lol And of course they only allow so many dogs and cats on a flight, AND only so many can book well in advance! Good times!

Life is an adventure and looking forward to it!! Getting further and further away from Tim hortons! lol

Hope everything goes well Flames! I'm sure Tim Hortons will miss you and your addiction :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-08-26 19:08:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
My husband is going away for 3 days to a work convention thing in Indiana...he hasn't even left yet, but i have this tight knot in my stomach like i used to get after vacations when i was a know that feeling you get when you wont see your best friend til next year and you just wanna cry? :(

It will be the first time we have been away from each other since i came down on my k1 visa. Thank god i have my dogs with me. I already miss him.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-06-09 06:15:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
My sister in law has a huge garden. she just bought like 50 strawberry plants, she has so many tomatoes jalapenos all kinds of squash fresh peas. I love going there in the summer with the pool and the fresh veggies that i can just pick and eat. Mmm. I cannot wait to have my own place. even if its just a 5 x 5 area for a small garden there is nothing like fresh foods. and it would save me so much $$$. Food is so expensive here in Chicago, even if i go to the small ethnic places.

I start teaching Kindergarten today. It's my last placement in teacher's college before I move on April 30th! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats!! That sounds like so much fun! Kids are so adorable at that age.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-03-30 06:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

My Due date is Monday!! I had an appt this afternoon and I am making some progress, so hopefully something will happen over the weekend! *Fingers Crossed*

holy smokes already!! wow seems it was not that long ago we were at the consulate eh? lol. Good luck and i hope everything goes good with the babies birth!!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-12-09 14:04:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
i got my first credit card approval today!!!!!

i had applied previously for capital one, best buy newegg etc..all with refusals. but what i did notice was the reasons why i was refused had changed.

it went from " you have no credit history etc" to "you have limited recent credit history".

i'm guessing being on all the bills here , electricity, cable, cell phone, finally paid off. since i use my bank account to pay them each month. Been in the usa since April, only took 7 months for my first credit card. :) it was a pre approval special offer one from Capital one as well.

now i get to buy the rest of the parts for my new computer a bit at a time and gain more credit!! woot! this will help immensely since davids credit is ok but not the best. and next year we need a new car and want to buy a house :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-11-08 13:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
so whats the deal with everyone going crazy in november with these black november black friday things? i've never seen a people wait and then go balistic with shopping like this. even my husband wants us to wait to buy anything until black friday..i just dont get it. in canada i would start shopping for xmas months in advance..not the last 30 days before and make myself crazy with packed stores etc.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-11-01 13:34:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
my poor booboo lexie is sick again. :( Lex my saluki has had allergies lately and it was getting better i thought. i went to brush him the other day and was like wow..thats alot of dandruff. so i took a comb to his fur to see what was up, and his entire back all along his spine from head to hips is full of scabs and he is loosing his fur in chunks practically. he does not seem itchy or bothered much by it but it really worries me :(.

i had some left over spray the vet gave us for his last allergy atk, and i used it, but it just worries me so. it almost looks like mange but there are these weird brown spots too. poor dog..i can feel the bones as if there was no fur left on him. my poor baby just turned 4 also :(

other than that, you would never know anything was wrong with him. i just hope they figure this out.his appt is tomorow at the vet.

Edited by Kimbear, 01 October 2010 - 08:54 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-10-01 08:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

The hubby seems to really like Herr's ketchup chips. I found them one day at Wal-Mart and decided to try them. Now I have to go searching for them because he loves them so much. I think they're like a seasonal flavor that Herr's does. They've also got a Baby Back Rib flavor out right now that really actually tastes JUST LIKE ribs, lol.

They make their ketchup chips using Heinz ketchup :) one of my fav's aside from Lay's. Also Herr is one of the only companies that will ship them to the usa. Lays wont / cry
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-17 09:31:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
so my sister in law brought me ketchup chips from her trip to vancouver. :dance:

and i just finished licking out the entire bag of crumbs:blush:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-16 10:56:00