CanadaPOE Windsor - Ambassador Bridge
odd..when they couriered my medical to me i had a sheet of paper clipped to the back of it..medical worksheet too or something it said. its what i sent in with my aos. also they never took my pic at my poe just the fingerprints.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-12-27 22:55:00
CanadaPOE Windsor - Ambassador Bridge
Ya i crossed there and they said the same thing no packet for me..just make sure you have that extra vaccination sheet from the medical.

I POE'd on December 20th at the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor/Detroit.
Everyone that we encountered was *super* friendly. The border agent was joking around with me, and was saying stuff like "are you sure you want to go down and marry him... I mean... it's not all fun and games now... he can fart in front of you now!" LOL... I was like "don't worry, he already does that" haha.

So he sent us into the secondary area - which was PACKED. We ended up being there for just over 2 hours, on an early Thursday morning (we got there just around 8:30am - most of the people who were pulled in was because they ended up in the Nexus lane, without having Nexus cards). At one point, they were calling in everyone who came in later than me, so my mom went to ask what was going on - they said they were waiting for someone new to come on shift, because the K1 isn't difficult, but it's time consuming to process). After that, they called me up pretty quickly.

The agent was joking around with me again... he looked through my entire packet, asked me a few questions about Tom - what he does, where he lives, etc... and also about myself, and what I do. Then he was looking through some of the evidence of the relationship that we submitted - it was pretty funny. He looked at one of the cards we had written to each other, and gives me the one eyebrow raise and says "Honey Badger?!" loud enough for the agent sitting next to him to notice too. (Honey Badger is my nickname for Tom... LOL) And I turned BEET RED and was smiling like a mad woman. They all laughed.

I had to stand in front of him, and go back and sit down about 4 or 5 times - each time he asked me a few different questions (nothing serious - just stuff like "where will you be living" "when do you plan on going back to Canada?" - correct answer "Not until my AP comes through")

Towards the end, he took my finger prints and a photo - and filled out my I-94. I paid the $6 US. He didn't give me a copy of any of the packet (I thought I was supposed to get a copy of the medical stuff, but he said no, that it all just gets forwarded to USCIS. So I hope that was right... I haven't really looked ahead to the AOS paperwork yet.)

Then he said "congratulations" and sent me on my way :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-12-27 22:22:00
CanadaNew Banking Option for Canadian cross-border banking

Mine was pulled, and so was someone else's when they were mortgage hunting. It might have been Kimbear. Can't recall right now. As I mentioned before, if the lender is motivated, they'll find a way to pull it.

Correct, it was through Bank of America, however we never ended up doing that since we never got a mortgage with them. It just depends on how badly they want your business i guess.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-11 08:29:00
CanadaNeed info please! Help!!
Maybe its just me growing up seeing my older sister's relationship with my mother but , well, i don't like the idea of being peers. Never have. I've watched my sister go out with my mom to bars and drink even. But in my minds eye..shes my mom you don't do that. And i guess seeing their relationship like that kinda of demeaned her in my eyes too. i i said its prolly due to the way i grew up but yeah..shes my mom not my best friend. lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-11 08:26:00
CanadaScotch Mints

How sweet of you!!

Kimbear, are you sure you're not prego? (:lol: kidding! please don't hurt me)

I would not hurt you you have a beautiful baby to take care of! Posted Image I don't think i am..i mean there are no other weird things going on. my thyroid finally stableised according to my bloodtest last week though so finally i can stay on this prescription and see what happens.

You could try a British Export store. They may have them as well locally if you have such a place...

so i did a Google search of those, and did fine one or two in Chicago but oh lord..they are all the way east on the waterfront. that's one heck of a drive to get too. :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-10 08:05:00
CanadaScotch Mints


ohh i forgot about that site! eesh..some of those prices though lol. but hey have most of the stuff i miss.

Mint Imperials are supposed to be similar but the middle is hard and crumbly rather than chewy.

ya i like the soft center ones..i'm fussy with alot of foods, its why i dont like pears or watermellon, that texture sometimes sandy kinda puts me off.

PM me your mailing address and I'll send some. I'm not kidding! I'm in the US every other weekend. I'll just send them from there so you don't have to worry about "importing food" items!

Oh no no no, i could not do that. lol. Sooner or later this year i have to go back anyway to renew my passport and my uncle lives in NIagara. So i'll just warn him ahead of time to make space for me in the garage for stuff :P ya know..cans of maple syrup, real coke, mints, cookies..real :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-10 08:00:00
CanadaScotch Mints
So i grew up absolutely loving those round white mints my mom used to buy, and my friends parents used to keep in a candy bowl. I know allan or kerr or someone made them in Canada, but does anyone know where you can buy them down here? I have had a ridiculous craving for mint candies lately and went to the store and was dismayed at all the ones they had. Not to mention i'm not a fan of the mint flavours used in most of them.

Has anyone seen them in the U.S. or know where i can get them? i even try amazon lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-08 20:28:00
CanadaQuestion about Tax Rebates (GST, HST, etc)
I never notified anyone either, i think i just did an online change of address somewhere..i think..LOL not sure :) Only way you'll find out if there is an issue is if you move back to Canada I would imagine.

Edited by Kimbear, 14 January 2013 - 09:20 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-14 09:19:00
Canadacanadian needing to get home ASAP
Can you go to a canadian consulate near you? they might be abler to help you with this. I believe some one else did this in the last year as well for this father. Not sure who it was though.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-13 17:41:00
CanadaHusband and I thinking of returning to canada in the next 10 years
Quite a few people have moved back, Treble did, and Colleens and her family did. both have posts somewhere around here about it. and they are also on the Road 2 Canada site i believe. Finding a Canadian equivalent of VJ to help you though is the hard part. No where have i found a site as informative as this one when it comes to immigrating back to Canada. It is doable, and you get to stay together the whole time and if i'm not mistaken you do all the paperwork in one shot. Not like the US version where you have to do things many times.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-25 18:58:00
CanadaFunny picture

I <3 that!! Actually we just quit wow finally after 8 or 9 years...:) I can't say we were THAT addicted...but i'm sure tons of folks here can definitely relate! lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-25 18:44:00
CanadaAOS approved!
Congrats. I know you were worried since you filed really late. Glad it all worked out!
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-25 09:53:00
CanadaTD canceling my Visa becase moving to the US?
steph!! your alive!! :) /hug Good luck with teh ROC eh?

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-03-09 07:20:00
CanadaTD canceling my Visa becase moving to the US?

Has anyone else successfully kept their TD Visa while moving to the US? It's my longest standing credit source, so I kind of hate to close it down. I opened an RBC account that can still access my Canadian credit, which is why I even care. I didn't get a CC through RBC yet though. Now I'm considering it.

It came about when I called to change my address with TD (POE is Sunday!!) and she says "we're going to have to close that on you, sorry. You can't have it living in the US". She was "nice" enough to not cancel it on the spot and let me keep it for a few months but what the hell? Now I'm not changing my address for my other CC for fear they'll do the same thing. Anyone else had success in keeping their cards or am I delusional and SOL?

i've been here two years and i've had mine. they had quite a few issues getting the change of address done but i get my statements etc eveyr month from them. i only recently closed teh account since i dont use it and didn't want to pay the yearly fees anymore which went up. ignore them they dont have to close it. in fact i called the non long distance number the normal toronto one i believe and the guy had no issue setting it all up for my us address.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-03-08 16:44:00
CanadaDress Code for an Interview( winter)
Depends how early you get to the consulate and line up. The area where you line up does not see alot of daylight due to all the tall buildings so you may be in the shade. I do know recently my family who live there said its really really cold. so definitely wear winter boots hat gloves etc. no need to "dress up" for the actual interview. casual attire is fine.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-03-01 09:32:00
CanadaI have a surprise!

That's a quick move in, yay!

Even at the asking that's a steal of a deal. The area we live now houses go for $600,000+ and the areas we could potentially afford that are decent are going to run us AT LEAST $400,000 (if we are lucky). Don't even get me started on the property taxes, we have to budget at least $1000/month for those. But you do what you have to do here in New York City + suburbs. It sucks but I'm becoming used to it now and can see why people do it to live here but then retire elsewhere.

Wow are you serious? Thats bloody expensive! I would hope people get paid more in NY to compensate but i have a feeling they don't. It amazes me how little house you get for the price down here. Up North (..i say that alot now lol) my house Near Ottawa was 10 years old 3 bedrooms a ranch style on 8 acres of land and it cost me 125k. That would cost me like half a million here in Chicago. And yet i look at what my hsuband makes and the price of salaries..and it amazes me how they expect him to live on that.

I got paid so much more than him for my job and i was a NEW employee there...i mean jeez.

Thanks for all the congrats! Now that this homeowner thing is becomming a fruition i'm feeling much loved!:luv:

Once its all painted and stuff i'll post new pics..We might be closing next week! The Fha appraisal was good and my bank has all the papers it needs..I think the title stuff is almost done. So we may have our new home just in time for our 2 year wedding anniversary this wednesday!!!!!!!:dance:

Edited by Kimbear, 07 April 2012 - 09:34 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-07 09:31:00
CanadaI have a surprise!

Congrats, very very happy for you!

Jealous on how inexpensive houses are there!

Well, we lucked out on this one. Its a short sale, and the owners are retired and live in california. the bank has made its money 6 times on this house since 6 diff mortgages were taken out on it. The last one for their retirement houe that was built brand new for 500k in california. This place originally listed for 120k, went off market came back at 90 we offered 75k. Everyone was desperate and there was only one lien on the house and one investor. Needless to say, CIti did not counter our offer, and we did our home inspection found some issues, they even offered to pay some closing costs to fix the issues which shocked the hell out of me and my attorney. Now i'm just waiting on the appraisal report from our FHA guy. As long as thats ok, we can move in probably next week. They already gave us the keys etc.

My horror story of home buying in the usa is finally over. It took over a year since our first initial offer and start of this messed up us home buying craziness. I managed to not go 100% crazy and i managed to keep my marriage intact. As for family relations with the parent in laws..well..thats a whole other story. lol.

lets just say i can't wait to get the ** out of here!
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-04 19:03:00
CanadaI have a surprise!

So happy things a looking up for you two, and look they gave you an idea on a nursery :whistle:

Cheeky buggers! and Flames :lol:

edit* its ok husband i'm sure will write this down on the of the very few days where i admist i'm wrong and someone else is right! :blush:

Edited by Kimbear, 28 March 2012 - 04:10 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-03-28 16:09:00
CanadaI have a surprise!

Congrats!! I know your road has been pretty bumpy the past few years, so I am very happy that something is finally going your way. I know first hand how frustrating it is when it seems no matter how hard you try, something always ends up going wrong :(

No kidding eh? I was this close to saying screw it and going back to Canada. With so much BS with my inlaws, the housing market, losing my job, trying to understand some of the attitudes of people in Chicago etc. My cousin in Nova Scotia is a mortgage broker and she has said a few times she could help me out etc. If we did nto get this house..well. i was ready to just take a trip back home.

But hopefully finally now after 2 years of being here we can really start to live our happily married life together :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-03-28 09:09:00
CanadaI have a surprise!

Congrats!! Thats sort of how house buying goes, the right house eventually finds ya.

Throughout the last year you tried to tell me this many times..and i was skeptical. But you did end up being right Flames. Like you and others said, there's probably a good reason (unknown to me!! lol ) that we never got the other two houses that we really wanted. And right now i'm fine with that.

That very first house that was auctioned off 2 weeks before closing, was only 10k less than this one. had no appliances, only 2 bed 1 bath, needed a new roof, furnace etc. I ended up with the much better deal this time around.

And the final awesome piece? I got my answer and FHA # before the April deadline, when it would have costed me like almost 800$ more for the upfront PMI and also montly increases. I asked my LO If he could get us that number and he did on monday, the next day we had approval. This team actually cared about their customers. And they deal with my every question etc. :luv:
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-03-28 06:58:00
CanadaI have a surprise!
so uhhh :whistle: , we kinda....umm...yeah...:whistle:


We close on April 23, but were given early possession gratuit, since the owners are in California and we are in Illinois. OMFG I cannot believe it...I dont know whether to scream or cry or do both today. And the kicker? Not only was this another short sale (no i did not learn my lesson from last time :blush: ) BUT Citi did not give anyone any problems and DID NOT EVEN COUNTER OUR OFFER. Our offer was 15k less than list price, and like 40% of what was owed on the house.

We had seen the house on November 30th, put the official offer in on Dec 4th, and got the Approval today (Letter is actually dated yesterday).

I'm completely surprised, because when i was looking at other houses and the local forclosure Sheriff's sales listings just YESTERDAY, I saw this house listed. And of course I completely FREAKED and called my lawyer the realtor etc. thinking " OMG they are goign to do it again to me. they are going to auction this house off and not sell it to me, they are going to screw me again". Then when i saw that a mortgage for the house was discharged i bascially started panicking this morning.

So when i got the approval letter today, it was like someone took a cast iron frypan and whacked me in the face!.

I dont have official pics yet but here is a link to the Redfin listing;

It was completly reno'd in 2006, with new windows, new kitchen, new appliances, new roof, new front and back doors, new laminate floors etc. New furnace, new A/C, Its like a brand new freakign house. And has a gorgeous vaulted ceiling in the living room. We are on cloud freaking 9 right now. I have a perma grin on my face.

Saturday we are doing the inspection and getting the keys.

wah hoooo!:dance:
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-03-27 18:32:00
CanadaConfused about when to file for ROC

Hey Arabella! Its been a while :)

Don't worry too much about the pictures kimbear. They're not that important. We just sent a few. We travel quite a bit, but never seem to take many pictures together

i dunno why we never take pictures lol. we have a nice camera, just i dunno we always seem to forget! lol like when we out the last two anniversaries we brought it, and forgot..again! lol. we have plenty of paperwork showing comingling of finances though :) and hopefully i can get on the title to the houe when we close tomorrow.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-22 17:57:00
CanadaConfused about when to file for ROC

It's exciting to think that in just 1 more year Sean can have his citizenship, and then we will be done with USCIS for ever! I am so tired of paying such huge filing fees!

Tell me about it! I can't wait. no more paper, no more fees, no more having to tell them every time i move. no more worrying about going places or crossing borders. UGH i already started looking at the citizenship guide and questions. lol
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-22 17:54:00
CanadaConfused about when to file for ROC

Thanks! Guess I am early then. I'll have to hold on to my stuff until then.

Hey Arabella,

I've already been thinking of it too. I'll be filing in October, and I've realized we don't have hardly any pictures of us together since we got married :( So i'll be working on getting mroe of that stuff and reading the guides etc. There should be a few people doing it around fall as well, If i remember there was a bunch of K1's that got approved around the same time also!
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-22 08:30:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!
Bah, guess its just as well. i cant watch any games for the next while since COMED are being douches and wont turn my hydro..erm..i mean electric on for 3-4 weeks..sigh.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-25 09:21:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

The Sens continue to surprise all. How about Stone....getting his first NHL point on his first shift in the NHL!! Gotta love that. And Anderson turning away 41 shots for a shutout. Looks like Ottawa finally has a goaltender who got hot at playoff time!!

funny how that works..since we acquired Emery from you and guess what? we dont even use him.. Crawford is way better in my book. Anderson is doing a great job.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-22 17:52:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!
Well we survived! <3 my Canadian Captain!! Just gotta win a couple more!!
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-22 08:32:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

Is it just me ... or is the officiating just all around sucky this year?? sheesh.....

BUT.... even despite that.... gotta say it again.....

GO SENS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Posted ImagePosted Image

personally to me it seems since 2010 the officiating sucks..its just more prevalent this year i think. when we won the cup in 2010, i was screaming during a couple series for lack of calls and too many penalites to my team. i swear..any game we are involved it it seems as if the refs are blind sited or just plain out bribed.

We have some fragments of a team there - I can see it happening. :lol:

They got the new coach.. nope that didn't help. Burke next? I sure hope so. Something is wrong with my poor team. :(

I'm cheering on the Flyers in the east and the Preds in the west.

Leafs fans must have strong legs, we're always jumping ship in April to another team for playoffs.


Glad to see you pop in here :) I knew all it took was a nudge lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-19 09:29:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!


Nah...... any event the Torres hit was trash, and he's famous for his garbage too.

but with a crappy precedent like Weber's DDT hit on the glass for 2500 bucks this gets what.....1 game? maybe 2 tops for an obvious targetted head shot?

in other words.....Shanahan is a joke and now the repeat offenders are exploiting this junk. thats the way it works. look at the suspendible ####### since game 1 with Weber and the free is growing exponentially now and more will be hurt because of the ruling. shocked that joke of a team even makes the playoffs let alone find a way to choke when there (gee whiz 2 Swedes on the top line does not equal 1 Canadian....and Canadians win for crying out loud lol)

TO......lets not even go there they wont even be a 500 team before you or i die :)


it must be playoff time....the darn Canadians are yappin more now then they have in all the past 6 months combined :P

Good luck to all your teams.

:rofl: Love the post :) And its so true, hockey season brings out the best in us :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-19 05:44:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

Anyone watching this Pens/Flyers game? Yeesh, talk about a blow out.

Comcast has decided my tv needs to have a box period even for basic channels. I have a brand new hdtv that was working fine til yesterday. Now when i turn it on all the channels have this lovely message saying "not ready for comcast digital network enhancements. Really?? cuz it was fine all year til yeah EFF Comcast.

Needless to say i now have to try and watch my hockey online, and quality sucks :( But thast ok i have packing to do since we are moving on Wednesday :P Then i'll get my directtv ..and mebbie the hockey package..hubby says I can...:whistle:
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-19 05:41:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

That was a mean hit and would have been perfectly legal--except he left his feet a bit and probably at the speed of play, the refs missed it! Listening to the TV commentators--it took them a bit to mention Torres leaving his feet----(And they have the production guys that are able to review things very quickly, that tell them) Getting sick of all these high sticks, cross checks, hits to the head. Players have gotten to fast, big, equipment is made out of steel! Need to do something quickly! Would love if they went to a bigger ice surface!!

If they did that you would negate half the hockey players lol. Playign full time on Olympic sized rinks would be awesome imo.

Shanahan had better issue a suspension for this hit too. Considering Bettman was in the stands and saw it something better be done.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-18 08:44:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!
Welll, you can take your coyotes and shove em after last night..:P Better yet take the corrupted bribe takign refs as well. That should have beeen a bloody game misconduct. ####### was that sh1te? Now we are without Hossa. Man i'm still mad from that hit and the bloody refs. I've noticed that every freaking year The Hawks get screwed over by the refs. My husband who doesn't really pay much attention to hockey, even has noticed it. I better not meet that ref in a dark corner i'm just saying.....I swear if there is not a brawl by the end of this series i'll be surprised.

my sister in law posted on my facebook. since i immedately went and ranted there. she wrote this:

"No more pepsi with real sugar for you lady". lol. I <3 her.

Edited by Kimbear, 18 April 2012 - 06:51 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-18 06:50:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

It's not like the Leafs have given anyone a reason to cheer in

O.o Dont let Nevada hear you say that!!! lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-17 19:15:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

I have no idea who to cheer for this year! None of my teams are in... Usually I go for the Lightning. I guess this year maybe I could go for Boston, since it's Tom's team - and they have the most Canadians on their team, out of any team in the playoffs LOL.

I dont know about that lol but i do know we (Hawks) have like 15 or 16 Canadians, 3 of which were on the 2010 Olypic team and wong Gold. Go Toews!

Tonight i get to find out how much of a suspension that idiot Shaw gets for ramming the Coyote goalie. That was pretty bad. There was no excuse for him hitting Smith like that.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-16 12:42:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

I guess the ending wasn't to ur liking,lol Lots of good hockey to watch, I'm not really rooting for anyone--except for the canucks to loose,lol


Tell me about it...they let it slide right through their legs a certain professions but i can't say that the way its in my head..would not be very damnit..they dominted most of the OT too..BAH! at least we got Jonathan back.

Since there's no football on and English Soccer is wrapping up, guess this is the only thing left on for sports. I just noticed Nashville is in the cup finals for hockey. So hoping they kick everyones ####. Go Predators!!! Oh and if they fail, I hope the Coyote's take their spot in the winners cup...

NOOOO damn you...! no coyote win for more..! although their goalie di make some pretty good stops yesterday....
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-13 07:52:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!
Awesome start to tonights favourite Canadian captain Jonathan Toews opens up scoring in coyote terrirtory. Crawford has been awesome espeically on that 5 on 3 PP. And of course another Canadian (woohoo) Brent Seabrook scores the tying goal 40 secs left in regulation time!!!

Those are my Chicago Canucks showing em how to play!!!!

Edited by Kimbear, 12 April 2012 - 11:41 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-12 23:40:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!

So I got married - yay!!! Now preparing for AOS - yay more paperwork!

Rant: I got my 2nd vaccination for Varicella done AFTER my medical so now I have to get a civil surgeon verify my immunization record. Lowest price I've been quoted is 70$. I wish I waited.... Every Dr's office I call tries to get me to pay for a physical/blood work/x-ray.

Question 1: Has anyone found a civil surgeon in the Los Angeles area that will verify my Vaccination record for UNDER $70?

Question 2: When we got married we got a "Customer Copy" paper that says "License and Certificate of Marriage" -- is this enough to use as our Marriage Certificate or do we have to wait the 6-8 weeks for them to mail our certified copy? (Yes, I am aware that we may get an RFE if it is not a certified copy)

Thank you all so much! Back to being an immigration noob :)

You can probably get it sooner. In Chicago they told me to wait a month, it was ready in 3 days..i picked it up after 7.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-04-18 06:57:00
Canadaremoving condition

Thursday, May 24, 2012

i used this... http://www.timeandda...te/dateadd.html

ya thers a few out there like that, its also the site i goto as well.

ROC is not hard. hopefully you have a box of stuff since you got married that contains things like bills, bank statements etc etc showing finanical co mingling. a few pictures scattered inbetween etc. anythign that shows you live together, do finances etc together, medical plans etc. the guide is a great help.

Edited by Kimbear, 08 May 2012 - 10:42 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-08 10:42:00
CanadaDeclaring engagement ring at border crossing
Nice! that sounds like when David came through Truedeau Airport. They did the same thing. said congrats stamped his receipt and let him go. :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-09 21:45:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
i just wanted to say..i love my purity cookbook..i had lost it many years ago in a move..and i got an updated / replacement one fro christmas..Mmmm yummy goodies in there! I made a homeade beef soup with the leftover prime rib bones that i had frozen after xmas, we're in between pays and with the 800$ vet bill and 400$ car bill, kinda short on money, so i grabbed the last of our carrots celery onions frozen corn, brocoli and some rice and threw it in their too. and i made some homeade teabiscuits, and scones with raisons for breakfast..David has never had teabiscuits or scones and they are sooo easy to make. then i baked some chocolate drop cookies, and i think i'm going to make 2 recipes each week from my book :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-01-12 14:18:00