CanadaPolice certificate required at time of interview??
At the time of interview they will ask you for an orginal current police check. My advice would be to go get an updated one. Just walk into any police station etc, with the old one and ask for an updated one and specifiy for immigration like you did for the first one. usually they would only take a couple weeks sometimes less. Better safe then sorry and have to postpone the visa for a one week out of date police check.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-08-21 11:51:00
CanadaQuebec birth certificate
I have a quebec long form birth certificate, it came in english as i checked the english box when i requested it. it has all the info on it. and there is no expiration date. a police check has an expiry but there is none on a BC. i did not need anything translated for it. not even the french explanations on back. it comes with a certificate with a serial number or soemthing so that you can later on re order more with just that number.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-08-21 21:42:00
CanadaProving Bonafide Marriage
If i remember correctly, Geico was able to add me when we were filing our k1, even though i was in Canada. They were pretty good about the whole thing.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-08-29 08:02:00
CanadaAny VJers from South Western Ontario?
I was in Windsor and went to Chicago, but was born and raised most of my life in Montreal. Been here 2 years now, and i'm still not used to it lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-09 21:41:00

U could get a VPN and watch it that way!! or a slingshot!! Were in Nicaragua and our VPN has it as if our computer is in the USA, thus can watch hulu and netflix. Different providers have different options! I could pay more with my current provider (strongvpn) and be able to change my IP addy.

On the farm in Saskatchewan, thats all my grandparents had as well 2 English channels and I think 1 French one! But as kids we didn't care as we were always outside.

ya that stuff always worked for huly netflix etc, but for some reason i just can't for the life of me get cbc to work with a vpm what so ever..i dunno its odd. the program i use dto use was hotspotshield..when i was in canada, but i cant' find a reliable program like that for canadian content.

outside..what is that again? :rofl: i swear no one around here knows waht a park is or anything. all the kids etc..always this game boy this..yes i have those as well..but i drag my husband out all the time a couple days a week.

Edited by Kimbear, 06 September 2012 - 02:20 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-09-06 14:18:00

I was born in 73 as well, and Beachcombers and Disney was a ritual in my house on Sunday nights as well! Mind you we only had 2 channels so it is not like we had a large selection of quality programming :rofl:

thats probably why i miss being able to watch CBC here, it was like the ONLY channel our TV was ever on....Uverse had a qeustionaire about what i wanted to see so i told them more Canadian channels including CBC lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-09-06 07:26:00
oh geez...Kathryn...remind me how old i am! :lol: I was born in 73, and grew up with this show. Every week..just like Flames we watched that and Disney. IIRC fav char was Relic...i think that was his name..its the only one i remember now. lawl. now i have the song in me head..
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-09-05 19:42:00
Canadamedical: report states....vaccine history incomplete
Nope nothign to wo rry about . make extra copies of that paper though..i believe it says medical worksheet two or something on top as they will want that for aos later.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-09-08 13:58:00
CanadaWill EI Deduct Money Owing to Canada Revenue Agency
The only experience i have is that when i owed money, they took it off my next tax return refund. Since you are not in Canada, just keep making paymetns as you normally do. From what i've understood they should not take it from your EI.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-09-14 15:47:00
ROFL that was hilarious. Definitely posted it on my FB page.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-05 10:28:00
CanadaChange of address (During ROC)

Dumb question On the i865,.,,,my family name is My current name or my maiden name?

well my green card etc id is all in my married name. usually they also ask for aliases which includes maiden name.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-09 15:55:00
CanadaChange of address (During ROC)
Have i mentioned how much i hate USCIS??

i just called the idiots, and they wont let me check my address or update it with them. She outright refused to even look it up. unless i have a pending application they wont do jack and i HAVE TO MAKE AN INFOPASS.

wtfz is this bullshit. then she says do the change of address online to which i replied i did it twice and you dont seem to want to send me mail at my correct address. so now my husband and i have to take time off work to bloody well go in. grr
and now to boot it wont let me make an appt for a generic other info it tells me to go to their website...** it. i'm filing ROC in two weeks, i'll include copies of the electronic ar 11's that i've done they have the confirmation numbers on them and they will be forced to update it.

Edited by Kimbear, 09 October 2012 - 10:06 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-09 10:00:00
CanadaChange of address (During ROC)
I just want to bump this to stress how ridiculously stupid USCIS is with their own rules. oh and USPS also.

Since i did my AOC and got my green card i've moved twice. Both times i filed the online ar-11, which according to their site is all you have to do now. The first time i did it, i also had to mail a copy to DHS. well apparently they must sleep at their desks. I just got a letter dated SEPTEMBER 9TH, delivered to my address from 2010.

It would seem that they never updated my address, for ANY of my moves. le sigh. Davids confirmation of change of address, had the correct address on it, but for some reason the mail man delivered it to our old address, then it got sent back to uscis, then finally got sent to my last address, which is davids parents place, and they gave it to us. you can see on the original uscis letter it has the correct addy, plus two stickers with diff addies on it and the envelope has two USPS stickers with different addresses.

so not only does uscis not know ####### they are doing, neither does the post office. May mail it seems has been going around the state due to this. Doesn't the post office update the changes of address records and deleted the old ones? why are they forwarding mail to my addy two moves again? good grief. just shut them down already...such stupidity.

and of couse today is a holiday for uscis but no one else it seems, so i cannot fix this today. argh.

BTW, the letter was a one page paragraph reminding me to file for ROC. i thought they were not sending out reminders about this? AND, it says i entered the USA on january 2011, which is way was april 2010 with my k1. so i'm confused about this. do they now ignore that date and use the day you became a permanent resident? all my changes of address i ever did or any forms i ever filled out had my actual POE date on them. Now i'm confused. :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-08 12:53:00
CanadaChange of address (During ROC)
the usc has to file the i-865 until the immigrant becomes a us citizen or dies. no way out of it, same as the rules for the sponsorship, it continues until death or citizenship. one of the reason i decided next year to do my naturalization.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-04 08:27:00
CanadaChange of address (During ROC)

Another question...

Does my Husband have to file a i865, I saw it somewhere?

yep he still has to file that..i did not see an online one so we did the mail one and send it with tracking via usps. it took forever for them to send back the notice that they got it and changed his addy.

Edited by Kimbear, 02 October 2012 - 12:43 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-02 12:43:00
CanadaROC Evidence -
Here's a copy of the cover letter i wrote:
Contentsinclude the following document's constituting a petition for theRemoval of Conditions on the residence of Kimberley:

Completed Form I-751 JOINT Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence.

  • Supplemental information page regarding I-751 Page 2, Part 3, Question 9, regarding all address's that Kimberley has lived at since becoming a Permanent Resident with dates.
  • Check for $590 payable to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • Photocopy of Permanent Resident Card, front and back, for Kimberley
Enclosed also please find the following documents to verify the status of ourmarriage and ongoing relationship:

Copies of electronic AR-11 confirmations showing all changes of address for Kimberley since our marriage.
  • Copies of I-865 receipt notices confirming changes of address for myself, David since our marriage.
  • Copies of USPS change of address confirmations since our marriage.
  • Copy of Drivers Licenses showing same address.
  • Copy of David's voter registration card, showing same address.
  • Copy of tax transcripts of our 2010 and 2011 joint US tax returns.
  • Copy of the tax statement for 2011, for our joint checking account at Bank Of America.
  • Copies of partial bank statements from Bank of America for joint checking account and savings account showing same address.
  • Copy of our lease from 07/01/2010 ? 06/30/2011 showing joint tenancy.
  • Copies of utility bills, showing both Kimberley and David's names and same address.
  • Copies of US Bank Pre-approval letter addressed to both Kimberley and David for our FHA mortgage loan.
  • Copy of US Bank letter asking us to sign all loan documents and disclosures from our loan officer addressed to both David and Kimberley.
  • Copy of letter from our Real Estate Lawyer, detailing our closing on our house purchase, addressed to both Kimberley and David .

  • Copies of various signed and notarized documents from our house purchase closing, with both David and Kimberley names and address.
  • US Bank disclosure authorizing access for my wife Kimberley for the life of mortgage loan.
  • Copies of checks from our joint bank account, signed by my wife Kimberley for house maintenance repairs, as well as the Escrow deposit and Closing cost checks for the purchase of our home.
  • Copy of first page of our Home Inspection Report addressed to both Kimberley and David with a copy of the check drawn on our joint checking account.
  • Copy of US Bank mortgage statement and payment details from our Joint Checking account.
  • Copies of Enrollment forms from my Employer recognizing my wife, Kimberley, as the beneficiary for my life insurance and pension.
  • Copy of our health insurance cards showing a joint policy.
  • Copy of profile and certificate from our Health insurance provider with details of our joint health plan, and Life insurance plan, with Kimberley listed as beneficiary.
  • Copy of medical bills, showing same health care provider and plan, with proof of payment from joint checking account.
  • Copy of car insurance card, in both names showing same address from Allstate and Geico.
  • Copy of our home insurance policy in both names showing same address. Letter from our Allstate agent attesting to the fact the home policy covers both of us.
  • Copy of the Travellers insurance policy for our apartment in both our names with same address.
  • Copies of partial credit cards statements showing same address and payment from joint checking account.
  • Copy of our utility bills for our house, in either Kimberley's name or David's name showing same address, with payment from our joint checking account.
  • Copies of refund checks from Geico and US Bank Mortgage Escrow, showing deposit into our Joint checking account.
  • Copies of pay stubs for David , showing direct deposit into our joint checking account.
Youmay feel free to inquire at any of the sources of encloseddocumentation for validity of their statements, and you are alwayswelcome to visit our home should you ever desire to do so. Pleaseadvise me if you have any further questions or problems related tothis petition.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-11 10:20:00
CanadaROC Evidence -

I was insured through my husbands work, I contacted the carriers directly and they faxed me the information. Have you tried that?

Yes we have. Met life outright refused to send him anything, i even contacted a personal friend who works for them. The third party handling the companies health plan is sending him a certificate of coverage, but says due to the "group policy" they cannot send him anything else regarding the health plan or life insurance. We are still waiting on Prudential to get back to him, it used to be ING who were very easy to deal with but now he is going through the rounds again with regards to his pension. Hes been at The Salvation Army for almost 6 years now, and has no recent statements whatsoever. i have to keep in mind this is the same place that wont pay for unemployment insurance so if my husband gets canned we are screwed. :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-10 13:50:00
CanadaROC Evidence -
Found a couple of bills regarding our Dr. appointment back in May, one is for the copay's that we paid in advance showing, same Dr., same insurance company and plan no. the other is the bill for the blood tests, the portion the insurance did not pay. it has patient name and responsible party name being David since its his plan and references our insurance provider on it. I also enclosed a copy of our bank statements highlighting the payments made from our joint account. David finally managed to speak to someone over at the providers office to get a certificate of coverage. So i think we are ok on that part.

We also have our joint tax returns, for the two years we've been married, and i printed out a couple of the utility bills, and associated bank statements showing that even though the bills are either in my name or David's that they were paid from the same bank account. Hoping between that stuff and all the house stuff (even if my name is not on the deed/title) that we have enough co mingling of assets.

Just to be safe, since they keep sending mail to wrong address from 2 years ago, i've enclosed copies of my online AR-11, and Davids I-865 changed of address confirmations, proving we DID in fact notify them both times of our new change of addy, i also have the USPS confirmation they send you, online, and the one that gets mailed to the new address.

Can i relax now?
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-10 12:09:00
CanadaROC Evidence -
ok i went through all the house buying paperwork, and found a few things that are addressed to both of us or required my signature as spouse waiving homestead rights.

copy of check to Realtor for the escrow deposit
copy of the check to title company for closing
copy of the truth in lending letter with both our names and signatures and notary seal etc.
welcome letter from us bank home mortgage, and letter from our loan officer stating what documents we need to sign.
letter from our lawyer stating when and where our closing is addressed to both of us
copy of the 2nd mortgage rider with both our names and initials on it also notarized at closing
affidavit of buyer for our first time home buyer program with illinois hud, signed initialed and also notarized at closing
copy of our mortgage statement, copy of check showing both names and same account number paying it
copy of furnace cleaning bill and check from our joint account
copy of mold cleaning in attic bill and check from our joint account
copy of attic fan install bill and check from our joint account.

(i'm the one who takes care of all the bills so the checks have both names printed on them but only my signature)

copy of page 1 of our home inspection report addressed to both of us with a copy of the check
copy of us bank authorization adding my name to the account for disclosures for life of loan.

Now since a house is a huge affair, will this make up for lacking pension statements and life insurance certificates?

Edited by Kimbear, 10 October 2012 - 09:33 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-10 09:30:00
CanadaROC Evidence -
i have alot of that stuff but looking at RFE's ppl got, where its asking for complete policies showing financial co mingling. the utility bills are not in both names and they wont put both names. we are not authorized users on any credit cards of each others. the lease etc i have is from last year. i have no joint info for the current year other than bank statements, and the car insurance. he has life insurance, a pension etc, but god forbid his work or the actual companies help him out and give a simple declaration page. i'm starting to wonder if his work actually has these things for him since we have no proof of where the payments go!!

i guess i'll look through our house buying papers and see if there are any letters / faxes addressed to both of us. i just can't believe he doesn't have a copy of anything and his work refuses to give him anything. all he gets is the excuse its a "group policy". funny cuz we pay close to 600/month just for health benefits..and as for his pension i love the supposed timing of "oh we just switched companies, you wont have access for another month".....and the life insurance policy he pays into every paycheck..hmm...nothing. sorry can't give him any updated info on that!

i hate immigration always brings out the worst in me Posted Image

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-09 16:05:00
CanadaROC Evidence -
So i'm about to pull out my hair or clobber someone at David's work. Say all you want about how helpful the Salvation Army is around the world, but when it comes to helping its own employees they absolutely suck.

David has been trying for months ( and its not the first time) to get proof of his health insurance policies, pension, and life insurance policies. They are done through Metlife, Prudential ( used to be ING) and AETNA through a third party Chesterfield for Health.

Trying to get some sort of declaration page with the policy number, who is insured, who the beneficiary is etc, seems to be bloody impossible. Not to mention it took 3 months of harassment with HR just to get his damn address updated on his pay stubs. I mean seriously?? WTFZ.

So now.. i have no evidence, other than an old lease from a year ago and our joint bank accounts, and tax returns, and car insurance. Not a damn thing else. Are we screwed? :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-09 10:42:00
CanadaEAD/AP Question
Here is the linke where uscis announces the new combo card:

We sent in our RFE response at the start of September and my EAD was approved on Sept. 28 - "card production ordered". My AP also shows it was approved Sept. 28th, but the USCIS website still says "Post Decision Activity" as the status with the message "On September 28, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I131 APPLICATION FOR USCIS TRAVEL DOCUMENT."

I got my EAD on Oct. 6th (It was mailed on the 4th) but I still haven't received my AP in the mail. I noticed on the bottom of my EAD that it says "Serves as I-512 Advance Parole" - is this what I need to re-enter the country? I thought I would get a piece of paper I needed to bring with me.

Can anyone clarify? Do I need to contact USCIS?

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-11 07:23:00
Canadaother addresses since becomming a PR
Thanks, that's what i was figuring i'd do. just make a list since the date of my POE with all my address's.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-12 10:53:00
Canadaother addresses since becomming a PR
So i'm making the supplemental page listing my address's since i got here, and i want to clarify the question i guess.

when they ask about where you lived since becoming a PR, do they mean literally the date on your green card? or do they mean the date you you AOS'd. or POE'd?

I've lived at 3 diff address's in the last 2 years since arriving here, and i just wanna make sure i don't confuse them lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-11 10:07:00
Canadahow did you send off your ROC?
i don't trust the post office..every time I've used them they have taken forever and never given me tracking. did any of you send it by fedex or ups? i can't find the exact address for the ROC, i mean i have a street address for CSC, just don't know the room number.

wondering if anyone else sent it by courier. used to be they had the courier over night delivery addresses listed..i can't find it. wondering if i send it to the street addy i have with just 2nd floor if it will get where it needs to go..i'd really rather not send it by post office...
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-15 11:09:00
CanadaElectronically filled AR-11 in April, why r they sending mail to my old address still?

Has anyone else had this happen before?

Changed my Address in April. Got my printout with my comfirmation number and all, but today I got a reminder letter for ROC sent to my old address. Thank goodness for usps mail forwarding!!

Also, has anyone else got a notice for ROC before? My GC expires feb 8 2013, does this notice mean I can file earlier then the 90 day requirement?? hehe

because uscis are idiots. they sent me my roc reminder to an address i haven't lived at in 2 years. luckily i have my confirmations from online. i called to ask them what the hell , and they said they couldn't even confirm my addy unless i had an active petition..soo don't worry about it. as long as you have the printout with the confirmation on it your good.

and ya my reminder was sent to me sept 9th, but i got it only 2 weeks ago do to the post office and uscis bouncing it back and forth. you cannot file earlier than 90 days or they keep the check lol.. :)

Edited by Kimbear, 18 October 2012 - 05:55 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-18 17:54:00
Canadaroc noa1
Posted Image you know me..just being cautious :) Thank you !
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-23 14:55:00
Canadaroc noa1
Got my noa for my roc today.

however i'm nervous as its asking me to submit docs if i haven't already done so?? Did anyone else have this written on theirs and is it something i need to worry about? cuz i gave them 99 pages of documents..including all of this stuff.

If you have not already done so, provide supporting documents to assist USCIS
in processing your petition and to establish eligibility to remove the
conditional basis of your permanent residence. PLEASE INCLUDE A COPY OF THIS
include, but is not limited to, the following items:
- Lease of joint tenancy or joint ownership of. assets-
- Joint mortgage agreement and/or property deed
- T ax r e t u r n s
- Birth certificate(s) of any child(ren) born from the marriage
- Joint policies of life, medical and/or car insurance
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-23 13:49:00
CanadaChange of Adress

Yes, my husband and I started changing our address with everything as we went along since the house is 5 minutes down the road. We had a lot of work to do to the house, so we didn't move in immediately. We figured we'd change things as bills came in, etc. What a stupid idea this was, right?

It's done now, nothing I can do to change it. It'll probably be a huge deal, RFE or whatever, even though it's not, but there's nothing I can change about it. I love how something as simple as this can add so much stress on people. Just awesome

just bought a home its normal to start changing address's over a bit at a time. i made sure to update my address 3 times with them since moving here and it seems uscis couldn't care since they still have my old address from 2010 listed on the letters they just sent me to do my roc :). just do it online takes 5 mins and keep confirmation it gives you. and Vero...remember to BREATHE lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-12 11:25:00
CanadaChange of Adress

I just saw on the form for the Sponsor that it's within 30 days...

So what now??? I mean, what kind of trouble am I in???

We bought the house in August, but we physically didn't move until late September... Now I'm officially freaked

sponsor is 30 days yes but if you read the ar-11 form it says 10 days right on it. just do it now asap. i would not worry too much. have you changed your address with anyone else? usps etc? drivers licence? if so just use that day as your official change of address date.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-12 10:50:00
CanadaChange of Adress
Technically according to their website you have to do it within 10 days..
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-12 09:21:00
CanadaFailed Medical

Hi everyone,
I had my medical a few weeks ago in Toronto. I failed because the doctor found a lump in my breast. He told me to go home and have my GP figure out what is wrong and fax him the diagnosis. If it's not something bad then he will go ahead and pass me. I am only 24 and very healthy so it probably is just a cyst or something else non-serious. However, finding something like this is really freaking me out. I'm not just worried about the disease itself but the prospect of never being able to pass the medical and get married. It would put my mind much more at ease if you could address some of my questions and share your experiences. In the worst case situation that I have cancer, will I ever be able to pass the medical? Do they pass cancer survivors? Also, do you know if I can suspend my visa application or if I have to start all over again.
Thank you so much!

you did not fail at all. they do this all the time in fact the EXACT same thing happend to me.

make an appt with a clinic any clinic will do even a walk in, ask to get a breast exam done. make the appt and have the mamogram. I went through the same bloody thing and so much stress and freaking out because of it. ALL FOR NOTHIGN. according to the Doctor, i just have lumpy breasts. i cannot remember the term but ya thats all it is. so don't worry about it.

in fact now that i think about it..its something about the TO clinic for the medical..hell i had a bruise on my knee and they just about accused David of beating me LOL. they also asked about the hicky on my neck..i mean seriously?
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-23 12:12:00
CanadaMedical & Immunizations

In Canada you can get the immunizations done by any doctor. It is cheaper to not get them done with the panel physician

in some cases the panel physician will refuse and tell you specifically to get them from your DR. At least Dr Seiden in TO told me that.

Is this something he just asks his family doctor for? or a local walk in clinic?

I just went to the walk in clinic since i had recently moved. just had them add them to my vaccination book and i was good to go and it was free.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-30 14:04:00
CanadaMade it the US
Congratulations !!! I went through the same POE. Always did even for visitation. We got to know the CBP guys pretty well lol to the point they would always ask if we got our visa yet. :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-10-30 14:02:00
CanadaKathryn I need your help.
Well it rained all day yesterday so no sigh of any cat or the grey kitty. Food was gone again today so sometime between midnight 6 am something is eating it. Not sure what i can do next. She was kinda vocaal the few days i did see her meowing etc. but now..i don't hear anything anymore. HOw many days should i wait, without seeing her? i'm thinking i should move the food and water closer to the house a bit more mebbie. Calling her with kity kitty and cutesy noises no longer works either. Still wet outside too.

Edited by Kimbear, 07 November 2012 - 08:28 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-11-07 08:26:00
CanadaKathryn I need your help.
2 days i have not seen the grey abandoned Kitty. Saw the black one at least 5 times yesterday and a white mix one twice. Sat outside at dusk for an hour waiting for her, heard a few cat fights in the distance. Considering she was the smallest cat in her house, i'm thinking she is used to being bulled and was most likely scared away by these other two cats. :(

She stopped going to her house and meowing at the back door which is how i would see her every day at suppertime. I've been putting out multiple bowls of food but i think its just attracting every other cat in the area. :( She was definitely more friendly than theses other two scadry cats who came by. Maybe someone took her in. I just don't know.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-11-06 08:42:00
CanadaKathryn I need your help.
So i just caught some black and white cat I've never seen before eating Kitty's food. Now i'm not sure if Kitti ( shes grey kind alike a bengal tiger spotted / stripes ) has gotten any of the food other than the initial stuff i gave her when i first saw her!!!

Is it possible this new cat has scared her off?
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-11-05 12:34:00
CanadaKathryn I need your help.
Went out this am. it was cold enough last night the top layer of the water dish froze :( The dish of dry food and wet food was 100% gone and it was in our yard by the rubbermade tote bed i made her. Hoping it was kitty that ate the food. No other signs of her than that. Getting worried..shes been homeless for almost 5 days now :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-11-05 10:07:00
CanadaKathryn I need your help.
well i haven't seen her today, but i think she ate just the wet cat food, the dry stuff hasn't been touched. but if it was her, then that means she is coming int o my yard no problem. i went out every 30 mins after i put the food down and within one of those 30 min breaks the wet food was eaten. but with the time change its pitch black out there now. :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-11-04 20:53:00
CanadaKathryn I need your help.
I think your right about her sleeping all day. She only seems to come around around 5:30 6pm, and i did not realize it but i was outside with her for an hour til 7pm last night! So far nothing has been touched since then so i'm thinking shell be around at supper time again. Going to the petstore today to pick up some canned food for her which may smell better to her.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-11-04 14:04:00