CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

KimBear - Have you guys sat down with a budget and crunched all of the numbers together so he can see how much you really do need to afford a house? If there is room in the budget for video games and pc parts, then that's great, but didn't he realize getting a house would mean less spending money? Esp. on one income?

Sounds like he needs a bit of a reality check.

Also - did he say he would help with painting and getting the house all organized before you bought it? And is now not helping?

I guess I'm just confused as to why he is acting like all of this is a suprise? I mean you seem pretty level headed and sound like the type of person who would've discussed it in depth?

Sounds like you really need a really serious conversation about your financial future. Or maybe it's another one if you've had one already.

Did all that. i give him a tally every day and ask him for receipts since he doesn't bother to keep em and i have to ask what certain things are on the bank account so i can keep my register book balanced. He knew there were certain moving fees that we would have in addition to the mortgage, the uhaul rental, the hookup price for water garbage etc. prorated utility bills. i think half of what i told him went in one ear and out the other.

part of the reason he is like this i'm sure is cuz we were at his parents place for 9 months. and coudl not do anything, watch movies tv drink etc. we talked again last night and he admitted hes like a kid on a diet who is allowed in a candy store and is now pigging out. he said hed help out around the house he even picked out paint colours with me. he came home and said he was going to do his "chores". he tried to say it jokingly but i did not take it that way.

Edited by Kimbear, 18 May 2012 - 11:54 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-18 11:53:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Omg! :rofl: That's awesome! I see myself in that, right down to the bananas. I love bananas all the sudden. Today I got upset and told Bill I was feeling neglected. Poor guy, he spends every hour hes not at work with me.

Sorry you're going through that Kimbear, that's tough. If you don't mind me asking, are you looking for a job, or are you just planning on not working? I only ask, because this sounds exactly like my parents relationship. My mom does everything around the house from cooking and cleaning to mowing the lawn and taking out the trash. My mom has never worked, she was a stay at home mom, and when we grew up, she decided it was to late to start a career. So my mom is bitter because my dad doesn't help around thr house, and my dad is bitter because my mom won't work and doesn't help pay the bills. So my dad thinks since he makes the money, he can spend what he wants. Well after many years of this, they are now in drowning debt. My mom complains about his spending, and is always upset she doesnt have the money to do what she wants, but she still refuses to work. Unfortunately your hubbys attitude, although really unfair, seems kind of common among the men in my life.

Bill and I had a little rough patch right after we bought our house. I wasn't working yet, and spent my days working on setting up the house. After about 2 months we had to have a serious conversation about, basically, what the heck I was doing with my life. So the next day I put in several job applications and everything was a lot better. He just wanted to see the effort. With that said, finding a good job can be really tough and take some time!

I had a part time job for a couple of months i got fired 2 days before xmas. since we were living at his parents place 2.5 hours away from his job with only one car i did'nt bother to look for work. there was no bus etc where his parents are. i've only had my green card a bit over a took forever to get. I do plan on getting a job now that we have the house, in fact we talked abou this. i told him to gifve me a month or two to get the dogs used to things etc before i left them alone all day. and i knew we had stuff to do like paint etc.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-18 11:49:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
is it too much to ask that my husband help out with the house? we have spackling to do on alot of holes , painting, washing of walls, unpacking, to do still. There is also the yard work, cleaning up old junk they had in a pile hidden behind the shed, as well as fixing the deck and normal lawn stuff. We've been here 3 weeks and i've painted 90% of teh upstairs, 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of paint, in 3 bedrooms plus the hallway. I unpacked most of our stuff, organized the bedroom arranged the furnature. Tuesday i have to go to the DR since i screwed up my right arm. Either i have carpen tunnel or i damanged my wrist. my hand keeps going numb and tingling and it wakes me up middle of each night like its a tree trunk cuz i have no circulation in it. I can barely hold a paint can anymore and anytime i do grab something with my hand i get these sharp electric jolt feelings up my arm right into my hand :(.

its suposed to be OUR house, yet i'm feeling like im suposed to do everything, while he talks about spending more and mroe money on pc parts and games and going out with his friends. And when i say anything about how i feel, i get the "you dont have a job" stuffed down my throat. and thats really hurting me. he keeps doing that lately and i've told him how i feel but its like he doesn't care. And hte minute i complain he says i'm trying to control him and wont let him see his friends or play games or spend money.

well **!..we have our first mortage payment June 1st and at this rate it wont be paid. Great way to start off home ownership!. and hes put stuff on 3 credit cards one which is new, and i am worried hes going to get us into debt like he did himself. I just helped him get out fo a 10k credit card debt when i met him, he is just paying that off its his 2nd to last payment. its like he feels he can just go spend willy nilly again too. sigh i just dont know what to do anymore. he doesn't seem to get it at all :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-17 13:16:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I know here in my town theyt actually have ordinances against noise of any kind whether its barking dogs or screaming kids and its between certain hours. Call your local village hall they can prolly help you.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-05-11 07:25:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
well in our case it was things like dexter, more memory for his pc, a dvd rom drive, new video card, win 7 64 i guess i hvae to hide the savings account on him!!! :) espeically now (see my other topic) :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-09-17 08:42:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
why are men so bad with money? i have been pulling my hair out living with his parents so we can get ahouse and somehow last month we spent more than he made :ranting: and actually ate into our savings...:crying:

i dont get come i'm the only one that cannot spend a single dime??? even the guys i dated in canada never blew money on stupid amazon newegg #######. sigh.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-09-16 11:07:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
David told me not to worry about it, that he says under Obama's new health care program that we are safe from people coming after us for non paid healthcare bills, but then i pointed out your situation and that just confused him. So i dun get it..i guess his extra pay in June will go to that freaking bill sigh
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-05-13 08:13:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
wow this must be the theme of the month or something.

we just got a bill from the doctors office that David went to back in January. he was having sever back pain and spasm and had to have xrays and see the physical therapist. the place was covered by his insurance but lo and behold we just got a bill in the mail saying the therapist was not covered.

they even asked him for his insurance when he went in for the appointment, and of course this was 4 months ago!!! I mean..#######.

And now they are saying we are 30 plus days past due!!!!

Edited by Kimbear, 12 May 2011 - 10:37 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2011-05-12 10:36:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
it snowed..april fricking 18th and it snowed.:ranting:
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-18 07:29:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I use ma'am a lot, always told that showed respect! Ye sit is mazing how few people saw welcome, and my biggest peeve is people that don't say excuse me!!!! I have been know just not to move and watch them get upset,lol Then state "an excuse me would be appropriate!!" lol

that drives me nuts too. and yet when i say it they look all i just roll my eyes and push em out of the way..and if they say anything..well i did say " EXCUSE ME"...IGNORAMUSES....:rofl::rofl:
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-06 13:16:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

no, my hubby was able to fit under the car to tie up the part that was dragging.. there was also a big scrap in the cement under the car..they probably scraped it taking it out..oh and they also took the time to take the bolts out instead of sawing it off

omfg are you serious??? and no one saw it happen or heard it? Just wow....definitely hope you get out of there fast.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-05 10:25:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Maybe its just me..but i find that "Un Huh" is the rudest thing ever invented phrase wise. When I say "thank you" I expect "Your welcome" in return, not "un huh" me its the same as waving your hand at me to make me go away. who the eff invented that #######?
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-05 10:23:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

So while I was on my trip to Canada for my family to meet Emma, my husband lost his job :crying: We were just getting on track and starting to save a bit of money. This SUCKS.

Oh no!! Poor you. Hopefully he can find something quick.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-03-16 13:02:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
lately we have been having an issue with people not leashing their dogs. i've made complaints to the owners and the management. I don't appreciate dogs lifting their leg on my deck/balcony or my car..or leaving poop outside my window, the same goes for the inconsiderate morons who smoke in front of my open window.

now i'm a dog owner / lover. i have two beautiful dogs. a saluki and a labrador. i'm very respectful of my surroundings and neighbours, i walk them on a short leash near the building as i know alot of the muslims etc are scared of dogs. i let other people in and out of the building first before i go, and i bring them to the field to do their business and i pick it up all the time.

my labrador Brego has already been attacked by a cat who ran out of the house, that ninja punched him in the face, resulting in a bunch of little wholes that were bleeding. Now you have to understand, Brego is the biggest baby of a dog i've ever had. he is very sweet and snuggly and scaredycat at times, but he is also 95lbs.

Today, on our way out of the building, before the door even had time to close, an unleashed little chihuahua belonging to a guy i've complained about before ( no leash wont pick up poop, peed on my balcony etc) runs out of the bush at Brego and right into him.

Brego assumed it was a new teddy bear toy and immediately pounced on it and tried to pick it up in his mouth. He has tons of stuffies and chew toys that he plays with. he tosses them, pounces on them with both paws and then picks them up and tosses them again. He thought that's what this was. Needless to say the owner was down the freaking street, warming up his car ignoring his little #$%^% dog.

Brego was having fun even though i was screaming at him and at the other owner, since his dog was doing the little yappy squealing thing just like the squeeker toys we have ( no wonder thats what brego though it was). I think the dog is ok..he ran away scared sh1teless tail between his legs ears back to his owner when the guy realized something was happening.

i yelled at the guy asked him if he was crazy, that his dog should be on a leash, i've yelled at him before for this so have other people. I mean never mind other dogs like mine, there are cars that speed down the street, people pulling in and out of the parking lot who dont even watch for people let alone kids or dogs. And the guy says nothing, just stands there. All he could do was ask me if my dog bit his. I mean c'mon..#######..

i asked if his dog was ok and again the guys says nothing, just walks to his car and throws the dog in it...

i'm upset about this for many reasons. but of course my dog Brego and I are the bad ones in this it seems..sigh. I'm just wondering if i have anything to worry about, being that people know he is an idiot and i did complain multiple times in the last month about dogs running loose around here...
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-02-11 17:24:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
awww Colleens..i know how you feel. hug.. our neighbours are the same way..the guy weighs like half my weight but sounds like an elephant and they get up at 4am make noise til 5:30 and my alarm goes off at 6am. so basically i'm up at 4 every day and they are up til 10pm every night so i'm averaging about 4-5 hours sleep a night.

it's hard for me to fall back asleep once i'm up too and i can't take naps during the day as i get disoriented when i wake up after. its a weird thing i have lol
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-11-08 13:12:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Never heard anyone say "Frack" before! :lol: That sucks Kim. Do you live in an apartment? Have you ever considered banging on the walls and yelling like a 4 year old?

I hate cleaning! :angry: Of course my husband would do anything to find a way to not help! He's working on a Saturday... and irrational me is convinced this is because he doesn't want to help :hehe:

LOl i watch too much bsg and caprica :P and ya my hubby has banged on the ceiling i've yelled etc. sigh i hate apartments but it was the only place that would take our labradane...and it's a safe area for the most part. i just am not used to noise again after having my own house in canada for 10 years :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-10-24 12:15:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Just once i'd like to have a normal UNINTERUPTED night of sleep and be able to sleep in on a weekend! :ranting:

i hate my fracking neighbours. its bad enough they wake us up every damn day around 4 am and make a racket til 6am but for FRACK SAKES do you need to do that on a FRACKING Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have not had one night of solid sleep in over a month! :crying:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-10-23 10:24:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
what ever happend to the nice way of applying for jobs. every site i go to wants me to register and put in my personal info just to even look at any openings,. sigh. and half the time the pages crash no matter what browser i use. i mean i dont want to have to type my personal info multiple times and send it of to no mans land on the internet.

and try and get an exact location as to where the job even is is almost impossible. i miss my old canada job bank and stuff :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-10-05 13:57:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

i want to vent about how screwed up this whole system is and how ridiculous it is to wait like this. i want to vent about how this takes such a tax on the relationships and how it can even end them. i want to vent about how we received our interview packet one day too late.

i do however want to wish everyone happiness and know that if you make it through this that you should never be apart again. do not get lost in the small trivial bull and just remember the journey it took to just be together. express this to future kids and family because those that make it through this have something special no one in the entire planet will ever feel.

Awwwww, i think most of us can agree on the frustrations and pains of this. If you look at my timeline, like a few it took way to long. with numerous issues over and over again, and yes, our relationship almost did not make it. but we persevered, and with my husband being so wonderful, we made it. it took almost 9 months just to get our noa2, and over a years for our interview. but 5 months after our marriage, i can say it was worth it.

Chin up hon, im sure everything will work out.

Edited by Kimbear, 21 September 2010 - 09:04 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-21 09:03:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

They will prorate your bill if you call to complain. What has worked for me in the past, is if you exaggerate a bit and tell them that you run a website and were out money because your site was down for 4 days. I got a free upgrade to the 12mps service and 4 days credit for that one. :blush:

well they gave me a month free...since i've been calling constantly with issues lately. and i got a free digital box for our basic service. we'll see how this goes..only thing that bothers me is that they have been here every day for 2 weeks..i mean c'mon..i hae to watch them to make sure my service doen'st get accidentally cut lame
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-21 09:00:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Speaking of these forums, do you know what else I hate? The people who whine about healthcare or the lack of when moving here. It is one of the first things I thought about when moving here and one of the first ducks I lined up.

There was someone who had a very ill child, and was willing to take that kind of risk of moving down knowing full well they didn't have and wouldn't be able to afford health insurance. I am sorry but as a parent, that scared me. How stupid are you? Your kids come before anyone else.... and imo it's not worth it.

Agreed, David checked out if he could get coverage for me before i even moved. And had it all arranged beforehand. Health is not something i would joke with at all, regardless of prices etc. its not that hard to set up or hard to get a list of places that are covered by your plan either. i mean i get it that in canada for some things we were spoiled, but i STILL had to go to ohip etc and get a card and pic done. down here i just had to fill out papers.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-20 10:39:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

LoL, this thread is on page 3, yet I look and there are several new threads on page one that could be easily answered if some people would actually do a cursory search of the forums for answers before starting a new thread. Oh well.

the problem is ppl dont know how to use the search function. they do the google one which for me hardly works..i always go to advanced search. and then there is how to display the results..i had to play around with that too. but yes..sometimes it's soo annoying to see the same thing over and over again..or the people who dont read the guides..thats another one..and when i find i get annoyed at things like that i dont log on for a few days :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-20 09:27:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
i can see this is gonna be a great day..sigh my msg just disappeared and the page refreshed...

i absolutely hate hate hate hate hate Comcast, and want the owner kicked in the gonads...seriously.. who the eff runs a company like that with such shoddy performace etc..and ####### why cant i find a diff cable company?? where is the damn competition? damnit..i want my options back. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

anyway, been having issues with them for over a week. then last thursday all our services go out 100%...and no matter how many times we say we are techs, they keep telling us unplugging out internet modem will fix it all..umm NOOOO modem does not equal CABLE TV ya jacka$$....

sigh so 4 days later...a tech finally comes out and tells me..OOPS someone disconnected you ....ARE YOU EFFING SERIOUS??? like i'm switching to dsl or soemthing..i'm not giving this craptastic company any more fricking money..

as it is the utilites here are ridiculous in price...i mean in canada i had great net for 20$ i have to pay double waht i paid in grrrrr.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-20 09:23:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
omfg..someone from china hacked my damn gmail account seriouosly..#######. jfkd;afjdkfjsdaklfjdsakfjsadkfjds

i just had to change all my passwords etc for all my email accounts and like grrr want to just shoot someone.

well i dunno if it was hacked but gmail says it was accessed from china last night..ty gmail for giving us notifications when stuff like that happens!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-08 12:04:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

So I'm sure many people can sympathize with this...the economy sucks.

I have applied to every job down here I can think of that I am qualified for (except fast food places...yet) and so far, nothing but rejection emails if I'm lucky. I have years of customer service work, I'm good at what I do, and yet I can't even get a damn interview. I just got another rejection letter and I literally burst into tears. It feels like I'm never going to get a job, and I only have enough money for payments on my car till like next March...after that we are going to be screwed if I cant find something. Guess its time to start looking at McD's to see if any of them are hiring..not that I have much confidence that I'd even get an interview there.

Im afraid of this as well. I have always worked some form of customer service, be it on the phone, in a store, or as a manager for franchises. I have plenty of experience 10 years of which was at the same company. However, i have not worked in over a year. And the Chicagoland area is pretty damn packed for people looking for new jobs etc.

The only thing making this a little bit easier come next month, is that David finally got his promotion, and a pay raise for the first time in two years. After the last month of back and forth and him not knowing where he stood, he finally got his answer.

And of course our fist pay has to go to the vet now :( My dog Lex has developed some sort of allergy and we can't figure out what its from. He's been on benadryl for the last few days waiting for his vet appointment, but even that wont stop him from literally scratching his skin to shreds. We had to tie one of my shirts on him to stop him from scratching and will have to probably get blood tests done. I was pretty sure his food was fine, it's the Salmon and brown rice with no corn formula, but now with all the damn geese around here, i'm wondering if he picked something up from them on the grass. :( Poor poor puppy is soo itchy and upset he is ornery and barky and growling at everyone.

Too bad Wes can't get us jobs at blizzard eh? :P LOL then again..maybe i dont really wanna work for Activision lol.

Edited by Kimbear, 01 September 2010 - 04:12 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-01 16:11:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
YAY Tristan!!

OH Marilyn, my husband David said the hospital is not allowed to do that to you. and you should just toss the bills back at them. he went into a rant and i did not quite understand it LOL, but he definately said they were not allowed to bill you for a doctor that was out of network if the hospital itself is in network. not sure how that all works in the usa still but thats what hubby tried to explain to me lol.

Ashen that sucks! Honestly doesn't sound like the company for you, especially fi they can't do a proper interview etc. Hope you find something you like soon!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-31 12:56:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Awww poor kitty. Hope he feels better soon. and i completely get that "smell right" thing. It's like my dogs if i bathe them too much, they dont know who they are anymore. Should take a day for the anastesia to wear off. My pups looked soo sad and yet comical at the same time wobbling from side to side all dopey eyed. I'm sure he'll be fine in a week the way you take care of your kitties :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-27 18:03:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
ok what the EFF is with lazy people who can't pick up a phone to deal with stuff and just want to do it quckly online?? is this an american thing? cuz it's a habit mu husband has and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY!! Not to mention the possible identiy theft that can happen with online personal business.

he wont call up anyone, he will log into an online account and try and do stuff that way then i get excuses like oh i have to wait for a pin aka another two weeks blah blah..GRRRRR

get off your lazy butt and call the cell company , the electric compoany , the bank, and the bloody insurance company!!!!!

we have been married since April, and i have yet to see my name on most of the bloody stuff. if i could do it myself i woudl!!! we went thought this same sh1te during our k1...i had to push and push and push for him to call people and get an answer, in the end as soon as i was allowed to call and make inquiries..WELL I DID! and ya know what?? i had stuff fixed / corrected/ done asap!

i'm not a control freak, but i sure dont have patience to wait for people to fix things that i asked for 3 months ago....@#$%^&*(!!!!!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-27 09:57:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
thanks all for the advice.

As Katherine suggested, ,my husband massaged the "ultra strenght Bengay" (omg awesome stuff btw) into my shoulder / neck. he did put pressure on the sore spots..and i almost screamed. i can move my neck now for the most part, and the pain in my back is gone, i guess i was trying to compensate by moving diff muscles to keep my neck stationary and ended up straining the others.

so now it's just slightly sore aside from one spot right near my shoulder blade, its hard as a rock and still hurts so much when david tries to rub the knot out of it. but i can turn my head again yay :)

as for it being illegal, everywhere i looked to find an equivalent i found posts saying it was illegal, and yet the ingredient is not considered addictive or abusive.shrug. from what david tells me, alot of things i was used to getting over the counter in pharmacies i cannot here, like tylenol 3, robaxacet, zantac. Guess i should get off my but and find a family doctor, been slacking on that..
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-27 08:30:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
ok so 'im in pain today, from the back of my head down to my right shoulder i did something that is causing me neck pain. advil is not working, i cna't take tylenol or aspiriin or i'll end up in the toilet and i can't use robaxecet here as a) not available and b) it's illegal...#######???

ok so back pain and neckpain, anyone know of a brand or pill that i can get from walgreens? i hate goign to doctors..? i tried a hot watter bottle as i have no heating pad and usualy that would work but did not. /cry i can barely move unless i'm already standing up. once i lay down forget it. i had to roll myself out of bed at 2am to take more advil.

and can i kill my upstairs neighbours? ####### 4am stomping and back and forth over my bedroom.. it even work david up how is a hard sleeper, so no sleep hardly cuz of pain and neighbours i'm super grumpy and no amount of coffee will fix this till i can get some pain releaf...

wtb real robaxacet back pain pills /cry it was the only thing that worked for my chornic back pain years ago., cna't beliefe you get charge for drug trafficking if you have it here in freakign lame..

i dunno..this week..i'm really missing alot about canada :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-26 06:47:00
CanadaAsked for I94

Thanks. We just figured that out.

I was trying to get a non-driver ID card and told I had to produce an I94
My kind husband reviewed the docs later and figured out it was the I551 so we're good to go.
I just need to wait til my SSN arrives.

Isn't it fun being a new arrival. Can't even open a bank account here yet.

you should be able to open a bank account anywhere just with your passport. who refused you? any non us citizen can have a bank account here.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-07-16 17:29:00
CanadaFirst experience with secondary at border (long)
OH wow..poor you. I know exactly how you feel. They seem to like doing this on your birthday , they did it to me on mine as well. However my "interogation" ( i call it that cuz thats what it was with pics and fingerprints taken and no explanation) lasted like 3 hours. i think> i lost track of time, i was too busy worrying about my dogs in the car and if i was being arrested!.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-07-26 15:27:00
CanadaHow long do I have to respond to RFE from interview?

Thanks everyone! I printed out the form and I'll fill it out tonight and fax it in tomorrow. I am the US citizen, and I actually did vote for the congressman that I'm contacting so I don't even have to fake that part :)

good luck. :) fyi you may receive a bunch of spam mail now lol. Just found out from hubby that since we got help he gets spammed with emails, tea party emails and a whole bunch of other emails! lol
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-07-29 23:05:00
CanadaHow long do I have to respond to RFE from interview?
This is soo true Flames. You can word it in a such a way that it almost says you will vote for them too lol. I think on my last request i put somethign to the effect of " new voters / constituents in your area" or somethign like that. Each time we've had to get help in our immigration process from the first part, to the AOS part we got stellar results. It is an election year, and while i cant vote my husband sure can! hint hint :P

And its so easy to get help from them, you just print out the authoirzation form sign it etc and fax it back to them. Each time i did this, i got help within a week, and sometimes the results i wanted witing 2. These people want your me they will work hard for them, and usually have staff members who deal specifically with USCIS etc.

If it was me in ur shoes....I would be contacting the congressperson(or some govt official) of the State your going back to and see what they could do!! Squeaky wheel gets the grease

Edited by Kimbear, 28 July 2012 - 09:06 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-07-28 21:05:00
CanadaVolunteer work while waiting for EAD?
teehee about the only thing we can reply other than the good advise you already got is to timeline.gif
KimbearFemaleCanada2009-07-07 18:57:00
CanadaReally hoping that I'm doing this the right way

Not necessairly, I was denied entry twice and was readmitted 2 weeks later without issue and without a visa. This is Canadian specific however.

It will need to be determined if it was a simple denial or an expedited removal (rare for Canadians). OP - was there anything written in your passport?

I've been in your situation, PM me if you want advice or have questions. Must of what will progress will be country and consulate specific

PS - if you marry in Canada, you cannot petition until you have your marriage certificate, which can take 6-8 weeks after the marriage, the provice needs to register the marriage before the certificate is issued

Good luck

i was denided entry i think a total of 3 times in 2 years. ..mostly cuz they thought i would not go back to canada, insufficient ties and all that. technically it was not a denial they just had me withdraw my entry or something..gosh i can't think of what it was! anyway they gave me a paper for it as well which i included with my applilcation. with the inifo on the refusal of entry. it was no big thing...just make sure whichever way you go k1 or cr1, you keep a copy of everything and brin git with you to the border. it usually shuts them up and they let you in when they see yoru doing it the legal / correct way.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-08-05 00:42:00
CanadaAOS RFE - urgh.. Question about Biometrics

So we filed our AOS at the start of July and already got an RFE. Not sure what it could be for, so of course I'm stressing out about it. Just wondering about my biometrics appointment. It's scheduled for the 7th and I'm assuming I go in for my appointment and I won't have any problems because there's an RFE?

So much for thinking we did a great job and would have a nice smooth ride like our K1. :(

the biometrics appt has nothing really to do with your rfe or any of the process. they are just there to take your fingerprints and photos thats it. they can't even answer any questions you have either. Hopefully its just a minor RFE. good luck.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-08-04 16:48:00
CanadaPolice Check - Fingerprints needed or not?

I am also confused why this is posted in Canada? But in Canada I thought your name just had to be checked in the national database.

Correct..although if you have had any trouble in past with the law or lived many places fignerprints are suggested i believe. OP could have lived in canada for a short time and was wondering what to get from here.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-08-21 11:48:00
CanadaPolice certificate required at time of interview??

Why would they ask for another original of my police certificate? The original has already been sent to NVC as requested!

due to the fact that at the interview the one you have will be technically EXPIRED....they are good for a interview is more than a year since yours was issued correct? thus they CAN ask you for an updated one. its not that big of a hassle to get another one..unless you want to wait for your visa and passport...

Edited by Kimbear, 21 August 2012 - 09:44 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2012-08-21 21:44:00
CanadaPolice certificate required at time of interview??
At the time of interview they will ask you for an orginal current police check. My advice would be to go get an updated one. Just walk into any police station etc, with the old one and ask for an updated one and specifiy for immigration like you did for the first one. usually they would only take a couple weeks sometimes less. Better safe then sorry and have to postpone the visa for a one week out of date police check.
KimbearFemaleCanada2012-08-21 11:51:00