CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Sorry VeeNDee, my pc broke or i would have replied sooner!  


Not the right form..if you look further down you will see this:


Do not use this form to prove a child born outside Canada to a Canadian parent is a Canadian citizen. If your child was born outside Canada and is a Canadian citizen, apply for proof of citizenship (adults and minors).


Here is the right link for the application :


Notice the name difference, it is CIT 0001E, the one you have is 3E.  


Don't worry, they confused the hell out of me so bad i did the citizenship questionnaire for Caihla LOL.



So I went and printed out what I thought was the new citizenship form for applying for minors:


It is asking me some weird questions.  Such as: "When did the child become a permanent resident of Canada?"

Ummmmmmmmm she hasn't?


The attached instructions for accompanying documents require the same things as before except now they want: "Photocopy of your child's permanent residence card" - Ummmm she doesn't have one?!?!?


Is this the right form? And if not, where on earth am I supposed to find it?


I hate paperwork.  I suppose it doesn't matter what government it is, they will all make it overly complicated.




Good Grief! My kid is almost 11 months and she only weights 16lbs!!! lol, however she is like 28 inches long now.


That is one healthy big baby. :)


went for our 2mos check up... little guy is 16lbs and 25.5`inches long!


KimbearFemaleCanada2014-09-22 16:39:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

she looks so adorable.  Can't believe its been almost a year for both of us. Caihla is 10 months old.  Wow how time flies! 


and for the first time..i got more than 5 hours of sleep last night!!  She finally figured out sleeping and is on her stomach quite a lot.  She went to bed at 7:30, woke up around 10pm gave her her binky, went back to sleep til 1am, i fed her, and she slept til 7am! Can you say Hallelujah??!! LOL first time i've slept that long since she was born :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-09-01 08:40:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I know i've been MIA for a while, stress, busy life etc all got in the way.  Caihla in the last month has hit a few milestones.  Shes 10 months old now..WOW...a year in October..Damn..where DID this last year go?!!??  She has just figured out how to crawl forwards rather than backwards, she sleeps on her tummy often, she got her two bottom teeth, and is now getting the top two ( OMG teething how i hate you for screwing up our sleep schedule!), she refuses to be put in her pack n play now and wants to just be running around anywhere.  


Breastfeeding went non existent, so i've been pumping for 2 months or so now, which is hard since my supply dropped to almost non existant and i had to supplement with formula since stress was making it worse and baby refuses to nurse anymore. Damn that ####### is $$$.  We were sleeping very good for naps and at night with one maybe 2 wake ups, but NOOO teeth happened and i have no idea what day it is again lol.  Her Gerd is pretty much gone, she LOVES big people food now, sometimes would rather eat that then milk :( She is still a small baby, although she is still gaining weight.  She started to fake cry this week LMAO, she squints her eyes shut and pretends crying then looks at out out of a corner and smiles.


Money, this has been a real stressed as she gets older now.  We had to apply for a home equity loan to pay of the medical bills and credit cards and the balance on our car.  It was all becoming too much a month on one income, and i do not feel comfortable going back to work until Caihla is older.  Good news is this frees up about 400$ a month or so, and makes life easier to deal with and David can go back to school for his degree, since his work REFUSES to give him raises unless he has BS imo...  It also gives me the money to apply for naturalization which was put off since i was preggo and Caihla was due last October which is when i could have originally filed.


A few other things are going on one with my family back home that i haven't talked to since the day i left Canada.  Not going to say much other than i've decided to ignore the situation and not deal with my family.  It's never been a good relationship and i was more than happy to move marry and disown them, and do NOT want my daughter knowing the bad influence they are etc etc.


Other than that, things are ok, although I need to talk to my doc about some medication, since therapy didn't do jack squat for my mood, temper etc. and AF only makes me go 300% insane every month.

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-08-31 08:46:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Thanks for the tips ladies!  I guess my main problem for breastfeeding is, one breasts produces more then the other.  I've seemed to figure it out a little.. Still lop sided but, I've just come to accept that. I try and pump 6oz everyday to get a stock pile in the freezer going.

The little guy feeds roughly every 1.5 to 2hrs some days it feels like every hour, making it a little ticky to pump. And I think pineapple juice has been helping my supply as well.


I like your little onesie your little man is wearing wowswift, that's cute!


I am not looking forwards to the medical bill from here.  I got an epidural and recived the bill from the anesthesiologist - jezz, where do they come up with these prices?! The US needs to smarten up and get on the same track as canada with health care.  Maybe then their hopsitals wouldn't be writing off 3million dollars worth of unpaid medical bills.  Unreal.  And what I loved most was, once the nurses found out I was canadian, they automatically assumed I was covered.  I don't know how many times I've explained that our health care doesn't work like that.  "Oh, I thought your health care was 'Universal'" ... Yeah, in CANADA! Why would my health care benefits travel with me, it's not like it's travlers insurance (dummies!).


Congrats on the little one :)  I had a c-section and Caihla was in the NICU for heart issues,  talk about sticker shock.  Close to 10k, i got a bill from every single per son involved from the hospital to the anesthesia to the doctor, the nurse, the meds..omg..i nearly passed out when i saw the total before insurance..

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-08-31 08:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Sigh so today I got my daughter's application for Canadian citizenship returned in the mail.  They said it was an incomplete application.  I could've sworn I had everything.  ARGH.  So apparently:


"You have not enclosed copies of supporting documents certified by an authorized person.  We are unable to accept photocopies that are not certified because it is the child's first application for citizenship certificate."


What a bunch of blargh.  They have proof I'm a Canadian citizen and that she is my daughter, so why do they need her passport photocopy certified.  And, now I need to figure out who this mysterious 'authorized person' is - so annoying!


I can't deal with this now.  It's just too much.


I know this is the baby thread, so I'm not even sure if I should post this, but somehow I feel not to do it is to ignore an existence.. I am currently going through a miscarriage.  I will never know my baby's gender or what it would have looked like, but I still want to honour them with a name.  This process is so hard. ;(


So i just checked the site and they CHANGED the forms...and info..and yes..they do not have a link to " authorized people who can notarize" ...I just printed my papers a few months they go and change it all.argh. price went down..75$ from 100$ though. i'll just use the one at my bank i guess since now we have the money to send it off.


Oh Sweetie! Im so sorry for your loss :(  I'm glad you decided on a name anyway, it only seems right to do that. Hugs.

Edited by Kimbear, 31 August 2014 - 08:32 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-08-31 08:28:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

The instructions i have say specifically to only send "copies" and NOT originals.  I have to get Caihla's bc corrected..apparently Montreal is in Ontario..O.o....LOL i have no idea how that got screwed up cuz i check the papers at the hospital and no way no how would i have put i was born in montreal ontario..i mean seriously??

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-07-11 13:10:00
CanadaTd booster

I am confused over how this is worded on Dr. Howard Seiden & Associates website:

"You must have proof of a Td booster within the 4 weeks prior to your immigration medical"

Does this mean that can have it done anytime before my medical- (example: 4 months prior to the medical appt?)

Or does it have to be administered within the 4 weeks leading up to the appointment?


I'm not sure what the 4 weeks means or why its worded like that since the booster is only every 10 years. I had mine done after the medical. Imo jut get it from any walk in clinic its free and have them put it in your vaccination book.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-03-01 08:07:00
CanadaHow do I get photo i.d. to apply for birth certificate
I was born in Quebec in 1973, and i only have multiple copies of a Baptismal certificate from the churches. However those and my OHIP card were enough to get me my Quebec birth certificate long form for immigration back in 2008 and for my Canadian passport.

Actually, it looks like Quebec does accept OHIP cards bearing a photograph as acceptable photo ID:


One other question - did your mother ever actually have a birth certificate?
She may never have had a birth certificate issued by Quebec. As noted above, Quebec did not provide legal birth certificates until 1994. Births were registered in the various church parishes and the Baptismal Certificate was the accepted 'proof of birth'.

I was born in Quebec in 1955 and my birth was registered through my local church parish when I was baptized. In fact, I got my very first passport at 17 years old with my Baptismal certificate. I didn't actually get a 'birth certificate' until the 90s. So, it is a good possibility that your mother never had an official birth certificate, per se, just some sort of church registration or baptismal certificate as proof of her birth in Quebec. You might want to see if she has anything like that still in her possession and include it in with the request for the birth certificate.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-03-26 16:21:00
CanadaUS born baby wants to be Canadian citizen too!

I was trying to think what the negatives of dual citizenship might be for Canadians. As Americans I can see it being a pain on 2 fronts - the whole registering for the draft thing (unlikely to happen but still required) and the whole having to file taxes EVERY SINGLE YEAR no matter where you live. On the Canadian front, are there actually any negatives for having Canadian citizenship? I am obviously biased as Canadian but didn't realize there could be negatives...

the only annoying thing i can think of is the increased cost for a passport if you don't live in Canada, but now that they are valid the same amount of years and a US one it should be easier to renew.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-03-28 16:52:00
CanadaUS born baby wants to be Canadian citizen too!

Yeesh, personal photo ID as one of two pieces of ID. I wonder how they take the baby picture since they can't exactly stand up...

lol ya know i was wondering the same bloody thing since we want to do it asap after baby is born but jeez, trying to take a newborns pic? Right...LOL
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-03-28 13:37:00
CanadaUS born baby wants to be Canadian citizen too!

that link has better info.

You still mail the application to Nova Scotia. Only internationals need to bring it to the local consulate.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-03-28 13:17:00
CanadaUS born baby wants to be Canadian citizen too!

Canada Border Services Agency is picky when it comes to children, especially that young.

If your husband is not travelling with you make sure you have a notarized letter showing that he is aware of your travel and is okay with it. There are examples on-line for it:

Enjoy your visit home!

Not sure about her citizenship thing. I'm not planning any more children so I've not looked into it.

HIkergirl is right, if you go alone you definitely will need that letter. IF your worried about the last names just keep a copy of your marriage certificate with your passport, that's what i do. And you can also hit up the passport place to update yours to your new married name at the same time when you go back home.

Edited by Kimbear, 28 March 2013 - 12:34 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-03-28 12:34:00
CanadaUS born baby wants to be Canadian citizen too!
I was just researching this yesterday as I am now 2 months pregnant as well. From what i understand from the citizenship site you need to have your babys long for birth certificate, and fill out an application for citizenship as well. you can get that here:

halfway down the page is this paragraph:

Is your child already a citizen?
In general, a child born to a Canadian parent outside Canada before April 17, 2009, is a Canadian citizen. However, a child born to a Canadian parent outside Canada on or after April 17, 2009, is a Canadian citizen at birth only if that child is born in the first generation outside Canada, that is, at the time of their birth, their Canadian parent:

  • was born in Canada, or
  • became a Canadian citizen by immigrating to Canada (becoming a permanent resident) and being granted citizenship (also know as naturalization).
If your child is a Canadian citizen, use the Application for a Citizenship Certificate under section 3 (CIT 0001).

The issue is finding someone in the usa that can do proper photos to the specifications they want. also, fill out the form as if you are the child its the only way it makes sense for some of the questions. :)
hope that helps! you can also contact your nearest consulate as well if you have any issues or questions, but it should all be doable by mail.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-03-28 12:32:00
CanadaCanada - Where we take our Ketchup Seriously

There actually are a few brands that do, they are just really hard to find. I've seen them here before actually from two different brands. But they come and go and aren't quite the same.

I remember about 2 years ago at work I made a salami and cheese and ketchup sandwich and my one coworker was just totally in awe that I would put ketchup on sandwich meat. I said hell yeah everyone does. Then we asked a few coworkers and the alien life form I am seemed to have emerged where they all thought I was from a different planet again. I was like damn, my fellow Americans have by far the most boringest taste buds on the planet...

Herr's makes ketchup chips with Heinz, they are ok, but so not the same as my Lay's. :( Thats really the only brand i've seen and its hit or miss at walmart.

ok I never would put ketchup on a deli meat sandwich.. lol

I do like ketchup with my eggs though..

I usually put Mayo on my eggs. Posted Image
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-19 08:31:00
CanadaCanada - Where we take our Ketchup Seriously
I ate a chicago style hotdog when i first moved here, and i asked for the mayo and ketchup and everyone just stared at me. lol my husband said it was blasphemy to do that to a hot dog. :P anyting that involves meat and a bun i put just about anything on it. bread and butter pickle relish, ketchup, mustard, mayo, onions, even saurkraut on my hot dogs. Sometimes i'll even add sliced cheese and tomatoes. i pretty much make burgers and dogs all dressed. i learned that from Harvey's restaurants when i was growing up in Montreal. If the condiments are not dripping down your arms your doing it wrong Posted Image

I don't know anyone who doesn't dunk their grilled cheese in ketchup…unless they are dunking it in their Tomato Soup.

Seems to be a one or the other thing. No soup then it goes into ketchup.

grilled cheese and tomato soup is one of my favorite comfort foods especially on rainy days. I cannot put ketchup on my KD, it makes my husband ill to see that lol
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-18 12:52:00
CanadaStressed -- Mistake on Approved I-129F Petition
quick question, and its the only one i can see posing an issue: what names were on the police search from cpic database? That is the only place i can see issues myself. edit nevermind lol just realized you have yet to do that. I think you should make sure he does the search using all 3 names. otherwise it might look like it was omitted on purpose.

Edited by Kimbear, 26 April 2013 - 06:36 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-26 18:34:00
CanadaMoving back to canada after K-1 Visa in USA

I agree with others here, make sure this is what you want.  One of our terrific posters here Saylin went though some hard times with her husband as well, however i believe it was around AOS time for her.  Like you she posted and asked for advice etc, and she eventually decided to give it another shot.  Now she is renewing her green card and everything seems to be going great.


the Immigration system is not for those faint of heart or for those with no patience.  the system itself will wear you down and test your love for each other.  If you have already gotten through as much as you have, think long and hard about moving back, its a mistake you don't want to make if you change your mind later.  And besides, it DID cost a lot to get where you are already! :P  Just kidding, well partially lol :) it was alot of $$$ :P

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-06 10:07:00
CanadaI-751 evidence - worried!

there is nothing stopping you from opening up a new joint account to use for groceries etc. they want to see that you both use the account actively.  as for him owning the house, do you help maintain it?  our house is only in my husbands name, however, i amt he one who schedules repairs cleanings etc, and pays them.  I write up the checks and sign them.


do you have any receipts for stuff like that? from a/c furnace cleanings, to carpet cleanings, or anything?  are you allowed to talk to the bank regarding the loan?  My husband had me put on the loan as a contact and had to fill out a form authorizing it for the "life of the loan".


after we sent off our ROC we were still worried so we got some life insurance, he had me put on one of his credit cards as an authorized user, so i have a card with the same number as him showing the same account.  have you seen a doctor at all or dentist since you married? any mail from the insurance or doctors showing you had to pay co pays or stuff?  costco sams club membership cards showing same numbers? AAA card? all of that will help as well. 


pictures and cards etc are considered secondary evidence, which can help, i had none so i sent none. 

Edited by Kimbear, 06 May 2013 - 09:58 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-06 09:56:00
CanadaI-751 evidence - worried!

I believe in Quality over quantity!  Some send piles and piles of stuff--do you really think they are going to look over all of that?  Maybe if one was from a High fraud country.  If your listed on any of the insurance paperwork (cars, house, insurance) include that. Utility Bills. I did not send much.  Whats going to happen--they send a RFE and I send in more,lol  But thats just me!!


I agree with Flames,  in fact my package had so many things in it and it was also 99 pages LOL.


i sent anything and everything that had both our names and address on it.  During our marriage we actually moved like 3 times.  so what i did was for each address, i compiled evidence of co-mingling, finances and life.


so i sent in various items from our one year that we rented an apartment:  our lease, joint tenants insurance, car insurance in both names, copies of his work 401k, medical insurance, life insurance etc showing me as the bene. copies of various utility bills in either his or my name showing same addy, as long as the other normal required stuff, copies of driver licence tax returns etc.


i basically did this for every address we had,  I also included copies of the ar -11  filed and a copy of the receipt for his change off addy with uscis as well as the post office change of addy's for each address.


the only weak point was when we lived wtih his parents for a year while we waited on our house purchase to close.  so again i included our joint banks statements, drivers licence changes of addys etc and oh cell phone bill which was the only utility bill we had while there.  also car insurance renewal with that address and updated work 401k etc showing his parents addy.


If you think about it and collect your mail etc every day you can just amass a ton of stuff and use it.


the most important is anything that is financial, bank statements, pensions statements, life insurance, health benefits etc. showing each other as the beneficiary etc. Also another common mistake people make is they only show 2 or 3 items, but they don't realize it HAS TO SPAN THE ENTIRE MARRIAGE FROM WEDDING TO APPLICATION DATE.  if you only send 3 months worth of stuff in they wont see that you have actually been living happily married for 2 years. so pick and choose stuff from each quarter in a year to show continuation.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-06 09:51:00
CanadaShould we reconsider visa type?

Just keep in mind she cannot collect the unemployment benefits until she gets her EAD card.  Basically she has to be eligible to work and under a K1 technically you cannot until you get the EAD.  may want to consider that with how long some cases take or the delays can be at the different service centers.


As Udella mentioned some of us wish we had gone the cr1/ ir1 route as well due to that.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-06 20:23:00
CanadaShould we reconsider visa type?

Depends on how long it takes for your particular case.  I got married in April 2010, filed a month later for aos, only got my ead and ap in October and the actual green card in January 2011.  HUGE delay, we finally got a congresswoman involved which is why i finally got it.


long story short they took forever sending me my biometrics notice , which caused my file to disappear in a black hole.  



KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-06 15:08:00 Odd Chicken and Egg question.

She can tell the truth, just be slightly off sided about it, say her visit is for a wedding, just dont mention its yours lol.  technically shes still telling the truth just omitting who exactly is getting married. Or like flames said dont mention it at all if not asked.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-07 09:48:00
CanadaBruins Vs. Maple Leafs

I have to say that was an awesome comeback for Boston.  Glad they won. :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-14 13:37:00
CanadaBruins Vs. Maple Leafs

As a born and raised Montrealer i hate both of them..however..I want Boston to win, just so i can watch them get crushed by my beloved Chicago Blackhawks.  I've had a longer hate relationship with Boston since they were a good team, TO hasn't been in the picture in god knows how long lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-02 07:45:00
CanadaGetting Rabies Shots... For my Cat! Not my Husband!

depending on where you live most of the SPCA etc will have a cheap day once a year with rabies only shots.  I'd call the local spca in your city/ province and find out.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-31 16:09:00
CanadaRoad block: Strata Restrictions and moving abroad?

FYI if your using a lawyer you can add on 1-3 months extra wait time, since you now have a middle man to send stuff back and forth to and not just you and USCIS.  And thats if they dont screw up like mine did and you get an NOID and RFE.


i was told back in 2008 it would be 6 months HA!.  it took well over a year.


Good luck!


edit:  you may wanna look at recent timelines.  Alot of people have been complaining about wait times since April.  Check out some recent threads in the forums for your visa.

Edited by Kimbear, 19 June 2013 - 05:56 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-19 17:55:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

Jaden if you were approved at CSC prepare for a long wait for yout card. for some reason they are very backed up.  it ook 1.5 months for me to get my card whereas most people at VSC like Vero got theirs within a week. :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-30 11:13:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

ya you have to login to uscis and it will give you the whole thing.  for some reason the emails are borked lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-26 14:34:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

OH hey Autumnal!! Just saw you were Naturalized!! Grats !! That must be one immigration load off your mind, to finally be done with them forever eh? :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-24 11:26:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

Woot grats. since your at Vermont you should get it within a week they are pretty fast with the cards.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-22 21:11:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

Have you received your card Kimbear?


I know this question has probably been asked 5,000 times; but to get update emails from USCIS, I have to enter my # from my biometrics appointment letter, correct? I just want to make sure I'm not missing out on updates or RFEs or anything


correct its the bio number.  and ya i finally got my card phew! i was going to apply for naturalization in October but baby kind of superseded that decision!! lol so i guess i'll do it next year.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-20 13:08:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

ROC is way behind has been since April.  I just got an email saying card production ordered and to wait another 30 bloody days.  if i get it this month it will have taken 8 months.  I was lucky with no RFE, or interview.  I think Ashen had an RFE, which will add a good 3 months depending to the time :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-12 17:57:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

I was approved beginning of May and still have not received my card in the mail.  IN fact no one from California who has been approved sine April, has received it, yet almost everyone who applied at VSC has gotten their card within a week..all i have to say is #######...:(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-04 06:45:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

Like a month before you..:(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-29 14:59:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

Congrats.  VSC is really moving along even for the Oct filers.  SIGH C'mon CSC!!! Catch up already!!! figure with the 100 pages i sent them mine would be a slam dunk!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-29 14:31:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

I got my approval today. Here's hoping everyone else gets theirs quickly too!

Congrats Peachey!
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-02-27 13:33:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..
ya they cashed it and i got my noa and bio letter. but i figure they will wait 6 months to send me an RFE lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-31 23:07:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..
Ya know..i thought i sent my marriage cert, just looked at the copy i made, and i didn't..:( And i just spent the last hour scouring the instructions and guide here and no where did i see anything saying you had to send it. well, i guess i'm definitely getting a bloody RFE..
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-31 08:39:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

We filed at California. And I hope no one thinks I'm bragging or anything because I absolutely am not. I have significant empathy for everyone still waiting and I really don't know why ours got approved so quickly but of course, I am beyond happy that it was.

OH no don't get me wrong i'm ecstatic for you LOL. I guess i kinda made that as a joke but it came off poorly :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-23 16:40:00
CanadaFellow Canadian VJers removing Conditions..

Weirdest (and happiest) day today - our 10 year green card arrived in the mail. The weird part is that we only sent in our ROC package in Nov and did our biometrics at the end of December. My hubby is active duty military and we included a copy of both is military ID and my DEERS card along with a letter from his command saying he's scheduled to be deployed in 2013. But we did not ask for an expedite and the command letter did not have a specific date on it.

Not complaining or anything, we are VERY happy but I feel like this is not real because I didn't expect to hear anything from USCIS until May (if then).

God has blessed us today. I am beyond grateful.

That's pretty damn impressive. Which office did you file at? I would not post this in the ROC forum though lol. your going to have alot of ppl upset at ya :P Espeically since the uscis themselves they they are only working on May applicants....and you applied in November...
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-01-23 08:55:00