CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
this is going to sound harsh, but since my family pretty much acts like i don't exist..well..they don't exist for me either. i used to drive from ottawa to montreal to visit my mother and sister, and all they did was criticize every aspect of my being. what i do with my life, what i do with my hair clothes etc. i pretty much stopped seeing them and calling them. mom used to call me all the time at work etc. just to ###### about everything including her family is very racist and i honestly couldn't care less who pissed her off by just looking at her...

i made sure to see them before i left Canada. they coudln't care less that i was leaving, mom made me driver her around to do errands etc. they had my contact info when i left. never called for my bday the last few years, never said congrats on getting married or moving or anything. never bothered to email or call when i know they have free long distance and facebook.

Meh. tbh. it hurts a bit but the way i figure it...i musta been adopted, felt that way all my life tbh. so now..i dont have a canadian family anymore. and i'm sure some of you ask " but what happens if you mom falls ill or dies", older half sister can deal with that..especially since mom decided she needed money from her life insurance policy to go out drinking and cancelled it. I helped her move and stuff so many times..travelled over 2hours to help her every time she needed it when my sister who lived 5 mins away couldn't be bloody well bothered to help her. And who got the reward or the thank you all the sister. Ya ..sorry family, but i'm done with you. I dont need people in my life who just take take take, and try and shove you down a flight of stairs. Good riddence i say.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-16 08:19:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
ok so i bought what i thought was honey today. came in a little bear bottle. well guess's NOT HONEY...its HFCS with a touch of honey!!!! ####### is that #######! lol.

when i buy a bear bottle i want honey..not this sh!te!! lol. Ohhh i miss thee lately.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-15 13:04:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Another suggestion :yes: . I had problems with outside cats coming nose to nose with our cats at the windowed back door and causing all sorts of problems inside. For a while I taped a piece of bristolboard over the lower half of the door which really didn't look very nice, although it did the job. I then discovered this semi-transparent window film that adds opaqueness to the windows so that light comes through but you can't really distinguish the forms on the other side. I now have the lower half window panes on the door covered with this inexpensive film that makes the panes look like frosted glass. It is removable, easy to install and comes complete with everything you need. It also looks quite nice - it does NOT look like a film, but like actual frosted glass. It may provide you with the solution you're looking for because the dogs will no longer be able to see the squirrels going nanny nanny boo boo on the other side any more :D. Here is the link: http://www.collectio....aspx/_/N-ii00l

Ohhhh i like those! i kinda keep my blinds closed most of the day cuz i dont like people being nosy LOL. I think that would be fantastic for the patio doors! Kathryn you are awesome with ideas!! Thanks!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-15 08:31:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Animals react to change in different ways. Moving from a house into a smaller apartment is probably adding to the stresses, especially if they can't 'see' outside the same way as they used to be able to. They are 'hearing' things without being able to deal with them the way they used to, so they are barking or growling. Something you can definitely try is D.A.P. - it is an air diffuser that contains a liquid pheromone that mimics the scent put out by a nursing mother dog so calms and reassures dogs. It is odorless for people and is said to address a lot of behaviour issues. I know it is available on line at places like Amazon and ComfortZone but in an emergency you can probably pick it up (and pay a lot more for it) at PetSmart or similar pet supply stores. Here is a link to some more information about it:

I use the version for cats and find it very effective. Good luck. Once they get used to the differences in the places, hopefully they will return to their quieter, calmer selves.

hmm that one sounds interesting...think i'm a check up on that and show it to David. I really want a safe harmless solution for Lex..i refuse to use shock collars.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-14 15:23:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Car problems really suck!

Varba's car won't start anymore. He got home yesterday, and on our street it started making a strange noise and now it won't start... Time for a new car I guess. His is pretty old and I'm getting tired of him putting 1 - 2k in it every year just so it passes inspection.

That there is exactly the boat we are in. Can't wait to get a freaking job. so we have breathing room and don't have to worry about him walking to work for 2 hours. we start the car and it sputters and takes 3 tries now to start. we just do not have the money to keep fixing it. i'm actually scared of the damn car now.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-14 15:18:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

My inlaws have 2 beagles and in their old age have gotten really yappy. Their neighbors in Tampa rightfully complained, what they ended up doing was bought this collar from amazan that sprays citronella when they bark! Much better than being shocked! After awhile they didnt even need to put any citronella in the device, just having the collar one, was enough

Thanks flames..i've been reading reviews of those..i just hope lex is not the stubbord cuz with the water bottle he is definately stubborn.

I saw on TV once that lavender helps calms dogs.You would spray it on the dog beds and stuff just not tons of it but it could be worth a try.

They may need some time to adjust to the move, how long has it been? Also are they indoors or left alone alot more then they are used too. A little more exercise may help.

I know when I lived in a town house I would leave the TV on when our dog was home alone to help hide the noise from the neighbours. I'm not found of spraying citronella near the dogs nose, but I have heard if it working. There is also a vibrating collar that would vibrate when you have bad behaviour if your like me and don't want the citronella.

Hope things get better for you soon, its frustrating seeing our pets acting out.

Sunday we went out for an hour to go watch true blood at my sister in laws, and we left the radio on thought it would help. Guess what? big big tstorm..and lex is scared poopless of those..needless to say we had to leave for fear hed freakout at the apartkment. :(

I had the collar that made a noise for my dog, it made her bark more every time it went off.

So I bought the one with citronella instead.... she wasn't too happy with me and decided it was a good time to poop in my sneakers.

She's a papillon, they're a vengeful breed.

When we moved to our last place, she was stressed out for a month. She hasn't really been stressed at all at our new home at all. I think it's because all the furniture is there its just a new place, she was weirded out at first but the barking isn't as bad as it was at our other place.

"Im hoping it will pass in a couple weeks. we've only lived here since July 1st so its still early. unfotuneately i can't help with the loose cats and the skunks and squirrels..he jumps about as high as my height 5'4 and freaks out barks yips whines..and the BLOODY squirrels tease him..they come up to our patio window and go nanny nanny boo boo i can see you but you can't eat me!! ..stupid

Edited by Kimbear, 14 July 2010 - 03:16 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-14 15:16:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
so i'm upset and not sure what to do about it. my two dogs. lex and brego. normally are the nicest dogs. brego is the biggest baby he is a lab mix. lex is my saluki and is a bit nervous and cautious but is not a mean dog either. Ever since we moved out of davids parents house and into an apartment my dogs have not been nice with the neighbours.

lex barks at every noise and every person. at his discretion, some ppl he ignores but mostly he barks. this is bad since my apartment is one the front of the building next to the entrance, and the parking lot. so there is alot of traffic. we've started using a spray bottle on him everytime he does the bad barkies. but even though he hates the bottle, he does it again..looks at me..and he knows full well he is in the wrong.

brego, usually doesn't bark at all, but has now a couple of times growled, today he scared the heck out of a neighbour and i felt so bad. normally he just wants to lick and be pet and play.

both my dogs have always lived in a house, with either no neighbours, or a big back yard with lots of squirrles. I'm not sure what to do to get them accustomed to this place. i'm afraid ppl are going to think we have mean dogs and we will have to muzzle them etc.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-12 14:31:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

This just isn't my week. Today, I check my bank account and see that a payment I made at the dell website was double billed. I call them and they try to say that I made the identical payment. Yes, I made a double payment that I knew would cause me to incur an overdraft fee. Yes, I'm that dumb. I went through 4 levels of their customer service over the course of an hour and 20 minutes to finally get someone who said they would speak with my bank and ask them to forgive it. Fine, I call my bank and ask them is there a number that they should call to work this out. Bank says oh no, it's been posted, it's set in stone unless Dell will credit your account. Here's the kicker.... my bank says that dell should know this as it is common knowledge. I love my alienware computer, but I effing hate Dell. :angry:

dell may have bought out or aquired the rights to alienware, but i do not think the two companies are fully integrated and know what is going on with each other. my computer / laptop is a dell, had it for 3 years..and all i can say is their customer service / warranty service is top notch, or at least it has been for me. but it's been a few months since i've had to call them for anything. Hopefully they can fix this. And yes my bank told me they can't do anything about double payments like with my bell or my wow account. only the company who processed it can do anything about it.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-08 11:10:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
so i applied for two credit cards, since our utility companies and our landlord had my credit profiles pulled. i tried the ones that were suggested in the credit card thread in the moving here and your new life in usa forum. I was refused for both. sigh. looks like the secured credit cards are the only way for me to get credit, unless i can find a store that will just give anyone credit lol. kinda irks me as i do not want to use my CDN visa anymore than i have to, and half the places here like the DMV wont even accept VISA..i mean what the eff??
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-08 11:07:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
wow rob..what a total douche....i dont get why some ppl just have to be such a-holes....sorry to hear your being pushed out early :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-07 09:31:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
awww steph..i know how ya feel. tell the roomy if he isn't around he has to put the cat in a cage or something to keep it from destroying stuff. that is uncalled for. even i had my dogs in cages at the in laws cuz lex would chew up cushions out of anger and spite, when we would go out.

oh new vent..went to get my d/l addy changed..ya they wont do it with just a lease..they want mail with my addy on #######..i can't get anything in my new address till i have id. and they want d/l done in two backwards is that.

i can't get my bank switched over to new addy without id in my new addy and i can't get my id in my new addy wihtout mail with my new addy...argh! why can't anything make canada, i went with my lease..and boom i get everyting they make it almost impossible.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-07 09:23:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre i go to my landlord office, to find out about the extra 100$ deposit they made my husband pay only to find out they increased the price..and wrote it wrong on my lease...and then i find out my free month rent doesn't apply to my pets..and i find out i pay for my water...when water and heat were supposed to be included. so in the end i ended up paying 910$ deposit for what was suposed to be 600...all because of a new manager that took over and doesn't know her butt from her elbow..argh..

then i make my day worse by calling it's been over a month and i have not gotten my bio notice yet..and i'm told we put in a request please call back in 45 days..i also changed my address with them same time. now i don't understand why they can't forward the info to DHS as well..

then i try and change my address online with my bank, only to be told i'm a non resident and can' now i have to go back in to my bank when it's open and i have the car to update my address.

people are just stupidly dumb today /sigh

My vent: My landlord. I'm moving at the end of August and I know that he's going to screw me on my security deposit. So i'm calling it "last month rent". He doesn't seem to be going for it though.

from what i hear around these parts, no one gets the security deposit back either which is why i'm upset and frustrated. grr stupid landlords. i miss my regie du logement in quebec :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-06 16:02:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Oh my Kathryn that sucks...i'd be soo upset. i remember when a storm blew open my door and one of my dogs got out..i was out looking for her for a whole day in the pouring rain..called in sick to do it too. boss that i was a moron cuz i was crying and upset about my dog. Ended up finding her hiding under a neighbours balcony sopping wet, a few blocks away.

Hopefully smokey is found, but i know the unknown is making it hurt. Some ppl are just stupid and do not think. i mean would you let your kid just walk out of the house with the gate open? i mean to me my pets are my kids, so i take care of them the same way almost.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-06 11:19:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I am not going to list the many things that have made me want to scream out in frustration this year.

I am not going to list the many things that have made me want to cry.

My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer today.

My heart aches.

oh my Krikit (((((((HUGS))))))

You poor thing..this is just a horrible week for you :( For what it's worth, i've lost three family members to cancer, my father, my uncle and my grandfather in law. I know how hard this is and how hard it will be. Just remember we are all here for you. I hope it was caught early enough.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-15 13:25:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I know I'm probably weird wanting another baby, since i do have 4 soon to be all teenagers but I really do. I had a tubal reversal and it was not successful. Found out after a year of trying. Turning 37 here too and it bugs the ####### outta me that the only way we can do this is through IVF, getting pregnant was always easy for me. I just had to think of a baby and I was pregnant, so this is really hard for me. My clock is ticking and its so loud I can't think straight any more. Anyways I was told since I have had successful pregnancies that it ups my chances for IVF. But who has 15-20K lying around for something that may not work.

Kim, maybe you just need a little something to help you ovulate more ofter, that would nice and simple to help. I would assume hubby dearest was never checked either eh.


I"m pretty sure it's me and not hubby..since his ex gf before me got accidentally pregnant..and then terminated the pregnancy.. which i guess is another reason i want a baby..and i mean i just know david will make a wonderful father with his sense of humour, patience with me and my emoness and the fact that sometimes he acts just like a big kid. hehe i already know i'm a be the stern one and he's gonna be the one that says " did you ask your mother first?" LOL.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-09 10:34:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I know what you mean. My husband and I get the same thing. I don't really think we're going to have more kids, I mean I don't really think it's in our cards right now, maybe one day... but maybe not. It's not even one of my focuses. I have a child, yes from a previous relationship, but I don't want more. Every time we have a family get together his family is asking us 'when the baby is coming' and every time we say: 'never'... and every time there's a long awkward silence afterwards... haha. It's like some people don't see you as truly married until you've popped out a few kids... I just don't see it that way.

For the longest time i swore i would not have kids. Many reasons influenced this decision alot of it based on my family morales or lack thereof. Basically i figured i'd be a horrible mother, and didn't want to bring up a child the way i was brought up.

Now that David and I are finally together, things have changed, and so have I a bit. Unfotunately i think it's possibly too late. i'm going to be 37 this winter, and we can't seem to get pregnant still. We have been trying over a year:( Soon as we have a few bucks we are going to go to the doctor and see if theres a reason why or not. Kinda why i stayed away from the baby thread.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-09 09:00:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I look like big boobies buddha, waddle like a duck and sit like a man.


Awww i'm sure your loving every minute of it though!!

Wow. :rofl: Rev, you are my freaking hero.

LOL I agree..i have already been laughing for 5 minutes this am..TY !
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-09 08:55:00
CanadaI864 - Canadian source income of intending immigrant

As far as i always understood, the immigrant or beneficiary or foreign spouose cannot use their foreign earned income unless they were also authorized to work in the US when they earned it. Thats the only way i've heard of using foreign income.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-19 11:16:00
Canadacanadian debt collectors

Pretty sure thats BS, i dealt with a credit company when my C-Tire card was sold off. I was still able to make payments, i had to give them post dated cheques or or maybe it was preauthorized withdrawals..i can't remember exactly, it was something iirc, but they let me do it.  Its not like they can extradite you from the USA for it,  you'll just screw up your Canadian credit, and scores.  Luckily that doesn't mean much for jobs etc in canada since unlike the usa, Canada does not need that info for a job.  (something i still don't freaking understand why they allow in the usa)


And yes they are the meanest people in the world the way they treat you.  How they are allowed to talk to people like that i have no idea, but its totally unacceptable.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-24 08:57:00
CanadaTransferred my ROC to different center

Yea they frequently send stuff to CSC to "quicken" it..but its not usually quick lol.  I've had that happen to me twice so far where things were sent to CSC. Very common for it to happen.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-30 13:06:00
CanadaCanadian Passport Renewal from US

Thats what i'm trying to do cherylc522.  Not sure if it will work, consulate lady t old me i HAVE to pay the more expensive price..

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-01 11:44:00
CanadaCanadian Passport Renewal from US

Hey Udella, ya i already asked her for it when she replied to my email. she said she is sending it by snail for friends in Canada, none that even email me anymore let alone keep in touch.  they kinda dropped off the face of the planet and Facebook.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-26 10:10:00
CanadaCanadian Passport Renewal from US

hehe i just don't understand why getting something in my married name is such a hassle.  My hubby was surprised at how difficult it is to get a Canadian passport compared to his.  Not to mention the HUGE price difference.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-26 07:36:00
CanadaCanadian Passport Renewal from US

Can you mail your forms to a Canadian to sign and have them mail them back to you?  I've heard of people doing that.


Still does not help with the guarantor part, my family has no idea what a passport is :P and my uncle is actually an american citizen who was adopted, with no canadian passport or i'd use him. 


This is so ironic, i mean the only reason i even noticed its due is because i was looking at getting my soon to be daughter her citizenship and what documents i needed to supply.  I guess worse case next spring, if they still allow it, i can drive up by car and try and use my quebec birth certificate to get in.  Coming back i'm not worried about since i have my 10 year GC.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-25 18:05:00
CanadaCanadian Passport Renewal from US

No i'm not going anywhere as i'm pregnant and due in a couple of weeks.  I am in a pickle because i thought my passport expired in january but it expires October 3rd. :( So of course now i'm rushing. and yes i know its my own fault.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-25 15:22:00
CanadaCanadian Passport Renewal from US

well i got a reply from the chicago consulate finally.  No way for me to avoid paying 190$ min for a 5 year passport.  even if i have it mailed to my uncles in Ontario and he sends it to me.   apparently the one on the site is only for canadian residents period. was hoping to save 70$ :(


however this version allows you to have a us citizen guarantor that has known you for 2 years, BUT still has to be a cop, doctor, lawyer etc.  i mean...seriously??  le sighhhh.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-25 14:20:00
CanadaCanadian Passport Renewal from US

Ok thats what i thought but for some reason certain places have told me they can't process US cc's. 

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-25 10:35:00
CanadaCanadian Passport Renewal from US

How did you pay for the passport fees from usa? it says they take credit cards but will they actually be able to process a usa credit card? What about a us postal money order in canadian funds? just trying to figure out the easiest way to pay for this.  I just realized my passport expires in October NOT in January like i thought!


Also has anyone been able to get the "in lieu of guarantor" form? I asked the local consulate here by email about sending me one and have yet to get a reply.  Cannot seem to find an online version of it either.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-25 08:03:00
CanadaCanadian Passport Renewal from US

Anyone know where to get the "in lieu of guarantor" form?  I won't be back to Canada anytime soon, and i have no one i know that has a Canadian passport for over a year that also has known me over two years. I'm kinda estranged from my family and my mom doesn't even know what a passport is and i wouldn't trust  my sister with a kitten.


I also changed my name so i'm assuming Canada wont let me renew it in my maiden name either, even though that would be easier. I'm also really ticked about the freaking price..So i'm going to have to do mine late what with the baby being due soon.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-28 20:21:00
CanadaAddress Change Before Interview

the consulate will ask you to look over the papers and update any information at the interview.  dont worry about any recent changes like your addy.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-08 12:46:00
CanadaHas anyone requested an updated pension statement from QC?

Ohhh that might explain it. i use Chrome.  Ok i'll go ahead and do another one with IE (shudder) lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-10 09:31:00
CanadaHas anyone requested an updated pension statement from QC?



was going thought some personal files like i do every year and noticed that the last information i got about my CPP / QPP contributions is quite old.  Apparently i never got one before moving here.  I went online and asked for one to be mailed to me since i cannot do the online one as i have not lived in Quebec since 2008.  I have a copy of the request saying when i requested the statement and that it will "be mailed out right away by regular mail", and that they would update my address to my new USA one.  However this was a month ago and i have still not recieved it.


Anyone else tried to get an updated pension contribution statement from the government? I only ever worked in Quebec, but i Lived in Ontario.  Ontario told me to ask quebec for it lol.  Just wondering if i did something wrong.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-09 17:29:00
CanadaContacting the NVC

Oh my bad you're right! I mis read your post.  in that case best bet is to keep harassing DOS.  I think i used to call them twice a day for a bit lol.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-10 19:24:00
CanadaContacting the NVC



this post shows what to do.  its a trick that has worked since i started immigration back in 2008 and last i knew it still worked.  Its worth a try! Just modify the info to your own country etc.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-10 09:35:00
CanadaContacting the NVC

does the old DHL tracking trick no longer work?  used to be you could track your package and see when it got sent to the consulate etc.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-09 16:11:00
CanadaHas the shutdown affected you now that you live in the US?


That's assuming the name change, it is getting more and more common to keep your own name.  It really helps with facebook... ha ha 


ya i guess i'm old fashioned in that i wanted my husbands name, i didn't see the point in keeping my old name since i was starting off fresh here as well. Only issue i've had is now my damn name is so long! lol its liek 23 letters now!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-10 18:23:00
CanadaHas the shutdown affected you now that you live in the US?

I wanted to get my SSN before getting married... but that won't happen : /


well you'd only get it in your maiden name and have to change it later, save yourself the trip lol. I can only imagine the headaches with the SAVE database right now anyway.  that may affect more than just the SSN, i wonder about driver's licence etc.

Edited by Kimbear, 10 October 2013 - 04:31 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-10 16:28:00
CanadaHas the shutdown affected you now that you live in the US?

Ya VeeNDee, they are not ding anything with SSN's atm..which is going to suck. i want to fill out her citizenship papers asap and get her passport but it looks like that won't happen.  :(


Udella i'm so sorry, that totally sucks. Hopefully these "children" in office can stop fighting in the sandbox and get their acts together. It's totally ridiculous.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-08 12:12:00
CanadaObamacare Plans as a Conditional Permanent Resident

Goodness, we have 3 pregnant women on this thread!  I am due on November 29th but we are staying in Canada at least until after the baby is born for sure to help us avoid this headache.  I am so thankful for my OHIP coverage.  Good luck to you ladies with your new arrivals and congratulations!heart.gif


I wish i could have done that! lol but i moved here 3 years ago :)  I've already eaten up my deductible and half my out of pocket and i still have a few weeks left! in fact looking at education prices as well, it'd be cheaper to send my kid to Canada for school than do it here in Chicago.  Good grief..i don't know how people do it down here.  I never realized how much i miss Canada until I got pregnant lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-08 16:03:00
CanadaObamacare Plans as a Conditional Permanent Resident


Ohh I didn't think of that option.  So, even if we have an employer insurance option, we can still use the exchange to get non subsidized healthcare?  I suppose there is a way to specify that when you search or something...

Yes you can.  We looked into that since hubby works for a company with a Grandfathered plan, meaning i get screwed out of alot of stuff especially with the pregnancy.  Unfortunately, his company offers more than the minimum, so it would not be worth it for us.  You can just go on the health site and put in info and do a search,  you don't need to tell them who you are or commit to anything.


You can still purchase insurance through the exchange even if your employer offers healthcare, but you won't qualify for a subsidy.  You may also want to check and see if your husband's plan offerings will change in 2014 to explore all your options.  Who knows, maybe next year they'll offer better quality plans?

Since all this technically kicks in January 1, i imagine most things will be sorted out by then and some places will adjust plans depending on demand etc.  At least its a start.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-08 12:45:00