CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Oh Kimbear so much going on for you, I hope things get better soon.


Thanks everyone we are pretty excited.


well today i go in for blood tests for the Pre-eclampsia, and hand in the huge jug of urine (ugh that was blech! lol)  hoping for NO proteins in it, since thats a 100% sign of having it. I'll get the results Monday i imagine when i go in for my Ultrasound to check babys size etc .  hoping it's just normal gestational high blood pressure and they can just give me a small pill or something for it,  do NOT want baby out just yet.  I know i'll be 37 weeks but more time for her lungs etc would be better.  I also do not want a c-section, damn those movies make it look so (shudder) scary.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-03 07:05:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Found out we are having a boy! So far all seems good. I opted to not go for any of the tests to determine Downe's Syndrome etc. unless the sonogram showed something off, but it didn't. I didn't want to cause myself anymore anxiety. Still waiting on our insurance policy numbers, this wait has been brutal! 

Congrats on the boy!


I chose to do the same thing, not have the tests, i have enough going on as is and i've already been worried since i got pregnant.  imagine if i had that stuff to stress me out more? besides, not like anything can be done one way or the other about it


Hope your insurance kicks in soon. i was told by mine that baby can be under my policy for the first 30 days then gets a policy of their own. hoping that will save some on the out of pocket since we hit our deductible months ago. lol.

Edited by Kimbear, 03 October 2013 - 07:05 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-03 07:02:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Congrats Ontarkie on the little boy coming your way.

Kimbear I hope you don't have pre-eclampsia. Have you tried some support socks to keep swelling down in your feet. My sister swore by them. Hopefully the urine test turns out okay. I am hoping my diabetes education class on Monday goes well. I will be curious what my sugar levels are since I don't generally down 75 grams of sugar in a setting.


ya my dr suggested the compression socks which for some reason are impossible to find here. i sleep with 3 pillows propping my legs up and i stay off my feet most of the day now.


and its not  just sugar that affected GD Lilac, its all the carbs we eat, bread, pasta, rice soda pop etc.  our body converts that stuff to sugar.  just taking sugar out of the equation wont fix anything however if you pair that up with hi fibre foods that slow the conversion to sugar it will make a difference.


I found some Edy's 1/2 fat ice cream made with splenda, 1/2 cup is only 16 carbs, and healthy lifestyle bread made with splenda that is high fibre with flax etc and only 6 carbs a slice as opposed to 16 for normal bread.  Rule of thumb for me is eat tons of protein to help with cravings and being hungry since i'm only allowed 1900 calories a day and 195 carbs a day.  Even 1 cup of 1% milk is 13 calories which is basically = to my afternoon snack i'm allowed.  


at first it really sucked, and i felt like i was starving myself, but i learned to just add eggs, cheese, greek yogurt to everything, and TONS of veggies but Not potatoes or corn those are high carb / starch foods.  


if you have a good dietician she can really help you out.  Mine was kind of a flake...


as for my fasting numbers first thing in the AM, that there is nothing i can do about, since no matter what when you sleep your liver and stuff screws you over by still producing sugar.  Luckily i was able to take a simple pill before bed rather than insulin needles or pens.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-03 07:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Apparently i mixed up when the ultrasound was, it is next week.  Today they did the strep b test, and since its the 2nd time in the last month i have high blood pressure and my edema is alot worse along with a few other things they now want me to do a 24 hour urine test for Pre eclampsia.  Next Monday ill find out the results of all of that.  UGH and i'm feeling more and more crappy each day along with nausea every morning sad.png


OH and i met with a pediatrician today that i thought would be a good fit for us, well for starters they made us wait over a half hour past out appointment time and did not seem very confident.  I mean i had to drag answers out of her.  So back to the drawing board.  This caused me to be 30 mins late for my OB appointment and thats why i rushed over and prolly had the  high blood pressure today anyway. UGH...and now i'm feeling crampy and totally blah.  Its only 8pm but i'm going to bed.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-30 20:43:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Apparently i mixed up when the ultrasound was, it is next week.  Today they did the strep b test, and since its the 2nd time in the last month i have high blood pressure and my edema is alot worse along with a few other things they now want me to do a 24 hour urine test for Pre eclampsia.  Next Monday ill find out the results of all of that.  UGH and i'm feeling more and more crappy each day along with nausea every morning :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-30 20:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Congrats Ontarkie!!!!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-30 16:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Well it wasn't good news. sad.png

I am bummed because the results came back that I had four elevated blood sugars. My fasting was 96 when the cut off is 94, then at one hour it was 205 and the cut off was 179, then at at two hours it was 245 when the cut off was 154, then at three hours it was 162 when the cut off was 139. I cried a bunch this afternoon because I hate needles and having to do blood sugar measures several times a day is not something I look forward to.

The ultrasound showed that one baby is head down and the other is breech. Hopefully the breech baby will go back to head down. They are 2 pounds 13oz and 2 pounds 10 oz at 28 weeks which is excellent sizes for twins.

Sorry hun, i know how you feel.  i have to test my sugar 4 times a day, and since diet alone is not enough i have a pill to take at bedtime.  The One touch stuff i have is not that bad honestly.  The needle assembly is actually adjustable so you can use the smallest setting and the gauge of needles are pretty tiny too so it doesn't hurt too much.  My issue atm is that my carpal tunnel and circulation is all screwy so i'm numb / tingly all day long on my hands so i'm more sensitive right now.


Good news is it should go away pretty fast after the babies are born and you wont have to deal with it for much longer.


You still have time for the 2nd babe to switch positions.  In fact Caihla only just recently around 33 weeks switched.  Sometimes just pushing and prodding can help too i've heard.

Congrats Marilyn! Your daughter is beautiful.

My baby girl just turned one last weekend. I can't believe it! Fastest year of my life.


oh wow already!! Seems like just a couple months ago she was born!

Tomorrow i meet with the pediatrician, and i have my US appointment to find out if they will induce me or let me go 40 weeks.  Kinda nervous a bit. so i cleaned the house like mad this weekend and overdid it :(


spent today going to outlet malls for motherhood maternity and carters to get some stuff.  saved a bunch of $$$. 

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-29 20:21:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Went in for my growth ultrasound for 37 weeks. My OB and NST yesterday went great.  So we were watching as they measured baby and everything is measuring 37 weeks except the abdomen which is back at 32 hasn't really grown in 3 weeks sad.png  It was pretty surprising. Did not see that coming.  So we had a long talk with the neonatologist and he basically said with the growth dropping off so much there is no way they will let me go full term. He said the latest is 39 weeks and I will be induced by then, if not next week.  He sent me for even more tests each week, so I go back again on Friday and Tuesday to have NSTs, OB visits and now full Doppler ultrasound to check blood flow and for fetal brain distress.  He said contractions could potentially cause heart decelerations. He said for each appointment to bring my bags with me coz there's a chance I won't get to go back home.  And that if the baby moves less than normal or I feel 'off' to come in to L&D... which freaked me out because sometimes baby is sleeping and how do I know for sure it's not just asleep.. the 10 movements in an hour I guess.  But now I'm so scared I'll miss some sign of fetal distress.


Ughhh so not what I was expecting to hear.  Last growth ultrasound had showed some improvement but it's dropped right off.  Baby weighs just over 5 pounds now.  To be honest I am hoping my water will just break so baby can come out and I won't have to worry. Plus I hear pitocin is not a lot of fun.  I'm also supposed to rest .. guess I'll make that even more a priority.  


Can't believe in less than 2 weeks we'll have a baby.  All I want is for it to be healthy!!!!!


I'm sorry you have to go through that :(


From what i hear not everyone gets the pitocin, a few ppl i know who were induced didn't need it, and gave birth within 2 hours. 5 lbs is not so bad, keep in mind years ago the avg weight for a baby was 5-6 lbs not the 8lbs etc you hear about now which seems to be the average.

Oh Lilac that sucks. I'm actually surprised the doctors are still doing the 1hr test. I was told they aren't doing it anymore as it's full of false positives, they do a 2hr test it's supposed to be more accurate and not as rough as the 3 hr one.


I go see the Perinatoligist (sp) on Monday, hope baby cooperates and we see what we are having. I'll be 1 day short of being 17 weeks.


Hopefully baby shows her / his stuff for the us tech! lol Caihla is still being stubborn with that, but the tech is "almost positive" its a girl.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-26 14:48:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Marilyn, Emily is so cute! Glad she has made it safely into the world.

VeeNDee, I am sorry to hear the challenges you are facing. Have you tried eating extra protein to see if that will help your little one fill out? It is a recommendation for mothers of multiples.

AFM, failed my one hour glucose screen with a value of 189 when it should have been less than 130. I go back tomorrow for the three hour test that requires fasting, boo to fasting.


i failed my one hour with a 142, however when they did the 3 hour, and showed me the numbers it was my 2 hours that was really screwed up at 233.  apparently i "peak" after 2 hours.  which is i guess why alot of doctors do the 2hr test now instead of the one hour.  the 3hr number was ok and the one hour not so bad but ya thats why nowadays i have to test after 2 hours from the start of a meal.


Fasting is the hard part, however do not go like 12 hours! the hospital gave me ###### and told me thats why i got sick and dizzy, your only supposed to fast 8-10 max.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-26 14:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Awwww what a cutie!!!! Congratulations to you both!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-25 13:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Had my 35 week appointment yesterday.  Doc is very happy with how i'm managing my sugar.  Only one high number in the last week.  She confirmed baby is head down and that its her feet trying to literally break out of my side LOL.  you can literally see the bump of her foot pressing outwards.  Since i noticed something changed, i have been able to actually sleep the entire night through without getting up 3-4 times!! YAY for sleep!!! :)


Next appointment they will check baby's size and decide when to induce me.  With the GD they will not let me go past 40 weeks no matter what and it might even be a bit earlier.


I am still on the fence about what to do for pain meds if anything.  I don't want anything that will affect the baby or make her groggy when she is born.  And i'm pretty sure i NEED to walk around as much as possible..i'll feel claustrophobic if i'm "chained" to the bed with an epidural.


Sometimes i still can't believe i'm going to be a mom, and we are finally having a baby.  Its kinda like after immigration when a few times it was like "wow..i'm finally with David in the USA, and i'm actually married", like :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-24 08:51:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Good Luck tomorrow Marilyn!!!


Lilac, best thing to do is avoid sugar tonight and tomorrow morning and just eat lots of high protein stuff, like eggs, cheese, greek  yogurt etc. Thats what i did and what my doctor told me and it works for alot of people.


Hikiergirl, i'm not worried what so ever about PSD.  For one i have a good support system for the most part and great hospital with free PSD meetings and I intend to breastfeed which i was told releases "Happy" chemicals lol.  I just love my husband so much and i worry about him.  I'd be lost if anything happened to him.  He really is my soulmate.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-22 19:23:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I can't believe how close we all are! It feels like only yesterday we were talking about morning sickness etc. biggrin.png Marilyn, good luck to you!!! Can't wait to see the beautiful pics of baby Emily!!!


VeeNDee, lets hope they let that little one stay in a bit longer.  And no stressing about unpacking! your not allowed :P  Just do like the guy in BadBoys, rub your ears and Oooosaaaaaaah. lol


Monday i have another appointment, to check my sugars and baby and do the strep B test.  I'm not sure if they are going to do another US or what, but then i have to go in every week she said.  I think i'm finally getting nervous lol.  And i decided to wait a bit on changing our life insurance right now.  I'll stress about it later when i can actually stress! 


Ontarkie i hope your morning sickness i almost over with.  Ironically at the beginning, the only thing i could eat was deep dish pizza or hot dogs. some nuts and dried apricots helped too but that was about it and those meals were very few and far between.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-20 09:07:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?



Is all i have to say right now about life insurance.


talking to our agent to increase coverage now that baby is soon to be born, and find out about college plans etc.  and I find out that once you have GD the group you're in for pricing changes.  Since once you have GD you are more likely to become type 2 diabetic i lose my preferred pricing.  AND i'm guessing since i'll be 40 in December that's going to affect it as well.  So now..i'm ticked off.


Not to mention i told my  husband MONTHS ago to stop eating like a pig and stop buying candy bars every chance he gets and to fix his damn cholesterol and guess what? ya he screwed up his pricing too cuz he wont take care of himself and i'm so FREAKING TIRED of him blaming my cooking!! i'm not the one that forces him to eat 3 portions plus 3 desserts etc.  i mean JFC i keep telling him to knock it off and he says not to boss him around..well guess what?? I WANT MY HUSBAND AROUND FOR OUR DAUGHTERS GRADUATION MAYBE!!!


I just feel so upset and everything else is driving me nuts..and now i just wanna sit in a corner and cry. :( mebbe i should put this in the vent



KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-19 15:25:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

i've been feeling kind of...antsy like i can't sit still like a kid with ADD or something.  Nothing keeps my focus and i'm sure its because i'm getting closer to the end.  i'm not in a cleaning mode or anything like that..its just..i dunno lol.  i can't watch tv for more than a few on the computer..nothing...and its driving me nuts lol.


also hubby has been driving me nuts lately, he is ALWAYS on that damn game of his..GRRRR , and i told him i feel like i'm being left out, like hes ignoring me.  i mean is it that bad i want him to spend time with me now before the baby is born and we are too exhausted?

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-09-18 14:27:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Aww see, I can't do that. The same way waking after 8am is a wasted day for some people, going to bed before 11pm seems like a wasted night to me. :lol:

I could never do that job.. or an early morning radio show or anything. I'd be so sad/cranky. LOL

Speaking of various bills, I remembered that we had the hydro electricity bill today, and paid it, and have a teeny amount of money left over. First time since I moved here that I think we can pay the bills and have money left over, AND don't have to ask for help from the inlaws. lol *happy tear*. Oh wait, this is the vent thread... How's about I'm having trouble getting in touch with EI because they're behind on sending me cards, and thus behind on paying me more $. hmmph


i still to this day keep saying HYDRO......ugh and i hate my bills. 115 a month for a one bedroom? with no appliances ??? i mean c'mon!!! what happend to my nice 30$ month bills eh? grumble.

i cannot even get ui..why? because my ROES are out of date. they are only good for for a certain amount of time, and cuz our visa took so long etc etc now aos and ead..i'm screwed :( i even cashed in all my old pensions from work life insurance etc.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-23 15:51:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
so my vent..i got a 40$ water usage bill for just me and david for one month..when my neighbours is only 10$!!!!! how the eff does that work? and i have asked 3 times for my kitchen sink to be fixed, they fixed it now 3 times and it keeps leaking, they even replaced the cartridge in side it twice!! /cry i dont have a washer a dishwasher or anything like that.. week is my bio appt..and im nervous..gah i dunno why. stupid immigation lol. i used to never be intimidated by govt offices i'm such a scardy cat!!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-23 12:44:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

hehe My husband gets up at 3am to go to the gym and then to work. I myself get up because the alarmclock wakes me say my goodbyes and back to bed I go. I do not react well with little sleep however if i sleep past 8am I end up with a headache Too much sleep!

i am the same way. too much sleep and i feel aweful!! also i cannot take afternoon naps no matter what. i get all disoriented feeling, like i took a nyquil LOL> i cannot even imagine sleeping 12 hours like i used to back in highschool. nowadays i'm tired and ready for bed by 11 the latest, and i'm up at 6am making david breakfast and lunch.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-23 12:40:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

lol Thanks :blush:

My neck feels like 99.9% today, so yay for that!! Other than that, no updates, mostly cause it's the weekend. Sigh.

Oh, and since this is the vent thread, can I just complain that I don't like that this world encourages people to be morning people? lol I have a meeting at 8am tomorrow. It's almost 12:30, and I'm just now really feeling like I should go to bed. I always intend to go to bed about 2 hours before I actually do. I've just never been a morning person, and always a night owl for as long as I can remember... I don't like to sleep til noon, but I also don't like waking up before 8am either :P LOL I like the feeling of accomplishing lots of stuff in the morning though. Sigh. I dunno. Either way... phooey to early Monday morning meetings for VOLUNTEER positions. :wacko:

i am sooo not a morning perosn. you do not talk to me until 10am and when i've had at least 2 cups of coffee:lol:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-23 08:43:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Can we stop talking about my accident? :P LOL But first.... I do appreciate the concern/stories of similar cases.
My neck actually feels tons better today than yesterday, and I have full range of motion with just slight pain when I turn my head all the way to the right. I haven't had any headaches since an hour or two after the accident (and regularly I get about 2-3 headaches a week anyway... haha!) And now it's 2 days after the accident, so for tomorrow and Monday, time will tell.

Also, we don't have health insurance yet (my husband JUST got signed on with his company 2 wks ago, and the insurance doesn't kick in til Sept 1st), and obviously can't pay out of pocket. However, via our auto insurance we have some minimal medical coverage ($5K), and some uninsured motorist coverage in case the guy doesn't own up, so we can use that to get the car fixed if it even really needs it, and my rates still won't go up (this has been confirmed by two different people with my insurance company) since I was not at fault. We're taking it in for an estimate on Monday. I know we definitely don't have 8K of damages on the car because our car isn't even worth that much. LOL So, with those things in place, and the guy being at fault (also meaning he can't come after me to pay for anything), we can't really get screwed. I also have the contact info for two witnesses at the scene who will back me up. There's no way my insurance will be footing the bill for his damages.

I talked over various scenarios with my insurance company, and they said not to bother filing a report with the police now, cause they won't care. I'll repeat: I did not have a cell, so I couldn't call anyone at the scene anyways. The guy gave me his driver's license and I copied down his home address, so if need be, my insurance company will also be mailing him a letter. Whether it's the most current address or not, who knows, but it showed a level of cooperation on his part anyway. My insurance agent has called him twice, and she says his voicemail machine does say 'Hi this is (his name)'... so unless he sets up fake voicemail too, I think the # is legit. LOL

ok last comment on your accident i swear!! :)

both my insurance companies, health and car, actually gave me sh1ite when i didn't go to the hospital after my wreck 2 years ago. i bascially got tbones by a young punk in a brand new subaru sportscar. he popped both my air bags, smashed the front of my car, and i had bruises on my arms and neck from the bags..i'm short so i was sitting kinda close to the steering wheel, i had burns from the bags too. i ended up going the next day to the hospital, got a tetanus shot xrays etc..and was black and blue and sore for a week.

car wrecks are not to be taken lightly even if you feel fine..i was ok..but i was in shock. my car wasn't worth much either it had over 250k km on it, and i only got 2k after showing receipts for stuff. grr. and i only had 2 weeks of a free rental. to find a car, since i worked in quebec and lived in ontario and drove 2hours a day. i had no choice for police to come, it was in a major intersection, and i hit the bus stop sign and my car spewed all over the road. it was the kids fault for cutting through 3 lanes of traffic to get in to the Second cup and he sped through...i never saw him til he connected with me.

just be careful and make sure you dont get scrwed over by your insurance company, it's the LAST thing you need now lol. poor you. everytime somethign good happens some crappy thign follows..poor Ashen../hugs.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-23 08:41:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

What is a NOID?

My vent is that at 12:10 this morning, my 80 year old grandpa passed away. </3

OH my , I"m so sorry for your loss. :(

NOID = Notice of intent to Deny. usually it's a very bad thing to get. And it's to be taken very very seriously. my lawyer was lucky i only found out about it after we fired him and got a copy of our file from him..he never gave us a copy when he got it. simply told us it was a simple painless RFE...ya right...Never trusting a laywer again...

Edited by Kimbear, 13 August 2010 - 10:29 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-13 10:29:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
@ tick tock:

i know how you feel about friends atm. i'm in the same boat. my friends from Canada dont talk to me let alone facebook with me anymore. And the girls i know here are my husbands friends wives, gf's etc. although we chat when we are out together, i always feel awkward. some of us have things in common, but i dunno, i just dont feel like i fit in, and i try and talk to them or message them and they just dont seem interested in hanging out. David says i'm not trying hard enough, but i'm not the type of person to keep at it and hound another if they show no interest in doing things.

This weekend will be another chance to meet and chat withbpeople. my sister in law is having a pot luck sunday so i'll be going over their, but they are older, and well lol they are her friends not mine but ehh i'll make the appearance and at least try to socialize, lest i get too used to these 4 walls i'm in. lol

Edited by Kimbear, 13 August 2010 - 08:51 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-13 08:49:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

There are laws regarding tenants rights, they however are on the state level. Some counties and cities have further laws regarding this. From a cursory search, I found only a snipet of information.

I would not do that as it can do a lot more than just degrade your credit. It will show as a delinquent account on your credit report and they can submit it to a collection agency. Having that on your credit score will severely limit your choices when getting a new apartment or a mortgage.

Hubby is amazing. he went over to the office and got it all fixed. it took him like 5 minutes :blink:

if i had gone over..i woulda yelled screamed probably said names etc. i'm bad with stuff like this. i immedately get grr argh, and assume the person is a jerk purposely trying to screw me over. from now on i told david he is dealing with all the problems lol. :) he's just that good at it :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-13 08:47:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

we had a lawyer and I think it made our process worse.. and it cost an arm and a leg :wacko:

So true...cost us too much and so many errors and so many months of delays. and an NOID and RFE to boot..needless to say he was fired real quick.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-13 08:40:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
i am absolutely livid at my apartment owners..

when we were looking at this apartment we were told 200$ deposit, then when we went to sign the lease we were told" oh those are the old rules, we have new management and you need a co signor since you make 300 less than we preper so now it is 350$ deposit." ok fine..we paid it. however the night we got the keys they didn't want to wait for the extra 100$ cheque to pass so they wanted a credit card payment asap, fine we did it. I went back in to the office on july 6th to say hey by the way you have a cheque you didn't cash..give me the money back. oh we can't do that but we will give you a credit, and then i find out our first month rent free was for us..not our pets..we had to pay the pet rent. so the 100$ credit became only 65$.

so i say well i want it written down on my lease we overpaid our security deposit. so they wrote the amount down dated and signed it. Fast forward to today, the new management is looking over every lease and the books and is now trying to tell me we owe them 100$ and that the security deposit is now 450$...umm say what?? and that we should not have deducted our august rent for the 65 over payment.

needless to say the correction to the lease makes it look like we agreed to an increased security deposit and they have edited their ledges now in august with a charge of an extra 100 and dated it july 1 ..which i'm pretty sure backdating something like that is illegal..but of course the usa doesn't effing believe in rental laws anywhere like quebec or ontario so now i'm up sh1te crick and have to cough up the damn money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-11 15:58:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

My husband needs to remove his direct deposit from that. How do you do it?

you have to have an epass account and login to your account. if you do not have one you have to sign up for it and it takes 2 months. they send you a username and a password pin separately. the good thing is that it shows you ALL of yoru tax returns you ever did etc. all online and easily accessible.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-09 10:13:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
hehe ya i know. david was all scared like omg they are gonna jail you for tax evasion..and i told him's not the's just Canada :P

on another note..just noticed today you can now cancel your direct deposit online with if they do mail me cheques..i can just return to sender. makes my life easier.

OH and finally after 5 months..BELL finally sent me my check for the double payment they took back in FEBRUARY!!! jeez...

Edited by Kimbear, 06 August 2010 - 11:41 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-06 11:39:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
so Ontario just sent me a bill for 100$.....

apprently due to the merging of the two taxes to make the HST they sent out cheques to everyone, and they deposited money in my account in june, now i remember calling to find out ####### that deposit was..and my bank told me.then i called the gov and said are you sure i'm allowed to get this since i moved in april..and i was told long as you were in ontario april 1st..i was there til the 6th...

so now i'm ticked off..i dont have the money since we have to renew our plates on the car and get repairs done..grumble...
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-06 10:39:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
OH tick tock, i'm so very sorry for your loss. At least you were able to say a few words to him on the phone, he may not have replied but i'm sure he heard you. (F)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-02 09:32:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

It was a HER.

I bet thats part of the reason too. Girls suck!!


No seriously they did some sort of study on one of those 20/20 shows that proved that female instructors were more likely to go easier on guys and vice versa.

Ever get a female border patrol officer? Sorry to be completely sexist but I notice the way the opposite sex treats me and my husband differently when we're at the border. The women are always a little snippy with me, nice to him - and if its a guy they're sort of short with him, and nice to me.

We had a discussion about it back in the day with thetreble and JillA... some people tried to pretend that there is no difference, but there so is! :P

come to think of first was a women, i made her miss lunch, and she put me in tears and failed me......effing beatches :rofl:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-29 15:51:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Well, I'm here to vent. I took my very first road test this morning and failed it. Yep. I've been driving my car around for the past two months and I was feeling super confident and secure. I can parallel park, reverse back in and everything. Even my husband who is NOT an easy sell and a very harsh critic commended me on who good my driving is -- how safe he feels driving with me.

So today, take the test, do the field course no problem, park, reverse, 3 point turn, all good. We get out onto the highway and the trainer tells me to prepare to take a right hand turn. I see a right hand turn about 50feet or less from us but I'm not in the right lane and we get a red light, cars are stopped. So I assume she can't have meant that turn, must be the one past the lights. Um, no. It was that one. So, because we deviated off the course, it was an automatic disqualification, we had to pull into a parking lot so she could drive me back to the MVA.

Sucked so hard. What a crappy morning.


wait..####### they failed you for that???? that is the lamest excuse for a failure i've ever did'nt do anyting illegal, dangerous, in fact, you werne't sure you could even make the turn, thats why you thought it was the next one..missing a turn shoudl'nt be a freaking failure.....who was this dumba$$ examiner??? i'll smack him for ya~!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-29 14:18:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
When i was a teenager i had psoriasis on my scalp, mostly on the back nape of my neck. i haven't had it in years, and in the last few weeks i've noticed my scalp is sore, and i'm getting red blmeishes and pimple like marks on my neck again. i can't even run my hands through my hair my scalp hurts :( And my face is breaking out ...i'm 36 now..wth :( i have no idea why this is starting up again, it used to be stress in highschool that did it to me..but aside from not workign i'm not as stressed as i was during the k1 and i never got it then. now i have to go buy that nasty nasty tar shampoo again..just gross..and hope it helps.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-28 12:10:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

You have gone through so much hardship before this process and after, and look at you, your still around talking to people, giving advice, and just being you. Kudos to you honey. Whatever choice you make in the end i'm sure it will be the right one for both of you. I can honestly say, i would have given up months ago if i were in your shoes. Stay strong Ashen, things just *have* to start looking up for you soon.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-23 16:15:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
well i know the last time i dealt with a placement agency, mind you this was in Canada still, they basically took money off your pay, or your employer did as they had to pay the placement agency for getting you hired. This lasted for a specific period of time. Not sure if that is how it works down here.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-23 15:59:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
grumble..getting irritated at uscis ..again..geez. still no biometrics appointment for my aos and ead. and no one can tell me whats going on. all they can say is dont ask for updates on your aos until DECEMBER, liek ####### is that? OH and dont call us back about your bio until the end of august, i cheated and used both receipt numbers to get two different service requests. one on the 6th when i gave my change of address and again today.

i mean seriously. ####### is with the delay. i mean other than receipt notices i have no proof of anything. i mean what would i do if i was stopped? my passport i-94 expired on july 5th..any joe blow sees that they think i'm here would i prove otherwise? i mean they arrested some poor porto rican accusing him of being here illegally and held him and interogated him for two days in chicago...
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-21 15:18:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
gotta love stompy upstairs neighbours who wake you up at 4 am.../sigh
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-20 10:01:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre


I'm so sorry. That's hard but it sounds like you have certainly tried your best to make it work. You don't need people like that in your life, but it's tough when those people are family.

Thank you Kathryn. Those type of people are not the ones i want to surround myself with anymore. I choose to make something of my life and not be stuck in the alchoholic / drug addition dredges that they are in. As it is i lost my father to alchohol, my brother to drugs, and still my mother and sister refuse to see the light and change or do something. That is why i consider meeting David a sort of godsend if you will.

If it weren't for him helping me see i needed to get out of the situations i was in, and that i was better than that, and that i could be happy, i would never have taken that 23 hour Greyhound buss ride from Otttawa to Chicago to meet him. Being on that buss was the scariest thing i had done in years lol. But i am so very glad i did it :)

I have him and his wonderful family and i have my amazing VJ family, especially my fellow Canadians who give advice and friendship with no strings attached. :luv:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-16 19:04:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I think we were both adopted and are actually biological sisters. :luv: This is exactly the experience I've had too. I used to take the train to visit my dad and brother and all I ever got was criticism for the decisions I've made, the way I dress, colour my hair, having a blemish on my face, even having friends. I still get a weekly call so they can ###### about everyone they know, and yes they are incredibly racist and paranoid about everyone. My husband says they way they are towards me (and your family to you) because of jealousy. I'm guessing you've done things in your life that they've never done or will ever get to do. We're the black sheep and it's easy to make fun of the black sheep.

And TT, I'm sorry for everything you're going through right now. I missed my grandfather's funeral as well because I was stuck in the US and if it's any consolation, I didn't feel as bad once the actual day was over. I went to a cliff and released a letter on a balloon for him instead. Maybe you can do something like that. And if all else fails, ask your family if you can be on speaker-phone during the funeral.

Gemmie, i'm considering you my adopted long lost sister!!! :rofl: We have had way too many things in common in a few threads now lol :) And ya...i guess i was the black sheep, only one to graduate, only one to get a house, only one to get promoted and have a really good job. Only one to get engaged and married. And i don't drink smoke or do drugs like my family. Shrug...but one big difference ?? I'M FREAKING HAPPY WITH MY LIFE AND LOVING IT!! :dance:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-16 18:55:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Kathryn, those are all great ideas. :) I have been so hung up on the "what I can't do"s that I did not even stop and think of what I could do. I know I am still (unfortunately) a few months away from being able to send in my AOS and I will not be able to apply for permission to travel. You've all been very kind and have given me several positive ideas on how to approach a negative situation. Thank you all.


Awww Tick Tock! HUGS. I know your going through alot with the immigration process, and what with the funerals, and i'm soo sorry this is happening to you. Kathryn makes some good suggestions which may help put you at ease. Its easy to get stuck in the "what i can't do what i'm not allowed to do etc" phase. Just know that we are here for you to talk to no matter the issue.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-16 18:50:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
this is going to sound harsh, but since my family pretty much acts like i don't exist..well..they don't exist for me either. i used to drive from ottawa to montreal to visit my mother and sister, and all they did was criticize every aspect of my being. what i do with my life, what i do with my hair clothes etc. i pretty much stopped seeing them and calling them. mom used to call me all the time at work etc. just to ###### about everything including her family is very racist and i honestly couldn't care less who pissed her off by just looking at her...

i made sure to see them before i left Canada. they coudln't care less that i was leaving, mom made me driver her around to do errands etc. they had my contact info when i left. never called for my bday the last few years, never said congrats on getting married or moving or anything. never bothered to email or call when i know they have free long distance and facebook.

Meh. tbh. it hurts a bit but the way i figure it...i musta been adopted, felt that way all my life tbh. so now..i dont have a canadian family anymore. and i'm sure some of you ask " but what happens if you mom falls ill or dies", older half sister can deal with that..especially since mom decided she needed money from her life insurance policy to go out drinking and cancelled it. I helped her move and stuff so many times..travelled over 2hours to help her every time she needed it when my sister who lived 5 mins away couldn't be bloody well bothered to help her. And who got the reward or the thank you all the sister. Ya ..sorry family, but i'm done with you. I dont need people in my life who just take take take, and try and shove you down a flight of stairs. Good riddence i say.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-16 08:19:00