CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


Dang girl, that was some major pumping. Glad you found some good resources.


Zantac is very sensitive so weight so the doctors have to adjust it often, I noticed the a difference the first night with Zantac with Alexis she slept 2 hrs that night. She normally would sleep 15mins max. But a few weeks later their was no more improvement. That's when our pedi switched her to the Previcid, that was like night and day. I could actually put her down, she would sleep actually have a good sleep too. Alexis has what they called silent reflux no spit up so she went longer without getting diagnosed, even though I tried to tell the doctor within the first few days of her birth. She was 6 weeks of torture. She couldn't sleep flat at all I had to leave her in her swing if she wasn't held.  


Hopefully Caihla feels better soon.


That's what irks me, since Caihla came home, i'd been asking at every pedi appointment about the reflux and until thanksgiving they kept telling me no no no, then we went to the ER who confirmed i was right. I mean seriously, she suffered as well for a few weeks.  When she sleeps she grunts a lot,, cries, and  almost sounds sometimes like a baby lamb, and she gasps and stuff too which i do not like.  Makes me wonder if she has a slight case of sleep apnea. I cannot put her flat what so ever either, she either sleeps in her swing, bouncy chair, or yesterday her car seat since Dad had to drive her around the block to calm her down after puking / screaming for 4 hours. Then she slept almost 4.5 hours til i woke her up, and again after that another almost 4 hours.


When the doc was telling me on the phone how much to give her he had to no joke do the math 5 times to get me the first it was 4 ml then eventually he told me .5ml twice a day.  I wish i could see the other docs that i like, but they are always full booked ( i wonder why).  This guy is the only one ever available /pout.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-05 13:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Kimbear does you milk spray when she tries to nurse? You may have a over supply with all the pumping you are doing and it's possible she is getting a fast letdown when she nurses which will also cause some gas issues and her to not want to nurse.  When you say back BF are you talking about side lying, Or having her nurse upside down? If you are trying to slow down a spray you can pump before she nurse just enough to slow it down and she would get more hind milk rather then the gassier fore milk also try to feed her just a bit earlier then her hunger signs so she's not so impatient.  Every two hours is more normal for BF babies as it's just so easy to digest. 


Also have you looked at it's a great site, also here's a FB group https://www.facebook...onguetiebabies/ both of these have great resources. They will be helpful for Lilic also.


You are doing a great job with pumping, and hopefully you can turn her around with the ####### soon.



Well they are going to be here soon, and yes you will know when you're in labour haha. You could always try all the old wives tails and help things along, they sure can't hurt. 


I meant laid back nursing, actually i found a link to it from the kellymom site.  I joined a breastfeeding mama's site in FB and they have some great advice and links and refer to kellymom quite a lot.  I wake Caihla up more often than not to feed since i know if she works herself up too much she will get extra gassy. at 6 weeks she is sleeping at night 4 hours, and during the day 2 hours, and she is eating about 3-4 oz each time. I did learn from the BF FB page that i'm only supposed to pump for 15-20 minutes.  Originally i was pumping for a half hour or as long as the milk flowed. 


We have another appointment on Monday with the Pedi for her HEP B shot, and to ask about switching to prevacid rather than zantac, since it seems not to be working.  The only time Caihla was good, with eating , was over thanksgiving.  I'm wondering if she was getting the Turkey Coma effect that we do from eating it lol. She went 3 or 4 days without being sick, no fussiness, no gassiness, no colic. Yesterday she made up for those days.

Well 38 weeks for me. Still nothing that makes me think labor is impending.  I guess I will just work on some work projects and bounce on my exercise ball today. Everyday I keep telling myself, I can't believe I made it this far and I am still pregnant with twins.


They will be here soon dont worry :)  I'm still trying to figure out how your going to manage twins lol. If i had two of Caihla right now i'd be in a hospital for a nervous breakdown lol.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-05 09:39:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

lol thats exactly what i said regarding contractions the last week when i went in twice to see my OB.  I was told they feel like period cramps but more intense and you feel em in front and back.  "oh you'll know when you have them that they are contractions" is what she said.  


well this is the start of week 2 of no milk products and no caffeine for me.  Trying to help Caihla's Gerd get better.  Today she had a bad episode at lunch and was so ravenous due to another growth spurt.  She has been awake every 2 hours and only sleeps like 30 mins.  She is killing me here.  I am so crabby from lack of sleep. And i have to express pump her BM again, since I think she has associated my boobs with the Gerd pain.  she screams when i try and feed her with the ####### :( She would rather take a bottle now.  After all the work i did to wean her off those sigh.  Even if i could BF her, she is at a bad angle and ends up spewing all her food.  I even tried laid back BF from LLL's site, but i could not do that or figure it out, and Caihla still has no patience for anything.  I'm in so much trouble later if she keeps up with this "now now now!!" attitude.  



KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-04 15:08:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Kimbear I just remembered that some moms from another group I'm part of went dairy and soy free and that help a lot with GERD.

thats exactly what i'm doing now.  no milk, however easier said then done.  So many things have milk proteins in them even the non dairy creamers. its not the lactose i need to watch out for its all of the cow milk stuff :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-01 20:11:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Thanks for the tips ladies. My after breakfast reading is always really good - my fasting number though is always high and my after dinner number. I'm going to try going for a walk after lunch and seeing if that helps and also drinking more water. The dietician did give me a sample diet and my numbers are still wonky, so I'm suspecting I'll be put on that medication next week. I've been finding the diet isn't that hard to follow - it's just remembering to eat and take my blood readings all the time along with taking my other meds for DVT. 


I hear you on the medical bills - I was surprised to receive bills from about 4 different companies for my hospital stay! I am so fortunate to have been approved for emergency medical funding for non-residents for my emergency stay back in July. I got to call them all a few days ago and give them my case file number, yay! 


I hope Caihla starts to feel better. That must be rough seeing her go through that. Lilac, you must be so excited to meet your babies. What an adventure you're going to be having very soon! 

if its mostly your fasting numbers like mine was, there is nothign you can do.  Your body produces glucose when you sleep and the only way around it is meds.  Its not anything you are doing its just how our bodies work.


So far at 2500$ and haven't even received NICU bills yet lol we are so screwed.  Mind you this is after our insurance.  Im also annoyed that they reset it in October b4 the baby was born. :(


If its not one thing its another with her :( 

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-01 20:08:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


Have you been able to do any consistent daily exercise? I have GD too and have been able to stay off insulin and keep my numbers basically in check through swimming 30 minutes every day and following the GD diet the dietician gave me. I also found that potatoes and whole wheat bread must stay at 2 carbs a meal even when I am allowed 4 carbs in a meal in order to keep my sugar numbers down. Stress, not drinking enough water, and forgetting to wash your hands with soap and water before testing at all can cause high numbers. Then again, sometimes there is no reason at all. Drinking lots of water seemed to help me too. Think of it as diluting the sugar in your system so the sample your meter takes in has less sugar per part blood.


AFM, I am still pregnant, although I though maybe today would have been the day - got woken up to squeezing contractions at 6 a.m. but by 2 p.m. after some great pelvic back massage by DH and some extra sleep, all the squeezing was gone and I was feeling pretty good. Tried to go to sleep at 8:15 p.m. tonight because I was tired, took my zantac for heart burn, but it was still bothering me at 10:15 so I got up to eat a snack. Now I hope I can actually go back to bed and sleep because I figure I will have these babies soon. Currently 37 + 2.


Funny thing, whole grains or complex carbs are suposed to be good they said, but for me if i ate like shredded wheat plain which is a ton of fibre, it did not work at all for my numbers. some foods react differently with people.  after a week or two you can figure it out what works and what does not.


FYI, home run in pizza's, make uncured meat ones, so no worries about nitrates AND for me anyway the thin crust ones with a glass of milk worked wonders on my numbers..just something to try.


Caihla is actually on Zantac right now for her GERD.  Hoping to see results soon, but from what i've read it can take up to a week to see any improvement.  I just want her to be able to eat and not vomit.  Right now she is starting to realize mommy's boobs = pain and today she refused to eat from me. I had to pump and give her it in a bottle. :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-29 23:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?



Ugh I'm sorry you fail the 3 hr test. I worry about that test so bad with my food allergies I will give the nutritionist a major stroke if I had to see one. Hopefully you can find a trick or two that I hear so many others doing to get it under control.


Yes surgery is a scary thought. I try not to think about that part because their is no way I'm doing it for kicks. They would have to be very certain it was needed, not just tell me I'm having a big baby or getting too close to my due date like so many other ppl I know. But I think my OB knows better to even talk about inductions with me. He never once brought it up with Alexis like so many women I know around here. They were shocked I didn't have a date set yet headbonk.gif


I had a c-section and a days notice about it.  The baby was over 8lbs, i'm only 5'4.i'm also turning 40 in a few days, i had GD, and at 39 weeks i still had not dilated and the baby still wasn't in my pelvis. ORiginally i was suposed to be induced, but he said i might end up taking 13 hours to go into labour, and safest bet for me was to have the c-section.


FYI i just got some of the bills today and almost had a heart many bills for so  many different people and everything.  still waiting for the NICU wonder people i know declared bankruptcy...

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-29 22:10:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I don't know why, just having surgery worries me. I know that every mom has said it's no big deal but the thought makes me nervous. 


Unfortunately I failed my 3 hr and now have GD sad.png I'm glad my diet is regulated but I'm predicting I'll have to do insulin because my sugar levels are still all over the place even though I've been following everything to a "T". 

You dont have to do insulin, i didn't.  they will tell you to go see a dietician who will tell you how many calories carbs you can have based on weeks pregnant, how much weight you've already gained etc.  After a week or so your doc will look at your numbers and then decide on medication, and you can ask about Glyburide, its what i did, its a pill.  Mostly my fasting numbers were borked and she gave me the lowest dosage of that pill and it worked wonders immediately.


not eating sugar, and staring at labels in the stores was annoying, basically the only thing your allowed to eat lots of is protein aka meat, and most veggies.  it sucks but i did what i had to do for the baby.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-29 22:02:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

My cloth diaper stash has made it to Maumee, OH as of last night. Should be delivered by the end of the day tomorrow.  I went to the La Leche League meeting last night. I am glad I went. They discussed the 10 things to remember about newborn breastfeeding and I got to hear from other moms about their experiences including a lady I met at pre-natal swim class who had her little girl a month ago.  They loaned me a book about breastfeeding multiples that I am looking forward to reading.


this is a great guide if you want to read it, it goes week by week, the hospital sent it to me when i registered.



KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-22 13:40:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Kimbear glad to hear that Caihla is getting better and that she is finally getting the hang of latching onto you instead of always having to take pumped milk. Hopefully pumping will be a thing of the past for you soon as she gets the hang of latching on. I really have to hand it to you though, getting up every 3 hours to pump sounds like a lot of work but I am sure it will be totally worth it for her in the long run.


Marilyn, I don't know how formula mom's do it without some additional resources, formula is crazy expensive. I hope all of Emily's shots go well.  I wouldn't be looking forward to that either - from what I hear babies get crabby and sometimes get fevers and such after vaccinations sad.png


AFM, I don't know what exactly the doctor did on Friday, it was the first time I met him with this practice. I had my group B strep swab and a cervical exam.  Not dilated yet which is good for 35 weeks with twins. But man the pain afterward was horrendous - no bleeding or anything but cervical pain that basically made me lay in bed for 3 days.  Ugh. Today I am feeling a little better. I can sit up which on Friday I couldn't do at all but not for long. I am so ready to have these babies and then start a whole new round of aches and pains. Every joint in my body ached last night and I tossed and turned.


We had terrible winds and rain here yesterday. Spent most of my day in the basement sorting through baby clothes and removing the plastic dodads that hold things onto the clothes. Baby socks were the worse, so many plastic things. DH just came home, I guess his place of employment doesn't have electricity this morning and he usually starts work at 6 a.m. I think I will just stay put for the day. I just turned on the news. Lots of schools are closed because of all the trees down blocking roads and electricity being out.


you were probably sore becuase they poke at your cervix to see if its dilated.  my ob did this everytime i went and each time i bled and was super crampy.  unfortunately it didn't do a damn thing for me lol up until the baby was delivered via c-section i still had not dilated and she still did not go down into my pelvis.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-22 13:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

you people must think i'm crazy then, i actually set my alarm every 3 hours to pump.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-16 22:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Almost forgot, she had her appontment with the Pediatric Cardiologist yesterday.  She had an Ekg done, and has to wear a holter monitor for 24 hours.  The doc explained exactly where the problem was with her heart beats, how each beat has 3 sections to it and its one section the pac's that was the issue.  he also showed me a better way to check her heart rate, rather than couting for a minute he said just do 6 seconds and add a zero.  Way easier.


she will go back again in another 3-4 months for another checkup.  But he told me not to worry at all and just relax.  she weighed 8 lbs 6.5 oz which is only a 2.5 oz increase over a week ago.  Again he told me not to worry that her weight will fluctuate for a while and to just check it on a monthly basis.  At 3 weeks she is above her birth weight so its all good.  I really like this Pede Cardi doc, he even teased me about my accent when i said about or out lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-16 10:43:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


Kimbear is she just fussy during that time? 5hrs is a long stretch and boy I know how that is. Alexis screamed from day one and the doctors didn't listen to me turns out I was right and she had acid reflux. Where does she sleep during the day if she sleeps better. You could try a slow/low flow nipple for the bottles it would slow her down and also help with the transition later if you aren't using them already. 


I did the same thing when my husband went back to work, although with Alexis it lasted 6 months. 


We asked them if she might have acid reflux since she also spits up / pukes so much it seems but they said it was more do to her cold which has gotten worse.  She is extremely nasally and with the saline drops and booger sucker i'm getting out quite a bit of stuff out of her nose each day now. Hopefully its almost over. its been a week now that she has been like this. She hates when i use the sucker and screams at me.


all the nipples we have are slow flow, some slower than others ( those she takes a tantrum with).  She is the most gassy baby i've ever seen.  I swear its like someone stuffed a stick of dynamite up her butt just to see how she compares on the richter scale LOL.  it still freaks me out how gassy she is from both ends.  it feels like a jet engine starting every time she farts, and shes loud!  David was upstairs in the office and heard her "explode". 


during the night, it turns out shes just a very noisy active sleeper.  she cries, flails around, whimpers etc and it turns out all with her eyes closed fast asleep.  Every time i turn on the light to check on her she quiets down and looks like an angel.  then when i walk away go back to bed, BAM, she does it again.  I swear she is screwing with me on purpose sometimes lol.  Turns out this active sleep is normal and eventually will turn into quiet sleep i'm told.  It just sucks since i'm such a light sleeper to begin with. 


good news, yesterday she breast fed and latched on twice !  one time was absolutely no problem, the other time was at 1:30 am, and she fought with me and screamed for a good 30 mins before she caved in and accepted my #######.  


Now if only i could get her to sleep upstairs so i can rest my back on my bed. I miss my bed so much and cuddling to my husband lol.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-16 10:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so last night she decided to be a gremlin for 3 hours from 12 to 3 am.  i hung out in the living room so my husband could sleep.  it was hard because I couldn't take a break like usual by passing her off to my husband..


David went back to work on Monday so i've been doing the same thing.  Caihla's screaming hours / fussy fits are between 12-5am.  Last night she screamed for no apparent reason other than she has a voice from 4am on. So we stayed downstairs in the living room with me trying everything to calm her down.  Even my dogs were scared and stayed up in the bedroom with David.  She really freaks me out when she screams that loud, especially when its right in my ear :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-12 16:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Marilyn I hope Emily passes this gremlin stage for you quickly. I was reading about the growth spurts at 2, 6, and 12 weeks and like Ontarkie was saying hopefully these will pass quickly.

Kimbear, maybe some extra skin to skin time with you while breast feeding will help you and Caihla get some sleep and help her get better since breast milk is supposed to have anti-bacterial properties. I hope you can relax, rest, and feed your little girl.

AFM, I did try adding another pillow under my leg in sort of a tripod configuration and it seems to have helped the hip pain. The boys have gotten very kick happy. I videod my belly going all wavy and bumpy yesterday because the boys were really going to town. I have a terrible ear ache, not sure why. I gargled with warm salt water and that helped me go back to sleep for a few hours. I think I am going to get a hot water bottle and lay my head on that to see if I can get my ear feeling good again.


heh the problem with skin to skin as i've found out is it causes "baby coma" :P  we both end up fast asleep, and i'm worried i could crush her or drop her off my lap. Her cold for the most part seems overwith.  i'm now burping her after every 1 oz, to minimize any loss when/ if it comes back up.  She is extremely gassy at both ends.


Sorry for the hip pain, the last month of my pregnancy my left hip was making me cry almost.  especially since they say to lay on that side to give the uterus more blood flow and oxygen.  One happy note: my edema has finally gone away from my legs and feet!! :)  it vanished overnight and i can fit into my shoes again lol.  Although now i have all this wrinkly skin EWWW lol.  And bloody hell my hands are like sandpaper especially the tops of them from washing so much at the nicu, the dry air from the hospital, and all the hand washing of the baby bottles and breast pump parts.  I need to find some super strenght good moisturizer.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-12 13:46:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Caihla caught some sort of bug or something. i'm guessing it was from the sniffling delivery guy who brought us our new fridge..grrr.  she has a stuffy nose sounds like a gremlin, and is doing more than spitting up her milk.  sometimes a couple ounces comes right back up undigested, meaning the phlegm is blocking it from making it to her stomach :(  so we have now brought her into the pediatrician twice this week, once for her first checkup and 2nd for this cold.


they told us to put her on pedialyte for 24 hours and see how she is.  poor little girl was sneezing so much sometimes.  Now she seems to be through the worst of it but David now has the cold!


she has not gained any weight in the week we brought her home either :(  mind you she has not lost any either but still.  today is our first day alone since David is back at work.  trying to get any naps in is hard when Caihla wakes up every 2 hours. by the time i feed her warmed breast milk i've pumped, and she falls asleep again, its time to rinse and repeat.  im lucky if i get 30 mins each time.  since she was on pedialyte i did manage to pump some excess milk bottles that david can feed her so i can get a nap. which i did manage to do last night on the couch.  I know i'll get used to this eventually and her witching hours won't be from midnight to 5am anymore. i just have to wait it out.  


no one told me carrying around a baby was going to kill my back either LOL.  my back is in such pain this week..apparently i'm suing muscles i didn't know i had! :)





KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-11 10:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Those are adorable pics Marilyn!  Can't believe how fast time is flying.  We had the photographer at the hospital take pics of Caihla.  They took like 100 pics but we only got 20.  That digital thing is kind of a rip off imo. I've also been snapping my own pics like crazy.


Here are the pics from the hospital:


I look absolutely dreadful, i haven't been able to die my hair and its almost 100% grey now :(  I need a makeover! lol

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-11-03 00:32:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

yay great news,


Get yourself a lactation consultant asap. 2 oz is a lot and sounds like you are going to end up giving yourself an over supply. Feed her before she starts getting hungry so she can latch on with out getting frustrated. A Lactation consultant can get you set up with a sms(thin tube taped to your nip) and that way she can get on and get some of your pumped milk right off the bat. Then wean her off that, can be a bit easier. if you get a LC get her to look for tongue tie many doctors can't be bothered to look for them and feel they aren't a big deal when they really are. 

we actually talked to a few lactation consultants this week, and found out they have free support meetings every monday which i'll be going to now.  they were really helpful and explained that even though my boobs looked fine, i actually have flat nipples. So we tried a few diff things like using a syringe to put a small amount of BM in her as i'm putting my nipple in to help her latch on.  its a work in progress but well get there.  right now shes eating about 70-110ml of BM a feeding every 3 hours.

we also tried nipple shields but Caiha 100% hates those and i dont blame her lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-30 21:39:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Caihla comes home tomorrow!!!!!!  her irregular heartbeats are gone and now if she gets upset it rarely goes past 180bpm and comes right down again.  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We will still have to see a cardiologist occasionally for the next while, and they are giving me the instruments to check her bp and heart beat etc at home.  But she seems all better now.  it has been a rough exhausting week, especially with the nicu shoving formula down her throat to keep her quiet and calm, which i'm still trying to get her unused to.  


They bloody got her nipple confused, with formula and pacifiers etc, and now she has a hell of a fussy time latching on.  I have to pump breast milk, feed her an oz or two and then try the breast.  she is very demanding and is used to getting fast food for free so she freaks out on the slow ####### that is not instant gratification.  so we've been working hard last two days trying to unbottle train her.


funny thing they kept telling me "shes a spitter" well no wonder ya jerks are shoving so much formula down her throat when her stomach is the size of a walnut!  So she was constantly puking up and coughing up.  Now she rarely spits up at all and no more nasty smelling formula.  at worst she was getting some at like 3 am when my pumped bottles were used up.  I'll tell you, buying a Mendela breast pump that was on sale at babies r us was a godsend.  BEST THING EVER!  the two phase pumping works wonders and is 10 times better than the ancient massive piece of machinery the hospital had me use in my room.  225$ spent very well.  Too bad my insurance sucks..stupid grandfathered plan..grrr. 


I am finally feeling more confident with her and not like i'm holding a porcelain doll.  cuddling with her doing tummy time on my stomach on the reciner makes us both fall asleep lol.  I can't get over how freakign adorable and cute she is all the little noises she makes, smiles, etc.  Its just AMAZING. 



KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-30 21:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

we found out today that Emily now weighs about 10lbs ohmy.png .. She has almost doubled in size in about 5 weeks.  She has also grown about 3 inches,,




Holy moly she is growing fast!! :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-30 20:51:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Well Caihla was born Friday the 25th at 12:49 she was 8lbs 2oz, but i can't bring her home yet.  she is in the NICU, and has some heart issues.  irregular heart beats and high continuous heart rates when she gets upset.  basically if she had a pacemaker it'd be malfunctioning.  i'm exhausted sore and have not stopped crying since they took her away from me saturday night.  


i never knew what it meant when people talked about he love for a child when its born, and now i realize what that is.  i would do anything for her to protect her and keep her safe and i feel like i'm dying because i can't be with her every minute.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-28 20:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

well it turns out based on todays ultrasound that i'm now having a c-section tomorrow morning rather than being induced. too many variables to account for etc.  kinda nervous. Here's to everything going well!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-24 15:43:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hey ladies!!

Good luck on the upcoming birth kimbear.

I have a question do you ladies remember who is was that drove back to cnada to long ago?

And are you ladies still doing your Canadian income taxes?

I'm working on the outland process to get the hubby to canada and my US citzenship at the sane time


Thanks! :)


If i recall correctly that was Colleens who moved back to Canada shortly after her baby was born with her husband.


I have no reason to do any Canadian taxes, i have no income no rrsp nothing.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-23 12:48:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

More baby cuteness incoming lol.  Tomorrow i go over the induction process with my OB, and it looks like baby Caihla will be here this weekend.  I'm a complete mix of emotions and have a million things going through my head.  Things like do i have everything i need, do we have enough quickie meals for the both of us, what if the induction turns out to be a c-section, is the house clean enough, etc etc. How are my dogs going to react.  My hubby's already been having a daddy freak out this week ( stress from work hasn't helped).  I really hope everything goes ok.



KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-23 11:22:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

LOL what a look omg.  that is frameworthy right there!! She's planning some sort of mischief for ya! :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-20 10:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Marilyn, that is too funny, it seems there are so many cute things for little girls to put on their heads, but they hate them!  My sister just puts it on her daughter anyway and finally she seems to put up with them now.


Kimbear, you are getting so close, that is very exciting!  Glad you are getting clothes for your little girl from far flung relatives. That is sweet.


Saw the dietician and diabetes nurse today - thanks to 30 minutes of exercise every day, I am able to stay away from insulin, for now. Stress can really screw it up. If I end up on insulin, then I have to see my OB twice a week! Um, no, I don't have time for that, but I do have time for exercise. I will do whatever it takes to keep away from insulin.


ya i was ok with just diet, however my morning fasting numbers were the ones with the problem and nothing not even insulin would help she said as it had to do with your liver etc making glucose while you sleep.  easiest thing to do was to put me on the glyburide really small dosage and it has worked wonders.  ironically my GD seems to be going away.  ALL my numbers are getting lower last couple of weeks and my OB said its possible it is going away.  


put it this way i caved in and had one  of those pretzel bacon cheeseburgers at wendy's today, with fries and a coke.  i know i know,  OMG THE CARBS!!! lol, well my number for my sugar..was under 120!!! how the hell i have no idea but i'll take it! smile.png  its the first take out i've actually had since i got preggo.  aside from the morning sickness days when all i could eat was pizza. i felt human for the first time in a while smile.png


soon as i hit 35 weeks she told me i was going to have appointments twice a week, technically 6 total, one is the ultrasound, one is the internal exam, and the 3rd is the non stress test.  its about an hour to an 1.5hr each time.

Edited by Kimbear, 18 October 2013 - 08:00 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-18 19:58:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Welp had my dr appointment today.  I haven't dilated a single smidge since a week ago.  They said 90% positive i'm going to be induced.  t-12 days til due date.  Have 2 appointments next week so i'll  prolly find out the details then.


Got a HUGE box of clothes from a great aunt i have not met.  i can't believe how much clothes we have now LOL.  Its at the point i'm running out of dresser space hehe.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-18 18:46:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

OH shes is just so adorable!!!  Glad to hear she's a quiet baby so far :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-17 06:49:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

OMG so my husband came home today with the gifts from his works babyshower..and i almost cried when i saw this:


it even says Banff Canada on it! our family baby shower we had hardly anything pink, lol well we got all sorts of clothes and blankets and things in pink :)  I still can't believe his department did this for him.  It was such a sweet thing to do for us.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-16 19:18:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


When I saw my DH's Canadian "short form", I was like, that isn't a birth certificate! I am not even sure you can get a "short form" in the U.S. I haven't ever seen any birth certificate down here that didn't have the parents names along with the child's information. Usually they are at least 8.5 by 11 paper or larger depending on where a person is. It is interesting to see how different places deal with birth certificates. My mom had one of those "hospital birth certificates" but when she got her driver's license she had to get one of the "real ones". I keep all of our certificates - birth, marriage, immigration stuff, passports - in a fire proof box in our house. I don't want to have to pay to get them again.

In Quebec until recently  all you got was a baptismal certificate from the church which is what i had til i got my passport back in 2008.  i guess teh church is not as trustworth as the government either :P

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-16 10:36:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Just a thought about borders and babies.  At the hospital they gave us a form to fill out for the birth certificate and said we needed to wait two to four weeks before sending in the application.  And then with the shutdown they weren't sure how long that would take after.  They also gave me a square paper that is a commemorative birth certificate from the hospital. Basically, it's designed for the baby book, but it is signed by the OB, Admin and the attending nurse.  I wonder if that is what they talk about for proof from the hospital.  Not very official looking but....


On a side note, baby Lily is slightly more calm the last day and she seems able to sleep for an hour at a time at night.  Sometimes.  I got a two hour stretch last night that was heavenly.  When she wakes up though she wants to eat forever (this morning she fed for an hour and a half!) and it's all I can do not to fall asleep during. Zzzzzzz.  Things are progressing a little easier now on day 5. 


We fall in love with her even more everyday and just when you didn't think it was possible, even more.  Just can't stop watching her  smile.png


Our hospital is doing all the paperwork for BC and SSN# and we just have to wait for them to come in the mail.  I don't think i'd be awake enough to fill any forms out after giving birth lol.  My understanding is the BC you need for everyting like passport etc is just like the long forms back home, they have to have parents names etc on them, at least thats what i've read for certain applications.


Glad Lily is getting calmer.  I still don't know how i'm going to survive on so little sleep the first few weeks.  and hour and a half feeding?? oh jeez.  Here i was thinking they would eat for a short time since their stomachs are really really tiny, and then sleep! 

My benefits finally kicked in. I got 2 weeks worth of meds for 5 bucks instead of 1100$. Pretty sure I can get reimbursed for my first 2 weeks meds in October also. 


oh thats great news. about damn time eh? :) Hope they pay for the other meds too. You need a break b4 L&D!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-16 09:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Kimbear, sorry that you had to have your cervix messed with today.  Sounds not so much fun. Today I had another "vaginal exam" which I guess I will have every week from now until the babies are born.  At least today, the doctor seemed more gentle and I am not having terrible cramps and pain afterward.


Maternity photos had to be pushed back until Sunday. Hopefully the weather is good then.


well it seems they are going to piss off my cervix each appointment now til i go into labour!! lol.  they are checking to see if i dilated but jeez do they have to poke that hard??!! Apparently i'm between 1-2 cm now, and thankfully i did not bleed this time.  But the backache and cramps that came after were not so much fun. :(


and i think my GD has slowed down / cleared up.  My numbers have been ridiculously good and low last two weeks.  i guess that's a good sign!  DR office gave me a bunch of freebies again.  I think i have 200$ worth of formula and stuff now from them and the online stuff i signed up for.  I intend to BF, but its always good to have a backup i guess.  If i don't use the stuff i'll give it to a pantry / shelter.  Craps expensive enough i'm sure people can use it.


My husbands work just threw him a baby shower lol.  I dont even know what to say.  they are quite aware of our long immigration journey and history to get this far.  Im not sure whether to laugh or cry right now. and i have his parents coming over with more stuff for us today too!  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-16 09:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Team Green has turned into a baby girl!  Lily arrived on October 10th weighing 6 pounds 6 ounces and 20.5 inches long.  She was definitely bigger than expected and all that worrying ended up not mattering.  She had to deal with jaundice and we stayed in hospital an extra day and a half in pediatrics under the bili lights.  That was very emotional- she would cry and cry and squirm around to get out of the eye coverings and I wasn't allowed to pick her up for hours.  sad.png  Thankfully she was released late Saturday and we are all home now.  And of course, utterly sleepless.  I knew babies were a lot of work but no one told me I'd get an hour of sleep a night.  I think it's cluster feeding ... anyway, I'll fill you in more later but wanted to update you.  She has beautiful eyes and hair that totally remind me of my husband smile.png  I was bald when born haha!


Congrats New Mama!! Glad everything cleared up with the bilirubin.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-16 09:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


Sounds like what "early labor" could be. We were discussing stages of labor at my childbirth class last night and she said that back pain and crampy contractions that would make you bend over and stop what you were doing for a minute or so. We discussed that this could go on for days. Hope your little girl has gotten herself firmly seated in your pelvis so she can get herself out when the time comes. What is your due date again?


Yesterday, I was 30 weeks and I was having back pain and bend over moments myself. They basically quit when I laid down, but I have to say it scared me because I don't want my twins to come this early. I need 6 to 10 weeks more to wrap my head around the fact that my life will change forever. Today my DH and me are having maternity pictures done. It is supposed to be a beautiful fall day.  DH doesn't have to work overtime this Friday (the first time in about 6 months!). He is very happy about that. He had been getting crabby about how the US companies work their employees too much.


What are everyone's plans for Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday? DH wants a special meal so I am going to whip one up, too bad that with gestational diabetes I won't be able to eat much of it. Tuesday is his birthday and we are going out to eat for that.


Technically i'm due Oct 30th, and she already said due to the GD she wont let me go past that date.  I couldn't imagine having twins with twice the pain and stuff.  don't think i'd survive it lol.


I haven't celebrated Canadian thanksgiving since i moved here :(  and you should be fine, just lay off the gravy/ potatoes stuffing.  eat tons of the rest lol. 


ugh so i went to my appointment today, everything is looking good still, but my cervix is still thick and not interested in thinning yet so she tried to get it to jump start by poking around and trying to see if she could feel the baby's head.  Needless to say i'm sore with more backache and cramps now and bleeding which she told me was normal. and she had me adjust my gd meds to dinner time since my morning numbers are  dropping.  i was at like 56 this am which is way too low.


FYI splenda is a godsend lol, i made some banana cake and oatmeal cookies and they tasted good, a bit drier than normal but i can adjust that with more egg or milk etc.  i just figured out the carbs from the flour etc and divided it by the number of pieces to get a per pcs amount.  i really needed something sweet lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-11 12:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

So my lower back  has been really sore the last couple of days.  I'm not sure if that means anything but i know i've been taking it easy and resting.  No other weirdness other than the occasional contraction that causes me to have trouble standing up straight cuz my pelvis feels like it has so much pressure.  My next appointment is tomorrow.  Wondering if the baby has moved further  down and is now in that  pelvic area.  would explain alot.  Keep reading up on signs of labour since i have no idea what to expect other than what i read.  getting kind of anxious nervous as well.  


Just made a birth plan, going to give it to my OB tomorrow to see if its ok and stuff.  its just a one page simple thing really.  This weekend i should finish packing my bag for me and hubby.  Baby bag has been packed for 2 weeks already lol.  Trying to figure out what else i need to do before hand but keep drawing blanks.  I attempted to teach hubby how to use the new washer/ dryer and dishwasher..i have a feeling that will be an issue lol.


I made some food i can freeze and hubby can just heat and server so i don't have to cook the first week. really need to get off my butt and get hubby to put the car seat in car. or figure it out..or go to the FD to ask them to help  lol. 



KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-10 09:42:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I think i found a way around the passport ( no ssn#) so i can get Caihla her Canadian Citizenship.  i need only ONE photo id for her and i can get a State Id card here for a child apparently.  That should work according to the info on the Canada site along with her birth certificate. So i can worry about her ssn and usa passport later on.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-09 18:08:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

So all tests came back ok, I don't have preeclampsia, no strep B, the fetal NST was good, i saw the baby's face on the ultrasound today! so looks like i'm going for a full 40 weeks.  She already weighs in at 6 lbs 13 oz.


And I FINALLY found a pediatrician office i LIKE! they actually spent over an hour with us explaining stuff and giving us a tour and letting us meet the whole staff. Finally some competent people compared to the other clinics. I left with a binder filled with info on the clinic the doctors nurses, wellness tests lactation stuff. OH and they have a lactation consultant too who is one of the pediatric nurses!  Just an over all warm feeling from the whole staff.  These people obviously love what they do which is what i was looking for.


Bad news is i'm going to be spending a lot of gas now, they want me in twice a week for an ultrasound and another NST, each and every visit.  

Edited by Kimbear, 07 October 2013 - 08:53 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-07 20:51:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hey all just thought I would do by and say hi. Being a mother is one of the strangest but wonderful feelings in the world.

We think Emily now weighs almost 7.5lbs. She will be 2 weeks on Monday.
Hey all just thought I would do by and say hi. Being a mother is one of the strangest but wonderful feelings in the world.

We think Emily now weighs almost 7.5lbs. She will be 2 weeks on Monday.


Glad its all going well. Enjoy all the mommy time for sure!!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-07 20:48:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Well just got back, they are doing a bunch of blood tests, should  have results by Monday, and they added the 20 minute Non stress test to my Monday ultrasound appointment.  My BP was normal today. Somehow after not gaining weight for a week, i managed to gain 2 lbs in 3 days wow.gif . no idea how that works lol.  My husband is going to not have any fingers left if he keeps biting /chewing them the way he is.  I can't tell who is more stressed him or me!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-03 11:08:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Oh Kimbear so much going on for you, I hope things get better soon.


Thanks everyone we are pretty excited.


well today i go in for blood tests for the Pre-eclampsia, and hand in the huge jug of urine (ugh that was blech! lol)  hoping for NO proteins in it, since thats a 100% sign of having it. I'll get the results Monday i imagine when i go in for my Ultrasound to check babys size etc .  hoping it's just normal gestational high blood pressure and they can just give me a small pill or something for it,  do NOT want baby out just yet.  I know i'll be 37 weeks but more time for her lungs etc would be better.  I also do not want a c-section, damn those movies make it look so (shudder) scary.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-10-03 07:05:00