CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

we also found out that every time I go for an injection I am billed separately, $24 each time but that might go up to $35 when our new insurance term starts in June.   With 20 visits altogether that can add up...  I thought it would be included in the Global maternity fee..  I did call the doctor's billing office and they said there was no way they could include it in the global fee sad.png


so my husband suggested that we just do the shot ourselves.  My SIL was some kind of nurse years ago so maybe she could do it..


My ppo told me labs diagnostics xrays are billed separately, everything else is billed at the end. thus why i already have a 300$ bill to pay sad.png


Do you have the actual medication at home?  With my health situation I have shots I can give myself that are a certain type and there was one my doctor had to give me because it was 'intra muscular' - he said that it is possible someone could be trained to give that one though.  So if your SIL is a nurse I bet she knows how.  Are you obligated to go to the doctor for any other reason?

So we currently have healthcare and I'm seeing a monthly OB/GYN and possibly some type of experimental group midwife thing, but my husband is most likely switching to a different company in under 2 months.  The new company goes through different health insurance, and they will NOT cover you for the first 3 months.  Why? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTT (insert rant about healthcare here).  At any rate, he said we will probably need to look for coverage under COBRA for those 3 months.  Never heard of this before, but I am hoping it is simple to figure out how to get on it.


they probably consider it a "preexisting condition" and are being aholes about it.  sad.png  is it your hubby just switchign insurance or is it the company he works for thats changing insurance?  cuz if its the company well thats not  your fault and it should be seamless and just carryover type of thing.

Edited by Kimbear, 07 May 2013 - 01:32 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-07 13:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

 grrr, I am kind of ticked at my doctor's office.  I recently found out that the pharmacy they used to get my progesterone was out of network with my insurance.  So I asked today if they could use an in-network pharmacy and they told me I have to call my insurance to find one..   Why can't they do that?   unsure.png



I really like my doctor and all the people that work in the office but it doesn't seem like they like to do extra work.  They just use places they always use regardless of the person's insurance unsure.png



odd. they always let me pick my own pharmacy and ask me where to send my presciptions.  And i never knew pharmacies had to be in network too! i just use the walgreens down the street or the meijer since at miejer the prenatals are free.


can you transfer your prescription to another pharmacy?  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-06 12:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Been feeling so much better lately (I'm currently 16 weeks), with the occasional hiccup.  Managed to eat most dinner last night except the rice didn't stay down. I had lots of salad, fruit, cereal, etc etc and thought I was doing pretty good at eating.  Then this morning I woke up with a huge headache that is better but STILL bugging me this afternoon, and weighed myself to discover I'm down another pound this week. So discouraging.  I also ate a banana and it came up and then some.  I suppose the moral of the story is, even if I am feeling a lot better I still need to take my anti nausea pill.  That and probably buy myself some type of high calorie shakes.


i was like that too, if i missed a pill i was even more sick.  you can always try those Seabands i think they are called..pressure bandages for the wrists i think?  Also forcing myself to eat when i felt sick alot actually helped me on some days too.


headaches. well i always got migraines and they always made me sick, just now its worse cuz i'm only allowed to take Tylenol, and not my Fiorinol (hospital meds) or Advil.  so i jsut bury myself in the dark cold bedroom.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-03 15:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Congrats on a little girl Marilyn. I guess it worked out perfect since you and your husband couldn't figure out a boys name yet.  I would stick to the name you picked out it, even if someone did complain its not like they own the name.  I have the same name as a few cousins, so maybe that's why I could careless tongue.png



I don't use a neti pot, it doesn't work for me. But my husband does, what weird bacteria do I need to be worried about?

It was somethign in the water down south, it killed 2 ppl in Louisianna i think?  some runoff from lakes rivers etc.  thats why they recommend you use bottled / boiled, distilled water.  


was looking it up but it seems too weird for me LOL.



Marilyn, use whatever name you want, its your baby, and like you said, you barely see that part of the family anyways.  If i were the extended family i'd be happy to know you chose a similar name! lol.

Edited by Kimbear, 03 May 2013 - 03:28 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-03 15:25:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Yay good news Marilyn!! :) so happy for you two!



so everything looks good..  Cervix is long and closed, no placenta previa, lots of amniotic fluid around the baby, It has all the parts it should have.  They only tiny concern the Doctor had was this white spot on the heart.  She said it was a calcium deposit but it doesn't effect the heart in anyway.  It just might be a indicator of Down Syndrome.  But she said it was a very tiny chance of that ,  I think around 1 or 2% and if that all my other tests are normal it should be fine.  I was reading online and I guess a lot of babies have that calcium deposit..


I did find out the gender.  They were 99% sure.  I don't really want to spill the beans because I haven't told anybody in my family yet..


Well i knew it was bound to happy...I got sick.  I hopefully wont end up with bronchitis like David has, but my ears are blocked, my throat feels like sandpaper, and my sinuses are driving me nutty.  And not being allowed to take anything is driving me crazy :(  I cannot remember the last night i got at least 6 hours of sleep.  This sucks lol i want my sleep!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-02 07:49:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I found some prenatal that are chew able and have iron in them..and they don't taste that bad!!! dancin5hr.gif Found em at Wallgreens, same price as all the other ones around 10$.  woot!  AND i think morning sickness is over!!!! 4 days with no puking...yay!!...well..aside from that one morning David said something to me as he had the coffee basket in his hand..and for some reason that made me insta puke...tongue.png


on a bad note...David came down with Bronchitis sad.png  i had to drag the man to the doctor so he could get a inhaler and antibiotics....damn guy arguing with me hes fine..ok great..but I DO NOT want to get sick yes i'm dragging your a$$ to the doctor...rofl.gif  Why are men such stubborn babies? sheesh! smile.png

Edited by Kimbear, 30 April 2013 - 03:03 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-30 15:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Just curious, have any of you considered seeing a chiropractor for back pain during pregnancy? My ob/gyn said it should be okay but I am still a bit leery of it. I am guessing you need to be careful to get someone who knows what to do and not do during pregnancy?


I want to find out about this too, cuz my upper back..kind of where the hunch would be on the hunchback of notre dame LOL is absolutely killing me if i'm on my feet too long.  whether its cooking or cleaning i have to have my  husband try and crac it for me or i'm in tears. :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-29 14:33:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

a smoker has to want to quit.. no amount of begging and pleading is going to make them stop. He doesn't seem to want to quit even though he says he does.. :( I just don't want that around our baby. He doesn't smoke around me but the smell does come in on his clothes, hair etc...

I have never been into the idea of breastfeeding just because it seemed weird to me but I know it is best for the baby. I plan on doing some pumping too because I want my husband to be able to feed the baby sometimes. I pumped after my first baby was born, he was being fed by IV but they told me I could stock pile it for when he could use it. Anyways, I produced a tonne of milk. The lactation nurse was shocked on how much milk I got my first After about 12 days I think I had about 90 ounces that I donated but that was after having to dump probably about 30 to 40 ounces because I ran out of bottles..

David quit cold turkey almost 2 years ago. He still has cravings especially if hes stressed out from work etc. There have been a couple of times he will come home from being a friends houses who smoke a ton and he knows damn well he comes in puts his clothes in a bag and goes straight in the damn shower before coming near me. That is one of my biggest rules whiles pregnant. During winter its even worse since the cold makes the smell just stick to everything.

Our new car, well we have had it for a few months now, he knows i don't want ANY one smoking in it either since i drive and also the baby is going to be in it. no second hand smoke and no nasty roof stains etc for me tyvm. He must love me lol since he agreed to those rules :) I remember him spending like 60$ a carton on cigs every WEEK a few years ago, and here in Chicago we have the highest price in the country iirc, with like a 4 $ tax or something like that per pack! they keep putting another 1$ tax on them every year.

I want to breastfeed, not to save money ( but look at those formula prices) but also because i know its so much better for the baby. Another money saving idea and one i intend to do is make my own baby food. I love cooking and have a ton of equipment already, and i'd prefer fresh fruits and veggies which i can get relatively cheap here at the market rather than the bottles of really pricey stuff that have a ton of other preservatives etc in em.

Edited by Kimbear, 26 April 2013 - 02:40 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-26 14:36:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

does your insurance cover any percentage of the bills after the deductible?

we have the copay and the deductible and then the insurance covers 80% and we pay the remaining 20%.. and then we have and out of pocket maximum of I think $2000 to $3000

ya i called them today and she said everything is 80% as well. we have a ppo with Aetna. so i guess we pay the dedutible and then 20% or 2500$ depending on totals? LOL man i'm just glad everyone is through teh same hospital affiliation and they all take our insurance.

ya i'm going to the store with hubby to get some quick meals and stuff today. i'll browse the frozen isles. its funny that just now i'm realizing so many things i like i've never had down here. hehe at least i can fine Toaster Strudels!! way better then pop tarts..and yes me and hubby have THAT argument weekly :P And THAT french bread thign looks so good right now :)

i know at the 99 cent only stores here they sell these french bread pizzas ou can put in the microwave or toaster oven

or it looks like Stouffers as something similar..
Posted Image

Edited by Kimbear, 25 April 2013 - 04:18 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-25 16:17:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

our insurance covers 80% after we meet the $500 deductible. So I think the bill at the end shouldn't be too bad..

the hospital charged our insurance $11,000 for my cerclage surgery. I was maybe in the hospital for about 8 hours from start to finish and the actual surgery was maybe 5 minutes.. :P We only have to pay about $700 of that though..

Certain tomato sauce type things I cannot eat. It gives me major indigestion. I seem to be ok with pizza though..

ya i'm still confused on this whole health care plan thing. we have a copay, a deductable and a coinsurance out of pocket thingy. the way i'm reading it says the maximum i can pay is 2500$ individual or 5k for family and the deductible is 500$ family. i'm thinking either way i'm a half to cough up 3k. and the labs i was told are billed separatesly, so all the prenatal tests etc. everything else is part of the "delivery fee".

Ditto on the pizza front. Can't seem to eat other meat but it goes down ok. Speaking of which is it weird to bake frozen pizzs for lunch :P It seems sketchy since I was ill over a breakfast of Rice Krispies but I really want it! :whistle:

i wish i could fine those pillsbury frozen pizzas down here the ones you can microwave or toaster oven.. cheese and tomato maybe its all the protein but it works and actually fills me up.

my thinking is I am going to eat what I can eat. Luckily I seem to be over the feeling nauseous part. although there are certain things I can't stand to eat still, like corn tortillas...

But now I have indigestion to deal with :P

my DR told me for now to just eat whatever i can that stays down and worry about the nutrition later. she also said if it comes down to taking my prental or vomiting to just skip the prenatal.

My cravings are all over the place, they are constantly chaging. One day, I am craving Cheese Puffs and the next it is fig newtons.. lol

honestly, i only had the one craving a few weeks ago that was it..the hot dog one. my issue is i get hungry but everyting seems so damn boring to eat! lol. or i get sick of it fast and can't stand to eat more.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-25 16:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

OMG Lilac that is awesome congratulations.

Holy moly twins!! Congrats. I mean i know you had two implanted just in case, but wow both viable. Science is just freaking amazing eh? :)

Are you sure you can't take any allergy meds? I know my DR told me to stay away from anything -D meaning phseudoefedrine but she said normal ones were ok. So i'm allowed to take my Zyrtec aka Reactine.

Edited by Kimbear, 25 April 2013 - 01:58 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-25 13:56:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
So i just got my first batch of bills from the OB. Seems the only ones i'm going to get during the pregnancy are for labs while the others are all billed at delivery. Holy cow this ####### is expensive. All my doctors etc are with the same hospital, clinic, network etc. but good grief i'm looking at the charges for my tests and the office visit and the OB is like 2-3 times the price of my normal DR! EEK. i dont wanna see the bill at the end.

and if one more person says dont worry you can get financial assistance from medicaid or the govt event though i've explained 3 times i'm a green card holder and can't 'im going to slap them all silly. yes i know other ppl do it, yes i know illegals do it. I'd like to not get thrown out of the country thank you very much..or have my husband have to pay back a crapton of money. le sigh.

fyi rice krispy squares FTW. and deep dish pizza and anything tomato sauce like. i know its not the best to eat but it works it stays down and i'm having a better couple of days cuz of it. :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-25 13:46:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Ok i just did a search and it seems hard to find em with Iron, i do see most of them have DHA which i was told to take as well. the only ones i seem to see are the Vitafusion ones. What brands do you use or have you tried?
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-18 11:21:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I have been taking gummy prenatal vitamins. I showed the nurse and she said they were fine. They are so much better the horse pills :P

I was taking gummi normal multi ones that had folic but she told me i needed extra stuff like iron etc based on my blood tests :( i hate my prenatals so much. And the thunderstorms all week are screwing with me. stupid barometric pressure. I"ve had migraines on and off and those are adding to the sickies. i want the first trimester over with all ready so i can enjoy this pregnancy Posted Image

Edited by Kimbear, 17 April 2013 - 08:16 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-17 20:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Today was our 12 week appointment. Our little blob actually looks like a baby now on the ultrasound! Posted Image You can clearly see the little arms and legs and the huge head lol. :) Amazing how much detail there is at such a small size still!

I"m still sick on and off mostly first thing in the morning though :( They took a bunch of blood today for the prenatal exams and UGH that did not help. She said it should calm down between now and 16 weeks. I sure hope so. As for the bleeding etc, my OB decided they dont wanna do anything unless they have to, so i guess i'll just have to deal with it unless its becomes a super big problem.

We decided not do do the extra tests for Down's etc that they wanted to do. The way we see it, they cannot tell you for sure one way or the other, you can't do anything about it, and truthfully, we don't need anymore stress or worries during the pregnancy. So we opted out. I have neither lost weight nor gained anything either. But my thyroid did get wacky and I had to have my meds upped again. Thats about the ONLY pill i can take since its a tiny one. The prenatals are HUGE and make me gag or i get sick right after taking them :( But she said not to worry too much about that. So all in all everything seems to be going good.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-17 17:22:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

How far along are you now Kimbear??

i'm 11 weeks now. i gave up on the zolfram since when i take it it just makes me puke even more :( yesterday was the worst. today i've managed to drink a bottle of water and east some crackers..but man my stomach is so not happy :( how long is this supposed to last? Posted Image
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-10 08:40:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Zofram is not working whatsoever for me. I've been so sick the last two days i can barely keep Gatorade down :( I"m so tired of feeling like puking. i'm so bloated and my diaphragm actually is sore. i think i've developed some kind of GERD too. nothing wants to digest, and every time i burp i just about puke from acid reflux or w/e that stuff is. i feel so horrible. i dont think i've ever felt this sick in my life. i have an appt next week with my OB, i'm hoping she can give me something to help with this. i dont know what to do anymore. :( my husband is worried, my dogs are freaking out cuz they wanna know why i'm so sick. i just want this to be over with already.
KimbearFemaleCanada2013-04-09 13:54:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Therapy session was ok, talked a bit about whats pissing me off , somet things more than others etc. some family history that was relevant etc.  Therapist seems...overly nice.  It was a bit weird, and i was nervous so had a tendancy to ramble on then forget what point i was trying to make.


When i was done i could not find David or Caihla, i was in for an hour, and i found him wandering the halls with her crying.  She apparently had a really bad Gerd attack and puked all over the place on him and the bathroom floor.  Looked like shed been crying for a while.  He looked a tad exasperated.   Imagine how I feel for an ENTIRE day of that? lol


I think her growth spurt is almost done.  She is not eating every hour on the hour anymore.  and does not seem starving.  This last month was rough.  Giving her the meds 3 times a day before meals, seems to not be going too well.  10 mins after i give them to her before i even feed her she spits up the medicine.  The only flavour they can do is grape for it, and she has learned how to spit, and she gets a death grip hold on the syringe and now turns her head towards the bed.  You'd think i was killing her when its medicine time. :(  Spitting up actually seems to be more often now then it was.  I'm just so fed up of everyone telling me to "deal with it" :(


Chiropractors are not covered by our insurance, David went to one when his back was killing him and he got a huge bill for the adjustment the guy was a 15 min thing and cost us a few hundred bucks. :(  Her 6 month appointment is soon, i'll ask about probiotics again, but i have a feeling they will just ask why she is not on solids yet.  


maybe its just me but i remember doctors up north actually caring more and doing stuff themselves.  here the peds ask you a few questions for like 5 minutes and have assistants etc do everything else.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-04-19 11:25:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

your babies all look so happy and adorable :)


Caihla is 13.58 lbs still, no growth in a week, and is now 25 inches long.  and 5.5 mo old.  she was 8lbs 2oz when born, i was hoping she would indeed double her birth weight, but she is still in the sub 5%.


Well, for some reason Chicago doctors refuse to give anything other than zantac here, even the specialists.  All he did was change it to 3 times a day from 2, and tell me to start feeding her solids..when shes not even able to sit up yet and still has her tongue thrust reflex...even my pedi told me to start her on solids. #######...tellling me she will gain weight more if i give her solids as well.  From what all the LC's tell me and the bf'ing forums, milk is all she needs til a year and its the easiest on her stomach.  I do NOT want to start feeding her rice cereal etc..and no way in hell i'm feeding her those baby jars of blech with color and additives in them. no ty.


Cardiologist said her irregular heartbeats are still there.  another checkup at 1 year.  Bascially this is what she has had since she was born: http://pediatrichear...ntractions_pacs


My first therapy appointment is tonight, i'm kind of nervous.  I have to leave Caihla with David in the waiting room, and she's going through a HUGE growth spurt eating every hour on the hour.  this is the most intense growth spurt shes had yet. i'm freaking exhausted, and David does NOT do well with her when she has her fussy / whining, crying fits. I just hope shes ok til i'm done tonight.



KimbearFemaleCanada2014-04-14 11:28:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I haven't posted in a while, as we've been having some issues.  Long story short we have an appointment with a GI specialist this week for Caihla.  Her meds stopped working and the doc refused to give her something other than a Zantac like liquid, called AXID, which in turn gave her such abdominal pain and cramps that we almost rushed her to the ER again.  She also vomited up yellow stomach acid.  Needless to say Gerd got worse, and we promptly stopped that Axid due to her reactions to it. Apparently docs do not want to give us any different meds as they are not "fda approved for use under 1 year".  So no prevacid or anything :(  This has led to a lot of crying non stop, and no sleeping.  Its like she is scared of nursing and scared of sleeping to the point she wails for hours until she is exhausted and finally passes out.


Lack of sleep, frustration, lots of anger and yelling have caused me to seek an appointment with a therapist, I'm so angry lately, and i take it out on my dogs, my husband, i even yelled at Caihla in no uncertain terms to STFU and stop crying. :(


We also had her cardiologist checkup this week, and were told she may have a thickening of the wall on her heart.  EKG, Echo, and another holter monitor test, and we are now awaiting those results.


She seems to be gaining a pound a month, and is now almost 14lbs.  Her height is growing faster than her weight which figures as dad is 6'2..or is it 6'3.  She can now sit up pretty good with little help, she has rolled over both ways, has more use of her hands and tries to feed herself. Another 2 weeks and she'll be 6 months.  Im kind of sad that the first 6 months have been so hard on her :(  I still feel so guilty about all her medical issues. a baby should not have to go through so much BS like this :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-04-08 11:32:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Congratulations!!! OMG that hair!! Love it! Look at all that chubbiness too. teehee. He is absolutely darling!

Marilyn she is getting cuter by the day! :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-03-05 11:49:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

DH has finally filed for naturalization!  Now the wait begins again!


My oldest baby by 2 minutes slept for 11 hours the last two nights!  Yippe!  Granted my milk producing devices haven't gotten the message about the decreased night time need.  Ouch!  I used my pump for the first time this morning.  Worked okay, but man keeping the little funnel things on the right place was a pain.  Definitely not a hands free activity.  Need to make myself a wrap that holds them in place so I can move a bit, maybe eat breakfast while I do the pumping. I would like to get a couple bottles frozen up so I could maybe go shopping in the evening and leave the babies with dad.  He is freaked out about being left alone with the two of them when they are awake. I just have to shake my head, I am with them alone all day long while he is at work. He can handle an hour!


i wish my kid slept the night..she did for a week..and that was it. lol  between growth spurts, cluster feeding and now sleep regression i dont know how much more i can go through.  last night she slept for 4 hours..that the most in the last month!


it takes a while for your milk and the baby's need to regulate.  took me about 3 months before engorgement etc stopped.  Now i'm lucky if i can pump an oz out of one #######. :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-02-18 13:40:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I will be trying this out.


Too much work LOL and i dont feel like destoying a bra. I got a simple wishes hands free one at 50% off. paid like 15$ total.  code is still good if you want it: simple50

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-02-18 13:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Congrats on the baby, hes adorable!


FYI dont stress about BFing during the first day or two.  Baby has a bunch of stored food so its not going to hurt him if he isn't able to nurse.  Formula at that age only expands the tiny marble sized tummy.  If you have a lacation consulatant at the hospital ask them for some help and a pump.  Usually they can do this for you.


you may want to try the side laying position or the cross cradle hold, its easier on you when  you have a c-section.  Also if dad is lactose intolerant baby may be as well and formula tends to be super gassy.  Just keep offering the breast every hours or so if you can.  During the first 2 days Caihla only ate 3 times total before nicu took her away.  

Caihla did 10/10 also, usually 99% of babies don't get this due to the blue skin on hands and feet but Caihla was all pink!

and you probably got a lot of sun in the summer / fall and had your vitamins.  Thus no bilirubin.  I used to lift up my shirt and let the sun shine on it for a bit in the summer.  it helped. if she had that it would have just complicated so much more everything i already was going through.

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-02-03 11:29:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

its crazy how fast they are changing eh? the laughter and smiles just makes the day so much better no matter how many times she cries otherwise.  we got some great pics of her laughing and framed them for grandma as an xmas present.


two days in a row now she slept from 11am to 5am, then was up for about 1.5 hours and back asleep for another 2-3 hour nap.  this lasts until about lunch then after that her naps are few and far between.  Until 4 she is a happy camper then she gets colicky.  she loves sitting up and watching tv with me.  she does grab a bit but its more like give me that bottle or she will push it away, she is pretty good at ripping her pacifier out and throwing it now lol. i still can't get her to lie flat in the pack n play or crib, swaddled it lasts about 5 mins then she freaks out.  she loves falling asleep on the nursing pillow or dad, everything else is a fight.  She hates being put to nap, she fights sleep sooo hard.


She has this bald spot on the back of her head now, i'm thinking she is going to lose her hair :( 

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-01-10 11:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Well I am staying in where it is warm. Terrible wind chills expected today down to -20 or -30.

Same here its -40 with the windchill in Chicago.,

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-01-06 15:54:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

So Caihla had her 2 month well check up today.  She gained a lb and 2 inches YAY! she is 10lbs 10 oz, and he said she is doing amazing. i nearly cried when she got her shots!  those needles are almost as long as her leg is wide! and she got one in each leg and bled a lot :(  my poor baby girl.  They let me nurse her afterwards to help calm her down a bit which was nice.  They also told me that she most likely WILL get a fever from the dtap shot and told me how much tylenol to give her.


She has been sleeping longer hours at night finally anywhere from 4-6 depending on if she feels like it or not and he said i dont have to wake her up for feedings anymore and can start her on a schedule for that and daytime naps now.  She loves to smile so much its crazy cute! she is so alert now and almost holding up her head on her own and she can squeeze my fingers harder and hold onto them but is not quite ready to start holding rattles etc yet.


Her hair is no longer almost black like mine but lighter brown like her dads, and her eyes are not violet anymore they are more blue like mine.  She is just so freakign adorable, and so much happier lately.

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-01-03 19:45:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Glad you passed your Gtt ontarkie! Good luck with the
Iron pills.

Went to follow up with ped. Edward my smaller son was passed hisbirth weight. william my larger son was 3 oz below his.
Have t go back on next week for a recheck but I can't drive yet nor pick up both babies in their carseats. Surgery scar is healing well but I definitely don't want to push it and take longer to heal.


Trust me, you really do want to take it easy as much as you can.  I didn't realize i should have until 8 weeks and started doing stuff i should not have earlier and i was wondering why my stomach still occasionally felt sore.  got in trouble at my PPD appointment when she said to me and hubby that i was NOT supposed to do anythign til min 8 weeks passed..OOPS lol.


its only this week that i finally have no more pain around my scar.  the only pita is that i have ingrown hairs where they shaved and its annoying the heck out of me :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-01-03 19:33:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

William Ernest arrived at 4:13 pm Sat. Dec 21 at 7 pounds 10 oz. Edward Ronald arrived in breech presentation at 4:15 pm Dec 21 at 6 pounds 2 oz. I did pitocin induction from 7:30 am Friday Dec 20 because both boys were head down then until 2:30 pm Sat Dec 21 where even though water was broken for first baby, I never prrogressed past 5 cm. Had spinal and c section.

Stayed in hospital until Dec 25 because of low blood sugar issues with Edward. So happy to be tandem nursing on demand at home now!http://www.mothering.../200/height/400

Ohh Congrats Lilac!!

Hope all the new babies had a good Christmas, and of course mommy and daddy!


Christmas was good. Caihla got lots of attention and it was hard to get her out of the grandparents arms :)


Trying to go there was a lesson in patience.  The drive alone is over an hour, and getting everyone ready to go and remembering diaper bag etc made me tell everyone to come to my place from now on for xmas! lol.

I have about 10 weeks left to go. Passed my 1 hour GTT, but found out I'm slightly anemic so iron pills it is. Lots of cramping going on body is already gearing up for the big day. Appointments are every two weeks now, still need to get more baby stuff but I'm slacking off and it is just now starting to bug me.  


Hope you all have a Happy New Year!


So glad you passed! The iron pills helped me a ton, i was on the verge of being anemic and i found i definitely felt better after the pills. the twice a week appointments got annoying real fast for me. 

KimbearFemaleCanada2014-01-03 19:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Good luck Lilac!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-20 13:14:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

i pretty much feed her mostly on the left side every 2 hours during the day since the right one is always way too full and makes her choke and cough no matter what position i use on her , or even if i pump.  


Its not her shots she only got one and that was almost 2 weeks ago.  Her poops are normal yellow just really watery, but the doc told me sometimes they will be.  I think she is just gettign a cold she sounds very congested in the nose and ive beensucking out alot of stuff. normal colour though.  And i've been fighting a cold the last week sore throat, but nothing else. Today she barely ate anything at 7am :(  I'm hoping after her nap shell feel better.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-19 11:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Ahhh VeeNDee she is absolutely adorable!! So happy she's happy and you guys are happy and less stressed out!!


Caihla is now sick :( she has a 99.5 fever and had 2 really runny wet poops in 2 hours, plus the 2 she had this AM, and she vomited the most i've seen since we brought her to the ER for her GERD. :(


She no longer screams from GERD at least, however i'm thinking she may have silent reflux..she will eat and then all of a sudden just puke her food out. then she'll eat again..puke again, and then tell me shes still hungry but will refuse the ####### and cry when i try and give it to her, then break out in hiccups for a half hour.  All i can do right now is just keep feeding her and hope she keeps it down.


She has been on a 2 hour up 2 hr sleep schedule which seems to be working for us during the day.  Last night she slept from 8pm til midnight and i had to wake her up to eat. She seems tired today too but thats to be expected.  Our Ped said not to worry unless her temp hits over 100 and if she seems more tired than normal etc.  I swear the poor baby can't get a break :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-18 18:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

VeeNDee glad to see a smiling face on your little girl. I am sure that is a relief.

Ontarkie, hope the glucose test went well.

Well, an induction is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 20 when I will be 40w1d. I was comfortable with that because I believe that I will go into labor before that. The Biophysical profile showed that the blood flow from the placentas was good, plenty of amniotic fluid, and the babies looked great. We did a non-stress test too and the heart beats were good - but I did not have any contractions during the 30 minutes I was on the monitor. On the way into the doctor I could hardly walk the baby's head was sitting in such a way to cause me serious pain and I was having strong contractions. Ultrasound estimate of the baby's weights was 6 pounds 14 oz for one and 6 pounds 12 oz for the other. The ultrasound tech said the babies are likely 7 pounds or so because the way the babies are laying it is hard to get a good picture of their bellies and heads which is a major part of the ultrasound estimate of their weights.

I called the chiropractor and tomorrow we will see if maybe she can loosen up the spot where the first head down baby is so he turns a little more, since he is facing to the right in my pelvis. I have done some stair climbing and ate some pineapple as well today.

Glad to hear the babies are doing well.  Ultrasounds can be off by a LB either way.  They told me the day before my c-section that caihla was 7lbs, she turned out to be 8lbs 2 oz.  Hope you can get some help with that pain, i can't imagine what trying to walk with two little ones would be like!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-17 08:46:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Lily has been on Zantac for a week and a half.  The first night she slept for 7 hours straight and I woke up in a panic wondering if she was still breathing!  Since then she has been sleeping a lot better.  3 hours in a row at least for the first stretch and usually around 4-5.  She's been pretty miserable the past week and we were wondering if it was doing anything for her pain since she still seemed super unhappy and colicky.  Colic is so hard... 3 stages: sleeping, eating and crying.  But today she is like a different baby! She also took a NAP today of over 3 hours!  Usually the most we can pull off is 15-20 minutes in the daytime. She woke up smiles in the morning, smiles after her nap and has been sitting on our laps this evening smiling every so often.  Sure she still has her crying bouts but today has been amazing.  My husband and I keep looking at each other wondering if that is what a 'normal' baby is like.  I'm so hoping it continues.  We have her weight check next week Wednesday.  She was 7'12 last time at 2 months so I'm hoping it's better now with Zantac.  Thinking positive here......


I am so happy for you! i'm still trying to figure out what a happy baby is like and keep feeling like we are missing out on so much and that baby is not having a good childhood :(  


We saw a new DR. and he doubled her dose of Zantac, apparently the other doc gave Caihla too little..She gained a lb in 2 weeks which he said was really good.  And i left feelign like a good mama!  when i told him how much i was feeding her this guy was like Woah..thats a lot.  He is more in line with what i think unlike the last doc who tried to tell me my 6 week old should be having 6-8 oz!!  Even this doc was like umm no thats way too much. 


Caihla did NOT like her hep b fact she almost made David cry lol.  He was telling me the look on her face and the quivering lower lip and he almost burst into tears.  I hear you on the nap front..for some reason Caihla wont nap and then gets overtired cuz shes awake for like hours almost.  She was up from 7 AM to 3 PM yesterday like #######!  I even fed her like a champ but damn was she cranky. The last two days of this day and night of not sleeping has made me uber bitchy and snappish about everything too.  I made my husband run out of the house to a store for 3 hours to get away from me :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-17 08:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Still waiting. The doctor on Friday was like "you are 39 weeks pregnant with twins and gestational diabetes. Why haven't you had those babies?" Like I can make them come out all by myself! I really want labor to start spontaneously but on Monday I will be having an ultrasound and depending on the outcome, I think the doctors are going to push for an induction date. I am hoping that the babies decide to come before Monday morning. I don't want to be pushed into having to be induced. But I want my babies to be safe too.

Because of the GD i did not have a choice also i wasn't dilating and the baby wasn't in my pelvis yet.  Hopefully you will deliver on your own. Ultimately it does come down to whats safer for you and the babies,which is why in the end we decided on a c-section, i wasn't going to risk 13 hours of induced labour with no progress, only to be cut open anyway.  That would have been way too much stress and i would have been exhausted to the max.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-17 08:37:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Yeah the Rock and Play made a huge difference for us in her sleeping.  The first night we had it she slept for 4 hours and we were in shock.  She will only sleep in that or on one of us at this point, otherwise she wakes herself up with the reflux.  I think she still wakes up more often at night in the Rock and Play but it's not as bad so she at least goes back to sleep afterwards.  She does the swallowing of the acid and crying with her eyes closed. 


Yeah I know even my brother and sister in law saw how hard it was for us when they visited and kind of laughed in semi sympathy saying , oh that's a first time baby for you.  People kept saying all these things making me feel like I was doing something wrong and it was so stressful trying to handle her constant crying. 


I am nursing her exclusively other than supplemented the first week of her life due to jaundice until I got the go ahead to just BF.  I think I do have a forceful letdown- I can spray across the room sometimes if I hand express.  The problem is I can't FEEL it let down so I don't know when it happens, but sometimes she will unlatch and get annoyed and that is usually when I notice it is possible to spray like that.  Not really sure how to prevent that.


I do keep her upright as much as possible after eating.  She also seems to eat better when I lie down to nurse because it supposedly slows my flow? I dunno but it seems to help a bit.


I am debating a chiropractor now... we'll see how Zantac goes. I hate seeing her so sick.  She puked so much this morning that for the first time she didn't cry after and just sat looking at me and whimpering :-(


I felt so bad when i tried to grab  my  nipple to help caihla latch and i  sprayed all over her face, it was funny but she had this " ####### was THAT" look on her face too lol.


Ignore all the people who try and make you feel like  your doing something wrong.  yoru not, you are doing a wonderful job and handling everything as best you can.  Keep it up Mama and remember not to let your self get too stressed or upset, it wont help your milk supply.


When Caihla gets the  hiccups i know she is done puking, which was like 5-6 times today :(  I sat her in her swing changed her clothes again, and then fed her, by this time she was calmed down and managed to keep milk in her.  She absolutely hates being cold and wet from clothes she has spit up on so much, that i have to feed her naked with just her diaper.  Otherwise she becomes a complete spaz and gets super pissy.

IF you want i can invite you to the Group my friend amy got me to join, called Breastfeeding mamas, they have a website and a FB page it has like 4k members and they are extremely helpful.  Just send me your email and i'll get an admin to invite you.


https://www.facebook...stfeedingmamas/ is the website and they have alot of helpfull stuff.

Ironically the only thing that seems to have helped Caihla is Thanksgiving, ie: turkey coma passed on from me to baby i think lol.  those 3 or 4 days i was eating leftovers she was so good.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-06 12:07:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Just a word of caution many doctors will blame Colic for just about everything, some will go as far as telling you acid reflux doesn't exist.  Spit up and crying is normal just not to the extent you are seeing, it is so hard because many doctors will just look at you like oh your a first time mom and brush you off. If I knew about silent reflux I would of pitched a fit a lot sooner then I did. I wasn't a first time mom but 14yrs between the 2 youngest and I had no idea babies got reflux until I joined a baby board. 


Now the Zantac will help her pain but most of the time not the spiting up, but it makes it more easier for them to handle. Did they tell you to keep her upright for 20-30 mins after she eats?  That should help keep her food down better. I heard a lot of moms use the rock and play and it was a life saver. 


I don't remember if you are nursing or formula feeding, if you are using a bottle check to see if you have low flow nipples, if you do try burping her more often. Like after every once., its a pain in the butt but can help slow her down and maybe she will keep a bit more in. If it's formula you can try one of the ones that have sensitive or the like on it. I know they have much more expensive stuff out there that ppl found work but I have no experience with it. 


If your nursing check to see if you have a fast letdown, does she have problems keeping up with the milk. 


Another thing if you're not leery of Chiropractors they are great for reflux also. I think that is why Alexis out grew it about earlier then some of the other babies I know. 


the doc called yesterday and that is exactly what he did blame colic for everything along with " oh shes a difficult one"...i mean seriously?


for bottles the playtex angled ones work well also. I basically feed Caihla an oz at a time and burp her, if she wont burp i let her sit there with a pacifier for  a bit until i'm sure she wont upchuck. I try to take an  hour to feed her to make sure shes ok, but this am she slept for 2 hours and woke up choking and puking in her sleep :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-06 11:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Just a quick chime in since I've been reading your experiences.  I tried talking to the doctor about Lily since birth about her spitting up and waking up swallowing down something over and over and half choking whenever she lies flat at night.  She cries and grunts in her sleep all the time and is never content.  She's either asleep, eating or crying.  We got a Rock and Play out of desperation around 3 weeks and it let her sleep longer right away the first night.  However the spitting up and throwing kept getting worse.  She pukes out her nose, and puddles of puke coat her clothes and go everywhere.  We had to take apart the swing coz it got into all the layers once and I scrubbed out her car seat as best I can but it's bad.  I called to ask about reflux and was told that it's normal and that all babies spit up and cry.


Well today we went for our two month checkup.  And suddenly they are taking me seriously because she is not gaining weight properly.  She was born at 6'6 and only weighs 7'12 at two months.  They told me she should've weighed that much by 4 weeks or earlier not 8+.  So now she has a prescription for Zantac and has also been diagnosed with colic.


It's been a rough 2 months.  I am hoping the Zantac will help :S  Poor girl is always in pain.

P.S.  I was tired of being told since I was a first time mom that everything is 'normal' and babies just 'do that' instead of just listening to my instincts that something wasn't right ;(


I know how you feel.  When Caihla was in the NICU they kept telling me " shes a spitter" and i knew that was not the annoys the ** out of me when they say ###### liek that is normal..i'm sorry continual vomiting through the nose and mouth multiple times is NOT normal. Sometimes i just want to smack these ppl

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-06 11:56:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Wow that is rough, I tried telling them when we were in the hospital still, the doctor just blamed it on the marathon feed/growth spurt. I kept saying this is not normal, I finally took her to our Chiropractor she slept so long after he adjusted her it was amazing later that week I took her in to the ped's and we got a different doctor. When she listened to everything I told her she said the best thing for her to do was listen to my gut and go ahead and try her on Zantac as it wouldn't hurt. So why is it we have to fight doctors if the treatment won't hurt dang it. Alexis was on the same .5ml twice a day also. What a pain in the butt to give her that. Is yours made into a suspension and flavoured? I've been told that the suspension loses its effectiveness if they make lots at once. 


Reflux can irritate the lungs, but at and early age the gasping can be normal. Alexis still has pauses less and less. I looked it up once and at her age now pauses less then 10sec are normal. Definitely need to get the reflux under control to know for sure. Alexis started sleeping flat closer to 5-6 mos old, she could do very small naps flat but not nights. We had to becareful to make sure her head was not going flat from being in the seats too much, but then most of the day she was in my arms/carrier. We would put a little blanket under her shoulder from time to time to shift the angle she slept on to give her head a break. If that makes sense. 


Are the other doctors hard to get when your trying to get same day appointments or even when you're making her next appointment? It really sucks I try and only get one specific pedi too I can't stand the one we got when she was born, and the other one we liked left that office. If it wasn't for that one doctor I would change offices.

the zantac we got is a liquid and smells like it has flavour etc added to it, and i was told by the pharmacist i'm only allowed so much of it by my insurance.  She wont take it as is so i mix it with some pedialyte, same with her vitamins, she hates anything else in her mouth.


ya we try and wedge a rolled up receiving blanket next to her, although she has a tendency to twist and t urn her head a certain way when she sleeps, sometimes i dont know how she can do that i'd wake up with a cramp.


its usually when i try and make an appointment in advance, apparently i need to figure out the best time to call and beat all the other people lol.  i really liked dr. mccoy who saw us in the hospital and again in the nicu.  but hes always booked solid. it was the same way with my obgyn you got who you could and that included physician assitants as well.  i kinda miss only being able to see one doc like i did up north.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-05 17:22:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


Dang girl, that was some major pumping. Glad you found some good resources.


Zantac is very sensitive so weight so the doctors have to adjust it often, I noticed the a difference the first night with Zantac with Alexis she slept 2 hrs that night. She normally would sleep 15mins max. But a few weeks later their was no more improvement. That's when our pedi switched her to the Previcid, that was like night and day. I could actually put her down, she would sleep actually have a good sleep too. Alexis has what they called silent reflux no spit up so she went longer without getting diagnosed, even though I tried to tell the doctor within the first few days of her birth. She was 6 weeks of torture. She couldn't sleep flat at all I had to leave her in her swing if she wasn't held.  


Hopefully Caihla feels better soon.


That's what irks me, since Caihla came home, i'd been asking at every pedi appointment about the reflux and until thanksgiving they kept telling me no no no, then we went to the ER who confirmed i was right. I mean seriously, she suffered as well for a few weeks.  When she sleeps she grunts a lot,, cries, and  almost sounds sometimes like a baby lamb, and she gasps and stuff too which i do not like.  Makes me wonder if she has a slight case of sleep apnea. I cannot put her flat what so ever either, she either sleeps in her swing, bouncy chair, or yesterday her car seat since Dad had to drive her around the block to calm her down after puking / screaming for 4 hours. Then she slept almost 4.5 hours til i woke her up, and again after that another almost 4 hours.


When the doc was telling me on the phone how much to give her he had to no joke do the math 5 times to get me the first it was 4 ml then eventually he told me .5ml twice a day.  I wish i could see the other docs that i like, but they are always full booked ( i wonder why).  This guy is the only one ever available /pout.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-12-05 13:24:00