CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

well i had my 3 hour glucose test take 2 today, i managed to survive yay! Should know the results tomorrow she said. 


Yesterday we toured the brand spanking new building for the women and baby hospital. It is freaking NICE!.  The rooms are all private and huge.  tv dvd fridge microwave coffee machine, shower in the bathroom, really nice decor with wood cabinets etc, its looks almost like a hotel room aside from the medical bed and equipment. OH and they do dining room service!! with a fancy menu and everything for you!! and have a photographer come after the baby is born and you can go online after and see if you want to order the prints or not.  I LOVE the fact they have a lactation consultant there to help right away and all the FREE support groups for it and PPD etc.  I'm just floored at the whole place and the nurses that work there and how nice everyone is too.  


Also i found out they believe in keeping mother and baby together the whole time, there is no nursery.  Its a family/baby friendly room as well, with couches chairs tables internet etc, and you can have as many people in the room with you as you want during the labour.  Seeing how nice and cozy the room was made me feel so much better.  I absolutely HATE hospitals, and have fainted numerous times in them.  This was so nice and did not even smell like a hospital.  its literally 6 floors just for labour , moms, and new babies. Just amazing.

Edited by Kimbear, 18 August 2013 - 01:06 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-18 13:05:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

My mother in law called today to ask what i wanted for baby clothes.  She is a seamstress and loves going to places like Joann's fabrics etc, and makes tons of hats scarves gloves for the kids in 3rd world countries, shes a retired salvation army officer, so she donates alot of her time and money to the poor kids.  She also has an ENTIRE BASEMENT filled with patterns fabric you name it. and liek 5 sowing machines of diff types its crazy!  We told her keep it simple, and try and stick to cotton for the most part.  She wants to make curtains, blankets etc. too LOL.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-16 10:22:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Kimbear I was reading your post and thought it needed a little button like Babycenter forums that says 'hug' on the side.  It's hard being in an area where people never bother to respond and treat you with respect...  people tell me it takes time to make friends, but it's time like right now when we NEED them.


Ya know.. i never really was a people person even back home.  I was picked on teased etc throughout elementary and high school, mostly in part due to moving around so much every 6 months or so.  I was more into books then i was other kids. I'm still kind of like that but its hard for me to make friends as i'm very opinionated, i'm cynical, pessimistic etc. I have no idea the meaning of the word tact.  I don't see the point in beating around the bush, i just come out and say stuff, and it a quality not alot of people like.  i figure life is short enough as is lol.


one of my friends invited me to a mommy FB page, and sure enough not even joined for 2 days and i wanna scream at people and tell them how stupid and immature they are for various things.  but i can't do that since the one person who is really annoying me is my hubby's best friends wife.  le sigh.  i'm almost 40, although I've tempered my self since we got married, i can't completely change or cut this part out of me.  I blame my Scottish heritage from my father who emigrated to Canada right before i was born :P

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-12 14:40:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

You might ask if you can try the A1C test.  It measures what the average blood glucose readings over the last 60 to 90 days are and if they are elevated that is a definite indication of diabetes. If they are normal then you haven't had problems with abnormal blood glucose levels yet, although you may still end up with gestational diabetes later on


You can ask if you can borrow a glucometer for a week and then take blood glucose readings yourself when you get up in the morning, before and 2 hours after each meal and before you go to bed.  That will definitely give a much better idea if you are having any sort of blood glucose problems.    You may have to pay for the test strips which aren't cheap but I would think this is actually a much better indicator of whether or not you have gestational diabetes than the glucose drink - and much healthier, although it does take more investment of your time and active participation.


I'm going to see how this next test goes now that i know i fasted too long, but i will definitely ask my doctor about alternatives for sure if i fail this one as well.  Right now I've cut out sugar completely just in case, aside form one tsp in my morning decaf, and i'm going to buy splenda if i want to bake etc. to be honest hubby could use less sugar in his diet as well. :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-12 14:32:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

the shower went pretty good.  My SIL did a great job decorating.  It was super cute.  We got a lot of gifts.  90%  We did get a lot of the big stuff we need.  The main thing we need now is the car seat.  Only a handful of people actually bought stuff off my registry.  I am very grateful for what I got but I felt kind of bummed because I put a lot of work into my registries..


The only downside was that there were too many games.  And my back was killing me.  I finally had to go sit in the living room on the couch all by myself.  No one seemed to miss me much though.. tongue.png


Aww i'm glad you had fun. I'm nervous about the games at mine lol.  I've never been a party person game person in that way and i get embarrassed easily lol.  Getting clothes is great but when most of it is stuff the baby will outgrow soon it kinda sucks.  I know how you feel.  My back has been killing me lately even if i do light vacuuming or do some laundry.  it feels like my back wants to lock up and i can't straighten it.  We still have yet to buy a car seat, i think i foudn the one i want, and one of the stores actually had it in stock, i'm just waiting since its a combo seat / stroller one from Graco, and is about 200$ OUCH :(

(((kimbear))) on the glucose test retest, the crushed crib, and on the family drama.


Marilyn, I hope your baby shower went great yesterday.


VeeNDee, sorry that the crib buying fell through. How annoying! If you are going to sell something, sell it, don't hang onto it forever or post it for sale.


AFM, my SIL finally has her K-1 visa interview in October. They applied last November. It is the Wednesday before Canadian Thanksgiving. She wants DH and me to come up for Thanksgiving in October and meet her fiancee in Ontario. The fiancee is from Missouri. Once she has her visa in hand, she and her fiancee are driving her car and belongings to Missouri and likely have to pass our home since our city is right off of I-94 in Michigan, a couple of hours from Sarnia or Detroit depending on which she activates her visa at. I just shake my head that she would even ask for me to come - especially since I will be 7 months pregnant with twins.  I have already had to tell my brother I won't make it to his wedding in Sept. since the Dr. told me months ago that she discourages travel after I am 6 months pregnant for fear of pre-term labor. DH was all like "we will see how lilac feels when the time comes." I would love to meet my SIL fiancee' but just stop in for a meal on the way to Missouri if you are in such a hurry and can't stay for a night.


IMO tell them to stop in on their trip.  I would not expect anyone after 6 months let alone you with twins to travel anywhere! Good grief, i mean after all you went thought to have these little miracles i would not temp fate whatsoever.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-12 14:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I think right now the stress of this week probably screwed me up. Also i found out from the hospital i fasted way to long, i only had to do it for 8-10 hours.  by the time i had the test start it had been 13 and was on hour 16 when i puked. :(


at least i have some good news, my initial hemoglobin test was low so they drew more blood to test my blood cell count etc, and it was normal YAY :)  So i'm not anemic at all.  Also my replacement crib came early today instead of Wednesday and WOOHOO for a brand new box and zero damage to the items! this one was packed so much better.  I think not having a crib yet was stressing me out big time, cuz i really want to just get the room organized and be done with it so the dogs have time to snif and be nosy etc.


So i'm thinking if i only fast the 8 hours or so, i should be ok for my test on Sunday. I'm going to ask hubby to let me sleep as long as possible that morning, meaning he can take care of the dogs feed them make his coffee etc, so i wont be awake as long which may help too.


One thing that has been bothering me, is my sight is getting screwed up, well i dunno how to put it, the clumsiness is worse, and i seem t have depth perception issues.  Like today i went to put dishes away in the cupboard and i hit the glass against the shelf above where i was putting it so it almost smashed in my hands,  walking up the stairs i somehow managed to put my hand into the metal tines of the banister rather then putting my hand on top of it, and today i knocked over hubbys drink when i went to get a paper towel.  Its like i have no idea how close / far from things i am and this week this started and is driving me nuts.  I'm afraid to drive now after this. :(  IS anyone else having these weird things happening?





KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-12 14:25:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I'm so nervous about moving day coming and no one showing up. I wish I had more faith in the people my husband knows...but I really don't.  My family is coming down but my dad is 68 so things like a washer and dryer could get interesting.  Hopefully it'll all pull through.  Sigh.


Just remember to try and keep calm and if you can't just walk away.  There is no reason for you to get stressed out right now.  I know you prolly wanna be there for the whole thing and give directions etc ( i'm like that and a tad bossy lol) but you need to relax for the baby smile.png


Just remember to breath in and breath out, it will get done.


*edit: you can rent a trolly cart thingy from uhaul for like 10$ and some straps, it makes the appliance part way easier.

Edited by Kimbear, 10 August 2013 - 02:48 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-10 14:47:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

We had our first prepared childbirth class today.  its 3 sessions 4 hours each every Saturday.  The nurse basically went over whats happening with out bodies, and the upcoming changes, how to tell early labor from real labor, braxton hicks etc.  we did breathing techniques, talked about ways to keep calm and relax our bodies, and watched a childbirth video.  All in all it wasn't so bad.  Next week we get a tour of the new Mommy and Baby hospital they just opened in May, which is where i'm delivering and so far it looks awesome.


David has a bit of social awkwardness and was nervous a bit the whole time but he did well and by the end was ok i think.  I was glad he was there as alot of it focused on how he can work with me during labour and the rest of the pregnancy etc.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-10 14:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

sorry about the crib and the test, Kimbear.


My shower is tomorrow and it still shows that nothing is purchased on both my


Hope everything went well with your shower!! :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-10 14:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Don't feel bad, my registry says the same thing and i had to get David to remind people by Facebook and in person to freaking RSVP...even after telling them twice in one week, have they? NOPE.


Its ok..i don't really give a ###### if they show up or not at this point. Hell i didn't even care if they got me anything, but oh boy if we forget one of their last minute events they promptly call my husband to ask where the hell he Really?? so yeah..** them.  Just like my family, i had to re-block my sister again on FB, she can't comment on a post i make without criticizing me or picking on me.  so for once and for all the last time ever she is blocked and can GTFO my life. And god forbid my mother call or write me or even ask anything about me. its no wonder i moved out at 16 years old.


I'm extremely sad and disappointed in so many things right now. its like i'm having some sort of depression and freak out this weak.  Like i got all the bills too for stuff this week and i'm trying to figure out how the hell we are going to support us, 3 dogs and a kid..and I just burst out crying every day lately. And if its not me crying its me being very very angry in bursts.


And i love you guys so much because this is the only place i can vent and you understand what i'm talking about and don't make me feel like an idiot.  



sorry about the crib and the test, Kimbear.


My shower is tomorrow and it still shows that nothing is purchased on both my


KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-09 19:46:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

dealing with anything online is annoying but I've noticed in the USA everyone is lazy and wont go to a store and the stores wont stock anything.  the cribs I've looked at are never anywhere to be seen :(


and i just had to do a return for the crib. its dented, scratched, chipped and damaged.  and its going to take ups 5 days to freaking pick it up. no one has it in stock around here let alone for the same price.  

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-09 14:04:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Well i have to redo the test.  half hour after drinking the drink (same one as the 1hr but twice the sugar) i nearly passed out on the floor.  dizzzy hot etc. so they brought me to lie down for the rest of the test. thankfully David was with me. after the third time drawing blood and the 2nd hour my body said screw this and i puked :(  That was an auto fail for my doctor.  they didn't even want to wait for results, which i read if you get 2/3 good scores you pass. so theoretically i may have passed but my doctor wants me to redo it again. UGH


so ihave to wait a few days to recuperate and do it all over again /cry


then i come home to find out ups delivered the crib 3 days early, and nwo i have to check to make sure its ok cuz it looks like they drop kicked the box and there are foot prints all over it and every piece of tape has been cut. so now i'm wondering if its a return or not when i specifically chose a new one.


the day just keeps on getting worse.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-09 11:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Kimbear and Marilyn I am totally with you both on raising my own children. I don't want someone else influencing my kids with their food, behaviors and whatever craziness they might have. I want them to have quality characters!


For some reason i read that as quality "Crackers". rofl.gif


oh boy lets hope my 3 hr glucose test goes ok tomorrow so i can eat normally again and not be all messed up :) I swear i've been more brain dead during this 3 day diet for the test than i have been all pregnancy! lol

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-08 16:08:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so it looks like my husband will be taking 6 weeks off after our munchkin is born.  We weren't sure if we would get enough money but we found out that he can get Paid Family Leave, I think this is just a California thing.  They pay 55% of your gross and they pay for weekends too.  So we will probably get almost as much as we do now, after taxes etc... biggrin.png


That's fantastic Marilyn!


A friend of mine who works for United had their baby in July, and she is already back at work.  She only got 2 weeks off even though she thought through her union etc she got a month.  I would never want to put a young baby into a day care at that age no matter what.  Its crazy how people do that here.  One of the reasons i don't work right now is so i can raise our daughter, and not someone else, not to mention I've heard about the food they get fed etc.  No thank you! lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-08 07:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Well I finally made it to the Dr's after our trip to Canada. Trip was pretty good, other then it getting cold. Anyways we got an ultra sound and got to see and hear the heart beat. Everything looks good and my due date is march 10th, I was only a day off with my guess. Now I can relax and start thinking up names.


YAY So happy for you! :) Hope everything goes smoothly for ya! 

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-07 18:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

hehe i do the same thign ! :) But i keep telling hubby its just to see if prices are cheaper and to let his parents know when to buy the crib etc. :P  I have had some items sent to me already and i refuse to open them, i am leaving them packed until the baby shower then i'll truck em over to my SIL and open them there :)  Wow i can't believe mine is at the end of the month already! WOW...only 12 weeks to go...holy


And i finally know what your all talking about with those Braxton HIcks things..OMG what a weird feelign and site to see my tummy just clench and move like that!! i get them the same time the baby is active so i make alot of weird faces and hubby keeps askign if i'm Ok. lol.


Was reading up on this "kick count" thing , that you should time how active the baby is in a 2 hr span and it should be at least 10 movements..well jeez..she does like triple that some times.  I swear she is having a blast in there so much i'm not sure if she's going to wanna come out! lol


My baby shower is this Saturday and me being the Curious George that I am, keeps checking my registries.. blush.png  They show that nobody has bought anything yet.  I know my husband's aunt has supposedly bought a lot of stuff for the baby from Target already.  I have a feeling she forgets to tell the check out person that she is buying from a registry.. tongue.png  So I am wondering if the other people are doing that too.  Or else they are just buying whatever they want or waiting til closer to the shower..


KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-06 13:57:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

i really miss haveing a rental board that you can go to complain about rent hikes etc.  something both ontario and quebec had.  bascially they were only allowed to hike your rent 1% every year unless there were renovations then it was 3% max.  Here i they have nothing like that it seems.




Glad it's working out for you Marilyn... must've been super stressful to find that out so suddenly.  It's too bad that they are upping your rent.  It's the same in our apartment. When our lease is up they are going to be upping the rent a few hundred a month from the sounds of it since they have been renovating a lot of the outside apartments (repainting, roofing, gardening, the office building itself), which is why we decided to move.  At least you can enjoy some new renovated appliances and flooring!  You totally need to get yourself one of those directors chairs and sit and point at things.


KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-06 13:52:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Moving right before your due date even if in the same area is going to be hard.  Poor you.  Is it at least a slightly bigger unit, or just renovated? We have a friend who just had that happen to him, they want to finish renovating and are slowing moving ppl out of the building then they are converting the apartments to condos. 


So i flunked my glucose test today, i got a score of 144 and now have to go for the 3 hour one which includes a 3 day meal plan beforehand (omg the menu is pitiful how i am i supposed to NOT be hungry on it?), and then fast for the actual test.  Right now i'm hungry every 2 hours how the hell i'm going to survive this i have no clue.  So not happy about this.  I even ate good the last 2 days and stayed away from carbs and sugars crying.gif


My baby shower is the last Sunday this month, and my sister in law sent out RSVP a couple of weeks ago, with self addressed stamped envelopes for return.  So far only one person out of like 10 has replied.  I mean seriously how hard is it to say yes / no and send the bloody thing back?  I'm annoyed because this is why i don't get along with most of David's friends.  they don't care about anything and leave it all to the last minute.  Like my sister in law and her friend have to cook and make food and plan for a certain amount of ppl the least these invitees could do is mail the damn thing back or god forbid use FB to let us know.ranting33va.gif



KimbearFemaleCanada2013-08-05 12:52:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I know how you feel.  I read all the new rules etc. and basically it came down to me getting a mattress that has a vinyl cover, and 4 fitted sheets.  as far as i can tell your not supposed to put anything else in the crib period.  no comforters blankets, no bumpers, no toys nada.  I was worried cuz i'm like how the hell am i going to keep the baby warm in winter? but then my friend told me about these "sleep sacks" , basically they are like sleeping bags/ nighties for babies that are all closed up but do not cover the arms or head.


So what i did was chose a couple of those on amazon:, and for the sheets these ones from Gerber ( diff patterns avail" had really good reviews:


So yesterday i also registered for childbirth classes, apparently i could not find any actual Lamaze ones around and everyone wants a fortune for the classes.  I seem to remember my sister doing them for free up north. So i had to cough up 100$ for the course last night and its only 3 x 2 hr sessions.  Good thing i checked now cuz they had just august available then late October when i'm do and then January! the others were all booked up!





Oh man crib bedding has me so confused.  We were working on our Babies R Us registry to get an idea of what we would need, and on the 'must haves' list it has some bedding items.  Some of them we didn't even know what they were and some we didn't think we'd need that many but maybe I am wrong???


It suggests- crib bedding set, 2 to 4 fitted crib sheets (do those not come with a bedding set??), 2 mattress pads and waterproof pads, 2 sheet savers (what are those?), 4 crib blankets (but I thought I'd read you weren't supposed to use blankets for babies anymore...!??), 2 wearable blankets (aren't those some type of clothing item you can sleep in with space for the feet?)....  long story short we are so confused. And that was JUST the bedding!


KimbearFemaleCanada2013-07-31 07:06:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

That is very similar to the one i chose here: http://www.toysrus.c...588-499-3711242


My only issue is that when i put it on my list it was 179$, and the grandparents are QQing over the its my fault it went up.  I also did the Amazon universal registry thing, which lets me put in comments such as " it cheaper here).  So i told them to wait til a month b4 i'm due since amazon offers 10% off everything on the registry.  what i love is that you don't need special rails etc, you just buy a full frame from any bed store and slap a mattress on it for the normal bed later on.


I am so excited because I ordered the crib last night.  My FIL says he is going to pay for it and the mattress too..


I want to get this crib skirt to go with it..


i'm just using a changer on top of the dresser, makes more sense, and the less furniture i need the better.  The dresser can be used for ever not so much an actual changing table.  And the rooms in my home are not exactly huge either.  i just made sure to buy the changer with the strap that can secure under the top fo the dresser and around it.


Oh that looks so cute!!  Makes me want to get the same one smile.png  We haven't bought anything yet so we'll see.  What are your plans for a changing table?  Are you getting a matching one?  Are you just going to use a counter or a dresser?  I am not sure myself.


KimbearFemaleCanada2013-07-18 12:02:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Today was the first time I fell victim to the reach out and touch my belly phenomenon - totally weird how women I know at church just walk up to me, touch my belly, then ask me how I am feeling. I know people are excited since there haven't been many babies born lately.

I have begun second trimester vomiting brought on by coughing up post nasal drip - not cool. It is freaking dh out and I am waking him up with the coughing - vomiting sucks. Any ideas to get rid of post nasal drip that work during pregnancy?


not really, i was told to just take an allergy pill which didnt' do jack for me.  it lasted til around 5 months.  every morning i would cough gag and puke :(  its more or less gone away aside from teh stuffy swollen nose which is here to stay til baby is born it seems.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-07-13 14:08:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


How exciting that you know it is a girl!!   We are waiting for the surprise at birth but I keep dreaming about baby girls for some reason.  Maybe my brain is just fooling me.  Bet you are excited to get all sorts of pink and sparkly frilly things for her.  Sounds like the new doctor is a MUCH better fit for you.  Sorry to hear about the costochondritis - do you think it will improve soon or is this a pregnancy long type thing for you?


Yeah I'm now 26 weeks and definitely look pregnant - all the weight I lost earlier plus it being my first pregnancy means I don't look quite as big as some others due the same month but it's obvious and people keep commenting on it when I walk around town doing errands. 


Oh and the stomach touching has been going on for a few weeks now.  So weird... I don't get why people want to do that!  So far I've only had one of them actually ask for permission beforehand too!


Yeah I was hoping to drag my husband to every appointment with me, but it just seems like a lot of places have their last appointments at 3 - the ultrasound he had to leave work early for.  Right now I have finally figured out that it's just easier if I do the 'routine' appointments and he comes for the special ones (like ultrasounds, etc).  It's so hard to coordinate.  Soon we have appointments every other week too!!


The doctor said i've pretty much got the chest pain for the whole pregnancy. :( but that it should go away after. some days are better than others at least.  No one has touched my belly or asked, aside form  hubby, and i'm glad.  its just so weird for ppl to do that i mean jeez lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-07-09 18:35:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe? anyone else waking up in the middle of the night around 3am with their stomach growling unable to sleep?  I keep raiding the cupboards in the middle of the night before I can go back to sleep. Usually settle on a simple granola bar.  So weird!  I can't seem to sleep in anymore like I used to no matter how tired I am.  My hips and thighs just ache a lot even with a pillow between them all night.  Getting up relieves it right away so that's what I do. Are any of you taking naps?  I tested negative on gestational diabetes but they found I have anemia so now I'm on iron.  Explains why I'm always so tired and hopefully the iron supplements will help with that!


during the first trimester i did wake up starving and what not, now its not so bad.  I make sure to eat a light snack if i can before bed, but i still get up at 4 am like clockwork for the bathroom.  I have tried the pillow thing between my legs but its sooo awkward and weird LOL.  what i have to do is lay with my feet up on like 3 pillows to relive the swelling and leg cramps i've started getting.

yeah in Canada you went to one doctor for everything...  here it seems to work differently.. you have a different doctor for everything..


luckily my husband had extra vacation days laying around and  all my appointments were pre-scheduled.  So he just scheduled half days off for my appointments.   There is only a few he won't be able to come to..


I was lucky, David was allowed to schedule "flex time", basically he works longer hours each day for 2 week so he can have a day off the next week, which allows me to schedule appointments around that, and we end up with a 3 day weekend together, which means going shopping on a Monday is much nicer.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-07-09 18:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

So we had our 24 week appointment, and my good doctor the one i like confirmed it is a girl.  I also mentioned to her the other doctor and how he didn't do anything at the last appointment.  I was able to discuss with her a a million things, she even asked me a whack of stuff.  


Apparently it turns out i'm experiencing some Costochondriitis.  I thought i was having a hiatus hernia in my chest, or something, it was absolutely killing me and i could not event ouch my breastbone.  Apparently its my ribs spreading and moving about for the baby and is common.  But damn some days i can't even bend over it hurts so much :(  


I gained another 8 lbs, and she said not to worry that my weight gain is good and within limits. its not too much or too little.  She did tell me i could take Zantac for my really bad indigestion, which always crops up around 10pm right before bed.  I had it so bad the other day i thought i was going to be sick again :( And she said 1 mg of magnesium would help with my leg cramps, ( omg now that was a killer pain middle of the night in my calf!!!) and that my left foot / leg swelling more than the right foot is normal and nothing to worry about.  I've already had to buy bigger sandals and socks!


Looking in the mirror the other day, it hit me how pregnant i look lol. i seem to have exploded since i stopped being sick.  Next appointment is the glucose test, and i was like EWWW i've heard about that lol.  She said its not so bad, the stuff they have tastes like orange crush and its not that thick disgusting stuff it used to be.  she told me to eat lots of protein the day before and after and to not eat super sugary stuff, and that hopefully i'll pass.  I also found out my blood type..( i know eh? after 39 years i had no idea what type i was!) and that i did not need that special shot some people do with diff blood types.


All in all i felt so relieved and less stressed out after seeing her.  And now i can finally say Caihla Michelle Nonnweiler instead of the baby :)


KimbearFemaleCanada2013-07-09 14:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Nope, however i finally felt he baby.  it feels weird lol, its kinda of like the baby is kneading dough inside my stomach.  Occasionally it feels like she is grabbing the umbilical cord and sometiems doing somersaults.  :)



Has anyone experienced Braxton Hicks yet?  I am pretty sure I have.  At first I thought it was just the baby moving into a strange position but after reading about it online I am pretty sure it is BH.  My stomach will get really hard for a few seconds and then it goes away. 



Oh Congrats!! So happy for  you.


Got my bfp this morning!! We are not telling anyone yet, but I had to share here with you all. I turn 40 tomorrow, talk about a b-day present!

Lilac we are headed up to Canada Thursday and I'm not looking forward to my parents apartment for three weeks.

Marlyn, I had bh with a few of my pregnancies they were the worse with Alexis. I had them almost daily for a few months before she was born.


KimbearFemaleCanada2013-07-09 14:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

ya i was overweight to begin with.  i'm supposed to be like 120 max since i'm only 5'4 but when i found out i was pregnant at 8 weeks they said i was 142 wow.gif . Now i'm 158 or was last Saturday.  Considering i was so sick the first couple months im surprised i only lost 2lbs during that.  I 100% blame my husband for this, he keeps telling me to eat, and we also had alot of fast food once i was able to eat. But i need to buckle down, i don't want to have a 12lb baby! lol that is pretty much what my husband was when he was born. OUCH!

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-20 13:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so out of curiosity how much weight gain in a week is good or bad? lol i went for my appointment on the 10th and then on the 15th to my family doctor cuz i was sick and i gained 3 lbs in a week.  I've gained a total of 16lbs since i found out at 8 weeks that i was pregnant. And now i'm 21 weeks.  I feel like my stomach is going to blow up lol especially after eating..i'm still trying to figure out how much bigger i'm going to get.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-19 17:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I realized today that i no longer have ankles laughing.gif Went to my family doctor since my husband got me sick again for the 2nd time with a cold in like 2 months :( They put me on antibiotics.  Not a happy camper.  I haven't been able to sleep in the last 3 days due to congestion and post nasal drip. :(  


Now that i'm past the 5 month mark wow.gif  (already??!!) I've realized shaving my legs is starting to be almost impossible lol.  Anyone have any suggestions :P  Its getting harder every day to bend over and see past my stomach when i'm only 5'4 to begin with. rofl.gif

And Ow ow ow the back pains i'm getting now a days are just OWIE :( it doesn't matter how i sit my back just is killing me!  Now i know why my mom wanted a ####### reduction when i was a kid.  she was only 5'0 but had DD and always had back pain.  Why on earth anyone would want to have boobs this big all the time i have no idea!! I don't care how much hubbie loves them i cannot wait til they are gone! rofl.gif

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-15 21:26:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Morning.  Well we had our 20 week appointment, and saw a new doctor one of the men.  There are 6 docs total and i was told to meet all of them since we don't know who will be on call to deliver.  I greatly dislike this one we just saw, and am going to request not to have him again if at all possible.  After the ultrasound, he came in said hi, and everything seems ok, and come back in 4 weeks. I was like huh?  you guys scheduled me for 2 appointments, its barely been 30 minutes, isn't there stuff we have to go over?  He said no asked if i had any questions, i was like im not sure, its our first child i don't quite know what to expect or ask.  And he just walked out of the room....My husband was like #######??!!  He did not even look at my file or ask me any questions about my medication which DID change, he didn't comment on whether i had gained weight and if it was enough or not, he didn't even tell us the baby's heart beat.  


I go home and check my info sheet from the clinic, and find out he also didn't go over the hospital registration with me, or talk about the prenatal classes etc, which it says is part of my 20 week appointment also.  Needless to say i was highly disappointed with the appointment and felt like i was just a cow in line at the slaughterhouse. :(


The technician said it looks like its a girl, but they had to poke my belly a bit to try and get baby to move since it was hard to see anything.  so i guess we are still not 100% sure on gender. oh and she gave us the babys weight of 9oz, and that certain parts looked ok.  we kind of brainstormed all weekend about girls names.  The one i had picked out we were not sure if we should use it since its very close to his friends daughters name but we decided last night to heck with worrying were going to name her what we want.  So we chose Kayla Michelle, but we are going to spell it differently, i'm just not sure on the Gaelic spelling lol. possibly Caihla or Caela we haven't quite decided yet.





KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-12 07:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Interesting, my doc still does the one hour and then if need be the 3h one.


I am almost 20 weeks, but i have not felt a thing from the baby yet.  at least i don't think i have.  Kinda worried about that :(  although i did read it could just be the position the baby is in.  I guess i'll find out on Monday at our big appointment.



I guess they changed the test.  It used to be you would go for a 1 hour glucose screening test and if you failed that you went for a 3 hour glucose tolerance test.  Now they just do a 2 hour glucose tolerance test.


KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-05 13:51:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

well i figure its an excuse to go walking around the mall for 4-5 hours :) My feet and back were so sore after doing that this weekend.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-03 11:50:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

quite a few of the stores in the mall here had "baby sales" sears target walmart etc.  some 30% off others clearance racks as well.  I am waiting to find out if its a girl or boy before we buy any clothes.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-06-03 06:37:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

so i'm still having a fight with my insurance company telling me my clinic / doctors there are out of network!!! i've received two different bills now and i still have a previous bill to pay.  i mean seriously #######  good is insurance for i'f the kid is not even born yet but i'm getting 300$ a shot bills??!!!


AND i found out breast pumps are not covered.  Only if there is a medical condition etc etc. no way i'm forking over money for those, as it is i started our registry and am going to have a nervous breakdown at how expensive stuff is here. :( we don't have alot of friends and i cannot expect my husbands family to pay for alot.  and my family well..they are useless and broke to begin with, and i haven't really spoken to them since i moved.


now that we are getting closer to the halfway mark, i think i'm starting to freak out and am not sure we can even afford to have a baby.  Not to mention I've had a fight with hubby 3 days in a row cuz he seems 100% disinterested ever since i started feeling better.  i can't even get him to look at baby stuff let alone help me clean or anything anymore.  all he seems to care about is that we should be having sex since i'm feeling better. :(  my emotions are also very intense latey.  if i get angry..well its really super i'm going to throw something at you angry, and if i get sad, its like the end of the world watefall tears.  I feel so out of it its not even funny.  


And my husband has to leave for a week for a work thing so i'm going to be home alone, which i really am not looking forward too :(

I have never been a major chocoholic but lately I have been craving chocolate.  mmm, coconut M&M's


I am starting to gain weight now so I am trying to watch what I eat but it is hard with these silly cravings like chocolate and cheese puffs tongue.png


all i have to say is "peatnut butter M&M's rule".  i ate half the bag my husband bought and it was a 42oz bag lol

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-31 16:19:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

all my appts are booked as two appointments. its normal

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-29 14:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

OH damn..i think I've seen those in the store..i'll have to try them!  soup and grilled cheese..oh i need me some comfort food LOL :)

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-20 15:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Thanks for those tips Autumnal! i didn't even KNOW about those stores lol.


and i'm cravin bigtime really good tomato soup..but all the ones here are very acidic..not creamy or slightly sweet..the campbells here i find sucks :(

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-20 11:46:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

So i had my 16 week prenatal yesterday it was pretty quick since i opted out of all the downe syndrome testing etc.  I heard the baby's heart beat for the first time..OMG it was AMAZING!  So fast too!  Baby kept moving around so she kept having to readjust the little wand lol.


Up until now i knew i was pregnant but i didn't really KNOW, or feel ya know? i mean i was sick etc, but now after hearing the heartbeat I've finally realized I AM pregnant! luv.gif  And I GAINED WEIGHT!! Only 6 lbs but i gained!! :)  So we went out to Chilli's and had dinner.  I ate like a pig LOL and i ate meat meat and more meat!!!! I had veggies too :P I almost forgot what meat tasted like laughing.gif


Its been super hot here the last few days in Chicago and for some reason i cannot get cool enough.  Have the house set to 70F but i was still dying last night. And today looks to be another heat wave.  I want to go get a new swim suit so we can go over to my SIL's, but i have no idea how much bigger i'm going to get and i don't know if they make suits THAT stretchy lol. Finding any maternity stuff lately is either non existent in some stores, so i go looking at the big girl sections.  I'm thinking since Target has suits on sale for like 17$ i can just get two, one that is a lil bit bigger now, and one later that is  alot bigger.  I'm opting for the ones that have a top that kind of has a skirt bottom attached which will cover the tummy.  BTW is it ok if the belly get sun exposure while preggers?


Luckily I have 3 boxes of clothes my MIL dropped off, some new some gently used that should last me for a bit so i don't have to buy much more.


Hope everyone had a great weekend! heart.gif



KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-19 09:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Autumnal (10/04/2013)

Marilyn (09/30/2013)

Kimbear (10/31/13)


VeeNDee (10/14/2013)


 I think most of us are due within a few weeks of each other.   


My husband's birthday is September 19th so it would be kind of cool if she was born on the same day. 




Due halloween. Its crazy how things happen in groups like this lol.  Last year a bunch of my husbands friends wives were all due between Sept-Dec one with twins as well.  Now we have 2 other friends due june and july.  LIke one friend said to me there will be tons of hand me downs! lol.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-17 14:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Yay on all these lil babies!!! biggrin.png Hope you mama's can stay cool with summer coming up. Being pregnant during the warmer months was a pain :'(.

Awwww smile.png.


OH don't worry i intend to live at my sister-in-law's pool over the summer! rofl.gif


So i don't know if i'm sick with the sudden drop in temp and rain we got from 95 to 40F, and just finishing a sinus cold, but its either that or my morning sickness came back! crying.gif i have been feeling totally blech today.


Monday i'll be 16 weeks, and my tummy looks like a beach ball, although i don't have a scale so i have no idea if I've actually gained any weight.  I mean i think i have, since i was not sick for a good week and was definitely eating more.  I just hope i haven't caught another cold of some sort :(


Marilyn, i'm glad everything sounds like its doing good for you! and Wow on the reduction of that bill!   Right now i'm having issues with my 500$ bill that my insurance says was paid, they sent me a claim confirmation, but the Laboratory is saying its still not paid! So i gave them the claim number and stuff and they left me a msg saying if I don't pay it they are going to send me to collections!.  We just got our / David's credit alot better, and the last thing we need is for something stupid like this to screw it up! :(   I'm so tired of being the middle person and trying to get this fixed. its absolutely ridiculous. ranting33va.gif

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-10 13:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

we also found out that every time I go for an injection I am billed separately, $24 each time but that might go up to $35 when our new insurance term starts in June.   With 20 visits altogether that can add up...  I thought it would be included in the Global maternity fee..  I did call the doctor's billing office and they said there was no way they could include it in the global fee sad.png


so my husband suggested that we just do the shot ourselves.  My SIL was some kind of nurse years ago so maybe she could do it..


My ppo told me labs diagnostics xrays are billed separately, everything else is billed at the end. thus why i already have a 300$ bill to pay sad.png


Do you have the actual medication at home?  With my health situation I have shots I can give myself that are a certain type and there was one my doctor had to give me because it was 'intra muscular' - he said that it is possible someone could be trained to give that one though.  So if your SIL is a nurse I bet she knows how.  Are you obligated to go to the doctor for any other reason?

So we currently have healthcare and I'm seeing a monthly OB/GYN and possibly some type of experimental group midwife thing, but my husband is most likely switching to a different company in under 2 months.  The new company goes through different health insurance, and they will NOT cover you for the first 3 months.  Why? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTT (insert rant about healthcare here).  At any rate, he said we will probably need to look for coverage under COBRA for those 3 months.  Never heard of this before, but I am hoping it is simple to figure out how to get on it.


they probably consider it a "preexisting condition" and are being aholes about it.  sad.png  is it your hubby just switchign insurance or is it the company he works for thats changing insurance?  cuz if its the company well thats not  your fault and it should be seamless and just carryover type of thing.

Edited by Kimbear, 07 May 2013 - 01:32 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2013-05-07 13:30:00