
Actually, to be honest, I'm having a hard time believing I get to be done with USCIS for awhile.

I guess it'll feel more real when I have it in my hands.

Congrats! lol i cant wait for the day i can say buh bye to uscis. :P

and wow Ashen!! i'd be happy too about no interview or travelling in your case!! :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-29 11:55:00

Interview done with, no idea whether I'm approved or not. He verified the information listed in my petitions (K1 and AOS), asked a couple of questions, laughed at us when we said we met via World of Warcraft (which was kind of silly, if you ask me) and then said that he still had to do background checks on us before we received his decision in about two weeks.

He was a little too curious about our banking history, too, which I found odd. I had included the statement that showed the wire transfer from my bank account in Canada to his in the US, and I highlighted it and everything. Well he wanted to know about all of the other activity on the statement, where money went, etc etc. I found that rather odd.

But regardless, a little disappointing as I was really hoping for an answer. He was surprised I wasn't working yet, until I told him that my EAD was only approved on Friday and I still hadn't received it yet.

The office was efficient enough... we were in and out long before our appointment time (went a half hour early).

ugh poor you. i hate that feeling of not knowing. And how many bloody background checks to they need to do in this process?? Sheesh. Hope you get your approval soon!

I checked the USCIS website for the heck of it and my EAD and AP were approved on the 24th! Too bad I didnt get before today, when I had a license appointment. Oh well.

And I hope you hear more soon, Sam.

Grats Rhiann!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-28 08:39:00
ok so kind of off topic, but the marriage certificates i got from the county courhouse are kinda well..Bleh lol. they are not wall frame nice :P And i'm not sure how the heck i'd get a "display" one. i know school diplomas you get both, the nice frame one from the school and the official one from the Gov't. BUt i wanna frame one with our pics around it...and well not sure how i'd do that? :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-27 08:55:00

I'm nervous everytime I have to go into some sort of appointment here in the States, as I feel like I always have to prep for a confrontation and be defensive as to why I'm there, haha. So you're certainly not the only one.

Good luck!

I didn't send in any photos or evidence with the AOS petition (though I did with the K1). Though if I had, we wouldn't have had any 'professional' ones to send in, so the others would've had to work. :P

Maybe that's it...i was immediately telling David why that can refuse me rather than thinking positive that it would be no problem! I even got it in my Married name lol. Showed my CDN passport, with visa, and i-94, marriage certificate, and that was it. I was panicking cuz i forgot my BC but had a copy with me only, and it wasn't even asked for. All she said was to make sure my name specifically was on the mailbox, and not just last name, as some postal people wont deliver an SSN to a box like that. Aside from the long wait as it was jam packed, it took me like a minute, but the wait was an hour and a half!

WOOT, On to state id and drivers licence and bank!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-22 15:05:00

Are you waiting for "wedding photos" from a professional or can we just print out ones that our friends take on their digital cameras? I am going to call my county clerk to see how much the certified certificates cost. HOpefully it is around $35 that would be better than lots more money.

My Sil took them and i posted a link in the wedding thread, not sending any with my AOS package. If i have to go for an interview i'll print some to bring with me.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-22 15:02:00
so i'm off to the SSN office..why do i feel nervous? eesh..fees like that time i went for my driving exam LOL. Will let ya know how it all goes!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-22 12:49:00
Grats on the job Tina and the green card spoom!

And i got my marriage certificates!!! :)

originally when we got the licence we were told to wait 3 weeks..but i was like..frig we went in yesterday as they are open late, and what do you know..married on the 11th, and it was RECORDED already on the it took them two days to do it..

so for reference..don't wait as long as they tell you too, chances are you can get it earlier. Picked up 6 copies for 35$, not so bad. Now i can do my SSN and send in my AOS as soon as we get the rest of the money, and my pictures. Woot! Finally feel some progress haha.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-22 06:47:00
that is the same situation i'm in now. for some reason the FIL seems scared to write up anything for us. i offered to find one print it out etc. and now he keeps saying he'll give us 500 towards rent of our now i kinda have no idea what is going on. :(

I know for domicile they wanted to see a somewhat "legal" real looking lease. not sure about AOS though. i mean lots of couples live with the In laws for the first bit.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-20 15:12:00
ok thats what i thought..the example did not make sense lol. thank :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-20 12:49:00
ok i has another question lol.

on the example form g-325a for aos, at the top we use our new married name, and write our maiden name under "other names". However at the bottom of the form, it asked us to write our name and a # again, and on the example it has the Maiden name of the girl.

do i put my maiden name at the bottom or put the married name?? nothing says which it just says Applicant print name and number, and it says family name.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-20 11:09:00

That's all I brought! And yeah, I put "legal alien allowed to work" as well.

You guys are gonna laugh at this. I started my new job today, and I was filling out the I-9, and checked the "Legal Permanent Resident" box, yada yada. Then the lady that does the payroll stuff asked for a copy of my SSN card. So I'm like, "ok, did you want a copy of my PR card too?" And she gave me this dumbfounded look. So then I'm like, "my resident card? Green Card? The prof that I'm allowed to work?" Still, blank stares. So I'm like, "I'm not a US citizen..." then suddenly it clicked. She's like "ohhhhhhhhhh!!! I don't know..." :lol: So, I gave her a copy anyways. And then, she's like "you're not a US citizen but you have an SSN number?" Ohhh boy.

LOL nice..i can only imagine the dumfounded "omg what is she talking about" look that she had :lol:

Sweet...can't wait to go apply for ssn etc..lulz..feel like a kid all over again :blush:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-19 23:12:00
so i just realized my i-94 doesn't say anything whatsoever about working. i just have the small departure part stapled to it. with a stamp on it and my passport page.

that says admitted as k1 on april 6th, and the i-94 expires july 5th. however the stamp in the passport page itself , says jun 5th. :blink:

anyway i noticed this as i'm filling out the SSN paper, i printed off the part i need for the k1, and i know technically i'm not allowed to work, however, waht do i put for citizenship?

legal alien allowed to work, NOT, or other? i need to be able to work for them to give me ssn#, even though until i get ead i'm not allowed LOL.

Also, for those who got and applied in married name, what proof did you bring?

passport with i-94
birth certificate
marriage certificate

anything else?

Edited by Kimbear, 19 April 2010 - 04:36 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-19 16:35:00

Awww Kimbear, best wishes to you and your husband! I am so happy your wedding is as beautiful and as intimate as you wanted. Ive read that the food you cooked was fantastic -- it seems like you consider a budding career as a caterer if you wish to ;) I am so happy for you! *BIG HUG*

Wow, ya know..i never thought of that! lol. I do alot of cooking..mostly pinch of this dash of recipes written down..and i'm not good with presentation, however, that is an interesting idea!. hehe i do like being bossy occasionally to :)

I hope things goes well for you too! :luv:

Miranda, that sounded like an odd interview for sure. Grats on the approval though!

Peachy Grats on the EAD!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-16 09:51:00

Awww I'm so happy for you. I love that feeling, I still get it when I look at Wes. Congratulations! You definately deserved it to go well after all the other ####### you went through.

Awwwwww!! :luv:

Congrats on the marriage kimbear!!

Aww ty guys :) i'm still trying to pop in every now and then this week even though we are both on vacation still :P

Not sure what i should do for the next few weeks. Waiting for my info in the save system, giving them 3 weeks cuz of the computer issues at poe, and 3 weeks for my marriage certificates.

Most of my forms are already prefilled and ready to adjust and print.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-15 16:54:00

You next, hurry up! :lol: I hope your wedding is beautiful!

LOL well tbh, right now..i'm not even thinking about AOS :) Kinda just been staring at my new husband all day and thinking how lucky i am to have such a wonderful handsome man :) I've had a (excuse the expression) Sh1te eating grin for two days now! :lol:

And after the sybaris pool/spa hotel we went too, i'm so relaxed, i dont think anything could even remotely piss me off this week.

Wedding went off without a hitch, even with the dogs barking their agreement in the background! David and i were both nervous, i DID NOT trip down the stairs woot! and i got tipsy off two glasses of wine! lol.

As the best man was filling up out champage glasses, i here my MIL ( who is a minister and a salvation arm officer) say "thats it! get the bride drunk"! :o

i almost choked on my drink lol. Oh and the oven perfectly timed with our FIL pronouncing us husband and wife! Right after he did that and started introducing us as mr. and mrs. the oven beeped...yep :lol:

Ahhh for once in my life everyting just seems serenely beautiful and perfect. :luv:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-12 19:18:00
Wow seems everyone is getting notices left right and center! Great news to hear!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-10 23:01:00
ok i'll just get like a couple certified copies and use photocopies for most stuff. cheaper that way..

Ashen i know how ya feel. most of you guys are getting your noa's for aos or green cards, even though we all applied around same time for the well sh1te least we are all together with our so.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-09 12:55:00
CanadaAOS'rs... will be a month before i can file for AOS..the clerk at the county office told us we are not allowed to hand bring in our marriage licence, in order to get our has to be mailed and will take a minimum of 3 weeks to get it. /sigh. so 15$ for the first copy and 4$ for each there after..i'm going to need 5 for aos ead etc? or can i just use copies of the original?
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-08 10:54:00

You POE'd at Detroit right? That figures!

ambassador bridge but i've never had a problem with them before. it was just bad timing along with some american who was pulled over strippsearched and checked for contraband cuz they found pills in her car which wasn't hers and had the vin # removed. when we saw the officer approach her with rubber gloves we were lke uh oh someone is in trouble.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-08 08:54:00
seriously lol after 2 hours of waiting i wanted to make sure..and i was like oh misspelled is BAD BAD BAD..:P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-07 16:02:00
grats guys. glad to see some progress on your aos. :)

so at my poe i tried to get a copy of my medical lol. alas..shift changes..newbies, computer issues..good thing i checked my i-94 before i name was spelt wrong..that took another 30 mins to fix.

my only worry..they asked for davids id and it has his old address on it..not the new one..althought they had all my paperwork..and we can get mail at both address's..his parents live at both til end of may. i'm just wondering if this will cause an issue...

trying hard not to worry about anything..david says for the next two weeks i'm not allowed to worry / stress or he said mandatory vacation time out for me :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-07 15:31:00
Grats that seems fast to me as well!.

Dont worry Ashen, hopefully this week you get it taken care of!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-20 17:15:00

That's exactly what I'm worried about with my Chicken Pox thing. I'll be the tester and go for it without getting it updated and I-693'd. I'm just sending in my vaccination sheet from the medical, with a short note explaining why, AS INSTRUCTED, I did not send the I-693. lol
I'll keep ya'll posted.

Ya i'm still going to do the same thing. Bloody process is nothing but hoop after hoop. sigh. Now i just have to make sure i have the money saved up for AOS.

I can send in the aos pkg without the AP if i dont really need it right? I dont really have any family left in Canada, well any that i talk to. (long story) i mean i know $$ wise it makes no diff but the less paperwork that needs filling out the better :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-20 13:30:00

Are you talking about the Tdap booster? Adacel?

Uhhh :blush:

the paper dr. seiden gave me originally says: proof of a primary series of three tetanus/diphtheria immunizations and that a reinforcing dose has been received within the last 10 years OR antibody titres proving immunity OR a td booster NOW or Tdap (adacel).

so the doc at the clinic gave me the td booster.

why give me all those options if i needed the 3 shot one? i had a td just was longer than 10 years ago which is why he told me to get an updated one. Like i said..i thought td boosters were every 10 years :blink:
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-20 13:27:00
ya the insufficient interval thing is bothering td..i had one when i was a kid. i had the booster that it says to do..yet he ticked off insufficient time i'm at a is only every 10 years and i did get the booster..the paper i have from him said to get one of 3 either td or tdap or a third i dunno.

Edited by Kimbear, 19 March 2010 - 10:50 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-19 22:49:00
So like, i think some wording got changed on the i-693 form and instructions, regarding K1 visas.

If you were admitted as a:

K-1 fiance and you received a medical exam prior to admission then:

A. You are not required to have another medical (this we already know)

B. Even if a new medical exam is not required, you still must show proof that you complied with the vaccination requirements. (here is the part i'm referring too) If the vaccination record (ds-3025) WAS NOT properly completed and included as part of the original, overseas medical exam report, you will have to have the vaccination report completed by a designated civil surgeon. In this case, you are required to submit part1, 2 and 5 of form i-693.

As you can see based on this new wording, it specifically states that the only reason you even need the 693 is if it was not filled out properly or included in the sealed envelope from the medical. Or if you had to have other vaccines and you decided to wait til you were in the usa to be up to date.

Now my question is, i had my medical, i had the extra shots, faxed it all back to Dr. Seiden, he signed off on my medical. Technically this SHOULD mean I am ok with my AOS based on that paragraph right?
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-19 18:27:00
Congrats Frances!! :dance::dance:

And i think a few years ago the card actually was green..but ya lol i agree it sure cost enough greenies for us!!

Ashen, glad you decided what to do. and omg 7$? for pics?? what store was that? wow. i can't find em cheaper than 10 and those were crappy quality.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-18 18:34:00
Ashen i hope things start to look up for you. I can't even imagine the suckiness you both are going through. ((((HUGS))))

Hopefully you can get this CS thing worked out and get your AOS done before your I-94 expires. Personally, i'd send it as is..if you get an RFE you get one..Like some have said..they give you time to get it done and who knows, by then maybe your luck will have changed for the better. At least you both are together, even if you do drive each other nuts :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-17 20:35:00

Thank you guys!!!! I am really happy :)

Kimbear -- Im trying to figure out where that paragraph is from your post -- cant find it...? Is it in the actual I-485 or the instructions guide? I wonder if thats for people who have filed for an I-485 and are reapplying again?

it's from the instructions for the 765. which is why i'm confused. both cat 6 and 7 apply to a k1, just that cat 7 which i posted above is if you've applied for aos..bah..not gonna worry about it. once i move i dont care about much anymore LOL..sad i know..but as long as i'm in the usa with david not much is going to phase me much anymroe :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-13 22:48:00
ok i compared the two i 485, there are some slight additions to the new one, thus it's 6 pages instead of 4 now.

category 7: EAD applicants who have filed for AOS
a. adjustment applicant © (9).
File form i-765 with a copy of the receipt notice or other evidence that your form i-485, is pending.

ok dumb question..since we can file 485 and 765 together.umm and they get split up and go to diff places, how can i give them a copy of a receipt if im sending em at the same time?
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-13 13:29:00
Grats Frances on the approval!

the i 693 has also been updated : New edition dated 02/25/10. Previous editions accepted. Current editions are 10/14/2009 and 02/25/2010.

February 25, 2010

I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. New edition dated 12/03/09, previous versions not accepted. Beginning February 25, 2010, most applicants must submit Form I-485 to a USCIS Lockbox facility, depending on the eligibility category under which they are filing, as provided in the form instructions.

February 24, 2010

I-765, Application for Employment Authorization. New edition dated 02/12/10. Beginning February 24, 2010 applicants must now submit Form I-765 to one of the USCIS Lockbox facilities or the USCIS Vermont Service Center, based on the classification under which they are filing. Detailed guidance can be found in updated Form I-765 instructions.

i downloaded them from the forms site again, mine had dates of dec on em.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-13 01:24:00
For those of us who will be doing aos soon in the next month just an FYI there are new updated i 485 and i 765 on the uscis site..dated february.

and of course..i can't access the site with 3 diff browsers.../sigh
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-12 13:05:00
CanadaAm I in trouble?

Ok, well needless to say that I'm VERY agitated right now and need your assistance VJ members!

I've never immigrated before (obviously) and this process did not come with a hand book of what to do once you move to the US. I just read a post, and I was to call CRA to let them know I moved? I contacted the Qc government in late December or early January in regards to my driver's license. I had to write them a letter telling them my new adress, blah blah blah. I was also going to put a letter in my tax return (I do it the old fashion paper way), but you're supposed to call?
How bad is it that I haven't yet? Is this going to get me denied at my AOS interview in two weeks??? :crying: :crying: :crying:
Gosh, this process is so stressful, I'm so tired of finding new things to stress out about! I'm terrified now that I've made a terrible mistake and don't know what to do! :help:

I never said anything to anyone other than ontario to get refund for my 5 year licence i had just renewed. ohip is automatically cancelled, and i figured i'd be doing an exit return anyway. i've also heard your suposed to tell the CDN Gov't that when you get married as well. I never did that either lol.

course then again i'm pretty sure i wont go back to Canada unless my husband gets a job there or a transfer.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-02-28 14:08:00
CanadaCanadian bf got denied at the can/us border, can he try again???

Happened to my fiancee back in November :angry:

We decided that I would be the one to visit after that. I'm on trip #5 to Canada this week! :yes:

The whole issue is very "grey" it seems to me and you will get many opinions on this board.

If he didn't get anything stamped in his passport and didn't lie or mislead, then he could probably try again with copious amounts of proof of ties and copy of NOA1, etc.

But then again, the only thing I'm certain of is the process can be frustrating for those who comply with the law. :bonk:

so very fracking true. especially since i'm one of many who was refused multiple times trying to visit my Fiance. In fact during our k1 he had to visit me for the entire process which lasted well over a year. and i had tried multiple crossings too. It really is up to the poe officer to be nice and let you through or make you go through hell where you think your being arrested lol.

Glad you soon to be fiance got in!
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-03-16 13:17:00
CanadaApplying for credit cards

Someone may have already shared this info. but thought I'd post in any case.

Just off the phone with Bank of America credit cards - they received my application and had some additional questions for me. As I'm not working/can't work till i get my green card she suggested they pull my Canadian Credit history which would give me a much higher credit limit to start with instead of the typical really low one for immigrants with no job/no US credit history.

Isn't that great? Dunno if it's the same for other US banks, would assume so.

Actually they told me the same thing regarding our preapproval for a mortgage. Although they info can't be used the same way as US based info it shows a history be it good or bad and can help contribute. I was surprised lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-03-16 13:04:00
Canada485 notification/'touches'
i had the emails txts enabled since my k1, but when it came to AOS i had to recheck them off and save my preferences. and watch out lol if you pay for txts. i got 2 for every notification like 6 in one day. i think even Colleens got like 9 one day..and i had to pay for them lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-03-25 08:05:00
CanadaNon US Citizen CDNS & Wills
Wow that's definitely something good to know. We were just thinking of wills recently too with the house shopping stuff too.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-03-29 11:49:00
CanadaHow long can you hold off the interview...
You shouldn't need the RCMP one unless you have a record and need fingerprints done. the one Krikit posted works great. Also i believe if you show up to your interview without it but show the receipt for paying for it, they will just ask you to send it to them as soon as you get it. which will delay when you get your passport back.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-03-29 11:34:00
CanadaMontreal Interview - 05/18/11
welcome to VJ!!! :)

If you hand around here long enough you will see all the woes about the Montreal consulate. They are extremely slow on just about every aspect of the journey. I'm sorry but don't expect your visa back in 3 days from Montreal, I'm pretty sure that is unheard of.

As Krikit stated, they hold onto your passport, and they give it to a different department to have the visa printed and placed in the passport, then that goes to the mailing department where the passport is setup with the new DHL system. You should get a paper at the interview with the way bill number if all is good. then the waiting game begins. it could be a week or 2 before you get the call telling you to go pick it up. It takes usually about 3 days or so for the waybill number to work on the tracking site as well usually.

Definitely reschedule the wedding...changing your interview date could set you back at least another 6 months.

Edited by Kimbear, 31 March 2011 - 10:59 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2011-03-31 10:59:00
CanadaCandian legal terms...

Thank-you! I wish people would refrain from giving opinions unless asked. Facts was what I was looking for, and your experience is proof enough. Thanks again, you have been very helpful!! :)

lol unfortunately this is a public forum with millions of people from all over. your going to get that whether you like it or not. Also you technically asked "everyone" as a specific name was not attached to that question :P All you can do is take it with a grain of salt and chose to ignore or not replay to any posts you think are irrelevant or not what you are looking for. Otherwise people will get there feathers ruffled and that just leads to other things. :)

Also text does have a way of making people read a post a certain way or the wrong way. Just remember, most of the people here on VJ are here to share similar experiences and offer advice.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-01 08:25:00