
Contests peachy!

We got our 6 emails and texts today! I got a little hasty and tried to check the status online and our MSC numbers aren't in the system yet. Booh!

Now we are crossing our fingers that we get transferred to CSC.

Grats on getting your notices and for the record..lots of coplaints about CSC xfers. From what i'm seeing you do not want to get xfered. Most of the posts are ppl waiting for 6 months. Look at peachey's timeline..almost 7 for her to get her green card..:(

OOOOOH! Congrats hon! Its about damn time!!!

On a side note - apparently CA can't determine that I'm legally here so I had to go back to the DMV with my GC to prove I'm allowed to be here to see if that will help them send me my damn DL. GRRRRR.

I have to do the same thing but for my bank account. They have my old CDN addy there, since i do not have a green gard showing my LPR status. Even though i do have a state d/l id etc. so i can't even change my address online /sigh.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-23 08:03:00

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing good! I was wondering how could we know if our case has been "touched" on the uscis website? I know that we can access our case status, but how do I know that it was touched?
Thank you for your answers in advance!
KnR aka slider100

same way you checked when you had k1 status. i still have my user name and login etc. i just added my extra case numbers to it
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-21 14:31:00
CanadaAOS'rs... apped just a week or so before me...i still have yet to get a bio letter :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-21 14:27:00
Grats arya and missa!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-21 11:15:00
hehe i have two dogs of my own. both rescues. all they do is sleep all day :P lazy puppies
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-20 13:53:00

I sent my AOS package in at the beginning of June and still have not even recieved my biometerics appointment yet, so if you are not able to get an expedite, you will most likely be in for a wait of 3-4 months......It seems that processing for AOS and EAD is quite slow right now :(

i'm seriously starting to go stir crazy....and there is noting on tv since it's summer. i'm cleaning twice a week. i keep rearranging stuff in the apartment. trying to keep myself busy. As soon as David gets home from work i bombard him with talkign and questions about his day etc.

I successfully got a Florida driver's license today! I was holding my breath the whole time at the wicket. I was just waiting for the man to tell me something wasn't working out...

Now I have the joy of registering my car.... hundreds of dollars!


Well I sent my AOS packet offon the 8th and today it was returned (feel free to have a pity party on my behalf). Of course all it says is Rejected because of an 'outdated' form. It took me awhile to figure that which one since they all expired 2011 or 2012. Well apparently the I-485 I used that wasn't to expire until 2011 was replaced by one that expires dec 2010. I guess I never looked at that one to see if there was a newer version before I printed off my STACK of papers (did I mention I have 3 kids so everything times 3). I just got it all refilled out and printed and put back together so we can overnight it tomorrow.

Blah...seriously not impressed with myself. :bonk: :bonk:

oh boo! that has to really suck. Least it didn't take too long for them to let you know something was wrong.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-20 10:05:00

When the guy called me the second time he told me that I'm in the system now! He said you can go back to SS office and reapply and it should work. So I go there, biking, and (this was my fault) she says I need the original of my marriage certificate, not just the copy! OMG! OK, so I bike back home, bike back there again and she says your card is not verifying still! Posted Image So they get the manager and he says he talked to that guy who called him this morning but he didn't tell him that it was verifying! So someone is not telling the truth! Anyway, they sent the secondary electronic verification, and I sooooo hope it will come in next week. So I biked there twice in 30 degree weather for nothing! At least I got some exercise!

OMG Arya....i'd be so freakign ticked if i were you..what the effing hell are they doing over there!! I hope you get this sorted out soon..good grief!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-16 19:10:00
grats arya!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-14 15:09:00
so two touches in two days on my aos....still says initial review, and still no biometrics apt. wonder what they are doing to it.

quick question, when you get xfered to CSC, what happens with your EAD? does it get transfered too or does it stay?
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-14 11:59:00

I still haven't recieved mine either, so I wouldn't panic too much. But I do agree that it seems to be taking longer than 'normal'. I did just recieve a text/e-mail that the case is pending at the CSC, so hopefully something comes soon!

well i looked at the aos timelines for ppl who filed at chicago office and were xfered and seemed almost everyone has a bio date but us..argh.

my local asc office is waukeegan according to uscis, however i have no idea how to find stats for that site. :( and all i got today was a confirmation that csc now has my aos file.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-13 11:17:00
those of you who got xfered to CSC, how long did it take for your biometrics appt letter? almost a month and a half since they got my pkg and i still don't have an appointment..getting worried..and uscis wont help me since i called last week to change my address etc.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-13 09:58:00
so here we are july 9th, a month and a week after uscis received our aos paperwork, and i still have no biometrics appointment. i called they gave me a ref number, put in some sort of ticket, gave me no info and said dont call back for another 45 days..#######??

i've seen ppl get the bio before their case was even transfered. sigh. can't wait til i dont have to freaking deal with uscis ppl who just read a script..i mean talkign to this guy..i thought it was an answering machine...
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-09 09:35:00
heh..just noticed on my transfer letter for my aos it states:

"in order to speed up processing we have transfered"

funny..since from what i keep reading transfers take 2 months or more longer to get approved.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-08 11:14:00
you dont have to fill out your ssn number i dont think if you dont have it. i got mine right away with my marriage certificate so i was lucky to get it all done in married name.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-07 11:30:00
oh wow are just being kicked from one end to the other since poe...damn girl..i thought i had bad luck with alot of stuff..but i think you beat most of us out here. ((((((hugs)))))))

Hopefully stuff turns around and starts to get need some good news, good days..i'm crossing my fingers for ya.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-07 09:29:00
On June 30, 2010, we transferred this case I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS to our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location for processing and sent you a notice explaining this action.

Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-01 08:07:00
so biometrics is supposed to be around a month after sending in aos? i have not heard anything since my noa1.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-29 11:41:00

Hey, at least you got it! :) Congrats.

I was so, so thankful to have it in hand when we crossed back into the States this weekend - it was the very first time I wasn't pulled into secondary when crossing, haha.

Congrats to everyone seeing movement on their cases, and hoping that those who haven't will see something soon.

O.O whats that feel like? LOL
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-14 10:26:00
Thanks for the info all. Funny thing was i had a state id. d/l etc all at the same time we opened the joint account. lol i dunno guess i'll call them maybe the lady messed up or checked a wrong box.

in other news. i got my noa's for my aos stuff. woot. looked up the closest bio office..and it's like 1.5 hours away../sigh. guess david will have to take day off work whenever i get my appt letter since we only have the one car and i'm in the middle of nowhere now LOL.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-10 13:23:00
Just thought of something else..once we get green we go around to bank etc and get that changed? atm my bank has me as a temp resident or whatnot..i mean they have my addy here on file, but it also shows my cdn addy and wont let me change it..i'm guessing it's cuz technically speaking i dont have my PR yet...ya i know..i'm overthinking again lol.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-09 10:55:00
K i know this is a few weeks away..well months by the look of things, but when you get your EAD do you go back to Social security to have a new SSN to have the dhs authorization removed? or did you just wait til you got the green card? i'm kinds confused with the inbetween of ead / green card. heh. really wanna work soo badly right now..we soo need a new car and have no money for repairs on the old pos one we have's literally falling apart..makes me scared when david drives it :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-09 10:41:00

I got my Green Card today! Posted Image It's so sparkly.

I'm also starting a new job this week. Posted Image

GRATS!! Awesome news.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-08 07:04:00

That's odd. You should only have one MSC# for AOS. Well, really it's 3 MSC #s in total. One for EAD, one for AP, and one for AOS. They're usually roughly in sequence, with AP being a few numbers off. And yeah, the MSC# is basically your new receipt/case number. You should be able to try logging in on the USCIS website now to check your status (though it might not show up for a day or two). :)

Ahh ok yeah i got 6 emails total too! lol ty for making me pay 1.20 in txt charges..doh! apparently it's not free to receive them in the usa with tmobile like it was when i was with telus up in canada.

i just thought it was weird that i had diff numbers but each email referenced form i-765...and ya...i can't see anything online atm..wheee feels like good old i-129f days!....
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-07 17:48:00
so we just got spammed 4 times ( edit makes that 6 ####### lol) with txt msgs saying they got our aos ppwk. two diff MSC#'s, yet all 4 txts say it's only for the I-765? No email as of yet. I'm guessing MSC is the new case number like WAC was for our i-129f?

Edited by Kimbear, 07 June 2010 - 01:30 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-07 13:26:00

Your check probably hasn't cleared yet because we don't take cheques here, only checks :lol: Just kidding. We got notifications about 2 weeks after sending in the AoS, and then approved for the EAD/AP about a week after that. The following week, we received notice that we would have an interview 2 weeks after that. It seems they've gotten a bit bogged down since then, but it all seemed to roll together.

The income requirements are kind of skewed. Yes, $50k per year is enough money to support a family of 4 in Arkansas, but it's barely enough to live hand to mouth in a major metropolitan city.

well thats what i mean, it should be dependant on where you live, and adjusted accordingly. lol ya ya sorry but i'll never lose my U in words!! :P seems bathroom and restroom etc are specific too sheesh :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-03 11:59:00

Kimbear, I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through. It's only temporary and things will get better!

As for your question, I know they received my package on April 18th (Mon) and I received e-mails and texts on April 23rd (Fri). I'm afraid I don't remember how quickly they cashed the cheque.

heh..i'ts ok. it's just living with the in-laws makes it a tad difficult..i try to bake / cook / clean. usually it helps and i feel like i'm getting something done lol. ya noa seems to take a week. i just hate waiting for anything or :P

After you receive you initial txts/emails go to the USCIS website and sign up for email/txts updates again or you'll never get a txt or email from them again.

They cashed my cheque about a week after our NOA1 date.

wow thats a pretty dumb system lol..figures..i mean it IS uscis..right?
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-03 11:54:00
well monday was a holiday i was told which is why it got delivered tuesday only shrug. i still have to get used to holidays.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-03 11:49:00
speaking of emails and txts. how long after they receive the aos package do you start getting them? according to fedex they received the package on tuesday. my cheque has not passed yet, and i had to borrow money cuz of the stupid ipass auto refilling grrrr. sigh dont even have money for dog food so i have to cut them down a bit on portion size and add in extra treats. barely had enough for gas this am for david to get to work.

this totally sucks..i feel so freaking useless.. living near chicago is stupid expensive, and i'm still trying to figure out how they say davids income is enough for 4 ppl in the i-864, they need to revise it i think..cuz im realizing depending on where you live it should be different.

hmm maybe this shoulda gone in the vent thread ...doh!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-03 07:26:00

I just got my AOS package in today as well hopefully it will be a quick smooth process *fingers crossed*. I didn't end up finding a civil surgeon that would just transcribe my vaccinations, but I did finally get a response from Dr. Seiden that the vaccination worksheet was inculded in the DO NOT OPEN medical package, so I sent it in with a similar letter as arabella did regarding not needing to have the I-693 if we has the overseas medical, so hopefully I will have no issues with that!!

I added a paragraph on my cover letter stating when my medical was done and that it was within the one year so all i attached was the copy of the medical worksheet as well. *crosses fingers for us both*. At least an rfe at this point wont be a killer for me lol. besides we are so dead broke atm it's not even funny.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-01 06:38:00

Will you be getting a joint bank account? You can use things like that to show the same address. Keep every bit of mail you receive addressed to you or both of you too. Do you have Netflix? You could sign up under both your names for that as well.

Yes thankfully that was the first thing we did after our wedding the bank account, also he changed his employee file to married for his company, so health insurance and life insurance certificates with me as bene on both. Also our car insurance has me on it. But thats really it atm. Keep trying to get tmobile to add me to the mailing list for our bill, they dont show our names attached to the actual mobile numbers.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-01 06:32:00
Grats Sam!

I officially mailed off my aos package today via fedex. took a bit longer i expected but at least it's done now. OY, now i gotta figure out how to prove we live together :( no lease no utilities in laws are being..fussy. :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-05-28 21:58:00
Well Friday i should be finally sending out our AOS packet. We spent a little too much on some wedding stuff and it put us back a bit. I am not looking forward to dealing with uscis again /sigh. Really really wanna be able to work. I kinda miss feeling dependant and doing my own thing and having money. Being able to go buy something without worrying if we can fill up the gas in car..OMG the price of gas here..3.30 a gallon..#######. :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-05-20 07:56:00
yay grats steph!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-05-11 18:13:00
thats what i did stef, used his last name. this way all your receipts etc will have your married name on em.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-05-06 12:04:00
Lila those instructions are if you do just the 485 i believe, just follow the vj instructions and do it all together as a whole package the 485, 765, and the 131.

Edited by Kimbear, 06 May 2010 - 09:44 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-05-06 09:44:00
Grats Rhiann!! Sounded super easy your interview!

Kuro, wow..thats weird. And how do you know if you got approved or not anyway? Do they give you anything or just say yay or nay? Sorry they didn't tell you..that kinda sucks :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-05-06 08:12:00

Rhian I sympathize ... I'm not photogenic at all ... I always look awful on my identity card, driving license, passport,...

So I do not expect better on my AP, EAD and GC
But my husband is better not laughing... :bonk: lol

haha i hear ya. my pics look terrible and it always takes at least 3 tries because i blink every time! luckily my husband is a quick leaner, and just says how cute i am in the pics LOL
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-05-01 17:09:00
Congrats on the CSC transfer Jo, hopefully you get your AP soon so you can go be with your family.

I went today and got both my state id and drivers licence. They didn't even look at my passport, although the first gal was confused as to my new name...she seemed to not know what a maiden name / married name is LOL. WE got there around 10:45 and were out by 12:30, for my dl, all i had to do was take the written, paper test and only 20 questions, with 12 signs i had to match up to the correct name. Sooo bloody easy, lol and i was worried as i did the studying in the waiting line LOL!. Total cost was 50$. 30 for the d/l 20 for the state id and both are good for 5 years..NEAT! Also got our health insurance cards today too with our names on em.

Oh and What the heck? a cheasy cheap piece of paper for an SSN?? wow. heh, now i finally feel like a us resident Posted Image i'm not even worried in the slightest about working on my credit rating or anything. I think i hit the calm before the storm Posted Image

oh edit here, they let me keep my Ontario drivers licence. they did not take it or cut it up or anything. And they were confused as to why i can't be put on the voters list lol, i had to tell them i can't cuz i'm only a PR, us citizen only can vote :P

Edited by Kimbear, 01 May 2010 - 01:21 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-05-01 13:19:00
Woot! Got my SSN today!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-30 15:48:00

Actually, to be honest, I'm having a hard time believing I get to be done with USCIS for awhile.

I guess it'll feel more real when I have it in my hands.

Congrats! lol i cant wait for the day i can say buh bye to uscis. :P

and wow Ashen!! i'd be happy too about no interview or travelling in your case!! :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-04-29 11:55:00