CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

Who da King Slayer! That's right, I am ! :P

Haven't played in a year and I just reactivated my account last month. Took me a few weeks to catch up and get geared up and mu husband's guild invited me and we downed LK in ICC 10 :) That was fun.

I agree, LK is not the hard part, it's all the fuqtards.


maybe i'll just take back the welcome back i sent you :devil:

Meanie lol. i hate you for this :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-28 11:31:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
FYI, mobs lvl 65 and up will hit along harder so the guilds that didn't down LK now, probably wont..ever...there is also talk about changing the icc buff or getting rid of it etc.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-22 10:28:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
ha i joined this guild when i was 60 i'm 80 now i still dont talk on vent..i jsut dont wanna get used to a guild again if all hell breaks loose
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-21 08:55:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
after 4 days of no net / cable tv, etc. i can freely admit i am a wow addict. i actually was totally grumpy this weekend..i was like 4 bubbles from 80 on my pally had a raid spot for thursday already set up and now i can't make it cuz i lost 4 days of gearing up..GRRRRR.

tried playing other games on my pc but they just did not hold my we bought season 5 of supernatural and watched almost the whole thing..LOL.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-20 09:30:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
so my bear tank sucks in beta, and now so does my kitty, used to doing 4-5k dps and now..i did a craptastic 2k on kitty...i r sad...i think kimbear the druid is going to get retired :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-04 08:31:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
addons are allowed yes but it causes some issues like random freezing etc..however i can finally see my dps now lol. rather than look at my combat log and analyize it :P

one thing i do like. is the new integrated power auras. not only does a symbol show up mid screen, but depending on the proc, your atcks will flash and light up. for instance, my dk, she is frost, when i get a killing machine or rime proc my icy touch and howling blast and frost stike will light up and shine rather then me staring all over my screen for a buff icon or timer. now if only they could add a countdown timer on the icon that would be awesome.

my hunter had to respec again, and i'm happy to say BM is actually better dps than my MM spec in my 232 gear. i pulled at least 1k more dps on the target dummy in BM today.

my dk does surprisingly well, and i have just to test my pally and druid. and yes..these are all of my LIVE chars copied over..giggle :P

worgen are still broken so are goblins, and professons and glyphs sigh.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-09-03 14:11:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!! like taking a raiding break for the last month was nice...but ..i just found out all my chars were gkicked, every single 80. looks like my icc chars are homeless. sigh. time to go play on the beta..cuz i dont feel like logging in now. :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-27 15:18:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
Neither. MM is the only way to go. look at any wow parser, all the hunters are MM. Mine is. also with all the movement fights, MM has an extra shot you can do while moving. Anyways it will all change come cata, arp is gone, half your atks are gone, you aspects gone mana gone. my hunter is on ptr and i can't figureout what the hell to do with her. might just give up.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-26 06:36:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

I was going to faction change my toons from alliance to horde, but then I realized i'd have to replace some gems with hit rate. I love Heroic Presence, 1% Hit is really a great racial bonus. :lol:

with icc gear it dont mean much i have over 468 hit..ugh. lol

Horde or Alli ? Decisions...decisions

well i've done both. and to be honest. depending on zone, the alliance quests areas etc. are alot nicer. and most places have ALL your prof trainers. also depending on class, some spells are diff. like we did chess in kara yesterday, alliance lol. and in nagrand well you do not have the epic thrall quest line to do either. so getting the talbuk from rep is a bit harder. however you can get winterpsring tiger, and as a human the bonus faction rep discount is uber :)

oh and after 5 years of horde..i find it so blah...the areas etc..doing outlands now as alliance is sooo refreshing :)

Edited by Kimbear, 23 August 2010 - 08:30 AM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-23 08:29:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
if you have low hit or are not hit capped you need to have the growl glyph. it's pretty much std.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-23 08:23:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
well david and rerolled on hellscream big server. and at 70 we both have over 2k gold. no heirloom gear nothing. our only chars here. because the server is soo big ore gems chanting mats sell like hotcakes and depending on the day the price can fluctuate from 10g a stack of mithril to 60. if you have patience you can make lots of money. my bank alt sells my jc rings etc that i'm making to lvl up for around 2-5 each bc ones, and i made over 400 yesterday from disenchanters :)

I love love love my realm :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-22 10:09:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
so david suggested we all get together on one server and make a VJ guild LOL.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-20 14:57:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
So David and i turned back on XP, finished most of the old world stuff, aside from a few raids, we found a guild of casuals who like to run old stuff, so they had brought us to MC woot, got us some tier 1 lol, did some zg, some aq, had a blast enjoying old world stuff at lvl 60. i got a crash course in pally healing. lol.

Now we are in outlands and lvl 65 already and only in Zangamarsh! I'm herb/alchemy and loving it lol. however, i forgot that most of the recipes for things are drops..grumble or rep items..grumble lol.

As for the beta, they scrwed me over lol. my dk was halfway though the hyjal questline and they changed the zone, npc placements and bascially said oops..your scrwed, you can't progress and you can't redo it..make a new char.....grrrr.

today i get to tyry out the 80 pally premade,

one thing to note, blizz upped the dmg the mobs do, so even at 80 and 81 they hit HARD. my druid bear tank gets hit for 2k a shot...and ####### they did to rogues..a rogue 3 shot my druid..granted i was in bird form with 32k hp, but omg hemo rupture boom i'm dead....whaaaaa?

and the other char that killed me did it so fast and ran away i didn't have time to even see what class it was..sooo they did something to pvp for some classes or something..UGH..glad i'm on a PVE server in LIve. :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-18 08:03:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

Thank you very much. I downloaded it and it worked great. But I'm having an issue with it that I can't seem to resolve reading FAQ's. On 2 of my 80's, it simply will not resize. I have no idea what is wrong as I haven't changed any of the settings from the default. It works on 4 of my 80's though. I don't know, I guess it's just weird like that.

i think the resizing thing is due to the new chat window blizz did. all my addons are having issues as well, every time i unlock my window put it where i want, and logout, it's all fubard again.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-17 09:03:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
wow peachey..glad i did not buy character..lame lame lame.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-16 10:47:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
wow 5k and that includes the 30% buff?? tha means they only do 3k so are probably fresh 80's..#######. RL should isnpect ppl beforehand.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-15 09:13:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
i must be on a good realm lol all our chats are pretty ok. not too many immature kids. no barrens chat, no chuck norris jokes, and alot of lfg for raids and progression lots of pugs.

ok so beta has alot alot of issues right now. profressions do not work, half the time you cannot train, you have to switch specs a few time for the trainer to see you can learn that stuff. mounts are slow. animations of models dont always work. flying in old world is awesome. you can't customize half your chars like worgen and you cannot be a female.

the greens you get atm are item level 272 and almost as much statwise as my 264 icc gear which ticks me off to no end. no sockets yet on items but most of the green sell for about 10-20g. kinda reminds me of burning crusade when it came out. I hit 81 in a matter of hours yesterday and gained over 600gold. i decided to start with the hyjal zone, which has alot of lore etc. FYI never trust a

atm i can't test the premade druids, cuz...blizzard sucks, and gave them only one weapon..a freaking caster dagger..effing jerks..i'm not a bloody caster..sigh..and i have to wait for my real druid to be the gear on the premades sucks.they give you badge gear..umm usually they give you liek 4 types of gear for every spec. weapons etc, and the bis gear for your blizz my actual chars have better gear :P

my deathknight, who is in almost full 264 gear, is AMAZING on the beta..OMG i'm so op now. :P i was unholy / dw frost spec. and i decided to try out 2hander frost..ohhh emmmm geeeee. i never run out of runic power, i have so many nice new atacks, my diseases are insta applied, and i'm hitting single target for 13k or more avg. so figures we'll prolly get nerfed LOL.

david tried out his warrior, and well he almost threw the pc out the windows eek! all his arp was switched to haste, even on my chars. and he only hits for a fraction of what he does in live. he is soo upset at blizzard. we've not heard the "need more rage" error since vanilla. and his dps sucks right now :( he is sooo upset.

as for my pally and hunter, well. lol i'm not even sure how to respec them!! so i'll play with them later in the week. Troll druids are LOLOLOLOL. oh man..saw one running around in ogrimmar..which is like huge and a bloody fortress and prepared for war, and i could not stop laughing. King B but in funny bright colors with the troll hair face and tusks..lulz. youd have to see it..i'm a try and find my screenshots. worgen druids..well worgen atm are broken so i cna't really try anything with them.and i refuse to try goblins lol..
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-13 08:29:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
Guess who got into the beta....:whistle::whistle::whistle:


OH yeah....I DID I DID :P David is sooooo jealous lol. while hes at work i get to have fun playing and testing lulz!

Edited by Kimbear, 11 August 2010 - 01:26 PM.

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-11 13:25:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
i tried all 3 specs on my 80 hunter, and i tried agi vs arp
i prefered MM and did more dmg. and i stuck with arp in t10. works out better. i'm also an ej / forum/ read it all / min / maxer on all my toons :P they all have over 3k wowheroes GS, not sure what that would be with the mod..our realm dont use it.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-03 15:29:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
so my pally is now 60. we turned xp off doing the vanilla thing and dungeon 1/ 2 set thing

divine storm is yummy :) i do so much freaking aoe dmg right now it's luckily hubbys tank can keep agro :P So far its' fun. and if we dont get a healer on..i just pop on some intel gear in my ret spec and i can still heal damn well..sad really..i heal better in ret than some healy spec'd ppl in LFG...
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-03 14:56:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

OK, i've been banging my head on LK for the last 3 hours. It is all the fault of 3 retards. But, they are officers in the guild, so of course they dont' get kicked or told what to do. But this is an alt run, so i'm not that concerned. I only stick around because I want a new weap and this would push me over a 6K Gearscore. I know, gearscore doesn't determine skill, but it's still a nice benchmark to hit.

ding ding ding...omg..i wonder that must be why I DONT RAID ANYMORE....

yarp..i said it..the officers are dumba$$es, no one wants to adjust strategies, our ranged dps sucks..and ppl just LOVE TO STAND IN #######!!!!...

ok done vneting... ya i just want badges for my shadows edge..but i said screw it..haven't logged in in two weeks...wipign 300times is not fun anymore...when they refuse to reset icc to get gear for ppl who need it...
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-08-02 09:36:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

Ahaha, thank you Kimbear! XD

I've a confession to make...

Aside from a half-clear pug of Ulduar and a handful of VoA 25s, I can't say I've ever raided before. :blush:

So to hear about anyone completing 5 raids in one day is mind-boggling to me, hehe. :)

Poor falling guildies and what mean vaklyr! I wonder if Flexweave Underlay helps, or if it's as futile as using Flexweave in Oculus?

o.O i have no idea what flexweave is LOL.

truth be told, sometimes me and hubby need a break from our guild (hordeside) so we take off and go play our lowbie alliance alts :blush: we rolled new chars over on Hellscream a bustling server with lots of people and it seems like a good server so far. Woot got my pally to 40! WHEEE epic mount instead of waiting til 60 with a stupid long quest chain!!!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-16 19:13:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
WElcome to the wow club tick tock lol :)

omg Rob 5 raids in one day ? i WISH i could do that! lol. our guild finally made it to the arthas in about epic..and what a crazy fun fight! but we always choke at the valkyr one gets to them in time as they drop our guildies off the cliff..lulz!
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-07-16 15:20:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
did you try deleting your wow cache folder? as for ui, i am extremely happy with spartan ui. it looks amazing and has all my functionality in it and uses up hardly any memory at all.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-27 09:52:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
rob i was having mega issues with the game..turned out since they broke avr and avre it was bugging..i had forgotten to remove them so i did that.however, i think they did something to the video settings or what not since i used to be about 60 fps..and now..i'm lucky if i get 22.. and my latency starts at 83 and ends up over 400 and yellow..gah. so annoying.

Although i do raid 3 days a week in 25's, i still will love the new content when it comes out. me and david are big on lore etc, and our guild is aptly named Neltharions Fury, and has been around since vanilla. the whole guild is looking forward to Cata.
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-24 14:27:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
i'm at the point now where i have almost one of every type of class for raids LOL i have my dk my hunter and my druid tank who is now boomkin spec as OS..kinda neat doing that..

david played eq1 religiously til he left for wow, then we took a wow break, tried eq2, like it..but missed the ppl from wow. and the professions suck in eq i find..yes i'm lazy :P
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-06-24 10:37:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

so like.. my dk got in a good guild..i get to raid icc 25 and i love it. Big difference from tanking it or playing hunter. unholy that 16k dps on trash :) two more to go til we clear it woot!. Stupid professor..i have to go in the abom to do my shadows edge quest..LOL thats gonna be interesting..

Hey kimi,, suck faster..c'mon girl suck some more...ya i can just hear vent now!!Posted Image

KimbearFemaleCanada2010-05-08 19:49:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

Last night, I did something that I always swore I wouldn't do in trade chat. I was sitting in SW waiting on a queue for an instance on my druid and made the mistake of actually reading trade chat. It was absolutely repulsive. So I got on an alt, and started things off by insulting the big bad trade chat troll and then stated that gay marriage should be legal in any capacity in the u.s.. I logged back over to my druid and requeued and sat there and reported about a dozen people for their racist and homophobic remarks. I did my instance and teleported back to SW and noticed that they were still going. I was tempted to get back on my trade chat trolling alt and point out how ignorant and stupid they are, but I imagine their ban will say the same thing.

I'm really getting tired of the Alliance on my realm. I've played on Blackhand and Illidan, two of the oldest and bigges population realms in the entire game, and have found the same to be true; Alliance are bigger arseholes than horde.

i couda told ya's why i went to horde side a looooooong time ago.

btw..tanking prof in icc is fun Posted Image

oh wait..did i say that out loud? damnit :P

ya ya..dave reactivated our accounts...and i have to roll boomkin as 2nd any ideas? LOL
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-25 22:04:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!

I'm sure you like your EQ2, but there just ins't the same level of content or development as WoW. Ganking can be annoying, but it has its place and purpose. There are arseholes in each and every game, and if you play on a pvp realm, there is at least a recourse available to you. But back to warcraft, as this is the warcraft thread.

I got my 4th toon to 80 last night, first horde toon. I've always hated playing a rogue, because I really don't like melee class' too much. My motto has always been "Never trust a class that has no mana". Palis have mana, so that was my lone melee class. Rogue is so freaking easy it's not even funny. It's not quite as easy as playing a mage, but very close. I'm actually tranferring this toon to a new realm sometime this week. I'm trying out a new realm and figured I should at least take a lvl 80 with a max lvl enchanter. I'm going to use up all my stone keeper shards and a tonne of triumph badges to get a 2nd full set of the bind on account items. Yes, I am lazy when it comes to lvling. But who wouldn't want a full extra 20% XP when lvling?

To be honest..after playing wow since beta, i find there is more "quest" stuff in EQ2 then there is in wow. i mean so much stuff to do. and when i craft's not like oh press a button and walk away. there is a real sense of acomplishment. and the neat heroic opportunities makes combat more fun if a bit hard to get used to at first. you really have to think about what attacks you do.

i'll probably go back to wow for a bit when CATA comes out, but for now. i'm genuinely enjoying EQ2. (not that ####### eq1 blech..never catch me playing that lol)
KimbearFemaleCanada2010-03-15 18:01:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
Just a quick update. Spoke to my lawyer and we are dumping this loan officer.

we went in last week to sign some papers, and found out that he is not a broker, a lender, he just sets up the loan and doesn't even service it and wants us to sign papers saying he can sell our mortgage to whoever they want..

then he wanted David to sign a bunch of un dated blank paperwork. then he tells us we need an affidavit notarized and leaves it blank as well. so i had a fit and freaked on my lawyer who has apparently worked with this guy before

sent him off all the gfe's and my lawyer doesn't understand the difference in price or the interest rate from 5.5 to 6.8%. and this is a short sale which i think hes forgotten and thinks the closing date is next week ( if all items had been agreed to on contract sure but they have not).

I feel like he is rushing us into this loan and pressuring us so after a LONG talk with the lawyer, and being reassured we are committed to no lender at all until closing we said to heck with him.

On a bright note, the layer for the bank with the lien on the house has been given the paperwork and its under review. So hopefully we will here a yes or no on our price we offered. its already been well over a month since we wrote the original contact and everyone signed it. I just really hate this waiting game. My neighbours are pissing me off big time. bunch of drunken F-Tards.

1.5 months left in this dump...the new patio doors they put in flooded into the apartment too from the TOP. All the heavy freaky rain we had dripped down and i guess the doors were never sealed up properly or the flashing above was loose. so it was like one of the waterfall things you hand on the wall. I think we soaked like 5 bath towels trying to soak up was not one drip spot either, it was the entire row along the top of the doors leaking.

So now it smells and is humid in my allergies have been going bonkers.

Starting to really hate Chicago and the weather here :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-05-13 08:23:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
ok so i hate closing costs...

so far 3 GFE's later I've been told


the monthly payment is about the same with each one..but also the interest rate is very different between them.

INT rate / APR

4.875 / 5.778
5.250 / 6.285

Now i know I've been warned about Bank of America, and at first i was annoyed at how long it too the loan officer to get back to me and that she seemed Noobish, but seriously, so far they have the best rate, costs etc.

I'm just completely floored at the vast difference in these total closing costs. And not all the items have the same names so I'm kind of at a disadvantage and trying to figure out who the hell to go with.

And right now i have no idea what is going on with our offer, as my lawyer sent out changes to the contract to the sellers lawyer, back on April 11th, and it states all modifications have to be done within 10 days, and the sellers lawyer has never gotten back to us. its been more than 10 days.

I'm waiting for my lawyer to get back to me on if this changes how much time i have to get a formal loan application done, and i have the 9000$ closing cost officer trying to get me to go in and sign papers on wed, and there is a clause in the truth disclosure saying I'm going to get charged every day after a certain date???? He is the only one that i see that with and well I'm just so freaking scared right now!
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-22 09:31:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house

Hate to barge in this thread without reading the details first, but, are you saying you are upset because you pay $2,000 more at closing when they dropped your purchase price $22,000 from 80k to 58k?

I might be reading it wrong but that's what it sounds like to me....If it makes you feel better I bought a house for $20,000 and paid around $4,400 in closing costs which did not go towards the principal. Although I did get $1700 back because it was set aside for escrow repairs (but the repairs cost about that anyway)...

i got a pre approval for 80k, to see what we could afford and to go looking at houses. we found one and it is 58k short sale. the original GFE / closing cost worksheet we got was based on that pre approval. now that we put in an offer on that house we found, the GFE is almost 3k more in the end, than the original one based on a more expensive mortgage. to me that makes no sense.

buy a 58k car but pay more in tax etc than if you bought the 80k car?? wait huh?? see what i mean ? this new GFE has over 9k closing costs. that is more than 15% of the bloody cost of the house, and this is not a new house..imagine if it were...sigh
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-21 12:28:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house

You're funny :)
We did FHA and had to shop around for homeowners. We ended up switching our car insurance to Allstate and got a sweet rate -- honestly I think it came to like a bit over $500/year and that covers our house, living expenses if something happens to our house, flood, tornado, yadda yadda. How much were they looking at charging?

ya we have geico atm..for our car and they did a deal with travellers for our apartment insurace.

they have my quoted as 3k to go in an escrow account and that is supposed to cover hazard insurance, the mortgage insurance and the taxes. course that must be based on half a year..cuz the property taxes alone are 4k.
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-21 12:24:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house

That doesn't sound right??? Are you able to shop around at all with a lender? We did and were approved for $20,000 more than the original lender, b/c the original lender had "fees". SNEAKY.

ya i just did some searching..some new bill came into effect april1, the dodd frank mortgage reform bill, that was created a year ago. FHA changed its rate on April 5th for mortgage insurance premiums as well. i'm still reading as to how these two things impact loan officer and i have a meeting scheduled so he can go over some stuff too regarding all this.

basically it changes how things are reported on a loan offer and what they have to show etc. some things they woudl not normally show as it is stuff the seller gives us a credit for as well, but now they have to show it as a buyer cost so alot of stuff gets added but then later subtracted. even my accounting degree is hating this stuff and all these numbers right now. :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-21 12:20:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
bah stupid edit LOL

oh and unlike Canada i have to pay for homeowners insurance up front for the whole year as well as some other things.. all i had to show up in Canada was a policy / binder showing it was active and i already made my first payment.

kimbear needs her neighrbours to stfu and let me sleep!!!! so i can make heads or tails of stuff..and also so i can write properly and actually remember to use the spell check...which by the way should have a Canadian version for the Canada forum so it can stop yelling at me for using U in alot of words...:P
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-21 12:07:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
last year i missed the 8k credit cuz stupid k1 took over a bloody it seems april is the month from hell for home buyers.

fha premiums for insurance went up, and a new federal law kicked in regarding mortgage lenders as well, so both contribute to the higher prices on my new well as a bigger interest rate.

KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-21 12:00:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
omg this proces is gonna make me punch someone i swear.

so my mortgage company that has been super nice lots of help etc, just sent me some forms. Included was a revised GFE. Now what i wanna know is HOW THE EFFING ** do you drop the loan amount to 58k from 80k but end up charging over 2k more in the end?? and how the hell do my closing costs come to MORE than 15% of the bloody purchase price???????????????????????????

i thought closing costs were 3-5%????

omg i'm so stressed right now, and with no sleep cuz of my fracking neighbours i swear i'm gonna pack up and move back home to canada :(
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-21 11:20:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
UGH :bonk:

So during the attorney review period for this short sale, I just found out there are not one but TWO lien holders on this house.. i think i know now why there were no previous offers on it. which means two approvals and possibly the 2nd lien holder causing issues.

I'm telling you its deja vue all over again like my first house in Canada, where the couple had a mortgage with a big bank and a 2nd loan with the previous owner who sold them the house..that was a normal house sale and it took 6months and drove me bonkers. :( I swear...i have the worst luck ever with this stuff..
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-12 14:38:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
Ohhh i hope it doesn't' drag out a long neighbours upstairs have 15 or so people over again ARGH!!!! these really old apartments are not made for that sort of load..i mean it sounds like they are gonna fall through soon! :crying:
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-03 18:52:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
Well, so far so good, the sellers agreed to our price which is 13k below asking, they refused the home warranty which i figured they would, but it was worth a shot, and we should be going over to the Realtor Monday Tuesday to hand over the earnest money which David's dad is "Gifting" us.

Now all we have to do is hope the Lender okies the price since its a short sale. we have time to wait for a bit in our apartment. 3 months about. I can only hope since its just a matter of ONLY then accepting and negotiating price that it wont take longer than that, but i know it can. But so far so good eh? :)
KimbearFemaleCanada2011-04-02 09:06:00