Africa: Sub-SaharanHappy Birthday Chispas!
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif And Many Moooorrrreee!!! Happy B'day to you!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-12 20:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInternet Love
Oomba, I hope I never run into that much hair as a massage therapist I think I would turn that person away. Seriously!!! They would just be pissed.
I dealth with gas the other day.

Health and Wellness Always!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-18 22:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInternet Love
Point Blank, there comes a time in(life) when we have to look, evaluate our self and say":how did I allow this to happen". We can not blame no one. for anything. That includes God. He gives us free will. There also comes a time to get over things. We all have dealt with devastating blows in life. But in order to heal you must look to the God of peace. Sometimes, when you can not share with family members or close family out of embarassment you will go where it is most comfortable. The air has many pollutants in it. But we continue to breath each moment.
When telling your story: becomes beratement it can not be recieved by others. Wrath and Anger only turns away people.

BassiZainab is always supportive, and so is Oomba. The OP allowed herself to get the best of herself and basically said nothing over and over. yes your story has been repeated. I too have had phone conversations about your story with vjer's. people have empathy towards you not so much as sympathy. The focus is basically a child involved and the childs welfare is the utmost concern. So since Victor is a Doctor, Have him step up and do the proper thing and get on with your life. There is a world outside of VJ. Majority of the time it is best to step away from the things that was apart of the process of the pain.
Be prepared next time to comments to your posts, people are entitled to their comments/posts as you are. People are also entitled to ignore those they chose to.

Health and Wellness Always.
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-18 20:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInternet Love
Another fine example of why I seek out other forums who know how to act like adults and respect each persons opinion. It seems that most here are so full of anger and just like to attack. The rattler from no where is totally off base. More than an opinion, that is fact.
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-14 21:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWe finally together here in Washington DC
Wonderful,Congratulations, and Welcome!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Health and Wellness Always!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-18 23:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHappy Anniversary to US!!!!
good.gif Way to go. Congratulations to you both!!!

Health and Wellness Always!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-19 20:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThis part is done...
Congratulations and hoping the best for the both of you

Health and Wellness Always!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-22 18:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJourney Is over.....
Congratulations moon, i am so happy for you!!!!

Health and Wellness Always !!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-03-06 20:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLets make a chart of where we all are from
I am in Chicago Heights, IL. Itz too cold and snowy.
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-26 20:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCoping with AP and the long wait.

I have always felt a good cry is good for the soul. It is a type of cleansing and removal and it allows you to vent the true feelings. (Lately, I have been wearing false lashes, the glue really burns, so I try to limit the tears. I cannot control it during worship services) sorry about my sidestep banter there, hahaha.

I never in a million yrs thought I would have found myself here. I have many emotions going on. I am not one who likes to share much, due to mostly having to hold up so many others. I am amazed at how far I have come along in this journey. I can only say that God truly knows what is best for each and everyone of us. The time is nerve wrecking

Think of the time frame as in paying your monthly mortgage. It comes around rather fast. Taxes are due very soon and I still have the documents to gather. Secondly, I do not have the house completely prepared that will take a yr in itself due to my pressing schedule. So before I know it and everyone else as well it will be over and our mates will be here. Just remember, how we could not wait for them to get here when you have that first dispute.

Also Destiny's Journey and Kesso will marry this Saturday March 8th. There's an example for us all to Look to the Hills from which all of our help comes.

Health and Wellness Always!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-03-04 20:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview done!!!!!!!!
Congratulations, I wish you guys the best and many blessings.

Health and Wellness Always!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-04-17 19:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPaperwork has been approved
Hey All,

I just found out our file was approved on 5May08. I am so Grateful.

Health and Wellness to All.
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-05-06 18:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWill someone please tell me in detail what I send to fiance
Thank you for your replies, I am doing what I can. This really puts me in check doing so much paperwork. OMG, I thought I had completed the paperwork, what was I thinking?

Health and wellness to all!!
And may your life be filled with vibrant colors. star_smile.gif
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-05-27 22:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWill someone please tell me in detail what I send to fiance
HELP!!! Paperwork submitted to NVC. What should I send to fiance, should I send it to him now. I got letter, last week.

Please Help!!!!

Health and wellness to all!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-05-26 16:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAfrican Art
Just letting all know that is a part/time business, I am in with art. Get in touch if you want info on how to obtain free art. Also it is funny, Oomba mentioned WAK, I was discussing him with someone this past weekend. It turned out the person and his girlfriend are friends. I am a fan of his. I have access to many original oil paintings as well.

Health and Wellness to all!!!
May your life be filled with vibrant colors also star_smile.gif
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-05-27 21:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFOR HAPPY COUPLES ONLY!!!!
A Lifetime of COMPLETE Love Peace Joy and Happiness for all VJ'ers that come this way.

I am sad no one is ever around when I can come on here. Phoey job gets in the way.

Health and Wellness Always!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-20 20:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFOR HAPPY COUPLES ONLY!!!!
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif Happy Couple Here!!! Oh Joy!!

Health and Wellness Always!!!

Love the dancing couple too We Destiny!!!

Edited by typee0, 19 February 2008 - 07:49 PM.

typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-19 19:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFOR HAPPY COUPLES ONLY!!!!
QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Feb 18 2008, 07:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (typee0 @ Feb 18 2008, 08:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
question, helpsmilie.gif got my first noa Jan 4 should i receive anything else by now. remember i originally sent away in september, got a reply in Dec that i replied to the wrong service center. submitted to the same service center in Dec to get the Jan response. What is next step. Should I call.

Health and Wellness Always!!!

If your NOA1 says Jan then you still have a bit of a wait. You will not receive anything unless you get an RFE (I hope not) or you get approved which can be a few more months. Don't start calling until you see a lt of Jan filers getting approved.

Ok I will wait, thanks alot.
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-18 21:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFOR HAPPY COUPLES ONLY!!!!
question, helpsmilie.gif got my first noa Jan 4 should i receive anything else by now. remember i originally sent away in september, got a reply in Dec that i replied to the wrong service center. submitted to the same service center in Dec to get the Jan response. What is next step. Should I call.

Health and Wellness Always!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-18 20:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLoving the African male * Take 2
Hello All,

I hope everyone is well. I received the book last week. Completed it by the weekend. It was interesting. I am glad to say after speaking with Carol on the phone, she looked up the order and explained it was out of the system. I explained I did not want to have to wait forever because it had been a month. She said she would try and get it soon if it would be too long she would refund the money. It was less than a week and the book arrived.

Again, the book was insightful in some areas. I feel it will be more helpful for my fiance to read it to get a better feel of things here instead. Since He is the one coming into the states. And to get better insight into the way things are done or expected.

Health and Wellness Always!!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-03-04 20:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLoving the African male * Take 2
I spoke with Carol today she claimed she does not know what the hold up is. However, I am waiting for a refund at this time. Thank you for posting the phone # Chispas.

Health and Wellness!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-20 20:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLoving the African male * Take 2
Am I the only person who ordered from C&B distribution, I have not received my book yet. What should I do. helpsmilie.gif
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-08 20:14:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanDisheartened
The best revenge is living well. I have empathy towards any who experience ignorance on any level. Unfortunately it is played out daily. Women recieve it so much until you have to become immune in the workplace. Esp if you supervise all males. Try former service type and law enforcement. Add my brown skin and younger years and there is bound to be some craziness. As far as those of my own race, A couple of male coworkers, 1 best friend/army buddy and a church member told me I was turning on the black race. Go figure right. As a south African Diplomat put it at the engagement party "You have a true Black Man" You know I will go as far to tell you all My mom is not supportive at all. This is a person who actually picked cotton in the South, and experience the riot in Memphis during Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. death. Come on I can't get love from my Mom.

My point is, The trailblazers make history and change to take place. Find the peace of Jesus, and live your life. As long as you are happy and fulfilled to grow, I say Go. No matter what the color is. Hey with all the american ####### that goes on here on the homefront, Haters can keep the drama.

I hope each and every one of us find peace and prosperity. Also the ability to help others grow.
We all have taken brave steps, that other can not imagine. I know making the journey to Senegal was a giant step.
I always said I did not believe in the saying follow your heart. Each time I prayed and waited for an answer about me going to Africa the reply was "Follow Your Heart" I truly felt that was not the reply or response I needed to hear.
However, it all worked out for my good.

I pray for peace for all vjers

I am out.

Health and wellness always and may your lives be filled with vibrant colors.
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-07-07 22:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhere is chispas???
Chis, you are in my prayers.

Health and wellness to you, May your life be filled with vibrant colors
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-07-08 18:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
The stick is a medicinal stick, It keeps the digestive system clean. For bacteria puposes. My guy works out a lot as well. Everywhere I went in Dakar people were chewing on those sticks. I just continued on with my malaria tablets.

Herbs are a way of life as well. I am a true advocate of herbs. I have gotten the most relief from most alternative wellness practices.

Health and Wellness Always!!!
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-03-26 19:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
I am so over this freakin cold weather. I am ready to pack up and go to Arizona. It was spin outs everywhere on the eways this morn. I'm talkin at 5am. Ppl will not slow down for nothing. I do not think my honey will believe how cold it gets when he gets here.

Health and Wellness Always!!!

Edited by typee0, 20 February 2008 - 08:30 PM.

typee0FemaleSenegal2008-02-20 20:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-saharan cyber cafe
It took me some time to even start participating. destiny journey told me of the site last year. I lurked around and finally felt it was worthwhile omoba please do not go. You really give much inspiration. I love any one who has positive insight. So you have a purpose here. continue to fill it. We are all going through various challenges in life. Not just the visa journey but life it self. It is good when various people can come to the table all races and nationalities and voice their opinions. The most important thing is knowing what to digest and what not too.

I am not one who allows many into my inner circle. Somehow I do look forward to seeing the comments and you all have brought laughter to a dull life. Also many thoughts and ideas have been invoked whether I agree or disagree with them all.

So let us all take a deep breathe and float float on. Float with our SO's to loveland. kicking.gif good.gif
Hey I have an April Bday also

typee0FemaleSenegal2008-01-19 14:08:00
Africa: Sub-Saharan~ waiting ~
The pictures are nice, One day I will take the time to upload pics.

Lady O, Keep your head up. God has your best interest in His hands. Sometimes we do not understand his timing but it is all up to him.

Health and wellness to you always
And may your life be filled with vibrant colors.
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-12-21 18:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGreat News
Great for the two of you, star_smile.gif star_smile.gif star_smile.gif Enjoy your travel. Just think it will not be long now.
typee0FemaleSenegal2009-03-05 21:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJust wanted to say hi :)
QUOTE (Bassi and Zainab @ Feb 22 2009, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
laughing.gif Nice to hear from you girl!! Missed you and hope you'll swing by more often. We formed a yahoo group as well for those of us that are sometimes going through transitional issues. Come check us out there too. {Hugs}


Hey how are things and where is the yahoo group how do I get involved?
typee0FemaleSenegal2009-03-07 22:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHappy 1st Anniversary Destiny's Journey
star_smile.gif star_smile.gif star_smile.gif Happy 1st Anniversary to Destiny's Journey and Keso!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
typee0FemaleSenegal2009-03-08 21:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanBeing real about marriage!!!
various people in the armed forces marry for the extra money monthly. It is not right, but it is done and that is by USC and the government is aware they just look the other way. whistling.gif
typee0FemaleSenegal2008-01-13 11:59:00