US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship

I don't have an "effective date" on my BBG. There's the date when it was issued (in August 2010) and that's it. I didn't pick it up until January 2011 and there's no mention of that on there anywhere.

Yes you do. It is at the bottom left, "ausgehaendigt am" (they enter the date you signed the acknowledgement declaration there). That is your effective date. That's the day that counts! In the attached letter from the Consulate, the date is explained as well as the process (when you first get it, you sign the acknowledgement, then sent the BBG and the signed paper back to the Consulate, who then puts the date on there and how (in person or via Einschreiben) and then they send it back to you.).

Edited by Anna C., 15 February 2012 - 04:50 PM.

Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-15 16:48:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
Depends on your bank - either have a German relative take care of it and pay them back later, or e.g. I have an account with service credit union and hence could make the payment for a $1 fee (that's awesomely cheap). ;) Mail doesn't take that long - e.g. picking up the BBG wasn't feasable for me living 1200 miles from my Consulate... They fedexed it with 2nd day air. I got it, signed the acknowledgement, sent it back and they stamped it double sign whatever and sent it back. If you want them to do the fast fedex fee, just sent a money order for the Fedex fee along and talk to your Consulate contact (your hubbie should have gotten an email from them). The thing is, my BBG was approved on August 19th, and I didn't get it physically until October. You have to be a tad pushy about it... Especially in your case ;) Deutsche Behoerden work slowly. ;)
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-15 10:41:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
Holy Cow that was super quick! Congratz! Though make sure not to take the oath until after you received the BBG in your hands. They put an effective date on there which is the day you pick it up/receive it. Keep putting the oath off until after that. You can have the consulate (if you don't live close) ship it via next day fedex to be really fast.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-14 20:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
You cannot do that. You cannot renew your passport in Germany when you live abroad. To get a passport at a German office, you need to prove residency which you cannot do when you live in the US or elsewhere. Kwim?
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-11 20:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
Ok, here we go: they will find out eventually. I have never heard of anyone going to jail but I might not know the "wrong people", kwim?

So if you live abroad and you need to get your German passport, you have to order it through your Consulate. In order to do so, you need to send a certified copy of your vaild visa or green card. You won't have that when you are a citizen, so they will not give you a new passport when you cannot show your legal residency in the country abroad. Now you are legal cause you are a citizen, then they will ask you to produce a valid BBG. You have none? Ooops just lost your German citizenship. All I'm saying, it's not worth trying to trick the government, it's not right, legal and you will get caught.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-11 12:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
NickD, you can read about this (in English) on the Consulate's websites (pick any - San Fran, LA, DC, New York, it's generic information). Basically if you want German citizenship more or less you gotta give up the others you hold... In rare cases you just get it, but the best way to get it is at birth (through a parent - you don't get German citizenship by being born in GErmany). I know what you mean - my husband's mother's side is from Argentina but really they are Italian and Slovakian (and some hold all sorts of citizenships). I even know a nice old lady who is German, American and British. Way before BBGs were introduced.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-10 10:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
The part about why you need to keep the German citizenship is easy (and easy in his situation - he is entitled by German law to inherit stuff from his parents and the letter is good too). The tricky part is to convincingly explain why you need the American one. E.g. we had DH's commander write a letter explaining how DH required security clearance which has to be redone every 4-5 years and having a spouse who is a non-citizen complicates things, and it complicates it especially if the spouse is eligible for being American but doesn't follow through. They approved my BBG really fast. There are other reasons and I strongly suggest to go to the Yahoo group for advice. You have to prove that you loose out on something by not being American...
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-09 21:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionLose German Citizenship
The Yahoo group Zweipaesse and the Consulate's website will help. You have to apply and get the BBG before you can apply for any other citizenship. You have to have good reasons to get the BBG, not everybody just gets it. The process takes 2-12 months, and if approved it costs 255 Euros plus Fedex fees. You have to prove to the German government that you need both citizenships in order to get a BBG. Good luck with everything - I applied in June and got it in August and applied in October for N-400 and will have my citizenship interview later this month.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-08 21:50:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 AUGUST 2011
Merimusa, how did you arrange for a same day interview in Denver? Also to the Casper, WY filer, how soon after your interview is your oath in Denver?:) I'll have my interview in late Jan in Denver and would love to have the oath on the same day, considering the long ride out there (cheyenne to Denver, ugh).

Btw, the filer Babsi at the Lincoln, NE center already had a successful interview :)

Edited by Anna C., 26 December 2011 - 09:30 AM.

Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-26 09:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
COngratz to all the new citizens and fingers crossed for all the others :)

@ Tatsi: When I studied for the test, I stuck with one answer always (e.g. name cabinet level positions, I stuck with two that I would alwyas repeat, so you don't get confused).
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-22 22:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Congratz Karin, finally. That took forever, were they all on vacation at your office???? ;)

Congratz Karin, finally. That took forever, were they all on vacation at your office???? ;)
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-02-01 11:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Congratz! :)

As for cell phones, they are allowed these days. I saw them all over the waiting room :D I didn't know and left them in the car to be safe... But our kids kept us busy. Though to my surprise, my husband was not allowed to stroll along. He had to wait in the waiting room. He kept our son with him (cause he's 3 and cool without me) while I took our 1 year old daughter ( well she was nearly 1 year at that point) with me. I do think it made a good impression to have my spouse and children with me since this was a marriage based N-400.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-31 22:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Thanks guys! I was so tired last night - after my ad hoc ceremony we drove another 2.5h to see puppies from a dog breeder we were interested (well we still are, we'll get a female rough collie puppy in 4 weeks), which meant on the way back we were on the road for 4.5 hours. Yikes. I was pretty tired by the end of the day.

I wanted to say that everyone in Denver was super nice and professional. The interview was just a formality. The six questions I was asked were:
1) how many voting members are there in Congress?
2) how's the father of the country?
3) when do we vote for President?
4) Name one war fought in the 1900s?
5) We elect a Representative for how many years?
6) Who is the chief justice?

The question I had to read out loud was "When do we vote for President?" and the answer I had to write was "We vote for President in November.".

At the beginning of the interview she had me swear to say the truth and then asked for my passport and greencard. She didn't asked for a DL or other ID at all. I never received a yellow letter, only a white letter asking for a government issued ID card. Filing through Nebraska, it makes sense, as most of us military families have DL's from other states than we reside in. There are special laws that apply that we only need a DL from our home state... Maybe that's why I had the white letter.

I was so positively surprised to see that there was a ceremony the same day, but they still felt that we have a long way to go back home in a snowstorm (yuck weather!) so they decided to swear me in right there. It took 45 minutes to print out the forms and papers and the officer then had my son hold the little flag. :)

Now I have to inform the German consulate about my second citizenship and have it entered in the official books (I had to get permission first from Germany, so it has to be all very official). Now DH is the only one country citizen in our family, hahha! The kids and I are German/American and even DH's mama is still Argentine/American ;)
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-25 09:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Done! :) The interview lasted about 5 minutes, just double checking my info, then asked me all the questions (are you willing to bear arms and that stuff), then 6 questions of the citizenship test, then asked me to read a question and write down the answer... She then went to talk to her supervisor and came back to tell me that there is an oath ceremony at 1:30pm, but if I want to, her supervisor can swear me in now. Of course we took that opportunity and a really nice female officer swore me in. :) It was all quick, easy and painless!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-24 22:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Haha thanks I meant to say a little bit nervous, but I have an excellent excuse - my nearly 12 months old was trying to get to the laptop.... I had to be fast!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-23 19:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
That makes sense... Thanks! A nervous about tomorrow!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-23 18:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
tdgrenier, the question what do you give up to become a citizen is not in the catalogue. What is the right answer to that one? I don't see that I give up anything but gain rights (voting and such).
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-23 18:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Good luck! You will be fine.... I know how you feel! I'm running to Fedex today for the last copies to bring tomorrow (my scanner won't copy legal paper format). I'm worried I might mess up numbers (like 1787 vs. 435, for some reason they don't stick well with me). I know my rep and senator, but I sorta doubt they will ask down in Denver cause they probably don't know them.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2012-01-23 09:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
You can take the kids to the interview if you have no other option.... Are you far away from the interviewing office? We have to drive 2 hours down to Denver, so it's not even an option to leave our 10 months old daughter with a different person - she has never been in daycare, nurses on demand and suffers from great stranger anxiety. If I left her with someone else for a minimum of 5 hours she would be screaming non-stop and refuse even pumped milk, it would be horrible. But luckily it's ok to bring your kids. DH luckily has the day off, he will tell his commander and squadron commander that the interview is that day so they won't schedule him for anything else. Phew. So he will wait with the kids, but I assume if she really freaks out they would allow DH, DS and DD to join me. But I think if it goes as quick as my friends' interviews, I'll be in and out in under 30 minutes and then be heading to Ikea as my 3 year old wishes to go back there (it's around the corner from the USCIS office) - he wants to ride the escalators up and down (hahahaha simple pleasures for 3 year olds!!!), and Ikea is excellent, cheap organic coffee :D

Merry Christmas to you guys :) We celebrated yesterday as DH is working today, so this is just any other day for me. We make Christmas the day that we are together as a family.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-25 09:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Thanks Ingucis, Alice and Jemmi! My friends' interviews were under 20 minutes as well... I suppose it's just a generic message. It also says to arrive no earlier than 30 minutes prior to the interview as they have limited waiting space... I'm just thinking about my hubbie and the two kids (and making sure that our daughter has some pumped milk and such, she'll go ballistic without me for too long) - and how they will manage waiting for me.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-23 22:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
I received my interview letter today: 1/24/2012! The notice date is 12/20/2011. It came with a white instructions letter. What is the yellow letter everyone is talking about? My white letter lists what documents to bring (green card, tax records and such). It also says the interview takes 2 hours???
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-23 16:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Ohhh I can't wait to see the letter, but from what I see here there will be two letters??? And not all instructions say the same thing? When it says state issued ID, is that for verification or verification of where you live? My DL replacement is from CA, official and such, but even if it were my real DL, it would say I reside in CA and not in WY (military is allowed to have a state of residency different from where you are stationed).
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-23 09:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Woohoo I just got the text message/email that I'm scheduled for an interview!!! What a nice Christmas present, I can't wait for the letter because a) then I know when it will be and b) once I get it I can book our flights to see my family in May!! :)
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-20 15:02:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Congratz guys, things are moving along nicely!

Do I need to prove my residency to my state with an ID? Because that's not really an option for military - most of us are residents of our homestates, not the current ones we live in. That's why I have a CA license, not a WY license. But I can easily produce utility bills or mortgage bills to our house. Hm overall I think I'm good, I didn't even send a copy of our DLs, but mortgage, car insurance and such. I'll just bring all that stuff and I believe that will be fine. I happily show the myriad of bills billed to the both of us at our house in WY :D
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-19 21:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Things are moving fast in some places, how exciting! Ughh Denver is so slow! Arrrgh ;( I just want a date so I can book my tickets to Germany soon. I don't want to book it so there will be no conflicting times.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-17 14:32:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
What about people who don't have DLs? I surely know people without one because they don't need one (don't drive). My replacement won't be able to even be ordered until 1/18/2012. I have a military ID which is a pretty awesome piece of ID, my green card, my passport. My paper replacement is not a photo ID, but issued by CA DMV stating that this is my DL number, in good standing and expires on my birthday 2012. I'd say it's pretty official, btu apart from that I don't believe owning a DL is a prerequisite to becoming a citizen. At least I didn't see it in the paperwork and we didn't send DL copies with our application. Instead we used our military IDs (since this N400 is marriage based).

Edited by Anna C., 16 December 2011 - 09:15 AM.

Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-16 09:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Is the DL a must? I lost mine and only have some paper replacement card from CA stating I have one (cause we live in WY via military but are CA residents).
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-15 13:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS

It all depends on your local USCIS office. Go thru the past (April - August) N-400 filers and see if you find someone who filed with the same office. I have filed with Baltimore MD and I expect that it will take up to 5 weeks until I receive the interview letter. I also realize that I have 3 major holidays in my timeline (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years), which may add a week or two to the whole process.

If you can find someone with your local office... Nobody on VJ seems to file with Denver :(
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-12-11 15:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
I got the email/ text message today that I'm in line for the interview :) I figured that would go quickly since my fingerprints and backgrounds have been checked a gazillion times for DH's security clearance , they must have a big file lol.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-11-29 14:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Fingerprinting was quick and boring in some tiny office in a not so great area. :) We drove down to Denver (2h ride) early and went to Ikea, which luckily wasn't crowded to pick up some things before we headed to the biometrics office. Driving that far with two young children is certainly unpleasant and we were glad to be back home by 5pm.... I wish USCIS had offices in town and not so far away.

They were out of study guides and told me to call the hotline to order one...

Edited by Anna C., 26 November 2011 - 05:19 PM.

Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-11-26 17:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
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N-400: October 2011 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice..........|
DreamLoverBoy.......|09/30/11.|10/05/11.|10/04/11.|10/25/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Houston, TX..........|
foreverido..........|10/01/11.|10/20/11.|10/18/11.|11/17/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL............|
Zen Den.............|10/03/11.|10/13/11.|10/07/11.|11|01|11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Johnston, RI.........|
EB: 10/25/11
GinFar..............|10/09/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Orlando, FL..........|
NotBonJovi..........|10/12/11.|10/21/11.|10/18/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Newark, NJ...........|
Mandy2008...........|10/12/11.|10/18/11.|10/13/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL............|
msnoob..............|10/13/11.|10/19/11.|10/18/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Baltimore, MD........|
elmirakz80..........|10/18/11.|10/25/11.|10/25/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Orlando, FL..........|
marymoon............|10/18/11.|--/--/--.|10/20/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Jacksonville, FL.....|
Concorduser.........|10/19/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Manchester, NH.......|
sleepyhead123.......|10/19/11.|10/27/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Providence, RI.......|
hondo1z.............|10/21/11.|10/27/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Syracuse, NY.........|
TexaswithLove.......|10/22/11.|10/28/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|El Paso, TX..........|
gwenneh.............|10/24/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Newark, NJ...........|
Jb_vj...............|10/26/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Baltimore, MD........|
R and F.............|10/28/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|.....................|

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice..........|
kingstonjamaica.....|09/28/11.|--/--/--.|10/04/11.|11/04/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Lee's summit, MO.....| EB:10/21/11
mari&Ryan...........|10/02/11.|10/11/11.|10/05/11.|10/28/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Chicago, IL..........|
goucho727...........|10/04/11.|10/12/11.|10/06/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Sacramento, CA.......|
machmoum............|10/15/11.|10/20/11.|10/17/11.|11/15/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Seattle, WA..........|
tdegrenier..........|10/20/11.|10/26/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tucson, AZ...........|

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice..........|
Anna C..............|10/15/11.|10/20/11.|10/17/11.|11/25/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Denver, CO...........|

Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-11-04 16:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Woot woot I got an email today that they sent me my biometrics appointment letter! Too bad they don't include the date in the email, my husband could talk to his commander earlier that way. Fingers crossed, that despite the raging snowstorm outside, the notice will travel quickly from Nebraska to Cheyenne, it's just 400 miles!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-11-01 19:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Hm too bad nobody else is filing in Denver ;) - and early biometrics aren't an option for me, I have to drive 2h to my field office, ugh.
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-31 17:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Woohoo I finally got my NOA in the mail, Priority date is 10-17-11... I wonder what took so long for that letter to arrive 400 miles East of the service center.... Snail mail for sure!

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N-400: October 2011 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice..........|
DreamLoverBoy.......|09/30/11.|10/05/11.|10/04/11.|10/25/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Houston, TX..........|
foreverido..........|10/01/11.|10/20/11.|10/18/11.|11/17/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL............|
Zen Den.............|10/03/11.|10/13/11.|10/07/11.|11|01|11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Johnston, RI.........|
NotBonJovi..........|10/12/11.|10/21/11.|10/18/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Newark, NJ...........|
Mandy2008...........|10/12/11.|10/18/11.|10/13/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL............|
msnoob..............|10/13/11.|10/19/11.|10/18/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Baltimore, MD........|
elmirakz80..........|10/18/11.|10/25/11.|10/25/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Orlando, FL..........|
Concorduser.........|10/19/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Manchester, NH.......|
sleepyhead123.......|10/19/11.|10/27/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Providence, RI.......|
hondo1z.............|10/21/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Syracuse, NY.........|
TexaswithLove.......|10/22/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|El Paso, TX..........|
gwenneh.............|10/24/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Newark, NJ...........|

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice..........|
kingstonjamaica.....|09/28/11.|--/--/--.|10/04/11.|11/04/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Lee's summit, MO.....|EB:10/21/11
mari&Ryan...........|10/02/11.|10/11/11.|10/05/11.|10/28/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Chicago, IL..........|
goucho727...........|10/04/11.|10/12/11.|10/06/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Sacramento, CA.......|
machmoum............|10/15/11.|10/20/11.|10/17/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Seattle, WA..........|
tdegrenier..........|10/20/11.|10/26/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tucson, AZ...........|

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox (Filing Under 319b, 328, or 329 of the INA)
UserName............|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice..........|
Anna C..............|10/15/11.|10/20/11.|10/17/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Denver, CO...........|

Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-27 15:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Still no NOA and looking at my bank account, the reference line of the check being cashed said actually 10/20/11 - could it be my NOA letter was lost in the mail? Should I call somewhere?
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-26 16:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS

Hi Anna C. I know how it's checking the mail and not to get a Notice. However, you are in good shape since your check was cashed last Friday. I'm pretty sure you'll get it within the next couple days. :)

I'm just impatient! ;) Now that we're expecting a big snow storm mail might take even longer... Ugh!
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-25 10:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
No mail today :( I thought they'd sent the NOA quickly after taking the money....
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-24 15:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Seems like an awful lot of checks have been cashed lately ;) I'm stalking the mailman for the NOA. How do you sign up for the text messages and email NOAs?
Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-22 09:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Deleted, darn it, I follow the instructions but it won't work, the paragrahps are off.
Here is my info if anybody who is smarter than me (sorry crying baby in the background) could add my info:
I filed at Nebraska Service Center, sent it off 10-15-11 and today, 10-21-11 my check was cashed! So excited! Denver, Colorado is my local office.

Edited by Anna C., 21 October 2011 - 11:37 AM.

Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-21 11:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Ok trying this again... My check was cashed today, woohoo!

Edited by Anna C., 21 October 2011 - 11:34 AM.

Anna C.FemaleGermany2011-10-21 11:32:00