K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMovement to Expedite VSC K-1s

Your Embassy might be slow and we all know why. Majority of other embassies are quick and painless after they get the packet from the NVC.

you think so?
there are about 195 countries in the world,USCIS can expedite cases from all those countries,HOWEVER when it comes down to the embassy,unfortunately the expediting just because youre from an specific country no longer works.
USCIS is actually the easiest part of this process because there is nothing you can do but waiting.
i really hope YOUR case goes through quickly,just because you have earned it,but not every embassy lives up to the standards.

Edited by thelastpetitioner, 18 March 2011 - 12:05 PM.

thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-18 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMovement to Expedite VSC K-1s
honestly if you think this is bad,wait till you have to deal with the embassy.vermont is beyond slow,but just a warning,get yourself ready,apart from nvc the rest of your journey will be as slow
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-18 05:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone else getting realllyyy ticked off?

Ive noticed the same things as many of you, the fights start to mount from NOTHING, you get on eachtoher for NOTHING, this process has made us both ugly people at times which we are really not.

Its not the wait honestly, its what it does to your relationship that is most frustrating. We are human, we have emotions needs, this process makes you cold, you have to be cold or else you will go crazy if you let your emotions out, and honestly emotions arent meant to be kept in, becasue that usually leads to a big explosion.

I dont know, there are some things in this country and system I will never understand I guess. There are so many things that can be done overnight or even in the span of 2 seconds but something that is seemingly very important to our human side takes what a year to finish?

They seemed to be pretty quick about cashing a check though. Thats how everything in the country works, they can charge a card in 2 seconds but good luck getting w/e it is they charged you for, but when you owe money to someone they are right on your door step. What if everyone had the same time frame as USCIS? What if I pay my mortgage 40% later then expexted? Ill get a bunch of fees and phone calls and threats. Its ok when the goverment or a corporation does it but regular people we have to be a 100% on point or else we get punished. Why cant I charge USCIS a late fee?

you know what kept us going as a couple?the fact that they cant slack off forever,they eventually have to stop being ####### and get back to work.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-21 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone else getting realllyyy ticked off?
what can you do tho?at first i got so pissed when people told me this,but lets face it,the government only cares about peoples opinion when they panic or get really angry.the truth is NO ONE who is not going through this process cares about immigration an average ignorant american every mexican is coming to steal their job,every middle eastern is a terrorist trying to set foot on american soil and blow a national building up,every young pinay who gets engaged to an older man is a sex slave and every african is looking for a meal ticket.its harsh,its sad,but its the truth.the ignorant majority rules over the aware and open minded minority.
you havent given up,you cant give up when there is nothing you can do
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-19 14:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExpedite Request

I don't have the authority - nor wish to - be the decision maker on expedites. I'll clarify on what you thought I said - I personally would think everyone's loved one is "worthy" of an expedite - but it is not the individual yet the circumstances which are the criteria.

My mother is stuck in Japan right now, thankfully she is safe. Her and I both would prefer emergency efforts be devoted to helping those who truly need it rather than getting her back to the States merely because she is an American citizen or the loved one of American citizens. I hope you have a better understanding now of where I am coming from. And no, I actually would not put in an expedite request, nor would my love expect me to.

with the second explosion,you cant HONESTLY say you think your mother is safe.your mother is a US citizen,its her right to get back to the states,if you dont feel its necessary for your mother to get away from a place with chances of earthquake and tsunami,thats a different have zero right to say shame on op.if its an individual situation,keep your individual opinion to yourself because you dont know where exactly OP's loved one is or how he feels or what he thinks.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-14 04:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExpedite Request
i hope they dont evacuate the diplomats so at least your expedite can get somewhere
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-13 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExpedite Request


(All teasing aside) I don't believe saying whether or not you are of the opinion that the OP requesting an expedite is 'selfish or not' is an abuse of freedom of speech in any way. I don't see how that is even close.

People voice opinions all the time. It's not abuse.

lets go over the situation together shall we?there has been an 8.9 earth quake in japan,two nuclear melt downs,a tsunami,and people are sitting here saying shame on the OP for trying to get his loved one out of there asap.japan might not be a third world country but a disaster can happen anyone anywhere in the world.thats what pisses me off beyond limits,how can you say shame on someone who has someone in the middle of this catastrophe when in fact you would do the same ( you been all the nay sayers and judgers )?what you think his fiancee would think if he sat there and did nothing?lets be logical here.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-13 06:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExpedite Request

agree with KiwiBird, as OP came and asked about the possibility expedite be granted even though the beneficiary wasnt directly affected. Obviously there were different opinions, much expected. Cause people feel differently towards other people tragedy, reasonable/unreasonable expedites or simply on different stages of journey thus very subjective in their speech. No need for some people to shout in to face. :hehe:
Watching situation longer I would suggest to people with japanese beneficiares who just filed to try get expedites, as after natural disaster there is going to be humanitarian catastrophe with not enough fresh water and food. But not sure whether people waiting already 6 months will benefit and not be delayed with taking ths route.

i didnt know you can shout when typing :no:
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-13 00:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExpedite Request

The poster you're are replying to did not claim they had the authority to decide this.

Everyone online, however, has the right and authority to form their own opinions. On this forum, they can voice them, too.

abusing freedom of speech is not something to be taken slightly,specially in a situation as serious as this.
the second meltdown going on as im sure everyone knows.i honestly dont get when else an expedite would come in handy.
and like someone else mentioned requesting an expedite,just like putting in a service request is every petitioners right,no one other than USCIS should or has the authority to judge or decide about that.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-12 23:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsExpedite Request

So, why are you trying to expedite? There undoubtedly are many individuals who have been severely effected from this catastrophe who are alsowaiting on the USCIS, and you are going to try and jump on the bandwagon? *shakes head* My heart goes out to all those who have been effected - losing homes, loved ones, and life as they previously knew it, in Japan and beyond.

I'm not all fluffy and going to tell you good luck like others. This seems selfish to me and you are seeking to utilize the misfortune of others to your own benefit. Requesting an expedite due to the earthquake is completely different from your having to wait 6+ months. I do hope you get your NOA2 soon as you have clearly waited your turn and been patient for so long, but really frown upon such an expedite request.

you know what pisses me off?you or people like you who think you have the authority to decide whether or not one's loved one is worthy of an expedite.
as far as i can tell youre not from japan,you dont have any one in japan or any of the effect countries so you wouldnt know how extreme the situation is or can be.there is a nuclear catastrophe going on in japan and its putting their entire country in a horrible situation and YOU think his expedite should be frowned upon?how come USCIS expedited THE ENTIRE country of haiti's petitions when only specific regions were damaged?
DAMN the nerve of some people,you would have done the same thing if you were in his shoes,dont feel all high and mighty just because 10 people agreed with you

Edited by thelastpetitioner, 12 March 2011 - 10:16 PM.

thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-12 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 FIANCE VISA DENIED - now what appeal or k3 visa?? responder en español tambien
OP note that you dont have to send pictures,you need to provide evidence of having MET in person,like passport and such,and that could be the reason for it,dont panic,you still have the option of refiling for a k-1,keep your options open
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-04 10:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCheck Status Syndrome...
well with the government shut down coming up,looks like its time to quit
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-07 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs the I-129f REFUNDABLE?
dont take gary seriously,he has a tendency to crush people's dreams when they are down since he knows it all and all he did during the 4 m onths he was away from his fiancee was getting her college application readyand she got into college as soon as she got to the states yada yada yada,we have heard it all from him.
youre in vermont so i suggest you just take it easy,get a couple of good books,the type you cant put down,find some guilty pleasures on tv,and do some volunteery work and just survive

Edited by thelastpetitioner, 10 April 2011 - 06:01 PM.

thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-10 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone should stop acting like big babies

lol..Ya dude,you said "do us all a favour" I said don't speak for me,I didn't get my feathers all in a huff because she had an opinion...Next time say do "ME" a favour..not "US"...

i am entitled to my opinion,dont like?dont read it.
now im confused,who is the big baby here?
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-13 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone should stop acting like big babies

Actually don't speak for me,She was just stating an opinion,which in a free country one can do,so stop whining..

she was stating an opinion in the beginning,then she started crying and jumping up and down because " she didnt want to tell people what to do or how to feel". that is as far from mature as one could possibly get,you wanna go there as well?
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-13 11:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone should stop acting like big babies

If you want to call me self-righteous then sure. I don't mind. But I would prefer to read about topics that actually helps people. Not every third subject that is about how long it's now been. I guess I'm just different who doesn't love to read the exact same thing over and over and over. We all know this takes time but no one seems to accept it.

you know,its really easy,just skip the case filing and progress reports subform ALL TOGETHER,because mods move whiny posts here.if it bothers you that much why are you even reading them regardless where they pop,on the homepage or on the discussion page.if you cant handle others opinion,do us all a favor and stop making posts

Edited by thelastpetitioner, 13 April 2011 - 10:14 AM.

thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-13 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSurprise ... ?????!!!!
i second that your liar ( doesnt sound like much of a lawyer ) is an idiot and all he said is bullshit,have you fired him yet?

Edited by thelastpetitioner, 14 April 2011 - 01:42 PM.

thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-14 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUseless NOA2
i know right,i had to defend my point of view,and blob,you have no idea what youre talking about,i refuse to bump this post just to keep you amused,since i dont care much about you OR al,so,just do all us " haters " a favor and ready the links mentioned in this post.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-21 08:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUseless NOA2

LoriT is partially correct in the lashing out part and doing things you normally wouldn't do when you are severely hurt. Age has 0 factor into it as rage doesn't discriminate on age.

Don't like him or his posts? Well, quit posting in his topics or anything regarding him and put him on block. If you don't do any of those then you yourself are not doing everything you can do to 'get away' from him and you have no-one to blame but yourself. You speak of self control, yet seem to have none when it comes to posting in his threads or about him, ironic.

i am entitled to my opinion as much as he is,and it has got nothing to do with you,i have self control,where have you seen me bashing bitchy members and the ones who think can control others?
im not violating ONE term in my posts,it is what is,take it or leave it.
im confused,i thought we were supposed to state facts and our opinions on these forums?

Edited by thelastpetitioner, 21 April 2011 - 06:47 AM.

thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-21 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUseless NOA2

When you are hurt, you vent. Some things you mean, others you don't. You want to lash out at the one who hurt you. Al's posts are venting. I'm sure you or anyone else would do the same if your heart was broken. He had the dream of a Russian wife, so what. We all have our dreams and ideals. His didn't work this time. It doesn't mean it won't in the future. If he has a love for Russian woman and the Russian culture, let him be. My fiance is English. And his accent curls my toes every single time I hear it. Would I love him if he wasn't English? Of course. Did I chose to fall in love with someone 4,000 miles away and thousands of dollars to be with me? No. It is what it is. Just let him vent.

dont give me that #######,its not an excuse,he is 52,53 years old if he cant control himself and his emotions regarding a bad or "wrong" relationship,then he might as well go as his mother wanted and live a single life as long as he is alive.self control is the key.when you vent,or do productive and logical vents,you dont bash the other person,you say it wasnt meant to be.
i said it before,i say it again,he is like that macat or maccat whatever his name was guy.they should ban him
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-21 03:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUseless NOA2

i am going through exactly same thing and i blame the wait for NOA2 for the relationship bumps.

blame no one but your own poor choices.every single person who is adjusting status from k-1 has gone through the wait and obviously they have all survived.
i honestly can see what part is Al's fault .he refuses to take responsibility,he talked so much smack in such rage that the poor woman got the country really that bad?is this guy always this angry about everything?
if she isnt a scam-er and has some common sense she saw those issues.did Al deserve this?no,no one deserves to have their hearts broken,but he needs to learn his lesson.his " one " might not necessarily be a russian woman like he " dreamed ".i think its stupid to go after one particular race,just because you find them exotic.

Edited by thelastpetitioner, 16 April 2011 - 03:57 PM.

thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-16 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsLosing my Patients with the USCIS
the sad thing is,there are no other options,we have to wait and keep our mouth shut,orforget it and move to our spouse's country.
i dont have any suggestions,because i lost my mind during the process,but i can tell you this,dont forget that you still have to deal with USCIS after your partner arives in the states,so work on it.
the wait for noa2 is the easiest part,the getting ready for the interview is where it gets really difficult.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-30 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOME GOd is definitely smiling upon me today!!

Super Happy.. I just received my text as I am sitting here at work!! NOA2 approved.. Ok.. I have no idea what goes next...

ome is oh my evil?
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-07 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports; almost 7 months and still no NOA2
you know,its ok and normal for a k-1 process to take up to one year.your beneficiary is from a low fraud country and has to deal with a rather quick i can assure you,as soon as you get your noa2,it will all move forward so quickly,it will be hard to believe
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-19 23:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsafter 1 year

Im curious too :0)

sorry roya joon for taking forever to respond,been kinda busy being happy :blush: . what AP is,is just a final stage of background checks. it means you are approved,everything is right,they just want to double check and at times put you through hell to make sure your relationship is legit.
i dont have the visa at hand,but my 221G has nothing marked,which means there is nothing lacking and everything is in place.sometimes they just need more time.
it can take anywhere from a couple of days to months.i knew a girl who got told she was on AP,came back home and four days later saw her name on the website,so its really a luck thing.
im just so fudging happy i got done with the interview itself.
my interview was odd,she asked me where we met,which chat room,how we met,who the mutual friend was,how many flights he took to get to turkey,but i knew all that and she didnt ask me in a rude manner,so it felt like explaining my relationship to a friend
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-07 02:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsafter 1 year
ICH GOT MY VISA!!!! i got AP but stilllll,its an approval and good enough
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-06 04:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI Am so fudging mad

Perhaps because they consider Khamenei's relatives/supporters non-threatening now....No? Is that the impression you got from the officer?

men still go on really long APs ,it just depends on the embassy and their personal take on it,so i have no i dea

Congrats! We are in the same spot as you.... we planned to have a few months to take care of things here in Malaysia (get rid of all our stuff!) but he was cleared in 15 days. Oh well, at least we got our trip to Bali. :rofl: So excited to be flying in 12 days.

oh my gosh,two weeks for an iranian male?they are on a roll!
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-15 01:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI Am so fudging mad

I'm guessing it is one of those annoyed at the ridiculous process but happy you got approved kind of mads :P


are you in the business of reading minds?cause thats exactly how i glad i got it,very glad,but it ruined all of our plans.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-14 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI Am so fudging mad

That is a lot to ask! I'm glad it went well though!

thank you,just tell your fiance to be confident,smiling and serious but happy looking,as long as he brings everything they ask it will be as easy as people on here say it will be
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-14 01:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI Am so fudging mad

We are so happy for you both. Sorry that a good thing has turned into an inconvience for you both, but look on the bright side, the waiting is over. CONGRATULATIONS :dance: :dance: :dance:
I have checked your status everyday hoping your AP would go by quickly so that we can have hope. Thank you for sharing your experience. I truely am happy for you both.
I have to say though, I have never seen anyone dissapointed with a quick AP :lol:

i knowwwww,you knew i fly with iran air,and no one who wants leisure and comfort flys wiht iran air,so it was obvious our entire flight was packed with people going to ankara in hopes of a visa,and they were all praying for a quick AP,now that i have it,its just a funny contrast. :rofl: APs can go fast.but the thing is ,set to easy going ankara consulate officer standards,my interview was murder,she didnt ask any questions,she told me to give her a general summary of our relationship,and asked me which chatroom we met on,and why that chatroom and stuff,she was nice and friendly,but asked more than they usuallly do,so iwas expecting a long hard AP.

PS: she even asked about brandons flight and the layovers,thank god i knew them
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-14 00:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI Am so fudging mad

Do you have to go back to Turkey (I assume) and pick it up?

yup,thats where it gets upsetting,im planning on going straight to the states after i get my visa,and my fiance is by no means ready,no house no nothing,we counted on the ap
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-14 00:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI Am so fudging mad

So AP is over? They are giving you your visa?

yup,the it expires on oct 1st
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-14 00:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI Am so fudging mad
so i had my interview on june 6th,all things peachy and ######, i come home on june 12th,got AP,they update the website on june 13th, i check it out on june 14th,GUESS WHAT,MY NAME HAS CLEARED :blink: can you believe how stupid i felt?dude,this has got to be the most stupid case of AP ever reported in MENA region.not even 2 days after i came back they cleared me :bonk:

Edited by thelastpetitioner, 14 June 2011 - 12:33 AM.

thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-14 00:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAre the USCIS processing times fair?

Thank YOU for asking this question..... I am so tried of hearing every new member come on-board asking this question as if they can do anything about it. SO sue the government, everyone acts as if they just woke up yesterday,and heard that LIFE isn't fair.

you know i would understand if us as petitioners and beneficiaries had more options,but we dont.
people who are not and have nor gone through immigration dont care,they dont understand.
you know those dusty little workshops in south east asian countries that no one knows or cares about?where people work on minimum wage and are miserable?
thats USCIS,out of sight,out of mind
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-18 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAre the USCIS processing times fair?
let me ask you something,what if it isnt?what do you plan on doing to change that?
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-18 03:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsneed help in my story

First thankful not thanful
Secound I don't had acrapy attuide and if somebody have 1 not me
Third : pls admin close the post and that's my last time to ask for some thing bye

you should focus on the advice people have already given you instead of taking peoples typos
some people...
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-19 04:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsneed help in my story
may i suggest an english course?
no really,because the OP is lost in translation,he can not express himself correctly,he has a crappy attitude and just cant be thanful and happy that people are guiding him.
OP,if you cant speak or understand proper english,thats another ground on which they consider your relationship fraud ( if your fiancee doesnt speak arabic ).
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-19 01:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports10 months later, she got the visa and this hellish process is over
yeah but what personally scares me the most is AOS going wrong.god that would be THE defination of hell on earth
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-25 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports10 months later, she got the visa and this hellish process is over
as much as you deserve the break,the process is far from over. the big AOS is here!
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-25 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS

The guides for being proactive and getting through the NVC stage all mention that it takes just a few days from USCIS NOA2 to NVC receive. That does not appear to be the case currently so it is good that someone is pointing that out so that people can set expectations. I'm sorry you had to wait seven months at USCIS but that has nothing to do with NVC processing slowing down. What would you have them do? Hold all the applications until they are seven months old so that it feels more fair?

an NVC AP takes about 2 weeks,when in fact USCIS often requests more time to do even more background checks on some beneficiaries that can take up to 6 months.and there are people right now who are going through that six months. till a couple of months ago it took CSC up 6 months full to go through cases,so no NVC is in no way,shape or form as bad as USCIS.not even comperable,dont get your panties up in a bunch just because they didnt process your case in a week or two
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-29 13:18:00