K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp on Interview Day ASAP (K1 visa)!!!!!
1.dress code,the same thing you would wear to a job interview,comfortable but formal depends on the embassy,but since your country is considered high fraud,bring as much evidence as possible
3.there is no such thing as KINDA married,its simple,your fiancee was married,she got divorced and filed for you when she was free to marry,thats all they care about. gotta work with what you got,what did she pay for her tickets with,credit or debit card?if so get a copy of a statement showing she purchased tickets to Nigeria and that her entry stamps match the ticket dates
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-28 06:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this possible???
you should have downloaded the instruction where it specifically in HUGE bold font says,DO NOT MAKE ANY PLANS,it really does.
everything is possible my dear,SPECIALLY with vermont.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-28 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShe got approved but....
if you have seen the embassy reviews you know that at times embassies can act irresponsible and not go within the time frame they give,if i were her,i would till i receive the visa,since its good for 6 months
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-03-31 08:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence Question
thats a LOT of evidence KISH,at some embassies they take as much as it would fit in a paper bag

OP say you have been together,24 months, do screen shots of the chatlogs just to show the dates,choose a couple of random chatlogs,choose a couple of emails,like 24 of em ( since you have chatlogs you wont need that many emails ).
on and all,if you have a LOT of evidence,dont pay crazy amount of attention to one category like emails or phone logs or anything of that sort.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-03 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGovt. shutdown?
because america is the land of equal opportunity blah blah blah
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-05 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTattoo Evidence?
what a LOL worthy question
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-10 11:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I marry her while waiting for K1 visa?
this has got to be one of the most over asked questions ever,i suggest mods put together a guide in the form of FAQ for k-1,to eliminate such offense to op
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-14 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny VSC activity from 4/12,13,14?
IF there is a pattern in USCIS,as an old approval,i can tell you,when they start going hard at it,and then slow down for a bit,its good news,it means they are warming up
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-15 05:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Married before K-1 is approved

Well, I'm not sure what I'm gonna say, so, I may be wrong, but as far as I know a religious ceremony is just a cultural ceremony, if you only do it on the church it does not mean you are legally married so I personally do not think you would have a problem as far as you don't make it legal.

well youre wrong :thumbs: it varies from country to country,but like someone else mentioned, in some countries,religious ceremony = legal marriage
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-20 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Married before K-1 is approved

So, what are you saying... these people could NOT have JUST a religious ceremony? That by doing ONLY a religious ceremony they could be denied their K-1 visa?

Or.. is this just your opinion?

Thanks.. just trying to learn.

you see,in some countries ( not necessarily relilgions ) the religious ceremony is looked upon as a full blown marriage,for example middle eastern countries with muslim majority consider nekah ( the religious ceremony ) enough to recognize it a legal marriage.
am i getting my point across? in the end it depends on the country,not the religion.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-17 04:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Married before K-1 is approved

We're new here too - so I could be wrong, but many people have mentioned just doing ceremonies in their home country and not actually finalizing the marriage with documentation... Wouldn't it be easiest/the most logical for you to do this as well? That way you can use your K-1 (because even though you had a 'wedding' you're legally unmarried without a certificate..) and be together sooner? That way you don't have to re-apply and wait ALL over again. I just know I've been reading a ton and have seen people mention this before. I'd hate to see you wait another year after marrying simply because you had the ENTIRE ceremony and became legally married. No matter what you choose... best wishes and good luck.

as far as i know,Phillipinos as a whole are religious people,and you can only have religious ceremonies when traditionally its not considered marriage through local point of view.
they preview each file specifically with the traditions of each country in mind in the embassy stage
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-16 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting Married before K-1 is approved
nope,this is posted in the wrong forum.AND there is no way to convert k-1 to cr-1,which is the correct visa now.your noa 2 is good for 4 months,you can get married,gather your evidence before you leave Philippines, come back,wait till it expires and then apply for the right visa.
just so you know,marriage based visa take up to a year.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-16 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBitter Sweet
just a little advice for people who read this and may be considering withdrawing their petition,dont rush into it.
you will have time to withdraw it whenever you want,so if you break up,give it some time,make sure its not just the stress of the process and then send the letter.
im saying it as some one who was THIS close to screw it all up over the stress of going over 5 months and packet 3

Hi Everyone,
Well, I received my NOA2 today via email. That's the sweet. The bitter is: on the week of April 4th I sent a letter asking that my petition be withdrawn. My fiancee and I had a big fight and in a moment of stupidity I sent that letter. The following Monday,the 11th, I sent a letter to VSC via fedex overnight asking that my previous letter be canceled and explained why. My fiancee and I have resolved our misunderstanding. So at this point I have no idea if I will be receiving a letter in the near future saying my petition was withdrawn. I guess I'm writing this post to anyone who is having problems with their loved one who is far away and is thinking of sending that withdrawal letter. Take some time to think about it and really make sure you want to send that letter. I'm going to call USCIS tomorrow and ask if my withdrawal letter had been canceled but I really don't think they will be of much help. I guess I'm in limbo now...

amen brotha,and good luck
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-21 07:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 APPROVED without notification online
get this,by the time we got our NVC and noa 2 hardcopy,our case had reached the embassy,and we got the online notification after we got our interview date.the online system is not worth ###### :thumbs:
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-30 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproof of meeting in last two years - any suggestions?

Why not both? Corriere della Sera AND NY Times. In front of the Colosseo with the fake Roman gladiators.

what this person said,maybe even in old roman clothes?
dont forget to share the picture :yes: :D
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-01 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproof of meeting in last two years - any suggestions?

you could take a picture of you two together holding today's newspaper :lol:

as funny as it sounds,US embassy in ankara has asked a couple of iranians to do the same :wacko: actually they asked petitioner ( not a k-1 case )to go back the states,take a picture of himself holding todays newspaper in front of a very famous landmark or bank

OP send any legal document you have with both of your names on it

My fiancee is from a non-VWP country and has had a B-2 multi-entry visa for 20+ years. She said the only time she's EVER been grilled at POE was this most recent entry - and all because she said the word "fiance"

Better to be prepared, than to not! :)

i know it makes me sound like such a creep,but i have seen your pics in the gallery a couple of times and you guys are such a beautiful couple
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-01 02:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinal question,PROMISE!

Get Your She_____! together. Your so close. LOL. I think You'll be fine. Wish I had the Link to show you Military Requirements. They are 100% of the Poverty Line and not 125% when you Non-Military. But, remember the AOS will require 125% I'm pretty sure but, I maybe Corrected. Good Luck!

:rofl: i know they are 100% but i had doubts about the tax return and which part they look at.
thank you,its so close,and its going so smooth,i cant believe its happening,thats why i double check,im looking for mistakes and missed paperwork
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-03 04:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinal question,PROMISE!

OK, how many in the family. The Requirement for 2 is about $ 18,400.00. Also, if he is active military then only the 100% of the Poverty Line is needed. If your looking at Adjusted Gross Income you are worried about nothing. However, how many in the family are in the Petition?

2, thank god
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-03 04:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinal question,PROMISE!

It does help if he is Active Duty. What does Line 22 say as Adjusted Gross Income? Give a Dollar Figure. I'll answer you.

thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-03 04:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinal question,PROMISE!

Hope you saw my last post - total income is line 22 on 1040 (AGI is 38), and line 15 on 1040A (AGI is 22).

Posting on VJ while at work = madness :D

well i didnt find form 1040 or 1040A ( if it helps he is active duty military ) however, i found a refrence to it,but it stated 1040 line 22 as adjusted gross income
im really not financy in case you couldnt tell
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-03 03:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinal question,PROMISE!

Hip Hip Hurray M+P. This Immagration thing Sucks.

ive got ocd because of it :wacko:
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-03 03:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinal question,PROMISE!

Earned Income is your Gross Income before Taxes. If you could explain futhur what worries you then better answers would come.

im just doing a general double check so my fiance can get any missing paperwork while he is still in the states.thanks
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-03 03:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinal question,PROMISE!

Line 38 of 1040 or line 22 of 1040A :)

thanks :thumbs:
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-03 03:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinal question,PROMISE!
is it stated as earned income in the tax returns?im trying to find it and im failing epicly
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-03 03:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinal question,PROMISE!
one last question for the sake of my peace of mind and finding a co sponsor if needed NOW,in the tax returns,its the adjusted gross income that matters,correct?
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-03 02:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPossibility of more than 1 K1 for the same Fiance?
OP there is a great advice behind peoples mean-ness
lets say you do all this and it works,the second time around,your fiancee will be given hell at the interview and they will ask the same things people did;" why didnt you get married the first time?"
on and all,if youre serious about this,and do see yourself eventually living with your fiancee i suggest not doing it,because its risky.
who can predicte the future?what if you move to philipines and for some reason like a natural disaster or war you get forced to move back to the states?whats when the first k-1 will come back to hunt you.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-01 02:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresno engagement ring: problem at interview?
she can get herself a fake one if it would help your confidence
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-08 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Expedite and further expedite
i agree with sara,granted in my opinion you shouldnt have been given the first expedite to begin with.
this is a serious deal,not just because of her home country's roles and laws,but culturally.its extremely rare in middle east to see an unmarried woman,pregnant and accepted by her family.
you should have known better considering youre also going through a visa process.but fortunately for you,im not a senator nor a CO,SO,in response to your question,nvc only takes a couple of days,nearly not even close to as long as USCIS takes,and about embassy,i suggest you dont bother spending time waiting on the consulate figuring it out,i think you should let your senator handle it.
PS: for what its worth,if she return,she wont have a problem spending her pregnancy there ( IF her family are accepting of their pregnant unwed daughter ),she just wont be able to give birth in morocco.
PS2: granting the expedite shows how uneducated senators and higher authorities are in the states

Edited by thelastpetitioner, 14 May 2011 - 01:45 AM.

thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-14 01:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvery strange call to uscis
you know what nvc does?just gives you a new case number,nothing more,so dont worry about it as long as you have your noa2 and new case number,if you dont have the case number i suggest you call nvc and see if they have any information on your case entering and exiting nvc
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-16 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to fix I-129f
im the beneficiary and im worried as hell :( i dont want to risk getting out petition sent back to USCIS for any reason what so ever.
should i sent an email to the embassy on his behalf and explain the situation?or should he write a signed letter to explain it?
man am i stressed as you can tell
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-31 09:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to fix I-129f
my fiance made a mistake about question 18.he gave a wrong timeline regarding our relationship.
will i be able to fix it?what can i do?
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-31 08:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresexpedite info (help)

i agree with everything you guys say. when he came here we didnt even bother to stay at my grandma, we took a rent. she likes him, when he was here we ate here a few times, and she never complained about him not even after he left. my dad doesnt like him, but he hates eveyone. sam always has put me in first place. today he said he could work overtime so he can afford both and i feel so bad for him cause he works so much and he's always tired. if he misses july he wont be able to leave until christmas because of work... still i kinda changed my mind about expedite. id rather stay like this for months and be approved than get rejected because USCIS is so paranoid about everything that moves.

sweetie,you wont get rejected if they dont accept your expedite.even if they deny your expedite your case will still go on.from what i gathered,people just dont want you to choose between bad and worse,thats all.
expedite is everyone's right,however some people choose to abuse it,your case is different. im a ###### about expedites and i think you deserve one,so that must mean something.
have more confidence about yourself and your you guys have homeless shelters in romania?im sure you do but americans have some specifically for think you could try going there?catholic churches and organizations usually help people specially women with situations like these
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-30 06:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresexpedite info (help)
as much as i understand your situation and think you deserve an expedite,i dont think you could get one. like inky said,youll need proof,and getting proof in your situation is very hard.if you decide to go with the letter from friends option,i suggest attachign a copy of their birthcertificate so they can put a face and id number to the letter.
which service center are you with?
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-05-29 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo Sponsor backing out im lost and frustrated

No job, no co sponsor. Ouch!! I recommend getting out of that mess; at least temporarily by joining the trucking industry. Might not be what you really want to do for the rest of your life, but it is the most stable industry known to man. You can be working within 2 weeks and making $35-$45,000 your first year. Your pay continues to go up each year and the other benefits cannot be matched by most other companies. Why humiliate yourself by begging others for their charity? I encourage you to check out the website; Many companies offer drivers the chance to bring wives along, Who knows; she might just be interested in getting behind the wheel. That would bring your gross income to around $120 - $145,000 between the two of you. Can't beat that and you will be together all the time!!!

will you stop trying to lure people into joining the trucking industry?
there are as many cons as pros to working in this industry and you never seem to mention those.youre becoming like a second _
(fill in the blank
) who always suggests people get ready for their spouse's education while waiting on noa2.
him getting a job right now wouldnt help because he needs to show a steady paycheck for the last year if not the past two years.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-14 05:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting wit hLocal USCIS office

I'll go you one better, examples of Humanitarian Reasons that have been approved for expedite:

Terminal Illness of the USC Petitioner's parent or close relative, thus allowing the USC to have their other half meet the ailing relative.

Disability due to recent injury or medical procedure of the USC, having their spouse at home would assist with daily care while they recover.

ooo i thought that was medical
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-14 15:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting wit hLocal USCIS office
OP,as much as i understand you,you need to realize,poverty is a common thing in Philippines.currently youre in the USCIS stage,so they dont really care which province your fiancee is from,all they care about is that you have filed the petition correctly and that you have met in person,UNFORTUNATELY.the only cases where the expedite is approved based on the beneficiaries terms is when the beneficiary has a terminal illness ( i have seen a case like that on here ) or when there is a disaster going on ,like in japan or Haiti.unfortunately your fiancee really doesnt meet the expedite requirements,as inhumane as that is.youre in CSC and they have been moving extremely quickly for a couple of days,so i really hope you get yours soon
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-14 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmeeting wit hLocal USCIS office

Apparently the OP and at least one member replying in this thread have missed a very important point when requesting an expedite:

Regardless of the reason, it must be on the US Citizen's side of the situation.

The Beneficiary losing money because they will delay the sale of a business doesn't meet that requirement.

The US Citizen planning their weddings and putting down large deposits before the Visa has been issued doesn't meet the requirement (albeit for different reasons).

The Beneficiary living in poverty doesn't meet that requirement.

@OP, if you're sending $200 -$400 monthly to the Philippines then they are living far better than the neighbors.

one of the most strong cases of expedite approval is humanitarian reasons,what humanitarian reason would be for a US citizen?
im just curious.
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-04-14 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter marrying your ki1 visa fiance when can u leave USA
nope,not possible,you have to adjust status.usually AP which is needed to travel and EAD which is needed to work are accepted and sent before the green card,but keep in mind missing the AOS interview can make things difficult
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-19 04:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite petition

Unfortunately I can't say that I can attest to such an expedite request. However, the only way for you to know for sure is to call and request one. I do not think it weighs negatively on your petition if you request an expedite and are denied. I also don't think it takes much effort to submit the request. But as the previous post stated, I've only heard of active duty military expedite requests being approved.

Good luck either way!

unfortunately it does tae a lot of effort.because you have to submit proof for the ground youre wishing to expedite upon.being a veteran is not on the list ( while i think it should be)
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-20 01:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow long does it take for the embassy to let you know ur interview date?
funny story,actually i got my interview letter 1 week and a couple of days before my interview date.however i emailed them about it a week after i sent my packet 3 and they told me my exact date and hour
thelastpetitionerFemaleIran2011-06-21 09:10:00