Asia: SouthHas anyone received Interview date for June in Mumbai?

I know Mumbai post the list on their website by 15/16th of the month, but they sure must be sending the packet4/interview dates before that. Has anyone received interview date for June?


There is a possiability that you'll not get an interview in June, since your packet 3 was only received by the consulate in late April. You should try calling the Department of State at 202-663-1225 (option 1, listen to the entier list of options, and then after a small pause, it will say press "0" to talk to an operator). They'll be able to tell you if an interview has been scheduled for June.

In my case, I was informed by calling DOS on March 28th that an interview was scheduled for May 24th, my case was at the Mumbai consulate by Feb 28th. I was hoping for an April interview, but I guess our case got there too late.

Good luck
devbltNot TellingIndia5/7/2007 9:48
Asia: SouthSafe travels Rimash on 5/18

Just wanted to post and say Safe and Happy travels to India for your Hubby's interview on the 24th.

Also, Good luck and hope everything goes well during the interview. We'll be looking for that Visa approved thread from you!
devbltNot TellingIndia5/16/2007 15:50
Asia: SouthWhen did you submit your proof or relationship evidence?

I posted this in K3 forum too but figured I'd post it to the South Asia forum too to get opinions.

We're preparing things for hubby to submit to the VFS office and I'm just wondering if others submitted their evidence of relationship with their things to the VFS office prior to interview or waited until the time of interview to take the evidence with them?Any suggestions would be great.



My wife has her interview next Thursday, and she went to VFS to submit the documets on Monday. She took all the required documents including all the relationship evidence with her.

At the VFS, they only took a handful of e-mails, and told her to bring the rest (Telephone records, Cards, E-mails, Pictures) to the interview itself.

I suggest taking everything to VFS, and they'll decide what they'll take and what you'll need to bring with you.

Good luck!
devbltNot TellingIndia5/16/2007 15:42
Asia: Southsubmitting papers at vfs mumbai
You are fine.

What ever VFS did not take that was on the check list, take with you to the interview. If/When they ask for it, show it to them

Good luck with the interview.
devbltNot TellingIndia5/23/2007 20:57
Asia: SouthWE GOT IT!
It's midnight.. thought I was dreaming when my wife called me. She passed the interview! :dance: :dance:

Still can't believe it.

Her interview was scheduled for 7.30am.. and I was expecting a long night ahead of me. She was done in less than 2 hours, and called me just before 9.30am local time in India.

I couldn't talk too much with her.. we were both too emotional, and my mind was just racing. She picks up her passport and visa at 5pm local time.

I'll post a detailes later. For now, i'm going to try and get some sleep, though I doubt I'll get much!

Thanks again everyone :thumbs:
devbltNot TellingIndia5/23/2007 23:12
Asia: SouthPlane ticket India to USA

I just booked my wife's ticket for June 2nd. She'll be flying from Mumbi to Paris to Atlanta to Charlotte.

Her interview is not until May 24th, but felt that having a 9 day buffer will be enough for her to get the visa in hand if she doesn't happen to get it on the day of the interview itself.

The one-way ticket cost Rs 40,000 approx from a local travel agent.

If you can rebook it to one coming straight-in to Charlotte, I recommend doing so--basically, I consider it optimal to use your local airport if it IS a POE (which Charlotte is) unless coming from Canada or Ireland (likely these latter will be irrelevant to you, so...)

We tried getting the flight to Charlotte, but the tickets from Mumbai to Frankfurt were not available. They said to wait a couple of days to see if any become available. I didn't want to wait any longer.
devbltNot TellingIndia5/1/2007 10:19
Asia: SouthPlane ticket India to USA
I just booked my wife's ticket for June 2nd. She'll be flying from Mumbi to Paris to Atlanta to Charlotte.

Her interview is not until May 24th, but felt that having a 9 day buffer will be enough for her to get the visa in hand if she doesn't happen to get it on the day of the interview itself.

The one-way ticket cost Rs 40,000 approx from a local travel agent.
devbltNot TellingIndia5/1/2007 8:11
Asia: SouthMumbai Interview expereince
***Hope this review helps those going through Mumbai India.***

My wife went for a CR1 interview at the Mumbai consulate on May 24th.

She submited all the documents to VFS in Ahemdhabad on the 14th of May. They took the DS230, AOS, and a few e-mails for proof of on going relationship. She had taken with her wedding pictures, 7 months of e-mails, and telephone records to VFS. They told her to bring the rest of the evidence to the interview.

Interestingly, VFS told her that I needed to submit my 1040 tax returns for 03-05, (I had provided IRS tax transcripts to NVC and they did not have any issues with that). They also insisted that she brings with her to the interview an employment letter, and a bank statement (I had submited 6 months work of pay checks - I would have though that would be sufficiant). So I managed to get all that information over the course of two days and sent it express delivery.

She had her medical on the 22nd at Breach Candy, and no issues there. On the 23rd she was a nervous wreck, as was I!

Then came judgement day the day that will live long in our memmory for the rest of our lives - May 24th.. the interview date!

I had checked the Interview schedule on the Mumbai website, and it stated that only CR/IR visa applicants were scheduled, with a total of 27 people for the day. With that in mind, I told my wife not to rush to get to the consulate, since there was only a small number of people for that day.

She arrived at around 7am, for a 7.30am appointment. She checked in at the first counter, and then sat for about an hour or so. She was then called to intervew with the CO. He was apparently in his 40's, and seemed to me in a **nice** mood. He took her finger prints, and the oath. After that, she was asked 5 fairly simple questions,
1) Who is sponsering you.. what's his name,
2) Does he have any brother's/sisters - what are their names and where do they live.
3) When did you meet for the first time
4) What does your husband to for a living
5) When was the last time you saw him - to this last question she answered on the "webcam" last week, this brought a chuckel out of the CO and he clarified and asked when in person.. my wife responded appropriately.

The CO then asked to see some wedding pictures, she showed the first page of one album, and as she was turning the page, the CO said, that's fine, I don't need to see any more. He did not ask to see any of the info that VFS insisted that I send to my wife prior to her interview.

At this point, the CO said to my wife, "well you'll soon be able to see your husband very soon.. you are approved" and that was it. She collected her passport and visa at 5.30pm the same day from the Mumbai VFS office.

She was out of the consulate in less than two hours. Based on other experiences, I though I wouldn't hear from her for atleast 3-4 hours, so when she called me so quickly, I felt sick. I seriously thought that something horriable had happend at the interview. Thankfully, she uttered the three words we've waited to hear for so long. "WE ARE APPROVED!".

From my wife's perspective, she would give her experience a 5 out of 5. She said it was a breeze, and was worried for no reason.

I honestly think what helped was that we were over prepared with all the documents, which did not leave any doubts in the offices mind when time came for her interview.

Hope this expereience helps others going through Mumbai.
devbltNot TellingIndia5/24/2007 16:55
Asia: SouthDo Indian consulates require tax returns of past 3 years

Is this true that you need past 3 year of tax return?

My wife submited all her paperwork at VSF office in Mumbai yesterday (She has interview on June 13th, 7
:30 AM) and they did not take anything beside copy of her birth certificate, her passport and one more thing which i don't remember. When she asked about rest of her paperwork they told her to bring it with her to the interview. She took lots of relationship evidence inlcuding photo albums, phone reconds, cards and so forth and they didn't even look at them. They took 3 items and wrote her a receipt that she submitted following items.

I would think if they needed past 3 years of tax information they would have said something about it. Anyway i'll tell her to call the VSF office and post their reply.

My wife went to VFS in Ahemdhabd on May 10th. They asked her for the Tax information, as well as the PCC, and a number of other documents.

I guess not all VFS offices follow the same procedures.

What I would say, is refer to the checklist that came with the interview packet. What ever VFS did not take, have your wife take with her to the interview.

Good luck for the interview!
devbltNot TellingIndia5/30/2007 16:20
Asia: SouthDo Indian consulates require tax returns of past 3 years


I heard that Indian consulates require tax returns of 3 years including the most recent one. Is this true? I am applying at chennai consulate.

And is it defenitely required to have w-2's

Thank you

For my wife interview at the mumbai consulate last week, we had submited tax transcripts and w2's for years 03 to 06

Good luck!
devbltNot TellingIndia5/29/2007 17:36
Asia: Southmarriage certificate

hello everyone,,
I just had a concern regarding our marriage certificate. Me and my wife are from gujarat. On our certificate, there is a stamp which says true copy. We do not have any originals. My wife inquired this back in gujarat, was told that that is how it works. there is no original certificate. all you get is the certicate (on light green color paper) and it has a govt stamp and says TRUE copy. Now I am just worried that when my wife goes for the interview, they might ask "where is the original"? what does your marriage cerificate look like? do you guys have an actual original certificate..?? any suggestions/info is appreciated.!!

thnx everyone :)


That is fine. I got married in Gujarat, and the marriage certificate I received was the "True Copy" one. That is what I had submited for immigration purposes and was fine.
devbltNot TellingIndia6/18/2007 10:58
Asia: SouthShe Arrived Safely!
So my wife arrived safely yesterday at 4.30pm est time.

She landed at Atlanta and only had 2 hours to get through immigration before catching the connecting flight to Charlotte.

Atlanta as a POE for my wife was a breeze, no hassell but did take a long time since a couple of international flights came in at the same time.

By the time she cleared customs and immigration, and finally got to the connecting flight, she had about 10 mins to spare.

I had asked her to phone me if she did not make the connecting flight. She did not call, so I went to the airport with a dozen pink roses waiting at arrivals. The flight landed, a bunch of people were waiting for their luggage, but I did not see any sign of my wife. I was getting scared, thinking that she'd been held back at immigration, and she still hasn't had a chance to call. The flight attendents were the last to come through arrivals, I asked them if they had seen her, but they said they don't recall seeing her. Frantic, I went to the Delta desk to ask if she was on the flight. I was told that she was definately on the flight, and the delta person suggested that my wife may have come out of the wrong exit area, or that she's in the restrooms freshening up. So as I left the delta desk, I looked up towards the esclators, and at the corner of my eye I catch a glimps of my wife coming down. I ran to her, have her a great big kiss on the lips and a hug. We are finally reunited and we can start building our lives together now.

Thanks again for eveyones support at the forum.
devbltNot TellingIndia6/3/2007 18:42
Asia: SouthPacket 3 Mailed New Delhi


My cousin is in a exact same boat I am in. His wife is in India, going thru New Delhi. She never received Packet 3 and within a week had interview scheduled after the paperwork arrived in Delhi. On the other hand, I was just told that Packet 3 has been mailed to my wife, we have to submit it and after that they will schedule the interview. I was hoping for July but I don't know anymore. I think I am going to have her overnight Packet 3 early next week.

I am really frustrated. This sucks!!


Is your cousin going for a CR1 visa or a K3/K1 visa? The packet 3 process for them are slightly different. For a CR1 visa packet 3 is actually the DS230 documents that need to be mailed to the NVC, where as with K3/K1 packet 3 is sent after the embassy received the file from the NVC.

If your cousin is going for the exact same visa as your wife, then I'm not sure what the disconnect is.

Good luck though!
devbltNot TellingIndia5/30/2007 16:28
Asia: Southmedical question..

helloo all,,
i m back again with questions :unsure:
this is regarding the medical exam,,I was wondering how it should be done. I mean should my wife finish it like 2 weeks before the interview.?? do you get the medical results back on the day it is done or the results are transffered directly to the consulate..?? I was not sure on hot that works..!!

any suggestions guys..?

You can schedule the medical at anytime, but will need the interview letter at the time of the appointment.

My wife is from Gujarat, and the medicals could only be done in Mumbai. So rather than doing two journeys to Mumbai, she went to Mumbai 4 days ahead of the interview, and got the medical done two days prior to the actual interview. She took her medical report with her to the interview.

Good luck.
devbltNot TellingIndia6/18/2007 15:44
Asia: SouthPCC

I guess people from gujarat will be able to answer this question in detail? neways my wife lives in gujarat. On the mumbai consulate's website for PCC requirement it says that some district in gujarat no longer issue local PCC, in that case just bring Passport office PCC. Now my wife did try to get PCC from the local police station but was told that they cant give one. Now at the time of interview, do we have to prove that we fall in "the district which does not issue local PCC"? I mean should I get something from the local police station saying "they no longer issue local certi?". what do you guys think?

thanks for any input :)


My wife is (was) from Rajkot Gujarat, and she was able to get a local PCC from the police station. Which city is your wife from?

As others have suggested, I would have your wife get something in writing from the local police station that they don't issue it. You may need to give them some Rs. to do it!

Good luck.
devbltNot TellingIndia7/19/2007 15:02
Asia: SouthFinal Day Tommarow
QUOTE (calijatt @ Sep 19 2007, 11:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Goodluck man! Drop me an PM when you get the good news! good.gif
devbltNot TellingIndia9/19/2007 13:21
Asia: SouthDo we get the stamped passport same day of interview?
QUOTE (Jigi @ Oct 31 2007, 01:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I am planning about my interview and booking my ticket. As you can see my is IR / CR case.Have people going for IR/CR case get the stamped passport with visa same evening or next day from the Embassy or VFS.

Please do help me


In most instances you should get the visa the same day. I would not suggest booking a ticket for that night. There are rare occasions when something might go wrong and you don't get the visa that day.

My wife got her visa the same day, but I booked her ticket for 10 days after the interview, so she could go back home and be with her family before moving over here.
devbltNot TellingIndia10/31/2007 16:04
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Affidavit of Support I-864EZ question
It's a simpler version of the I-864.. the EZ form is used if you meet a certian criteria.. such as above the poverty line.. only sponsoring 1 person.. and if you don't have a co-sponsor
devbltNot TellingIndia2006-11-29 11:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Affidavit of Support I-864EZ question
Hi All,

I just got my NOA2 approval for my CR1/IR1 application. It's now on it's way to the NVC. I have a couple of quick questions on the AOS I-864 application.

I have verified that I can submit the I-864EZ so I'm all good there.

My question is on part 4 - Sponser's Houshold size. The only person I'm sponsoring is my spouse.

Question 16A is already pre-populated with "2" which includes myself and the person i'm sponsoring.

Question 16B is for the spouse

Do I leave that blank since she is already included in 16A?

Also, what other evidence do I need to submit with my AOS? I read folks talk about submiting "bank letters" and "employment letters" etc..

Can someone provide me with a list of all evidence documents I need to submit with the I-864EZ?

I just don't want to get any RFE's

Thanks in advance for your help
devbltNot TellingIndia2006-11-29 11:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Using Jame's shortcut.. a quick question
For all that have used Jame's shortcut.. My NVC case number was just assigned today. I'll be using Jame's shortcuts, as many of you have said it works great.

I have a question on generating the barcode though.. do I just type in the numberical values of the case numer or do I have to type in the entier number incuding the 3 alpha characters? In my case would I enter it as BMB########## or just the ##########?

Does this apply for all the bar codes that need to be generated?

devbltNot TellingIndia2006-12-08 12:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Jame's Shortcuts - AOS Fee Bill size?

I just generated my bar code using Jame's shortcut. Read the instructions carfully, as it tells you how to set the sizing of the barcode itself. You may have an issue copying and pasting the bar code directly from the "bar code generator". What I did was saved it as a .bmp image. Opend that file with Microsoft Office Picture Manager. You'll have to "crop" the bar code from the bottom so the verbage "powered by" is not there anymore. Once you do that you can copy and paste the bar code into the word document on you'll download from James' shortcut.

I compared the length and hight of the example barcode and the one I generated and both are exactly the same.

Good luck. If you still have issues, PM me your NVC # and e-mail address, and I'll be happy to generate it for you and send it to you.
devbltNot TellingIndia2006-12-19 13:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC awaiting biographic forms from the petitioner?

The last interaction I had with NVC was to send in the payment for the IV Fee bill, which NVC received on 12/21/2006.

Therefore, I expected to call NVC and get a message saying that the DS-230 had been generated/sent to the Agent (i.e. me).

However, I am thoroughly confused by NVC's latest automated message to me:

"The NVC is awaiting the return of biographic forms from the Petitioner (me). Once this packet is received, allow 6-8 weeks for the reviewing of all your documentation, and you will be notified of the outcome of the review"

What in the world are they talking about?

What happened to the DS-230 being sent/generated? (which is info about the Applicant, my wife, not me!)

Dazed and confused...

From other post's i've read, it seems as though the message is indeed relating to the DS230. They may be using different language, but it's the DS230.

Can someone please confirm, since I'll be getting that message in the next couple of weeks

devbltNot TellingIndia2007-01-03 15:17:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)A new type of message at NVC
Well I just called the NVC today and the VRU system was updated to say that a "packet of information was sent" I assume that's the DS230.. so I'll be sending that in tomorrow using Jame's shortcut
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-01-17 13:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)A new type of message at NVC
Hi All,

So I sent my IV fee bill last week, and it was delivered on the 10 of Jan. I called up the NVC and the VRU system said that they have "received the IV fee bill, and will send further instruction in the next few weeks".. I was expecting the message to say that the DS230 was generated. So I called them back and spoke to the live operator. She informed me that the IV bill was accepted and that they'll be "sending out the DS230 by the end of the week" has anyone else had a similar experience?

I specfically asked if the DS230 had been generated and when the VRU would reflect that, her response was "all I can tell you is that the DS230 will be mailed by the end of the week"

I'm eager to send off the DS230 asap. If anyone has had a similar experience, what did you do? I'm debating on whether I should send of my DS230 today/tomorrow, or wait until next week when the VRU system is updated?

Any advise would be much appriciated.

Thanks in advance
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-01-16 09:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Flow chart for CR-1

My I-130 was approved :dance: .
Is it the NVC choice on which path the flow chart will go? I want to have everything complete as much as possible so there is minimal delay in the process. My sister is going to Viet Nam for New Year, so anything my wife needs sent back to the US I want hand delevered.

1. Fill out and signed DS-3032 then delivered to me or have her E-mail the NVC choosing me as the agent once number is assigned.
2. Fill out and sign DS-0230 deliver to me. I will then put NVC Case number on it to send in.
3. Have required paperwork done for interview (medical, Criminal,etc.)

1. Getting my AOS completed. Which form do I use? I will be the only support and above the poverty line, so is it the EZ form.

Is there anything else I can do so as not to delay anything? Is this what I need/want to do?

From your wife's perspective, depending on the embassy, they may require you to submit more than just the DS230.. I know that some embassy's require things like the police certificate etc.. at a minimum, I think you'll need to have a photocopy of her passport bio-grapic information that needs to be submited with the DS230.. that was the case for me (embassy Mumbai India)

For you, if you meet the requirments for the EZ form, than go with that. Remember to call the IRS and get copies of your Tax Transcripts for the last 3 years.. even though it's "optional" for years two and three, it is highly recommended that you send them in.. it takes about 10 business days for you to receive them in the mail.

The only other thing I would recommend is calling the NVC on Tuesday mornings.. that is typically when they update the VRU system with updated information on your case.. rather than waiting on the mails to come to your house before taking any action..

You may also want to review "Jame's Shortcuts" that are pinned on the NVC forum.. those shortcuts will save you about a month at the NVC.. I've used them, they work and definately saved me time.

Good luck!
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-01-19 08:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)My turn to celebrate
Congratulations! Almost there..

Goodluck with the interview
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-01-17 13:23:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Letter from NVC ?
Yep.. they have your case on file... now it's just a matter of waiting until your case becomes current. At that time you or your brother should receive some sort of communication from the NVC to finish of the process. You may want to call the NVC and talk to a live operator and ask when your case is going to be "current"..
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-01-23 08:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Letter from NVC ?
Yes, the USCIS case number is the approval number.. it should start with a three alpha chatacters with 10-12 digits thereafter i think.

I know you should receive an a letter from USCIS after your I-130 is approved.. but wheter the NVC sends you anything I'm not sure.. since I'm applying for my spouse.

Based on my expereince for my spouse.. once NVC received my case, they didn't send me a letter "acknowleding receipt of my case".. but since spouse visa's are deemed current, the NVC started processing my case straight away.. so in my case.. my wife received a letter to assign a choice of agent.. and then sent out the fee bills and applications as my timeline indicates below..

For your brother.. you or your brother may only receive communication from the NVC when your application becomes current.. again, I would just call the NVC to make sure they have your case on file to put your mind at ease
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-01-22 15:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Letter from NVC ?
Try calling the NVC at 603-334-0700.. you can give them your USICS case number and get a status update
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-01-22 14:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)change address
Not sure what the process is, but try calling the NVC at 603-3340700 talk to a live person and ask them. You may also want to consider getting your address changed at USCIS. I read on the USCIS website, that you can do the change of address on-line through their website. Though I don't think that will update your records at NVC.

Please post on here what you find out.
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-01-24 09:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Agent

When they say coice of agent what does that mean?


I'm assuming you are refering to the Choice of Agent form that you need to fill out af part of the CR1/IR1 visa is that correct?

If it is, than what the choice of agent is asking the beneficary to do is nominate someone who will act on the beneficary's behalf during the processing of your application at the NVC. The choice of agent can be the beneficary or the petitioner. Issentially who ever you assign as the choice of agent will get corrospendence from the NVC in terms of paying the Immigration Visa bill ($380) and then sending the DS230 application form itself.

I would highly recommend that the Choice of Agent be the petitioner who is residing in the states.. it'll save a lot of time since the NVC will be sending mail within the USA rather than to the UK.

Check out Jame's shortcuts that are pinned at the top of the NVC forum for more information.
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-01-25 09:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Silly NVC Question

Thanks, Misa & Devbit! I was guessing that they wouldn't reply at all, let alone assign a case number, unless they'd actually received our file, but was also wondering why they didn't just say so. So I'm glad to hear that my guess was right, and that it must be there... and even gladder to hear that they might just speak to me if I call, even though I'm the non-USC. Hah... there's one out of the two of us who has the patience (or 'slightly uhealthy obsession with the exact status of our case at any given minute', whichever way you want to put it - I'm calling it patience, cos that sounds *much* better ;) ) to spend forever trying to get through to a real live human being at the NVC, and that person is not my lovely USC fiance! :lol:

Thanks again - it's getting exciting now that we're nearly nearly nearly on our way to London!

I've always been lucky when calling the NVC and talking to a live person.. normally it's no more than 5 minutes. Best time to call them is mid-to-late in the week around 10-11am Eastern Standard Time or 3-4pm London time.

Good luck.

Edited by devblt, 01 February 2007 - 01:46 PM.

devbltNot TellingIndia2007-02-01 13:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Silly NVC Question
If you have been assigned an NVC case number that means they do have your file.. so you are good to go! Once they have assigned a case #, they'll do a quick review before sending it to London. Normally 1-2 weeks. You'll not get any updateds on the NVC automated phone system (applies only to K1-K3 visa's) so you'll have to call or e-mail the NVC to determine when the case was sent to London.

Good luck
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-02-01 09:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)what is IR1 & CR1?
So after the two year "green card" are you issued a Permanent "green card"?

Yes, 3 months before your 2 years is up, you need to file for Removal of conditional status. After you file and USCIS processes the case - with an interview with both the husband and wife they will approve a 10 year green card.

There is a forum on this site that discusses Removal of Conditions.
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-02-09 08:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV bill - what form of payment is required?

I am still waiting for a Postal money order to be sent to me via "snail-mail" and am hoping that a personal check from my U.S. bank is acceptable for the IV fee since if my wife was the "agent" she would not have direct access to U.S. certified bank checks or USPS money orders.

I'm quite positive that personal checks will not be accepted by NVC. Needs to be a certified check or a money order. Perhaps you can have a relative from the states get the check and then send them the money from london
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-02-07 08:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I'm getting nowhere with NVC
Since you are going through the CR/IR1 process.. have you thought about using Jame's shortcuts?

Check out the link below for more info.. many people doing CR/IR1 visa's have used these shortcuts to great effect including myself.


Good luck
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-02-15 18:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS230 part 2

This may seem like a basic question, but for the life of me, I can not figure it out yet.

I am trying to type on the DS 230 part 2......using Adobe. But, for some reason, it will not let me type more than a few inches per line. For example, when the question asks "other names used",#27, I need to type in two different names for my wife. But, apparently due to the length, it will only let me type up to the point where it is just under the words (If married woman.....).

I need to type in more, but can't because it won't let me.

Same with when I type in Name and address of petitioner, question #29. I was trying to use 3 lines for my name and address, but when I get to that third line, it goes to the part that says "telephone number", and I can't put in my city, state, and zip.

Is there a way to correct this, or do I just need to print the page, and write everything by hand? I would prefer to type it, to be neater........but I can't seem to fit in everything in the sapce they provide.



Yep.. I had the same issue on the DS230 and some other forms.. I ended up writing it out by hand in CAPS
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-02-15 18:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How Much Time Need For My Interview

i every Body
My father Is a USCitizen he applied for me im under 21 .my case is approved and my father also submit my immigrant visa fee .now my father submit DS-230 Part I with Affidavet Of SUpport I-864 to NVC i live in pakistan please tell me when Islamabad embassy send me the documents and when my interview will call .how many months islamabad embassy need for me for my interview please help me im really thanks full to allz

It will still take about a month or so for the NVC to review the DS230 and AOS paperwork your father has submited. Once it is approved it will be sent to the embassy in Pakistan. How long it takes from reaching the Pakistan embassy to an actual interview varies for each embassy - depending on how busy they are. At a minimum it will be about 6 weeks.
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-02-20 11:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)tax transcript

I called the IRS asking for my tax transcript. I guess there are more than one type. Do I need the filing transcripts or the income ones? Thanks.


I had the IRS send me tax transcripts and I don't recall the person asking me to choose between two options. Did you talk to someone on the phone or did you go through the automated phone system?

I actually talked to a live operator, and told them I needed my Tax transcripts for immigration purposes for the last three years and that was it. No other questions were asked.
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-02-23 08:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)2 year HRR - send DS-230 now or wait?

Hi everybody - I have a 2 year residency requirement which I'm currently trying to get a waiver for.
I am also at the point where the NVC sent me the DS-230 for an IR-1. My question is, do I fill out and send the DS-230 or wait for the waiver/end of the 2 yr?

1) If I do send it in, there is a question in there on whether I have the HRR. If I say I do, are they going to reject my petition??

2) If I don't send it in, how long is the case still active? I already paid the fee.

The ideal scenario is I send in the DS-230, then by the time my interview comes around I have my waiver. If I wait for the waiver before filling out the DS-230, I waste 2+ months! On the other hand I don't want to risk my IR1 being rejected - my I-485 has already been rejected due to this HRR!

I was wondering if anybody knows of similar cases. I did do a search but the only cases I saw were for K1s.

Thanks a lot!

I think you have one year from the time you pay the fee to submit the paperwork.
devbltNot TellingIndia2007-02-22 20:24:00