Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...


I haven't been on VJ for some time and just saw this. I am sorry to hear what you are going through but happy you have made the decision that is best for yourself and your kids.

God bless and all the best to you.

Thanks Zee! It's been a long time. Glad you're doing well!

sad story, but it looks like you made the right decision. women don't listen to their instincts enough. i'm glad you did. wishing you and your family the best in the new year.

Thanks so much. Happy New Year to you also!
MAO36FemaleNigeria2013-01-19 23:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

You are scaring me... My husband has been here for 2 months now and he is still loving to me and my little boy. How soon did the disrespect and cheating start? You are not the first person that has warned about this. But I keep telling myself that my situation is different, but you best believe I am going to be watching him now. I am sure there are others on this site that feels the same. "Ladies lets watch". There will be no second chance if it happens to me. My eyes are open, but I think I am pretty safe cos he is always telling me how beautiful i am and how much he loves me. I am just glad you are at peace now. God Bless you!

Hello Olami!

I'm sorry..... I did not mean to scare you. Please remember this is "My" story and yours may be different. By all means continue to enjoy your Hubby and take away whatever you can from my journey if it will be beneficial to you. You sound like a smart lady. If there is ever something for you to be concerned bout, the writing will be on the wall. If things are going well for you, enjoy it!

Thanks for responding. Much sucess to the both of you!
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-24 14:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...
Treva Posted ImagePosted Yesterday, 03:13 PM

I haven't known you over the years, but I just wanted to say Congratulations! I think you are a very smart woman who has done the right thing. There are some men who will do whatever we let them get away with. He sounds like one of those. Sometimes having kids makes us stronger and wiser. You sound like a great mother who wants the best for her kids. I have two little girls, and if even just for their sake, I wouldn't put up with that bs either. It sounds like you gave him more than enough chances, and it's clear you'll all be better off without him.

"Yes, Treva.... I really did give it my all and having kids undoubtedly gives you inner strength, insight and wisdom to do what's best for them. You sound like a no non-sense kind of a woman. Thanks for the response""

shefellfromheaven Posted Image
Posted 16 November 2012 - 03:41 PM


I'm utterly shocked ! Be strong MAO. It takes courage, strength and deep conviction to walk out of a loveless marriage. Hope you find peace and strength


"Awh....... I'm sorry you're in shock. Believe me my shock just wore off after 5 long years. Yes.... I have found peace and strength, finally. It was long overdue" Thank you
foy your concern"

Simply_Uno Posted Image
Posted 16 November 2012 - 02:39 AM

Wow. Its been a long time since I've visited VJ. But thats because my situation ended long before it ever got started :P
Any way, I'm glad you did what you needed to do for you and your kids. I'm just saddened by the fact that his flaws did not show up while he was still in his own country. That way you would not have lost money and vested time and energy into him and his #######. I hope that what ever lesson you learned from this, that you are not destined to repeat; nor have it manifest in the lives of your children.
Take care of you, always


Hello Simply Uno.

"Those were my sentiments exactly. I just wanted to know why weren't these traits shown in nigeria. I guess this is why I should not have married someone without spending quality time together, to get to know the real person inside. When you date and marry abroad, this can sometimes be the sad reality/outcome. I wish him all the best though, truly. Thanks for your comments"

MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-18 13:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...
[quote name='olumides_girl' timestamp='1352700459' post='5816180']
I haven't been on VJ since 2007 but when I came aboard last year I did follow your story and I just want to thank you girl for taking the time to be so transparent and real with us...and glad to see you didn't become bitter and call him a scammer (which I don't think he is since apparently he didn't want to leave lol) but instead as you said he wanted his wife and single life too..Nigerian or not...sir this just can't be...smh...yes girl set the standard for your babies...they are watching us...and this isn't what either of them need to see so good for you! I had to decide that about my own two with their father... You seem very strong and at peace and that is what matters most....who knows maybe he'll realize FOR REAL what he had in you..sometimes you gotta let them fall hard... but if he's anything like my ex if he waits to long it may be too late by then because you would have moved on completely...either way girl my hats off to you for sharing your story with us...and keepin' it real! I love that about you! Praying for you and I know that the best for you is yet to come! (L) :yes:

Thank you for following my story, appreciating my honesty and taking time to respond. I wish you nothing but happiness also!!
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-15 20:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...
4theloveofhenry Posted ImagePosted Today, 11:33 AM

I just sent you a super long message but it couldnt go through, but the gist of it was I am soo sorry for the loss of your marriage but Jehovah sees all things and he has seen the pain that you and your children have had to go through and he will not forget his faithful ones. You seem like you are handling these devastating conditions stoically so that proves that Jehovah is already blessing you with that peace you need to keep going. You are such an inspiration to me. I pray the kids are doing ok and even though you have moved on from him I pray he too will get a handle on his situation spiritually for his sake. Just hang in there Michelle and know you have a sister in Ohio who is always thinking about you and stopping by VJ to see if you are ok. Girl check that inbox sometimes so I can send you a message from time to time lol.



"Dee!!!! Would you believe I am just seeing your message you left me MONTHS ago with your phone #!!!!! I am calling you tonight!!! I've missed you and your encouraging words... Love ya

moon68 Posted Image
Posted 13 November 2012 - 06:24 PM

Dont know if you remember me but I wanted to tell you how sorry I am that things did not work out....I know you tried and gave him all the chances you could but you are right for getting yourself and your children out of a bad situation......You sound like you are doing good and being very strong....May jehovah watch over all of you and give you the comfort to hlep you through this dificult time.....I am sure you will find someone that will love you and respect you the way a husbsnd should....All my love.....

"Miss "K" of course I remember you! You are my spiritual sister in Cali. Our husbands spoke on the phone for goodness sake, Of course I remember the woman whose Husband is a gift from GOD! You are blessed K. I am sooooooooo happy he was everything he said he would be. <tears of joy for you>"

Ben and Jill Posted Image
Posted 13 November 2012 - 03:03 PM

Mao36, awwww honey, I am saddened by this, I can't tell a lie, but you sound super fine and I am proud of you for respecting yourself and your children enough to do the right and best thing. God bless you and stay steadfast and strong. So proud of you

"Jill..... yes I'm getting there, took a while but I am almost there. Thank you and I wish you much love and happiness hun."

misskaykay Posted Image
Posted 13 November 2012 - 01:02 AM

Damn i feel your pain mami. am kinda a little bit experiencing the same thing in my own marriage. mine (hubby) is like a bipolar. is sweet this minute the next minute is mean and disrespectful.
Just know if one door closes another will open. take care:)

"Awwwwww misskaykay, I pray that you have a happy ending. Sometimes there is a silver lining. Hold on for as long as you feel it's the right thing t do."
Jahwaree Posted Image
Posted 13 November 2012 - 01:00 AM

Proud of you, stay strong you will meet the one one that will love and chrish you

"Thank you so much. I do believe this"

MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-15 20:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

You sound like a strong woman. My first thought while reading was, Good for you! It took me 13 years to work up the courage to get out of a bad marriage. I raised my son and daughter on my own and have hopefully instilled those values in them. I am now married to a wonderful man who is the one I am certain was meant for me all along. I don't know if you like to read but I found a book very inspirational and uplifting when I separated and eventually divorced. It is called In the Meantime, by Ianyla VanZant (I dont have the book anymore so Im not sure if I spelled that right). I always thought the worst thing that could happen to me would be for my ex to leave. As it turns out, it was the best thing to ever happen to me. He married the woman across the road and I married my soul mate. in the meantime just worry about YOU and your children and the rest will fall into place. You have already taken the hardest step. You were also braver than me because I fell for the I'm sorry act and took my ex back for another couple years of that hell. Leopards cannot change their spots and once a cheater always a cheater. I should have listened to my mom on that one! Best of luck to you. :)

Thanks for the words of wisdom. I always use that same quote about a leopard not changing his spots. Thanks to everyone who left encouraging, uplifting comments and commendations. I'm feeling good to have heard the feedback from so many. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-13 00:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

You sound like a strong woman. My first thought while reading was, Good for you! It took me 13 years to work up the courage to get out of a bad marriage. I raised my son and daughter on my own and have hopefully instilled those values in them. I am now married to a wonderful man who is the one I am certain was meant for me all along. I don't know if you like to read but I found a book very inspirational and uplifting when I separated and eventually divorced. It is called In the Meantime, by Ianyla VanZant (I dont have the book anymore so Im not sure if I spelled that right). I always thought the worst thing that could happen to me would be for my ex to leave. As it turns out, it was the best thing to ever happen to me. He married the woman across the road and I married my soul mate. in the meantime just worry about YOU and your children and the rest will fall into place. You have already taken the hardest step. You were also braver than me because I fell for the I'm sorry act and took my ex back for another couple years of that hell. Leopards cannot change their spots and once a cheater always a cheater. I should have listened to my mom on that one! Best of luck to you. :)

MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-13 00:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

Sometimes the cultural divide will never be overcome. I know many Nigerian men that think they will go out and play and a good wife should be home fixing dinner. I have been about your whole process. Good luck at the next phase.

This was very much the case. Wow..... I recall speaking to you on the phone back in 07 or 08. I am so glad things are going well for you. You went thru a lot, I still remember.
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-13 00:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

keep your spirit strong. you sound like you wnt let the past stop the future so pls dnt.

Thanks ndu26,

I won't let it stop me. We live, learn and hopefully grow from our experiences, I have.
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-11 00:08:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

I can't tell you how proud of you I am. I read your post with tears yet I salute your courage and strength. I have traveled the road you have as well. When I kicked him to the curb I felt such relief and liberation. NO I was not married to a Nigerian at the time, he was Hispanic. This goes to show you that a scum is a scum no matter what and where he is from. As women we need to stand up for what is right for us and for our children. Again, I stand by you once again dear sister for you are setting the right examples for your son and daughters.

No one is perfect, but no one deserves to be treated less then they deserve. One day you will find the man who deserves you completely and appreciate the wonderful person you are. Stay blessed and know you are not alone in this. I wish you all the best and happiness. Hugs (F)

I really appreciate all the love and support you have shown me over the years. Thanks so much and let's still keep in touch as I now you are still on your journey. I wish you nothing but success!
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-11 00:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

yes I had an ex like that and what made it worse after we got divorced and to this day he calls me and asks me to meet him...mind you he is remarried and I told him that he is the skum of the earth and how could he even ask me that...if he is doing it now to his new wife I would hate to think what he was doing while married to me :wacko::( Some role model for our children :bonk:

Sorry Hami,

I don't know who I responded to earlier, lol. Anyway.... that is absolutely crazy, I'm glad he is now your ex. You certainly deserve better.
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-10 20:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

Stay strong and god bless you for doing the right thing for both your kids and yourself.


Thanks M!
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-10 20:46:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

You speak words of wisdom that have only come from loving yourself first and knowing your worth. And for that alone you are truly blessed. You are a wonderful mother for what you are showing them and teaching them, that noone is more important than them. What love is and what it is not. So many people stay in bad situations hoping that the other person changes, or if they do more, or do better they will change. Well guess what, you can hope, but you can't make a person change no matter what you do. And yes sometimes people have to hit rock bottom before they change and some hit rock bottom and still never do. You are a strong women and whatever the future holds for you, you and your children will be fine!

Thanks reese,

True words spoken, at some point you have to take a stand for what's right, no matter how scary it seems. God will always support the right decision!.
Thanks for the encouragement!
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-10 20:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

Good for you! :) Keep your head up!

Thanks Sam!
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-10 20:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

your story has touched my heart and you are a strong woman! May God bless you always!!

Thanks hami,

Thats what they say..Sometimes one has no choice.
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-10 20:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

This post is made for those who have gotten to know me over the years, since 2007 to be exact. For those who have followed my story since I married my nigerian husband back in 2007. Those who read of the indiscretions and the hard times, and watched me forgive him since he stated he would not make that mistake again and promised transparency in the marriage from here on. Well thing got better for a while but within time, things began to go back to what got us in the mess we were in from the start of the affair. In all fairness, I did NOT catch him red handed again, however I am no fool at 41 years old. You know what Ladies, he could not meet up to the requirements of being a loving, honest, trustworthy, responsible husband. Someone posted something recently about lacking affection, lacking concern, being secretive about his life outside of the home. Yes, those were all the things that he continued to struggle with even after we decided to give it another go round. He said he loved me when I asked and promised not to leave, which he never did. That's the part that baffled me, this man did not want to act like a husband but yet he refused to leave the home. He got his 10 yr greencard some time ago so that wasn't the issue. To this day, I honestly feel that he felt it was acceptable to have a loving wife at home but OK to behave like a single man. It's almost like he wanted th best of both worlds. Well...... I'm sorry ladies, I deserve better. You see, I didn't come from a home where love was lacking. My mother gave me unconditional love day and night. So when I began to see how lonely I felt inside, how miserable I had become and how my childen must have felt watching their so called step Dad come in and out whenever he wanted without a word spoken, how he would be unaccounted for several hours, I knew I had to step up and set a fine example if not for me for my lovely children. They accepted this man into the home based on their trusting my decision and the fact that he called them regularly when in africa and promised to teach them soccer, prepare nigerian dishes, hangout and just be a good friend to them. Instead, he lied, cheated and was very disrspectful in his behavior toward me. What kind of message would I be sending to my son and daughters. To my son, is this how a man should treat hs wife? NO. To my daughters, Is this how a man should treat you? NO. So for all these reasons I asked him to leave and I will tell you this man did NOT leave without a fight. I had to call in the troops, literally, the troops meaning my brothers. I'm not sure why he wanted to remain here when he was NOT loving me or the kids the way he had promised in Nigeria. So to the question asked by someone, do they change when they get here? For me, my answer is YES. What he did not realize is that when he met me he met his match. Like I said before I was well loved as a child, so I know when it's time to call it quits. I was also taught that a woman is supposed to be respected, loved, cherised and handled with care. I am thankful to finally have the wisdom to know the difference between REAL love and an illusion. So while we have been separated for 4 months, I have not filed for divorce yet but plan to next year. He sent me a text the other day and said he was sorry for being a jerk and he doesn't know why he has such a hard time being honest and get this... he said I will always be special. He then asked if he could have another chance and come home, I I said "No". Always remember, if they hurt you once, shame on them, if it happens again and you take them back, shame on you. He needs to get out on his own and face his demons head on. Some men have to learn a hard lesson in order to grow. I sleep like a baby at nigt now. The world has been lifted from my delicate shoulders and my eyes have dried from all the tears shedded throught the years. The shock is over and I now know, it was a HUGE chance I took for love. It was emotional the first month, but it is getting easier by the day. I know what I'm worth and what i deserve, it may have taken me 41 years to figure this out but i won't settle for less than I deserve. I am a good woman with a lot to offer the right person. Unfortunately, he is not that man, right now anyway.
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-11-10 20:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanYou know you're Husband is African when.......

You guys crack me up! It is so evident you guys are so in LOVE! WOW

Thanks Dennis & Jean
It's been close to 5 years now. I feel like we've weathered the storms
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-05-10 21:26:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanYou know you're Husband is African when.......
You know your husband is african when you have to invest in a "New set up POTS" cuz he insists on cooking his rice on the highest temperature, "blow torch heat" and will not remove it until the bottom of the pot is burnt to a crisp!!!:rofl: :rofl:
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-05-10 20:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanYou know you're Husband is African when.......

You know your Husband is african when he arrives in Southern California winter, ignores all your trimmers and cutters and weed wackers , insists you buy him a machette and then while you are work proudly cuts down all your deceduous trees. ( I miss all my little trees)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know your husband is African when he does not consider ground no, its not meat unless there are bones in it.

So true!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You know your Husband is african when he talks about it being so hot, but yet he's in long sleeve PJs and wrapped up in a winter blanket :bonk: (Man whatcha gonna do when it really gets hot?) :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-05-10 20:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanYou know you're Husband is African when.......

Haha! Hear me laugh!??? You know your husband is African when it's the middle of summer and the air conditioner is on and he's laying in bed with socks, pajama bottoms, a t-shirt and a sweatshirt and is covered up to his ears in three blankets!! :D :lol: :luv:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ben & Jill!!!!!! I had to show my Husband that one, we both are cracking up!!!
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-05-10 13:10:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanYou know you're Husband is African when.......
You know your Husband is african when you look over and he has "wool socks" on in the summertime with a pair of shorts and flip flops lol :rofl:

(Yes, he enjoyed the laugh... i hope noone takes offense.)

Who's next!
MAO36FemaleNigeria2012-05-10 13:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHappy Endings In Sub Sarahan
Congrats Lori & FortheloveofHenry!!

Sending my best wishes for a safe delivery and a healthy bouncing baby boy or girl!!!!

Baby's are a true blessing!!
MAO36FemaleNigeria2011-05-08 12:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)K3 stuck in AP at the NVC
No..... My case spent about 3 days at the NVC. I guess this random AP must be Country specific.

Sorry about the delay.
MAO36FemaleNigeria2008-06-14 12:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureslongest wait for NOA1
QUOTE (mikeleighb @ Jan 9 2008, 12:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi. I was just wondering how long it has been taking for people to receive their first notice of action. today is day # 70 since my application was received, and i have heard nothing. my check has still not cleared at this time. each time i call, the operator tells me to wait a little longer. if it passes 90 days they will do a diligent search for it.
I should have mentioned, i filed form i-130 for my foreign wife.
Has anyone else had this problem? and how long did you have to wait?

Prepare yourself for a loooon journey. There are still Petitioners from the end of August still waiting for their I130 receipts. As for myself, I mailed petition 9/5/07, received and stamped in the mailroom 9/6/07 and Guess what? Still no receipt or check cashed.
MAO36FemaleNigeria2008-01-09 13:26:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 september filers(k3)
QUOTE (heyjimi @ Jan 14 2008, 08:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MAO36 @ Jan 14 2008, 08:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (heyjimi @ Jan 14 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am just wondering if there are still others who filed in September waiting for an NOA1.
I See on the USCIS website they are on 10/25.

QUOTE (heyjimi @ Jan 14 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am just wondering if there are still others who filed in September waiting for an NOA1.
I See on the USCIS website they are on 10/25.

I filed September 5th, received September 6th, no NOA1 or check cashed

September 6th?....geez.....did you call USCIS and inquire about why they say on their website it states 10/25 and you haven't recieved a thing yet? i am just curious what they are telling you.
well i guess i am not alone,i mailed mine september 24th,texas recieved sept27th.

Yes, I did call them and was told "Ignore those dates posted on the website, they are still working on September's NOA1's and it's going to be a looong time until completion" They quoted the same story about the influx of applications, short staffed, blah , blah , blah. I can't seem to find many who filed in September that received their NOA1's. There are a few but not many.
MAO36FemaleNigeria2008-01-14 23:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 september filers(k3)
QUOTE (heyjimi @ Jan 14 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am just wondering if there are still others who filed in September waiting for an NOA1.
I See on the USCIS website they are on 10/25.

QUOTE (heyjimi @ Jan 14 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am just wondering if there are still others who filed in September waiting for an NOA1.
I See on the USCIS website they are on 10/25.

I filed September 5th, received September 6th, no NOA1 or check cashed
MAO36FemaleNigeria2008-01-14 20:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe K3 Con
QUOTE (MAO36 @ Apr 24 2008, 07:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (briff2000 @ Apr 24 2008, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MAO36 @ Apr 25 2008, 01:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (briff2000 @ Apr 24 2008, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MAO36 @ Apr 25 2008, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (briff2000 @ Apr 24 2008, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Having filed our I-130 in October 07, we got got caught in the receipt delay and didn't receive our NOA1 until Jan 08. Our I-129F therefore was not sent until the start of Feb 08. We thought that this meant that our K3 application would still be processed in line with our October application, but having spoken with USCIS today, oh no!!! Our I-130 will be processed under our October receipt date (currently Vermont is processing July applications), but our I-129F will be processed under our February receipt date (currently Vermont is processing October applications).

This means we are penalised twice!! Once for waiting months for our I-130 receipt and then again to be processed under our I-129F February receipt date, when we should have been able to file the I-129F in October!!!! Is anyone else being penalised in the same way?!!

What really makes me angry is that someone who filed the I-130 in December or January would have received a receipt within a few days, filed their I-129F and will actually be ahead of us in the K3 queue/line!!!

This on top of as a recent ex-British military member and having served alongside the US troops (certainly no complaints with these guys!), this gives me no credit at all, despite the fact that current troops get put to the front of the line.

Sorry for the rant, I know there are lots of us in similar positions, but I feel very angry right now!

I actually posted the same thought in a different thread quite some time ago. The k1 is definitely the quickest route to take instead of marrying abroad.
If I could turn back the hands of time I would have never gotten married but filed the fiancee visa instead. I'm SURE my husband would have been here long ago. Oh well, lesson learned. Glad I could help! I wish you all the best.

Sorry I posted inside your post.

I actually posted the same thought in a different thread quite some time ago. The k1 is definitely the quickest route to take instead of marrying abroad.
If I could turn back the hands of time I would have never gotten married but filed the fiancee visa instead. I'm SURE my husband would have been here long ago. Oh well, lesson learned. Glad I could help! I wish you all the best.


I was told quite the opposite story by more than 5 officers. I filed Sept 6th, 2007, didnt receive my NOA1 until January 18TH, then filed the 129F which wasn't received until Feb 18Th, 2008. Also because of the receipting delays I had to wait close to 5 mths. After performing the RFE trick a few times, i was told my petitions have been paired up and will be worked on together going by the original date of Sept. 6th, 2007. What I did wrong is followed the procedures by wating on that NOA1 which took 5mths to be done. I should have just sent a copy of my check and Fed ex receipt for my I130 to get things started. There are many other threads where petitioners did not wait around for the NOA1 and there petitions were accepted. It's going on 8mths on May 6th, for me. So, so sad!

Not sure what the RFE trick is, would love to know!!?? But I agree, was a BIG mistake waiting for the I-130 NOA1!!!
Sorry to hear that you are waiting so long!

Thanks for the sympathy!

The RFE trick is a silly game you have to play in order to get transferred to the VSC and speak to someone who is at the center where your petition is being worked on. You basically have to hit the button stating you received a letter from USCIS requesting addl evidence on your case. Then you have to hit the button stating you don't understand what they are requesting. Somewhere in there you punch in your receipt number. After these steps you get transferred righ to the center where your papers are being processed. Then you have to say you believe you got an RFE but you never got anything in the mail. Basically saying you were touched according to the website. It's a shame we have to play these tricks to get answers. I was touched a few times but it never amounted to anything. I called and the officers were very nice. Basically said give it 30 days. My peition is coming up next. Also said they paired the 2 together and they will honor the Sept date. I contacted my local Congresswoman, she filed aninquiry and they told her They are still finishing up July 30 & have worked into August. It's a shame when you know by being on visa journey that they are not going in chronological order as they claimed they are madated by law to do so. This is such a LIE as we have proof of this on visajourney.

Thanks!!! Will try that tomorrow. And to think that my wife and I went ahead, got married early, all because we were assured the K3 was the quickest route!!! Just look at the K1 timelines!!!

MAO36FemaleNigeria2008-04-24 19:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe K3 Con
QUOTE (briff2000 @ Apr 24 2008, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MAO36 @ Apr 25 2008, 01:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (briff2000 @ Apr 24 2008, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MAO36 @ Apr 25 2008, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (briff2000 @ Apr 24 2008, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Having filed our I-130 in October 07, we got got caught in the receipt delay and didn't receive our NOA1 until Jan 08. Our I-129F therefore was not sent until the start of Feb 08. We thought that this meant that our K3 application would still be processed in line with our October application, but having spoken with USCIS today, oh no!!! Our I-130 will be processed under our October receipt date (currently Vermont is processing July applications), but our I-129F will be processed under our February receipt date (currently Vermont is processing October applications).

This means we are penalised twice!! Once for waiting months for our I-130 receipt and then again to be processed under our I-129F February receipt date, when we should have been able to file the I-129F in October!!!! Is anyone else being penalised in the same way?!!

What really makes me angry is that someone who filed the I-130 in December or January would have received a receipt within a few days, filed their I-129F and will actually be ahead of us in the K3 queue/line!!!

This on top of as a recent ex-British military member and having served alongside the US troops (certainly no complaints with these guys!), this gives me no credit at all, despite the fact that current troops get put to the front of the line.

Sorry for the rant, I know there are lots of us in similar positions, but I feel very angry right now!

I actually posted the same thought in a different thread quite some time ago. The k1 is definitely the quickest route to take instead of marrying abroad.
If I could turn back the hands of time I would have never gotten married but filed the fiancee visa instead. I'm SURE my husband would have been here long ago. Oh well, lesson learned. Glad I could help! I wish you all the best.


I was told quite the opposite story by more than 5 officers. I filed Sept 6th, 2007, didnt receive my NOA1 until January 18TH, then filed the 129F which wasn't received until Feb 18Th, 2008. Also because of the receipting delays I had to wait close to 5 mths. After performing the RFE trick a few times, i was told my petitions have been paired up and will be worked on together going by the original date of Sept. 6th, 2007. What I did wrong is followed the procedures by wating on that NOA1 which took 5mths to be done. I should have just sent a copy of my check and Fed ex receipt for my I130 to get things started. There are many other threads where petitioners did not wait around for the NOA1 and there petitions were accepted. It's going on 8mths on May 6th, for me. So, so sad!

Not sure what the RFE trick is, would love to know!!?? But I agree, was a BIG mistake waiting for the I-130 NOA1!!!
Sorry to hear that you are waiting so long!

Thanks for the sympathy!

The RFE trick is a silly game you have to play in order to get transferred to the VSC and speak to someone who is at the center where your petition is being worked on. You basically have to hit the button stating you received a letter from USCIS requesting addl evidence on your case. Then you have to hit the button stating you don't understand what they are requesting. Somewhere in there you punch in your receipt number. After these steps you get transferred righ to the center where your papers are being processed. Then you have to say you believe you got an RFE but you never got anything in the mail. Basically saying you were touched according to the website. It's a shame we have to play these tricks to get answers. I was touched a few times but it never amounted to anything. I called and the officers were very nice. Basically said give it 30 days. My peition is coming up next. Also said they paired the 2 together and they will honor the Sept date. I contacted my local Congresswoman, she filed aninquiry and they told her They are still finishing up July 30 & have worked into August. It's a shame when you know by being on visa journey that they are not going in chronological order as they claimed they are madated by law to do so. This is such a LIE as we have proof of this on visajourney.

Thanks!!! Will try that tomorrow. And to think that my wife and I went ahead, got married early, all because we were assured the K3 was the quickest route!!! Just look at the K1 timelines!!!

MAO36FemaleNigeria2008-04-24 19:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)petiton transferred to nvc for processing
For K1 we no longer do the DS230 which we could send in before packet 3. But with the new DS260 you need an invoice number along with the case number. Since we don't pay the fee for K1 at the NVC, how will it work now. Does that mean now that we cannot complete the DS260 until we get instructions from the embassy? This only changed this month so I don't think anyone has been through this new process yet, but if you have please share.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-04 17:23:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Case Number and Invoice ID Number on DS-260 Issue
Called NVC last night and was given case number, invoice # and beneficiary ID. I was able to log in and see fiancée info. I was also told that the DS230 is no longer in use. Everyone must fill out DS260. This became effective after Labor Day.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-07 10:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long does it take NVC to send file to the embassy?

No.  I put in two service requests and they were answered, thank God!

Great!!! Glad you did not go ahead and pay that extra money. Persistence is the key.

Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-12 14:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long does it take NVC to send file to the embassy?

Good luck with them! They had my file for 20 days. :(  But at least they sent us out already!
I hope you have a short wait time.

Thanks, how did you finally get your NOA2. did you email the director?

Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-12 14:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long does it take NVC to send file to the embassy?
My case is still at the NVC, FOUR DAYS and counting
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-12 14:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long does it take NVC to send file to the embassy?
Happy for you man. You have been stressing for a while. Congrats!! Did you get a copy of your NOA2?
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-12 10:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Stuck in AP at NVC- Congressional Help
That is what I believe makes no sense. All background is done by FBI and if it has already been done what new information are they going to get from FBI in a few days?
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-12 10:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Stuck in AP at NVC- Congressional Help
Here is what I don't understand, NVC says they do not process K-1 visas, they just log it and send to consulate/embassy. So why do they put cases through AP. makes no sense to me.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-11 17:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC says 8 weeks to receive petition?
I think NVC Was holding the files until the new ds260 process was fully implemented. Just a thought.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-05 11:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Breaking News
U.S. Department of State
In Transit
Immigrant Visa Case Number: Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Your case is in transit to the Consular Section. Your interview date was provided to you by the National Visa Center.

Why do they say your interview date was provided by NVC when we know its scheduled and provided by the consulate?

Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-24 17:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Breaking News
K1 will be using DS260 as well
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-04 17:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS 260 Process! Urgent!

Attention New Immigrant Visa Applicants
Effective September 1, 2013, the DS-260 Online Immigrant Visa Application & Registration will replace Form DS-230.

Applicants can access the new form at the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) Web site OR at

From the main page on, you will click on Submit Visa Application and Civil Documents. It will bring you to a new page. Scroll down to Complete and Submit Application for Immigrant Visa then click Online Forms, DS-260.

Enter your Case Number and Invoice ID Number (the National Visa Center will have already provided you with these numbers) to access the form and complete online.

Ensure that all questions are answered correctly to prevent delays in the processing of your application. Once complete, submit the application by clicking Sign and Submit. You will not be able to access the application again. Print out the confirmation letter.

When you have completed the form, inform the Embassy via e-mail at and put the following information in the subject line:


Bring your confirmation sheet to the interview, but do not bring your application form.

For further assistance access Online Immigrant Visa Forms: DS-260 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) or

Please note: The DS-260 is not required for cases that are already in process at the National Visa Center (NVC), including cases where application documents were submitted, but an interview has not been scheduled.

We will not require the submission of a DS-260 if a valid, signed, unexpired DS-230 is already on file.

For petitioners, who filed an I-130 at USCIS Santo Domingo prior to September 1, and the beneficiary has already submitted a DS-230 or received instructions to do so, we will still accept the DS-230. In all other cases, we will require the new DS-260.

Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-09-24 14:12:00