IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarried Name on I-130 vs. Maiden

So, it is possible to get a green card issued with the married name, even with the maiden name being in the passport, as long as there is proof of marriage such as the marriage certificate?

rkairMaleColombia2014-04-14 23:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarried Name on I-130 vs. Maiden

Hey question on that one since I took my husbands name and obviously had to change my passport at the NVC stage would you send copies of the old passport pages with my maiden name or the new passport with the new name.  However, since I haven't been over there I wouldn't have any stamps in the new book


Did you get a new Colombian passport with your new married name? If so, can you please tell me the process you followed? How long did it take to get a the new one with the new name? What documents did you have to submit to do so? Did you have to change your celuda first? If so, how long did that take and what documents did you have to show? Lastly, I assume you have two last names (mother and father's). Did you drop the last two and add your new married name?  This info would be very helpful. Thanks.

rkairMaleColombia2014-04-12 14:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarried Name on I-130 vs. Maiden

Hello. I was just doing a final look over my I-130 app before I send it in this weekend, when I came across some threads about it possible being better to use the married name for the beneficiary on the form. I have a couple of questions.


1. Is it better to send in the forms with the married name vs. the maiden name, and if so, why?

2. Would I also use the married name on the G-325A, and if so, could I just put a line through the maiden name and write in the married name?


Thanks for your help.

rkairMaleColombia2014-04-12 11:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTemporary Documents while outside the USA



I have a somewhat complicated situation and wonder if anyone can shed some light on the process for me.

My finance and I will be getting married in my home country, South Africa, in January. We then want to apply for the spouse visa. I know that once I get it and move to the States I have my documentation taken until I get my temporary residence permit. However, I have also heard that I can also get an Advanced Parole which will allow me to travel while I wait for the temporary residence. I have two children who will be staying in South Africa and I want to be able to spend 7-10 days in South Africa each month as they are both young and feel it is important that I have the continued contact with them... I would like to know, can I apply for the Advanced Parole at the same time we petition for my spouse visa? How long would it take before I could get the Spouse visa and Advanced Parole? Is it even viable for me to plan to be able to travel back to South Africa for the first year while I wait for my green card?


Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated.

CyclemadMaleSouth Africa2013-09-30 21:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly Filers!!!!

I just opened my email. NOA2 is on it's way.

Gareth got on his plane 3 hours ago to spend Christmas & New Year with me. I can't wait to see what he says, when I tell him we are approved!!

Hope you all hear good news about your files soon!!

Wow, what a surprise when he gets off that plane! Great timing. And he'll get to take all the important documents that he'll need back with him ;) Have a great time together.
JaguareteFemaleGermany2012-12-21 13:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to repair this?
I'm sorry I can't help you out with your visa issue, I just wanted to point out that your names are still visible on page 2 of the second RFE. You might want to take care of that.

I hope you'll figure out how to solve your problem so that you and your wife can be together soon. Good luck!
JaguareteFemaleGermany2012-11-05 03:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding bonafide evidence
I would also suggest that you exclude the conversations that possess sexual material. Although my fiance and I included ALL conversations from Whatsup app. The transcript was too overwhelming (177 pages) and I could not go through all pages. My personal feelings were similar to yours, but my fiance was not happy. Lol. We also included telephone records, pictures and any evidence of traveling to see each other (receipts from hotels, plane tickets, etc.). Our provided information was detailed and plentiful. If they really had the time, I'm sure someone had a good time reading those transcripts. Lol. I pray that this helped.
RettaFemaleJamaica2014-01-24 04:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPROOF OF INTENT TO MARRY!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Mauguste27


I received pretty much the exact same RFE today.  And I was truly surprised because I know that I included 2 intent to marry letters per the USCIS requirements.  I'll gladly share with you what I come up with response-wise.  I'm still working on it.

team_gnFemaleIndia2014-08-17 00:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE- Proof of intent to marry (long post, sorry)

Thank you everyone for your suggestions!  Finally, we were approved after the RFE!!!  Since we didn't have engagement photos or written plans for marriage, I sent in the following additional information:


  • Notarized responses from me addressing EACH question contained within RFE (including responses to why we don't have engagement photographs, why we have not selected a venue to marry, detailed account of how we met and the nature of our relationship, etc).
  • Updated beneficiary declaration of relationship and letter of intent to marry from my fiance (I had him handwrite a letter explaining how we met, the nature of our relationship, etc ., scan it and email it to me.  I really, really love him for remembering to write in bright blue ink to authenticate it!)
  • Photocopies of ORIGINAL intent to marry letters from my fiance and me, which we submitted with the original application.
  • Statements from 3 friends as evidence that they know about our engagement.
  • Additional passport-style photograph of my fiance (the standard Indian size passport photo is much smaller than U.S. size).
  • Biographic pages from my fiance's passport.

I'm so happy and relieved that this step is over.  But I'm now even  more nervous about the next steps, especially the interview at the consulate.

team_gnFemaleIndia2014-09-08 23:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE- Proof of intent to marry (long post, sorry)

I did not include a timeline of the relationship in my initial I-129F filing, because it is not required.  I actually submitted more evidence than was required per the instructions.  Also, I did not address any religious or cultural questions in this initial package, because it doesn't appear to be required at this point.  I expected these types of issues to be raised at the consular level, and was preparing to address them at that time.  From my reading in the forums I basically got that only a handful of things are required for a I-129F petition to be approved at the USCIS level and sent on to the consulate in the beneficiary's country for a final decision.  We both have to be free to marry, we have to state that we intend to do so within 90 days of my fiance's arrival in the U.S. on K-1, we have to have physically met each other within the past 2 years, and we have to show proof that we have a relationship.  And maybe a handful of other things.  I interpret this to mean that, at this point, no one is looking for a life story, just the basics.  I added the extra stuff for the benefit of the consulate in New Delhi, not USCIS.  And this seemed a pretty standard and safe route to go.  It is just more than a little frustrating and irritating that they are asking for items not requested in the instructions.  Had they asked, we would have supplied them.  Now I'm just complaining.  I'm finished now, thanks for listening. 

If this would happen to us we would be screwed. We primairily use voice (skype). So I attached skype call times as proof. Days going 24+ hours.

Best of luck adding things people stated here that could help. I think more proof such as religous aspects could help a lot.


Yeah, that's our problem too.  We talk, we don't type.  I did the same as you, attaching Skype logs showing the call times and days.

team_gnFemaleIndia2014-08-17 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE- Proof of intent to marry (long post, sorry)



Thanks for the support.  This is certainly extra stress that we don't need.


To answer a few questions-  Yes, my fiance is still in India, and I'm in the U.S.  We met for the first time last November, 2013.  I traveled to India.  As soon as I returned home we applied for a visitor visa for him so that he could come see my side of the world and meet my family before we made any specific marriage plans(we were already engaged at that point, but hadn't set a date for marriage or filing for a fiance visa).  Of course, it was denied.  So we went ahead and filed for the K-1.  I am going to visit him again in India in about 4 weeks.


I'm taking everyone's suggestion to ask friends and family for letters of support.  It will be a little one-sided (to my side) because my fiance and I are both friends with a lot of the same people whom we both worked with, both in India and in the U.S., and with whom we were working together when we met.  He's moved on to a new company, but I still work in the old company in the same group.  We all know how office gossip works, and there will be plenty of talk anyway when we actually get married and he moves here.  We can ask his parents and his sister for letters of support, but we haven't told anyone else over there about our relationship.  Marriage in India is a very touchy subject, and anything outside of the norm has to be handled very delicately.

team_gnFemaleIndia2014-08-17 01:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE- Proof of intent to marry (long post, sorry)

Hi VJ Friends,


I received our RFE in the mail today for proof of intent to marry.  I've typed out the relevant text below:





You must submit evidence that you and the beneficiary intend to marry within 90 days of the beneficiary's entry to the United States as a K-1.  Evidence may include, but is not limited to, copies of correspondence between you and the beneficiary discussing wedding plans, evidence of wedding plans such as announcements, plans made to reserve a venue for the wedding, or any other evidence of your intent to marry one another, including, for example, an original statement from the beneficiary establishing his or her intent to marry you within 90 days of his or her admission to the United States.


Note:  Please explain the nature of your relationship and how and when did it start?


Also, submit evidence of engagement photographs.




A little background.


I met my fiance at work.  I work for a major financial institution, and he was part of the team in India that supports our processes.  We only spoke a little at work via IM, mostly on work matters, at first.  But, eventually we decided to get to know each other outside of work.  We became Facebook friends, and quickly found ourselves talking away the entire weekend.  And the relationship progressed from there.  This started last spring/summer, 2013.


He's 30 years old, I'm 35 years old.  He's Indian, I'm African-American.  Given the fact that we were working together at the time we got engaged, and the fact that we are both friends with a lot of the people that we worked with, and the fact that marriage in India is such a loaded, tricky subject, we didn't broadcast our relationship.  My family and a few friends know, and he told his parents and his sister that we plan to marry, but that's it.  No engagement party (he doesn't even like most of his relatives).  I don't have a ring, and don't want one.  No engagement photos, no booking wedding venues (we're going to marry at the courthouse).  Most of our communication is verbal via Skype or phone calls.


In the original K1 package I submitted signed statements with original signature from each of us stating that we intend to marry each other within 90 of his arrival in the US on K-1.  One from him, one from me.  I also submitted a lot of evidence of our relationship, such as Facebook conversations, prints from Skype that show the duration of our conversations (but not the content), notes that we had written to each other, and photographs of us together when I went to visit him last year.


I would really appreciate any input on how best to respond to this RFE.  I have asked a few family and friends if they could please write letters on our behalf stating what they know about our relationship.  But the remainder of the evidence just doesn't exist.


Thank you very much for your help.

team_gnFemaleIndia2014-08-16 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2014 filers

Mailed the petition Feb. 18 2014, NOA 1 received Feb. 26, 2014 via text.  OMG, am I ready for this??!!  Just kidding of course.  I'm understandably nervous, but also so very, very, very excited to be one step closer to my fiance. My case number begins with SRC.  Does this mean anything?  Thanks!

team_gnFemaleIndia2014-02-26 23:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie here

Ahhh...thank u guys so much! The information is very helpful. 

y00chNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-30 08:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie here

Hi all,


Just starting this process and gathering info. I'm confused on a lot of things. Any help would be appreciated. This forum and its members are amazing. 
I live in the UK under a student visa and my situation is a bit complex. Im a US citizen and engaged to marry a British citizen. My enrolment in the college here might end prematurely. I plan to get married in Sept. 2013 but its an islamic marriage which is not legally binding here in the UK. 


Would it help to obtain a civil marriage license from here? Also we adhere to the Islamic faith which prohibits contact before marriage so literally i have no evidence of a bona fide relationship apart from a few pictures. I read that there is something I can do like disclosing detailed info about this. Not sure tho. 

Also the i-130 instruction pdf gives some very clear instructions on how to provide evidence. However on this forum i'm reading things like text message records and receipts and stuff. Can anyone clarify what are the best measures to take with providing evidence? 

And finally. I plan to return to the States in December 2013. And have my wife live with my by April 2014. When should I file and is 8 months a realistic time frame? 

Thank u in advance! Cheers!



y00chNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-07-28 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC transfered April filer! !!!!
Which April transfers got approvals?
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-17 22:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC transfered April filer! !!!!
Just got the same message. Got a text first saying case was updated. My heart skipped a beat as I thought t was an approval. Lol. Turned out to be a transfer msg. The third one. Then I received a second text saying te same thing. But no change on the case. Hope we get approved in the next two weeks.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-12 17:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC transfered April filer! !!!!
I am an April 11 filer, just to the same message one saying to another office and the second notice said to my local office. I hope this means good news. I was in the VSC.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-10 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 6 filer APPROVED! VSC to TSC transfer!
It seems very erratic the way they are approving these cases. I notice some cases from April vsc that were not transfered to tsc are getting approved. Hard to track and figure out who might be next. Hope we all get approved this month. Congrats again to all who received noa2 so far.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-19 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 6 filer APPROVED! VSC to TSC transfer!
You are one of the lucky ones. Congrats!!!! I am an April transfer on 7/10 as well. If all things are done in order then I sold be next week. Wishful thinking.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-18 02:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 6 filer APPROVED! VSC to TSC transfer!
You are one of the lucky ones. Congrats!!!! I am an April transfer on 7/10 as well. If all things are done in order then I sold be next week. Wishful thinking.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-18 02:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAproved
Congrats. We're you transfered? Just curious because my noa1 was April 12 but no noa2. By the way I'm from Charlotte as well.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-19 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 11 noa1 vsc to tsc July 10 transfer
Post Decision Activity

On July 24, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

My friends on this post. The 400 range. Your time is near. This is a very good forum for support because this process can be stressing. Now the nvc waiting begins. Thank you guys for your support.

Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-24 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 11 noa1 vsc to tsc July 10 transfer
I believe they have serious issues in tsc. People getting approved and not knowing, no letter, no web update, no text or email, only to find out later from tier 2 officer that they were approved two weeks earlier. Then it takes forever to be sent to nvc. I think the new trainees are messing up. Some of us still in initial review may be approved and don't know ad we can't call a tier 2 because we are within normal prcessing time. Big mess.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-23 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 11 noa1 vsc to tsc July 10 transfer
Seems like we just ended up in the wrong box on the wrong desk
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-23 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 11 noa1 vsc to tsc July 10 transfer
So April transfers overlooked and may getting approved. This is so unfair. but happy for those approvals.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-23 12:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 11 noa1 vsc to tsc July 10 transfer
I am watching case numbers 410 To 438
410 to 417 no action
418, 419 approved
420 rife
421, 422 nothing
423 approved
424 nothing
429 approved.
what is going on?

Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-23 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril Filer Approved TSC transfer
Congrats!!!! Me too got email/text at 9:45pm.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-24 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAP in Jamaica - How long can it really last
Administrative Processing Information
Some visa applications require further administrative processing, which takes additional time after the visa applicants interview by a Consular Officer. Applicants are advised of this requirement when they apply. Most administrative processing is resolved within 60 days of the visa interview. When administrative processing is required, the timing will vary based on individual circumstances of each case. Visa applicants are reminded to apply early for their visa, well in advance of the anticipated travel date.

Important Notice: Before making inquiries about status of administrative processing, applicants or their representatives will need to wait at least 60 days from the date of interview or submission of supplemental documents, whichever is later.

Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-25 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho else is a April filer?
Any April transfers from vsc to tsc on July 10th received any approval?
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-17 09:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho else is a April filer?
April filer here. Going on three months now. I saw a march filer on VJ who gt approved in June fom VSC. Made be feel hopeful that I might get approved in July, but I know that s just hopeful thinking
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-09 17:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWho else is a April filer?

Who else is a April filer?

Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-09 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsObtaining Non-Impediment certificate *Tomorrow* IDs needed?
Birth certificate.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-08-01 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved 20th July, no update on USCIC since then saying transferred to NVC?
Also approved on July 24. Called uscis tier 2 officer. He old me he sent a message to TSC TO RESPOND TO ME WITH INFORMATION ON MY CASE BY THE LATEST August 17. They speed up the noa2 approval and slows down the nvc process. What's going on with my tax dollars?
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-08-06 13:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long for NVC?
July 24 NOA2, just called DoS. No file as yet, but I see others with NOA2 of July 24, 25. Getting interview dates of September already. Puzzling!
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-08-08 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot our NVC case number
Congrats to all who have received their case# but what ever happened to first in first out? I just saw someone who got approved one day after me and already got their case number and an interview date. I just called NVC and was told my case was not yet received by them. How does that happen? Makes you wonder!!!!!
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-08-07 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 yet?
Was feeling the same way for days. Then last night while on Skype with my fiancée stressing out, the text came in, heart skipped a beat, was afraid to look at the email but when I finally did. I just saw the word "approved" of course I did the happy dance. I was transferred on July 10 as well with an noa1 date of April 12. Saw May filers going by and got really stressed and the bam! It came. I bet you will get something by Saturday.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-25 18:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 yet?
Noa1 April 12, noa2 July 24
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-07-25 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSlowdown at NVC
I'm July 24th as well still waiting. But I notice cases approved after us already getting transfered. I guess we are in a box on the lazy person's desks. Hopefully Monday for us. First in last out I guess.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-08-17 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFrustrated with USCIS - NOA2 approved but not forwarded yet.
July 24th NOA2 still no case number here.
Sureshot53Not TellingJamaica2013-08-14 21:52:00