CanadaMedical & Interview Collaboration

Hey there!


Called the DOS again today-- Packet 3 has been logged, and Packet 4 has been sent out! YAY! I went ahead and scheduled for my interview online, and secured February 6th. I know the appointment letter they're sending in Packet 4 is incredibly important, and the people who handle our mail quite often give our stuff to our neighbours on accident.

Now for my barrage of questions.. whistling.gif


1. Is this the right email to be contacting in regards to sending my Packet 4 via email?


2. Should I only be scheduling my medical when I'm happy with how close my interview is? I plan on playing the "refresh game" daily to get something earlier.


Does the Montreal Consulate require the medical done within a certain period of time before the interview? Can it be done months in advance etc?

Would love to hear everyone's thoughts :)

ethompsMaleCanada2013-10-23 15:51:00
Canadacanadien need opinion

Oh, and here's a thread/poll on the experiences of those waiting for their passport/visa from Montreal.


ethompsMaleCanada2014-01-09 13:48:00
Canadacanadien need opinion

Where is your Loomis pick-up location? Is it in the Montreal area?

I just read this on the CSC announcement page that the locations in Montreal have been re-located to a new address. The announcement was all the way back in August, but if you registered for loomis services before then (since Montreal interviews are scheduled 3 months away on average..), then that might be the problem.


Here's a screen shot of the announcement:


Attached File  Loomis.png   73.86KB   0 downloads




ethompsMaleCanada2014-01-09 13:27:00
CanadaMontreal Interview on Tuesday - Do I Have Everything? (Checklist)

wow, to me it sounds like you are really set! (And as I read your very thorough checklist, it made me second guess what I brought to my interview - ha!).


I am not sure what it is like in Montreal (I interviewed in Vancouver), but the only 'proof of relationship' the officer asked to see were photos of myself and my fiancee together. I brought visa bills, cell phone records, etc. but they didn't look at any of that. That being said, there is nothing wrong with bringing as much as you can. My fiance was unable to attend the interview with me, so I think that is why the officer wanted to see 'proof' - and I suspect, if your fiance is in S.C. and not with you, they will ask to see proof of your relationship as well.


Good luck -- and remember to breathe!

Oh, and one more thing -- again, not sure how it will be in Montreal, but my interview time in Vancouver was 10am, and I arrived at 930am. However, I did not speak to a consular officer until near noon, so I would highly recommend bringing a book to read, etc (cannot bring electronics/cell phone into consulate) to pass the time... I was staring at the wall while I was waiting several hours and time passed by S-L-O-W!!


Thanks for your comforting words! I'm in my hotel room now (after 8 hours of driving) and am super nervous! Only 12 hours till my interview.. blink.png



@ethomps: Do we need DS-156,DS 156K and DS230? Acc to the website it says only DS-160 confirmation is needed?

Check this link: 



Good luck on interview,it will go well smile.png mine is next week...eeeks!!



I'm not 100% sure to be honest-- I just followed the Packet 4 guidelines, with the K-1 Visa checklist (there's both a spousal checklist, and a K1 checklist in the packet 4-- so be careful to be reading the right one). I completed all 3 (the 156, 156K and 230) just to be sure. As kc247 just said, those forms should have been sent in with Packet 3 anyways. So if you didn't send those in, I'd definitely make sure you have them with you for the interview just to be on the safe side! But someone here might tell you otherwise *shrugs*. Here's a link to packet 4 for any future readers haha.



Hmm, I thought all you needed was DS-156 (2 copies) and DS-156K?  & don't they already have those from your packet 3?  Or do you have to fill out another copy of each?  Also was not aware we needed copy of the petitioner's passport?  I have a copy from our i-129f I can bring, but had not read that it was needed.  Also, is just a photocopy okay of the petitioner birth certificate?  I have read some people saying they brought the original.  I don't have the original.. I would need him to mail it now if it is needed!  

I'm not entirely sure, I'm just bringing them to be on the extra safe side! I sent them in with Packet 3 as you've just said. Also, the petitioner's passport is just extra for the part where it says "Copy of the U.S. petitioner status in the USA". I'm pretty sure I read you can use the petitioner's passport or birth certificate for this part. I decided to bring both to be on the safe side.

Edited by ethomps, 20 January 2014 - 08:15 PM.

ethompsMaleCanada2014-01-20 20:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Cancel deportation of illegal alien
sounds like a life band to me. cam in claiming to be us citizen and not. 2nd felony which is longer jail time and deportation with life band looks like that! she can forget it. she did not act or do anything she should have done to keep her gc and now even more jail time! enjoy visits to Mexico
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2012-05-22 09:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusStarting our VJ
welcome! and looks like you 2 are very much in love. that is what i love about my ievgeniia. you can see in her pics she is in love and only have eyes for me

mmmm check bank and see if your check is cashed. you will get the noa number form there . and you can go to the website and enable updates and sms for when it is touched and looked at.

TIME!!! long time!!!! but only good thing is seems like some packages are being done fast than 5 months.

hold on to her and remeber she is going to stress out over time apart and be sad.. and happy..and upset..and lonely and in love. and all the other feelings we all go through.

sit back and enjoy the ride .

and lots of yahoo and real phone calls. to prove you are still committed

lots of proof.

leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2009-12-10 09:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDo I need medical insurance to enter Ukraine?
for few dollars you can go to and buy medical and emergancy evacutaion coverage. worth the few dollars and piece of mind

i use that site for all my international trips for years. very good and they send both email policy and mail policy.

enjoy your trip i will arrive in kiev on feb 1st and off to see my sweety and down to yalta for some nice r and r and time with her!!!

leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2009-12-10 09:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarustransit visa for russia
i read both you need transit visa and you do not need transit visa if you do not leave airport and have connecting flights through russia

have any usa cits flown though moscow to keiv and needed a transit visa or not need a transit visa.

thanks all :thumbs:
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-07 12:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Hot & Sexy Women of the Kyivan Rus thread
I think that if people haven't experienced the way many FSU women act... (to me it is hard to describe, it is more "natural" or "feminine" whatever it is, all I know is I love it.) they cannot give an accurate opinion or judge what we say about our wives. Our experince with them is beyond just positive, it is like each day is a miracle that we found each other.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

thanks for making that super clear!!! and i have to totally agree with it!!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-08 14:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Hot & Sexy Women of the Kyivan Rus thread
it seems to me that all of us in the mod have to keep explaining to others that rub and fsu's are not wife beaters or drunks anything like that

i am now starting to take offince that most are looking at us in way that we only want hotties and we will get drunk and beat them!!

in the completely opposite i bet we all had deep discussions with our wives or future wives about such problems in these countries and that in no way our spouses will put up with such abuse!!! they are or was happy single!!!

again my future wife is a hottey!! i tell her very day. and i mean it. she loves it. that is not reason i ask her to marry me!!! it is the lagniappe!! (something extra!!) and i feel so proud she wants to marry me!! Besides i think she is much smarter than some ways...

so to outsiders that have not studies or learned anything about fsu culture, people or anything about them. stop judging us because you are clueless!!!

to all fsu's males and females!!! great to meet and talk with all of you.. i learn much and keep learning to have great relationship.
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-08 12:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Hot & Sexy Women of the Kyivan Rus thread
seems the political correctness and "proper speech" has come to a joke string!!! GEESE!!!!!!

again we have to explain a joke to the whole forum!!! get the stick from up your arrss!!! come on!!!

for example. one of the first questions asked by my love...HOW MUCH DO U DRINK!! HOW OFTEN DO U DRINK!!!

i had to explain i own a lounge :wub:

i hope we do not have to continue explaining jokes and funny postings turns to defending the whole reason we choose to marry RUB or FSU women
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-08 09:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Hot & Sexy Women of the Kyivan Rus thread

Like I said multiple times before, I have seen very hot, beautiful, elegant, kind, you name it, American women, but I was always nobody to them, so I went foreign and I am very happy about my choice.

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: i agree!!!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-07 13:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Hot & Sexy Women of the Kyivan Rus thread
:bonk: on fsu

not generalizing there is outlook on life like what people in usa had in 50's or earler.

different point of view, and what is important to them than what most women i have found. and yes i have meet fsu women looking for greecard or easy life!! and they are still at there house and i am here..

this is not knocking women of usa. it is saying differences in them and why we find differences big and important.
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-07 13:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Hot & Sexy Women of the Kyivan Rus thread

she wants you because FSU women (many of them, not necessarily all) look not for the superficial in a man, but how he can provide for the family. Call me crazy, but I always considered Ukrainian women to be much more "biological" than American women. They choose a mate more as a instinctive function than as one of appearance. They see below the surface and see into the future. The 30 year old guy with rock hard abs will be a bald fatty in 20 years anyway. But he may also be an alcoholic, an abuser, a woman chaser, who knows what really. It is far too soon to tell. On the other hand, the 45-50 year old guy has been established, has a good job, has a home for a family, if he isn't an alcoholic now he probably never will be, he is too mellowed by life to abuse anyone (ever notice it is the young guys that do that?)

The 50 year old guy is so thrilled to have such a beautiful wife (and I mean, who isn't?) that he will never chase around after other women, what he has at home is WAY too good for that.

For them as long as you are "normal looking" and willing to devote yourself to the family and do what a man should do for the family, you are GOLD. And they do not seek to be "rich", just have enough for the family to live and maybe a few extras and they are happy.

ok me dumb american :whistle: what is FSU woman?? i doubt florida state univ!! hahhahaa

i know why she loves me shows in her eyes. but your correct on they look for mate on deeper level. and average men can find wonderful woman if they are good honest and not into all the stupid stuff.
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-07 12:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe Hot & Sexy Women of the Kyivan Rus thread
well i have to agree with with clueless.. my g.f is a hottey and god i enjoy the looks we get when we are together

and her eyes!!! wow...i get lost...

but i have know few rbu women. and i find one thing in most of them is how they look at life. not like usa women. most are not cought in the now and looking for future and family

i have met both ones looking for easy life or gc. different attidude and view on life and real things that matter to me.

but i have to say....GOD SHE IS A HOTTY!!!! and why she wants me....she knows...i still wonder :whistle: all that matters is she wants me and i want her!!

main reason i fall for values and life values!!! btw i am a chef and i have not eatten at miccyd's in like 12 years i do not digest anything there... but i love on occasion a tasty burger....from tasty freeze~~~ yes.. there is still some around...

i will keep reading and laughing my butt off!!!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-07 12:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusmoney transfer from Russia
western union rips people off. moneygram is good to use. but depends on funds.. atm works fast and easy and you also get converted to usa funds

wire is best to move larger amounts to usa at one time. swift address and partner bank the bank that has money in can give you wiring instructions to usa. super easy and actually cheeper than western union
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-04 20:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt Started
this type of treatment is reason why i have decided to attend the interview with my love. i know my me and if i here some simple burricrat giving us hell we will do the interview and pass it. and then demand to see the embassitor and talk to him direct.

that is me. right is right and rude is just not taken buy me at anytime.

but super to here all has good ending and in few more weeks, you will have somebody in same bed with you... that will be good and strange at same time!!

and all those strange things will take over your sink in bath 10000 of bottles tubes and wires heheheh differnt strange and fun...

i wainting on noa 2 now. been close to 2 months and still nothing.. no update...just time and more time...

but best i am leaving in 2 weeks to go and see Ievgeniia for 11 days of fun seeing her house, and meeting her mom...friends and down to yalta for some warm and nice places to see. excited about the whole trip!!!! so excited!!!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-14 10:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust got back.
well i guess next flight is free with flyer miles!! wow..i though i has some strange ways flying on holiday!!! wow!!!

well congrats..and sleep 3 days hahahahaa
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-19 17:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust got back.
actually bringing back vodka is quite easy. you can bring up to 2 l of booze back (duty free) and sealed in bottle i never had problem comming from any country i visited.

yes i want to know what he brought a fond taste for great vodka
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-19 13:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarustrip to ukraine
well...ievgeniia has been there few times also....we are staying at that 4 star hotel. forget the name right now. i will post photos and experiences so all will see and know...

still waiting on jan 31 now

and have to find out how to watch the super bowl on net orleans cannot miss!!! geaux saints!!!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-20 14:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarustrip to ukraine
thanks all... wish i could go in warm weather, but work does not afford me that time. i woked 10 years on amtrak so use to trains and old 40's equipemnt!!!

well only few weeks and so excited....and then i am back to kiev for her interview when we get it...

and 3rd trip for her univ degree graduation and move tirps in 6 months

delta will love me

leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-15 15:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarustrip to ukraine
I am off in 2 weeks to go and see my love Ievgeniia for 11 days.

i am very interested in the food and interesting things to see and do.

we will have just little time in kiev. my flight arrives at 1200 and train to her city leaves at 2100

we will end up in yalta for 5 days, that is very exciting for me. so much history in a very small area. any suggestions or places to eat in yalta?

things that one must do, eat see, or be?

this is so exciting!!! one year since we last been togher and 2 denied b-2 visas!! ugggggggggggggggggggggggggg

well i post in rub area for fun and interesting things and light topic area!!!

:dance: :dance: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-14 10:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust got back - The report part 1
:pop: :innocent: i kinda want to know about the russian girl with german accent. sounds interesting....... :whistle:

:pop: :innocent: i kinda want to know about the russian girl with german accent. sounds interesting....... :whistle:

joking if u dont know hahaha
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-23 23:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruspre aos question

Hey, it's working out pretty well for China. ;)

Mox you got to be joking!!! i know 2 many chinesse people and it dose not work out well!! so many forced abortions, and now there are not enough women for the young population coming up!! becasuse boys are prized over females!!

that is such a dumb answer.
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-22 23:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruspre aos question
what i am suggesting is do the same checks as you do now. but do it before. or something like that, simlar to the cr1 process

i guess this is a simplistic approch just dose not make so much since if i can marry a usa woman, divorce 3 days later (like some celebrities did) and marry agian and again and again

we have to do all of this, yes froid is in there. i read the phising qusitions on how to beat the system, it is kinda easy to see.

if i add up the time and cost. it takse on fast track 5 months to get visa, up to 6 months to use visa, 3 months to use visa, and then about 5 months for aos and then 4 years for citizenship

and during any point in this process, our lovely gov't does slow down and months and years to the process that WE are paying for!!!!!

:ranting: :ranting: :ranting:
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-21 13:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruspre aos question
outside thinking on this.. would it not make the process much easier of all of us k1's is to make the process include aos to begin with? would it now make live easier and less combersom and time consuming is when they enter usa and marry in the time .....with proof. simply submit and gc released"???

:bonk: that is right we are talking about our gov't noting that makes since will happen.

in nicer world when k1 is approved and certif. is issued on marry all would be finished.. fees are paid for total package. nice and simple

but we have something longer and more expensive and more gov't workers

well just my though.

it is interesting that there seems to be a whole in the process though.. if somebody wishes to stay home never leave usa and not ever work. they might not have to file aos ... quite interesing.. but i think a good lawyer will cost far more than then 1010 to prove this point though.....

pinny wise pound foolish
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-21 11:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusReport on Vonage service
when ievgeniia's cell is getting good coverage and she is not in her concret bonker called a flat hahahahah vontage is excellent!!! and i pay about same .13 a minute with out having dialing 1000 numbers before the phone number....hahhaah yes bit lazy at times

and home and international charges are about 35 to 40 a month for me. that is sweet since my net is only 20 so all landline phones costing me is 60 a month. that is sweet

jsut no call breakdown on proof of call though. but i guess i can show international charges. who else would i be calling 3 or 4 time a month
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-04 21:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust got back - The report part 2
very interesting trip!!! :pop: better than tv

waiting on part 3

and i will keep all updated on my trip in 7 days!!!

and did i say GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!!!!! i will be watching on computer at someting like 2 am!!!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-25 20:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFiancee In The Russian Federation

If I am both, that's a good thing, right? :D

all i want is my apple crumb pie and shoot my gun ... i know i am old and balding ....fat??? mmmm if i keep eating my pie!!! yea!!!

i have to put up a posting on my trip to ukraine i can say BERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

3 feet of snow in 24 hours!!!! on top of 3 inches of ice!!!!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-02-28 17:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnov 09 k1 filers
has anybody with a nov 09 file date on k1 visa seen any noa 2 action or rfi? jsut tring to see how much time haiti put on the weight process is all

leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-03-05 13:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusfees to kiev
i am reading info package and i know about the $12 pin call to arrange interview
the $125 for medical
and $131 to bank for some type of fee
but i am reading $400 fee to be paid at kiev for National Visa center?

is that the 455 i paid alread or i need to pay this also?

thanks for the impute
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-03-08 17:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnoa 2 @!!!!
just got a email and text from vpc and NOA 2 apporved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

months of nothing and now done!!!! well long wait is done!!!

i guess 1 week to another department and then off to kiev and about 1 week for keiv to release package to us to get interview set.

i guess 3 weeks for all this to be done???

any impute on time table would be great .....

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-03-08 16:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrip to Russia
you have to have sponser company in russia for visa. now with you still having russian passport.. i am not sure

jsut pain in a$$ is all... not hard.. go to russian consulate site and you will read and they have links to all u need.

and congrats on gc and babby!!! but 9 hour flight with little one :bonk: :whistle: :wacko: :unsure:
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-01-17 15:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusrecent trip to ukraine
now that is what i orignally was saying. Ievgenniia keeps telling me not to loose any kilos i should have bit more kilos and i keep telling her i feel the best at just bit less.

now as far as her and her mom taking care of me!!!!! wow if you never had experienced 2 ukrainian women fuss over you and your apperiance. you are truly missing out on something!!!!! it was eye opening and kinda fun in some ways. but your usa ways comes back and say i can do this. that was bit insulting!!! i need to care for my future hubby. let me do this or do u what me not to give a dam like usa woman!!!!!

last time i will have to be told that!!!

yes it is more eye opening on how every detail is looked at before they walk out the door. not like 4 hours to go to market for milk and eggs. but not like you see walk arround mall with sleeping cloths and slippers that looks like what the f...k you find here

NEVER will you see that!!!! only drunk and drug out men you will see look horroable!!! it was easy to see working men getting off job after dirty day of job and your bumbs!!

i would suggest to all go and live few weeks with your future wife. in her flat in her town. experience live let her show you off and be proud!!! YES she is proud to have you!!! so why would you ever disresect to galk over another woman.....good looking women are all over after few days you understand it is normal!!!

i realy enjoyed this trip and experience. and looking forward going back and spending more time in summertime so i can go out and photo the city
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-03-02 09:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusrecent trip to ukraine
ok i was expceting cold and was prepared for the cold.. i had much left over from when i worked on train out of chicago!! but ....dam!!!! cold outside...cold on buses!! and do not sit inside train station....unless wind is strong....colder inside!!!!!

i remeber a posting on why rub women are so sexy. well i know more on that first hand. IF YOU ARE WARING MINI SKIRT IN HIGH HEAL BOOTS WALKING IN ICHES OF ICE AND IT IS -6c OUTSIDE. AND YOU DO NOT FALL DOWN AND LOOK ELEGANT DOING IT !!!! no more needs to be said!!

other than that. i wonder why buses have no heat.. cabbies do not know about snow chains. and do not get drunk and thin you will find the flat your girl is living in.... with 6000 buildings all the same!!! hahahah

no i am not compalining... it is so differnt and actually nice in many ways. simpler life cash is still king and service in most restaruants are pretty good.

food was great. no we did not make it to yelta.. we got snowed in and could not make the train. and after gettting back to her flat. we read weather in yalta and was worse than what we was having. 4 days in hotel... is great..but one would need break????? if the heat in hotel was working good

i was south of keiv in Krvyi Rih the huge iron mine that will never run out

not a bad city. not tourest. big.. easy see master planner for ussr had 1 building they liked and made 70000 times hahahahahaha

now on ture side people was warm and friendly. (but some of the service side could use bit tweeking) i never felt unsafe. but kiev is so stupid expensive!!!

i honestly enjoyed the 11 days there with my babby!! i guess this trip was not about location but about people culture and to expericne how she lives.

now i know how to make the transition for her easier to us
well if i have not rambled enough. i will stop now and see if anbody reads
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-02-28 17:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusrecent trip to ukraine
ok i was expceting cold and was prepared for the cold.. i had much left over from when i worked on train out of chicago!! but ....dam!!!! cold outside...cold on buses!! and do not sit inside train station....unless wind is strong....colder inside!!!!!

i remeber a posting on why rub women are so sexy. well i know more on that first hand. IF YOU ARE WARING MINI SKIRT IN HIGH HEAL BOOTS WALKING IN ICHES OF ICE AND IT IS -6c OUTSIDE. AND YOU DO NOT FALL DOWN AND LOOK ELEGANT DOING IT !!!!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-02-28 17:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCLose Place for Ukrianian Lady and Georgia Guy to meet where she will not need Visa and close for bot and warm for her
jamacia and deminican republic are both no visa required warm and romanitc

it is long flight and if i remember correctly she will fly to london then to kingston and you have to pick her up there and bring her to where ever you are staying.

dmr not been there but i see is wonderful and great

i want to jamaica!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-03-16 18:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNOA-2
i got my noa 2 few weeks ago and nvc recieved package on march 13. so as like you we are getting ready for next step but we have to wait to june for interview. so much work in spring and she is finishing up uinv in may!!

so congrats!!! you might get to states before us. but june all this stuff is over for few years!!!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-03-19 16:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWedding
hay i am not far form you !!! good luck and enjoy nice windy day!!!!

enjoy and great luck!!!
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-03-28 12:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTourist visas from Ukraine

documents given to the consulate should be English or with an English translation. You can translate them yourself. The K-1 is also a non-immigrant visa.

i would say good luck with this!!! i tried 2 times to get my sweety here on b2 visa!!! and was total waist of money!!!

When i am there for interview, i will ask how can i get mom a visa to come and see us, with out all that standered no reason to go home ####### they give everytime!!!

good luck with this!!! not easitest thing to get in ukraine!!! :no: :bonk: :thumbs:
leith@IevgeniiaMaleUkraine2010-03-31 06:09:00