K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this enough for the interview?
That sounds good. I sent Ira everything I could think statements, paystubs...all kinds of personal stuff...right down to text messages on her phone in the days preceding the interview...we spent tome effort on stuff since the petition was filed as we front loaded our with suff up to the filing. We just went on to continue the story...
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-11-30 17:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 ISSUED!! NOW WHAT???? (K1 Visa) (Russia)
Here are the links again..
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-03 01:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 ISSUED!! NOW WHAT???? (K1 Visa) (Russia)
From here your petition will travel to the NVC where it will take up to 3 weeks to process before being sent on to Moscow. There it will be given a case number starting with MOS. You will need this number in order to schedule your interview.

What I did was to call the NVC this point they will tell you (if you speak to a live person) that it takes up to 15 business days to get into the system. varies. I also wrote them at . What you are interested in is getting your case number. When you do this, use as the subject the NOA case number - starts with EAC if you went through Vermont. In the body of the letter include your name and DOB and her name and DOB. I simply asked for the status of the case and the number. I also attached a scan of our NOA2. This got the best response.

You will need to go to and create an account. A word of caution, I had thought to go set up a trila account so I could guide Ira through the process...but this site is not conducive to making trial runs. Two pieces of information become unchangeable once you enter them...her passport number and her name. Once locked in, this information can only be changed by the site admin. I mistakenly used her internal passport number and they made me send a scan of her international passport in order to change it. They told me that creating multiple accounts would cause problems. Fortunately the support staff is helpful and seemingly available 24/7. (I work nights and was calling at 7-9pm EST) The phone menu is in english, but they will answer the phone in Russian..I just asked for English as my Russian is not quite enough for this.

One piece of information on the Embassy site is outdated. The visa is no longer paid for the day of the interview but prior to be able to schedule. It then takes two full business days for the bank to input the payment information into the system. After the bank enters the information into the system you can schedule your interview. The good news is that when I was talking to the people back in late October, the ustraveldocs people told me that the first available date was Nov 1! It seems that there is no real backlog or difficulty in getting an interview date. We chose our date because her son will be out of school that week, but she could have chosen earlier. Not many dates were not available.

Packet 3 is all online now....the following links will have all the information you will need

Here is the number for Embassy visa services that you can call locally (718) 425-8337. Another thing to do is have her call them and they too can walk her through in Russian if she needs.

She should have already requested her police report as this will take the most time to get. Also in the meantime, getting all of her vital docs (birth certificate, divorce decrees...anything of this nature) translated into english. As long as her docs are in Russian, they do not need to be certified translations.

Tracking your package from the NVC to the embassy is found in this thread. You will need the date they tell you it shipped and enter it in the DHL tracking site as shown in this example. In the screenshot, they had told me my petition shipped on the 20th.

I hope that helps
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-02 23:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew to VJ!
Posted Image
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-02 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures***K1 Visa Question*** (Russia)
My guess is that they will forward it to Moscow. When you call the NVC and they give your case number....the first three letters will be what consulate it is going to.
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-05 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm G-325a
That is exactly how to handle that.
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-04 18:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm G-325a
These one or two day jobs....what did you do? Were they all the same sort of job?
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-04 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm G-325a
I do not see a need to fill in all your gaps with repeated information...nor really should you list jobs that lasted only a day. Do not stress over too much that you have gaps, especially as a student, just fill in what you can.

It is your petitioner that will be more scrutinized for the ability to keep you from becoming a public charge than you at this point.
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-04 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm G-325a

i haven't a A number :unsure: what is it?

An A number is an alien number given on a green card. If you have never had one this does not apply to you.
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-03 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCustoms interviw when arriving in USA???

She gives the big brown envelope to them when she goes through customs. They usually ask a few questions, just conversational really, and make sure you understand that you have to get married in the 90 days.

That would be at her first stop, her POE, which would be JFK.

It is not customs that will interview her, it is Immigration that will ask her these customs she will asked she is bringing and will check for contraband items such as meats, plants, and other such and the value of any items that she may have to pay a duty on to bring into the US.
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-06 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview
Posted Image
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-14 00:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan i file for the k-1 visa by myself?

Do you think i can do the fiance visa by myself without the help of a lawyer??

Posted Image
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-16 02:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRussian Fiancee received noticed for Interview but...
Kathryn is right on the money. Your fiancee will want to know everything in the original packet in order to easily fill out her forms and for the interview.
Misha & IraMaleRussia2011-12-21 02:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor my friends over here in Morocco
According to the members of the organization, there has been no proselytizing and they have followed the laws of Morocco:

"For the past 10 years the Village of Hope has offered an outstanding level of care and love to Moroccan Children. The unique model of care offered by VOH means that children have been raised in family units with a Mum and Dad rather than the more traditional dormitory style orphanage set up. VOH has always operated with the full knowledge and agreement of the Moroccan authorities with the overt understanding that the overseas workers are Christian. It has also always been understood that the children would be raised in a Muslim/Christian environment but would also be fully immersed in their Moroccan culture in terms of love for their country, language, education and knowledge of Islam.

On Monday 8th March, all 16 overseas workers, including 10 parents, and 13 natural-born dependents, were told they were to be evicted from the site and country. The reason given was that the parents had been proselytizing, with no explanation of who, when, where or how this was alleged to have occurred. No charges concerning the welfare and care of the children have ever been raised as a concern by the Moroccan authorities in the 10 year history of VOH.

The Moroccan authorities have not produced any evidence of the alleged offence and they gave only a few hours for the parents to pack up belongings and explain to their children that they might never see them again.

This action against VOH was part of a nationwide crackdown against Christians living in Morocco. VOH fully understands that the Moroccan law prohibits people from promoting a faith other than Islam and has always sought to abide by this law and recognises the right of the authorities to enforce this law. All parents, volunteers and visitors to VOH were required to sign a declaration stating that they will abide by the Moroccan law prohibiting evangelism. A copy of this declaration is appended below. VOH strongly refutes the allegation made against its staff and confirms that the authorities have always been aware of its Christian ethos and that throughout the 10 years the authorities have placed children into the care of VOH. It is also a grave concern that no appeal process has been offered to challenge this decision and the action taken.

The eviction process was the most painful situation imaginable. The Moroccan authorities gathered the children together in the school and told them what was happening in the absence of the parents. After that, parents had to further explain to the devastated children what was about to happen. Some of the children have been with their parents for 10 years and the trauma caused was beyond description. VOH would like to make it very clear that during the eviction process, no member of the Moroccan authorities ill treated any of the staff or children and that the Moroccan authorities had a team of carers, albeit strangers to the children, ready to come in and offer temporary care. However, parents have no idea what is to happen to their children or how they are coping and have no point of contact with the Moroccan authorities.

VOH understands the action of the authorities in relation to any "missionaries" if there is real evidence against them of preaching the gospel. However, they feel the action against them was without foundation and completely unjust. VOH is not a missionary organisation and only exists to offer love, care and education to Moroccan children. There is a sense that VOH has been included in a nationwide action, but there is absolutely no legal merit to the action taken against VOH.

The parents of VOH want to clearly state their love for the Kingdom and people of Morocco and fear this act by the authorities will cause long term damage to the excellent reputation of Morocco. Morocco is viewed by the West as a moderate and safe Islamic state with an ever improving response to social issues. The King has been a driving force behind so much positive reform and he is to be honoured for all he has done for the betterment of his people. However, actions like this are only likely to tarnish Morocco's image and have a detrimental effect on inward investment, foreign aid and tourism. If a perception grows that non-Islamic guests in Morocco and foreign led organisations are being targeted then we fear for the damage that could be caused. Key relationships with the EU and other trading partners and supporters of Morocco could be affected unless a negotiated settlement can be seen to take place. VOH, through its international investors, have pumped Millions of Moroccan dirham into infrastructure, care of children, employment of Moroccans and the local economy only to have it taken away in a matter of hours. What signal does this send to others looking to support the development of Morocco either through trade, aid or simply as a tourist.

The parents only want to be reunited with their children. Every single set of parents would return to Morocco to continue with the care of the children and continue to live under the law and authority of the State. Equally, the parents would be willing to negotiate for the release of the children into their care to the parent’s country of origin. As parents, we plead with the Moroccan authorities to open a dialogue with us as to the future well being and care of our children.

We openly and unashamedly appeal directly to the King, as a Father himself, to act with mercy and help us reach a point of compromise and reunite the 33 children with the only parents they know.

We also appeal to our supporters around the World to not react to this situation and use the internet or any other means to say anything that might be viewed as detrimental about the Moroccan authorities. We the parents are the only people who carry the authority to speak into this situation on behalf of our children and we are raising up a team of people whom we trust with our message to speak on our behalves. If you have posted "unauthorised" comments or started campaigns, we would plead with you to stop and remove information you have put into the public domain.

For offers of help and especially if you have access to the people of influence and power, please contact the following people:

Allen Wolf
Tel: 310-314-3960

Mark Johnston
Pioneer People Wirral
Tel: 0798 654 0930

To make a donation:
cheques payable to Pioneer People Wirral - 33 Seven Acres Lane, Thingwall, Wirral CH61 7XZ.
Or online at:

Information coming

South Africa
Errol Muller

Michael Paita
La Gerbe
Tél : 01 34 75 56 15

As parents, we can't walk away from this situation. We need to work hard to make sure our children are safe and ultimately given back to us. We appeal for international support to help us campaign against this unjust decision. We urgently need finances to provide living costs for displaced families, provision of support for sacked Moroccan workers, legal representation, travel costs for staff to and from home countries and funding to fight this issue for as long as it takes. Again, please contact the above people to provide your financial support.

We conclude with just one story to make everyone understand the impact of what is happening.

Simo came to VoH as a very sick newborn baby boy. He had been born to a single teenage mother with mental health problems, who abandoned him at VoH on the day of his birth, and in a very unwell state. Within hours of his arrival, he developed breathing problems, and was rushed to hospital, where he stopped breathing and was revived by our Dutch nurse. Simo remained in hospital for eight weeks, and was then returned to VoH care and custody by the Moroccan authorities. He returned malnourished, and extremely unwell. He was unable to feed except through a tube, and then only in very small amounts. He weighed only 2.79kg, less than his original birth weight. Simo required, and received, one-on-one nursing care from our qualified Dutch and British nursing staff 24-7 for several months. Once Simo began putting on weight and his health improved, he was placed permanently with one of the VoH parents, who have provided him with love and all the other essential needs of a little baby. He has remained with his new parents and 9 siblings for the past year, up until the day that they were evicted. Simo was later diagnosed with severe cerebral palsy, and had a number of ongoing related complications. However, with a strict medication and care regime from his parents and our nursing staff, he became a happy, healthy little boy with a future and a hope.

Without VoH’s immediate intervention and action, Simo would have died. But at the time of the parent’s eviction from VoH, he was a happy and very healthy little boy who, whilst very handicapped, was well provided for and continues to be loved as a son and brother by his parents and siblings. We have been informed that Simo had a very bad night after his parents departed, and that within 15 hours of his mum and dad being torn from him, he was taken to a hospital to be cared for, as the temporary Moroccan staff were unable to cope with his needs. We reiterate that Simo was not unwell when his parents were taken away. But he requires a particular regime of medication and special care to ensure that he remains healthy and comfortable. We hope that he continues to receive the special care that he requires, that people will be permitted to visit and hold him, to talk to him and let him know that he is still loved. Ultimately, we want to see Simo back in the arms of his loving parents and siblings, restored to the love and hope that he so deserves.

We have another 32 stories to tell and will keep telling the stories until a just decision is made. This is not an issue of Islam vs Christianity, this is a issue of families torn apart, bewildered and devastated children and heartbroken parents. We call for Justice.

God bless and thank you for the uncountable acts and words of kindness and prayer already received. Please continue to stand with us.

From the Parents in exile and separated from their beautiful Children."
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2010-03-13 23:15:00
Middle East and North Africamena man + green card = can he go to spain?
My husband got a Schengen tourist visa to visit his brother in France when he had a actually was relatively easy. After he submitted the application, he had to go to the closest French consulate and have proof of lodging, return airline reservation, and enough money in the bank for the trip. He had a 2 minute conversation with one of the consuls, and they approved him. The biggest pain was the money for the visa application and the travel to Atlanta, which is 5 hours away. The rest of it was pretty painless.

I think they are a lot more likely to give a visa to someone from MENA with a U.S. greencard than to someone without. It's not as much of a risk that they will decide to overstay their European visa if they have the right to live and work in the U.S.

Good luck!
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2010-01-04 11:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaHusband's murder shocks Morocco woman
Wow, that's such a sad story. I feel bad for everyone involved. But why on earth would she have agreed to the second marriage if it was obviously bothering her so much?
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2007-08-15 10:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday we lost a MENA jewel
I didn't know Dawn that well, but I do remember her being such a positive and helpful person here on VJ. Ever since I heard the news, I have been so incredibly sad. Her husband arrived in the U.S. around the same time as mine, and it breaks my heart to think of them being separated so soon when they just began their lives together.

I know it could happen to any of us at any time, but it seems so senseless, especially knowing the circumstances. My heart goes out to her friends and family. I really hope Hatem is able to pull through and that he realizes that Dawn loved him a lot.

MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2008-06-21 18:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaMuslims
Quick it haram, or is there anything in the Koran that says it's wrong to celebrate birthdays? I mean something like having birthday parties for your children...just curious if it is a cultural thing or if it's religion-based.

Thanks for any insight you can give me!
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2009-03-14 10:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaHas marriage & life been what you expected?
Hi everyone,

I don't visit this board very often anymore because we finished our visa journey about 3 years ago, but I do occasionally come back to check in and see how everyone is doing.

This is a great topic, so I'll throw my 2 cents in.

My husband ( who is 9 years older than me) has been here for 6 years. We met in Paris and after a long distance relationship for several years, i moved there for a year to make sure we were ready for the next step. He went back to Algeria for the k-1 process,and luckily things moved fairly quickly for us and he was here within 6 months.

The first few months were very difficult. He was able to get a temporary work permit, and I found him a job relatively quickly through a friend of a friend, but he was miserable. He's a people person and is good at negotiating and networking, and he was working in a warehouse doing welding and cleaning. He didn't yet have his DL, so he was dependent on others for transportation. I had only been back in the USA a few months before he came over, so we ended up living with my parents until we had some money saved up.

Once we had our wedding, moved into our own place, and he got his drivers license, things got a lot better. He eventually got better jobs, and he loves his current employer and is very happy there. We've been married almost 6 years, and it's been almost 3 since he became a citizen.

I would say that the transition period was difficult, but what made it better was the fact that he developed a very close relationship with my family, and he also began going to the Mosque and met many great friends from his own background who were also married to American women. I think he just felt a bit lost for a while and had to be dependent on me for everything, which he wasn't used to.

As for the questions someone raised upthread about kids... That's the most difficult thing going on in our lives right now. He wanted to try to have kids right away, but I wanted to wait and try to get settled in and get in a better financial situation before we started trying. That caused a lot of friction, but he respected my opinion. Now, I wish I'd listened to him more. It took us a long time to get pregnant, and last year I had a miscarriage. It took us almost a year to get pregnant again, and now it looks like I'm about to have another one. I'm not past the age of trying again, but I never thought it would take us so long, or that I'd have so many problems.

Everyone's situation is different, but if you're thinking of having children at some point and are putting it off for one reason or another, just be sure to factor in potential fertility issues when making your decisIon. You might think you have until 40 to start trying, but your body might not agree with that.

Anyway, there's my story. It's nice to come back and see so many positive ME/NA relationships still going strong. So many times, this place gets in a cycle of gloom and doom, so it's nice to be reminded that there are success stories!

MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2012-05-10 13:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaHOTELS IN ALGIERS, ALGERIA
We stayed in Staoueli, a beach town about 15 minutes away from Algiers. The hotel was VERY reasonable, comfortable, and within walking distance to some cute shops and restaurants. If you are willing to stay outside of town, let me know and I will get my brother-in-law to give me the name of the hotel...he stays there when he goes to Algiers on business. If you are set on staying in town, I will see if he has any suggestions.
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2009-09-28 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHi, I'm new here!
I'm so glad you checked out the site! It's been a lifesaver for me, too. Everyone has been so friendly and helpful. The thing is, the process doesn't end once the visa has been granted, so it's nice to have a support network of people going through the same thing every step of the way.

Good luck on the rest of the process. If you want to talk, feel free to e-mail me or page me on the knot board.
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-02-21 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT IT!!!!! AFTER 6 MONTHS, NOA2!!!!!
Congrats!!!!!! I know you must be so relieved!! I hope the process goes a lot smoother for you now. :dance:
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-03-05 01:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved?
Hi everyone! Well, Amed just called me from Algiers right after his interview.

He said he had to wait a while, then they took his paperwork and looked over everything, including the letters and photos and scrapbook I made him, etc. THey asked him to fix a typo on one of the forms. Then they made him sign the forms he had to bring in front of the CO. They made him write his name in arabic. Then they made him hold up his hand and attest to the accuracy of the forms. They fingerprinted him, made him pay $100, took his passport, and told him it would be ready in about a week at ECF (apparently some agency like a DHL or Fedex), but they would call him to pick up his passport then. He saaid "so the visa is ok" and the CO said "it's ok." He was given the address and phone number of the ECF.

I guess that means he was approved? They didn't give him any paperwork or mention anything that was missing. But, they didn't ask him a single question, though he said they did look at the documents a really long time. All in all, he was there over 3 hours. I guess I thought they would give him some kind of official document saying it was approved or something. But, if they needed more information, wouldn]'t they have told him then and there? He said the guy in front of him apparently had a problem with the financial documents he submitted and the CO was fussing at him, but they didn't mention anything out of sorts to Amed other than the one typo on the form, and they fixed that before he signed it.

Do you think this is it? After all this wait, it still seems so....uncertain.

MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-04-02 06:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got me a visa! I got me a visa!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :D :D
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-04-03 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTechnical question
Ok, I am kind of confused on something, and am hoping that you all can enlighten me, as you have done so helpfully in the past.

Once married, after filing for AOS, but before it is granted, is there any paperwork or visa that you will have in order to prove your status? For instance, if my fiance and I wanted to go travelling somewhere after we were married, but before he has is Permanent Residence card, what would he have to prove his legal status in the US other than the Advance Parole document? It looks like the immigration office where I live is 2 years behind in processing AOS, and chances are, we're going to want to go visit my fiance's brother in Europe before we get our LPR card or green card. However, as an Algerian, my fiance needs a visa to travel to Europe, and on the visa applications, it asks for proof of a long-term visa to the US. Isn't the K visa itself only good for 90 days after entry? So, once 90 days have passed, the visa is technically invalid, right? So, showing that visa doesn't really do anything, right?

I know he'll have a legal right to be here, and the AP will be proof that he can return, but is there anything else we could provide to show that he has residency here in the US?

I know I am jumping the gun, but I just found out about the backlog at my local service center, and I didn't think it would be two or 3 years before FI and I could travel together. I knew we'd have to jump through some hoops, but now that I am looking at the reality, it's a little disheartening. :( It's certainly not the most important thing in this whole process, but it is a little disappointing nonetheless.

Thanks for any help you can give, as always!
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-04-04 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJoint Sponsor ?
Hey Jamie!

When I moved back to the US from Paris, I came back to the job I had before moving, but I had been without work for a year, so I was afraid it would look spotty as far as sponsoring Amed. I had my dad co-sponsor. He recently retired, so he didn't have a typical co-sponsor form with an employee letter and pay stubs attached. However, he did have print-outs of his banking statement as well as his 401k stock value. It must have been ok, because the CO looked at it all and didn't question Amed about it.

From what I have heard, if the co-sponsor has enough assets, that can offset the income requirement. I'm sure someone else has more info on this than I do, but you're not alone in your boat!
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-04-05 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp
Thanks, y'all. That does make me feel a bit better. You just always here horror stories about missing paperwork, broken envelopes, missing stamps, etc., and I just get a bit panicky because I want to be sure to have everything I'm supposed to have.
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-04-07 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp
Hi everyone,

I am looking at my paperwork, and comparing with the site, and I am starting to worry a bit. It references a form DS-230. My fiance had his interview for a k-1 visa last week, and the form DS-230 was not one of the documents requested by the consulate, so he didn't bring it with him. The visa was approved, however, and they told him they would call him in a week to pick up his passport/visa at the UPS office in Algiers.

Is that a required form that maybe the consulate overlooked that they'll need at the POE? I might be overthinking this a bit, but with this whole process I have been second-guessing myself because it is so confusing. Should I contact the consulate? The visa is apparently going to be sent to him via UPS in the next couple of days, and I would hate for there to be a form missing in his brown envelope if indeed it was supposed to be in there. Has anyone else entered the US without the form DS-230?

Sorry if this is a silly question. I looked in the guides and couldn't find any answers, so I thought I would post here to see if any of you kind people could help me!
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-04-06 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence for I-134
I think it varies from consulate to consulate.

As for my bank letter, I couldn't just walk in to my bank branch and request that info, either. I called the main customer service line and explained what I needed. I spoke with the benefits coordinator or something to that effect. They actually have a form they provide to you for immigration purposes. I faxed them my request, along with my signature that they had the authority to deduct the $25 administrative fee from my checking account, and I gave them a federal express account number. They fed-exed it to me and I got it the very next day.

You may be ok with what you have, but if you're nervous about it, it shouldn't be too difficult to get the proper document from your bank fairly quickly.
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-04-11 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED!!!!!!
Woo hooo!!! That must feel so sweet, and you must be so relieved right now. Next step, reunion!!!!!! Good luck, I hope it is wonderful! :dance:
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-04-19 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescan i clear something up?
Once you get the hard copy of the NOA2 in the mail, there is a case number and phone number on there for the NVC which you can call and find out the status of your case. If you get the right person, and you're very polite, they will usually give you some info as to whether the case has arrived, is still processing, or has left the NVC for the embassy.

Normally, at this stage, you just make sure you gather the necessary documents for the interview (police reports, financial documents, etc), while you're waiting on the packet to arrive at the embassy. Good luck!
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-05-01 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWE WERE APPROVED AFTER 6 MONTHS AND 5 DAYS
Woo hoo! Congratulations after such a long wait!!! Hope you get the visa very quickly! :dance: :dance:
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-05-02 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgot approved with no evidence
Congratulations! I hope your AOS process goes just as smoothly! Enjoy your time with your new husband!

:dance: :dance:
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-05-02 13:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2's are Rollin' Out
Congratulations! Hope the rest of your process is speedy!!! :dance:
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-05-09 08:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help with POE, thanks all
Hey, as far as the ticket goes, you may want to be sure to buy the ticket far enough in advance so that she can pick it up at the airline, instead of trying for an e-ticket. When I went to book Amed's connecting flight from JFK to Charlotte, I was trying to use my credit card to get him an e-ticket (since there is no Delta in Algeria where he could pick up the ticket), and their rules for e-tickets state that you may be required to show the credit card you purchased the ticket with upon receipt of your boarding pass. We got around this by buying the ticket off of Expedia, but I know a lot of airlines have this rule. We were trying to do everything super-quickly and didn't want to wait for paper tickets to be delivered, so we went the e-ticket route. You may want to avoid that, though.

Just FYI. Good luck!
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-05-10 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got the visa...
Congratulations!!! Have a happy homecoming! :dance:
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-05-19 07:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you :))
Good luck! I hope everything goes well!!
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-05-23 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI got my VISA!!!!! :-))))
Congratulations! Good luck on the rest of your journey! :dance:
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-07-04 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally Received NOA2
Congratulations!!! Hope your wedding goes perfectly!
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-07-05 12:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC is rolling them out today
Congratulations to you!! :)
MHandMBFemaleAlgeria2006-07-27 07:51:00