Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Sep 9 2008, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I have to write Ibrahim now and explain this situation to him. No phone, no internet chats and no paying nvc til end of October. And I was flying on thru NVC! Almost every step is completed!

I can only hope now the k3 gets approved and he can interview on that. Does nvc give a time limit when they send the bill for the $400?

On the bright side, I can open my email at work and send ibrahim email messages.

Jackie rose.gif

Oh Jackie, I am so sorry this is happening. I love and enjoy reading your posts and the pictures you put up. My prayers will be with you. I wish there was some other way I could help. Take care of yourself and I will look forward to seeing you online again.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-09 18:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
QUOTE (k & o @ Sep 9 2008, 04:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Tuesday everyone!

Just making a quick note that I'm alive and well.

I'll probably do the "Sex and the City" tv marathon. It's therapeutic for me...

Girls, I have Blackberry too... if anyone would like to chat with me (PM me) smile.gif

Glad you are doing well. I was wondering how you are. Enjoy the marathon, I love watching that show!
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-09 16:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
QUOTE (Olivia* @ Sep 9 2008, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah Noura! Glad to hear you made it through the Hurricane down there! yikes!

wub.gif I'm feeling the love today. Waleed is on his break this week after being locked up in the military for 9 weeks without a break. We're talking a lot this week and it's so good to spend time loving on the Hubby, it's filling up my cup of love!

Ahhh Olivia, I am so happy to hear that. I know you miss him so much. Enjoy your time talking and hopefully the time will pass quickly until you see him again.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-09 16:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
Good morning MENA! I hope everyone has a good day.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-09 08:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaI wanna go to Jordan
QUOTE (amal @ Sep 9 2008, 12:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks for the input. I thought about 3 weeks to a month but I'm not sure we can afford to be gone so long. I think I'll toss out some dates to him and see what he thinks.

I"ll be checking out that link as soon as I'm done writing this post, thanks Sara!

Good advice to have the EX send in that form too...

150 bux!!! holy cow!!! Do u go to the post office to get passport photos??

AND I'm guessing by Amys post that they'll take my old passport away?? crying.gif maaaaan that sucks...i wanna keep my stamps from my first trip to Jordan....*sigh*

I'll keep you all posted on the surprise and how its coming along.... devil.gif muwahahahahaha

Yeah, not cheap for doing the passport, but I need it soon. If you don't expedite it is much cheaper. I had to pay about $60 to expedite and another $15 so they will overnight it back to me. Not sure how fast they are returning them with expedite. I've heard anything from two weeks to four weeks which is cutting it close for me.

I got the photos done at Walgreens. There is no line and they do a great job. I always use them for passport photos when I need them.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-09 16:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaI wanna go to Jordan
I know I just sent off for my passport with the name change yesterday. I am expiditing mine since I will go next month, but it wasn't too hard. I just got two passport photos, filled out the application, sent the old passport, and my marriage contract. Oh, and the money, of course. Since I am expiditing it, the fee was about $150. Hopefully I get the passport back soon.

It is a great idea what you are doing and I am sure your husband will appreciate it.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-09 11:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbarrassing moments in front of MENA relatives
QUOTE (Hanging in there @ Sep 8 2008, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Sep 8 2008, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol...these are funny!

My first trip I had frozen a quart of my french vanilla cream for coffee...I would DIE without it. I had put it in a really good tupperware container that I could shut tight that it wouldn't leak.

Well I guess the baggage handlers gave it a good enough toss that it actually broke the tupperware. EVERYTHING in that bag was drenched with sticky french vanilla cream, so my husband, not wanting his mother to see that I wore thong underwear handwashed it all when they weren't looking, and hung it on door knobs to dry. Thinking that since they were so small that they would dry fast. Well in Morocco there is wayyy to much humidity, and it took them 3 days to dry. Of course the entire household saw them. How embarassing!

Now that I know my MIL I realize that thong underwear is no biggie to her. She could embarass even me, and has on a few ocassions! Gotta love that woman!

There are alot of women in the mena board wearing thongs underwear LOL..I dont even own a pair. I better go shopping

I just can't do it, I feel so uncomfortable in thong underwear!
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-10 21:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbarrassing moments in front of MENA relatives
QUOTE (Nawal @ Sep 7 2008, 09:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just wanted to leave the room or melt into the ground...either worked. Granny panties, thongs....just let me leave! LOL blush.gif

QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 7 2008, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nawal @ Sep 7 2008, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mine had to do with losing my luggage. I lost my luggage and the airline said about 1 to 5 days till they could deliver it. WTH!

So as the days passed by, I had just enough underwear to last me 2 days (i always carry on but not enough for 5 days). So I was set on hand washing so that they didn't have to keep washing my Well his sister and mother come in the room which I was staying and tell me that his sister has a draw full of new panties some w/ tags still so go help myself to a few. Thinking okay, great, I will do it later. NO, they want me to come with them now...hmmm, okay. blush.gif As I go toward his sisters room his mother is still following us. I'm thinking can't his sister and I handle this task alone. LOL . His sister opens the draw and in my mind (even though she's young) I imagining "grandma panties". WRONG...there were strings,thongs, some w/ little flashy things on them...OMG! His mother is staring straight at me. I'm dying...what do I pick? My mind is racing...thong (she's going to think I'm a hussy... rofl.gif ) What do I pick, What do I pick...I just kept browsing thru the draw pretending that I couldn't decide. I think that was the longest 5 minutes of my life. blush.gif

Finally his sister said "Don't be shy take as many as you want. Here these are cute" His sister reaches in and grabs a handful of thongs and handed them to me. blush.gif

Nothing worse than being without your luggage when traveling. Not sure what I would have done in the underwear dilema. Especially since I can't stand to wear thongs, lol (not knocking anyone who does, I just feel very uncomfortable in them).

lol, I can imagine.

The second night after I arrived my MIL and two SILs went to Mecca Mall in Amman. There was one huge store we went into and were looking at various shirts and things when my MIL walks up with a nightie and asks me if I like it. Now, remember until two days before she wouldn't even speak to me and now she was wanting to buy lingerie for me to wear for her son? I was so shocked that I couldn't speak. Smart woman, I swear I saw in her eyes that she knew she suprised me. I told her it was nice not knowing what else to say. Then they all dragged me over to the lingerie and helped me look at different nighties. Eventually I relaxed enough to pick one. It was a nice one and I still like it, but I will never forget when I first saw my MIL bring it up to me, lol.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-07 21:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbarrassing moments in front of MENA relatives
QUOTE (Nawal @ Sep 7 2008, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mine had to do with losing my luggage. I lost my luggage and the airline said about 1 to 5 days till they could deliver it. WTH!

So as the days passed by, I had just enough underwear to last me 2 days (i always carry on but not enough for 5 days). So I was set on hand washing so that they didn't have to keep washing my Well his sister and mother come in the room which I was staying and tell me that his sister has a draw full of new panties some w/ tags still so go help myself to a few. Thinking okay, great, I will do it later. NO, they want me to come with them now...hmmm, okay. blush.gif As I go toward his sisters room his mother is still following us. I'm thinking can't his sister and I handle this task alone. LOL . His sister opens the draw and in my mind (even though she's young) I imagining "grandma panties". WRONG...there were strings,thongs, some w/ little flashy things on them...OMG! His mother is staring straight at me. I'm dying...what do I pick? My mind is racing...thong (she's going to think I'm a hussy... rofl.gif ) What do I pick, What do I pick...I just kept browsing thru the draw pretending that I couldn't decide. I think that was the longest 5 minutes of my life. blush.gif

Finally his sister said "Don't be shy take as many as you want. Here these are cute" His sister reaches in and grabs a handful of thongs and handed them to me. blush.gif

Nothing worse than being without your luggage when traveling. Not sure what I would have done in the underwear dilema. Especially since I can't stand to wear thongs, lol (not knocking anyone who does, I just feel very uncomfortable in them).
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-07 20:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbarrassing moments in front of MENA relatives
QUOTE (ks71905 @ Sep 7 2008, 09:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have many..i lived there for a year so they piled up, but one that stands out..

I brought like 10 old navy flip flops there, and i wore them in the house everyday, well i dont know if anyone else can vouch but old navy flip flops have NO tread on the bottom, so its very easy to slip and slide when wet...well his sisters were all cooking dinner, and i decided to help, i was peeling potatoes and walked to the sink to rinse them, and WEEEEE i flew like 10 feet in the air and landed smack dab on my #######, it hurt SOOO bad, to the point where i wanted to cry, and EVERYONE was busting up laughing at me...i literally couldnt walk for like 3 was sooo embarrasing..

oh one more...they decided to cook a baby lamb in the oven in the kitchen, well I hate the smell of meat cooking, and the smoke the oven was letting off was nuts...the stench started to make me sick, so i went in the back yard cuz i didnt want anyone to know it was making me naseuos..lo and behold i started to puke, BAD, and as i was done, i look up and see all his sisters and mom staring at me out the window..sofyan and i left after that and went OUT for dinner.

oh, that really had to suck when you fell. Did anyone at least ask if you are alright? Its funny to see people fall that way, but I've seen people really get hurt when landing on their butt.

Sorry the meat bothers you. My aunt and uncle lived in Egypt for a couple years back in the late 70s/early 80s. My uncle was in the air force and was stationed at the embassy. Anyway, my aunt is a wonderful cook, but she cannot handle the site of the carcasses. It really makes her sick. So she worked out a deal with one of the butchers to bring the meat she needed to her. I guess she would call or send a note to him, tell him exactly what she needed and then he would cut it and bag it up and send it to her. Then she just paid the guy who delivered it, lol.

My aunt has many other stories about Egypt. I'm glad she can at least relate to living in the middle east, lol.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-07 10:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbarrassing moments in front of MENA relatives
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 7 2008, 12:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are a few customs associated with coffee drinking in his area... two of which being swirling the cup and shaking the cup. We went to a post0funeral mourning deal for his uncle together and he told me "do not shake the cup." I thought he meant shake, not swirl. Anyway, was swirling away quite happily until he told me to stop-- that I was wishing them to drink to this occasion always. So it was like "hey! Hope you have permanent sorrow and mourning, cool?"

oh no, I hope they understood you didn't realize.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-07 00:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaEmbarrassing moments in front of MENA relatives
I was watching a comedy movie tonight and it reminded me of something that happened with me and my in-laws. I was talking to my husband on the computer with the camera and microphone. Well, sometimes, when I am bored but I am in the mood for up beat music, I put it on and sing to it. My husband knows this and enjoys watching me and listening to me when I play the music, sing along and sway to the music. There is nothing unusual in this and if you can't share that with your husband then how happy can your marriage be? lol

Not too long after he got to Jordan and reunited with his family I got in one of those moods. For whatever reason he had my camera up, but I couldn't see him. I think his camera wasn't working or something. Anyway, I start singing some song I liked at the time (Chris Brown-With you) and I'm getting into it. He is listening on the computer. The thing I didn't know was he had put me on speaker and let his whole family watch me singing to this song. As it turns out, they are dying laughing at me as I'm singing. I was so horrified, lol. It is not something I would let many people see, much less my in-laws. These were the same people against our marriage and wouldn't even talk to me or my husband for the first 4 months of our marriage. They thought I wouldn't be suitable for their son. Here they were circled around the computer watching me singing and moving along to the music. Oh my God, I was soooo embarassed. Anyway, they got a good laugh out of it and didn't think any less of me for it. They had met me in person and had accepted me a few months before so thank God it just gave them entertainment. No doubt there was probably some "crazy American" comments I didn't hear, but they were cool about it.

Anyway, if anyone else has some funny stories to relate, this is the place to put them.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-07 00:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaWelcome to Wednesday!
QUOTE (ks71905 @ Sep 10 2008, 08:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thank god for being off work tomorrow...

Good for you! I have two days left, but then the weekend comes!
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-10 21:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
QUOTE (Nawal @ Sep 11 2008, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh!! Best birthday gift that I received yesterday was....

For those of you that know and I have been posting about Nour (my daughter) and her breathing issues....we got her barium and upper GI tests back and they were perfect!! Alhamdulillah!!! kicking.gif

So now I'm believing its truly just allergies and we are going to have to wait it out till she's a bit older to find out.

Thats great news! I'm glad to hear it is nothing serious.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-11 12:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Good afternoon everyone.

I definitely remember September 11th too. I was at work when someone came in and said one of the buildings in NYC had been hit. We all thought it was some kind of accident, but then shortly after they told us another building had been hit and then the Pentagon. They made us keep working, but I kept sneaking peaks at the tv and being stunned by what I saw. I called my family to see if they knew what happened. Some of them did, some didn't. The phones worked fine where I was and where my family was, but none of us were from the New York area or that part of the country. I went home for lunch and watched the news some more. After work I came home and sat watching the events replay over and over and I cried as I was horrified by what I was seeing. Security at work was increased dramatically for awhile and someone I knew was hurt in the attacks, but not killed. It was truly a sad day.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-11 11:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaAllah answered my prayers!
I am happy to hear Allah has answered your prayers. I am sure it is a big relief for you!
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-10 21:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Nawal!!!
Happy birthday Nawal!!! I hope you have a wonderful day smile.gif

dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-11 11:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaOctobers Interviews Issued this Week? Esp Amman??
I would have been done with NVC back in April if my husband had just let me finish the paperwork. I paid for everything, but we never sent the visa app or the AOS. Now just waiting on this refugee in Amman instead.

I hope everyone gets their appointments soon. It seems like they are taking awhile to schedule appointments!
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-12 22:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. passes Iraqi refugee admissions goal
No, we haven't gotten word. Everything is done. He just needs the phone call saying he is approved. Then he goes in to book the flight, work out arrangements to pay his overstay fines for Jordan, and gets his America orientation classes.

Most of the Iraqis he saw going through the US refugee process were Christians and not many muslims. Also, they seem to approve single women (especially with kids) and families before men that are traveling alone. I think this puts him on the bottom of the list for approval. Never mind that he is married to an American.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-13 01:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. passes Iraqi refugee admissions goal
U.S. passes Iraqi refugee admissions goal

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Bush administration said Friday it has surpassed its goal of allowing 12,000 Iraqi refugees into the United States this year and will try to admit at least 17,000 next year.After streamlining the admissions process under criticism for not doing enough for Iraqis who have fled their country since the 2003 U.S. invasion, officials said 12,118 Iraqi refugees had arrived in the country since Oct. 1, 2007 and another 1,000 are booked on flights to America.

The criticism — sparked by the admission of fewer than 2,000 Iraqi refugees in the previous budget year — led the administration to pledge to improve its record and accept at least 12,000 between Oct. 1, 2007, and Sept. 30, 2008.

"We intend to significantly increase the number we admit," said James Foley, the State Department's senior coordinator for Iraqi refugee issues. "Depending on events in the region and barring any unforeseen developments, we expect to admit a minimum of 17,000 Iraqi refugees next year. Our aim is to maximize capacity and 17,000 is the floor."

"We recognize our unique responsibilities toward displaced Iraqis and we have acted on that recognition," he told reporters.

Several thousand more Iraqis, those who worked for the U.S. government or contractors, and their families are expected to enter the United States this year and next under a special immigrant visa program that is separate from the refugee process, he said. Up to 5,000 special immigrant visas are available per year under the plan.

Refugee advocates, who had praised the administration for improving the admissions process, had wanted the minimum to be raised by far more than the 5,000 Foley announced Friday. Last month, a coalition of advocacy organizations suggested an appropriate number would be 105,500.

Critics note that some other countries, notably Sweden — which has granted asylum to about 40,000 Iraqis since 2003 — have taken in more Iraqis for their size and population than the United States. More than two million Iraqis have fled to neighboring countries, mainly Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt.

"The U.S. response is incommensurate with the scope of the need," the groups, including Refugees International, Human Rights Watch and Save the Children, said in a statement.

On Friday, Refugees International said the goal of 17,000 resettlements next year is not enough. The group pointed to an estimate from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees that 90,000 Iraqi refugees in the region will be in urgent need of resettlement next year.

Foley conceded that not all administration critics would be satisfied. He also noted that the United States had more than doubled assistance to Iraqi refugees in third countries this year, to $318 million.

He appealed for more countries to help displaced Iraqis, particularly the Iraqi government, which to date has provided only $25 million in assistance.

The U.S. effort has been hampered first by bureaucratic infighting between the departments of state and homeland security and then by a lack of cooperation from some host countries. Syria, home of the largest number of Iraqi refugees, had restricted access to U.S. screeners, hampering applicant interviews.

Improved cooperation, along with better coordination in Washington and the start of refugee processing in Baghdad itself, enabled the administration to substantially boost admissions from budget year 2007, when it accepted only 1,608 Iraqi refugees.

Record numbers of Iraqis were allowed into the United States in April, May, June and July.


Now, if only they could just approve my husband!
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-13 01:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa received!Cairo-egypt
Wonderful news! Mabrook kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-12 23:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. denies Israel's Requests
QUOTE (LuLu @ Sep 12 2008, 04:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Sep 12 2008, 09:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (LuLu @ Sep 11 2008, 11:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Navy ships? Can't say I remember that. Seriously you think hizzbullah can touch a F16 or F18. They probably couldn't hit a toy plane. The Israeli airforce owns the skies in the ME...well except for the skies over Iraq.

I would NEVER justify it one bit....but the facts speak for themselves. The Arabs have outdated planes probably from WWII. And surface to air missles.....nothing there either. Maybe Ron Arad's plane was shot down...but that was like 20+ years ago.

israel does not have f-18's.

a f-16 in ground attack can be taken down with a sa-7. throw a few of those up in the air and pilots will be too busy ducking and weaving to do anything.

Oops your right, it's F15's they have an abundance of. But still you have to give it to them, they rarely lose any planes and they down and destroy many just sitting on the ground before they are used against them. Those outdated MIGs don't have a snowballs chance in he!!. The sa-7 is superior against low-flying planes and helicoptors. The fighter jets would be difficult to bring down...otherwise I think we would have seen more downed in Beruit or in Israeli/arab conflicts in the 1980s.

Someone else mentioned Syria being a safe place....sure...but talk of the governement or leadership is a no simply disappear...vanish in thin air.

We can look at Libya, they gave up on weapons and before you know it Condi is having lunch with Mr. G. I am sure many think of how prosperous the ME would be if governments could just get along. It' obvious no one is going anywhere, so enough with the bloodshed and let people live in peace with one another. It's been far too long.

I guess it depends on who you are as to what happens in Syria. I am sorry to hear about Julianna's brother in law, that is horrible. I hope that doesn't happen to any more students.

As for me, I was criticizing the elections while I was in Syria last year and they never bothered me. They didn't bother my husband either, but of course I just made comments while walking down the street or in the apartment. They may never have known I said anything. I think there is a lot more going on in Syria than is easily seen.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-12 16:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. denies Israel's Requests
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 12 2008, 01:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 12 2008, 01:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That is a good point. I had thought of Iran using Iraq, but I hadn't thought of them going through Syria. That really is disturbing to think about. I noticed a lot of Iranian tourists there when I visited last. They were everywhere.

Anyway, the sad part is that Syria could really prosper if they just gave up their vendetta against Israel. There could be a lot to gain by having peace. The only thing that I could see that would hurt Syria by peace with Israel is the terrorist groups. I think the only thing holding terrorists back in Syria is that the government doesn't mess with them so long as the groups don't attack on Syrian soil.

luv.gif I love hypothetical conversations about strategy.

From what I understand, Syria is basically self-sufficient, aren't they? They have their own oil, own refineries, own factories, great climate, and really are set up quite well for independance. I imagine this helps them in their foreign policies since independance and non-reliance on others would basically mean you wouldn't care who stopped trading with you, etc. I agree about terrorism/Syria.. and also would add probably their allowance of support and support they give themselves probably keeps people out. Also, they have a pretty no-nonsense tortuous reputation for dealing with people they catch, fates worth than death and all... I can see that keeping the faint of heart on their good side.

I think if Syria were properly motivated, they would let an Iranian army pass through and that Iran probably would respect the peace for common goals, do you? I mean, we're not talking any pan-Arabian anything, we're talking allies working for a common goal.. kind of like France, Uk, etc letting the USA pass through and base there during WWII, WWI.

ETA: also, jsut because the goal itself may be politcally motivated (or whatever the motivation may be) doesn't mean that will be the motivation passed on to the people doing the fighting by the upper-ups. The Crusades is a great example of that, basically unifying a huge group of people across the countries of Europe under religious auspices for mostly the foot soldiers, although motivations for the nobles would be different. That's why I was thinking about the basic "Shi'ia corridor" that could be created by an Iraq which somehow was disorganized enough or just plain under Shi'ia control.

From what I saw and know, Syria is mostly self-sufficient. They are able to grow most of the fruits and vegetables they need, they have coastal areas for fishing, they manufacture many of their own things like pepsi. They have oil, but it is expected that they will have to start importing within ten years as the amount of oil they are able to drill each year is on the decline.

Their reputation isn't a good one, but I think they feed off of the reputation Iraq and Sadam got. Difference being that Syria is definitely not as bad as Iraq. No check points inside the city of Damascus. People for the most part didn't walk around in total fear. There are some undertones of people knowing to watch themselves, but I can't say for sure there was any abject fear. Then again, who knows. They Syrians I know here in the US don't complain of how evil their government was if you did something bad, but they have a healthy respect for the authority.

The key is Syria being motivated. I think it would take a lot to motivate them to allow Iranian soldiers on their soil though. That could be risky for them as Iran could just keep Syria on its way to conquest. Of course this is all just hypothetical converstation anyway, lol.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-12 05:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. denies Israel's Requests
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 12 2008, 01:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 12 2008, 12:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OTOH, there is nothing to prevent Syria from making peace with Israel long enough to get what it wants and then re-grouping and coming back at them breaking a treaty. Israel has the best fire-power, but numbers really do speak. Syria wanted Lebanon back and basically got it... then Iran and Syria link up and if they can get a USA-free Iraq under Shi'ia control/influence/distraction to be a corridor, they've got a straight ground-route. Add that to the possibility of Russian arms help, and Israel is far-outnumbered while lulled into a security of a treaty. Of course, they would realize the treaty is being broken, but I don't see Israel being able to wipe out an army that large all on its own if someone wouldn't come and help.

Good point and I agree that could happen though I hope it doesn't. It is the one major concern I have about the US pulling out of Iraq. I want to see Iraq keep itself together and prosper, not fall into the wrong hands or be misused.

Well, and strategically, wouldn't that be the way to go for an Iranian army? Because if Iran wanted to wipe out the government of Israel (we're talking hypotheticals here based on terrain and climate), isn't it easier to cross Iraq and pass through Syria and then down into Israel... I'm thinking temperatures and water availability is making that much more attractive a prospect than passing through Jordan... Also, it's much easier to hide along the way. Turkey would work too, but take a bit more work in the coercing department.

That is a good point. I had thought of Iran using Iraq, but I hadn't thought of them going through Syria. That really is disturbing to think about. I noticed a lot of Iranian tourists there when I visited last. They were everywhere.

Anyway, the sad part is that Syria could really prosper if they just gave up their vendetta against Israel. There could be a lot to gain by having peace. The only thing that I could see that would hurt Syria by peace with Israel is the terrorist groups. I think the only thing holding terrorists back in Syria is that the government doesn't mess with them so long as the groups don't attack on Syrian soil.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-12 01:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. denies Israel's Requests
OTOH, there is nothing to prevent Syria from making peace with Israel long enough to get what it wants and then re-grouping and coming back at them breaking a treaty. Israel has the best fire-power, but numbers really do speak. Syria wanted Lebanon back and basically got it... then Iran and Syria link up and if they can get a USA-free Iraq under Shi'ia control/influence/distraction to be a corridor, they've got a straight ground-route. Add that to the possibility of Russian arms help, and Israel is far-outnumbered while lulled into a security of a treaty. Of course, they would realize the treaty is being broken, but I don't see Israel being able to wipe out an army that large all on its own if someone wouldn't come and help.

Good point and I agree that could happen though I hope it doesn't. It is the one major concern I have about the US pulling out of Iraq. I want to see Iraq keep itself together and prosper, not fall into the wrong hands or be misused.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-12 00:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. denies Israel's Requests
QUOTE (LuLu @ Sep 11 2008, 10:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 11 2008, 11:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Odai and Kristen @ Sep 11 2008, 10:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Its all about Zionism ...! i don't think USA will do this at all .
palilover , there wil be no negotiations between Syria and Israel , because Iran get Syria`s back always .
so uhmm lets say Russia maybe , I agree with Nawal .

Syria would turn their back on Iran if they could get their land back so I wouldn't be so sure.

I definitly agree...given the chance I think Bashar will ** the Iranians to get the Golan back. Just like the cronie Arafat did in Oslo. There never was Pan-Arabism even though people and leaders have these grand ideas that it can still come about. It's everyone for themselves.

The thing is that Syria can't beat Israel on the ground or in the air and they know it. They ally themselves with Iran because that is the last holdout with any real threat to Israel. Egypt signed its peace treaty decades ago. Jordan signed theirs. Iraq is out of the game. Lebanon is still a mess. Syria has a chance to get its land back and I think Israel wants to secure that border so they can focus on Iran. Syria is mostly sunni and the president is neither sunni or shia so he doesn't have any real loyalty to Iran on the religious aspect. Syria has a lot to gain by signing a peace treaty with Isreal and not a lot to lose. The main contentions are that Syria harbors terrorists and isn't easily giving up on that. The other thing is water. Isreal wants to continue having water rights to areas in the Golan Heights and Syria wants it back. If they can work this out, I think the treaty could work. Which then leaves Israel free to deal with Iran without having to watch its back so much. I can't blame Israel for wanting to work that out. They have a lot to gain by it too.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-11 23:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. denies Israel's Requests
QUOTE (Odai and Kristen @ Sep 11 2008, 10:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Its all about Zionism ...! i don't think USA will do this at all .
palilover , there wil be no negotiations between Syria and Israel , because Iran get Syria`s back always .
so uhmm lets say Russia maybe , I agree with Nawal .

Syria would turn their back on Iran if they could get their land back so I wouldn't be so sure.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-11 22:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. denies Israel's Requests
QUOTE (Nawal @ Sep 11 2008, 05:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charles! @ Sep 11 2008, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 11 2008, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I wonder if it is because Bush doesn't have to cater to them now that he is at the end of his political career. Just a thought.

but according to some, we have a huge israeli lobby that gets the government to rubber stamp everything they ask for.

its election time...priorities (and money) are else where now...

S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-11 18:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaU.S. denies Israel's Requests
I wonder if it is because Bush doesn't have to cater to them now that he is at the end of his political career. Just a thought.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-11 16:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!!!
QUOTE (77Maureen @ Sep 14 2008, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
well i have to call the tire place on monday since i received a lovely letter from them stating that the new tires i purchased are on the "recall list", lovely!! like i don't have enough to do already.

I'm sorry Maureen. That really sucks. I hope you get it worked out!
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 19:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!!!
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Sep 14 2008, 10:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Rainy Sunday!

S and S --good luck with the CR1! Hope it finishes quickly for you.

Good morning everyone else!

Jackie rose.gif

Thanks Jackie!

QUOTE (77Maureen @ Sep 14 2008, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so i've been telling the kids the past week, let's keep things clean and picked up inside and outside cuz we having their bday party this weekend. As I'm unloading the dishwasher, I notice a huge pile of dirt (garbage) in the middle of the yard and realized my son cleaned his aquariams today that must have been him mad.gif and not to mention my daughter had the kitchen filled with her "majic disappearing liquid" tricks, yeah right, what a joke, the liquid ends up on the table, the floors and everywhere else! i dont know why i bother to try to make things nice when i have my two very own "hurricaines" that just demolish things. I think i will go buy some calgon and let it take me away smile.gif

lol, hopefully things will manage to be organized before the party. At least I hope so for your sake.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 14:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!!!
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 14 2008, 02:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 14 2008, 02:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Men!!! They don't understand how important that is to us. I don't need anything fancy, but a little reception in a nice dress would do it for me. I sincerely hope you get your wish.

I should really read and spellcheck when I'm excited about a dress lol. Well, I already have the dress and the mantilla. I want to use them! That's all I want is a reception. I don't even know that I care about having a cake. I may get myself some flowers smile.gif But maybe we'll have a little get-together. At any rate, I think we could have some awesome pictures and mostly just have fun together. I want to have it on Santa Catalina, but my main worry is he refuses to get into a boat. That would be a problem. Other places on the CA coast just aren't quite the same IMO. I've never been to Mexico, but I am wondering if there is something good around Baja.

I went to San Lucas back in 2006 and really enjoyed it. Can't speak for Baja though. I have that problem with my husband not being willing to do a lot of things. I haven't asked about boats though. I wish you luck in getting your reception. All women deserve a little something to commemorate their marriage.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 03:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!!!
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 14 2008, 02:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 14 2008, 02:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, thank God all my tax paperwork is saved online and the W-2s are online too so I don't have to dig through files and makes copies, lol. Technology makes us so lazy whistling.gif

I know. I'm trying to cinvince him we need to splurge on a wedding reception for evidence, but he's not into that. Sigh. I want to wear my dress lol.

Men!!! They don't understand how important that is to us. I don't need anything fancy, but a little reception in a nice dress would do it for me. I sincerely hope you get your wish.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 02:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!!!
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 14 2008, 02:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 14 2008, 02:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 14 2008, 02:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 14 2008, 02:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 14 2008, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey! It's my last day before my weekend. Yay!

Good for you. It was quiet her for a bit, I was wondering where you ran off to, lol. How is the weather going now?

Wind is still pretty decent at about 60mph, rain is going... so about the same smile.gif It's supposed to be worse by my house, but I am at the foot of a large hill/foothill, so lots of stuff gets deflected from me. What are you doing tonight?

Printing tax returns at the moment, lol. Finally convinced the husband to let me finish his spouse visa paperwork just to be on the safe side.

Great! Sucks to do all that work though. I am dreading having to file to lift Ammar's conditions. More paperwork I don't want to do.

Yeah, thank God all my tax paperwork is saved online and the W-2s are online too so I don't have to dig through files and makes copies, lol. Technology makes us so lazy whistling.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 02:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!!!
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 14 2008, 02:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 14 2008, 02:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 14 2008, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey! It's my last day before my weekend. Yay!

Good for you. It was quiet her for a bit, I was wondering where you ran off to, lol. How is the weather going now?

Wind is still pretty decent at about 60mph, rain is going... so about the same smile.gif It's supposed to be worse by my house, but I am at the foot of a large hill/foothill, so lots of stuff gets deflected from me. What are you doing tonight?

Printing tax returns at the moment, lol. Finally convinced the husband to let me finish his spouse visa paperwork just to be on the safe side.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 02:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!!!
QUOTE (julianna @ Sep 14 2008, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey! It's my last day before my weekend. Yay!

Good for you. It was quiet her for a bit, I was wondering where you ran off to, lol. How is the weather going now?
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 02:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!!!
QUOTE (ZARQA @ Sep 14 2008, 01:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 14 2008, 02:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning MENA! I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and for those of us that are fasting for Ramadan that God accepts our fasts.

For those of us waiting for good news, I hope we all hear something soon.

Good morning S and S and happy sunday to everyone I am official a K3 I just check USPS and this is what i read

Label/Receipt Number: 7008 1140 0003 6251 0891
Status: Delivered

Your item was delivered at 2:05 PM on September 13, 2008 in SAINT ALBANS, VT 05479.

I am so happy inshallah this will help the process be more faster YEAHHHHHHHHHH

Congratulations! Hopefully your process will go quickly and you will be reunited with your SO soon.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 01:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday MENA!!!
Good morning MENA! I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and for those of us that are fasting for Ramadan that God accepts our fasts.

For those of us waiting for good news, I hope we all hear something soon.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 01:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaGroup Chat
Sorry, still cooking and getting ready to break my fast. Glad I could make it earlier for the chat though!
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 18:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday was the day......
Congratulations!!! That is great news kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-12 22:25:00