Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Jan 13 2009, 08:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Jan 13 2009, 05:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Rajaa, I have been away so much I didn't know for sure what day your hubby was coming. I am so happy to see it is only 8 days!!! That is so wonderful and I can imagine how nervous you are and excited. Try not to stress too much. All the waiting is really worth it once he arrives. I still thank God every day when I look at my husband and see he is here. Life isn't perfect, but it is definitely better than what I thought it would be. There is the occassional disagreement yet we manage to work it out and the vast majority of the time we spend so happy together. Inshallah you will be so happy too!

I have a question for the women who have had children before. According to my calculations I am 11 days late for Aunt flow. I took a pregnancy test two days ago but it was negative. Is it normal that it might not show pregnant for awhile? The most I have ever been late is 12 days and I am almost to that point now. Any advice would be great, thanks.

Had four kids star_smile.gif you had a major change in your life so give it a few more days unless you're noticing you're really tired or other tell tale signs.

I am very nervous and excited and feel like i have no time to be ready lol.... not like i didn't know this day was coming but. Gotta get a punch list out and get to work on it. I will only have one day off prior to his arrival and even the day after he is here have to attend a mandatory meeting (I think he'll sleep the entire day anyway) I plan to have food in a crock pot, lap top ready and calling card for him as well as his new cell phone so I think he'll be able to stay busy until I am home then I am not leaving his side for almost 2 weeks insha'allah.

S and S I was thinking about you so much lately I am very happy for you. I am so nervous lol

Thanks for the advice. So far there are no other signs except some tenderness in my chest. It is really early to tell but I get chronic migraines and take heavy medication for them. I've been afraid to take the medicine because it is not to be taken during pregnancy for any reason due to high risks. This means whenever I get a migraine I am forced to ride it out for anywhere from 12 hours to 36 hours until it passes. Not easy when I must still go to work. My nuerologist told me that most migraine sufferers stop getting the migraines after they are about 3 months pregnant so it isn't an issue for very long. The migraines generally don't return until the pregnancy is over. For now though, I just hate to risk taking the medicine in case I am.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-13 09:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
Rajaa, I have been away so much I didn't know for sure what day your hubby was coming. I am so happy to see it is only 8 days!!! That is so wonderful and I can imagine how nervous you are and excited. Try not to stress too much. All the waiting is really worth it once he arrives. I still thank God every day when I look at my husband and see he is here. Life isn't perfect, but it is definitely better than what I thought it would be. There is the occassional disagreement yet we manage to work it out and the vast majority of the time we spend so happy together. Inshallah you will be so happy too!

I have a question for the women who have had children before. According to my calculations I am 11 days late for Aunt flow. I took a pregnancy test two days ago but it was negative. Is it normal that it might not show pregnant for awhile? The most I have ever been late is 12 days and I am almost to that point now. Any advice would be great, thanks.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-13 08:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
Happy Hump day everyone! I hope everyone's day goes well. It is so cold here though not as bad as what some of you are getting up North. My husband keeps hoping for snow but so far nothing. We get forecasts for possible snow and then nothing comes. I want a little snow if I have to suffer through this cold!
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-14 08:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's that time again!
Ah, I wish I could come but I have to drive to the airport and pick up my dad as he is flying in tonight. Hope you guys have fun!
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-14 18:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
QUOTE (humpkinpumpkin @ Jan 15 2009, 08:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have taken 4 xtra strength tylenol and it still feels like Edward Scissorhands is carving a topiary out of my uterus. Oh and yeah...guess once again I'm not pregnant.

I'd go home but it's too fkg cold at home. crying.gif crying.gif

I am feeling your pain too. Aunt flow came to visit so my hopes were up for nothing sad.gif

QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Jan 15 2009, 08:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning Charles!

Jen, that totally sucks a booger!! Hopefully they will have some compassion. What can you do if it will not start!

Jeanne...I'm coveting you!!! With windchill it is like -10 here in Ohio also.

Staashi...that is great the baby is doing well. I had so many ultrasounds when I was pregnant with Malek because of the diabetes. Also, lots and lots of stress exams.

Mornin' S and S

Morning to you too!!! smile.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-15 09:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Good morning everyone! I hope all of you have a wonderful day.

Bridget- Sorry to hear about your heat. That must be horrible with how cold it is up there. Hope you have your heat back very soon.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-15 08:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe's hurting and now he hurt me.
I'm sorry you are going through this. I know it is not easy for him with the situation in Gaza and his family. My husband has similar problems as you can imagine. My husband was a refugee in Jordan for awhile and though his immediate family was in Jordan too, many other family members are still in Iraq. Only thing is that he doesn't blame me or push me away when he is sad about the situation there, for this I am thankful. Mostly he just accepts Iraq is gone and will never be what it was. I think that is the difference. Your husband is looking at the situation and hating that it is getting worse instead of better and not knowing how to deal with his pain and loss of hope. This is something you must work through with him or walk away from the relationship. It isn't healthy for him to just push you away. I hope he learns to open up to you and work through this. Sending you hugs rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-14 01:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaJackies guess what thread
Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news. You both deserve it after such a long wait. I wish you both the best of luck in the future and a happy marriage.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-15 08:26:00
Middle East and North Africawould you be upset?
Wow, that really is annoying. I was supposed to have today off work but then they had me come in for four hours this morning. I was so annoyed but nothing I could do. I hope you get your vacation time off fine and enjoy it.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-19 14:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Henia!
Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful day smile.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-14 08:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
QUOTE (lovemysoulmate @ Jan 20 2009, 03:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Jan 20 2009, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lovemysoulmate @ Jan 20 2009, 10:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning everyone... Happy day to alll.. Wish me luck am off to the court house to have my divorce dicree(sp) signed..... Hope all is good for everyone today!


Good luck Brittany!

ITS A DONE DEAL.....I AM NOW FINALLY DIVORCED WOMEN!!!! WOOOHOOOOO TIME TO PARTY!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I'm glad to hear you got it finalized. I hope your future is a bright one from here on smile.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-20 16:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
QUOTE (UmmSqueakster @ Jan 20 2009, 07:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good morning! This is the happiest I've been in 8 years, second only to the day my husband arrived in the US. I've got my radio ready to go, and came in early so that I could take some time off around 12:00 pm eastern time whistling.gif

I'm so happy I'm tearing up crying.gif

I wish I could say the same sad.gif Today is not going well for me.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-20 09:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
Morning Mena, I hope everyone has a great day. It is still really cold where I am at, I hope everyone else is managing to stay warm smile.gif

Tamara- That sounds awful about your work. I haven't been on VJ much recently but I hope you are doing okay.

Charles- Thanks for the list though there isn't anything on there this week that I've been waiting to see. Maybe next week!

Kelly- I hope you get to feeling better and that you can at least manage some time off today.

Aymsgirl- Hey! I hope you are doing well.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-20 08:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHot Off The Press
So glad to hear the news. You have been waiting a long time for this.

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-22 22:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Saturday!!!
QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Jan 24 2009, 10:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Jan 24 2009, 06:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Jan 24 2009, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I'm finally home from the hospital. The "supposed" 4-5 hour excursion in the hospital ended up being 10 hrs blink.gif !
I went in at 8am. It took 3 hrs from the time I arrived to finally get something started in the drip mad.gif wacko.gif . They had to do a "test drip" for 30 min to make sure I didn't have any reactions, then the real drip got started around noon. Noon is also the time they said that lunch would be coming and I had told them earlier that as long as it wasn't pork, I'd eat most anything. Well, after several calls to the nurse station, my lunch finally got delivered at 2:15 mad.gif mad.gif - What did they bring me??? a freaking pork chop!!!!! blink.gif I finally got them to come back and by the time it was all said and done, the kitchen was closed and all they could put together for me was a turkey sandwich - fine. Except that when it came it was ice cold and literally a slab of cold turkey on 2 pieces of cold bread - plain, nothing else, that was it - oh, and a bag of chips!!! mad.gif crying.gif mad.gif I was so hungry I ate it. Then right as my treatment is nearing it's finish, less that 2 hrs after I finally got lunch, they bring me dinner - #######?? I won't even go into that mishap.
I'm home now and I'm exhausted from all this....
And yes, they'll be getting a letter from me about the "service" I received in the hospital. Now I'm off to take some cough syrup and pass out soon I hope.
Happy freaking Caturday ranting33va.gif

I'm so sorry things went bad at the hospital for you. Glad you are home now. I know I hate going to the hospital, especially the ER.

hay there S and S hope all is going well only day 2 for us and still blissful hehehehehe don't go back to work until the 2 feb but sure that will come by waaaaaay to soon.

Hey girl, glad you are enjoying your time with your husband. Its great you could get the time off work too smile.gif I hope you two stay very happy together and the adjustment is easy. I know you worked hard to make him comfortable.

Things are going fine with my husband. He finishes the class I put him in on Tuesday so after that he is going to apply at a hospital. Its only as a nurse's assistant but with the job market that is one of the easier jobs to get. There are always job openings for it and he can get benifits which we will need later when I leave my job.

Stay in touch, I look forward to hearing how things are going!
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-25 01:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Saturday!!!
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Jan 24 2009, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I'm finally home from the hospital. The "supposed" 4-5 hour excursion in the hospital ended up being 10 hrs blink.gif !
I went in at 8am. It took 3 hrs from the time I arrived to finally get something started in the drip mad.gif wacko.gif . They had to do a "test drip" for 30 min to make sure I didn't have any reactions, then the real drip got started around noon. Noon is also the time they said that lunch would be coming and I had told them earlier that as long as it wasn't pork, I'd eat most anything. Well, after several calls to the nurse station, my lunch finally got delivered at 2:15 mad.gif mad.gif - What did they bring me??? a freaking pork chop!!!!! blink.gif I finally got them to come back and by the time it was all said and done, the kitchen was closed and all they could put together for me was a turkey sandwich - fine. Except that when it came it was ice cold and literally a slab of cold turkey on 2 pieces of cold bread - plain, nothing else, that was it - oh, and a bag of chips!!! mad.gif crying.gif mad.gif I was so hungry I ate it. Then right as my treatment is nearing it's finish, less that 2 hrs after I finally got lunch, they bring me dinner - #######?? I won't even go into that mishap.
I'm home now and I'm exhausted from all this....
And yes, they'll be getting a letter from me about the "service" I received in the hospital. Now I'm off to take some cough syrup and pass out soon I hope.
Happy freaking Caturday ranting33va.gif

I'm so sorry things went bad at the hospital for you. Glad you are home now. I know I hate going to the hospital, especially the ER.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-24 21:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Saturday!!!
QUOTE (Aymsgirl @ Jan 24 2009, 04:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks guys! He seems to be doing better, just a little test!

Glad he is doing better rose.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-24 17:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Saturday!!!
Good morning MENA, happy Caturday!!!

Weather was nice yesterday but now it is too cold. I need to wash my car but I get lazy about it when it is cold. I was hoping for some decent weather this weekend so I could hand wash it, oh well sad.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-24 12:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday all!
QUOTE (Staashi @ Jan 25 2009, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey all! Happy Sunday!!! I hope you are doing great.

Tasha - sorry to hear about Mal - is your hubby getting better?

Tam - I like that one. smile.gif

Coffee and sweet rolls look really delish right now...I can't tell you how bad I've been craving something sooooo innocuous - I want a sesame bagel toasted with butter. God help me. devil.gif

Ahhhhh, hang in there though I agree the sweet rolls look great. Not too much longer left for you smile.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-25 13:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday all!
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Jan 25 2009, 08:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok looking for little gifts for arrival, so far a robe (maybe slippers) his own coffee cup from my work, what else??? we will go shopping for the shave, deodorants etc

Maybe calling cards to call his family. Make sure he has a good warm jacket, my poor husband froze when we went to visit Oklahoma during Christmas. Some good tea if you don't already have it. The Buy for Less at 23rd and Penn has some good arabic tea. If you are a fan a "Sooners" shirt couldn't hurt, I keep planning to get my husband one so he can fit it with my family, lol.

QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Jan 25 2009, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i am up and have to go to a mandatory meeting for a couple of hours. Have to leave my husband's side sad.gif but it's ok my older two kids are going to "take care" of him huh.gif anyway hopefully the appartment won't get burned down. Taught him how to use an electric oven whooooo hooooo now no excuses not to cook hehehehehehehe

hope everyone has a great day!

Sorry you have to go to work so soon after he got here (even if it is only for a couple hours). I hope everything goes fine while you are gone smile.gif My hubby learned how to use the electric stove too though he complains it is too slow to heat up. I prefer gas stoves myself but I just deal with whatever they have in the places I rent.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-25 13:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe's coming too but stuck in France
I cook dinner between 8pm and 10pm most nights but right now we still don't have kids so it works out just fine. My husband ate sandwiches before with meat but not how we have them here. I've been sending sandwiches with him for lunch when he goes to his classes and it works out fine though if I have extra leftovers then I send those and he heats it up in the microwave.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-25 13:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe's coming too but stuck in France
I am so happy for you kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif Congratulations on a wonderful reunion and an end to the waiting. I wish you both a happy life together.

Thanks for posting the pics, you two look great together!
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-24 12:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaHe's coming too but stuck in France
Sorry his flight got mixed up. I hope he arrives safely. Keep us updated!
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-22 08:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe are now in Texas as of January 20th
Welcome back. Good luck on your new start together!
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-26 09:05:00
Middle East and North Africamonday morning thread
Another Monday, need lots of coffee for this one. I hope everyone's day goes well.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-26 08:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy new pad
Ah, I'm sorry things aren't going so well. The ceiling is fixable but it still sucks knowing you will have to deal with a new problem on top of the leak. You know that saying "when it rains, it pours". I'm afraid you are in one of those situations now! I hope it all works out and things get better for you rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-26 00:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA FOOD
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Jan 22 2009, 09:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
nice, i think this actually has turned interesting to all even those that were experienced, nice to listen and learn. Actually today my boss told me of a woman at my work so i ask her and sure enough she knew of a store where i can get the meats so we will ck that out and see what happens. Thanks and keep posting things as you think of them. good.gif

Let me know what store that is, I may need it for future reference smile.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-22 22:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
So I did my taxes and was able to claim my husband this time since he has his ssn card. Anyway, because he had no income last year I am getting a much larger tax return than normal. Did most of you have the same thing?
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-28 21:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
QUOTE (sandrila @ Jan 28 2009, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thanks for the advice Charles, I am seriously thinking about it

i think i am last person on earth who doesnt have facebook blush.gif

I don't have a facebook account either, or any account on any of those websites. I deleted my myspace account almost two years ago and haven't gone back. Sometimes I miss it but most of the time I don't. I wasted so much time on there and people always found me that I didn't want to deal with. It had its advantages but I feel better to stay away from those sites now. Hubby doesn't have anything either. Maybe someday I will reconsider.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-28 20:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
QUOTE (humpkinpumpkin @ Jan 29 2009, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm still alive. As of Tuesday I'm no longer to be on the internet at work. Not sure if this is a new policy or just me. blush.gif Anyhoo I guess I won't be on much anymore.

Terrie - I'm so sorry for your loss. rose.gif

Everyone who's sick - get better and stay the heck away from me!!!!

I can't believe how much is going on healthwise with everyone! For me, I won't bore you but apparently I have to go back to my surgeon who did my gallbladder Monday since apparently it's not normal to carry a plastic bag with you wherever you go to puke in. Then I'm also seeing a neurologist 'cause apparently I'm unable to walk a straight line without holding on to something. Never knew that and thank the good lord I've never been pulled over for a sobriety test! Especially since I also have the lovely symptom of occaisionally slurring my words lately. Niiiice. Especially was nice in my annual review at work. huh.gif Stone cold sober slurring words and can't freakin' walk a straight line. I should have shut my mouth at the Rheumy's office but I HAD to tell him that I've fallen for no reason three times since I saw him last. headbonk.gif headbonk.gif

Anyhoo I hope everyone has a good night. Got to go serve dinner. American Chop Suey for everyone and plain pasta for me since I"m on a brat diet. Good times! kicking.gif kicking.gif

That stinks about no internet at work, I completely understand as I can't use it at my work either.

I'm also sorry for all your troubles from the surgery. I hope that it isn't anything serious. Take care of yourself and hopefully it will all pass.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-29 18:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Good morning MENA. We still have snow on the ground here and I still have to go out and turn on the car to start thawing it. At least I have a secret weapon against the snow and ice, de-icer spray, works really well and saves so much time. Mostly it is just a matter of getting out there and doing it.

Anyway, hubby is going out job hunting today. I know he is nervous. We have all his paperwork ready and resume, ISA he gets a job.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-29 08:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Dorothy !!
Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-29 08:49:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware
QUOTE (Pattu Rani @ Jan 3 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Jan 3 2009, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my husband and i agreed to three accounts one only ours seperate and one for household expenses..... I had co mingling finances with my ex and it cause alot of headaches I prefer it this way and he agrees so.... i've learned to keep it like a business in one respect (money etc) but the rest with love. insh'aallah it will all work out for all of us.

How do you decide who puts how much into the joint account? set amount or percentage of income? I think 3 accounts is good too but am wondering how is the best way since almost certainly G will be making minimum wage when he gets here.

My ex-husband and I had three accounts. We each put a set amount of money into the joint account to pay household expenses and it worked out well. Though we get divorced, it made things much easier to sort out who got what.

My now husband and I plan for me to keep my bank account to myself and open another one for the both of us. He believes he should support me so he doesn't want his own account. I think each couple finds what works for them best.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-03 11:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo no no no!!! He's being stationed in Gaza!!!
I'm so sorry to hear this Olivia. Isn't your husband supposed to finish his time in the military soon? How will this effect that?
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-14 08:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaFor the Members
Hmmmm, this should have some interesting responses whistling.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-28 21:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday
Good morning MENA! I hope everyone has a great day.

Brni, so happy for you. I wish you all the best.
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-30 08:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Caturday!
QUOTE (humpkinpumpkin @ Jan 31 2009, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Jan 31 2009, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm so annoyed. I keep seeing the commercials for the Pizza Hut Lasagna and it looks so good. I know some pre-made lasagnas at the store contain pork so I thought it best to call Pizza Hut first and find out what meat is in the lasagna. Naturally there was in fact pork so now I can't order it crying.gif Its not fair, it looks so good.

If it makes you feel any better, the way I see it it's just a good commercial. I mean c'mon....they serve the Pizza Hut Lasgna in ITALY and they actually like it? I don't think so. tongue.gif

Yeah, you have a point, but I wanted to see for myself if it was any good. You never know blush.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-31 21:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Caturday!
I'm so annoyed. I keep seeing the commercials for the Pizza Hut Lasagna and it looks so good. I know some pre-made lasagnas at the store contain pork so I thought it best to call Pizza Hut first and find out what meat is in the lasagna. Naturally there was in fact pork so now I can't order it crying.gif Its not fair, it looks so good.

Edited by S and S, 31 January 2009 - 08:24 PM.

S and SFemaleIraq2009-01-31 20:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday lazy Sunday..
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Feb 1 2009, 06:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (HisLittleMasriyah @ Feb 1 2009, 01:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Sunday everyone....

Nawal- happy superbowl sunday to u too tongue.gif lol hubby has been trying to find out how he can watch it online.. no luck so far. i know he will keep looking...

Tasha- Hello hunny biggrin.gif

Brni- did he finally make it? does anyone know?

To u all ladies n gents...have a nice day.

yes he did, nice trip plane was early, just breakfast with my daughter, to meet my mom in the nursing home, see the city a little bit, grocery home....other than wanting to put the room deodorant in the freezer and saying about foot ball awwwww they should get hurt, and at cracker barrel ohhhhhhhh they give me tomuch food ha im sure there has been others i will remember later good.gif

My husband loved Bricktown, I'm sure yours will too. Enjoy your time together smile.gif So glad things are going well so far.

QUOTE (Far2Long @ Feb 1 2009, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So it's over? unsure.gif

lol, apparantly, I didn't watch either
S and SFemaleIraq2009-02-01 23:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday lazy Sunday..
QUOTE (ARALB @ Feb 1 2009, 05:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm just wondering... everyone is sooo into the whole Superbowl- am I un-American if I don't pay any attention to that? blink.gif I just HATE to sit and watch others play a game on tv, in person fine, but it loses so much for me when it is over the bube-tube! offtopic45vn.gif In any case! Have a GREAT week MENA! The sooner the weekend is over the closer we are to our actual interview date!!! 16 Jordanian days and counting!!! AHHHHH! wacko.gif

I'm glad I'm not the only one not watching the game, lol. Good luck on the interview. It is getting so close!!!
S and SFemaleIraq2009-02-01 18:31:00