National Visa Center (Dept of State)Interview date
Congratulations!!! Did you find out about the interview date yet?
S and SFemaleIraq2008-05-22 19:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)MIRACLES do exsit
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. Hopefully this dreadful waiting will soon be over. I wish you and your husband the best of luck at his interview.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-05-23 21:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Appointment
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Sep 15 2008, 08:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Due to the long wait for cr1 appointments, we made the decision today to put the cr1 on hold and follow the K3. It was a tough choice but I really don't want to wait til Febuary for an interview. Hand laundry and instant coffee is getting old blush.gif


Didn't rely on the coin flipping thing did you? lol whistling.gif

You gotta do what is best for you.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-15 21:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Appointment
This is definitely not a good sign. I am sending the ds230 and Affidavit of Support to NVC this week if all goes well. It worries me the appointments are so far out. Next month I travel to Amman so maybe I can check in with the embassy and see how long the wait will be.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 22:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Affadavit of Support
QUOTE (linda&usama @ Sep 19 2008, 12:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Sep 14 2008, 07:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am working on the affadavit of support right now and I am confused about one part. It is for sponsor's household size. I have only myself here now and I will be sponsoring my husband. It says on line 21a how many people I am sponsoring. I put in the first block "1" for my husband. I left the second block empty since I am not sponsoring anyone else. Then for 21b I put "1" for myself. Then it says put "1" if you are married, but this means I am counting my husband twice. I added it all up in the bottom for the blocks. There are two rows. The first row I have a "1" for total number sponsoring, but then I have a "2" in the second block for adding me and my husband. Is this right? I am so confused.

Yes, that is right. You are sponsoring one and your household size is 2. You will need to meet the income requirements for a household of 2.

Good luck

Thankyou so much. I was really worried about what is the best way to do it. I hope this will help others in the future.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-19 03:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Affadavit of Support
I'm bumping this in the hopes someone will answer that can know for sure what to put. Please help if you can.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-18 23:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Affadavit of Support
QUOTE (VivaBaños @ Sep 15 2008, 06:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes I remember that part being confusing.
Your household size will be you & your husband, so 2. But yes you are only sponsoring one person.

I remember one section about write a 1 if you're married and then 1 for how many people you are sponsoring and then yourself--or something confusing and it ending up being more than what it really was. I made sure that everytime it only added up to me and my husband. And that was accepted, no RFEs.
My answer is probably just as confusing...sorry.

Also, I see that it's been 333 days since you saw your husband. I feel for you. I hope you'll see your husband very soon.

lol, I think that section is just confusing! I don't know why they couldn't make it a little easier to understand.

Thanks for the advice.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-15 08:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Affadavit of Support
I am working on the affadavit of support right now and I am confused about one part. It is for sponsor's household size. I have only myself here now and I will be sponsoring my husband. It says on line 21a how many people I am sponsoring. I put in the first block "1" for my husband. I left the second block empty since I am not sponsoring anyone else. Then for 21b I put "1" for myself. Then it says put "1" if you are married, but this means I am counting my husband twice. I added it all up in the bottom for the blocks. There are two rows. The first row I have a "1" for total number sponsoring, but then I have a "2" in the second block for adding me and my husband. Is this right? I am so confused.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-14 21:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC requesting more information
I have this problem myself. My husband only has the one original birth certificate. He cannot go back to Iraq to get another one and the Iraqi embassy is no help. We are torn as to what to do since if they lose his birth certificate then he will not have one at all.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-21 23:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Email
QUOTE (happyinlove012408 @ Sep 30 2008, 01:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did you try to call NVC to ask them if they have received anything or if they are having issues with online system? I don't know what else to tell you. Good luck.

Thanks, I will try calling tommorow. Not sure what else to do either other than that.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-30 02:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Email
Okay, I am really at a loss. I have tried four different emails including one at work. I don't understand why the email does not get recieved. There is no kick back message saying it didn't go through, but I also don't get the autoreply from NVC.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-30 00:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Email
I tried other email addresses and nothing. I am going to try sending it from a different location. They may be ignoring my IP address. My father does a humor website from here and it might have marked my IP as spam, I don't know.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-29 20:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Email
QUOTE (happyinlove012408 @ Sep 29 2008, 03:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What kind of messages pops up when you try to send it? Just to clarify it is right? Once you send the email it should have a autoresponse. Try it again and if it continues to be a problem then call NVC and tell them what the has happened and did they give you a mailing(snail mail) option? Good luck.

Thanks, it is the same email address as you said and the same one I always used before. Only now I don't get the NVC response email back like before. It is weird that they don't accept my emails though I never get a kickback or anything. It appears that it sent, but nothing happens. I may try from my husband's email. Maybe they don't like mine, lol.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-29 03:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Email
I keep trying to send NVC emails to transfter my husband's case. He is no longer in the country that they list for his petition. I talked to an NVC operator that stated because he is considered stateless it is fine to transfer his case to another embassy without proving residency. Yet she told me I must send an email in order to transfer the case. I have sent several and gotten no reply. I have checked to make sure I was sending it to nvcinquiry as it should be and still nothing. Has anyone else had problems with the email at NVC? I waited two weeks since the first email and over a week on the others. I remember months ago not having this problem and getting replies within 5 business days.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-09-29 02:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Interview Date
dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif Congratulations and good luck!
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-07 23:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC finally changed the consulate!
I have been trying for many months through emails and phone calls to change my consulate from Damascus to Amman. They refused to change it saying that I had to provide evidence of my husband having residency in Jordan. This is all well and good but his expired months ago and Jordan refuses to renew it. He can't interview in Iraq for obvious reasons and Syria is now refusing to give visas to Iraqis. I explain all this and say under their own guidelines that my husband is considered "stateless" and so therefore can chose any consulate. Finally I got through to them as I called tonight and they gave me the new NVC case number. Now I just have to wait for them to review his AOS and DS-230 that I sent out Friday. Hopefully no problems though I wrote the old case number on all the papers since I didn't have a new case number when I sent it.

Anyway, I have seen other people (especially those with Iraqi spouses) who have asked about changing consulates. I wanted to put it out there that it can be done with some patience and perserverance (while at NVC).
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-15 22:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Interview Date!
Congratulations dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-10 17:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC letter
QUOTE (FSUmome @ Oct 20 2008, 12:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The only really fast cases I saw were DCF ......

This wasn't one of them. This guy is Iraqi and married to an American. He had his embassy interview last month and is now in AP. I'm sure your shocked to hear that part. AP for an Iraqi???? Say it isn't so, lol.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-20 00:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC letter
Okay, but he is saying his friend got the embassy appointment letter 12 to 13 days after submitting the ds230 and supporting documents. I didn't think they could move that fast. This means they completed the case, scheduled the appointment, and sent the letter in less than two weeks.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-19 22:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC letter
Okay, I keep trying to explain to my husband it takes time to get approved and scheduled for an embassy appointment. The problem is he has a friend who swear it took 7 to 10 days to get approved and he got the letter for the appointment 2 or 3 days after that. Is this even possible to get a letter in less than two weeks after sending the DS230 and documents?

Thankyou for any replies.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-19 11:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case (almost) complete
I called NVC back and apparently we had the wrong police clearance. He needs to get one from the General Intelligence Division, not the police station. I wish they would say that on their website, good grief, how are we supposed to know? Now its going to cost a lot of money to obtain it, translate it and send it. Not that they care.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-23 22:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case (almost) complete
I called NVC today to check on the status of my husband's case. They told me the Affadavit of Support was reviewed and good to go, but that with the DS-230 I am missing the police clearance for Jordan. I sent the police clearance so I said it can't be missing. I even point out that my husband has not been in Jordan for a year yet, not until December. They said its close enough and that he must have it. So the guy said he will have his supervisor review the packet to see if there is a police clearance and I can call back in 10 to 15 days. That is crazy, it took them 6 days to review the whole thing, why that long to look for a police clearance?

Any advice please?
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-20 20:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC's automated email not responding
QUOTE (saran @ Oct 24 2008, 04:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (saran @ Oct 21 2008, 05:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Oct 21 2008, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It took awhile, but I did get my yahoo email through to them. I tried other emails that weren't yahoo and they got delayed too.

I have tried gmail as well but its not working either.
I think s ans s is right.
sometimes the system gets messed up.i better b patient
but it has been over two weeks and still no reply.

i finally recieved the email from the NVC but i sent them more then 5 emails but they sent back only one.

I sent them many and only got one back too. I guess they figure out you sent multiple emails.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-24 23:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC's automated email not responding
It took awhile, but I did get my yahoo email through to them. I tried other emails that weren't yahoo and they got delayed too.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-21 00:22:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC's automated email not responding
QUOTE (saran @ Oct 19 2008, 01:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have been sending emails to NVC for the ls two weeks.but i m not recieving the automated response email.
emails are sent at yahoo notifies me that the email has been sent but there i no response.
a few weeks ago whenever i sent any would immediately send back an automated response email but not now.
what can i do
i tried mailing from different websites but couldnt succeed.
can anynone tell me whaat could b the problem??
i sent a lot emails because there was no response everytime for our case
and only one email for my aunt's case from a different website(they would reply but now).
thanks a lot in advance for your help

I had the exact same problem a few weeks ago. I sent emails to them from 3 different places and emails and got no response. I think it started the middle of last month and I kept sending to the beginning of this month. Finally almost two weeks ago I got a response to all those emails (in all three accounts, lol). Basically, you have to be patient and wait about 10 to 14 days to get any kind of response. I have no idea why. I think their system is messed up right now.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-19 13:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Interview Scheduled -YAY!
Congratulations!!! Your interview is so soon, not much time to prepare, wishing you the best of luck!
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-31 08:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who has priority for appointments?
QUOTE (payxibka @ Oct 31 2008, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Oct 31 2008, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (payxibka @ Oct 31 2008, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Oct 31 2008, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was thinking about this and wondering how they decide who gets scheduled first. Does it go by the Case complete date or the Priority date that we submitted the I-130? Just curious and trying to figure this one out.

Someone who has an already scheduled interview is not "bumped' by someone who case completed after with an earlier priority...

That is not what I mean. I am talking about while everyone is waiting to get an interview date and all the cases are complete. Like some consolutes you may wait months before getting an interview appointment. This is not bumping someone who already has an appointment.

in classifications where it is an immediately available visa number, the priority date is meaningless... my guess is first done.. first served

That is what I am afraid of. This whole process is set up for some people to get everything fast and for others to wait an extrodinary length of time. I shouldn't be suprised that I have many months to go before an embassy appointment will be available sad.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-31 10:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who has priority for appointments?
QUOTE (payxibka @ Oct 31 2008, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (S and S @ Oct 31 2008, 09:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was thinking about this and wondering how they decide who gets scheduled first. Does it go by the Case complete date or the Priority date that we submitted the I-130? Just curious and trying to figure this one out.

Someone who has an already scheduled interview is not "bumped' by someone who case completed after with an earlier priority...

That is not what I mean. I am talking about while everyone is waiting to get an interview date and all the cases are complete. Like some consolutes you may wait months before getting an interview appointment. This is not bumping someone who already has an appointment.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-31 09:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Who has priority for appointments?
I was thinking about this and wondering how they decide who gets scheduled first. Does it go by the Case complete date or the Priority date that we submitted the I-130? Just curious and trying to figure this one out.

Edited by S and S, 31 October 2008 - 09:54 AM.

S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-31 09:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)got a rfe on i864!
They will send you a sheet in the mail. It should arrive by the end of next week. There may be a way to create your own but I don't know how you do that.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-10-31 22:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC finished scheduling for December
QUOTE (dento_1000 @ Nov 13 2008, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i wish you good luck

S and SFemaleIraq2008-11-13 22:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC finished scheduling for December
NVC schedules the appointments for certain consulates. The middle east countries being among them. They will not forward the case to the embassy until after they schedule the appointment. Embassies on the list for NVC can't schedule the interviews so it is out of their hands. Trust me, you can look around, many people have to call NVC to get their interview date. Also, they usually only schedule for the next month. If you don't get in, you must wait another month and hope to get scheduled as is the case for me since the embassy I use is really backed up.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-11-12 18:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC finished scheduling for December
I just called NVC and they informed me that they have finished scheduling interviews for the month of December and to call back next month to see if I get a January appointment. I knew odds were against a December interview but I was still hoping sad.gif
S and SFemaleIraq2008-11-12 18:20:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case Completed.... NVC
Congratulations!!! I hope you get your appointment soon.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-11-12 18:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Case.............COMPLETE!?!
Congratulations!!! Good luck for the interview.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-11-21 00:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Next interview dates
It depends on the embassy you are using as to whether you even get an interview for the next month or have to wait much longer. I would guess you could hear something on the first or second week of December for your appointment.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-11-21 19:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Working Overtime
Glad NVC hires such educated and knowledgeable employees, though I do believe their employees are still well above what USCIS has.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-11-19 18:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Working Overtime
QUOTE (Cherel & Bob @ Nov 18 2008, 07:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (e-migra @ Nov 18 2008, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi! THANKS, you're doing what all of us wanted to do good.gif . Keep us posted, I need to know if they're working.

P.S- Can we help you with the gas bills?


My 12 year old son made the high honor roll at school so this morning there was an awards ceremony at his school. kicking.gif kicking.gif star_smile.gif star_smile.gif I left a bit early so I could swing by the NVC. I am happy to report that at 6:30 am the parking lot was almost full. So that makes me pretty darn happy. It looks like they are at work before I usually am out of bed and they are working until at least 10pm on Friday nights. Not sure how many hours a full time employee actually works there but I hope they are racking up some overtime and getting some extra money for the holidays. The more OT for them the faster we all get processed.


Yeah for NVC, overtime is a good thing, you are right. Thanks for the update.
S and SFemaleIraq2008-11-19 00:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Working Overtime
QUOTE (Cham @ Nov 16 2008, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (daboyz @ Nov 15 2008, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cherel & Bob @ Nov 15 2008, 11:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I drove by the NVC last night, Friday Nov 14th at about 10pm. The parking lot was packed and the lights were blazing inside. About 6 weeks ago they hired another 20 people and I think they are gearing up for a huge push in processing.

I will be driving past there today and will let you all know if they are there working today on a Saturday.


Stop by and bring them some pizza and beer. Maybe they'll work longer. smile.gif

good.gif kicking.gif great idea but do not buy hi alcohol content...or they will lose things!!! HAHAH

Good point!

QUOTE (cdneh @ Nov 16 2008, 12:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I hope they were workin' and not having a staff party yes.gif

I think USCIS has one every day (with high content alchohol) lol
S and SFemaleIraq2008-11-16 03:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Working Overtime
QUOTE (daboyz @ Nov 15 2008, 05:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Cherel & Bob @ Nov 15 2008, 11:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I drove by the NVC last night, Friday Nov 14th at about 10pm. The parking lot was packed and the lights were blazing inside. About 6 weeks ago they hired another 20 people and I think they are gearing up for a huge push in processing.

I will be driving past there today and will let you all know if they are there working today on a Saturday.


Stop by and bring them some pizza and beer. Maybe they'll work longer. smile.gif

S and SFemaleIraq2008-11-15 20:08:00