United KingdomWedding Registries - did anyone use them for gifts for the wedding?
I guess I'm a big arsehole but I don't give a ####### for etiquette :P what you need is what you need - it's better to be honest than to be broke with 100 tacky china plates, gravy boats, and crystal vases you wanna ebay away :P My family didn't gasp and point, they were gracious and very kind with their money gifts ;) I wouldn't worry, not everyone is too uptight in the states. When my mom was invited to friend or family weddings, she'd get them 4 huge packs of toilet paper and about $100 in cash. I think I've inherited her practical gene ;P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-11 12:06:00
United KingdomWedding Registries - did anyone use them for gifts for the wedding?
Well if you can't ask your family for money who can you :P I actually was a chicken ###### and had all my guests RSVP to my mom's mobile and had my mom tell everyone when they RSVP'ed when they asked "so what do David and Jolene really need?" my mom told them "well they need money more than anything, but they also have a registry at if you want me to email you the info." (my mom rules!) With a few exceptions of people who bought from our gift registry (which she also gave them the info to), that's what we got. It was a major help at the time!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-10 08:58:00
United KingdomWedding Registries - did anyone use them for gifts for the wedding?
love gift registries - not just for weddings, but baby showers and anniversaries ;) we just keep a running wish list with amazon and different sites, and when family ask "what do you really need/want" we just send them there - saves hassle!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-09 23:17:00
United KingdomWedding plans and invites hell.
My mother (American) told me it was proper etiquette to send invites to all family and close friends regardless of whether they could/would attend or not (apparently some people keep them in memory books? I dunno!), whereas my husband was appalled by the idea (felt like it would be rubbing salt into the wounds type deal) as his family could not attend. We solved this by only sending invites to the American side, and sending little announcement cards to the Scottish side with our wedding photo about a week afterward. "Introducing Mr and Mrs" - were wed day, time, location, etc.

Now, on our wedding invitations, we had a link to our online registry but we didn't ask for money or gifts. Like "The Bride and Groom are registered at Bonton" and their registry is accessible by keyword yadayada"

Here is an American wedding invitation etiquette Q&A: http://wedding.thekn...-etiquette.aspx - It does say to invite everyone to be fair to your fiance ;P

LeneyFemaleScotland2009-04-07 10:20:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?

If you're lucky enough to live near an Amish (or Mennonite) store, my hubby has enjoyed their fresh baked bread the most. I've tried several types of bagged "country" white brands, but he didn't enjoy them and they were 120 calories per slice (not that he cared but I was in shock :P ) He also liked the walmart brand called "English Toasting Bread" it was thicker and bigger, but he still wasn't fully impressed. He is amazingly picky though and he wants his "crusty" Scottish bread to dip in Scotch broth (though he's not been able to find any Scotch broth yet either hehe)

So when your husband posted this back on May 8th:

I will not miss any food from the UK with the exception of bread.

Was that entirely true? ;)

Nah it's not true :P As he says "I can do without it but I'd really like..." But I knew he'd miss more things hehe Hell I miss a lot from living in the UK so I figured at some point he would too hehe

Cherry coke zero is brilliant :P Just gotta watch the sodium hehe

Edited by Leney, 18 July 2007 - 08:01 AM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-18 08:00:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?
If you're lucky enough to live near an Amish (or Mennonite) store, my hubby has enjoyed their fresh baked bread the most. I've tried several types of bagged "country" white brands, but he didn't enjoy them and they were 120 calories per slice (not that he cared but I was in shock :P) He also liked the walmart brand called "English Toasting Bread" it was thicker and bigger, but he still wasn't fully impressed. He is amazingly picky though and he wants his "crusty" Scottish bread to dip in Scotch broth (though he's not been able to find any Scotch broth yet either hehe)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-17 15:07:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?
Heinz vegetarian beans were nearly right, but we gave up and went to Wegmans on monday and got the imported beans (and a jar of pickle), my hubby had beans and sausage (from the Amish store, which he found he prefers to the processed ####### from the grocery store) for breakfast yesterday and was well chuffed lol

So much for my hubby and his stoic "I'll never miss any food from Scotland but irn bru bleh bleh" bs :P

Edited by Leney, 11 July 2007 - 12:11 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-11 12:10:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?
I'm not a Brit by birth (by proxy maybe hehe), but after living in the uk, the short answer is - yes - everything seems to be way too sweet in the states and maybe I'm a freak, but potatos even seem sugary.

I have to laugh because in the UK, I could eat what I want (even go to the chippy once a week), and generally lose weight, but here I have to really really watch what I eat. It's insane :P

I find the "light" wheat breads are much less sweet (and fewer calories :D) When my hubby has been here, he prefers Italian bread, or gets a crusty loaf baked at the shop.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-21 21:56:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
QUOTE (Nicoxcx @ Mar 16 2009, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you guys n gals ever find British food stores in Maryland or surrounding states let me know, I have my poor parents sending me over tottie scone,Discos and other goodies, bought 12 bottles of Irn Bru for $26.00 online to !

I saw Jungle Jim's on the travel channel and it looks great, wonder how far Ohio is from Maryland biggrin.gif

We're headed to Lancaster, PA this weekend for a possible Irn Bru siting lol A store called Britian's Best. Lancaster isn't so far from the MD border. There are a few Trader Joe's stores in MD:

http://www.traderjoe...ents/EC_loc.pdf (it'll take a while to load it's a pdf file, but it has all the locations)

I hope this helps!

And a big hug to you ECM! I know it's been a looong while, but we haven't had a lot of time to log onto the forums. Our wee(est) guy just turned 1 year old this past week! He's running around like a mad man keeping me busy lol

Edited by Leney, 16 March 2009 - 10:00 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2009-03-16 21:58:00
United KingdomBritish food stores
We're in Central PA but planning a trip to Jungle Jim's in Ohio to get some British goodies - can anyone who has been there before tell me what all they carry, we can't find a complete listing on their web site - we know they have Irn Bru and Tennents Lager (which is the selling point for the hubby lol) but we'd like to know what else we can get there. If you've been feel free to message me privately or reply here I don't mind biggrin.gif Thanks so much!

Edited by Leney, 16 March 2009 - 03:54 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2009-03-16 15:54:00
United KingdomBrits in the USA
Doh never responded to this one:

David (Scotland - forum name Oath) & Jolene (forum name Leney) reside in Mifflin County Pennsylvania

Edited by Leney, 25 July 2007 - 08:42 AM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-25 08:39:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Apr 8 2009, 06:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, I seem to have stumbled into some den of dorkdom. Huh.

Pfft you only wish you could attain my level of dorkiness! ;P And in a round about way, immigration lead to me playing WoW! It was the only damn thing we could do when we were stuck apart for nearly a year dealing with a heart-wrenching, international custody battle, and *then* immigration with only mildly freaked out forum posts! Ooooh I hope I peed right in your Cheerios ;P *HUG*

Edited by Leney, 13 April 2009 - 10:30 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2009-04-13 22:29:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (*julez* @ Apr 6 2009, 09:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is no topic! This thread is a free for all, but only if you filed for any type of visa at the London embassy during the years 2005 - 2007. Gotta keep the clique mentality that's developed in the UK forum going, ya know. laughing.gif

Oh I know, I filled in 2006, so I'm one of the uber, cool kids ^^ *meow*
LeneyFemaleScotland2009-04-06 18:59:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
Welshcookie - completely off topic (is there a topic? lol) but on what realm do you play? i'm on thrall! if you have any horde toons there look me up, i'm a lazer turkey - Kemia, and a dk tank - Taobrotom (motorboat backwards...don't ask lol brbrbrbr)
LeneyFemaleScotland2009-04-05 10:19:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
QUOTE (*julez* @ Mar 17 2009, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So great to see both Leney and Candace! I miss all our old friends. smile.gif

Do pop in to see us more!!

Leney - How is the babe?? Getting big, I suspect!!

He just turned 1 last week smile.gif He's running around like a mad man, but has been walking for the last 5 months. He's saying "mumum" and "da" and "ta" and his new word is "car" hehe It's crazy how fast they grow!

Here's a picture from their Christening in October. My digital camera battery charger is dead, so when I get the pictures back from my mother I'll have to post more recent ones of the gang.

I hope you're all doing well! The last year and a half have been pretty nuts with so much going on here. Hubby finally passed his driving test, and killed our first van lol So we had to get another. Perhaps I shouldn't have pushed him into getting his license! He has a good job and took up hunting/fishing/archery and we try to get out into the mountains as much as possible which works nicely with our 4 little guys. He's decided he doesn't feel the need to ever go back to Scotland, which sorta makes me a bit sad, since we lived there and I did love it - it was just too expensive sad.gif I never thought I'd be the one to be more homesick than him hehe smile.gif He does miss the food though, so I'm constantly being asked to find places to get the goodies he's craving and trying to bribe Amish butchers into getting him the proper cut of bacon (which hasn't gone so well yet and ended with "bacon" that tasted like pork chops). It's sad how things like finding a Terry's Chocolate Orange in the back corner of a CVS can make his day!
LeneyFemaleScotland2009-03-17 10:23:00
United Kingdom2005 - 2007 UK Filers *Only*
Ah ha! I found the cool kids table. Gis a hug! I missed you chickens!
LeneyFemaleScotland2009-03-16 22:20:00
United KingdomParental Responsibility Info
We have had an over 2 year long court deal with my middle son's biological mother. She left him when he was 2 months old, and decided she wanted back in his life when I was the one he chose to call mummy. We've had to jump through hoops to accomodate her, and since we finally had our day and court and won the case, she hasn't visited him once in 6 months while we've been doing all the visa filing. We not only needed the parental responsibility papers, we had to go to court to get permission from her as she decided to contest it. As I said though, she chose to go for visitation when she found out my husband and I were together, and was not previously involved in our son's life at all.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-24 07:17:00
United KingdomWhat Won't You Miss About The UK?
It's sort of funny, growing up you always hate where you were born. I always hated being from rural Pennsylvania - the cows, the old farts, the nosey neighbors, the inbred hillbillies, the general lack of culture. I had quite a culture shock moving from rural PA to urban Scotland. I was terrified :P

I miss Scotland a lot despite my list below, it's the only place other than home I've ever really been homesick for.

What I definitly don't miss about where I lived in the UK:

Neds (aka chavs)
Violence/muggins/fights outside our house at 2am
Litter/Broken glass everywhere
People asking "Bumma **?" (grr I don't smoke!)
Heroin dealers/Junkies
####### dollar to pound exchange rate!
Techno music :P
Orange fake tan women (oompaloompas!)
Pound coins (at first I thought this was clever, then my jeans started to sag from carrying too much change :P)
Getting laughed at when I said pants instead of trousers :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-03 15:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo whom it may consern...

Springer! Springer! Oh wait sorry, I thought I was on a different web site forum for a moment :jest:

:lol: Actually the Springer Show anaolgy to this forum is quite a good one I unfortunately have to admit! That reminds me, I'd like to share a funny story about my ex-wife who also happens to be Russian, and it's very "Springer-esk"

Yeeesh I need to read these forums more often, I was bored until I found this thread!

Posted Image

I don't really have any Springer moments to share...though my mom likes to be funny and tell people my husband wears a skirt...(from Scotland..the whole kilt thing...)

Posted Image

(okay I hope that made someone smile) A friend I went to high school with minored in Russian, and met her husband while in Russia, and they seem to be wonderfully happy! I hope these "Springer-esque" stories are in the minority. I wish you all the happiness in the world, and good luck for the future!!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-20 22:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo whom it may consern...
Springer! Springer! Oh wait sorry, I thought I was on a different web site forum for a moment :jest:
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-20 21:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWife beater forum

Hey, considering that all the guys here are all a bunch of loser, misoginistic, and sexist wife beaters anyway, maybe we should just have a little truth in advertising and ask the moderators to rename it from "Russia" to "Wife Beater Central". What do you think?


Posted Image
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 18:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa approved
Well done :D Congratulations!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 18:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTry for tourist visa while K-3 (I130) is pending?
My husband and I married June 2005. He had to return to the UK as he was only on visa waiver (visitor passport). We couldn't file for our I-130 and K-3 directly as we were waiting for an international custody situation with my stepson. He returned on visa waiver that autumn and was told at the port of entry he was not to return without a proper spousal visa but they did allow him in for 3 months. They marked his passport. Again that was BEFORE we filed for any visa.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-20 13:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 for stepson


You will need an I-130 for your stepson eventually, but you do not need it at the same time that you submit an I-130 for your wife.

I suggest you read the I-130 instructions again with regard to filing an I-130 for a stepchild.


Do i need to file the I130 for my stepson at the same time as i do for my wife i didnt get the 325A signed by him when i was last there and I am about toe file soon


No - you do not.


Yes ... you do!

Do i need to file the I130 for my stepson at the same time as i do for my wife .....

Is it ok to wait until after the K-3 and K-4 visas are approved to file for the I130 for a step child?
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-03 15:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFees at the Interview
I was wondering for anyone who happens to know, what the fees are in total at the London Embassy at the time of the K-3 and K-4 interview? Are there additional fees aside from the ones stated in the appointment letter? I ask since the medical fees were higher than what had been stated in our letter. Our interview is set for the beginning of May.

The fees stated on the embassy web site are higher than what is stated in our letter as well, and totally different, so just looking for clarification.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-05 12:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWorry Wart
My husband's k-3 and step son's k-4 visa interview is early may. We have 3 sons (6, 4, 2), our 2 and 6 year old are with me and our 4 year old with hubby. Our youngest has severe asthma, and our oldest is in school, so there's no realistic way I can go to the embassy in London with him as much as really I want to. It's very worrying to me. In fact, I'm just sorta worried in general about everything at this point, because worrying is what women in my family seem to do best. I have sent him everything he's stated he needs, as well as extra information, pictures, etc. Do you think they will look poorly on us if I am not there with him? Should I write a letter? Is there anything I can do? Has anyone had a similar situation?

Also are there any additional fees aside from the ones which are listed in the interview letter?

Edited by Leney, 10 April 2007 - 08:53 AM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-10 08:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVista APROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So very pleased for you! I hope your journey is a safe one and be blessed!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-25 19:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3/K-4 Approved (London)
Just wanted to post here, as I wrote some quite frantic posts here previously :P My husband and son were approved on Friday. The complete post regarding his experience is posted by him in his own words here: http://www.visajourn...showtopic=67024

I can't wait to see him again! Thank you everyone for your assistance thus far!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-05 18:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSuggestions For Filing I-130 for stepson after K3/K4 is already approved
I was not aware I had to file an I-130 for my stepson originally, so we never filed it with my husband's (for some reason I assumed he would be included on that though later found out it was the 129-F he would be included). Hubby's K3 and our son's K4 visas were approved last week, and now I'm wondering when is the best time to file the I-130 for our son? Should I wait until he is here and send it in with the AoS stuff or should I get it done and sent asap?

Any suggestions, experiences, and ideas are very much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-09 12:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSpelling error on my k3 visa
And here was me ready to book tickets for Monday :P

I agree that I don't think this mistake will be a big deal, especially as it's an obvious spacing error (one that I cannot believe their typist overlooked before sending) but I know my hunny is concerned about it.

I know my UK spousal visa had my maiden name spelled wrong and I never noticed it (a Q instead of a G of all silly things), and neither did any immigration officers
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-12 13:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 interview london - my experience 16/5
Yay! Well done :) Congrats!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-16 08:49:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnyone else sick of waiting???
I try not to get too sappy on the forums but, I haven't seen my husband or step son in over seven months. It's heart breaking for me, but I can't imagine how it is for him, and that hurts even more. He hasn't seen our baby or his step son either. Thankfully for internet, web cams, telephones, and the lot we've been able to feel somewhat closer, but the wait and the uncertainty is torture. It does help you to realise all the little things you took for granted when you were together. My mom has been a rock for me, and she listens to me cry and fuss, and reminds me that the things in life worth having are never easy, and at the end of the proccess there is a new life for us together with our three wee boys - even if I did decide to marry a guy who wears a skirt (ok my mom thinks she's funny :P my hubby is from Scotland). Some day we'll all look back and have a laugh at ourselves. Do what keeps you sane for now, pray, blog, play solitaire, play WoW with your husband/wife (hey this has worked for us :P), utilise VJ, but never give up! Remember, at the bottom of the box, there was hope.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-13 08:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI'm so mad right now I'm seeing spots
It is so frustrating to be delayed by a clerical error. They had a spacing error on our sons visa under the one spot so basically it had Nam EILast. The embassy told us it was no big deal and they didn't need to fix it.

But don't feel bad it's not limited to USA gov't sloppiness, on my UK visa they had my maiden named spelled completely wrong, but I never noticed it until I was in the UK, and neither did the immigration person when I went through Gatwick :P

I'm happy it's a quick fix! Good luck with everything.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-26 08:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3 USC living abroad - two questions
I believe all K-3 visa applications are filed through the Vermont Service center if you are applying as a resident of the USA for your spouse. As far as residency - if your only there for 6 months are you there on VWP or a UK spousal visa? If you are on a spousal visa and can prove you legally live and reside in the UK I believe there is something called DCF that you may qualify to do. If you are only there visiting on your passport, I would use your permanent American address (if that's your parents then use that address) Though someone else may have a better answer for you! Good luck with everything :)

Also, this guide is great:;page=k3guide

Edited by Leney, 10 May 2007 - 12:44 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-10 12:42:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs Pregnancy A Problem?

I beleive many airlines do not want women onboard flights during the third trimester of pregnancy. So if the visa arrives during the third trimester it may be best to wait until your wife and child are healthy enough to travel.

As previously stated, many of the vaccinations may need to be administered after the pregnancy.

I would suggest searching and or asking in the regional or Embassy forums. I think this question has been asked a few times before.

You may fly up to 6 months pregnant, unless there are complications which your doctor does not allow you to fly at all.
I flew back home from the UK when I was 6 months pregnant without any problems at all.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-07-14 15:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFees at the Interview
I was curious, for anyone who has gone the K3 and K4 route, do you know how much it is currently in total at the time of the embassy interview in London? Are there other fees aside from the ones stated on Packet 4?
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-05 12:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWe got our VISA :D
That is so wonderful ! Congrats :)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-25 18:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help
Wow, I thought I was getting somewhere with this whole paying in advance thing - but now I've contacted the embassy via email and they've responded stating:

The application fee of $100.00 per person is paid to the Embassy cashier on the day of the interview.


Consular Information Unit


I'm a reasonably intelligent woman, but this is got me loopy as a loon! (I'm really hoping that this will be of some value to anyone who deals with this after me) ---
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-26 03:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help

Where and when you pay for the visa, depends on the consulate. Look up your consulate in the embassy info section of this site. The fee is $100 per visa. Ussualy an equivilant amount in local currency is accepted. Wether you pay at the interview or at a bank designated by the consulate, depends which consulate you will be going through.

Thank you for your advice :) I have looked at the information, and it says that you are to pay in advance (vs sameday) and that packet 4 should have included a payment slip - ours did not have a payment slip.

How should we go about contacting them?

fwa - I had posted elsewhere, but my post was moved here by the post god ;P

Edited by Leney, 25 April 2007 - 09:13 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-25 21:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help
Ok - I've spoken to some people from this site, and from another site regarding my husband (Oath) and the payment issue -

One person said the letter was to be interpretted as "You will pay prior to the interview at the embassy" yet another person stated we should have been assigned a bank by the US Embassy in London, paid before ever going to the interview and been given a pay slip to prove we'd paid.

Has anyone been through the K3 visa interview in london and paid - if so can you tell me how it is supposed to happen?
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-25 20:40:00