United KingdomSpringtime Crankies?

Laid? What's that? :wacko:

Yeah it's been that long for me too :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 19:18:00
United KingdomSpringtime Crankies?
That's so awesome, best of luck with the interview and I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 16:20:00
United KingdomSpringtime Crankies?
Me neither...but only 5 days now :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 16:15:00
United KingdomSpringtime Crankies?
I was just noticing the last week everyone's been a cranky #######! We went from light-hearted discussions of tv shows, movies, music, food, and footy to wide spred crankious obnoxious :P

I think we should all go get laid! or have some chocolate...or get laid with chocolate
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 14:36:00
United KingdomPosting UK to US and vice versa
When I send things Global Priority (it's flat rate) via the USPS it seems to get to the UK within 4-7 days, but they have rush service available for like $25 extra.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-23 08:31:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy
I wasn't aware you could expedite the visa delivery, but we didn't, and it only took 7 days to get back to us.

At any rate, since the courier service is contracted, by SMS, you may want to contact them regarding expedition fees:

SMS on 08709 501 760 <-- this is the number for them I found on the London Embassy site.

Here is also a FAQ which has information regarding the interview and courier service: http://london.usemba.../interview.html

Perhaps someone else can give you better information. This is all I've found.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-23 14:11:00
United KingdomGood luck to Mark&Steph tomorrow!
Awesome! Congrats! :D
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-24 13:14:00
United KingdomGood luck to Mark&Steph tomorrow!
Yes! Good luck :D
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-23 07:30:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

I've never felt that sort of acceptance in the UK...even if you naturalize, you're still a foreigner.

I think that depends what type of area you're in. In some mainly rural parts, yeah, you'd have to have been inbreeding for several hundered years before you were accepted as "local".

...perhaps this particular can of worms needs to be resealed quickly!

I made my home in a very small village in the NE UK and I gotta say my experience was the complete opposite from HA's. I found a warmth and acceptance unlike I've ever known. I seriously regard many as 'my family' because they are such wonderful and good hearted people & we really built a closenes. I can call my local now and they will literally pass the phone around the whole place to say hello....and the first question I always get is 'when you comin back damnit?'

My gfs there have already planned a hen do and we don't even kno at this point whether or not I'll be able to go back before we get married.

Honestly, if it weren't for my family, I would have moved there in a heartbeat.

I've been all over the UK due to my job. I've oragnised events in Notts and in Southend-on-Sea. I think the farther north you go, the more warm and accepting they generally seem. I lived in Clifton Grove, outside of Notts - I personally hated the place (flat and boring - I spent all my time at Elviston Castle because it was nearby, and there were "woody bits" - missed the mountains and hills from home!) and there did seem to be an unusually high number of angry short men who wanted to debate politics in the midlands :P I kept my mouth shut, smiled, and they were kind to me. It helped to have a sense of humour about fellow, more abrasive Americans.

When I moved to Paisley, even though I was in culture shock (I'd never lived right outside a major city where there was crime/violence - Welcome to Glasgow!), people were so sweet and friendly. I've honestly never had so many people hold doors open for me, help me with my pram, walk up and talk to my children and me, call me hen, or want to know all about where I was from, what's it like, how's the weather etc. I love Scotland, I love Scottish people (except neds...), the countryside, and the way of life, it was so much like Central Pennsylvania from looks to attitude, I never felt more at home anyplace that wasn't really home.

I know it's wrong to say, but also having a non-accent helps. Working in radio, I have a fairly professional speaking manner, devoid of any sort of accent or poor mannerisms (no ain't, no ya'll, no y'uns), and I think that helps people to not pre-judge you when the first meet you. I know it's wrong for them to do so, but it doesn't stop them.

Anyway, my penny's worth!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-23 11:44:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Well, we can at least pity the OP... must be a very lonely life up there on that pedastal all by himself.

I agree Jen.
Too bad he's more concerned with slagging off Americans then trying to see the "big picture" and blend in and hopefully make a decent life for himself and his wife.

blend in is just another way of saying shut up...jeez you are the torch bearers of liberty and free speech and all you can say is shut up and be quiet and blend in.. some exciting place I am coming to...
If that lot in Boston had done that you would not even have had a revolution - come on and show some spirit and have energetic reasoned debate - or did that all end in 1777 ?

You fancy yourself quite intellectual, sarcastic, witty, sadly, you're're a dime a dozen. (Sorry didn't mean to climb on your cloud) You seem unsettled with your own situation and have brought your passive aggressive tripe to the forums of a very emotionally charged place, for Americans and Brits who have come, or are coming together to share their lives in love in the USA. The irony is your slagging the very thing you (assumption here *uh oh*) love - a typical American.

Now, while I can sit back and have a laugh, some people don't separate the banter from the jabs. You know this, you feed off of this, yet you don't make yourself look any better, you just go after the weakest link in your perception, spew a bunch of off colour/off topic remarks, then direct everyone else to stay on course. I understand the concept of "boredom debate" on forums. I do it myself, I say things I wouldn't necessary argue for the hell of it, but don't be shocked or offended when you insight passion in others and definitely don't take your toys back and go running home, you're welcome as any other.

Though, I must say if you are so severely unhappy, frightened, and emasculated with your wifes bid to relocate you to the states, I'm sure there are many other locations, such as beach front property in Antarctica which would better suit your needs. You and the penguins can duke it out for supremacy there mate! ;) Maybe you can even wrangle them into servitude - an army of snide penguins - to do your evil bidding! Good luck with Florida though, really. Bring loads of sunscreen!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 11:59:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed
What I'm seeing is:

Hi, I'm from Leeds. I fell in love with a typical American, who hates Bush like the majority of other Americans, now she is whining she can't hack it here in the UK, and is forcing me to come to the states, where my money will be double what I have, things will be twice as cheap to purchase, I will have to chisel off the chip on my shoulder, and I now I'm cranky and I want to abuse all other Americans for my misfortune. Pity me, pay attention to me, I want a lolli

Posted Image

Welcome to Amer'ka!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 10:53:00
United KingdomInterview Date !!!!
Yay! Congrats on your interview date! It'll will come faster than you think!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-24 08:39:00
United KingdomIn Less than 24 hours...
Hubby and son are home safe! It's wonderful :P I'm sure he'll do a review on his PoE at some point. Once I've finished molesting him!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-27 19:04:00
United KingdomIn Less than 24 hours...
Oath and our son fly into Newark tomorrow morning. I'm giddy like a school girl! It didn't really hit me until I just got the Continental confirmation email a few minutes ago, and I thought, "Oh my God, my husband and son are going to be here tomorrow, and it won't be a 90 day visit, they get to stay!"

Taking a break from the last minute cleaning freak-out that I'm going through :P But I wanted to take the time to say thank you, for those who have helped us to get to this point. I know we're no where near done with this process, but just being able to be together through the rest of it seems somehow to make it less hellish.

The only worry left now is my mom's driving (she insisted she'd drive us to Newark from Carlisle so she could get out of babysitting duty :P) and Oath getting through PoE smoothly - that and finding some damn Tennants Lager (yeah it's pish in a can, but I think it's a Glasgow 'thang' hehe)

Anyhoo, thank you again, for everyone who has helped, offered advice, told me where to get hobnobs in State College, gave us a distraction and palce to talk shite, lessened my worries, and calmed my frazzled nerves. I'm terrible for worrying!

Anyway...Kegger at our place! :P hehe
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-26 09:20:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?
Hehe those of us in PA, Ohio, Maryland, WV should get together one day, and have a giant food swap meet lol Bring what you have found and trade! :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-26 08:57:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

To be fair Florida is full of Brits, so its a bit easier to find British stuff down there.

Not really. It's been quite difficult, actually. New York State and Pennsylvania are definitely much easier than Florida. At least in my experience. Others may have different experiences than my own, though.

Ok...I'll have to disagree for Pennsylvania :P at least if you're in Bumblefuct like we are!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-25 04:13:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

Iced Tea is nothing like British tea.

Nice link. I'm looking forward to trying the Hawai'ian iced tea with a twist of dried dolphin meat next week on my hols. ;)

hehe or maybe a Long Island Iced Tea and go club some baby seals? :P *wink wink nod nod*

I don't put sugar in anything, but I'm a splendaholic. Maybe I'm odd but I just add ice to a regular cup of tea to make iced tea, and throw some of my grandmother's home grown mint in it if I'm feeling frisky :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-24 15:04:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

I dont have a problem either in the UK or the US with bras. I was certainly not at the front of the queue when they handed out


No bother, my hubby says anything more than a handful is a waste :P But I feel your pain! lol

On the other hand, we won't have back problem when we get old ;)


Here's some information I found:
source: http://www.homespace...ding_Guide.html

Bedding Size Chart
Size Chart

UK bedding size chart

Below is a size chart for UK bedding. Please note, manufacturers and listing will quote approximate sizes, so the actual size can be + or - 5 cm of the sizes below.

Super King Size bedding - Size Chart

Duvets/Quilts - 260 cm x 220 cm
Duvet covers - 260 cm x 220 cm
Flat sheets - 305 cm x 280 cm
Fitted sheets - 200 cm x 185 cm

Click here to see our full range of bedding.

King Size bedding - Size Chart

Duvets/Quilts - 225 cm x 220 cm
Duvet covers - 225 cm x 220 cm
Flat sheets - 274 cm x 264 cm
Fitted sheets - 150 cm x 200 cm

Click here to see our full range of bedding.

Double bed bedding - Size Chart

Duvets/Quilts - 200 cm x 200 cm
Duvet covers - 200 cm x 200 cm
Flat sheets - 229 cm x 259 cm
Fitted sheets - 137 cm x 190 cm

Click here to see our full range of bedding.

Single bed bedding - Size Chart

Duvets/Quilts - 135 cm x 200 cm
Duvet covers - 135 cm x 200 cm
Flat sheets - 180 cm x 260 cm
Fitted sheets - 90 cm x 185 cm
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-23 20:50:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?
I've found duvets and duvet covers very cheaply (new) on ebay stores if you don't mind that option. I have a queen size duvet but I hate all the covers I had for it (they were really overly girlie, because I got them when I was a little younger...not that I'm old yet *cry* :P) and keep forgetting to buy any new covers for it lol

My darling, wonderful, super sweet husband just went shopping for me today, and grabbed the following goodies that I can't get here:

Knorrs Peppercorn Chicken Sauce
Wheat Crunchies
10 Mint Aeros and some Mint Aero Bubbles
2 250g bars of Cadbury's Caramel (for my mommy)

I did ask him to get me a pair of "Indian-esque" slippers, because the ones I got when I was over were sooo darn comfortable, I haven't found anything like them over here in the states, but I do live in Bumblefuct, Pennsylvania.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-23 11:55:00
United KingdomWe had the ceremony!
ooooh thank you so much for posting your pictures!!!! i am in love with your dress! you both look amazing! June weddings ftw ;)

Congrats a million times over and I hope every day, for the rest of your lives is blessed with happiness and silliness!

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-04 08:51:00
United KingdomHome Sick
I think it helps to live in an area that reminds you a lot of where you're from. I hated England (no offense - actually I loved Northern England, North Yorkshire and the Peak district ie Bakewell but hate hate hate hated Nottingham/Leicester), I was always homesick, it was so flat, boring, I couldn't relate to anyone or anything.

When I was in Scotland, it reminded me so much of Central Pennsylvania hills and cows and more "blue collar" attitudes, even fridges and vehicles seemed bigger :P I rarely felt homesick, I felt very comfy there. Now I actually get home sick for Scotland once in a while, but mostly I just get home sick for my hubby and son. I wouldn't mind moving to Scotland for him if he really can't stand it here in the end, but I feel we will definitely have more chances here and better opportunities, and no mortgage wuwu!

Edited by Leney, 17 May 2007 - 12:35 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-17 12:33:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?
Still Game but thanks you I get to see old episodes of that and Chewin' the Fat and Father Ted!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-09 11:57:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....

Where in Glasgow are ya from?

My hubby and sons are products of Paisely and we lived in this terrible, little place called Ferguslie Park :P I'm personally a Central Pennsylvania girl.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-23 20:36:00
United KingdomFavourite English word or phrase (or Irish or Scottish ....
wow, as i was thinking over all the fav terms from glasgow, i realised most of them cannot be posted in polite company :P

jobby - poo
gob shite - someone who's talking a lot of bullshit
scants - underwear
rumpy pumpy - sex
hen - term of endearment
coo - cow, derogatory term for a woman
ned - non educated delinquent, track suit wearing, gold plated jewelry burberry sporting techno and rap fan, prone to being seen with a bottle of bucky and a can of spray paint...and bicycles that seem way too small for them (aka chavs) and bricks :P
pish - generally piss but used in a variety of ways :P "aye is pishin it doon" "stop talkin pish" "i'm getting pished" "i need tae go for a pish"
hoachin' - infested
boaby, dobber | fanny, fud - i'm not telling :P look them up lol
ken - understand
pee-the-beds - dandy lions
belter - really good

dunno about others, but cheeky isn't such a cute term for us! it's something you don't want to be accused of being with daddy in our house lol
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-21 22:59:00
United KingdomRegarding Child Maintanence Abroad
First of all I apologise, if you want to get on to the actual on-topic part, skip to the second paragraph. For the rest of you lot, you know, I've held my tongue, I've even put people on ignore because they bring negativity and ignorance to nearly every thread. I'm not trying to win a popularity contest, so at the moment, I don't give a flaming poo what anyone thinks but wow seriously back to that whole bunch of cranky, obnoxious cussy funts thing I said previously. Grow up and get over yourselves. If you have nothing to say to help MrsDarby, here's and idea - don't post. Her husband is making an effort and trying to help in the upkeep of his child, that's more than I can say for many, many men world wide.

Situations change, support orders change to suit - the court/lawyers should review your husband's earnings, if it is less than he was making in the UK then they should adjust it accordingly, and not hold him to a ridiculously high standard that was set previously. When our oldest sons biological dipwad was paying support (hasn't in years now though), it was based solely on his income. He never appeared in court, and he was ordered to pay a fair amount based on his personal situation. They didn't take debt into account however.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-26 08:24:00
United KingdomElephant & Castle in PA
I was actually just reading about that place earlier, it's where Bonfatto's was apparently. Bellefonte is a pretty little town it'll be worth the trip.

Not too bothered by a trip to Harrisburg though either. I work in Harrisburg on Fridays at our head office, so I'm used to the drive, and my mom is in Carlisle so we're down in that area quite often. Definitely let us know how it is.

The other pub I linked in Pittsburgh has Tennants btw (as you recall our long and silly adventure to find it the horrible pish!) :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-17 18:35:00
United KingdomElephant & Castle in PA
My hubby is already missing his Irn Bru, Scotch Broth, and full Scottish breakfasts with potato scones hehe So I've proposed one day, we're just going to make a bunch of tatty scones and yorkshire puddings and freeze them for later use, luckily he's down with that. He's already discovered he loves the bread and sausage from the Amish shops though thank heavens lol <-- Dunno if anyone here is around Pittsburgh but found this place online and also wondered if anyone had been.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-17 14:14:00
United KingdomElephant & Castle in PA
The only think I've ever been desperate for was Scottish sausage and since the hubby's been here I've had my fill :X *hide*
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-16 12:16:00
United KingdomElephant & Castle in PA
OOh that's nice to hear. My mom has said she wants to take us there for our 2 year wedding anniversary next weekend. I was hoping it was a nice place :D
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-16 10:00:00
United KingdomElephant & Castle in PA
Elephant & Castle®
Harrisburg Holiday Inn & Conference Center
148 Sheraton Drive
New Cumberland, PA

^^ Anyone ever been? Is it any good?
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-15 16:58:00
United KingdomFor those who have recently had early morning interviews...
Here's my hubby's interview thread (http://www.visajourn...85), his interview wasn't that early, but he took a bus from Glasgow to London and was there *very* early. An armed guard chased him off a park bench near the embassy as he was there too early. If no one is queuing that early, I'd suggest walking about until you see they are.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-16 10:08:00
United KingdomGood luck tomorrow to bevray, midicat and REP&KMM!
Best wishes, prayers and hopes for your interviews!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-17 19:02:00
United KingdomWould you believe it?
Best wishes, prayers, and hopes for a successful day tomorrow! (err well I guess now it's really today over there :P)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-06-18 21:23:00