United KingdomFeatherB Flies To The States!
Congrats and welcome home!

Wasn't aware there were so many "vj" neighbors in Ohio!

Regarding bank accounts - Perhaps it varies from bank to bank, but my backwater amishland bank doesn't require a SSN at all, just some form of id (passport, birth cert, drivers license) and a pen to sign your name!

Edited by Leney, 03 May 2007 - 11:56 AM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-03 11:55:00
United KingdomAPPROVED!!
Congratulations! I hope you enjoy a long and happy life together :)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-02 09:21:00
So wonderful! Congratulations :)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-04 15:41:00
United KingdomPacket 4!

So Chas and I just mailed back packet 3 on Monday (4/16). Today, we got packet 4 in the mail with an interview date of June 8th at 9 am!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

The letter was dated on Thursday. I cannot believe the fast turnaround on this - have no idea why or how we got that so quickly. But I'm not complaining!!! :D :dancing: AND today is Chas' birthday. :) (L)

Finally we can start making more firm plans instead of talking about everything in more general terms.

WHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Finally I can help someone :P Regarding the payslip = We had this same issue, in fact my husband didn't notice because part of the letter said about the pay slip and another said you pay at the time of the interview. We contacted the embassy last thursday and were told to pay the embassy cashier at the time of the interview.

I was told by others in "olden" days you had to get a payslip from the embassy by sending a SASE to them asking for a payslip which you then took to Barclay's and paid, the brought the payslip to the interview - but now they just have you pay at the embassy.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-30 16:44:00
United KingdomApproval London Embassy US
Just a note, his timeline is my timeline ;) and WOOHOO I GET MY HUBBY AND SON SOOOOOON! (sorry) :P I've been a freaking wreck, thanks to everyone for the information and answers thus far. I'm sure we'll be sticking with this site until we have the green card in hand ;)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-05 16:45:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
Oath/Leney....K3/K4...03-20........03-30.......04-03.........05-04 10.30 A.M....APPROVED
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-06 11:39:00
United KingdomScotland may go its own way

Actually, I say the UK, I never specify England. I only tell them London when they ask exactly where do I come from. Perhaps I am the only one who does that! :lol:

I do the same thing in a different way hehe When I am abroad and people ask me where I am from, I always say Pennsylvania. Generally I get "where is that in Canada?" or "Pennsylvania, England?" Because after working in radio (and needing to sound generic/devoid of accent) and voice acting I don't have much of any specific accent. I just say "it's on the east coast of the states" I think at the heart of it, we're almost all proud of where we come from, even if it's the city vs the state, the state vs. the country, the country vs the kingdom etc ;)

Edited by Leney, 07 May 2007 - 08:30 AM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-07 08:29:00
United KingdomScotland may go its own way
I was a student of history and political science before I decided to have a family, and this entire thing fascinates me to no end. Especially having a keen interest in the American Civil War - brought on, at the true root, by unionist and anti-unionists. As I said previously, I wouldn't want to discuss or debate this with friendly folks - it is something that is felt deeply by the people who believe in it, and it's not really even my place to judge.

One thing I see, that astounds me is the "union" of England and Scotland is 300 years old, while the "union" of the states is 69 years younger. You would be hard pressed to find many with such strong anti-union sentiments in the states (at this point in history!), and if you did, they would be brushed off as cooks and extremists. Yet you see such passion in anti-unionists in Scotland as though they were wronged in their life time. Having lived in both Enland and Scotland, the difference is night and day to me. I liken the pride of Scottish nationality to the pride Americans (please don't take that in a negative) for their country, it's heart warming to see, and it makes me feel honored to have married into such a culture and heritage.

Perhaps Braveheart is to blame for the finger pointing and Westminster hating - darn that Mel Gibson :P There are painful incidents throughout history for both sides of the coin, and it is easy to lay blame, but after watching Bob the Builder in gaelic many a sunday morning (at our children's insistance) and wondering why god why, I think, in reality the union has worked out for all involved to varying degrees and to think otherwise is perhaps naive. Do I wish my state ruled all I did, and I didn't have to adhere to national American laws? Of course! It would be ideal to not have to pay national and state taxes, to not have to deal with a national government for my passport or to worry about national social security, but in reality, in the world scope, it would be impractical and a bit silly. They say there is always a price for freedom, but at what point do you start getting rediculous and grasping at straws.

I think it's a co-dependant relationship. The UK would hurt without Scotland, just as much as Scotland would hurt without the UK. I think Scotland spoke for herself in pre-election poling and on the nationhood debate tour, stating yeah okay - we want change, we want to see a Scotland with less Labour, but we want the Union. (source

I also look at it like this, because sometimes we look to the familiar to explain things that are a bit beyond our scope of personal experience - Can you imagine Pennsylvania, as a country independant from the rest of the USA?

Here is a comparision - merely facts:

Scotland - 30,414 sq mi in area, estimated population of 5,116,900 in 2005, largest city is Glasgow (629,501 population)

Pennsylvania - 46,055 sq mi in area, population of 12,281,054 at the 2000 census, largest city is Philadelphia (1,463,281 population)

As written on the PA wiki: Pennsylvania's 2005 total gross state product (GSP) of $430.31 billion (£215.91 billion) ranks the state 6th in the nation. If Pennsylvania were an independent country, its economy would rank as the 17th largest in the world, ahead of Belgium, but behind the Netherlands. On a per-capita basis, though, Pennsylvania's per-capita GSP of $34,619 (£17,370.26) ranks 26th among the 50 states.

As for Scotland, as written on the Scotland wiki: In 2005, total Scottish exports (excluding intra-UK trade) were provisionally estimated to be £17.5 billion ($34.88 billion), of which 70% (£12.2 billion) were attributable to manufacturing. Scotland's primary exports include whisky, electronics and financial services. The United States, The Netherlands, Germany, France and Spain constitute the country's major export markets. In 2002, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Scotland was just over £78.5 billion ($156.45 billion), giving a per capita GDP of £15,523.00 ($30,937.41).


Ok - having said all that - here's another thought. The world has been looking at Scotland recently, not only for the elections, the question of an independant Scotland, for the Isle of Skye renaming itself - what does all this do in the grand scheme of things?

Do SNP leaders honestly want an independant Scotland when they go to bed at night? Who knows, but it is definitly a genius little plan to watch the drama unfold as the World looks to Scotland with new interest and attention - generating tourism, business aspirations (Trump is already over there trying to build a golf course now hehe), etc.

I don't have answers really just observations and facts :P So take from it what you will or ignore it totally! ;)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-06 14:37:00
United KingdomScotland may go its own way



---- if you really want the information, look it up yourself ;) it's just a google away! hehe
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-05 18:49:00
United KingdomScotland may go its own way
There are somethings I just wouldn't want to discuss/debate with friendly folks; abortion, religion, and Scottish Nationalism :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-03 06:58:00
United KingdomArrived in the states
Congrats and welcome home!

We had an issue with Newark and VWP previously as well. I'm glad to hear your experience was pleasant and you are here and getting ready for the rest of your life! :)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-07 08:51:00
United KingdomYummy Yummy
hehehe I know just how you feel. I felt so naughty when I walked out of Wegmans with only a handful of things and a nasty bill! Good job I have to go over a mountain to get there or it may become a habbit!

I dunno if anyone has tried it, but we have a few tiny amish shops around my area where you can get fresh bread very cheap daily - I've never tried it, but it may be an alternative to making your own. I only buy weight watchers and liter 35 bread for myself :P So I'm not too bothered with how bread tastes (obviously lol)

Edited by Leney, 09 May 2007 - 01:35 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-09 13:32:00
United KingdomYummy Yummy

I will not miss any food from the UK with the exception of bread.

We'll see how you feel about that after you've lived in the USA for a while. Its funny how you miss the little things!

lol well....strangely enough, I've been the one sending him american chocolate everytime we're not together. He loves fastbreaks! The only thing aside from crusty bread I can foresee him missing down the road would be Irn Bru and Tennants and maybe Scotch Broth (with his crusty bread hehe) :P

(I thought Nestle made kit kats as well, I'm right there with your confusion ;P)

Edited by Leney, 08 May 2007 - 08:17 AM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-08 08:16:00
United KingdomYummy Yummy
hehe I've already bugged my hubby with a shopping list for mint aero, knorr peppercorn chicken sauce, and premula when he comes over :P I was so excited when I saw the "British" isle at Wegman's...then I saw no mint aero, and I wanted to sit down and have a cry! :P

Oooh I want wheat crunchies too dagnabit!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-07 22:39:00
United Kingdomwaiting for passport .....
Yay :D I'm so happy you got it! Have a safe trip!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-10 14:05:00
United Kingdomwaiting for passport .....
I just can't wait to have the flights booked and a definite date to shoot for the arrival :D They really are masters of the "Hurry up and wait" game hehe
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-10 12:48:00
United Kingdomwaiting for passport .....
Hopefully they will both come tomorrow! My fingers are crossed!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-09 17:07:00
United KingdomShipping companies - any recommendations?
With the conversion rate for pound gb v. us dollar, I'd sell everything off and buy new things for half the price with twice as much money :P Probably be cheaper in the long run ;D
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-13 10:55:00
United KingdomToo Early for I134?
I think ours was dated February and the interview was May.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-10 08:46:00
United KingdomDid anyone watch Eurovision?
I'm reminded of a Father Ted episode all the sudden :P *sings* My lovely horse...
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-13 10:44:00
United KingdomInterview approval last Friday ^_^
Yay! That's great :D Congrats!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-13 16:37:00
United KingdomOver the Moon
Finally after all the silliness, we've booked our flights! Hubby and Son fly from Glasgow to Newark May 27th! I am sooooooooooo excited :D Just in time for our 2 year wedding anniversary in June!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-14 08:34:00
United KingdomUpdates From Zilla
Oh no :( That is awful about his teeth and infection. I hope all is well soon! But you're right, at least it'll be a funny story some day, long after the swelling is gone! Keep us posted!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-15 13:39:00
United KingdomIs London now on a Go Slow?

Stop worrying.

Some people are worriers, you should know that by now :P You married one!

Anyhoo, if you just sent packet 3 on April 26th, I wouldn't be tooo terribly freaked out yet though. There were some bank holidays weren't there? I'm sure volume for all this does go up in the spring/summer (especially after hearing the about those kooky Camp America kids trying to get visas and causing a lot of delays at interview time! :P)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-15 14:06:00
United KingdomBaby ladybug season in the UK?
That's a gorgeous photo. Here in PA, my brother's back garden is swarming with them, so much so they got a "Ladybug X-ing" sign.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 10:55:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
Posted Image
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 14:08:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

At least humans have the ability to consent.

Except when you get a rash all over your body after using a shower gel which was
"not tested on animals", it's probably too late to consent or dissent.

Boots manage to make entire ranges of products not tested on animals and I've not heard of huge outbreaks of rashes amongst the British public.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 11:38:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
I am not saying it isn't personal choice, I'm not saying it isn't where each individual draws the line, I'm saying It's amazingly hypocritical on many levels. I suppose though, it's whatever helps one sleep better at night in the end.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 13:47:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
Like I said it's a matter of pick and chose your exploitation. If people gave as much thought to everything as they do one thing the hear in the news, they'd be chewing their cud in the fields with the coos. No toothpaste, no soap, no makeup, no hand bags or shoes, etc etc.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 13:08:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
No, you don't kill a cow for milk, however they are kept in sometimes deplorable conditions, alive until they are no longer useful, they they are slaughtered and eaten. Six of one, half a dozen of the other ;)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 13:02:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
Rennet comes from a cows stomach, milk comes from a cows teat...I dunno einy mieny miney mo! :P I wonder how milk chocolate is made :whistle: Pick and chose your method of animal exploitation. :P I wonder how many veggies have leather car seats.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 12:51:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
Right so I'm going to start a company making chocolate covered beef jerky and bacon to appease you anti-vegites :P Get your orders in now!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-20 10:22:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!
Yeah my hubby always orders his steak moo'ing, I can never cook it properly for him - I don't eat much red meat, not because I give a ####### about the animals (sorry). Turkey is cheaper :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-17 12:39:00
United KingdomVegetarians, beware of chocolate!

eating meat involves a certain amount of "I don't want to know" suspension of curiosity, but seriously, most people are going to be a little grossed out by that.

Not really.

I've killed, skinned, gutted, prepared, cooked and eaten my own meat before, no biggy.

Ewww....I'm with Alex+R, I don't wanna know. I don't like to think about it. :blink:

Never been fishing or hunting then? :o My brother was a long haired, beardy veggie for about a year and a half...comical if you know him now, head of Human Resources and Sales at a major wild life caller company, hunter, fisherman, beer drinking angus steak-burger guy. Vegetables are used to lure what he eats now :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-14 16:15:00
United KingdomSomething Funny
I <3 Top Gear (thanks to the hubby) Here's a bit of it - Why not to visit the deep south!

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 15:03:00
United KingdomWhy schedule a Medical when the Consulate does it for you?
My hubby had to schedule his own, in fact, I don't know anyone who has had the embassy schedule it for them. Also you need to be careful, because there are lots of "oddly" worded phrases within the embassy literature that may mislead you, and in some cases, completely antiquated information that has been changed, yet they don't seem to feel the need to alter their mailings or web site to jive with the "new way" - such as payment of visa processing fees (which you now do at the embassy though, the literature tells you you need a bank slip etc).
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-23 12:10:00
United KingdomSpringtime Crankies?
doh :( I hope your kids are better now. mine had a battle with stomach flu last week, evil kid germs!

You've reminded me of my last appointment with my ob/gyn, he said, "So dear, what are you and your husband using for contraception?" and I said "the Atlantic Ocean" he laughed so hard, even called a nurse in to tell her what I'd said - apparently in 35 years, he'd never had that response.

At any rate, welcome to anti-cranky, yet sexually deprived (or depraved take your pick!) thread :P Someone throw me a Mint Aero pretty please, it's been too long!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-23 08:50:00
United KingdomSpringtime Crankies?
Something with nuts? :D
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 20:43:00
United KingdomSpringtime Crankies?
9 months :crying:
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 19:39:00
United KingdomSpringtime Crankies?

Laid? What's that? :wacko:

Yeah it's been that long for me too :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 19:18:00