US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help
Ok - I've spoken to some people from this site, and from another site regarding my husband (Oath) and the payment issue -

One person said the letter was to be interpretted as "You will pay prior to the interview at the embassy" yet another person stated we should have been assigned a bank by the US Embassy in London, paid before ever going to the interview and been given a pay slip to prove we'd paid.

Has anyone been through the K3 visa interview in london and paid - if so can you tell me how it is supposed to happen?
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-25 20:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help
Hi folks, sorry to be a bother, but my husband was just re-reading his interview information, and at one spot it says he should have had a pay slip enclosed, and that the payment is due in advance, and on another section it says the payment is due at the time of the interview.

I have been trying to google it to figure out which is it, and if they are two different payments or what? It is K3 and K4 for our son.

Can anyone help? His interview is 4 May in London, and we're now confused as to what he needs to do as far as the payment goes. The confusion is due to the differences in the letter, as well as the fact no pay slip was enclosed.

Edited by Leney, 25 April 2007 - 04:14 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-25 16:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK3 - How essential is it that the spouse attend the interview.
I have agonoised over this. I have our 6 year old and 2 year old in the states, and our youngest has severe asthma and as such, it is difficult for him to travel. I want so badly to be there with my husband for his interview, but the reality of it, is I have no one who is able to keep our children so that I could do this. I have spoken to a friend who worked for the London Embassy as a paper pusher, and he stated that due to so many "internet relationships" it has become quite commonplace for people to not have their spouses along for the interviews. He felt it didn't make a significant difference. But he was not an interviewer etc, only a paper pusher. It made me feel a little better to hear that, but I wish more than anything I could be there for him.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-25 18:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134
My bank did it for me in a week - I rang them, told them what I needed, they said "it will cost a research fee of $15 for each account" as I was getting my co-sponsors bank details as well, then when I went to get the papers they asked why I needed it, I said it was for my husband and sons visas and they waived the fees :)

It may be over kill but we gathered all the information so we had the 4 out of 4 just to be cautious. But I'm a worrier!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-26 10:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRequirements on K3 co-spnosors
No, unless the child lives with you and you are fundamentally financially responsible for him, you would not put him as a dependent.

If your annual income alone does not meet poverty standards, as you are a student, I would grab a co-sponsor to be safe.

I asked my mom to co-sponsor. It's better to err on the side of caution in all visa matters.

On your affidavit of support they ask for all sources of income, bank accounts, savings, bonds, stocks etc - but seriously, to be safe, I'd get a co-sponsor.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-20 23:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhich Way to Go When you Qualify for Both?
Thanks so much to all of you :) You have been a great help!
LeneyFemaleScotland2012-05-05 17:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhich Way to Go When you Qualify for Both?
Gosh it's been so long since I posted here. My hubby will have been in the US for 5 years at the end of May (landed May 27, 2007) status adjusted 9/29/07 (10 year green card). We've been married since June 2005.

We are looking over the naturalization forms and trying to figure out which is the best way to go. Does it matter?

And for our son (10 years old and non US citizen but 10 year green card too) do we have to file papers for him as well, or will he be able to become a citizen when my husband becomes a citizen?

Thanks for your time (and sorry if these questions are answered elsewhere and I just missed them).
LeneyFemaleScotland2012-05-05 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe're so young
When my husband and I decided to marry, he was 21 and I was 25 - we're now 24 and 28 - he's more mature than I am though tongue.gif If it's really what you want to do, and you are serious about the love and commitment, age doesn't really matter for much.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-09-03 08:01:00
United KingdomUK regional forum

And now for a light comic interlude, courtsey of Mr Leo Baxendale:

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 15:25:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
Seriously, you're getting out of hand now girls. You're embarrassing the lot of us with this silliness. Kiss and make up. We're all stressed, we're all emotional, maybe even a wee bit pre-menstrual :P but we're here for each other, not to attack each other. There were many nasty things I felt like saying yesterday, for the sheer fun of being nasty, but I held my tongue, I tried to behave myself. Now I've tried to difuse your cat fight with humour, I even posted mostly naked British firemen and you ignored it - I'm worried there's no hope for you :P Prove me wrong and give each other a great big cuddle!

Yes! Some of us did have a bit of a laugh at the expense of a post on the Russian forums, myself included, it looked like a Springer show. Now, this thread is starting to deteriorate into the same melodrama. It's time to stop, have a look at yourself, and laugh at your own pettiness before this goes too far :)

GIVE PEACE A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I love you?

Won't you be my neighbour?
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 15:00:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
I did give you fair warning ladies!!!!

Posted Image
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 14:38:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
We're all bitches

B - Beautiful
I - Intelligent
T - Tender
C - Charming
H - Human


Enough's enough ladies! I will get the hose out!

Oi now, I saw you edit! :blush:

Edited by Leney, 22 May 2007 - 02:34 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 14:32:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
Yes, Russian wives are amazingly different...

Posted Image

I blame Chernobyl
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 14:11:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
Hey failing that, I think I threw my bid for conflict resolution into the ring. *sings* There's always room for J-E-L-L-O!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 11:54:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
Part of my position at work used to be moderating our customer forums. I am so glad I've gone up in the world since those days. Moderating public forums is sticky, and you get screams of "NAZI!" if they don't like what you've done. Unfortunately our customers are much younger than the folks who post here, so they actually require moderation and slaps on the bums. I'd like to think we are all old enough and mature enough to bite our own tongues from time to time :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-22 11:32:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
I was thinking whipped cream bikinis as our wrestling uniforms :dance:
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 18:24:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
My neighbour just put one in his back garden! It's not a kids pool but it's not full sized either. We could charge admission and make a killing! ;) Any preference on flavour? hehe Screw Springer we'll start the WJWC (not to be confused with WWJD) Women's Jello Wrestling Championships!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 18:16:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
It's ok....can we do jello wrestling now? Pleeeeeeeeeease?
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 18:11:00
United KingdomUK regional forum

I demand a sub-forum in the UK forum for Scotland.... and no interlopers allowed :lol: :lol: :bonk:


Right on! lol FREEDOM! haha *hides*
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 17:49:00
United KingdomUK regional forum
I don't care at all :P free forum, lovely people, we share so many things in common with everyone going through this visa #######. I just hope we can all help and learn from each other. And I hope our forum never turns out to be like the Russian one!

Posted Image
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-21 17:26:00
United KingdomVaccination Records and London Medical Questions

Just go into your doctors and ask for copies of your records. They will either photocopy them, or give you a printout with your details on.

Good luck!

Thank you :) This is what I've told him but, you know how it is, one freaks out, we both have to freak out and start questioning ourselves and what we've prepared and what we need, what we don't have, pure madness :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-20 12:28:00
United KingdomVaccination Records and London Medical Questions
Hello, my husband and step son have their medicals next friday. He is unsure how to obtain the vaccination records. He's in Scotland. I've told him to contact his GP, is there anything else he can do? Also in general, is there any advice or a list of things he should have ready for the medical? In general how long after the medical is the interview scheduled at the Embassy? Is there a list of immunisations he must have to be eligable to enter?

Other information if helpful - We were married June 25, 2005 in PA - I'm in Pennsylvania, husband and step son are in Scotland - We are using the K-3 visa method - Vermont Office and he was approved January 10th 2007, recived all the information he requested from me March 19th 2007, sent out his checklist today to the London Embassy and his medical is scheduled for March 30th 2007.

Thank you for your time. This whole proccess can be so frustrating at times hehe :)


LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-20 11:21:00
United KingdomCadbury's Dairy Milk
I'm a mint aero feind. My husband used to buy me one a day from the van when I was pregnant lol

I get friends to send them now and again, as well as my Yorkshire Tea, PGTips and Tetleys because america tea is sooo weak compared to the stuff you get in the UK

What I really miss is Wheat Crunchies and Premula :P And stealing milky bar buttons and quavers off my kiddos hehe

You meanies are making me hungry *cry*

I know it sounds weird but once in a while we'll find more international food stuffs at Aldis and Ollies (the discount store place).
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-22 14:13:00
United KingdomFinally received interview date :)
Wuwu! Best of luck there :D
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-23 14:39:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???
Our wedding song was Highland Cathedral on the piano because we couldn't find a piper in Central Pennsylvania :P

But at our reception we looped Metallica and Alkaline Trio CD's (metallica before they sucked :P)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-21 17:52:00
United KingdomWhat kind of music do all you people like???
I come from a very musically inclined family, worked in radio myself, and had my own modern rock show (punk, metal, alternative)

The husband and I are most definitly rockers at heart, he is more of a metal head though, and I am more of a punk. I got to see Dead Kennedy's on their last tour as a VIP guest *brag* :P I've been a fan of Alkaline Trio since I was 19, got to see them in the states and in the UK and since I met my husband he's turned me onto Machine Head and Slayer. :) \m/{o_o}\m/
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-20 19:08:00
United KingdomSo its my birthday today
Happy Birthday :)
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-26 11:49:00
United KingdomJabs near Glasgow
My hubby has his medical this past Friday, and they said he needed MMR and DTP, and our son needs Hep B - THey told him he could get them at his GP's. He has rang his GP and the girl seemed clueless. Anyone have any advice as to how to go about this in Scotland? Specifically the Glasgow/Paisley area. I've tried googling but can only find...animal vaccination clinics :P Sometimes he is a bear, but I don't think it'll fly!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-02 09:35:00
United KingdomRegional Accents
I think it's bound to happen. Everyone says I sound completely different when I come back from Scotland, though I don't hear it. It's nothing I do conciously, and I feel like an ####### when it's pointed out to me. But the same thing happens to my hubby when he spends time in the states, he goes back, grabs a taxi at the airport, and they ask him from where in Canada he hails. Our poor boys (6,4,2) are just a big mess though when it comes to accents and terms. Our oldest came home from kingergarten to tell me we were wrong in calling it a bin, as it's a garbage can - and it's not a trolley it's a shopping cart, his teacher said so! heh :/ And I recall a nurse at hospital asking why our middle boy was saying "no yet" instead of "not yet" as if he had a speach problem. Our littlest is the funniest though. He wouldn't say yes for the longest time, it was "aye" and the confusion set it when we were trying to teach him what and where his eye was. For the longest time when you'd ask him a question and he'd answer in the affirmative he'd simultaneously poke himself in the eye :P
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-03-23 22:15:00
United KingdomCeltic Coming to American
I happened to watch the Colorado Rapids V. DC United on ABC the other day *shock horror* I know (there wasn't anything else on network tv I swear :P)...

But anyway, I heard that the "MLS All Star Team" will be hosting Celtic in Colorado in July. For those of you who care it will be broadcast on ESPN 2.

Here's a link to the press release:

It was announced in Jan, but it's not like MLS gets much coverage - so in case you missed the news, there ya go!

(err yeah that was supposed to be America not American :P this is what happens when you get a few days off your brain atrophies)

Edited by Leney, 09 April 2007 - 12:11 PM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-09 12:07:00
United KingdomWOW! Visa arrived 24 hours after interview!
That's so wonderful :) Congrats! I hope we have a story like that to tell come may.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-13 19:24:00
United KingdomI am looking

Just don't be tempted by the Samuel Smith's. Its ####### and nobody in England has heard of it unless you come from a particular small area of Yorkshire.

The problem is that Bitter just doesn't travel well, so usually it doesn't taste any good outside of the UK. The stuff they put in bottles just isn't the same IMHO, which is why I stick to American beers personally.

However ,y local beer distributer has Theakstons Old Peculiar, which I can highly recommend as a rare example of a bottled English beer which tastes good in the USA.

Guinness and Newkies seem to be everywhere in PA. I can't seem to find Tennants. Even the (and I use the term broadly) "British Pub" in Carlisle that has Tennants on the menu, never has it in stock.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-15 08:47:00
United KingdomPacket 4

EVERYONE call the State department!!! I called them today and was told that I have my interview on May 4th!!! Apparently Packet 4 was sent on April 12th, but I havent received it yet!!!

Good luck! My hubby's interview is May 4th as well. Hopefully it will be a lucky day for all of us!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-17 13:20:00
United KingdomWe've Got The Approval!!
Beautiful news :D Congrats!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-19 15:56:00
United KingdomApproved
Wow! Happiness all around today :D Well done and congrats!
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-19 15:57:00
United KingdomNosey question

We're a CR1 couple...yup, it certainly does seem there are a lot fewer of us folk from the UK currently filed for that one than a K-1.

I had absolutely no idea what to do when we started, and sought advice from my Senator. His aids advised us to go the K-3 route, which is what I have done, though it seems a lot of people don't like this method now that I read this site :(
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-23 20:47:00
United KingdomTracy Visits Chas!

17 days till Chris is here!!!! :dance: :dance:

I'm glad you have a short time to wait, but that doesn't make my time feel any shorter.

Maybe its the jet lag, but I am just sick of the separation. 3 1/2 years and counting is long enough.

It isn't the Jet lag kicking in..I broke down too just before he went to the interview. The 3 years that I have had the emotional ups and downs of him being here (or me there) and then him leaving just paid its toll on my brain. But I'd do it over and over again just to have him here. VERY glad I won't have to.
You're almost there!! Just a bit more. You will make it!!

Somewhat comforting to hear this is not something we're going through alone, and also sad to know others are feeling this horrible pain too. As far as the seperation, trust me I understand, and we have 3 kids this is effecting too. My hubby's interview is Friday, and I am having my own meltdown. Everyone going through this as well are in my thoughts and prayers.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-30 16:38:00
United KingdomApproved!
That's so wonderful! So happy for you both! Also thanks for the heads up about the early/child name change information.
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-30 16:09:00
United KingdomTesco coming to the US

The one thing that US supermarkets lack is things that I can just take home and eat, because I don't always feel like cooking after a long grocery shop. I really miss that about UK supermarkets, even if its just the deli section with yummy onion bhajis, scotch eggs, spring rolls and the like.

Sounds like Tescos are going to fill that gap. I doubt they'll be opening near me any time soon though. :(

hehe probably not - but! on the other hand, being very close to a major university, with an international community helps so we can but hope :) Perhaps you should start a petition! ;P If not - road trip to Tesco anyone? lol As long as they carry my mint aeros, I'm all over it ;P Ahh scotch eggs, (or as our old called them egg meatballs) - our kids loved them and sausage rolls and super noodles! lol
LeneyFemaleScotland2007-04-26 10:21:00
United KingdomFeatherB Flies To The States!
Congrats and welcome home!

Wasn't aware there were so many "vj" neighbors in Ohio!

Regarding bank accounts - Perhaps it varies from bank to bank, but my backwater amishland bank doesn't require a SSN at all, just some form of id (passport, birth cert, drivers license) and a pen to sign your name!

Edited by Leney, 03 May 2007 - 11:56 AM.

LeneyFemaleScotland2007-05-03 11:55:00