US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGetting the visa
Remember if it's a Friday you come back Monday also any holidays adds time. Good luck.

Vote for Claudia VJ members we need your help!

Manizales MambaMaleColombia2006-07-18 20:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
To all my Colombia Club buddies I'm heading to Colombia to attend my fiance's visa interview. Booking the tickets for my flight has been one of the worst airline experiences of all times. But I'm going Full details at 11...see you soon
Manizales MambaMaleColombia2006-03-28 20:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
Manizales MambaMaleColombia2006-03-01 22:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionColombia Club
I'm a member of the Colombian club :dance: and my K-1 129F petetion is at the embassy. :dance:
yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :thumbs:
Manizales MambaMaleColombia2006-02-16 20:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAn American & A Ghanian
I will definitely keep you all in my prayers. Congratulations on the steps accomplished so far. Please keep me updated. Thank you for responding. I will probably submit around the same time you and your fiancee submitted due to my fiancee's school completion. Are you going to your fiancee interview??


This is what I included in my petition packet:

* Payment in the amount of $340.00. (made payable to U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security).
* I-129F
* I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 18, explanation of how Kevin and I met in person.
* G-325A and passport style photo (Petitioner: myself)
* G-325A and passport style photo (Beneficiary: my fiance')
* Birth certificate (Petitioner only)--> I did not send my fiance's birth certificate.
* Both Letters certifying intent to marry (Petitioner and Beneficiary, both signed from myself and him )
* Proof of having met in person in the past two years: copies of my airline ticket, boarding pass and itinerary. Also a couple of photos of myself and my fiance' together in Ghana, and one of me and him with his family.
* Proof of ongoing relationship (copies of past and current email correspondence, phone bills, stamped mail, recent letter and engagement ring receipt.)

Now of the proof of ongoing relationship I only sent a few copies that were dated throughout the relationship. I did not send ALL of my proof as that will be used for my fiance's interview that is coming up in August. (please wish us luck :innocent: )

and when I sent all of the above.. I received the NOA-1 with NO RFE!! :thumbs:

Hope my info helps. Good Luck!!

GAFLFemaleGhana2012-05-09 00:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAn American & A Ghanian
Good Evening Everyone,
I wanted to give you all an update on my situation from my last posting on March 21st, 2012.
I went to see my man :) a week ago. It was such a great trip such as what we would do here in the states. I was able to spend alot of quality time with his mother whom I adore, his father, sister, brother, uncles, and the rest of the family. His parents sat us down and spoke to us and asked what were our intentions for each other and believe it or not we both answered boldy and securely. His parents and my mother all gave us their blessings. We were able to do something that I hold dear which is spending time in God's presence around God's people at his church.
I know one person asked does he work; yes, he is a teacher during the day and attending one of the local universities in the evening from m-s.
I have decided I will proceed with the K-1 fiance visa. Now, could someone itemized for me exactly what should I put in the I-129F packet vs the other packets??
I ask because the VJ'ers on here have provided such wonderful advice, information, and guidance to others. I want to do this properly and in order.

So Far I have:
1. My birth certificate/his birth certificate
2. My passport copy/his passport copy
3. I-129F form
4. $340.00 money order for the process
3. 2 passport pics of him/2 passport pics of me (WHERE DO U GET THE ALIEN # to put on the pic from????)
4. Phone records for me/Phone records for him
5. Yahoo messages
6. Pictures
7. Letter of Intent from both of us (signed)
8. Letters of Parental support from my mom & his dad (signed)
9. G-325A for me & him (signed)
10. Copies of my boarding pass and expenses in GH
11. Copies of how we met from me and him

Does anything need to be notarized?

Also, I've seen I-134, tax returns, etc.... When is all of this paperwork necessary??

For those who've experienced the interview process if your fiancee has been denied a visa(tourist) before would you recommend me preparing to go to the interview with him??

Should I mail it to: UCIS lockbox in Dallas,TX or the office in Lewisville,TX???

I'm praying God's blessings over this process as well as the joy of hearing your advice, information, experiences, and insight.

Thank you!
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-05-04 19:16:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAn American & A Ghanian
I decided to join this in search of information and guidance. I believe in learning from others experiences so I'm excited to read the feedback.

Well, August 2011 I visited Accra, Ghana with my bestfriend to visit her family. During my visit there I volunteered at a school. There I met a young man. The young man and I truly have strong feelings for each other. I invited the young man to visit in December 2011, however the tourist visa was declined for reason he did not show enough country ties (in which I had to call the embassy to get clear clarification). Long story short, I want to see him again because the communication(calls, internet, mail, etc.) has grown very expensive therefore I have decided to go back and visit him. I feel as though we could a few years from now become husband and wife. I am headed there in less than a month (mid April) to visit him. Basically, I wanted to know what type of documentation should I obtain from him before I return back to the United States? In addition, is the K-1 visa the best option for our situation? Should we visit the American Embassy in Accra, Ghana to get all of his documentation that I recieve from there copied and notarized as valid? I just want to make the right decisions early so if/when 2-3 years from now pass our process is more smooth and fluid.

I look forward to your feedback. Any and Everything is totally welcomed.

Have a blessed week. Happy Tuesday!
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-03-20 23:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMedical (Vaccination)
Everyone's feedback was great. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful weekend!!
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-05-11 17:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanMedical (Vaccination)
Hello Everyone,

Could someone who has went throught he Ghana Embassy for the K-1 Visa explain to me the medical exam process? What Vaccinations are required? What are the prices? Thank you so much!!
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-05-10 22:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Question
Thank you everyone for your feedback. I am excited and nervous all at once and haven't mailed the first document off. hahahahah :)

Happy Monday!!

B1/2 in Ghana are very hard to get--

Many many people have succeeded with their fiance not being there in Ghana- if you have all the papers and evidence you are good to go. Sometimes they wont let the American in for the interview, its up to you.

I guess I would ask these ?s
How long have you been together? So far, we have been together 9 months.
How many visits? I met him Summer 2011 and went back April 2012.
Do you have a lot of supporting documents? phone? skype? snail mail? email? Working on collecting all of these documents now
Copies of your passport showing travels there
Pictures yes :)
Meeting family and such yes :)

If you have plenty and have no HUGE red flags and your fiance is prepared for any question they may ask your good. I made sure my fiance knew every stupid little thing they may ask just in case.... you have plenty of time since you haven't even applied to gather the evidence, make sure it covers as much of your relationship as you can.

From your about us section, it seems with two visits already you will have at least one more before interview time, which is more then many have that have been approved.

With the help of this site you will have all that you need- don't worry

GAFLFemaleGhana2012-05-20 23:28:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Question
I am researching and planning at the same time on all possible situations. Any advice or suggestions would be welcomed.

-My fiancee interviewed for a tourist visa last summer to come visit, but was denied.

-I intend to file the K-1 visa in the upcoming months. Currently, just making sure all the paperwork is in order and plan to file closer to him completing school at his local university.

-My question is because I'm getting all of my money saved and organized too, would you recommend me attending his interview with him when the time approaches?

My instinct tells me yes, but I just wanted to hear others opinion.

*Honestly too, I don't think I could bare hearing bring your fiancee or anything along those lines if it could have been prevented in the beginning with me being there.*

Thank you,
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-05-18 10:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSKYPE Evidence - How do I show it?
Maybe I missed the "how to" access the skype evidence. If someone could please state exactly how you can get screen shots? Thank you.
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-06-21 22:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview on 10th July
Best of luck on your upcoming interview.

GAFLFemaleGhana2012-06-19 19:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanRed Flags at High Fraud Consulates
Thank you so much for that advice. As of now, the redflags listed above we do not have in our relationship. However, I will make sure to provide enough objective information for the CO to observe that our relationship is authentic.

YAAA, it's FRIDAY tomorrow, Happy Friday!

Big age difference (with USC woman being older and not of child bearing age)
Difference in religion
Sometimes difference in race
Meeting online
Introduction by a family member of the beneficiary who live in the US
Only one meeting through the whole process
Previous marriage of beneficiary to USC, deportation

People are denied for reasons pertaining to proof of relationship. If you cannot prove your relationship to the satisfaction of the CO then you get denied.

VJ is your best bet in trying to decipher what COs are looking for. There is no other website (to my knowledge) that has this kind of information. Your best chance at a successful interview is to provide every piece of evidence for your relationship no matter how small it is.

Every case is different. Your case may look identical to someone else's case on paper but the CO may be looking for different things. Really look at your case and determine if there are any red flags the CO may question and be prepared to address them. Take all advice for what it is...advice.

GAFLFemaleGhana2012-06-28 22:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanRed Flags at High Fraud Consulates
Thank you for yor posts. I look forward to the continual dialogue.

1. Why would you chose the CR-1 over the K-1?

2. Visit atleast 3 times, honestly just curious why would you suggest that? I only ask because I know you can't put a price tag on love/companionship, but plane tickets to Ghana range from 1200 to as high as 1800+. That is nearly a great portion of the price for the K-1 visa. I just want to hear why you would recommend?

Thank you!
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-06-26 13:23:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanRed Flags at High Fraud Consulates
Good Afternoon,

Through reading VJ members have disclosed that Ghana is considered a High Fraud consulate;

1. What are some red flags consulars will be looking for the couples who filed K-1 visas?

2. Also, for those who have went through the Ghana Embassy and were denied could you state the reasons your visa's were denied?

3. Are there any recommended websites/forums/extra information pertaining to the Ghana Embassy that should be read/researched before filing?

4. Any/All advice is welcomed :)

*I know you're are to prepare your paperwork objectively, but I need to know exactly certain things to be able to do this preparation if possbile*

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. As I have more questions, I will post them. I look forward to your responses. Have a blessed day.
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-06-26 12:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCommunication
Good Afternoon,

We all know this is a very difficult process, but the end of it is so rewarding that the pain during the duration suffices for the finish line. I am in need of chatting with Ghanian women to ask some questions about their culture as it relates to communicating with Ghanian men. I know not one model fits all individuals, but I wanted to reach out here because I know it would be a great avenue to try first. Thanking you in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.

GAFLFemaleGhana2012-07-13 10:33:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFeeling Dumb
Gowon, you truly stated this so perfectly clear. It definitely help give me a personal reality check. Thank you. **49 days until I'm in my fiance ARMS, who's excited, yes you guessed it, Me :)....

I am assuming he is still in Nigeria?

Nigeria is a tough place to exist in, just getting up in the morning (after battling the night with Mosquitos), taking that shower (where is the water coming from, did he have to pull it from the well), getting to work or school or church (on the back of okada or even if he owns a car the cursed traffic is enough to drive one bonkers). So us as USC, well me, I take a step back sometimes when I'm dealing with my Fiancee. It's easy for me to sit back in my comfortabel environment sometimes and not watch my conduct with my Fiancee until I catch myself. For example, I've been on her to get copies of her school transcripts and I get pissed off at times. But when I realize that it's not like here where you can just saunter to the school and they'll give you a print out right away, then I chill out.

I am not making any excuse for him or his perceived conduct but I just want you to also realize that it's not just you that is apprehensive, he is about to leave everything and everyone he knows, his comfort zone to come to the US to be with you.

One thing for me as a person, I am not comfortable with you discussing him with your Ex, I am of the opinion that conversations with your Ex should be solely about the Kids that you have together. Does he know that you talk to your Ex in other than Kids relationship?

There's nothing wrong with being needy or seeking reassurance from your SO but is he on board with that in your relationship? Did you Guys talk about acceptables and unacceptables?

Weight is a big issue and it's generally not a good thing health wise (I'm overweight myself and working on it but what I do not do is BS myself that it's okay), is he okay with your weight? If he is then regardless of what his Sister says it shouldn't matter. He's not going to attack his Sister back in front of you like you probably want but if he is anything like I know most Nigerians I am certain that she and her had a good tete a tete.

Are his intentions true? About immigrations? I don't know since I don't know him. The benefits and opportunities that is available to even the most average American here in America draws folks from other countries (not just Nigeria) to consider things that they may not necessarily want to do (marrying older people, marrying outside of their faith, marrying without possibility of producing offsprings, etc). They may hide it for a while but it usually rears up typically after the GC is in hand. Does yours have the same potential? Only you know and I hope that you've done the due diligence necessary. Love, falling madly in love, etc on FaceBook IMHO is generally a disaster in the making, in my own personal opinion and of course there are always exceptions to the rule.

One more thing, do not shy away from your SO, follow your heart and don't play games. If you need to call him, do so. If you need to hear his voice, call him. Remember that he is going to be like your conjoined twin for at least the first 3 months (maybe less) when he arrives here. You two better be on the same wavelength mostly so that you and your kids have a stress free home life. He can't work, drive, etc, won't know where stuff is, and is going to be like potty training a newborn.

Good luck to you Guys. You've reached a milestone in your Visa Journey that most would envy, I know I do.

GAFLFemaleGhana2012-11-05 12:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUpcoming Holidays
Good Evening Everyone,
I pray your weekend endeavors went very well. Mine were amazing. I was able to go home and visit my mother and bestfriend. Well, enough of all of that extra random information....My heart is happy because tomorrow is election day(Make sure to exercise your civic duty & VOTE)...another random tidbit....

Well, I'm on my way to visit my fiance and his family for 3-4 weeks in Dec. & Jan. I'm very excited. This will be my 3rd visit and my longest visit..

For those living in GH or African Countries or from that area:

1. What are the holidays like?
2. Any extra information I should be conscientious of traditions or culturally wise?
3. Weather, what's the weather like? When I visited in August and April 2 totally different type of weather seasons...
4. Gifts, what are good practical and useful items?
5. I have more questions, but of course I'm happy and can't concentrate, hahahah....*44 day until my birthday and *49 days until I'm on the plane!

Who's Happy, Me... I look forward to just having a happy productive fun conversation with all those that want to chat with me... Thanking you in advance...
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-11-05 13:05:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInvitation To Our VJ Family
Congratulations on you and your fiancee upcoming nuptials!!!!

I'm sure it will be an amazing time of fun and celebration... Ghana is slighty close to Nigeria, right :)??

Happy Tuesday!
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-11-13 11:58:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInvitation To Our VJ Family

Well I'll be in 9ja Dec 21 through the Jan. 14th. Would love to be there to eat some egusi and other stuff.

*** We have similiar travel dates....I'll be in Ghana Dec. 24- Jan. 14...*** Safe journey to you..
GAFLFemaleGhana2012-11-13 11:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCongratulations!!!
Good Evening Everyone,

I pray you are all well in your respective places. I just want to say Divine made it safely to the states to be with his wife Dana...

Congratulations you two.. God's richest blessings today and all days forward...

In Jesus name..


Edited by GAFL, 01 December 2012 - 04:06 PM.

GAFLFemaleGhana2012-12-01 16:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEnjoying Ghana

Parting is definitely such sweet sorrow. I cannot believe tomorrow I will be getting on the plane and leaving my husband behind. Umm, I'm not quite sure how I feel. Any words of advice is welcomed. I pray you are well. Godbless

**Also, for my I-130 filers what specific paperwork do I need to bring back with me and what do I need to leave here with him??

Thank you....
GAFLFemaleGhana2013-01-12 14:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEnjoying Ghana
I am truly enjoying Ghana!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!!
GAFLFemaleGhana2013-01-02 07:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGhana Police Certificate

I have a friend traveling to Ghana from April 1 to Apil 30...I mailed my IR-1 petition on Feb. 27. We have not recieved the NOA 1 yet. However, I wanted to get a jumpstart in preparation for our NVC stage. Do you think it would be wise or okay to get the clearance done and sent back to me via my friend?? (Meaning will it still be dated properly)

Hope the question is clear..

GAFLFemaleGhana2013-03-27 17:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNot sure whether to come home or stay in Ghana

Well wishes to you on this difficult decision.  I have to admit though I am excited for your daughter to be learning two cultures :) .  ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!

GAFLFemaleGhana2013-11-21 15:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband in USA

Congratulations to you both.  Welcome.  Now enjoy the blessings of being in the same household :).


GAFLFemaleGhana2014-02-01 22:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGhana Medical Exam - Akai House Clinic

please how much was the fee at holy trinity for the medical exams

GAFLFemaleGhana2014-02-21 14:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHappy Endings In Sub Sarahan



This was a wonderful thread to read.  I would love to hear responses from everyone on how they are doing now?  Most husbands/wifes should be citizens by now or well on their way correct?  Well I look forward to hearing from you.


We just got approved to go forward to NVC stages.



GAFLFemaleGhana2014-01-22 11:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)are these the exact items i need for the NVC
GAFLFemaleGhana2013-02-04 18:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 visa interview they requested more info have u had this issue?
Hi. If you can go to interview go.

As far as chat I would say maybe roughly one a month. Please don't quote me on chat organization. Best wishes

GAFLFemaleGhana2014-02-26 02:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)EURO 2008
Congrats!!!!!! See ya on the 17th! blush.gif

Hai Romania!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BeHappyFemaleRomania2008-06-13 21:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)EURO 2008
Gabi and Darkhorese is time to say......GO Netherlands !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If Netherlands win they will have 1st plase and the game with Romania will be more....friendely..... innocent.gif and Romania will be on 2nd place in group! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
For now...Good luck Netherlands !
BeHappyFemaleRomania2008-06-13 13:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)EURO 2008
"May the Best Team Win"

06/17 is my I'm waiting for my favorite gift from my favorite team. Maybe you want to know what is about when you will listen The National Anthem of Romania:

"Awaken thee, Romanian, shake off the deadly slumber
The scourge of inauspicious barbarian tyrannies
And now or never to a bright horizon clamber
That shall to shame put all your nocuous enemies

It’s now or never to the world we readily proclaim
In our veins throbs and ancestry of Roman
And in our hearts for ever we glorify a name
Resounding of battle, the name of gallant Trajan."

star_smile.gif "HAI ROMANIA!"
BeHappyFemaleRomania2008-06-12 10:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)EURO 2008
Good news to you soccer fans out there. For the first time ever ESPN will broadcast live the Euro 2008 Championships. Most of these Games will be scheduled to be aired on ESPN2 with a few games on ESPN and ESPN classic. The final will be broadcasted nation wide on ABC, the parent company of ESPN. ABC will also air one of the Euro 2008 Quarterfinal matches. The tournament takes place in Austria and Switzerland on June 7th thru June
Saturday 6/07
11:50 a.m.- Switzerland vs. Czech Republic A (ESPN Classic)
2:30 p.m.- Portugal vs. Turkey A (ESPN Classic)

Sunday 6/08
11:50 a.m.- Austria vs. Croatia B (ESPN2)
2:30 p.m.- Germany vs. Poland B (ESPN2)

Monday 6/09
11:50 a.m.- Romania vs. France C (ESPN2)
2:30 p.m.- Netherlands vs. Italy C (ESPN2)

Tuesday 6/10
11:50 a.m.- Spain vs. Russia D (ESPN2)
2:30 p.m.- Greece vs. Sweden D (ESPN2)

Wednesday 6/11
11:50 a.m.- Czech Republic vs. Portugal A (ESPN2)
2:30 p.m.- Switzerland vs. Turkey A (ESPN2)

Thursday 6/12
11:50 a.m.- Croatia vs. Germany B (ESPN2)
2:30 p.m.- Austria vs. Poland B (ESPN2)

Friday 6/13
11:50 a.m.- Italy vs. Romania C (ESPN2)
2:30 p.m.- Netherlands vs. France C (ESPN2)

Saturday 6/14
11:50 a.m.- Sweden vs. Spain D (ESPN2)
2:30 p.m.- Greece vs. Russia D (ESPN2)

Sunday 6/15
2:30 p.m.- Switzerland vs. Portugal A (ESPN2)
2:30 p.m.- Turkey vs. Czech Republic A (ESPN2)

Monday 6/16
2:30 p.m.- Poland vs. Croatia B (ESPN Classic)
2:30 p.m.- Austria vs. Germany B (ESPN)

Tuesday 6/17
2:30 p.m.- Netherlands vs. Romania C (ESPN Classic)
2:30 p.m.- France vs. Italy C (ESPN)

Wednesday 6/18
2:30 p.m.- Greece vs. Spain D (ESPN)
2:30 p.m.- Russia vs. Sweden D (ESPN2)

Thursday 6/19 2:30 p.m. - 1A vs. 2B (ESPN)
Friday 6/20 2:30 p.m. - 1B vs. 2A (ESPN)
Saturday 6/21 2:30 p.m. - 1C vs. 2D (ABC)
Sunday 6/22 2:55 p.m. - 1D vs. 2C (ESPN)

Wednesday 6/25 2:30 p.m. - Winners (ESPN)
Thursday 6/26 2:30 p.m. - Winners (ESPN2)

Sunday 6/29 2:30 p.m. - Title Match in Vienna (ABC)
BeHappyFemaleRomania2008-06-11 10:29:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)hello Romania
Eu ca sa merg la ambasada trebuie sa iau avionul.... Am trimis prin posta la Tallahasee sa mi se puna apostila pe procura si certificatul de casatorie si mi s-a intors plicul inapoi ca cica nu il au in baza de date pe notarul care mi-a certificat imputernicirea si traducerile...Notarul e de la banca mea !!!???? wacko.gif Am printat alte procuri si bineinteles traducerea certificatului de casatorie, m-am dus iar la banca si am cerut alt notar sa mi le certifice si le-am trimis din nou in Tallahasee la apostilare. Dupa doua saptamani am sunat la ei ca nu era nici macar cecul incasat si mi-au spus ca in ziua aia ( cand am sunat) le vor apostila si le trimit la mine...ce sa spun!!! aici mi se pare ca birocratii sunt mai de condamnat decat in Romania au salarii, mici si astepta spaga...aici au salarii foarte mari si beneficii bune si...ii doare in..spate de tot. Telefonul a fost acum 3 zile si inca astept actele....
BeHappyFemaleRomania2008-07-09 07:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)hello Romania
Ce bine ca mai sunt romani prin zona. Din pacate mesajele par a fi cam de un an in uram in majoritatea lor. Daca e cineva care a trecut prin transcrierea certificatului de casatorie in Romania si/sau reinoirea pasaportului rog sa dea un semn. Am mare nevoie de o procura speciala engleza/romana pentru inscrierea certificatului de casatorie. Daca cineva are asa ceva as aprecia sa imi trimita si mie un model . Eu sunt in Florida, mai precis in Summerfield de 3 ani. E-mail personal si msg pe yahoo : new_lifero
Pupici multi!!!!! star_smile.gif
BeHappyFemaleRomania2008-05-29 11:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Apartment rental in Bucharest
My husband visited me in Romania in 2004 and we used Adrian Accommodation.
We were so impressed by their professionalism. Also they can provide transportation from/to airport. More than that when we left the apartment (we rented for 2-3 days) my husband forgot his wallet in the closed...we came back and the cleaning lady returned us the wallet immediately with no hesitation and any problems. The apartment was very clean at US standard. You can choose online what ever you want. We chose 1 bedroom (of course living and 1 bath) because was enough for 2 of us and was really cheap (cheaper that a hotel) I have even a picture in that appartament , the first one my husband took me...


If you have any other questions please do not hetitate to ask me.
BeHappyFemaleRomania2008-09-01 15:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWrong dates on my Permanent Resident Card???
QUOTE (NickD @ Aug 11 2009, 08:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If we were in that situation, would ask the USCIS, since it's their law that we must carry a green card wherever we go, how can we do that if we have to send it back to you and wait six months?

With that crazy I-751 thingy, had to carry an expired green card with the one year extension notice, neither was good without the other.

Thank you all. I think I'll submit an I-90 first. Next I'll attache at the naturalization file a copy of the I-90 form aand the postal receipt and an explanation why I sent back the Green card? Do you think this would work?

Edited by BeHappy, 20 August 2009 - 07:25 PM.

BeHappyFemaleRomania2009-08-20 19:23:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWrong dates on my Permanent Resident Card???
I applied for conditional Green card in 2005 and I received the approval in 2006. On that card said "Resident since: 08/03/2006" I still have a copy of that green Card and the original of the approval letter (I-797, Notice of Action, Welcome to the United States of America) with Notice date 08/04/2006.
I applied for "Removing Conditions on Residency" in 2008 and I received my new Permanent Card in 2009. On my new card says "Resident since 04/20/2009. "
Is this a mistake?
Shouldn’t be "resident since 08/03/2006" the date I became conditional permanent resident based on my marriage with an American Citizen?
Would be a problem with my Naturalization file due to the date ( 04/20/2009) on my new Permanent Resident card?
I would appreciate any help and any advice!
Thank you,

BeHappyFemaleRomania2009-08-06 07:47:00