IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGot NOA1 hard copy, case not showing online?

Got my hard copy on July 29th. Shouldn't I have been able to see my case status online or added it to my portfolio by now?? :blink:

There is an ongoing issue with the computer systems as USCIS where case numbers are not being entered into the system after an NOA1 is sent. I didn't get to see any of my submissions (I-130, I-485, I-765) until they touched them again to do biometrics. I *still* haven't seen my I-130 submission in the system.

Remember that a big part of this process is to sit and wait. It's tough, but there it is.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-01 18:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPhoto

How important is it to have wedding photos, photos with family and wife? I did not take any wedding photos. I have also never taken any photos with me wife due to faith reason.

If the reason is due to your faith, that's a valid reason. If someone *asks* you for photos, you can explain. If they send you an RFE and ask for photos (not likely at all), you can write a letter in response and explain.

Religious grounds is a valid position.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-03 13:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa interview - Pictures

i have a quick question. i am already submitted pictures to NVC do i need to take Pictures with me when i o for interview???

If you mean the 2"x2" ID photos, not necessarily but you can.

If you mean casual photos of you and your spouse...Yes! In fact, make a photo album of them and take it with you. Seriously. Read the reviews..for some reason, IOs love to look at our photo albums.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-03 13:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs this blackmail?

IS this blackmail? Can I do anything about it? I have not talked to him since our divorce was final, so he has no information and does not even know my husband. How can he threaten to say my case is not real if i only email him to get info? He knows nothing of our case!

Print out the email and save it just in case. But I wouldn't call him again at work...for that matter, I believe I'd just leave him alone. If he decides you're harassing him, he can certainly cause you issues.

Find some other way to get the documentation you need. Worst case, write out a letter of explanation as to what happened and what steps you took to try and get the documentation, and send it in instead.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-07-30 14:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFee questions

I was hoping for some information about the process fees. My question is where do I mail these forms to? I read something about Lockbox, but I cant locate the address on the .gov site now. Hummmmm Spent a hour or more now trying to find it.

See the Instructions for I-130, pages 4-5.

I don't know enough about the rest to help. Someone else will.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-05 20:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in Ciudad Juarez

My husband has his interview tomorrow. I have heard that they usually tell you if you are approved before you leave the interview. Is this true or just a rumor?

They can.

The Investigative Officer (IO) is responsible for ensuring that the petitioner and the recipient are in compliance. They have the authority to approve or deny. That's the delegation assigned to them. They operate within the regulations, but in short they'll have a "gut feeling" whether they will approve or not. If they feel good about him, they can approve on the spot.

Good luck. Tell him to relax and be himself...they see a lot of people, and can pick up on BS pretty quick.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-01 19:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864, Affidavit of Support

I reviewed the poverty lines on the I-864P and for a household size of 4, the poverty line (125%) is $27,937. Does this mean that if I my salary is above this amount, I meet the requirements and do not need a co-sponsor?

Unless you live in Alaska or Hawaii, absolutely correct.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-17 20:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChange of address form AR-11 or AR11-SR

I recently changed my address in the United States, I'm a green card holder and I want to know what's the difference between form AR-11 and AR-11 SR, I just want to do it online if possible.

If you haven't been told that you have Special Registration requirements, you would use the AR-11.

But, as you already noted, you can just do it online. The online change of address allows you to print out a confirmation. I wasn't sure if I *had* to send in my wife's confirmation since she was still in the application process, but I did print out a copy, have her sign it, and mail it just in case.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-19 16:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPictures

For those who have interview or know what type of pictures do/did you bring?

We had our interview today. I asked my wife to get two copies of each picture. One set went in a "photo album", and the other she wrote a caption on the back of each one saying who was there and what was going on.

The IO asked if we had copies of our pictures for her. We gave her the second set. She kept them.

My wife is Indonesian, so there was probably a picture of the two of us laying in bed together but it would have been headshots only and us making funny faces for the camera. She wouldn't let me take anything that looked at all "naughty", much less give a copy of it to a government agent.

Oh, and we were approved. (Yay!)

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-19 22:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures5 weeks after submitting papers

Its been roughly 5 weeks since we submitted the paperwork for my wife. We had our interview yesterday and I brought with me the final co sponsors papers and info. After a 5 minute 'interview' she was told her visa would arrive in about a week. This has been so easy and contrary what the immigration attys have told us in order to get our money Im guessing we had no problems


I still maintain that by the time you walk in there, they've already decided. They're just looking to make sure you don't surprise them with anything. You make it a five-minute interview instead of a multi-hour production by having all of your paperwork done in advance and showing them what they expect to see.

Our interview was about 40 minutes, but a lot of that was the IO looking at our pictures.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-09-14 07:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmistake in marriage certificate ( incidence on immigration)

I was about to send my I-130 package when I realized there is a mistake in my marriage certificate with my US wife. I am going to list 2 mistake that it contents:

When you do the Biographical Information form (G-325A), as well as on the I-130, use the correct information. Include the marriage certificate. It will likely not cause an RFE just because of those, and if the interviewer wants to discuss it you can explain what's what. If it really bothers you, you can include a letter with your package and explain the differences.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-10-09 18:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAnother question about vaccinations

My question is this; Will the records from the clinic showing he has immunity to all the various diseases, and the boosters to go along with them, proof enough for vaccination? Or is there an 'official vaccination record' he has to have?

My wife did a physical with the HMO I use when we first added her to our insurance. Since I knew what they were going to ask for during the physical (the list of required vaccinations is published on here), I had the HMO do the vaccinations they could at the time. I then brought the records from that to the immigration physical.

My wife and I are working on having a child, and you do *not* vaccinate for chicken pox when you're trying to get pregnant. She knows she was vaccinated for it as a child, but she's from Indonesia and it may be a different strain there. She failed the immunity test for it. I had a discussion with the immigration doctor about it, and the doctor noted that the vaccination would be done at a future date.

As it was, the immigration doctor still required a syphilis test. (We were married in Vegas, so there was no test requirement.) She passed.

Another question is about the medical exam. My husband has a rather large scar going from hip to hip and another from belly button to groin for a surgery he had on his kidneys as a kid. As I mentioned before his Doctor isn't any help. He was cured of the problem after the surgery, and hasn't had any issues or follow ups about it since he was 10 years old. Huge scars are rather obvious something major happened. Is this something we have to show records for? Or will an oral explanation from him be good enough?

It is the immigration doctor's opinion whether or not it's a significant issue, but I can't see a health risk from it. Have your husband explain what was wrong and how they fixed it. The oral explanation should be enough.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-10-27 20:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 1 and 2 notification

After you receive your first paper letter from USCIS, you will have a case number.  You can log into the USCIS web site, enter your case number, and it will tell you the status of your case.





Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2014-07-03 09:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSent I-130 Express

In the instructions for the I-130 there are two addresses for each lockbox.  One says "For U.S. Postal Service (USPS) deliveries" and is a PO Box.  The other says "For Express mail and commercial courier deliveries" and has a physical address.  If you sent it Express Mail, you should have sent it to the physical address.  If you sent it Express mail to the PO Box, it will likely be received but there may be a delay. 


If you sent it commercial carrier (UPS, FedEx, etc.) to the PO Box, then it depends on the rules between that carrier and the USPS.  I can't send a FedEx package to my PO Box, but I can send it to the post office's physical address with "Apt (box number)" on it and the post office will accept it.  (I had to go in and fill out a form for that.) 


Watch for your receipt or tracking.  In the worst case, it would come back to you as "undeliverable" and you could resend it.




Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2014-07-10 13:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHusband's First POE Traveling Solo

Tell him to be patient and calm through Customs and Immigration.  There will be at least one officer that speaks Spanish, and they can have your husband wait until that officer is available to process him.  Tell him to smile a lot...that tends to work well.


Make sure he understands he can *not* get upset or angry or emotional during the process.  If he does, and they feel he's a problem, they will put him in a room until he calms down.


He'll be fine.





Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2014-07-31 12:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPort of Entry in Another State Question

Also, look at round-trip airfares.  One-way fares are usually more expensive than round-trip for the same route.  You can set the return date at some point in the future, and call the airline to cancel it after he gets there.  (You might even convince them to let you keep the "credit" from cancelling the ticket and use it later on.)


But no, it doesn't matter which POE he uses.





Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2014-07-29 14:13:00

When my wife and I went to get her Social Security card, she was asked what she wanted her name to be shown as.  Since she didn't have a middle name, she moved her maiden name to the middle name position and used my last name as her last name.  SSA created it just like that.  Once that was done, all we had to do was show everyone else her Social Security card and they changed her name.  Her consulate in San Francisco wanted to see the marriage license, but with that and the SS card they put a stamp in her passport indicating that her name had changed.


I don't think it's a problem...women have maiden names before they get married, and of course all of your documentation would be in just your maiden name.  But look for an opportunity like applying for a driver's license or a Social Security card to get your married name in place, then use that for everything else.





Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2014-08-13 21:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen you send original/certified copies of things to the NVC (IV Packet), do you get them back?

Make copies of everything you send.  You might even write on the copies "Original sent to NVC (date)".  If they don't come back, take your copies to the interview.


I think you *will* get them back eventually, but I'd still make copies just in case.




Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2014-08-28 11:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLease example for I-864 domcile with family or friend

It needs to be a "real" lease.  Don't do something like a lease with a family member or a friend with a token amount on it...that might look like you were trying to sneak something in.  If you're not going to actually lease an apartment, don't worry about the lease.  If you don't live in the U.S., then obviously you wouldn't have a lease on a property in the U.S.  A lease usually specifies what you're renting, how long you're renting it, and how much you're paying per period to rent it.


I have yet to see a "you can stay with me" letter accepted by the consulate as any sort of proof of domicile.




Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2014-09-23 07:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThe Stupid RFE Thread
I-130/I-485/I-765 to Chicago Lockbox

My stupid RFE was:
Didn't sign the I-130. All was returned since the others were based on a valid I-130.

What I learned:
Double-check and make sure you sign everything. Cost us at least a week. NOA1s received 5/31/11.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-06-05 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPASSPORT EXPIRY/ELIGIBILITY

1. Will I be eligible to get a US passport after my fiance and I get married? If so, then how soon can I apply for one?

2. Upon applying for a US Passport, will I be needing a valid Philippine Passport at the time of the US passport application?

Plan to renew your Philippine passport next year at the Philippine Embassy in Washington or at one of the Philippine consulates in the U.S. For example, there is a consulate in San Francisco.

DO NOT let your passport expire. Not only will you have issues with USCIS, but it becomes very difficult to travel with an expired passport. Worry about the U.S. passport when the time comes.

My wife is Indonesian. We found the passport renewal application on the embassy's Web site, filled it out and hand-delivered it to the Indonesian consulate in San Francisco. One week later, we went back and picked up both her expired and new passport. (The I-94 is permanently attached to the old passport, so she needs to keep it.)

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-06-06 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase Status

I registered on USCIS back in early May. I tried to add a case to my portfolio at that time. It did not let me, so I just assumed it was too soon to add it thinking that perhaps it was not yet input into the system. It has been over a month since I received NOA1. I just tried again today to add my case to my portfolio and it says "Validation error." It won't accept my EAC number. Is this normal? If so, does this mean there is no way for me to get case status updates? Thanks

I called today about three NOA1s we received last week. I was transferred to another department, where "Officer" someone told me that there was an issue with the computer entries and that they did not know when it would be fixed. She confirmed that the receipt number I called about (the I-130) was "valid" and "in process", suggested that I try the case entry again "in a couple of weeks", and said that I could call the 800 number anytime to check the status. (Of course, you'll have to find the right person to do that...if you ask the automated system at the 800 number, it also doesn't know the receipt number.)

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-06-08 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for a state ID card prior to marriage

My question is what exactly is the k-1 visa. Is it an immigrant visa or non-immigrant visa.

You only need to apply for a K-1 visa for someone who is immigrating to the United States, so it is an immigrant visa. A visitor visa like the B-1/B-2 is a non-immigrant visa because the applicant has no expectation of remaining in the U.S. (That's also why adjustment of status can become dicey with questions like "did the applicant knowingly enter on a non-immigrant visa while planning to stay?")

To your original question, California issued my wife her DL while she was still on a J-1 visa. They wanted her foreign passport and visa as proof of legal residence. Your mileage may vary.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-06-28 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSituation help...thanks....

A friend was getting her K1 fiance visa and had gone through all the steps successfully. Weeks before getting the greencard in hand, she has 'the last straw' conflict with her husband and leaves their house and moves here. She is not on speaking terms with her husband but wants to get the card in her hand. What should she do? Change of address? Thanks!

Change of address. She's still married. Make sure it gets sent directly to her instead of to him.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-07-21 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 & other documentary proof of ongoing relationship

Hi VJ's! I just want to ask if we should make duplicate copies of the I-134 packet ( i.e I-134 form, w2's, ITR, Pay stubs) & the proof of ongoing relationship documents ) i.e emails, remittances, phone records, and et. al. My fiancee is paing alimony to his we have to mention her in the I-134 form as one of my fancee's dependent? Thanks to everyone! Godspeed!

Make copies of everything before you send it off. You'll need it for the interview. (For that matter, make an extra copy for the interview so that the IO doesn't have to take your originals.)

The IRS doesn't think that alimony constitutes a dependent status, so you should not have to include it on the I-134. That your husband pays alimony is disclosed on the IRS Form 1040 which you're submitting a copy of already.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-07-25 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLas Vegas marriage...Stigma?

Is this a good idea? Is there a "stigma" attached to marrying in Las Vegas?

My wife and I did it. You can ask the minister/JoP/Elvis/etc. for a copy of the document that they will send back to the courthouse as an "advanced" copy of your wedding license, but technically you should wait until the county clerk sends you the official copy with the seal on it. (We received it in the mail about a week after our marriage.)

There's no stigma that I'm aware of. A marriage in Vegas is legal anywhere in the country. I'm disappointed because I couldn't sell the wife on Elvis, but that's my problem.

I agree with filling out the pre-application makes things so much easier. See

One caveat...Nevada does not test for syphilis before marriage, as other states do. Remember that a syphilis test will be required as a part of the I-693 medical.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-07-25 07:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny USAA checking customers here?
I'm not a USAA member, but...

Can you just pull the monthly statement up on the computer and print it out? I'm going to print out at least two months' worth of the three bank statements that have both my wife's name and mine on them. I'm not getting any extra paperwork from the banks, since they tend to be of little help anyway.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-11 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to Apply for K-1 Visa

I am putting all of my evidence into a 3 ring binder. I have phone records, emails, photos, receipts, birthday cards and letters. I am fairly certain that I have everything I need and more. My question is: Where should I put the applications in the binder? Should they be in the front pocket?

The first thing that the service center wants to see is the application. It tells them where the paperwork needs to go from there. Put them in front so that they are seen as soon as someone opens the binder.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-15 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMailing stuff

Which address would be best?
The USCIS Dallas Lockbox

Also, how do you know which service center your stuff goes to? I live in Arizona. Do I find that out once it goes through the lockbox?

The Post Office box is if you're using the U.S. Postal Service, including Express and Priority Mail. The street address is if you're using FedEx or UPS, since they won't deliver to a P.O. box. If you're asking "which is better", I like to use Express Mail since it's traceable and you can get a signature for the delivery.

The choice of the Service Center is based on load balancing. If you send it to Texas, it should be processed by the Texas Service Center but it's strictly at the discretion of USCIS. Your NOA1 (receipt) will have the service number on it which includes the three-letter prefix for the Service Center it's assigned to. (They *can* be reassigned after the NOA1, but usually stay there.)

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-15 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs there such thing as "too much"?

Hi VJ'ers....

My interview in MNL is on the 22nd of this month... and I'm doing the final touches on my documents..

is there such a thing as "too much supporting evidence..."?

Remember quality as well as quantity.

Our interview is Friday. I have an inch (I measured it) of photocopies that I'm taking for the IO while my wife carries the originals separately. She also has a scrapbook and a photo album that she built for the interview, as well as captioned copies of the pictures for the IO's use.

For some reason, IOs love to look at our photo albums.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-17 05:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled USCIS for Assistence and they gave interesting answers....

Then I asked about the I-129F part A question 10. SHe said that she could not legally answer a question dealing with the I-129F. SHe told me to get a laywer for this form. I am not joking! That is what she said.

Level 1 Call Center personnel use a script on what they reply to you. You ask a question, and they find the appropriate response in the script if they can. If your question is outside of the script, then they can't answer it for you.

As discussed above, use the touch-tone prompts to get in touch with a Level 2 person.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-15 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTrust Fund Affidavit of Support

if one makes money from a trust fund, what are the supporting documents that are needed in conjunction with I-134 Affidavit of Support to prove that the person actually makes enough money?

You need something that indicates how much income you expect to receive from the trust, how long you've received that income, if there's a limit as to how long you will receive it, and any circumstances under which that income would be adjusted or terminated. Your trust agreement may provide all of that...if not, then I'd suggest you provide at least last year's tax return disclosing the actual income from the trust and something in writing from the trustee explaining your benefits.

Their concern is that you can afford to support yourself and your spouse without going on public assistance. You need to provide enough information that a reasonable person (even an can look at it and say, yes, that's all set, next form.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-17 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCourt Records For K1 Visa in Jamaica

I was wondering in the K1 packet 3 it mentions the beneficiary will need Court Records if have been convicted of a crime or other offense, obtain a certified court record covering the offense. Is this required if the beneficiary had to go to court for Driving with no insurance? Is that considered an offense or is the Embassy just meaning for criminal offenses? Please advise.

Get the Court Records. I don't know what the severity is in Jamaica, but driving with no insurance is (usually) a criminal offense in the U.S. Even if you don't need it now, it may come up down the line during an interview. Better to get it now and have it just in case then to be trying to get them later on.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-18 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhich form should i have filed

Does anyone know when i am supposed to get this affidavit of support ready and where do i send it ..will they tell me when and where..thank you

I sent it as a part of my initial application package since I had all of the information available.

My wife's Interview Appointment letter said to bring a copy of it with the supporting documentation "(unless already submitted)". I'm bringing the copy even though I already sent it to them.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-17 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProblems at airport

I know for a fact he is not on the "no fly" list.

It could be that someone else with a similar name is on the list, and the computer thought the name was close enough to flag.

When (I won't say "if") he gets in the U.S., he should check the TSA web site about the process for a redress number. He'll have to fill out some paperwork that distinguishes him from someone else on the list with the same name, and then he'll be issued a redress number to use in the future when he's traveling outside of the country.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-25 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLosing US Government Benefits

How he will do it by sitting on unemployment benefits???

My unemployment benefits are well in excess of the poverty standard. I made a significant salary until I became unemployed last year. I hope to have another job soon, but in the meantime I'm happy to have the benefits. My wife was just approved for her green card, and the only current income we have is my unemployment. We didn't need a sponsor.


Edited by Bill and Vicky, 29 August 2011 - 03:22 PM.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-29 15:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes petioner have to be at Interview?
I'll be contrary just for fun.

You NEED to be there. Your petition is based on your marriage, and they'd really like to see the both of you there and presenting the image of a couple.

If you can't be there (say, financial difficulties), I'd be tempted to send a letter saying, hey, I wish I was there but I just can't afford it.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-08-19 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUS embassy Questions

Hi guys my fiances interview is in like 4 days in Kabul Afghanistan and I was wondering will my fiance be interviewed by an American or Afghan? I thought Americans interview you but I read somewhere that they don't and some one who speaks your language will interview you, is this correct?? and guys please pray for me.. Thank you and good luck to all of you :thumbs:

My wife's interview was here in the U.S., and we were told we had to bring an interpreter with us if she needed one. (She didn't, and we didn't bring one.) That may just be true for U.S. interviews. Look at the interview letter...if it says "bring an interpreter", then bring one. Chances are the Embassy will provide one if needed, but if the letter tells you to bring one do so.

And yes, the Embassy in Kabul can be "dynamic" due to terrorist activity. Your fiance should check in advance and make sure they are open.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2011-09-13 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiancee apply for a tourist Visa

Remember that the I-129F indicates that she wants to immigrate to the U.S.  The tourist visa requirement is for people who want to visit, then return to their country.  If they see that she wants to immigrate, then see that she wants to visit, they will likely deny her visitor's visa application because she clearly has an intent to enter this country and overstay.  It doesn't matter if you are both law-abiding people...the system will assume she's trying to bypass the process.


Don't you have to sign a document as a part of the B visa indicating that you're just coming to visit and have no intent to immigrate?


You can apply for anything.  It doesn't mean they will approve it.




Edited by Bill and Vicky, 05 September 2014 - 11:33 AM.

Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2014-09-05 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes there exist an expedited mail option to a different lockbox for I-129F packets on USCIS website?

Does anyone know if we can throw a few extra bones to a company like fed-ex to get the packet done quicker at that location?


Nope.  Packages that arrive at both addresses land in the same pile, and are *more-or-less* processed in the order they are received.  Fed Ex, UPS, etc. will take your money, but it doesn't speed up processing...just when the package arrives at USCIS.




Bill and VickyMaleIndonesia2014-09-08 13:33:00