United KingdomI made it!
Arrived in the US on Tuesday and seeing my husband there was the best feeling ever.
Now I am ready to start our new life together...after all this time waiting, it finally happened and it is WONDERFUL.

Saying goodbye to my family was heartbreaking, but they are all happy for me and I know I will see them again :)

Thank you to everyone who helped along the are great...and to all those people still waiting, do not give up's worth fighting for :)

Awaiting the arrival of my belongings now, but I have a lot of adjusting to do in the meantime.

Edited by Think~Pink, 19 March 2010 - 12:49 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-03-19 12:48:00
United KingdomContraceptive Pill -
Thanks for the info Gemmie.

I haven't been to see anyone yet, since I still have a good supply left, but it's good to hear that it may be available here :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-05-04 11:55:00
United KingdomContraceptive Pill -
I'm struggling to find any equivalent for my pill.

I am currently on Cerazette, (brought from the UK), which is the POP pill and it has the active ingredient of Desogestrel, which as far as I can tell, isn't used over here.

I have found 3 other kinds of pill in the US which are POP:
..but none of these are anything like the pill I take now.

I am researching ahead of time, as I still have 4 months supply left, but I think I will probably just let the doctor tell me what is best.

Out of curiosity, has anyone had experience with any of these brands?
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-04-30 14:34:00
United KingdomShipping / Air mailing of possessions
A lot of computers have a voltage switch on the back that you can flip, this will allow you to use it in the US, but best to check before you pay the expense of shipping it.
Mine had the switch, so my computer is coming over, all I need to do is buy a new power cord and monitor.

As for shipping companies, I heard mixed reviews about pretty much all of them, but called a few myself.

I contacted 1st move international, Seven Seas, U Pack We Ship, Pickfords...a couple of others I can't remember off the top of my head and John Mason International.
One of the companies I called gave me a quote, then when I called them back the next day, they told me the quote was wrong and proceeded to add another 800 pound to the thanks.

Out of them all, I found John Mason to be the most professional and helpful. They were not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either.

I shipped 17 boxes, I made my own inventory and photocopied it for them. They do the packing, but are really courteous and surprisingly fast. They will even have everything unpacked and assembled at the US end, if you want them to...but I prefer to do it myself at my own leisure.

The total was around 80 Cu. Ft. and it cost just over 800 pounds including insurance. Like I said, not the cheapest, but I went with who I was comfortable dealing with.

I left in March and my stuff is just now on its way over, (I shared a container so had to wait until it was full).

No idea if there will be any other charges at this end...soon find out :o)

I had to be ruthless when sorting out my stuff..there was so much I wanted to bring, but left behind, just because of the cost of shipping, but I don't suppose I will remember most of it in a year or so.

Anyway..good luck with whoever you choose and you should check out the shipping thread on here that someone mentioned...I found it really useful.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-04-29 13:56:00
United KingdomCheap hotels near embassy in London
We stayed at the Millennium hotel in Mayfair, which is right on Grosvenor fact you could see the embassy from our room.

We got a great deal including breakfast , which between 2 of us only ended up costing 75 pounds each for the, they let us store our bags there the day after, so we could go sightseeing without having to cart them around with us.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-09-23 16:09:00
United KingdomShipping items between US and UK
Try ParcelMonkey.

They use DHL, but are much cheaper and really good.
My family ship stuff to me using them and every experience has been a good one :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-09-28 10:29:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
I second what Beatlesrebel interviewing officer told me that he hears a lot of stories about people meeting online...mine included, so you won't have to worry about that :)

With regards to your electrical will have to store them somewhere as they will not allow you to take them into the embassy.
There are a couple of storage points, the most common being Goulds Pharmacy, which is literally 2 minutes will have to pay for each item you store, but there is no way around it.

Congrats and good luck with your interview :)

Edited by Think~Pink, 15 February 2010 - 04:45 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-15 16:42:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Thanks beatlesrebel, bet you can't wait...I am hoping to go in much to do lol
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-14 17:23:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Oh yes..I also had to sign the DS-230 part 2 and I got my marriage and birth certificates back.

I am sure I have left some stuff out, but it was all such a blur.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-13 10:02:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
I never thought I would finally get to say it....but we are approved :dance:

My day went like this:
Arrived in London the day before and stayed at the Milennium hotel, which is literally across the road, (you could see the American Embassy from our hotel window).
We scouted around after we got there, just to be sure I knew where I was going the next day.

Woke up at 6.30am after hardly any sleep, due to being full of a cold and not being able to breathe lol
Took a shower etc and left the hotel at 7.30am...a minute later I was at the Embassy and joined the queue of people that were already there....I estimate around 30 or so people were before me.
Make sure you have your passport and interview letter out and handy....and if you go in February..make sure to wrap up, because it was freezing and we were outside for an hour at least.

Anyway..joined the line and got to a checkpoint with two ladies who check your appointment letter to see if you have the right date. this was fine, so back into line until the next checkpoint with another lady, who tells you when to step forward and checks your passport and interview letter. Once she sees they match, you join a separate line to go through security.

Security is a little glass building outside the embassy. You are called through in two's and just like in the airport, you put your stuff into a box that goes through x-ray and walk through a metal detector...if you have a drink with you, they will ask you to take a sip and anything electronic you have on you, then goes into the bin, (at least that's what I assume since I saw a guy bin his ipod earphones and charger). It's all very quick and efficient.

Once they tell you you are exit the little building, turn right and then left..then climb the steps around the side of the another queue.
Here, there is a lady at a desk, who takes your interview letter, checks the details and then sticks some stickers on the front of your letter...these will have your ticket number on, (mine was I858). Make sure the stickers are loose enough to peel off, as the first person I saw had a little moan that they were stuck down so well.

When you get your letter, with stickers, back from the lady...she will tell you to go up the stairs and take a seat.
At the top of the stairs is the waiting room: Lot's of seats, 8 TV screens which show the numbers being called, a shop at the very far end, the courier pay desk at the left as you go in and lot's of cubicles along the right hand just find a seat and wait.

When I got in there, it was quite empty...there were LOTS of 'N' numbers being called out, (it's fast and constant and any chance you thought you might have to read a book etc...forget it lol), and while I waited...and waited, the room filled up, until the point that there were no more seats left and people had to stand...and there were still people coming in.
I estimate around 300 N numbers were called before my I number was called...

I picked up my stuff, (lost my seat immediately), and went to booth #1 where I was greeted by an Asian lady, who was so softly spoken, I could barely hear her.

I gave her my letter and passport. She rolled her eyes and moaned a little because she couldn't peel the stickers from my letter lol. She checked my name and then asked me a question.
Now with all the people in the room and all of the noise, it was REALLY difficult to hear what she was saying, so I THOUGHT she asked me "when did you decide to get married". I answered her and she made a note, then shuffled some papers, added more to our file, then said to me "you didn't get married at that time", I replied that I knew this...she then said, "well you told me you got married on this date"...I realised I had misheard her and told her my mistake...she corrected it, but I was worrying then in case it had an impact on my actual interview. In the end, I just told myself that I had nothing to hide, so not to let it worry me.
She also asked me when I was planning to move over there.

She took my fingerprints: right hand first...just the four fingers, then the same with the left hand...then they do both thumbs together.

She went to get my medical results, told me they were all fine...opened the x-ray envelope and gave it to me, gave me a pink paper that had my ticket number on and the courier details for if I got approved, (you take this to the desk at the back of the room), and also gave me the appointment letter back, then told me to take a seat and wait.

Once again, it was forever until my number was called...there were so many people there now and hardly any of the windows were dealing with 'I' numbers, so it was an age of waiting.
Finally, my number was called to go to window 25.
The interview windows are separate from the first go down a short corridor out of the main room.

I got my stuff and walked to the window and was greeted by a nice American man.
He told me I came quicker than he expected and wasn't quite ready for me yet, so I apologised and he said "no, it's fine". I used those few seconds to sort my stuff out and put it on the counter.

He asked me for my papers and then asked me to raise my right hand to swear an oath that everything was true.
He then asked me to do the fingerprints again, which I did.
He then asked me the following questions:

When did you meet
Where did you meet
Does my husband work
Where will we live
Will I work and if so, what will I do

He asked a few others, but it was more like a casual conversation than one question after another, he made it very informal and relaxed.
He then looked at me and said, "well I am going to go ahead and approve your visa, it will be printed tomorrow and you should have it within a week, he then told me what it looked like, not to open etc etc then said....welcome to the family and I hope you have a wonderful life in America"

A huge grin spread over my face and I said "thank you so much", he said I was very welcome.....
That was took all of 2 minutes and he didn't even ask about any of the moutains of paperwork I brought with me lol

I joined the queue to pay for the courier, which was £14.50, then left the building grinning from ear to ear.

We are both so relieved that is finally over and now we can put final plans into's such a wonderful, but strange feeling....but the relief is immense.

My whole experience took just over 3 and a half hours, as I got back to the hotel just after 11.15...we spent the rest of the day sightseeing with an occaisional me going "yayyy" randomly lol

Thank you to everyone here on VJ....this place is invaluable when you are going through this process and it helped us so much :thumbs:
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-13 09:54:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Congrats brit_la, great news :)

(my interview in 2 days)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-09 17:22:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Just want to say a huge congrats to everyone approved and thanks so much for the helpful reviews.

My interview is next week and I am so nervous, it's jut the thought of my life happiness in someone elses hands.
After reading the reviews though, it does put my mind at ease somewhat :)

BTW, interview is on Feb 11th, (I gave you the wrong date, sorry) and I am CR1 :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-04 06:49:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

My interview was on the 8th January 2010! I was approved! :P

Huge congrats :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-01-10 15:45:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Can I just there any way to find out when I am to expect my packet 3?

My interview date was given to me by the NVC..I haven't heard anything from London yet.
We tracked the package and it was delivered on the 4th long should we expect to wait for it to reach me.

The NVC gave me the date of February obviously, we are anxious to get things sorted with the medical etc....I don't want to do this if the date changes, but how will I know for definite.

Thanks in advance.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-01-10 15:31:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Got my interview date yesterday kicking.gif

Feb 10th 2010 ...soooo excited, nervous, everything smile.gif
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-12-29 21:18:00
United KingdomConnecting flights??
2 1/2 hours should be plenty of time to do everything he needs to do. It took me a total of 30 minutes to get through customs and immigration... including the waiting.

Not sure about JFK, but in Chicago, they had a baggage terminal inside the immigration holding area, so there was no mad dash to drop off the luggage after going through immigration, I just handed my luggage over there and went to find my connecting flight.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2012-01-17 09:53:00
United KingdomUK to US questions
I stayed at the Millennium Hotel. It's actually on Grosvenor Square and 10 seconds from the embassy..

When moving, I used John Mason International. They had the best price at the time and I had no problems with them. You have to pack all your stuff and itemise it, but they seal all your boxes and load them.

Good luck :)

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2012-03-23 09:32:00
United KingdomYes!! It's another shipping thread

I put a post in the general UK thread - didn't see this previously.

I've got 13 boxes full of... well... all sorts. Books, personal items. I've just found out that an inventory list would be the best thing to do, so I'm sitting here going through all of my boxes and writing what's in them. Will I have to write what I think each item is worth? Will a simple: Box of 30 books (for example) be sufficient? Or would I have to list every single one? (I've got 3 boxes of books...)

I get the feeling this is going to be very, Very time consuming.

With the company I used, (John Mason International), they did their own inventory, but it was very brief. I photocopied mine and gave it to them as a back up, but my inventory was just for my personal use.

The only things I had to put a value on, were the things I wanted to insure, but they made it very easy.
The form was split into rooms and items pre-printed, I just assigned a value against the things I wanted insuring and tallied it up at the end.

you are best asking the person who deals with your move how they want things listing. some companies you can pack your own belongings, so have to be thorough, some, like mine, do the packing for you..give them a call :)

BTW..I had 17 boxes, 80 cu. ft. and it cost just over 800 pounds including insurance. Not the cheapest, but not the most expensive and my stuff will hit Baltimore on May 15th :)

Good luck
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-04-30 12:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThe big brown envelope
I wouldn't worry about envelope was half open, but I just stuck it back down again. I don't think it will be an issue :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-21 17:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2012 Filers
Updating card received date :)

California Service Center (35 applicants, 31 approved 89%)

VJName............Date of I-751......NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
CAPSLOCK88..........01/30/12.........02/06/12.......02/27/12........07/24/12....(Card Received 07/30)
JUST FOR U..........01/31/12.........02/03/12.......03/09/12........07/13/12....
FIANCE..............02/02/12.........02/06/12.......03/30/12........08/18/12....(Card Received 09/05)
SCABBAGE29..........02/03/12.........02/06/12.......04/11/12........10/17/12....(RFE received 07/27, responded 10/12)(Card received 10/22)
MONY88..............02/03/12.........02/10/12.......03/09/12........09/18/12....(EB 02/15)(RFE received 07/??, responded 09/10)
SCIENCENERD.........02/04/12.........02/06/12.......03/20/12........07/31/12....(Card received 08/04)
MARITONI............02/05/12.........02/08/12.......02/24/12........08/??/12....(Card received 08/10)
CRISTIANAMOUR.......02/??/12.........02/08/12.......03/19/12........07/25/12....(Card Received 07/30)
S*A*B...............02/06/12.........--/--/12.......02/24/12........07/26/12....(No NOA/I551@ bio)(RFE 7/16,reply 7/17)(Card received 08/02)

ALEXGREEN....... ...02/06/12.........--/--/12.......03/16/12........09/05/12....(Never received NOA)(Card received 09/10)
STEVIEG2123.........02/07/12.........02/09/12.......03/08/12........07/16/12....(Card Received 07/20)
JAJO08..............02/10/12.........02/13/12.......03/14/12........08/08/12....(Card received 08/15)
ANN MARIE AND LEO...02/10/12.........02/15/12.......03/09/12........07/18/12....(Card Received 07/23)
AKOCHI..............02/11/12.........02/13/12.......03/20/12........07/18/12....(Card received 07/23)
MAE232..............02/11/12.........02/13/12.......03/08/12........07/18/12....(Card received 07/23)
JEWEL-8.............02/12/12.........02/15/12.......03/19/12........07/13/12....(Card received 07/19)

DON_900.............02/12/12.........02/14/12.......03/09/12........09/11/12....(Card received 09/15)
MRS.BALE............02/13/12.........02/16/12.......03/26/12........08/03/12....(Card received 08/09)

NIGERIAORBUST.......02/13/12.........02/16/12.......03/02/12........07/24/12....(Card received 07/28)
GARY_UK.............02/13/12.........02/15/12.......03/14/12........07/20/12....(Card received 07/23)
RYAN_AND_PRISCY.....02/14/12.........02/16/12.......03/29/12........07/12/12....(Card Received 07/16)
TOKUFU..............02/14/12.........02/16/12.......03/26/12........08/23/12....(Card Received 08/30)
ZAHRASALEM..........02/15/12.........02/16/12.......03/19/12........07/17/12....(Card received 07/21)
OLLIE...............02/18/12.........02/23/12.......03/19/12........07/11/12....(EB 03/12 @ infopass appt)(Card received 07/17)
BINGO2000...........02/20/12.........02/21/12.......03/23/12........--/--/--....(RFE received 08/10)
KASUN7DISSANAYAKA...02/21/12.........02/27/12.......03/16/12........09/05/12....(Care received 09/10)
USMOMO..............02/23/12.........--/--/12.......04/06/12........--/--/--....(Never recieved NOA)
USJANY..............02/24/12.........03/13/12.......04/27/12........09/14/12....(Card received 09/22)
DANU................02/27/12.........02/28/12.......03/30/12........08/03/12....(Card received 08/10)
W&S.................02/27/12.........02/29/12.......04/04/12........--/--/--....(RFE received 7/20, responded 7/30)(Interview 10/17)
DANIG...............02/28/12.........03/01/12.......04/12/12........08/29/12....(Card received 09/07)

Vermont Service Center (29 applicants, 14 approved 49%)

VJName............Date of I-751......NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
CJBLACK.............01/30/12.........02/02/12.......03/09/12........--/--/--....(RFE received 10/22)
MIMAYU..............--/--/--.........--/--/--.......03/02/12........--/--/--/...(needs to be moved when we have I-751 date)
THINK~PINK..........02/02/12.........02/06/12.......02/27/12........10/24/12....(Card received 11/05)
JOSHUE..............02/10/12.........02/14/12.......03/16/12........--/--/--....(EB 03/07)
MFORD019............02/11/12.........02/15/12.......03/12/12........05/30/12....(Interview 05/16)(expedite: deployment)Card received 6/4
DIRTYWEEBESOM.......02/13/12.........02/15/12.......03/26/12........10/18/12....(EB 03/07)
LADY-ALONE..........02/15/12.........02/17/12.......04/04/12........--/--/--....(Divorce Waiver)
AND_SAM.............02/16/12.........02/22/12.......04/18/12........--/--/--....(RFE 10/23)
BILL & LIZA.........02/16/12.........02/21/12.......04/19/12........10/??/12....(card Ordered 10/29)
ELGHAZI2008.........02/17/12.........02/22/12.......03/19/12........10/??/12....(Card ordered 11/05)
IIOGHERKIN..........02/18/12.........02/22/12.......04/02/12........--/--/--....(EB 03/15) Interview 6/11 (Same day as 319(b) N400 int.)
MAV_1975............02/20/12.........02/24/12.......03/23/12........10/26/12....(Card Ordered 10/29)
ME&HER..............02/21/12.........02/24/12.......04/11/12........10/24/12....(EB 04/02)(Card received 10/30)
LAURA_AND_KYLE......02/25/12.........02/28/12.......05/01/12........--/--/--....(RFE 10/24)
MIKE B..............02/27/12.........02/29/12.......04/25/12........10/31/12....


* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyones NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

Edited by Think~Pink, 06 November 2012 - 01:45 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2012-11-06 13:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2012 Filers
Yeah...we had been away for the weekend so I checked the mail today and had the best news in there...finally approved and my card is on its way :)

California Service Center (35 applicants, 31 approved 89%)

VJName............Date of I-751......NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
CAPSLOCK88..........01/30/12.........02/06/12.......02/27/12........07/24/12....(Card Received 07/30)
JUST FOR U..........01/31/12.........02/03/12.......03/09/12........07/13/12....
FIANCE..............02/02/12.........02/06/12.......03/30/12........08/18/12....(Card Received 09/05)
SCABBAGE29..........02/03/12.........02/06/12.......04/11/12........10/17/12....(RFE received 07/27, responded 10/12)(Card received 10/22)
MONY88..............02/03/12.........02/10/12.......03/09/12........09/18/12....(EB 02/15)(RFE received 07/??, responded 09/10)
SCIENCENERD.........02/04/12.........02/06/12.......03/20/12........07/31/12....(Card received 08/04)
MARITONI............02/05/12.........02/08/12.......02/24/12........08/??/12....(Card received 08/10)
CRISTIANAMOUR.......02/??/12.........02/08/12.......03/19/12........07/25/12....(Card Received 07/30)
S*A*B...............02/06/12.........--/--/12.......02/24/12........07/26/12....(No NOA/I551@ bio)(RFE 7/16,reply 7/17)(Card received 08/02)

ALEXGREEN....... ...02/06/12.........--/--/12.......03/16/12........09/05/12....(Never received NOA)(Card received 09/10)
STEVIEG2123.........02/07/12.........02/09/12.......03/08/12........07/16/12....(Card Received 07/20)
JAJO08..............02/10/12.........02/13/12.......03/14/12........08/08/12....(Card received 08/15)
ANN MARIE AND LEO...02/10/12.........02/15/12.......03/09/12........07/18/12....(Card Received 07/23)
AKOCHI..............02/11/12.........02/13/12.......03/20/12........07/18/12....(Card received 07/23)
MAE232..............02/11/12.........02/13/12.......03/08/12........07/18/12....(Card received 07/23)
JEWEL-8.............02/12/12.........02/15/12.......03/19/12........07/13/12....(Card received 07/19)

DON_900.............02/12/12.........02/14/12.......03/09/12........09/11/12....(Card received 09/15)
MRS.BALE............02/13/12.........02/16/12.......03/26/12........08/03/12....(Card received 08/09)

NIGERIAORBUST.......02/13/12.........02/16/12.......03/02/12........07/24/12....(Card received 07/28)
GARY_UK.............02/13/12.........02/15/12.......03/14/12........07/20/12....(Card received 07/23)
RYAN_AND_PRISCY.....02/14/12.........02/16/12.......03/29/12........07/12/12....(Card Received 07/16)
TOKUFU..............02/14/12.........02/16/12.......03/26/12........08/23/12....(Card Received 08/30)
ZAHRASALEM..........02/15/12.........02/16/12.......03/19/12........07/17/12....(Card received 07/21)
OLLIE...............02/18/12.........02/23/12.......03/19/12........07/11/12....(EB 03/12 @ infopass appt)(Card received 07/17)
BINGO2000...........02/20/12.........02/21/12.......03/23/12........--/--/--....(RFE received 08/10)
KASUN7DISSANAYAKA...02/21/12.........02/27/12.......03/16/12........09/05/12....(Care received 09/10)
USMOMO..............02/23/12.........--/--/12.......04/06/12........--/--/--....(Never recieved NOA)
USJANY..............02/24/12.........03/13/12.......04/27/12........09/14/12....(Card received 09/22)
DANU................02/27/12.........02/28/12.......03/30/12........08/03/12....(Card received 08/10)
W&S.................02/27/12.........02/29/12.......04/04/12........--/--/--....(RFE received 7/20, responded 7/30)(Interview 10/17)
DANIG...............02/28/12.........03/01/12.......04/12/12........08/29/12....(Card received 09/07)

Vermont Service Center (29 applicants, 9 approved 32%)

VJName............Date of I-751......NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
CJBLACK.............01/30/12.........02/02/12.......03/09/12........--/--/--....(RFE received 10/22)
MIMAYU..............--/--/--.........--/--/--.......03/02/12........--/--/--/...(needs to be moved when we have I-751 date)
JOSHUE..............02/10/12.........02/14/12.......03/16/12........--/--/--....(EB 03/07)
MFORD019............02/11/12.........02/15/12.......03/12/12........05/30/12....(Interview 05/16)(expedite: deployment)Card received 6/4
DIRTYWEEBESOM.......02/13/12.........02/15/12.......03/26/12........10/18/12....(EB 03/07)
LADY-ALONE..........02/15/12.........02/17/12.......04/04/12........--/--/--....(Divorce Waiver)
AND_SAM.............02/16/12.........02/22/12.......04/18/12........--/--/--....(RFE 10/23)
BILL & LIZA.........02/16/12.........02/21/12.......04/19/12........--/--/--....(card Ordered 10/29)
IIOGHERKIN..........02/18/12.........02/22/12.......04/02/12........--/--/--....(EB 03/15) Interview 6/11 (Same day as 319(b) N400 int.)
MAV_1975............02/20/12.........02/24/12.......03/23/12........10/26/12....(Card Ordered 10/29)
ME&HER..............02/21/12.........02/24/12.......04/11/12........10/24/12....(EB 04/02)
LAURA_AND_KYLE......02/25/12.........02/28/12.......05/01/12........--/--/--....(RFE 10/24)
MIKE B..............02/27/12.........02/29/12.......04/25/12........--/--/--....


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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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Think~PinkFemaleEngland2012-10-30 10:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2012 Filers
Huge congrats to all who are approved. Fingers crossed the rest of us will follow Posted Image

Edited by Think~Pink, 25 October 2012 - 07:39 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2012-10-25 19:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2012 Filers

Don't get depressed by that date, it's not true, look up on that website and you will se that it was since august 2012. So I'm sure it's not true. Anyways, They approving January filers now, you are close. Besides, I looked on how much VSC has application compared to CSC, they had 3 times as much as CSC. can you believe that? that's why they are moving kind of slow, 3 times applications as CSC.

The long wait if for me, I filed last september 2012 lol.

It's okay..for the most part I try not to think about it and every day life keeps me busy which's just now, when it's so close, I am checking more frequently lol
It didn't even cross my mind that they handle a higher volume of files, It's pretty understandable why they are behind everyone else then...and like DoneWaiting mentioned, it is moving slowly but surely.

I can't imagine how you feel...that's a long time waiting.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2012-10-18 09:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2012 Filers
I got slightly depressed this morning when I saw they were still on December in Vermont...oh well, good thing I am patient :D

Edited by Think~Pink, 12 October 2012 - 08:09 AM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2012-10-12 08:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2012 Filers
Got my biometric appointment today...February 27th :thumbs:

California Service Center (10 Applicants)

VJName.............Dateof I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

ANN MARIE ANDLEO...02/10/12..........--/--/12........--/--/12.......--/--/--....


· Vermont Service Center (10 Applicants)

VJName.............Dateof I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....



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Dateof I-751 =The Date application as sent to USCIS
NOA Date =Issued Date on original NOA letter
Biometrics = Biometric appointment Date
Approved = Approved Date

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Think~PinkFemaleEngland2012-02-15 18:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2012 Filers
We filed on the 2nd and have just received our NOA :)

California Service Center (3 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

Vermont Service Center (5 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....




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1. Date of I-751 = The Date application as sent to USCIS
2. NOA Date = Issued Date on original NOA letter
3. Biometrics = Biometric appointment Date
4. Approved = Approved Date

  • Please return and update your information
  • If you cannot make changes, please ask for help

Edited by Think~Pink, 10 February 2012 - 05:48 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2012-02-10 17:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDid anyone spouse come from chicago?
I have replied to your message :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2011-05-11 08:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDid anyone spouse come from chicago?
As Mal and Meg said, you collect your luggage as you would normally when you get off the plane and go through customs.
The customs officer will direct you to the immigration desk and after you collect your luggage, you take it all with you.

You go to the desk, leave your paperwork, then you will be asked to leave your luggage against the wall...then you sit and wait for your name to be called.
After immigration is done, you get your luggage, then it is checked in at the immigration point to your destination.

You can read my POE review, (click my timeline under my name on the left), for a more detailed answer. It was more than a year ago, so the details are sketchy.

Good luck :)

Edited by Think~Pink, 09 May 2011 - 09:19 AM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2011-05-09 09:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with G325a form
Ahhh thank you imaisha, that clears things up.

I already have my passport in my married name, so no worries there either...thanks again.
no doubt I will have a ton more stupid questions as the process continues.

Edited by Think~Pink, 05 July 2009 - 06:24 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-07-05 18:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with G325a form
Hi All,

We got married in June this year and my husband has gone back over to the US to start my visa process, (he is American, I am in the UK).

We are currently going down the I130 route and I have to fill out the G325a form.
He has filled out the form on his part, but I just have a few questions regarding the way I fill it out:

Under family name, do I put my now married name?

What do I put under the Husband or Wife section? Is this asking if I am the wife and therefore I enter wife, or am I telling them who my husband is, so I enter husband?

..and again at the my family name now my married name or do I use my maiden name?

Lastly, since you can download the form in PDF format and fill it out digitally, do I have to print it off and sign it in ink, then mail it to my husband, or can I sign it digitally too?

Thanks in advance and sorry if these are stupid questions, but we are just starting our journey smile.gif
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-07-05 16:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A FORM
QUOTE (CAN2US @ Nov 17 2009, 04:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Guys,

I am just filling out the G-325A form, and I am confused....

First it asks to state " Applicants residence last five years. List present address first"

Then right below it it states "Applicants last address outside the US of more than one year" --> so over here should I re-state my present address?

Then it states please provide "Applicants employment last five years. List present employment first"...

But then it states "Show below last occupation abroad if not shown above" ---> so over here should I re-state my present work address?


I have only lived at one address, so I put the same address for both fields.

For the occupation, under "Applicants employment last five years. List present employment first", I listed my employment for the last 5 years, then in the "Show below last occupation abroad if not shown above" section, I put NONE, as I haven't worked abroad.

There is a sample form HERE if you need help smile.gif
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-11-17 15:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Birth certificate
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Nov 16 2009, 10:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Think~Pink @ Nov 16 2009, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm, that's strange, as they specifically asked for a copy of the front and back...I think it was for the I-130...maybe it's not necessary any more?

That's for petitioners only and only if born in the USA. The foreign spouse provides the birth certificate at the NVC stage or at interview. A naturalized USC need not provide a birth certificate. I take it you are the foreign spouse.

Yes I am the foreign spouse and can guarantee I had to send copies of the front and back of my birth certificate already....maybe my husbands attorney was playing safe.

The request this time, for the DS-230, is the second time I was asked to send it, but like I mentioned, it states I need the 'long version', which I have now ordered and it should be here tomorrow.

Thanks again smile.gif
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-11-17 15:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Birth certificate
Hmm, that's strange, as they specifically asked for a copy of the front and back...I think it was for the I-130...maybe it's not necessary any more?
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-11-16 17:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Birth certificate
I feared as much...thanks so much for the reply smile.gif

I will order a copy tomorrow. It seems they accepted the short version for everything else, as we are this far along, but at least they will have a copy should they need it.

thanks again smile.gif
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-11-16 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 Birth certificate
Hi all,

I am in the process of filling out my DS-230 packet.
I noticed on the USCIS website, it states that the birth certificate you have to submit, must have both of your parents names on it.
My birth certificate is a 'short version'. Basically, this is was what issued to my parents when they registered my birth and the 'long' version, was kept by the registrar.

For all previous correspondence for my application, I have been using the short version with no problems, (so far).
It has my name, sex, DOB and place of birth and registration.

Has anyone else submitted this short version for their DS-230, or am I to order a copy of the long one that includes my parents names.

It's an English certificate BTW.

Sorry if this has been covered before, but I can't seem to find anything similar.

Thanks in advance smile.gif

Edited by Think~Pink, 16 November 2009 - 04:41 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2009-11-16 16:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedical before interview
My medical was in London and it took 4 days for the embassy to get the results.
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-07 19:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 interview checklist
Thank you both :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-08 10:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 interview checklist
Thanks so much for your help. It was the asking of original documents that got me confused, but not anymore, I'll just take everything I have :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-07 07:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 interview checklist
Hi all, so sorry if this has been answered somewhere already.
I have looked in the forums and the guides, but most of the info I find is for K visas...there doesn't seem to be much CR-1 specific.

Anyway, I have my interview in London next week and I wondered if there was a checklist of everything I need to take with me when I go.
I have seen people say they have to hand over their birth certificates etc, but all of my original documents are with the embassy, as we had to send them to the USCIS/NVC...I don't have any original documents at all.

Does anyone have a definitive checklist that I could have to help me get everything together.

Many thanks in advance :)

Edited by Think~Pink, 06 February 2010 - 05:44 PM.

Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-06 17:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Mumbai, Approved !
Congrats :)
Think~PinkFemaleEngland2010-02-13 10:14:00