National Visa Center (Dept of State)question about police cert. in philippines
There was a topic about this here and I can't find it.

It talked about NBI/police cert. and how if it said something like:
"No record"
you would need a letter or something from the Manila NBI. Anyone know about this?
dims1MalePhilippines2006-09-25 03:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Good news or BS?
Can someone post the NVC number please?
dims1MalePhilippines2006-09-26 13:36:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)can we make al the bar codes at once
Once we get our NVC case number, can we just go to that website and make one bar code, save it, and use it over and over on the different forms?

Even if a form needs a different size, its pretty simple to resize if I put it in JPG format.

This would save the hassle of having to go to that site and remake the barcode each time I need one for a form.

What do ya think?
dims1MalePhilippines2006-09-29 00:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts.... I don't have MS word software
That should do the job nicely!
I'm Dloading it now Thanks a lot! :dance:
dims1MalePhilippines2006-10-02 02:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts.... I don't have MS word software
I went and DLoaded the scans thanks!
I just Dloaded the sample AOS bill and the part that you send back w/payment says "petitioners name" I assume I'm still the petitioner(I'm the USC) Is that correct?
Thanks once again!
dims1MalePhilippines2006-09-29 02:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts.... I don't have MS word software
yes. Thanks for responding.
dims1MalePhilippines2006-09-29 01:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Shortcuts.... I don't have MS word software
Is there another format of the shortcut forms? I don't really want to spend $200.00 on MS word just to do these few things.

Is someone having success with something that comes with windows or a free software?

And could someone post a JPG or gif of what the form (Like the i-864 fee bill) is supposed to look like with the bar code?

dims1MalePhilippines2006-09-29 00:53:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Any Info on more batches from CSC to NVS!!
Got my NVC case number via automated phone service. So maybe they got a batch yesterday
dims1MalePhilippines2006-10-03 23:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)James shortcut question
yea thanks... :-)
dims1MalePhilippines2006-10-26 15:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)James shortcut question
Thanks simple_male!

Thanks Bradyvicki except what you said was a little confusing.
your first paragraph said:
"#2 - if the I-130 has been generated"
Did you mean I-230?

And in your 2nd paragraph you said:
"my IV Fee payment had been received and to expect a I-230 to be processed in 10-14 days"
Did you mean generated instead of processed? :-) Thanks though I think I understand.
dims1MalePhilippines2006-10-26 03:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)James shortcut question
For the I-230.....
Can we just call the automated phone system to find out if the 230 has been generated? :help:

Or must we speek to a live operator?

Thanks! These shortcuts have already saved me about 3 weeks! :-) :dance:
dims1MalePhilippines2006-10-25 14:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Here's a free barcode maker
I made a quick pretend bardcode and it seems to work fine. I don't know the actual size to enter and it sizes in pixels so if anyone knows the barcode size.

Are they all the same for all forms?

Here is the URL:
Barcode Maker

And here is the barcode I quickly made:
Posted Image

Ok I played around with the Barcode maker and I think I got it pretty close. Here's instructons on how toy operate it.

If you can get it more of an exact size, post the sizing here. I'm just not sure yet on size. But its close to the old barcode maker and easier to use. Enjoy!


Just select:

1. Code 39
3. Take the check out of "border" box
4. Leave the check in "draw value text" box
5. Leave the "stretch text" box blank
6. Leave "negative" box blank
7. Change width to 300
8. Leave height at 50
9. Leave "Xres" at 1
10. Leave "text font" at 3
11. Put your case number in the "value" box
12. Click "make me a barcode!"
13. right click the new barcode jpeg and select "save picture as" and save to your PC.

Edited by dims1, 02 October 2006 - 03:32 AM.

dims1MalePhilippines2006-10-02 03:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ATTACH cover sheet to DS-230 ???
Thanks everyone! My 230 was generated today so I sent my 230 packet today..... wow.... the paperwork is pretty much done. Cept I'm makin all kinds of copies for my sweety to take to the interview, hehehe!
Thanks again,
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-06 18:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ATTACH cover sheet to DS-230 ???
Thanks alot everybody!

Since my sweety is in the Phils. they require more paperwork.
Do you know what is the order of the DS230 papers?

Or where I can read about this?

Thanks and good luck with your visa!!
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-05 22:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)ATTACH cover sheet to DS-230 ???
By "attach" in Jame's shortcuts.... does that mean staple or just paperclip the Cover Sheet to the DS-230 1&2?

And if its ok to staple, can I staple all three things(coversheet 230-1 & 230-2) together? Then I can paperclip all the other things together into one bundle.

Thought I would ask since stapling was a big "no no" at CSC. :lol:

Thanks once again for all the great help here at VJ!! :thumbs:

Mike (F)
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-04 03:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 question can passport copy be B&W
Thanks again Michael!

Yea I really didn't care for the weather there.... humidity was crazy

dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-07 05:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 question can passport copy be B&W
Thanks Michael,
Nice to have folks like you here at VJ to help us out.

I was looking at your timeline interesting how I've been 7 to 10 days behind you throught this process.

I even married Lorna in Cebu middle of May. Shortly after you were married.
Good luck to you. Hey maybe Lorna will see Milahjean somewhere along the way to her visa :-)

By the way.... great idea about the "sturdy ziplocs"
Where do you get those? What are they normally used for?

Take care,

Edited by dims1, 07 November 2006 - 02:47 AM.

dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-07 02:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 question can passport copy be B&W
Our DS-230 was generated today so I sent my 230 packet according to Jame's shortcuts today as well.

I'm wondering now if the black & white photocopy for the passport biographic page that I sent will be ok.....

I know some of you sent colored photo copies.

Anyone have success with black & white?
I didn't see anywhere requesting colored P-copy specifically.

dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-06 20:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CR-1... I-864 seems I didn't send enough info
Hi phong_mai,
Well that's true but since it was on the form and I assumed the word "optional" there meant the whole assets section I figured I should put something. And since I'm self employed, there is nothing in the instructions about supplying info about my bank so I didn't.

I realize now that they want "proof" for any and all proofs of assets or income or employment or whatever.

I just didn't get all the answers right on my big test, hehehe! I just hope I passed! Thanks!
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-14 02:51:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CR-1... I-864 seems I didn't send enough info
Thanks Win78,
I received the actual letter frorm NVC today. It was pretty simple and vague.

The checklist says:
You have not attached the proof of ownership and value of each of the following assets....

"Savings/Checking accounts"

That's it.
Anyway, I already sent out the info I THINK they want. A letter from the manager of my bank, photo copies showing my balances of my checking and savings, and I photo copied all 12 monthly statements of my checking (where the 1000.00 is)

Hoping that will do the trick.
I'm real happy that they found my property assets proof and my self employment proof in order.... I was a little worried about that.

Yea its nice to find some folks who are on the same time line for Philippines. I'll keep posting my progress here. hope you'll do the same.
God bless,
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-13 22:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CR-1... I-864 seems I didn't send enough info
Wow lucky you! Congrats!
Since mine is a financial request I'm sure its not the missing 230. I'll probably get that notice as well although they should have my 230 by now.... Good luck to you guys!
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-13 15:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CR-1... I-864 seems I didn't send enough info
Thank you all for your reply. Its a great comfort to have you folks give a helping hand here at VJ.

Thank you MaryandMian...
Yes I just talked to my bank and they will type me a letter to the fact that I have been with them for 20 yrs. I'll send that too. Other wise I have monthly statements I can photocopy for that part of it.

Thank you Yodrak...
I can do as you suggested but since they were asking for only a balance I just gave them a figure of 1000.00 because that amount is on this and that statement periodically. So I think I will borrow 1000.00 from a friend today and deposit it in my savings acct. then on Monday I'll print out my online invoice of that acct. That will show there is 1000.00 in my savings acct. Hope that works.

I find it uncanny how are timlines are alot alike. Now we both receive these notices. Mine was sent on the 8th as well. This may put us neck and neck in this weird race,hehehe!
Yea, to bad about the delay but I think NVC takes care of things MUCH faster than CSC, so it shouldn't be to bad.
Still though, I would love to get past this step and on to the 4 month wait for interview,hehehe. I'll keep you posted on this little setback. hope you'll do the same.

God bless,
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-10 14:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CR-1... I-864 seems I didn't send enough info
My sweety's paperwork has been going very smoothly from the start.
I sent in the I-864 and thought I would call them to see if it had been reviewed and ok'd.

Well, it turns out that they want proof of my balance in my bank and checking acct.

Thing is the 864 form didn't say when the balance was or if it should be an ending balance or beginning balance or anything. Very vague.

So I glanced through some of my monthly bank statements and decided to put 1000.00 as my answer. I had that for balance on a few statements.

My question is, are they looking for something more exact? a certain balance from a certain time?

The nice lady also said I will need a statement from the bank for a year. But my bank doesn't offer those. I have my monthly statements I could use.

But for what period? up til I sent the 864 to NVC? Prior year? Wow! I'm confused. Never saw anything in the rules or the 864 instructions about this.

Anyone gone through this or have any input?

I'm using property assets(Real estate) cuz my business has been extremely slow the last few years because of the economy.
The lady said there was nothing listed about property assets, Just the proof of balance. So it sounds like everything is good to go except for this one issue

Thanks for any help.
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-10 01:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CAS COMPLETED!!
Hey I'm curious....
Did you learn this from the automated phone system? If so what does it actually say?

Or did you speek to an actual human?
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-16 16:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)CAS COMPLETED!!
Wow! way to go guys.... Things are happenning quickly for you... Hopefully me toooooooo!
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-16 16:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Time Savers for NVC, plus Knowing your Case #
For the I-230.....
Can we just call the automated phone system to find out if the 230 has been generated?

Or must we speek to a live operator?

Thanks! These shortcuts have already saved me about 3 weeks! :-)
dims1MalePhilippines2006-10-25 14:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Time Savers for NVC, plus Knowing your Case #
Hi again,
I downloaded the forms but the ones with a barcode wouldn't open with the barcode. When i tried to open those .docs, I get a popup saying:

"UNABLE TO LOAD GRAPHICS coversion filter. do you want to continue?"

When i click yes, it opens the doc but the bar code is not there.

I have winxp service pack 2 and whatever the default wordpad is.
Any ideas how to fix this so i can see the barcode image when I open these forms?
Lorna & Mike
dims1MalePhilippines2006-08-05 02:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Time Savers for NVC, plus Knowing your Case #
If I am the agent for my filipina wife, When I am sent the DS230..... Can I fill it out and sign it? Or will I have to send it to her over in the Philipinnes so she can sign it?
Lorna & Mike
dims1MalePhilippines2006-08-05 01:46:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresgetting married in the Philippines
Thank you...that was the info I was waiting for. I need to plan a longer trip now....

The 10-day waiting period are only business days, from what I can remember. And no, you don't need any kind of documentation to prove that you have never been married before or divorced, only the Legal Capacity to Marry to show that you are single and that you are capable of marrying your fiancee.


dims1MalePhilippines2006-03-07 17:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresgetting married in the Philippines
Yes I know about that....thanks!

She is out of town on her moms small island and I want to purchase the tickets today.

So I would like to hear from someone who has actually gone through the process....

And I still don't know if I need some documentation that I have never divorced.

dims1MalePhilippines2006-03-06 17:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresgetting married in the Philippines
Hi.... I fouund a cheaper flight to CEBU but I can only be there for 15 days.

My question is.... when I file for the marriage licence, does the 10 day waiting period INCLUDE Sat.and Sun? Or is it 10 business days?
It's my understanding that the waiting period is only so they can post our request on a board there at the office so the public can view it for 10 days so if anyone wants to challenge it, that can.

Also.... I have never been married/divoriced. Do I still need a "never been married document" of some kind? If so what is it and where do I get it!

Thanks a lot!

Edited by dims1, 06 March 2006 - 03:48 PM.

dims1MalePhilippines2006-03-06 15:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresconfused about fees
I already sent $190.00 with the I-130 petition.

Now I'm reading in others timelines that they are getting a IV bill after their petition is approved and sent to NVC.

Is this another fee I have to pay? If so how much is it?

dims1MalePhilippines2006-08-01 02:28:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresG325A?
Hi! Welcome!
I'm not filing a K-3... only an I-130 so if you are also then you are correct.... just put "I-130 petition"
dims1MalePhilippines2006-09-14 22:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAFFID. OF SUPPORT
Hope you can help....
I don't make the minimum to sponsor my wife on the I-130/I-864 being self-employed according to my gross income on my taxes.

But, I do get money gifts up to 10,000.00 a year from my mom out of her estate.
According to the income tax law this is non-taxable income.

Can I use this money to get me over the minimum required?

I have a notorized letter from my mom and copied the money gift law to add to my packet of stuff and copies of the cashed checks.

Curious what you think or if you have herd of someone being able to use this type of non-taxable income.

dims1MalePhilippines2006-09-25 23:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNBI Clearance for USE in Manila, Philippines
you wrote:

"I just received documents from my asawa today - color copies of her new passport bio page, NBI, police certificate and barangay clearance."

I thought the NBI certificate was the same thing as the police record?????

Am I wrong? Do we need to get yet another certificate(police)
dims1MalePhilippines2006-10-12 22:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBirth Certificate Changes - AR
Could you please post here after your interview and let us know how things went?
We also have a late registered BC.

Thanks and good luck on your interview!
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-28 14:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBirth Certificate Changes - AR
Thanks a lot that makes me feel better about the color of my wife's BC. You are very kind!

nice post! This is real helpful to read your thoughts on your experience.

My wife does have the original BC since she received it only soma months ago after applying for her BC she never had.
So I will use your advice and have her bring the original(the people at Civil Reg signed it in ink so its very original.) along with the NSO BC on security paper. and her baptismal cert. and anything else i can think of....

Thanks alot this helps alot!
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-28 02:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBirth Certificate Changes - AR
Maybe you folks can tell me if this is similar to what your NSO certified BC looks like....

My wife ordered it from local civil reg and they were supposed to get it from NSO. Now I'm wondering if she really got a certified NSO BC.
Its not a good pic. I just scanned my photo copy of the real NSO BC I sent with the 230.

Does this look like yours?
Thanks, Mike

Posted Image
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-28 00:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBirth Certificate Changes - AR
Hi Rob,
Yes I hope others will post their experiences here.

My sweety never had a BC so we had to go through the process of applying for one so we could get a marriage licence. Took months but we finally were able to marry in May,2006

I'm really curious to find what others are going through... either pre-interview or post-interview.

I, like you Rob, have put so many hours and so much heart into the paperwork, trying to keep things going smoothly. Now to find out there might be a delay that is out of my hands.....amazing!

Also, if you can edit the topic line, it would be a good idea to add "Manila" as it appears that Manila is the place that is "bending" the rules.
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-27 23:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhilippine NSO e-Census Documents
That's interesting Michael.
I applied twice at Ecensus website for our MC and both times it came up negative there. Did it come up negative at their site for you as well..... but still got the certificates?

We had to finally get one through Local Civil Reg.
dims1MalePhilippines2006-11-29 16:26:00