ThailandThai penises reach new heights

Thanks to improvements in public health and nutrition Thai men under 30 can now boast larger wangs than their fathers. At least that's the implication of a new government initiative, which intends to purchase larger condoms for a better-hung generation of millennials.

Currently the Thai Ministry of Public Health distributes prophylactics in two sizes - 49mm and 52mm in width. But those measurements can't contain today's young buck who would likely find those contraceptives suffocating. To accomodate the new man the Thai government plans to start buying larger 54mm wide products.

Ouch! That's the sound of an older gentlemen being emasculated by junior.

"More Thai men are now over 170 centimeters tall and exceed 70 kilograms in weight. They can no longer use condoms with sizes of 49mm and 52mm," said Pornthep Siriwanarangsun, director-general of the Disease Prevention and Control Department .

"Small condoms make them feel uncomfortable and eventually they won't use them."

About 230 million condoms are sold nationwide each year. The government provides about 40 million condoms annually, the Bangkok Post reported.




KareeMaleThailand2013-07-12 06:38:00
ThailandAchtung! Chula students celebrate graduation with Hitler

I saw an article that indicated the young people of Thailand for some reason have found this Hitler connection is fun or even funny. I am ashamed of those people myself.

Its hard to believe they are so ignorant of the facts behind what Hitler did to his own country; the people around the world and sadly to the Jews. For our young to ignore the deaths of so many is horrible. There are other things they could find to keep them interested or have fun with I am sure.

The idea of the chicken place shows how stupid some people can be. I hope Yum company sues their axx.

The images above probably say it all. Whoever did this mural couldn't have passed their art classes. The rubber duck is probably a self portrait.

Hopefully the new condoms will fit over their heads and finish the job by either stopping their breathing or slow the birth rates.


Yeah I have no idea what that is all about.  Some stupid fad I assume. 

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-14 17:59:00
ThailandAchtung! Chula students celebrate graduation with Hitler

Hot on the heels of Bangkok's Hitler Fried Chicken comes Hitler Chulalongkorn University.

Students at the Thai school have erected a massive graduation mural in the middle of their campus that inexplicably features an image of the German dictator heiling.

The banner was first hung up two days ago, according to our tipster who would only identify himself as, "a concerned and incredulous American student studying the language and culture of Thailand."

Coconuts readers might ask - why would students at Thailand's most prestigious academic institution create such a mural? Good question.

The answer is probably embedded on the mural itself. Accompanying the Führer are superheroes like the Hulk, Superman, Captain America, Batman and Ironman. Our hunch is a hapless scholar Googled the term 'superman' and somehow confused it with Nietzsche's concept of Übermensch of which Hitler was a well-known fan.

Or perhaps we're giving the kids too much credit. There's only so much that can be blamed on lost in translation and this kind of stupid requires a level of ignorance that is difficult to fathom.

Either way it's a sure sign that Chula needs to have their students read some F*cking history books.





Edited by Karee, 14 July 2013 - 02:27 PM.

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-14 14:26:00
ThailandMedial Exam

Bangkok Nursing Home or Bumrungrad Hospital?

Just curious wich one would be easier or people have had a better time at?





If you're going with her, go to Bumrungrad.  Nana plaza is only a couple blocks away.  You can wait for her to finish her exam there.

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-09 16:58:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable

Is nice smaller thai temple in Irving, also.  I go at least once a week, burn some joss. 


I found it on Google.  Weird I've never heard about it before, and we used to live in Irving.

KareeMaleThailand2013-06-11 16:51:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable

Is nice smaller thai temple in Irving, also.  I go at least once a week, burn some joss. 


Is it Thai?  Where is it?  I've never heard of that one.

KareeMaleThailand2013-06-11 16:32:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable

Do you have the Texas written driving questions and answers in English/Thai as an electronic file that I could get from you?



Sent you a PM.

KareeMaleThailand2013-05-25 09:46:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable


I'm in Arlington and they have it in Texas...  The counties each have an office that manages section 8.  Basically, they'll inspect your home and if it qualifies, they'll keep it occupied and pay you.  They also attend to the general upkeep.


Interesting.  I'll have to look into that.  I'm in Carrollton by the way.  I've been to that Thai temple in Arlington before.  My wife's boss had some thing going on there.

KareeMaleThailand2013-05-22 20:13:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable


I don't know if you've considered how low the interest rates are but right now you can start building equity in about 3 years with a 15 year mortgage.  Plus, the 15 year mortgage payments workout to be very close to the same payments as the 30 year mortgage payments.


You could also section 8 your home when you were ready to go to Thailand and let the county handle keeping it occupied.  That would cover your payments and bring in a little cash too.  Unless something changes, we'll section 8 ours when we move back and use the monthly check as an income supplement.

How do you do the section 8 thing?  I live in Texas.  Not sure if they have that here?


KareeMaleThailand2013-05-22 13:53:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable

I actually have a garden, I sent her photos early on in our relationship. She claims that is one of the reasons she started to like me. Now she asks about it all the time. She can;t wait to get started.

We have a Thai friend here in a Dallas suburb.  She basically tore up the entire backyard and turned it into a farm.  It's pretty funny.  She even has chickens back there.

KareeMaleThailand2013-05-22 13:29:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable


We have the same plan. We will rent our house here which will give us a healthy income since I'm about 10+ years away from being able to touch my 401K and SocSec (if it's still in existence then!)

Sounds really stupid on my part, but I haven't even considered renting a house.  Not sure why.  Thanks for bringing that up.


KareeMaleThailand2013-05-22 11:05:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable



Here's my suggestion: a garden. I don't know where your fiancee is from but, my wife's family grew corn and rice. She is truly a farmer's daughter. She loved taking care of our orange and avocado trees during the winter. But, come spring she wanted a garden that she now calls her "farm". It has made her so incredibly happy, I get texts and pics almost every day. We have tons of Thai chiles, basil, dill, brocolli, tomatoes, lemon grass, cucumbers, eggplant, peppers etc. She has also planted heaps of flowers and roses. She now uses stuff from the garden to cook every day and is so happy, it really made a huge difference!

I've considered buying house just for that reason.  We live in an apartment now and she's always trying to grow stuff on the patio with mixed results. I don't really want invest in a house at this point because I want to go back to Thailand permanently in ~5 years.  I just tell her to stick it out for now.

KareeMaleThailand2013-05-22 10:49:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable

My wife immigrated to the States in mid-March.  Since we live in Florida, we didn't have to worry about the sweaters, and the weather is similar to that in Thailand, which is a plus.


Things that made transition easier for my wife:


-  After just two days in the States, we went and stayed at a condo on the beach for 4 days.  This gave my wife an "on vacation" feel while at the same time giving her a few days to get used to the different sights and sounds around her.  It was a great few days and I believe it helped her transition quite a bit.


-  My family was very welcoming.  They all adore my wife and vice versa.  My wife calls my parents "mom" and "dad," and it's all a very pleasant atmosphere.  We get together at least once a week with various family members (parents, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc).


-  She uses the iPhone I bought her to call her parents.  There are two apps (Viber and Line) that use the Internet to place calls.  I bought my in-laws an iPad prior to leaving Thailand, which supports those apps.  At home, my wife's iPhone is connected to our wifi.  Therefore, she uses that to call her parent's iPad at no extra charge.  She can call back there every day if she wants at no extra cost to me.


-  There are three Asian markets not too far from us.  My wife raids the shelves there every few weeks and that keeps her happy in the food department.  Some things there are a bit expensive, but it's a small price to pay for a happy wife.


-  I bought my wife and iPad and she keeps up with her friends on that (Facebook & email).  She also watches an array of Thai TV shows on that.  It doubles as a nice picture/video taking device that she can then send to her friends and family in Thailand via email or on her Facebook page.


-  She's been to see a doctor and a dentist.  This could certainly have been put off, but having a doctor and dentist is important and it makes her feel more settled in.


-  We shop...a lot.  I took her out to the stores that she'll get the most use out of.  It was trial and error for a while because she's not exactly a big woman, thus making it difficult to find clothes that fit her.  Banana Republic has a petite section.  Charlotte Russe (sp?) and Forever 21 are two other stores that have a lot of things she's able to wear.  She also likes the MAC (make-up) store.


-  We're currently looking for a house to buy, and that is something exciting for her to take part in.  Once we have one, she'll enjoy furniture shopping.


-  She goes to "school" a few nights a week.  I have a bachelor's degree in ESL, so rather than paying someone else to teacher her English, I do that myself.


-  There is a Cambodian-style Buddhist temple in our city, but neither of us want to go there (we're both Buddhists).  The nearest Thai temple is a 3-hour drive away and we've yet to go there...will likely make that trip in two or three months.  In the meantime, we do have some Buddhist ornaments around the home, and we'll be getting a spirit house when we purchase our new place.  Our religion is important to us, but it's not something requiring us to go to a church once a week.  We practice it the best we can given our location and the distance to a temple.


-  Be prepared to teach her how to use various appliances (garbage disposal, washer, dryer, oven, etc).


There's likely nothing you are going to be able to do to keep her from getting just happens.  Best thing to do is be aware of it, and don't take offense if she gets frustrated at times and declares her desire to return to Thailand.  My wife does this on occasion.  It's not that she's unhappy in Florida, but rather because things are easier for her in Thailand, and she misses her family and the friends she has there.  The feeling generally passes within 24 hours and doesn't pop up again for a few weeks.  I'm not sure what we'd do if she was in a state of depression and was dead-set on going back to Thailand.  I feel bad for people facing those kinds of things.


Best of luck to you!


Funny you mention appliances.  When my wife got here 4 years ago, I tried to show her how to use the dishwasher.  She said, "What do you think you're hiso?"  She's never used it in 4 years.  She occasionally opens it and pulls out the top rack to use it to dry dishes if she runs out of room in the dish rack.  Still makes me laugh.


KareeMaleThailand2013-05-20 18:50:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable

One more thing.  Not sure what state you are in, but I have all the written driving test questions and answers for Texas in English and Thai.  I also have the 100 citizenship questions in English and Thai, but you're a ways off from dealing with that.

KareeMaleThailand2013-05-17 21:53:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable

Ohh I forgot.  If you have a landline phone now, look at moving it to Vonage.  It's probably cheaper than what you are paying the phone company, and she can call Thailand unlimited for no extra charge. 

KareeMaleThailand2013-05-17 21:50:00
ThailandMaking life in America livable

Hey folks. I've got a few practical questions. I want to make the transition as pleasant as possible for her, so I'm looking for a few Thai amenities.


1) Thai style toilet hose. It's not a home depot item. where can I find one?


My wife didn't really want one of those.  Not sure where to get the bum gun.


2) Good rice maker


You can get these everywhere.  They are cheap.  Probably best to wait until she gets here and let her pick it out.


3) Online source for Thai television programing. soaps, movies, music, etc.


There's all kinds of places for this.  Just google "Thai TV Online" You might look into getting an FTA satellite My wife really only listens to music  on youtube.


4) She has a Facebook account, but all my machines have an English keyboard. What is the best way for her to type in Thai to her fiends?


You'll need to install the East Asian language pack if you have Windows XP.  I use the 'Alt Left Shift' to switch between languages.


5) Anything else I should have on hand when she gets here? (besides a lot of sweaters. Lol)


Not sure if she drives now.  If so, she's probably going to want a car.  If not, she's going to want to learn to drive.  I paid someone to teach my wife.  I didn't have the patience for it.


I'll be honest, I am very concerned she will get home sick or cold and want to go back.  I want to do everything I can to ease her transition to American life.


Probably the biggest thing is to find an Asian market so she can get the food she is used to eating.




See answers Inline.


KareeMaleThailand2013-05-17 21:46:00
ThailandFinding a Lawyer to help with Fiancee in Thailand

Brian, is that you?

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-22 08:51:00
ThailandFinding a Lawyer to help with Fiancee in Thailand

Duplicate thread.


KareeMaleThailand2013-05-16 21:23:00
ThailandFinding a Lawyer to help with Fiancee in Thailand

100% agree with what Slowlyman says.  I made the mistake of hiring a lawyer.  It slowed my case down by 3 months minimum.  Hiring a lawyer will slow down your processing.  It is unavoidable.  You must send the lawyer information and the lawyer will send it to USCIS vs. you sending it directly to USCIS.  That by itself is a delay.  Also, a lawyer in this type of immigration case is merely filling out blank forms with the information you have provided.  You actually do all the legwork, not the lawyer.


My lawyer had no clue about the NVC process for an IR-1/CR-1 visa.  I had to correct him at every step with information I learned here on VJ.  Basically I spent $1800 to delay my wife's arrival in to the U.S. by 3 months.  Not a very good deal in my book.


KareeMaleThailand2013-05-16 21:21:00
ThailandWhen does home sickness kick in?

 She may get depressed and however she shows symptoms for that (everyone is different but most people are sad, tired, easily irritated, down on themselves and their situation.)  Have you ever been away from home for a long time?  Where you don't have family or friends to help you?  You just want to go home and be around people that love you.  That's homesickness.  You want familiar foods, smells, sights and sounds.  Where you feel like you belong.


The best thing to do is to help her keep busy, spend time together, help her adjust by finding new friends and things you can do together.  Try new things, but also make sure she can do some of the old stuff she likes to do so find a place where she can find foods she likes and little things for the house that feel like home.  If she has certain social etiquette rules it helps to have those enforced in the house.  Make sure she can be independent as well so do the AOS right away, plan trips for you both to go home if she wants for vacactions, but it helps when people have a job or volunteer so they're getting out of the house and around people. smile.png


I 100% agree about the AOS.  She's basically in limbo right now until that she gets her green card.

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-10 20:37:00
ThailandWhen does home sickness kick in?

I suppose it's not an exact science, but when should I expect her to start getting homesick, and what can I do about it?


My wife never seemed to get homesick.  At least she didn't say anything to me about it.  I keep telling her we're going back to Thailand permanently at some point.  I get the feeling she'd rather stay in the U.S.

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-10 20:05:00
ThailandBest Airline & POE for a Thai

Yes flying alone. The nature of my company does not allow me to leave until December. I gave her the option wait until December and fly back with me or fly back in July alone. She chose alone.

I would go with any Asian airline.  Chances are there will be other Thais.  My wife had to go back to Thailand alone for a family emergency, and when she came back some Thais helped her with the forms and where to go.

KareeMaleThailand2013-06-03 21:50:00
ThailandBest Airline & POE for a Thai

I posted a similar post in the open forum.  Thought I would make a more specific post here. I have always flown Korean through Chicago.  They are top notch IMHO.  I also think they will at least make an effort to help my girlfriend.  The US legacy carriers on the other hand can hardly be bothered to bring a drink.


I can get a connection to my home town from Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis.


The biggest concern about Chicago is getting from the international terminal to the domestic terminal.   Not a big deal I know but, after a 13 hour flight and the stress of clearing immigration it might be too much for her. She can't read English.


Minneapolis gets good reviews and the International arrival is in the same building as domestic departures. Additionally she can fly one airline all the way.


What do you guys think? What would be the easiest airline and POE for my girl friend?


Oh, also what day is best to arrive? I assume some days are better then others in regard to the immigration queue.

Is she flying by herself?

KareeMaleThailand2013-06-03 21:38:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent

paper work supposedly good, wife's passport says born bangkok and her birth certificate says surin, they want her to fix it and send it in and they will send visa. She aill get new passport Friday. We will see...


Can't believe they're being that picky.  It sounds like you're good to go now. 

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-17 09:12:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent

50,000baht, I hope it works

Try to imagine how much something like that would cost here.  That's what I do when I have to spend money over there for something.  Makes it easier to accept that way.  biggrin.png

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-15 12:34:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent

Translation of sole custody judgement and petition
translation of petition and judgement of sole custody
translation of petition and judgement of custody


Thanks for posting that.  Looks like you are good to go.

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-15 08:12:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent

We are waiting for our interview at the embassy; but we have the sole custody papers and the letter the father had to sign at the amphur stating that the other patent has permission to take the child to migrate to the US. These two documents are required according to the us embassy website. Also I heard from a friend that the embassy will also ask for a signed copy of the fathers Thai ID. We got that too just in case.

I know what a lot of you are thinking...why do you need the letter from the father if the mother has sole custody? I asked the same question. After a while, I learned to just accepted as what it is, get them and move on.


Better to have too much documentation than not enough.

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-03 08:08:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent

The website shows different links for immigrant visas and K visas. Both have the same information on child custody. Since I did not go the IR-1/IR-2 route, I don't know the answer. We need someone with more recent experience to post their experience. The only references I've found are threads where someone was headed down the path, but never followed up with the final results/solution.


Yeah that information in the link is somewhat misleading when it comes to IR-1/CR-1 visas.  I think they put it in there for people that are going the Direct Consular filing route where NVC is not involved.  I submitted almost all of that to NVC here in the U.S. which is what they require.

KareeMaleThailand2013-05-03 07:48:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent

Just thinking out loud here.  Since the OP is an IR-1/CR-1 case, all of these documents are submitted to NVC, and not the consulate which is the case with K visas.  I know in my wife's case the only documents she submitted to the embassy were the medical and proof of relationship stuff.  Original marriage certificate, original police clearance, proof of birth, affidavit of support, etc. were all submitted to NVC here in the U.S.  NVC basically approved all that stuff and sent it to the embassy.  There is no packet 3 for IR-1/CR-1 visas.


Like I said, not sure if that makes a difference in the OPs case, but IR-1/CR-1 visa processes are different from K visas in that regard.

KareeMaleThailand2013-05-02 20:25:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent


It's been a roller coaster ride, I'm about to meet my fate, my marriage will come to an end if I don't get the approval. I've done all I could do, there is nothing left. It's been over 2 years and I'm struggling. I won't know until the interview. This post strikes fear to a degree I can't explain. I won't separate them, I'd rather be divorced.

I have this document in my possession, it is real. As to weather it will work is a different story. My wife was never married and the father took off after 6 months. My step daughter is 6. We found him and he agreed to sign. When notary showed up in rio et he demanded 1,000,000 baht. Lawyer said it would cost 150,000 baht to go through the courts and take a year. My wife calls me and says she ill handle it without lawyer. 2 weeks later she emails me copy of my step daughters passport. She paid 150 baht and went to amphur with her mother and aunt. Gets document stating they lived together common law but were never married and that he failed to register child and never claimed him as his own. Therefore my wife has sole custody and has ability to make all decision. I was completely shocked . The passport has been issued and can't be issued per the Thai passport website without both parents consent or a court order. My document is with nvc right now so I can't show it to you, but believe me , I got it and its real. I'm awaiting completion at nvc . You will not get a straight answer from anybody. From what I understand its a case by case basis. I've been waiting over 2 years o get them here because I was told I couldn't get a passport without a signature. They are wrong.



I hope everything works out.  Thanks for posting the information as well as that document.  It will be a big help for future people going through this process


KareeMaleThailand2013-05-02 11:44:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent

The embassy. They have at least two. The best one I know is Karee may remember it better than I. That one goes direct to an officer as far as I know. The other goes to the Thai staff for review.
Make sure you use the info I V inquiry in the subject line and include your case number if you have it. They usually say they don't " pre screen cases" but they may give you some insight just as they did in the examples I sent you from another case. Lets hope so.

Yes that's the one that worked for me. I've heard lately that this one is getting responses as well:

Subject line needs to be: IV Inquiry BNK201xxxxxxxx
KareeMaleThailand2013-03-27 06:19:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent

I respectfully disagree about some of this. It has everything to do with U S policies. This seems to have changed after the situation with the Cuban boy Elian Gonzales in Florida and the attempt to remove the children from Haiti a few years back. Shorty before that my husband & I were successful in getting our daughters visa with none of the requirements we see today.

I checked into some of the polices in Thailand regarding adoption of children. It's very restrictive, especially if one of the parents are alive, regardless if they have been in the child's life or not. I guess we might be talking apples and oranges here. For example, if my wife wanted to adopt her niece (her sister had been close to death twice, and now is again.) and I am involved at all in the process, I have to somehow live in Thailand for 2 years with my niece. The father of my niece has never even met her. So finding him wont be easy, and if he is found you can bet he'll have his hand out.

Also, I find it odd that Thailand is one of few countries where you have to get the Thai govt.s approval to get a J-1 waiver if you want to immigrate to the U.S. within 2 years of completing your J-1 stay. But I guess that's another story.

I think you are correct and I have sent a P M to them asking for help. They have a lot of good experience and invaluable advise.

Laugh. I sent him a PM as well.
KareeMaleThailand2013-03-26 18:41:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent

I know everyone means well so with respect I caution that this subject has been tested in BKK many times. The embassy will not issue visas unless the parent can prove by Thai court order they have custody or by submitting the proper documents in both languages signed by the absent bio parent. In addition they sometimes insist on the absent parent coming in to be interviewed. These are sometimes difficult requirements to comply with but it must be done.
There are two cases I know of where this couldn't be done and the children remain in Thailand to this day. One couple spent around 10K trying to find a different way.

Also, this is a Thai thing. It really has little to do with the U.S. Embassy or U.S. policies. For some reason Thailand does not like their children leaving permanently, no matter the circumstances. Their adoption policies are also very restrictive.
KareeMaleThailand2013-03-26 07:22:00
ThailandWill I get my visa?

Birthplace on birth certificate says she's born in surin, passport says bangkok. They want it to match. She's getting new passport as we speak. That means we are ok after correction. Any idea as to time frame of getting visa?

Yeah you're fine.  Just like I posted in the other thread.  It's an odd request from the embassy though.  I'm not sure why they care, but oh well.  Just get the new passport and move on.

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-18 21:56:00
ThailandT- Minus 2 day

Haha.. its just been crazy how well and smooth things have been .. Even the embassy has been super nice and helpful.

You ready?

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-25 20:32:00
ThailandT- Minus 2 day

Destiny shmestiny, your just darn lucky. Hope it goes smoothly for her.


KareeMaleThailand2013-07-23 21:26:00
ThailandT- Minus 2 day

So Gigi has her interview friday morning. Im going crazy. I know everything is great we have everything together. Man I am im more fidgety then she is.


Good luck!  I haven't seen any weirdness out of BKK in awhile, so she should be fine.

KareeMaleThailand2013-07-23 15:34:00
ThailandThai Police Cert


Now I'm really confused.  Did you submit a police certificate for both Canada and Thailand to NVC?  Did you live in Canada over 6 months?  For CR-1, you send the police certificates to NVC.


This got straightened out via PM.  She's good to go.

KareeMaleThailand2013-08-01 12:06:00
ThailandThai Police Cert


Yes, I am applying CR-1 visa. I got the check list for IV but that is only for my stay in Canada. So, I sent the copy of my PR card here. THey dont mention anything about any of  my police certificates which were dated around end of Jan or early Feb 2013.


I worried that should I need to submit the updated police certificates on interview or bring the original police certificates?


Thank you for your help.


Now I'm really confused.  Did you submit a police certificate for both Canada and Thailand to NVC?  Did you live in Canada over 6 months?  For CR-1, you send the police certificates to NVC.

KareeMaleThailand2013-08-01 10:22:00
ThailandThai Police Cert

Is that one year validity or 6 months? Mine was done since around February 2013. My case is still in NVC and waiting for the case completion. I wonder do I need the updated police certificate from Thailand?


I'd say no, since I'm assuming you are IR-1/CR-1.  It might be a good idea to indicate that in your profile.  Since you've already submitted the police report to NVC, there is no reason to get an updated copy.

KareeMaleThailand2013-08-01 10:06:00