CanadaUS citizen pulled into immigration at Canadian Border

We live within about 10 minutes of the border and go to Montreal frequently and I go to Canada even more often since I often work near the border and sometimes go there for lunch (viande feu! Mes OUI!)

I have been pulled out and searched, warned, lectured on three occasions for no particular reason (once because they saw sawdust in the back of my truck and had to determine it was, in fact, sawdust) Last time, just before Christmas I was warned about the perils of "human trafficking" No kidding. I was entering by myself and to this day I think they confused me with someone else. The woman even called me to the counter and showed me the penalties for "human trafficking" Um, OK. I promise, I will not traffic humans into Canada. :unsure: They gave me the lecture, gave me my ID and released me into the wilds of Quebec!

I was once accused of atempting to immigrate illegally when I said we were going to visit a friend in St Lazzar. Go figure. NO! I did not have a copy of our mortgage with me! How negligent of me! I did happen to have a check stub inmy clipboard fromwork and I guess that was enough. I got one of those visitor records on that trip also and turned it in when I left.
99% of the time it is something like passing through a toll booth and nothing more. every so often they get a bug up their behind and do this.

As much as we take easy travel to Canada for granted, and we do, imagine many of our favorite restaraunts are in a foreign fortunate are we as Americans? IS a different country and they WILL do this at times. Just be polite and go along, do what they say, smile. I have never been doing anything wrong or illegal and I know that it will be over and I will be allowed to pass.

I have lived in Ukraine and believe me, I sleep much better than I would this close to Belarus. OK?

I used drive to Plattsburg to get me some taco bell and Marlboros. Can't get either in Montreal. If you go the Vermont route there's a ####### bar on the way back. I highly recomend it. St. Jean sur Richalieu.

Edited by Karee, 25 February 2012 - 09:02 AM.

KareeMaleThailand2012-02-25 09:01:00
CanadaCitizen or Not
Thank you all for your help. I do appreciate it.
KareeMaleThailand2012-07-07 16:34:00
CanadaCitizen or Not

#1 She has to be a citizen of one or the other right? It sounds like she may have a claim to citizenship in both countires.

#2 I'm not sure if BS is legal grounds for the denial of immigration benefits in Canada.

#2... I've had a few legal issues in the U.S. back in the early 90s. DWI. Even though I lived in Montreal for 2 years. Canada didn't like it, and walked me to the airport in Montreal and told me to pi$$ off and not come back.
KareeMaleThailand2012-07-07 11:26:00
CanadaCitizen or Not

Is your mother a US citizen? If yes, then she is eligible for a US passport.

I'm not sure how they classify her. She has lived in the U.S. her entire life. But she wasn't born in the U.S.
KareeMaleThailand2012-07-07 11:22:00
CanadaCitizen or Not
My mother was born to an American father and a Canadian mother while they were visiting St. Thomas, Ontario in 1948. My mother has lived her entire life in the U.S. They were just visiting Canada.

Question 1:
Can she get a U.S. passport? Or is she considered a Canadian citizen?

Question 2:
I am persona non grata to Canada thanks to some B.S. at the Montreal airport. If my mom is able to get Canadian citizenship, does that give me any benefits?
KareeMaleThailand2012-07-07 10:19:00

oops - you did say Ontario.

So that said, what is the issue? The person applying for the certificate must eiteehr be the legal guardian or parent if its a child or in the case of an adult who has passed away, the death certificate needs to be provided I believe.

I applied for my own birth cert in ON without any problems.

I just talked them. They told me the same as bolded above.
KareeMaleThailand2012-08-02 11:13:00

For which province and who is applying - if your mother is applying for herself it shouldn't be too hard. My brother just ordered his daughter's in Ontario and he got it with expedited shipping 3 days later.

I'm applying for my mother's BC. I'm her son. I'm trying to get citizenship there. It's Ontario.
KareeMaleThailand2012-08-02 10:24:00
Ontario sucks. Trying to get my mothers birth certificate. No luck. Easy in Quebec.
KareeMaleThailand2012-08-01 23:13:00
I loved that show. I grew up in Detroit watching it on channel 9.
KareeMaleThailand2012-09-08 09:10:00
CanadaUS fiance denied entry in Canada!Hello

Unfortunately, I have experience with this. He will need to contact the Canadian Rehabilitation Commission and go jump through alot of hoops. I'd have him write of Canada as places to visit in the future. He wont need to be at your interview anyway.

Here's the forms if you're interested.

You can PM me and I'll send you the details of what happened to me.
KareeMaleThailand2012-11-16 07:27:00
CanadaUS fiance denied entry in Canada!Hello

Hello Everyone,
My fiance denied crossing in Canada because of DUI 18 years ago and he had an accident in 2007.We started collecting the documents to submit to Canadian immigration for his "REHABILITATION'' so he can cross the border for my interview and moving.And im planning to move in 5 months ,the most. Does anyone knows if presenting all the K1 Visa application to canadian border will allow his entry for my interview and moving? Because we dont know if in 5 months he can get his REHABILITATION approve.(canada)
Any suggestion or links will be appreciated.

Unfortunately, I have experience with this. He will need to contact the Canadian Rehabilitation Commission and go jump through alot of hoops. I'd have him write of Canada as places to visit in the future. He wont need to be at your interview anyway.

Here's the forms if you're interested.
KareeMaleThailand2012-11-16 07:22:00
CanadaDevastated: Now on 221 (g) Administrative Processing after the interview

Just out of curiosity what is CV?

Curriculum Vitae. Basically a resume.
KareeMaleThailand2013-04-02 19:59:00
Canadacanadian debt collectors



I need some advice. I'm losing sleep over this issue. I moved to USA 3 years ago on a work visa. circumstances arose in which I couldn't pay my canadian mastercard. I began receiving calls from mastercard but they stopped about a year ago. I've recently been married and am now a perm. resident. I received a phone call Friday from a debt collector saying that I owe them for the credit card debt ($3800) and that they can ganish my wages and sue me if I don't pay. he was a real jerk and made me very scared. He also said that they can report to american credit bureaus but I looked on the transunion and experian websites and they both said the canadian and american branches don't communicate. I guess my question is: can he really come after me here in the us for this money? Will they take money from my canadian bank account (I use it to pay my student loans)? And what is the likelihood that they will sue me here in the US over a measley $3800? Please help with any advice. My husband and my mom both say not to worry but I hate this stuff. We are not in a position to pay the lump sum and the debt collector says he won't accept monthly payments. sad.png


Basically he's a liar.  I lived in Montreal for a couple years.  While there I had a corporate AMEX card in my name.  I moved back to the U.S. and didn't pay the bill because the Canadian company I worked for wouldn't pay me.  Somehow Amex Canada got a hold of me here in the U.S. and started making all these threats about ruining my U.S. credit.  I told them to pi$$ off.  There's nothing they can do.  It's totally separate.  Less than 6 months after that episode,  I applied for and received a corporate AMEX card in the U.S.  So not only do the credit bureaus not communicate, AMEX doesn't even communicate between the two countries. 


Don't lose any sleep over it.  Of course it will affect your credit in Canada if that's important to you.

KareeMaleThailand2013-09-22 09:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionUSCIS sent notice to old address.

Even though we filed AR-11 online and via snail mail too, and also sponsor's change of address, USCIS still sent a notice reminding us to file removal of conditions to the OLD address. I called up USCIS today and the guy said they can't verify current address over the phone. Instead he told me to make an appointment at the local CIS office.

If this happened to you, do you think it'd be okay to just ask for a change of address over the phone? Or do we go make the appointment?

Same thing happened to me. They sent the green card to my old address even though I filed AR-11 AND called them. Thankfully it was my father's house. Gotta love the govt.
KareeMaleThailand2011-03-12 10:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow big is your package?
I thought this was a sexual question when I first saw the title.
KareeMaleThailand2011-06-01 22:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCan you travel outside of the US with Conditional Green Card during 90 days filing period?
You'll be fine. Just be sure to keep track of all trips out of the US for more than 24 hours. They ask about that when you file for citizenship.
KareeMaleThailand2011-03-14 18:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion1 year extension granted - spouse died

Her resident card expired 7/10/2011 and she got a 1 year extension on 3/26/12

Does that mean she is current illegal?

From the guides on this website:

Q: What if my spouse is unable or unwilling to file the I-751 joint petition?
A: If you cannot file because your marriage has ended in divorce, annulment or death of your petitioning spouse, or your spouse refuses to join in the filing of the petition, you may apply for a waiver of the requirement to file the joint petition. The waiver is filed with form I-751. To qualify for the waiver, you must establish that one of the following circumstances exists:

--o Your spouse has died;
--o Your marriage was entered into in good faith but ended by divorce or annulment;
--o Your marriage was entered into in good faith but your spouse subjected you to battery or extreme cruelty; or
--o Termination of your status would cause you extreme hardship.

KareeMaleThailand2012-09-06 16:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFiled for ROC almost two years ago!!! still nothing

My apologies,  I did indeed mean ROC and not AOS.  I wish I could edit this.


I reported it to the Mods. Hopefully they'll come by soon and edit the title.

KareeMaleThailand2013-05-12 15:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFiled for ROC almost two years ago!!! still nothing

Hello visajourney members,


My wife filed for her AOS in July of 2011.  10 months after filing (one year ago)  we received a RFE and sent in more than enough information.  As of this week our congressman's inquiry did nothing but inform us that the Vermont Service Center is still working on their investigation.  


We have been married  4 1/2 years now and she received her first green card almost four years ago.  


Should we just file for citizenship?  The agent at the USCIS office told us my wife would have to receive her permanent green card before she could do that but I have read that is not the case.




I'm assuming you meant to say that you filed ROC in July of 2011.  Is that correct?

KareeMaleThailand2013-05-12 11:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS sending confusing RFE messages

Have you read the same case as mine? My husband called already and he said it was an error. Wait for 15 days and if he hasn't received the mail then he can call them to give an answer. But at the meantime he said couldn't give us an answer. For goodness sake.

Well thanks for your reply. And in addition to our pain. We sent all the emails to our attorney and no reply. My husband paid them 4,000 US$ only to submit our papers and the rest of the work to us. They do not do anything.

Sadly that is usually the case with attorneys when it comes to this process. 

KareeMaleThailand2013-12-11 11:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied Visa at Interview


So you basically filed for K3 visa (spousal visa).  This is a long process and it takes up to 12 months.  It is very strange for them to deny further processing due to your lack of U.S. domicile. Although, since they know you have resided in Poland for the last three years, they may be afraid of fraudulent visa claim. It's hard to say.  You should move with your husband to a different country in EU for a while and then file DCF.  

K3 is pretty much dead.

KareeMaleThailand2013-11-21 17:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing experience 221(g)

Thank you so much for this inspirational message of yours.  Makes me feel better.  I will think about this when I feel down.  God bless you always my friend.  Wish you the best always.


Any luck getting the visa?

KareeMaleThailand2014-06-11 08:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing experience 221(g)

Okay I would ask my husband to email them as you mentioned.  Thank you so much.


Sorry I forgot the email address in my post.

KareeMaleThailand2014-06-08 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing experience 221(g)

We already gave them all the pics we had together, family and my friends.  I also submitted our yahoo emails, skype chat logs, phone records, etc. but she still requested them.

You can email and them and get more specific information on what they want.  I'd actually suggest doing that.  Email subject line needs to be' IV Inquiry BNK2014xxxxxx'  with the xxxxxx being the last 6 digits of your case number.  There response to me back in 2009 was something like "The applicant only submitted 3 photos and some cards, we need more photos of you together"


Ohh and they don't care about skype logs, or phone records.  People can make that stuff up.  They want photos. 



Edited by Karee, 07 June 2014 - 05:51 PM.

KareeMaleThailand2014-06-07 17:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAdministrative Processing experience 221(g)

The American CO handed me the 221g after she interviewed me and then she asked me to wait again.  I waited and called my name and asked to go to room #4 so I went.  Then i was interviewed again by the thai lady and she took note of my answers.  Then she told me to send to them the requested items from 221g.  Does it mean that they would only wait for my letter and docs then visa approval.  If ever they would give me another interview I hope not the same CO, she was mean and scary.


Give them what they want and you should be fine.  We got a 221g back in 2009 for some of the same things.  I gave them an updated tax transcript for 2008 and that took care of that.  I filed 2008 as single as well even though I had been married since 2006, because my wife didn't have a social security number.  Do you have a social security number?  I doubt it, so explain it that way.


Give them more photos as well.  They seem to like photos more than any other evidence there for some reason.


You can read about our interview experience here.  It sounds like it's somewhat similar to yours.



Edited by Karee, 07 June 2014 - 03:23 PM.

KareeMaleThailand2014-06-07 15:18:00
PhilippinesBangkok Adultery Fugitives To Feature on LOCKED UP ABROAD
My experience in Manilla:

I used to travel there almost on a weekly basis from Bangkok. My passport got lost/stolen. I went to the embassy on a Thursday afternoon. They informed me me that I had to have a police report. That was a joy getting that. I filed police reports and all that is required by the US embassy. I went to the US embassy over there near the hospital. They said tommorrow Friday is a holiday here. On the following Monday they gave me a new passport. No flights back to Bangkok at that point.

No they say I need an entrance stamp on my new passport, which of course I don't have. I paid 3k pesos to some guys uncle that I knew who was a customs officer.

I checked out of the Shangri-la and checked in to Oakwood, which was very nice. PLDT didn't help me at all. Glorietta was nice.

On Monday I got a new US passport, but too late to fly back to Bangkok. I had to go to the Foreign ministry and pay some guys uncle 5000 pesos to get a stamp. The top two floors had been burned down in the previous days.

Point being, that place is a mess and a nice place at the same time. EDSA sucks. At least in BKK they have highways. Manilla only has 1..
KareeMaleThailand2011-06-15 22:09:00
PhilippinesWhat did I do wrong?

It sounds like Filipina women are a lot like Vietnamese women.

Laugh. I was gonna say the same thing about Thais.
KareeMaleThailand2011-07-25 18:00:00
PhilippinesIs the 221g a sign of approvel

Correct and now its been over three weeks since we heard from the embassy was wondering what to do is possible to speak with someone other then the receptionist cant seem straight answer from the embassy when call .

Sounds like they're just taking their time. I'm not sure about Manila, but Bangkok has an email address where you can send inquiries about the status. I'd post this question in the PI forum.

KareeMaleThailand2012-07-11 20:37:00
PhilippinesIs the 221g a sign of approvel

My fiance was told to submit a new NBI with her aka on it and she sent it off through the togo delivery service and it was received three weeks ago by the embassy and is now worried that she maybe denied entry to the US because of how long its taking to here back from the embassy .

I'm a little confused by your post. Sounds like this is what happened.

She went to the interview and they gave her 221g asking for a new NBI with a different name?
KareeMaleThailand2012-07-11 16:47:00
PhilippinesPlease, I need advice bad, in God's name and his help!

TB manifests more in developing countries where conditions are tropic and people live and sleep near each other. Manila is known to throw the red flag up if a small spot shows up on xrays. It could be the close ties of Philippines/USA or just due to conditions there. As others mentioned, most delays for possible TB end up passing through after the sputum test is complete. It cannot be a money thing as the testing and medicine in the event of a positive is covered by the medical and visa fee from my understanding unless they are charing the US Embassy for the on going tests and treatments...
That is how I understand it all.

Yeah but I never hear about this test in Thailand or India or really any other country. Just seems odd to me.
KareeMaleThailand2013-01-24 17:57:00
PhilippinesPlease, I need advice bad, in God's name and his help!
I'm curious. I've never seen this Sputum test issue arise at any other consulate except Manila. I know there is TB all over the world. Just wondering why this is?
KareeMaleThailand2013-01-24 10:46:00
Philippinesmoney problems in paradise...

I am not saying is your case but i notice here that a lot but a LOT of women from some Countries as soon they start dating the american citizen they start sending money to pay the girl food,cellphone,school,clothes did they survive before finding the guy with blue passport????I can understand if your wife is waiting to get the visa and became unemployed but I saw here in the VJ people dating just a few months or just engaged and started sending money.People need to make sure their partners are in the relationship for the right reason.In your case I would not give more than 2k.Today was her brother, maybe tomorrow might be her mother,father,her niece,nephew....How sure are you that the guy in the picture is her brother? I am just saying...We see here almost every week in the VJ people scammed.I handled hundreds of case that the beneficiary got in the USA and after 7 days,30 days,60days just vanished.

I've seen it with alot of Thai cases, some here on VJ, and some not. They don't even bother coming to the U.S. They keep getting money sent all the way up to the interview and then bail out. I'd say the vast majority are not like this though. The majority are well intentioned and not scammers.

My wife's parents are rice farmers near the border with Cambodia. They're pretty poor. I think they've asked for money twice in the 4 years my wife has been here. Like $100 each time. I don't mind that at all. Especially since I never paid the Sin Sot (Thai Dowry) like most pay. We didn't have the traditional Thai marriage. The Army had a coup in Thailand in 2006 and changed the visa rules. If we didn't get married in Thailand, I would have been deported from there.

The funny joke is do you think your wife married you for a green card? Answer, no I married her for a visa to stay in Thailand.

KareeMaleThailand2012-12-19 09:34:00
Philippinesmoney problems in paradise...

My father was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at the same time that my mom had a heart attack. My brother asked me to send $4000 for my father's surgery and I sent $0. I was already paying for my mom's expenses and I'm not wiling to send money to somebody who abandoned us for another woman 2 decades ago. Anyways, when they found out that I won't be sending money, they contacted the hospital's billing department and applied for financial assistance. The bill went down from $4000 to $1000 because they found a pro-bono doctor and he stayed in a ward instead of a private suite. Half of the $1000 bill came from a donation from the Charity Sweeptakes Office. My father's mistress fell in line for several hours in order to apply for aid which was approved. The rest of the money came from his inheritance. It didn't take long for him to come up with a solution for his problem. Had I given the money for the surgery, I would also be asked to send my half-siblings to school and etc.

Best post I've seen on VJ in awhile.
KareeMaleThailand2012-12-19 07:52:00
Philippinesmoney problems in paradise...
I don't know about PI, but the "my brother got in a motorbike accident" line is among the top 3 in Thailand of ways to scam money from foreigners. Maybe #1. A few others, farm tractor is broken down, buffalo is sick or died.

I knew girls in Thailand that would send the same story to 5 different foreigners around the world for $. I'm not saying this is the case with your situation, but as soon as I saw motorbike and brother, it brought back memories.
KareeMaleThailand2012-12-18 10:08:00
Philippines$88 fee?

Hi Everyone, I was under the impression that there is an $88 affidavit of support fee at some point. Is this correct, and if so, when is this paid? My wife and I had her interview this morning and they said she was approved, but all we've paid so far is the I-130 fee, the st. luke's fee, and the visa application fee (they also made absolutely no mention of the new USCIS fee). (CR-1 visa filed DCF). Thanks in advance for setting me straight :)

- Bron (Makati/Utah)

The $88 fee is paid to NVC as part of that process. Maybe it doesn't apply if you are DCF? Anyway, sounds like you got the visa. Congratulations.
KareeMaleThailand2013-02-19 09:30:00
PhilippinesThe bar girl...


They should not let you and Karee out of P and R.


You two get one little hall pass and turn this respectable  forum into a drunken .free for all


Nice job BTW


devil.gif devil.gif

I had to take a break from P&R.  Danno is preaching, and it's not even Sunday yet.

KareeMaleThailand2013-09-07 22:59:00
PhilippinesThe bar girl...

I did learn a hard lesson in Honolulu at a Korean bar. I spent some time with some beautiful girls, bought many bottles of champange, and did get to finger bang at least one of them. After the last girl passed out drunk, I was out $1000, and left the place alone.


That sounds exactly like a bar I went to in Tokyo called Climax.  Except the girls were Russian.  I think I got nailed for $1500.  I had a tough time explaining that one on the corporate Amex. 

KareeMaleThailand2013-09-07 19:12:00
PhilippinesThe bar girl...

ETA: Just for the record I shacked up withe the first 19 year old bar girl I met after spending all of 2 hours in Bangkok.  Bought her a $3500 engagement ring within two months.  That relationship ended about 18 months later with me at the local Thai police station with a knife wound signing a confession in Thai.  So I'm no better than anyone else that falls into that trap.  I did learn a valuable lesson from it all though.

KareeMaleThailand2013-09-07 18:50:00
PhilippinesThe bar girl...

Maybe Thailand is different, but I doubt it.  From my experience, I don't buy the B.S. line about sending money back home to the poor family.  All the bar girls I knew in Thailand rarely sent money home, if at all.  In most cases they spent it on expensive clothes, or mobile phones, superficial things like that.  Some of them picked up nasty meth habits.  From what I could tell, it's a lifestyle.  Their friends are into it, so they're into it. 


I've also seen the cases up close with stringing along multiple foreign guys for money as another poster was talking about above.  The Thais have terrible English skills, unlike Filipinas.  I'd offer to help with the emails in exchange for services rendered.  From what I could see living in Bangkok, there's probably a less than 5% chance of getting the girl out of the business, once she's in it.  I have no idea if putting them on a plane and moving them to the U.S. changes that.  I think once they look at sex as a monetary transaction, it's probably hard for them to look at it any other way.  I've had some Thai bar girls describe sex as a bodily function like taking a leak, and they say "Why not get paid for it?"


Sorry if my views seem cynical, but living in Bangkok for 3 years, I've seen alot of guys get taken for a ride.  I don't blame the girls for that, and I'd bet after the initial anger from the guys, they don't blame them either.  It takes two people to get screwed over.  One to get screwed and one to to do the screwing.  There has to be a willing participant on both ends.


I'd talk to these guys crying in their beer after getting taken for a ride, and I felt like saying "so you really thought you were going to change some hot looking prostitute 25 years younger than you?"  She's in her prime earning years, and she knows it.  She's not going to give up that earning potential for some guy that is probably shagging other bar girls anyway.  Money is king in that culture.  Love comes a distant 3rd or 4th.  So I could see problems arising by bringing one of these girls here.  They're probably doing calculations in their head about how much money they're leaving on the table every time they have sex with their new American husband.  They expect something in return for all that free lovin' and when they don't get it, that's when the problems start.


A guy told me once, "Always rent, never buy"  when referring to bar girls.  People would have alot more money and a lot less heartache if they followed that simple rule.


I'm not saying that's the case with 100% of bar girls, but I guess the number is pretty close.

KareeMaleThailand2013-09-07 18:41:00
PhilippinesBe careful with St. Luke's and your 1st Green card

What about those coming with IR visas? They don't apply for Adjustment of Status when they get here. If they're not complete, will USCIS notify them still?

Wont matter with an IR visa. The next step after an IR visa is citizenship, and they don't ask anything about medical or vaccinations.
KareeMaleThailand2012-10-25 15:33:00