ThailandWhen will we get an interview

Well that sucks for me :(

Actually no it doesn't. It is good for you. It seems that the BKK embassy schedules all the K visas first, and then NVC schedules the CR-1/IR-1 visas with whatever is left over. That's my guess anyway. It took over three months from when our case was complete at NVC and the interview date. Also, there is no packet 3 for CR-1/IR-1, so as soon as the case was complete at NVC, we were ready for the interview.

Seems like the embassy takes precedence when scheduling interviews over NVC, which sucked for us.

Our timeline here:

KareeMaleThailand2011-11-06 18:59:00
ThailandWhen will we get an interview

We are getting with the attorney now to start getting things together as it goes I will get that info to you We are fighting this thing until the end.
I am unsure what the code means as this is all new language to me. I think it has to do with the dates we submited the original packet but that is just a guess.

Are you K-3 or CR-1. Just so everyone knows, NVC schedules interviews for IR-1/CR-1 in Bangkok. The embassy schedules K visa interviews.
KareeMaleThailand2011-11-06 16:37:00
Thailanddoes and don'ts

Hello All,

After several months of internet chats, soon I will be meeting Danita in Thailand for the first time. I had a bad experience with a fiancee from Vietnam a few years ago and we made some immigration mistakes before we even filed. Because of some Vietnamese traditions , we made the mistake of getting engaged on my first trip, and it was not good that a family member introduced us. We could not and i would not lie about the introduction but we should have known about waiting longer for the engagement ceremony. I know that fraud is very common from Vietnam and that is why the pick on such small things. I would like to try to avoid these little things this time from the beginning if things go as expected between Danita and I. Sorry for the long setup. My question, is there a list of does and don'ts that would be specific to the US Embassy in Thailand? I have already looked through a lot of posts but did not really see any thing that stood out.
If things go well we would plan to marry in Thailand on my 3rd trip, with some of my family attending.

Thank you

Vietnam and Thailand are different. I think Vietnam is considered a high fraud country due to all the immigrants that came here after the war. I think there are cases of arranged marriages in Vietnam to get family members visas strictly for immigration. Thailand doesn't have that issue.

Did you actually file a petition for the girl in Vietnam?
KareeMaleThailand2011-11-04 22:35:00
ThailandName in Thai passport and name in Green Card

Thanks for the ticket name advice. i didn't even think about that. :thumbs: :D

I'd go ahead and have her get a new passport when you're in Thailand. They are only valid for 5 years. Last time we were there I had my wife get a new one. Seems easier to do it there than here in the U.S.
KareeMaleThailand2011-10-30 16:09:00
ThailandThai K1 Visa special situations

Hi, my fiancée are filing for a K1 visa with the intent of getting married in the USA upon approval. There may be a few snags that I would like to ask about here if anyone has any experience dealing with them.

We were totally honest about her employment history for the last 5 years. She last worked at a hotel for a month, was unemployed for about a year while I supported her, worked at a bar as a cashier on soi 7. Before that she worked at another hotel for about 1 year on soi 22. Prior to this she had a job at a pool hall, a sports bar, and a restaurant. She has never excepted money for prostitution- this I am sure of. NEVER. I am worried that the bar work will look bad during the interview. I mailed the petition paperwork yesterday.

I have lived here in Thailand with her since may of 2011 and our first contact was via facebook through a mutual friend around june of 2010. I visited her in August 2010 for about 3 weeks and then again in January 2011 for another 3 weeks.

I am currently unemployed but I have stocks/savings/401k of over $160k at the moment. I was working in Iraq at the time we first began communicating and we spoke via skype every singe day. Sometimes we would leave the camera on while we both would be sleeping :)

I am 29 years old and my fiancee is 27, she has a high school diploma and started university but did not finish the first term due to financial issues.

Does anyone have any advice or experiences to share? Is the bar work a straight denial of the k1? I think its kind of unfair to assume every girl that works in the bar is a prostitute.

We want to be open and honest with the government because we both believe this is the best way. Any thoughts?

Thanks so much!


I know soi 22 quite well. I guess it would depend on the hotel. If it was Imperial Queens Park or Regency, than that is probably cool. If it was something like Hotel 27 or any of the places they have upstairs in Washington Square, not good. I know when I lived there from 2004-2007 any mention of working in any bar no matter what bar was a quick denial.

Working on soi 7, soi 7 1/2 and soi 22 doesn't look good. I'm not saying anything about your girl, but both of those sois are pretty notorious for ex-pat lady bars.

The tourists go to Nana, Patpong, Cowboy etc. There are no cashiers that I could see on any bar on soi 7, unless they were bartenders. Bed bar and Q bar are on soi 11. I know it sounds odd, but 7 and 11 are two totally different worlds.
KareeMaleThailand2011-10-13 22:25:00
ThailandAnyone have CRBA Experience in Thailand?

Does anyone know if the Thai Birth Certificate Translation needs to be approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? According to the Consulate website it just needs to be a translation. I think the translators are just trying to squeeze a few more baht out of me.

I already was dinged a good amount for having to rush to get the marriage certificate from the states translated and stamped so we could register our marriage here and pick up our baby's birth certificate.

MFA has nothing to do with it. However when I got married over there I had to go register it with MFA on Chaeng Watthana. Not sure why.
KareeMaleThailand2011-11-24 11:27:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question

He's in Bangkok (lat krabang) but he will be staying in a hotel really close to the embassy during the interview time. So he will be in central city at the time he can leave.

Send me a PM. There's buses that leave daily from soi 55 (Thonglor). 500 baht. Right on the corner.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-04 19:04:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question

I don't know them, but I would have to guess that they would have told him if they were going to do that.


1. You could ask.

2. If you don't want to ask, you could buy a cheap ticket to KL or Penang on Air Asia and see if he can stamp out.

Exactly. Where is he in Thailand? There's cheaper ways than jumping on a plane.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-03 10:35:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question

So we're pretty much screwed?

I'd cross that bridge when you get there.

Maybe leave via Poipet or Aranyaprathet on the Cambodian border if you have to. Those guys were barely awake everytime I crossed.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-02 17:29:00
ThailandRepost: Thailand question

My fiance has a really messed up controlling family. If they find out that he is leaving, it may be over for us. My question is: Can his grandparents legally screw up this process? He is 21 years old, but he lives with them and they have connections to the government. Also, would it be a bad idea to warn the government that will try to ruin our case if they do find out? Would the government look down on this?

My family is 100% behind me, but his would not approve of anyone for him.

visa wise I wouldn't worry about it. They will make his life a living hell though. He might want to move out. A Thai man marrying a farang lady is frowned upon. Pretty weird if you ask me. No problem with a farang man marrying a Thai girl.
KareeMaleThailand2011-09-04 10:44:00
ThailandVisa denied

Just wondering, how many times did you guys meet and how did you meet?

Also, Ning and Douglas are always such a huge help <3

We lived in an apartment on soi 16 at first, then we lived together on soi 33. My landlord:
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-23 20:13:00
ThailandVisa denied

Karee, when you did that were you also there for the interview as well? Or did you fly there take the pictures spend time with your then fiance and then leave?

No I was not there for the initial interview since I thought it was a slam dunk. I flew to BKK after the 221g. I went and gave the man an ugly look, some photos, and she was approved.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-17 16:37:00
ThailandVisa denied
I think the photos are key. Here is what the sent me after 221g:

During the interview, the applicant submitted only 5 photos, some money
transfers, 2 cards. Your 2007 income is above the poverty guidelines,
but the consular officer has noted an IRS lien of 11K from JUN 2008,
which would bring the income to below poverty guidelines. Thus, in
order to process the case, the applicant needs to submit more
substantial evidence of relationship and information about the lien.


Correspondence Unit

I took care of the tax thing right away. Then I flew over there and had every motorbike taxi driver take photos of us all over Bangkok in different clothes. I went back in with her with the photos and she was approved. That embassy is nuts in my mind. Seems like they just pull one out of the file and say "lets #### with this one today" I say that because I have seen K visas get approved with almost zero evidence.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-17 10:00:00
ThailandVisa denied

Just responded to your PM.

The wife called her. Sounds like her and Ying have it figured out. LOL.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-17 00:09:00
ThailandVisa denied

Thanks Andy. I saw May a little while ago and said Ning would be calling her when she has time. I explained she's woman whose helped me a lot and wanted to help us with this. May said that would be nice.

I'll also be contacting the embassy asking myself on what they want. If it's only for her to learn more English or anything more. They did also say they wanted more evidence, but I sent so much already. Crazy. I'll keep you posted.

Yeah she wont learn English in the near future.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-16 22:41:00
ThailandVisa denied

Hello Ning,

I thought I read there would be someone available to help in Thai if needed. Maybe she did say too much about something then, because her cousin's parents were given travel visas and they could only basically say yes, no, and hello in English. May did e-mail me and said the woman was very serious and kept talking in English and said for May to learn more for the next time. From what May said, we didn't have enough evidence as well. I thought we had plenty. So maybe a combination of a couple things added up. They also want to know the role of her cousin, who helped a lot with the translating. This is what May attached in her e-mail last night -
Please submit significantly more evidence that this is a legitimate relationship.Please address the role of (May's cousin) in the relationship and how you communicate, since you appear unable to speak English and we have no reason to believe that the petitioner can speak Thai. Thank you

Maybe I should've wrote an additional letter (as suggested by Andy) to state some of these things. Though I did state in the 129F that I've started learning a little Thai (and May started with some English classes but ultimately didn't practice enough). We understand each other much better when we see each other on-line, and I speak a little Thai or type in English when she doesn't understand what I say. She read a card back to me at one time, so I know she can read English. It's just when spoken to that it's difficult for her. I spoke with her briefly after I read her e-mail last night by phone, and we're seeing each other tonight to talk more. I'll ask if she was given a 221g form too. I'll also be contacting the embassy on what kind of significantly more evidence they require. I have more e-mails I can use, as I didn't include everything as I thought what was given was enough. But it's not significantly more. I know I couldn't go into the interview, but I thought that just being outside might help. This is kind of mixed in the responses though. Maybe another visit over to her is something they want to see too. Again, once the embassy gets back to me I'll have a better idea. I want to see her regardless of what they want now, as I haven't touched her since November 14 of 2010.

So since this isn't an outright denial, I wonder how long it will take for another interview? I think we have a year? I'll have to check on that. I know it's all depending on what they say/want of course.

That's a 221g. It's not a denial. I believe you can go back Mondays and Wednesdays between 1-3 pm to submit what they want. I don't know how she's going to overcome the English thing in a short time. Email the embassy. Subject line should be this:

IV Inquiry BNK2011xxxxxxx (xxxxxxx being your case number) You will have that number from the letter NVC sent you.

Email is
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-16 10:44:00
ThailandVisa denied

I don't know how long things take, a lot of that will depend on what the actual paper refusal/ RFE form says. If you get a second interview, it would be good if you can fly there to be present, it count for a lot. There is one thing you mention that could be a big red flag making them more suspicious, namely that she has a cousin living near you and you communicate via the cousin sometimes. They could see this as you being paid to marry her to bring her to the USA and that it is really her family who want her to immigrate, not you. They may be asking for a list of all her family members in the USA together with adresses.

Agreed. I doubt it was an outright denial. More likely 221g.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-15 15:26:00
ThailandInterview Prep

Thanks again Ning ! I like how you put a positive spin on things. Other than the docs concern I do have some red flags. Nothing to do with fraud but something I will need to prepare for. I'm thinking of posting these red flags in the open forum to see what people think and if they have some pointers of how to prepare ??????

Post the red flags. We can't help unless we know what they are.
KareeMaleThailand2012-01-04 20:58:00
ThailandThailand Thread

Yeah I saw that. Pretty cool.

I'm glad they did it. Makes it much easier to isolate Thai topics.
KareeMaleThailand2012-01-04 21:01:00
ThailandThailand Thread

Holy #######, we have our own regional forum now like Philippines. :o

Yeah I saw that. Pretty cool.
KareeMaleThailand2012-01-03 12:37:00
ThailandThailand Thread

puahaha I'll cut off his thing if he cheats on me!

Only two days now...Merry Christmas everyone ^^

Are you sure you're not Thai?

KareeMaleThailand2011-12-25 09:44:00
ThailandThailand Thread
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-24 22:01:00
ThailandThailand Thread

Thai men never go there.

I took the brothers from Samut Sakhon there once. They looked at me like "What the hell are you doing?" The hookers wouldn't even touch these guys. Sucks to be a Thai man in your own country.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-24 21:27:00
ThailandThailand Thread

Ice and I get married in 4 days!!!!!

He has 3 days to hit Nana and Cowboy!!
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-23 17:03:00
ThailandThailand Thread
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-23 07:59:00
ThailandThailand Thread

Sorry I posted it 3 times. I can't see the video from my computer when in the post from this computer. Need to figure out what's up with that.

It was Ad Block Plus blocking it.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-22 15:33:00
ThailandThailand Thread
Sorry I posted it 3 times. I can't see the video from my computer when in the post from this computer. Need to figure out what's up with that.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-22 14:57:00
ThailandThailand Thread
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-17 17:33:00
ThailandThailand Thread
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-17 17:22:00
ThailandThailand Thread
Some dumbass getting hi #### kicked. Probably british.

KareeMaleThailand2011-12-17 17:17:00
ThailandThailand Thread

CDR? They did not have to break in. It was issued by the foreign minister.

Read up. The foreign ministry was closed due to the floods.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-17 10:49:00
ThailandThailand Thread

Surprise surprise surprise. The square faced one was issued his passport in the end of October during the flooding.


Yeah it's BS.

Step 1... Get your sister elected

Step 2... Deny she was elected to help you

Step 3.. Have one of your subordinates get your brother back

Step 4.. Break in to the visa office during the floods

Step 5.. Have them send the visa via diplomatic pouch to Abu Dhabi.

Step 6.. Come back and do your 2 years in Bang Kwang

Step 6 will never happen. The place is a joke.

Step 7 the military has another coup.

Step 7 is the best option. Yingluck needs to go back to Chiang Mai. CDR needs to come back.

He is so deluded he thinks he'll get a royal endorsement. Never gonna happen.

Edited by Karee, 17 December 2011 - 12:29 AM.

KareeMaleThailand2011-12-17 00:26:00
ThailandThailand Thread

What does that mean?

He's saying 2 to 1 odds that you wont have an interview for adjustment of status.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-14 16:56:00
ThailandThailand Thread

Gotta love it.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-14 02:01:00
ThailandThailand Thread

I wish it didn't happen

You can thank the U.S. govt/military for the mess. They turned Pattaya into the biggest sex tourism place on the planet.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-11 17:47:00
ThailandThailand Thread

So neither ever happens.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-11 12:42:00
ThailandThailand Thread

So are sex toys.

So neither ever happens.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-11 12:40:00
ThailandThailand Thread

Those would be illegal in Thailand.

Prostitution is illegal in Thailand.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-11 12:32:00
ThailandThailand Thread

How do you find this kind of thing? :lol:

Only in Thailand! I have friend that is thinking about importing them.
KareeMaleThailand2011-12-11 11:12:00
ThailandThailand Thread
Make sure your girl wakes up for the interview.

KareeMaleThailand2011-12-11 09:29:00