US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSpeedy Packet 3 at London


I've just noticed that my packet 3 doesn't have any forms enclosed!!!!

I hope I can download the ones I need!

Don't worry, you aren't supposed to get any of the forms with your Packet 3 - the instructions you got tell you the web address where you can download them all.

You are supposed to get a medical questionnaire though. Did you get one? They forgot to include that in my packet 3 which i got on monday, but they told me i can fill one it when i go for the medical.

Edited by CardiffIan, 05 July 2007 - 09:32 AM.

CardiffIanMaleWales2007-07-05 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe "No, Nothing Yet" Thread
its one month today since we got the NOA1! That's means we've had one third of nothing and only have two thirds of nada left to go!

Sam is coming to visit me in Wales tomorrow though! ond mae hi'n bwrw glaw, wrth cwrs - it's raining. Any other Cymraeg speakers or learners out there? I've set myself a goal of learning conversational Welsh by the time I get to Chicago - it makes the waiting more bearable - and there are Welsh speakers in Chicago btw.

Nothing in Welsh is 'dim byd'. I guess all sorts of languages are spoken by people viewing these forums, so it would be kinda cool to get a list of 'nothing' translations is dozens of different languages. Anyone care to indulge me?
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-04-24 03:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe "No, Nothing Yet" Thread
I've only been waiting a month but bored already.

I have lost all motivation to any work in my job as I know I will be leaving, plus they've cut my budget again so I don't have any resources to do anything, so I'm just sitting here twiddling my thumbs, trying to find something to fight off the boredom.

Maybe I should just sit in a cupboard with a couple of mothballs in my pockets and only come out when we get our NOA2!

I was thinking though - I work better if I get compliments rather than complaints, so maybe its the same for the guys at USICS. So rather than complain about the length of time all us non-VSC people have to wait, maybe we should all be sending letters of encouragement, bunches of flowers and boxes of chocolates etc to CSC, it might encourage them to work faster! :lol:

A little bribery can go a long way.
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-04-12 09:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS :p
At last! my fiance got our NOA1 in the snail mail today - we posted our forms to nebraska on 6th march, it said they received it in california on 14th march and posted the NOA1 on 19th march, so a whopping 18 day wait just to get an NOA1, hmm that's about the same length of time it takes a Vermont filer to get their NOA2! ha ha
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-03-24 18:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS :p

Yay, my check was cashed today, so I was able to get the number off the back and register on the USCIS site. They sent my NOA1 on the 16th, so hopefully I'll get it in the mail any day now!

Our check was cashed on the 20th March - so hurray! - our forms aren't in a black hole somewhere between Nebraska and California!
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-03-22 06:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS :p
Any non-VSC March filers got an NOA1 yet?

We sent our package off to NSC on 6 March, it was received at Nebraska on 9 March but we still haven't even got an NOA1. I know they're slow but this seems ridiculous.
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-03-20 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS :p
Hurray, we're March filers too! My fiance just posted off the I-129F today. I've just managed to get a 6 month extension on my contract at work, so i'm hoping the whole process doesn't take longer than that - but i guess we'll be processed via California too.
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-03-06 17:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFinally through NVC
Yep, this process does just seem to take forever. My case is through NVC and i'm still waiting for packet 3 - its nearly a month since NOA2. Every day this last week i've arrived home from work hoping to find a package in the mail, and everyday i've been disappointed.

Anyone else feel its like a prison sentence waiting for this visa - as we're forced to be apart from our fiances, trapped in our own countries while we wait for our interview date/release date!!! :wacko:
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-06-29 04:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
Hurray we just got our NOA2 email approval! So exactly three months since the day we posted the forms, and around 80 days since they received the forms in CSC.
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-06-06 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
wooo, we've got a touch. Hopefully that means our NOA2 is on the way.

I'm not sure if we're classed as early, mid or late March filers though. We sent the forms in early march, they received them mid march but we didn't get out NOA1 until late march!
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-06-06 02:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMARCH FILERS!!!
its so exciting that March filers are getting NOA2's! My fiance would love an October wedding, so getting an NOA2 at the beginning on June as opposed to the end could make a big difference for us. Plus its my birthday next week and an NOA2 would be a fantastic present!
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-05-24 05:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview time for MARCH filers
I finally got an email reply from NVC, a week after a I sent them the email. Our app is now on it's way to London apparantly, but they didn't say when they recieved it so i don't know how long it took to process - so, on to waiting for packet 3 now!
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-06-26 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview time for MARCH filers
We still haven't had a letter from NVC to tell us our app has been received, its 3 weeks now since we were approved. I sent them an email last week to ask if they have got it but i've had no response, so i guess i will have to phone them to find out if they've had it yet.
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-06-25 03:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresg-325a query
Hi, i've started filling in my G325a forms as part of the I-129F petition and I have a couple of queries i'm hoping someone may be able to help with.

I spent a year out travelling a few years ago, so technically I was unemployed. I was wondering if it would be best to simply put unemployed or to put something like 'Career break for travelling' in the employment section. Has anyone had any problems getting a visa approved because they were unemployed for any time? I know they don't want anyone to be a drain on society!

Also in the parents section my father is deceased, so i'm not sure whether to put deceased or none in the 'current residence' box. Any advice?

I'm the alien btw, from the UK.
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-02-21 05:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfreelance worker query
I have a rather complex work query I'm hoping someone would be able to help with.

I know the subject of freelance work has been touched on before - and I know I will not be able to work for a US company until I receive my EAD, but I am wondering if I will be able to continue freelancing for foreign companies? I currently freelance for a Swedish company for instance, but they pay into my UK bank account and I pay income tax in the UK.

If I were to receive payments using my Social Security Number into a US bank account before I receive my EAD, would this still be breaking the work conditions of the visa?
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-02-27 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 to March filler !
I'm so jealous. We're March filers too but still waiting for an NOA1 from Nebraska while you lucky lucky Vermont filers seem to be getting NOA2 within days!

It's so frustrating that the same speed of service isn't provided at the other centres. Maybe all us non-Vermont filers should start sending petitions to our congressmen - if enough people send them maybe they'll even things up a bit! i think everyone could cope with a six week wait; but 2 weeks for east-coasters and 12 weeks for everyone else just doesn't seem right.

Congratulations on getting the NOA2 though!!!
CardiffIanMaleWales2007-03-16 09:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDocuments to the London Embassy
Sent some documents to the embassy today, but some missed the deadline. Is SMS used to deliver important documents, such as passports, birth certs. etc. Or can I use good old recorded delivery with my local post office to get these not so important documents.

I understand there is some confusion with SMS, and luckily I am so far into the game as to warrant questions in relation to them.

The documents in question are only printed copies of a tax form. There is a letter in the package I sent today saying it will follow, so I hope this will get there.

I'm going to give it till the close of business tomoz to get a definitive answer - so lights out till 4pm shall we say?

thanks in advance

Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-07 22:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNervous
Breathe...I cannot tell you what your exprience will be, as I had my interview in London and you will presumably have yours elsewhere. For me the interview was very a nervous time. I had some things which could have caused problem, but I answered the questions as directly and efficiently as I could.
The interviewer was not friendly and niether was she aggressive, but all in all I would definitly say she was not friendly.
I guess you are nervous because this so important to you, and in that thought you should get some comfort - you are not alone.

My problems started after my part of the interview, with my wife being out of the country for three years her tax was out of date. So look at it this way - it's the final part to the puzzle.

I hope this helps, just remember to breathe.

All the best of luck in the world

grammar and punctuation not included
Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-15 17:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTax Return Copy Question
I thought there was a tax office that is attached to the embassy. we had a problem with taxes, and they knew before the end of the interview. I wonder why they need this paperwork when they can see for the most part what the tax office has and hasn't. Or am I jumping to conclusions?

I ask the question because I have sent a package with some of my main sponsors tax documents left out. I now have copies of these documents on their way to London. My wife has put her mother as co-sponsor, and all her paperwork was in the package with my passport via secure mail services. I insisted my wife file her taxes for last year anyway, as she would still be the main sponsor still. She filed, but was too late for me to run up copies for the SMS pickup. But , what I'm wondering is, if they know so much information about you taxes why do they need paper copies?

Just wondering

Nearly there now,

Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-08 15:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTaxes for 2006, wife not living in the US declared in 1040

Samuel Beckett,
I am confused by your post. Did your wife finally file her taxes? You said you got a copy of her 1040 and other documents "all proving that she was living here in the UK, paying taxes, and living privately in modest accomodation." As a USC, she would be required to file a US tax return (most likely a Form 1040 with a form 2555 attached to exempt up to $82,400 from US taxes as well as any other attachments and forms needed) regardless of whether she lived in the US or not as long as she made enough money to be required to file, which $16,900 for a married person. If she hasn't filed or missed the 2555, this could be the hold up.

I am petitioning for my wife living in Nicaragua, so far we are at the second stage where she already got her NVC case #. Right now, I am filling the form I-184 to send it to NVC, but I was wondering about my 2007 taxes.

I would like to know if what I did would affect the visa for my wife. I called IRS a few months ago and I asked them if I could put my wife in form 1040, even though she was living in Nicaragua, and they told me if I was married to her since August 2006, I could do it. They even provided me with an ITIN # for her. Does she also need to sign the Authorization for Release of Federal Tax Data? Or should I send it just with my signature?

Personally I would get this sorted as soon as you can, as I have been given an ok at interview with the priviso that my wife sort he taxes out for last year(she has been living with me in Wales for the last 18months or so) because she didn't file any. I got a copy of her 1040 sent to the embassy the next day with my passport, and other documents.

I hate to be a moaner, but the woman on the counter DID say with this being sorted out it would only take five working days. THREE WEEKS later I got fed up with waiting in my home for the package to return, as in my passport and my other documents - all proving that she was living here in the UK, paying taxes, and living privately in modest accomodation.

I phoned the parcel delievry service, who told me contrary to what I understood. They said that they would phone me before making a delivery, but there wasn't anything to be delivered to me anyway. At this I phoned my wife, I get worried about large organisations losing you, as in your paperwork - which is essentially you in this case.

My Wife phoned the embassy, but as most of the people will agree they can be quite evasive. I do have an understanding of the security that must be involved in these things, but some are not onl,y evasive, they are down right rude. They told her that the had sent me a letter two or three days after the interview, but would not say what it was about.

This weekend I have a phone call from my house saying that while I was away someone tried to deliver a package...A PACKAGE?!?!?! But no one had called my cell, and it is clearly printed on the top of the recieipt of the package note. I phone the package company...

...The woman, who after a lot of back and forth, and nearly calling me a liar, says that no one at the embassy package company would have told you when you were expecting a package...And that if someone at the embassy had told me it was going to five working days till I had a return package, then it would have been five working days. She had an american accent and seemed to know what she was talking about, well seemed until I realised that what she was saying was completely wrong. I asked her if I could arrange for this package to be delivered another time, to which she said 'yes'. I asked her if it would cost me an additional charge to which she said 'no'. I asked her when I should be expecting this package to be delivered to which she said 'Tuesday'...Hey - didn't she say they would tell us when the package was coming??? And it gets better!

Over the weekend my wife got me to cheer up, and I was entertaining this was all one great big problematic joke that I should laugh at - 'Ah, the beurocracy of it all, hahaha!' and that I might have actually gotten my visa...This was my state of mind last night while looking at cheap flights for thursday, friday, or my favourite a direct on saturday!

That was until today. Wifey phones up and makes some equiries about this supposed letter that was supposed to have been sent (18th). They give her more information, saying that it has something to do with her taxes, but will not say anymore.

Anyway, as it goes, she might have to find another sponsor. And it looks like another two weeks wait at the very least.

I dont want to scare you, but you should get this tax stuff sorted before interview. They told me I have a visa as soon as she sorts this out, but until this package, and hopefully letter gets here tomorrow, we won't know what is wrong with the application as far as taxes...and as all the brits know - boy did she pay taxes whil she was here.

I will let you know to the outcome sometime tomorrow. :whistle:

Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-02 16:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTaxes for 2006, wife not living in the US declared in 1040

I am petitioning for my wife living in Nicaragua, so far we are at the second stage where she already got her NVC case #. Right now, I am filling the form I-184 to send it to NVC, but I was wondering about my 2007 taxes.

I would like to know if what I did would affect the visa for my wife. I called IRS a few months ago and I asked them if I could put my wife in form 1040, even though she was living in Nicaragua, and they told me if I was married to her since August 2006, I could do it. They even provided me with an ITIN # for her. Does she also need to sign the Authorization for Release of Federal Tax Data? Or should I send it just with my signature?

Personally I would get this sorted as soon as you can, as I have been given an ok at interview with the priviso that my wife sort he taxes out for last year(she has been living with me in Wales for the last 18months or so) because she didn't file any. I got a copy of her 1040 sent to the embassy the next day with my passport, and other documents.

I hate to be a moaner, but the woman on the counter DID say with this being sorted out it would only take five working days. THREE WEEKS later I got fed up with waiting in my home for the package to return, as in my passport and my other documents - all proving that she was living here in the UK, paying taxes, and living privately in modest accomodation.

I phoned the parcel delievry service, who told me contrary to what I understood. They said that they would phone me before making a delivery, but there wasn't anything to be delivered to me anyway. At this I phoned my wife, I get worried about large organisations losing you, as in your paperwork - which is essentially you in this case.

My Wife phoned the embassy, but as most of the people will agree they can be quite evasive. I do have an understanding of the security that must be involved in these things, but some are not onl,y evasive, they are down right rude. They told her that the had sent me a letter two or three days after the interview, but would not say what it was about.

This weekend I have a phone call from my house saying that while I was away someone tried to deliver a package...A PACKAGE?!?!?! But no one had called my cell, and it is clearly printed on the top of the recieipt of the package note. I phone the package company...

...The woman, who after a lot of back and forth, and nearly calling me a liar, says that no one at the embassy package company would have told you when you were expecting a package...And that if someone at the embassy had told me it was going to five working days till I had a return package, then it would have been five working days. She had an american accent and seemed to know what she was talking about, well seemed until I realised that what she was saying was completely wrong. I asked her if I could arrange for this package to be delivered another time, to which she said 'yes'. I asked her if it would cost me an additional charge to which she said 'no'. I asked her when I should be expecting this package to be delivered to which she said 'Tuesday'...Hey - didn't she say they would tell us when the package was coming??? And it gets better!

Over the weekend my wife got me to cheer up, and I was entertaining this was all one great big problematic joke that I should laugh at - 'Ah, the beurocracy of it all, hahaha!' and that I might have actually gotten my visa...This was my state of mind last night while looking at cheap flights for thursday, friday, or my favourite a direct on saturday!

That was until today. Wifey phones up and makes some equiries about this supposed letter that was supposed to have been sent (18th). They give her more information, saying that it has something to do with her taxes, but will not say anymore.

Anyway, as it goes, she might have to find another sponsor. And it looks like another two weeks wait at the very least.

I dont want to scare you, but you should get this tax stuff sorted before interview. They told me I have a visa as soon as she sorts this out, but until this package, and hopefully letter gets here tomorrow, we won't know what is wrong with the application as far as taxes...and as all the brits know - boy did she pay taxes whil she was here.

I will let you know to the outcome sometime tomorrow. :whistle:
Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-07-30 17:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLong time gone criminal record
I guess the report you want is the NIS report, or the National Identification Service. I cannot help you with telling you whether this thing you did will come up or not after twelve years. What I can tell you is though, that if you did try to 'wing it' and they did see something in front of them then you would be lying as well as having a criminal record.

I am talking from experience here, and not just trying to worry you...And it shouldn't. I had two blemishes on my record one driving conviction of the worst type(drinking) and a caution for theft, which I didn't do. I know they're all innocent!

Anyway, it was on my record on the NIS report. I was wondering about delaying the embassy interview and getting another date so that the drink driving would not come up - I was told that it wouldn't show up after ten years. But when it came down to it I decided to go with it and fess up to what had happened in my past.

They should ask you about it at interview. By the way you describe it, it seems like a silly thing done in youth. Whatever the situation explain it to them and let them decide. Remember, if you hide it from them they will think the worst.

Hope this helps - twelve years is a long time, I bet you didn't think you were going to relive that again. I know I didn't.
Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-02 17:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with tax returns while out of country, and didn't earn enough.
The embassy have my passport now, and the tax information follows shortly. I hope her filing her taxes for last year will be the end of this, because otherwise it's wifey will have to come over for a week while we sort it out.

I still don't know if you can just send documents via good old royal mail(snail mail)?

And doesn't it cost £1.?? odd an min to call the embassy from america - huh?

But, I am hopeful, and want to be winging it to my sweety some time soon.


big sorry for anyone caught in the crossfire of that one - I felt like I had to stick a red hot poker somewhere to get wifey to file her taxes. :devil:
Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-09 18:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with tax returns while out of country, and didn't earn enough.
either way she needed to file her taxes, that was my whole point. she has now done that, and I am close to happy.

I might have been giving out incorrect information, but if I did, I did so unwittingly.

sorry to get you involved

Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-09 18:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with tax returns while out of country, and didn't earn enough.
not good new, but at least it's some light on the topic.
a bit too late though, as my passport and mothers 1040's(co-sponsor) go off to London tomorrow.

Ah well,

thanks trailmix

Sam :thumbs:
Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-06 15:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with tax returns while out of country, and didn't earn enough.
after a long 'discussion' my wife has informed me that most of this information is wrong. she will be posting a more accurate account via her user name. I want it to be known that after nearly four months of distance, I have started to get really negative vibes about the process.

Rabbit we talk
Lion we hide
Truth takes a walk
But returns with the tide

thank you to all those who have helped in visajourney! :thumbs:
Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-06 13:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with tax returns while out of country, and didn't earn enough.
Can anyone help?

My wife and I are nearing the end of our CR1 application, but we have hit a snag. She filled that she earned $24,000 last year, but didn't. She was in fact living with me in Britain, and although we were living quite comfortably while I ended my degree, and gained work in the area of work I studied, she didn't earn the required amount.

The problem started at my interview. Everything went fine, but at the end the interviewer asked me who my wife was working for last year. I promptly told her that it was British Gas. OK, it was for a temp firm working within British Gas, but I could see where she was going with the questioning. Next question was 'where to was that?' Again, I answer the question directly and say 'Britain'. However now we have hit a sticky situation. They have said that they want the 1040 for last year. My wife was only in thier employment for about three months, earning something in the region of $6000 or so for the whole year.

My wife has now decided to forego all the sponsor attempts and go directly to her mother as co-sponsor. As far as I can see she earns well enough over the poverty line to allow me entry. But a few questions still annoy me.

I also had a letter today...A day before the new I-864 with her mother as co-sponsor, with all her mothers 1040's and such go to the embassy. This letter states that 'An IRS transcript of non-filing is not acceptable' because she made over $7750 - I dont know where they get this number from.

My wife says that she did not need to file, as she says that it states on the IRS website that if you do not earn over a certain amount, you do not need to file...and as it says she did file a non-filing form.

1. Can she just change over from being the sponsor, and with a letter(and revised I-864 with tax returns from the new co-sponsor) say that she wishes her mother to go as co-sponsor?

2. Will they hold up the visa until she has filed a full and accurate 1040?

3. Has anyone else suffered with this problem?

I worship the ground that my wife walk upon, but this is causing so much tension between us...You could be our only hope.

There is only two things definite in this life - death and taxes.

PS thanks in advance for any help you give.
Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-06 08:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresalcohol & drugs test at the medical
Your husband sounds like a drunk!

Drinks the night b4!

A pint the b4 the interview!

Tsk, tsk!

What can I say. I was nevous as hell.

Loves ya Baby

Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-03 17:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen Long Process causes stress Due to NVC
I think this is equally what VJ is for. There are so many people in your position here. I was at the end of all hope two weeks ago, and was lucky for my wife to come over and visit.

But sometimes is is best to just listen. It is good for you to talk about this.

I really wish you all speed and luck with your application. All these feelings are as unique as the individual, not one person can tell you how to cope, and sometimes not coping and putting your hands in the air and addmitting you are lost is the only solution, the only solace.

My heart is with you at this most testing time. I guess what I am trying to say is that there aren't the words to make you feel better, only the knowlege that there are people who are in the same position as you, and are ready to listen.

Samuel BeckettMaleWales2007-08-30 12:05:00
United KingdomDo i need to fill in other forms

Thank you i have done this now 

MOMMAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-21 15:43:00
United KingdomDo i need to fill in other forms

i have filled out the DS-160 on the 18th dec i have been for a medical what am i doing wrong the london embassy is saying there is no status.

MOMMAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-20 13:10:00

could someone tell me if i have to book an interview for an fiance visa, or do they send one out

MOMMAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-24 18:01:00
United KingdomI can't find the "K1 Fiance" option in the online form pre-interview

we also had this problem however we were told to set up a immigrant visa account with a different email  hope this helps


MOMMAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-27 08:15:00
United Kingdomaffadavit of support

i have an interview on the 10th in london, could someone tell me what proof of support i need please

MOMMAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-28 05:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy US embassy K1 interview 01-24-2014

could you tell me please did you make your own interview. i have applied for a k1 visa i have filled out the ds 160 and have had my medical , when you filled out the ds 160 did you have to pay a fee for a nonimigrant visa i have not paid anything over here in London yet am i doing something wrong .

MOMMAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-26 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa

i have my visa now but can someone tell me if i can marry in uk and then go to america after im married

MOMMAFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-24 04:45:00