Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi David, you should hear any day now. I wrote an email saying i needed to know for work reasons to arrange leave and I got an answer straight away. Still no packet 4 though.

Ausqueen, thank you for your kind thoughts. You should hear soon too. It is definitely a relief once you get an interview date.

To everyone else in here that I haven't met yet...HELLO!!! I am currently in Canberra staying with parents (used to live in Melbourne) until the big move to Colorado Springs.

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-10 01:37:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey All,

I found out my interview date today, it's 2 February YAY!!! :D We are so excited. I got a reply to my email but still haven't received packet 4.

I can't believe it's nearly all over. Can't wait to be with my baby's been a long road!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-09 01:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey Michelle, The suspense is killing did you go with your interview today???

David, have you heard anything yet? I am still waiting..sent the consulate an email today asking about the interview date. It took them 9days to reply to that last email i sent.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-08 00:51:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hi everyone!

I've just finished putting together all my paperwork in the correct order - I have my interview on Monday YAYYY!!

I've read the embassy reviews and people state paying the fee. Does anyone know what the fee is?

I'm fed up with fees! I have to fly my daughter and I from Perth to Sydney for this interview (school holidays aren't cheap)! Our medicals cost $600 (seems a bit on the high side to me!). Just paid our 2x $130 at the post office. What's next??!! I sound like the Mastercard ad!

Hi Michelle,

Good luck for your interview. The medical cost about the same for me here in Canberra and as I hope to have an interview soon I was reading up on the US Consulate Sydney site that the fee for immigration visas is around $480 AUD but I am not sure that applies to K1 or 3s. It wasn't clear.

Sorry I can't help any further, wish you all the best for Monday.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-03 02:15:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Wherever you are! :star: is short so, this year....

break the rules,

forgive quickly,

kiss slowly,

love truly,

laugh uncontrollably,

....and never regret anything that made you smile!

:D (L)
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-31 21:50:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Awesome news David! Let us know when you get the date. I am till waiting to mail today :(
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-29 00:43:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi David,

Sorry to hear about the RFE that really sux and over something so trivial. I agree why couldn't they just pick up the phone and call. I hope they respond quickly.

I haven't heard anything yet about my interview date.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-28 01:45:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope Santa visited you all and for those in the USA, one more sleep! :P

All I want for Christmas is a VISA!!!! :lol:

Hey Lunamel...must have missed your first posting about the shipping people so thanks for posting it again will definitely check them out after Christmas. Good luck with cooking for your in-laws I'm sure it will all turn out fine!

Caroline, it's cold up here in Canberra too but at least it's sunny. Hope it clears up a bit for the cricket for you. Apparently, it's so cold there's snow at Mt Bulla, that should put out any fires that are still there!

Christmas hugs to all
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-24 19:14:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Densusan and Kath, I heard there is a blizzard in Colorado, that's where I'm heading. Oh what fun it will be to leave Sydney in Summer clothes and manage to carry enough warm things to rug up when I get to JFK and then Denver.....brrrrrr!

David, what is the name of the shipping people you are using? I still need to get that organised. I don't have much to take but I still want some of my things from home shipped over.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-22 03:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi David,

Yes, of course, I'll let you know. Looking at the timelines you should hear any day now. The Christmas holidays may be delaying it a bit if staff are on holidays.

Hopefully one of us will hear soon.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-21 01:42:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Kath,

Thanks for adding that. Yes, I read it and I hope it doesn't come in at JFK before I get there. I so frustrated with everything right now, that would just top it off!!! :(
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-21 01:33:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks so worried about having to wait because of the Christmas break that I thought it best to.

Hey Densusan, don't be sorry, thank you for the thought. It's great that everyone helps out here. :)
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-19 04:44:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
We got packet 3 about lift my spirits!! Except my man has gone home for Christmas and is partying and I can't contact him grrrr. Oh well at least we got it!

Hey David, good luck....hope you hear about your interview soon. :)
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-19 01:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Elle,

I'm sorry to hear that you may not get to vacation together, visits are so important while we are all doing this Visa #######. I know exactly what you mean about being over it! We may be in different places with our visa process but I feel like that too and my SO has been not that helpful lately and says to stop hassling when i ask about paperwork. He just says don't worry. That and the waiting just wears you out. Hang in there we'll make it! :)

Oh and Kath, thanks for the kind thoughts. It's hard though I am seriously over immigration at the moment. The waiting is a killer!!! grrrr
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-18 02:05:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Oops forgot I had another question, my Australian AFP certificate looks pretty pathetic for somethign that was $130. Just says 'not adversely recorded in Australian police indices'. and the heading says "Overseas Visa Application, Police Certificate - Fingerprint Check" but I had a character check done as well. Was everyone elses the same??? Would hate to have to do it again took a month to get an appt for fingerprinting as I am in Canberra where they do the checks for recruits for the AFP and government employees.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-16 21:27:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks for the help and info folks, sounds like either tahiti (mmm sun and sand) or tokyo would be the go. Will definitely check it out and hey it's worth the effort for the EAD stamp. I think we will need it. I just hope he doesn't get orders to deploy again to Iraq before I get there with all the talk of them upping the number of troops over there substantially. That would just be a killer after our long wait so far.

Once again thank you appreciate the info.

Hey, Sticky date pudding in the US, mmm hope I can get that in Colorado Springs. Is that common over there or more an Aussie food??
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-16 21:21:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey David,

Did you know that the kangaroos in Canberra are a pest. I know they are beautiful and all but there are so many here and because of the drought they come down into the city looking for water and they get on the roads everywhere and end up being hit by cars. Very sad but true. We even have one that sleeps on the front lawn at my work.....seriously.

Dear other Aussies,
On a lighter note....if and when (if ever) I am approved I have to go to JFK cause I need the EAD stamp. My SO's mum is sick and we need me to be working in case of travel costs. Can anyone recommend the best way to do it from Sydney. If i fly direct I have to stop in LA so that becomes the POE, same with Honolulu and Vancouver. I am thinking maybe I will have to fly to London first and then across the Atlantic to NY. Maybe Tokyo??

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-16 03:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Kath, :) I know you are just frustrated with how long everything is taking us and you know how you go through stages of sookiness and missing them well, that's where I am at right now but trying to be strong. I am generally a happy person but sometimes I wish I was tougher.

Lunamel, I met my SO on the internet. He's in the military so we talked for about 7mths online and phone when he was in Iraq until he got back and we could meet. This last visit was the hardest, I just got back from CO Springs in October and I loved being there with him but it was the worst leaving him this time. I had tears all the way home on the plane even though I tried not to. I told him to be business like at the airport so I wouldn't cry and I was OK until i got on the plane then that was it!! All down hill from there. What about you? How did you meet your SO?

Nice to talk to you all
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-15 02:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks for that Lunamel! :)

I am at that stage of can't wait anymore, can't sit still just want to get on the plane! Seriously though am waiting for packet 3. Medical and Police check done, so will be able to send it off quickly. Our whole process has been pretty long even getting to NVC took a month.

I will be moving over to Colorado Springs hoping to get there by mid Feb but at this rate.....

Hey, I am actually checking out shipping some of my stuff over the USA. Sent some emails to get quotes and only heard from one. Not sure what company to go through. I only have about 10 boxes and a small antique dresser so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-14 02:31:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hello Everyone,

I'm Lyndel, been around for about 5mths now. Moved from Melbourne to Canberra to stay with family until I go the US.

I didn't think anyone used this forum, talk about slow I only checked it out today lmao :wacko:

I just did the Police Check there is a website that has all the info about it. It's a national AFP check for the visa, just google Australian Federal Police. You don't need anything from the Consulate. Just go get your finger prints taken (i needed an appointment), then they are supposed to send the application form, finger prints and money order off to Criminal History here in Canberra.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-13 04:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-10-27 05:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSucess!!!!
Congratulations! :D :D Happy reunion for Saturday!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-31 01:08:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Yay, we're sprung!
Wonderful news!!! :D :D Hope we are next!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-01 02:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)case number and waiting time
The cats in the Chrissy tree totally cracked me up...great photo!!! :lol: :star:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-02 03:43:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC processing and security check
We were early November and are still waiting for NVC to list our case.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-05 02:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)News from NVC
Congratulations!!! :D
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-05 02:11:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC is slick
Hey Bora Bora,

Congrats! Glad yours was quicker than ours...ours took a month!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-15 01:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiona little confused about medical
Woops forgot to say good luck with the medical
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-10-28 22:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiona little confused about medical
Hey I'm Australian too if you want to keep in touch. We just had a 2nd RFE so should have approval anyday.

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-10-28 22:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionanother I-134 pitfall??
You know what annoys me about all this??? It's the fact that if they made it easier to get an EAD the I-134 wouldn't matter as much because most of us aliens want to work as soon as we can.

Ok..phew... I feel better now that's out!!! :blink:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-11-02 00:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion9 more days!!
I am sure it will go well...good luck. :) :)
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-11-05 02:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI- 134 affadavit of support and tax returns
lmao...mmm entertaining thread!!! sorry couldn't help myself. :D
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-11-14 22:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI'm so excited!!!
How exciting!!!! Good luck with the interview..... :D
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-11-17 06:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice report
I am in Australia and i have to wait until 4 Dec for an interview for the police check and then about 3 weeks for the results so it was just lucky that I rang up and asked as soon as we got the NOA2.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-11-17 06:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOpened letter that says "Do not Open!"
I know it's mean but I couldn't help but giggle...that would be something I would do.....

Hope it works out and you can get it resealed.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-11-23 03:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEl Salvador Interview Sucessful
Wonderful news! Congratulations!!!! wishing you all the best for your future together!!! :D
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-07 02:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview was a success!
What a wonderful christmas present...congratulations!!!! Enjoy your reunion! :D
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-12-07 02:24:00
Australia and New ZealandLAND DOWNUNDER, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Hello Aussies!

Wow, I haven't been on here in forever.....

I've been in the USA now for about 2yrs and about to apply for 'lifting conditions' which reminded me to get on here and update my timeline, etc.

Hello to all the Newbies and others I haven't met's it all going?

Anne, I get picked on all the time too, for my accent.....why do they confuse us with the British...I just say G'Day and that fixes them! Oh and Densusan, I say exactly the same thing....I don't have an accent, you do! laughing.gif

Isn't it funny....when you've been here a while you start to crave the foods that you only ate occassionally in I am really craving twisties...cheetos just don't do it for me.


girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2009-05-26 19:57:00
USCIS Service CentersIs the USCIS website down?
Yes, I knew about the new portal site but this is a java error in the online case status page.

I reported it to them.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-11-05 19:33:00
USCIS Service CentersIs the USCIS website down?
Phew...I am glad it is not just me.....thought I was losing it! :wacko:

With any luck they will fix the 5 email problem for online accounts....well we can be hopeful :lol:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-11-05 03:32:00