Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
HI Nycangel, Welcome to the Aussie forum! Good luck with getting an earlier interview date. Your only hassle might be that they have a certain quota of Visas they are allowed to give out per month as far as I know so that may stop you getting a better interview date. When you get to the interview make sure they take your SO's passport for the Visa. They have been stuffing that up lately and giving the passports back.

Hey Priscilla, I finally saw your wedding photos, ok it took me a while to find the gallery...I am a bit slow! They are beautiful! I loved your dress.

AND...thanks Everyone for your kindness, you're a bunch of sweeties :star: , I just had a crappy day yesterday, but today was better except that I ate an 150g block of choccy in one sitting...grrrr :blush: . It's funny cause I am generally a positive person but this Visa process makes you flip out from time to time. One minute you are excited about being reunited and your new life together, the next minute you are overwhelmed and paranoid about the paper work and then there are those moments that you miss your loved one so much it hurts. Jake and I don't argue much so I am glad for that, but long distance arguments on the phone are the worst. I definitely think it has made us stronger as a couple and we tend to laugh at things rather than get into a tizz about it these days.

Hey Kath, Jake didn't understand about recycling either, he just throws everything in the trash. I have a lot of work ahead of me...he is addicted to pizza and thinks it covers the 5 food groups...NOT! :lol:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-21 01:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Elle, will send you a PM. Yes I am in IT and am starting to submit my resume to employers in the States. Earning capacity for IT there is great!

I have some important information about interviews at the Sydney Consulate for you all to be aware of. I mentioned earlier that I was helping Koukla07 as the consulate didn't keep her passport to put the visa in it and she was approved. Well Robert also an Aussie posted his review and said he had the same experience was approved but they handed his passport back and then called him when he was at the airport and told him to return with his passport to the Consulate as they had made a mistake. Sounds like they have some newbies working there so please read Robert's review and be mindful to question it if you are approved and they don't take your passport to put the Visa in it. I have let Koukla know in PM.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-20 05:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Elle, I think we just posted at the same time! Anyway, how are things going with you? I will be staying with my brother in Sydney for a couple of days before I leave so if you wanna have a coffee yell out! :)
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-20 04:31:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Kath, I think Koukla07 could really use the support. I have pasted the instructions of how to get to the Aussie thread into a PM for her. I hope she comes in and says hello. I think regardless of our circumstances it helps so much to connect with people going through the same stresses. :)

Hey Guinavere, good luck with all the paperwork. I found it really played with my head especially when you answer the parts about crimes, I mean why can't they say theft or burglary instead of moral turpitude or locking someone up in the basement instead of impunement! :huh: :lol: I had to look it up in the dictionary before I answered! Definitely sounds like imigrating to Australia is easier, it's a shame you missed out on the dual citizenship but I am sure that your father will enjoy and appreciate having you around and spending time with you and that makes it all worth it. :) You know there are lots of VJers heading the Colorado especially Aussies I know of at least 3. Two are already there. We should have a catchup BBQ or something when we are all settled in traditional aussie style except no shrimp only prawns! :P

I am rambling, I know..sigh! Well, I am in a bad mood today...I don't know why and I have eaten way too much chocolate (lunch and dinner). I guess I am sick of waiting and I should be counting my blessings, I mean we have the Visa and I have a good job until I leave. I am with my family and friends. It's just I feel overwhelmed sometimes, I am missing Jake so much and it seems to be getting harder each day probably because I don't know when my STUPID STUPID car will sell plus I need to save a bit more money. No-one outside of VJ understands what it's like unless they have been through it. I am glad I have you guys, :luv: sorry for the vent, I will be normal again tomorrow I promise! :yes:

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-20 04:26:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Guinavere! Welcome to the Aussie thread lot's of nice people in here. :)

Wow, another Aussie going to Colorado awesome! Oh and you're from Melbourne too, even better! Sorry to hear about your father but I think it is great that you will be nearer to him and will be able to spend more time with him.

How are you K3ers going? I have been reading your postings and the whole thing since the new rules came in seems horribly confusing and complex! I hope you all hear something soon. We almost got married in Maui last year but decided to wait..I am glad we did now.

Hey I have been helping an Aussie in PM. Her name is Koukla07 so if you see her about VJ say hello to her. She is having a hard time. She had her K1 interview 6 Feb and they gave her passport back but told her she is approved...weird. I am trying to ascertain what that means and have encouraged her to send an email to the consulate and ask what her status is.

Still trying to sell my stupid car!

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-20 01:40:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Now Rings, don't get too excited. It's all that excitement from having your forms in I expect.

And Yay for you and Poi n J getting all the forms in! :D I hear ya on the paranoia! :wacko: I did that when we put in our stuff for the K1 and then I would get so stressed waiting for every approval, I was so worried that I had filled something in wrong or forgotten something. I forgot to put our names on our photos and where they were taken and we got through ok, no questions asked. I really hope your processes go fast now.

Thanks for the help about what to too Kath. I really appreciate it, I know it's going to be freezing but I thought maybe to pack a few summer things because the weather is so changable. I think I am going to have excess baggage so I will do as you suggested and get space bags.

CO Springs is very pretty Rings, I loved it when i went in October and it was so amazing with snow on the mountains but still warm enough for tshirts.

Well I emailed my resume off to about a trillion employment agencies in CO Springs today so hoping I can get a job soon after I arrive. We will need the money. Just wish I was over there already! :(
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-19 01:36:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Kath for adding me, I am actually a IT technical analyst wth Centrelink at the moment. Was able to get a temp transfer up from Melbourne until I leave which was really lucky. :)

I have a question if anyone can answer....OK I am organised to ship stuff. I am taking minimal household contents, just my stereo amp and speakers (I'm also a muso), some crystal glassware that is sentimental, IT books and my 2 fav sheridan doona sets and clothes. So that will be about 6 boxes for shipping. It's just what do i take to the CO initially that is causing me brain damage. I am thinking 2 suitcases for clothes and any documents I need initially and maybe excess baggage eg, an extra bag for shoes. Girls I know you will understand this, but the guys may have trouble! lol

It's just that CO weather is so changeable and at the moment is freezing and I will be leaving between seasons so it is doing my head in!!! :wacko: I also need my suits for work and that includes boots and overcoat plus wedding dress which are all bulky.

Anyway, now that I have vented about my trivial little problem, any advice on what you did would be good especially if you have made any mistakes that you have learnt from. :)

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-18 01:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Rings are you going to Colorado? So am I! :D Colorado Springs what about you guys, where will you be?
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-17 05:55:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Nup I couldn't do the map. Couldn't get it to zoom in without it being blurry now if it was in photoshop i could. :blink:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-17 02:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Rings, Kath's right, I had a letter from my employer and a letter from my parents cause I was staying with them and bank account statements with my current address when I travelled under VWP to visit my fiance and had no probs.

Kath I am going to have a go at doing the map...crossed fingers it works, if it doesn't you can all laugh at me cause I work in IT. :blush:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-17 02:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey Elle,

I don't think you should be worried about your birth certificate having writing on it, just get a copy of it certified at the police station. That's what I did. They keep the copy and only sight the original at the interview. And....I had Jake's employment letter with a dirty big muddy footprint on it cause he dropped it in the snow and stopped it with his army boot (I tried to clean it up and then got a tiny hole in it..grrrr) :whistle: , plus he had white out on his I-134 Affidavit of Support and they didn't care. Rose said she gets a lot worse. I think you will be fine, seriously.

I got through on VWP twice. I just said I was visiting friends and didn't mention the K1 petition. I thought if they ask I will tell if they don't I won't. I know the waiting is hard, but you are almost there. I am still trying to sell my car and can't go until I do, so frustrating cause I have the Visa and I really am missing Jake now. :(

Valkyrie, I lived at the base of the Dandenongs, was so pretty. Used to do the 1000 steps every weekend now I just eat chocolate and get on VJ :hehe: I want a Melbourne pizza they absolutely Suck here!

Vylex and Rings, sounds like yr making good progress.

I need some coffee....see ya!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-16 19:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
A belated Welcome to the Meows! :D Congrats on the NOA1! You are on the way. :D Plus you have made Kath very happy! :P I am also from Melbourne and miss it so so so so so much! :( Canberra is the pits compared to Melbourne. Sigh....Bridge Rd, Lygon street, Southbank. I used to love that I could hear bellbirds singing at my local shopping centre (Knox) and there were tame possums in my street.

Well anyway, wishing you and Rings a speedy journey.

Priscilla and Vylex great news on finally getting your forms off! :D Bet you're relieved.
Elle, hang in there hope you hear something soon.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-16 03:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Everyone!

Hope you are all hanging in there! For those of you thinking about putting in your forms...if it was me I would just do it. At least you wouldn't be waiting anymore. I know it's easy for me to say but also I am an impatient one so I know waiting gets the better of me! :wacko:

I wish you all a speedy process.

Vik, I have to wait to sell my car before I leave because my fiance is only on an Army wage so we need all the money we can save to set up house until I can work which means I have to get a job as soon as I can too. He is going on training so I will stay here until he gets back which will also give me a few more pays.

I own a Honda Civic 2003 but the market is really bad at the moment so although I have had it up for sale for quite a while it still hasn't sold. :(

Wow you are getting close if you are working on packet 4. You must be starting to get excited. I am sure you will be fine at the interview. :)

Hugs everyone for Valentines Day! I miss my baby today!

Take care
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-14 02:04:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi All,

I have been wondering about the name change issue as well. I was going to hypenate my name with Jake's but I am not sure about this for the paperwork. Don't want to give immigration any additional reasons to stuff up.

David, I am so glad your wife is with you. I know this must me tough on you both right now at least you are together now while you wait. :)

Well I am still stuck here in Aussieland until I sell my car. Trying to save as much money as I can before I go. It's starting to get really frustrated knowing I have the Visa but can't quit my job until the car is sold which means we don't have a firm date for me arriving in the USA...grrrr. I know I shouldn't complain there are lots of people worse off it's just when you have been away from your SO for so long you are just hanging out to be together again. Work have been great about it, they have said they will keep me as long as I need.

Hope you are all hanging in there! Mmmmm, we haven't heard from Paul in a few days guess he's preoccupied frollicking in Adelaide with his wifey! :P
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-13 01:57:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey All,

Hope everyone is hanging in there! Priscilla and David, I sincerely hope everything is worked out soon for you. Keep us posted.

Vik, you must be getting very close to interview time exciting! Good luck, let me know if I can help give you anymore info about the interview.

Hi Loke and Rings, welcome to VJ and the Aussie thread. The people are great here and there is a lot of support, so you won't be alone during the waiting. :) I lived in Boronia, Melbourne before I moved to Canberra to stay with my parents until I leave. So you will be based in Denver....I am moving to Colorado Springs about 1.5hrs away. Yay! Great to know another Aussie in Colorado.

Hi Ausqueen, thanks for the feedback. The day I went to the Consulate the guy that interviewed me wasn't in a good mood and asked a trillion questions. I just remained business like and it was all fine. I'm not telling you to worry you just so you are prepared. Glad your medical went well. The doctor I had in Canberra was really nice too.

Hampster, hoping Northern Girl has arrived by now and you are having a wonderful reunion! the Wiggles did not have the big red car with them...maybe it was parked on the street :lol:

Kath, sent you an email, sis! Hope it's not to cold over there for you!

Hope all this I-130 ####### is cleared up soon...what a stupid time for the Sydney Consulate to close!

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-10 18:55:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Priscilla. :D Good luck for a speedy process!!

Hi Cherie, wow Boronia is about 20mins from Box Hill. I know it well.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-04 02:13:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hampster, How many days/hours/minutes to go now till your wife arrives? :D YOu must be excited!

Cherie, I am from Melbourne (Boronia) orginally too, now staying with my parents in Canberra until I leave. I miss Melbourne!!!

Hi Kath, Jake told me it was -16C in Colorado a couple of days am I going to adjust after 34C here...BRRRRRR!!!! :blink: I am going to take my Ug boots.

Caroline and David, you are in Florida right? I hope you got through the storm ok. Let us know.

Elle, do you want to see my beautiful evidence folder?? :P Just kidding. I was just like you when we put together the I-129F took ages and we still got an RFE. Kath is right be really methodical and you can't go wrong. It's a long haul so come in here and chat/vent ask questions when you need.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-03 20:03:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Cherie,

Welcome to the Aussie Forum. You will find everyone helpful and friendly here. Make sure to read up in VJ about the K1 Visa thoroughly that way you won't get an RFE like we did! :blink:

BTW thanks for the congrats......that will be you soon! Good luck for a speedy process. :D

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-03 01:31:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Elle and David,

I had the same experience with the questions too. He tried to throw me off but it was too easy. He just asked things from our petition. Also asked if I had ever committed a crime even though I had the police certificate.

Pack 4 contained the medical exam info, police certificate info, checklist for the interview and interview letter.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-03 00:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER


Congrats on your Visa :dance: and a shame they didn't want to see your evidence folder :angry: after you painstakingly put it together.
Should have said well since i'm here how bout checking it out..
It would make me feel so much better :P

My fiance just laughed at me when I told him cause he knows how ####### I am about paperwork. He said I should have got gold stars on it or something. Anyway, I at least showed my Mum she was impressed! :lol:

You should hear any day now Paul! Keep us posted!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-02 19:49:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi David,

I thought of you and your wife when I was there. So dissappointing what has happened to you. I hope and pray that your process goes fast and you get approved quickly.

Hang in there
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-02 19:26:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey All.......I'M BACK!

Visa is approved and Jake and I are really excited and happy about being together again for good! Where to start......what a day!

Thank you to all of you for all your kind thoughts and words of support. It truelly made it much easier knowing I had all you terrific aussie folk in here supporting me.

Kath, the photos helped so much. I went for a practice run on Thursday and because I had your pics it was easy to know where to go, so thanks a mil.

Hamster thank you for encouraging me to eat choccies but I didn't get a chance went so fast I was out by about 9.30am. Plus the Wiggles were up there getting their Visas for their next tour so I had entertainment!! Was very cool....sleepy Geoff looks older in person! :lol: and it made me laugh so hard when the US Consulate guy called up Captain Feathersword! Was hilarious! You guys would have loved it!

I took a bottle of water with me and at security on the 59th floor they made me drink some of it in front of them before they would let me take it in. Talk about thorough.

The lady who served me said "I just want to commend you on a excellent application" which was a relief as Jake had accidently stood on his employment letter before he sent it and it had a big muddy footprint so I told her and apologised and she just laughed and said she gets much worse than that. Plus, he had used whiteout on the I-134 which is a no-no so I was worried that it would get knocked back. I was also dissappointed that they didn't want to see my beautiful evidence folder :lol: , I even asked them "Don't you want to see my evidence?" He said no there was enough evidence from the original petition. It took me hours to put that thing together!!! :blush:

Well that's enough rambling from me. Good luck to everyone who's next. It was definitely easier than I thought, and thanks again to all you wonderful people. Will put up a proper embassy review in the next couple of days.

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-02 17:32:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Kath for your kind thoughts! :D

I will remember munchies, mags and last in the elevator! :yes:

PS. sent you a PM

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-31 02:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Priscilla, elephants are stomping in my belly instead of butterflies! :lol:

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-31 01:42:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi All,

Well I am heading off to Sydney tomorrow morning so that I am up there and ready for the horribly early start for the interview on Friday morning. Will pop in Friday night when I get home with an update and hopefully an approval. Fingers crossed! :)
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-31 01:11:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi David and Stephanie,

So glad the interview went well. It's such a shame that the legislation has changed. I hope the
I-130 gets processed quickly for you! Keep us posted. Oh and thank you for the information on the interview too. I will pop in here after my interview and do a review as well.

Thank you to everyone for your support during this nerve wracking week. We've all got to stay tough cause the end goal is so worth it! :D

Hey Priscilla, Do you have any assets car, household goods, etc? That would help but it sounds like parents are your best option.

Hi Moonie, I know how you feel but hang in there. I know it's tough but keep coming in here, we will talk to you when you are feeling down PLUS you have a lot of reading to do for the next part of your fiance adventure!!! :D
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-30 01:31:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi David,

Good luck to you and your wife for tomorrow too. I hope it all goes well and she is able to get some of the paperwork processed whilst she is there. Please drop in and let us know how she goes. I will keep her in my thoughts tomorrow.

Fingers crossed for you both! :)
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-29 02:51:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey Everyone,

I just want to know if you were this nervous before your interview?? It is only Monday and I have to wait until Friday but everytime I think about the interview I get butterflies in my tummy. It didn't help last night with some people partying until 3am in our street. Anyway, trying to keep busy and double checking every little thing in my pack to take with me to Sydney. I am going up Thursday morning so am just going to hang around the city and try and have a relaxing day beforehand. Can't wait until this week is over! :wacko:

Poin J, I hope you have a speedy process. Good luck!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-29 01:33:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Ausqueen,

I have lost track...are you still waiting for packet 3 or do you have an interview date yet? Mine is next Friday...I'm starting to get nervous now! :wacko:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-28 01:43:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Elle,

Well I hope your process doesn't get slowed down by the changes. Good luck!

Lunamel and Meauxna, I was just venting. I am OK most of the time with the waiting and all the approvals to go through especially since security has become more important. I don't take it personally on the whole and I must admit I feel safer in the knowledge that everyone is checked out so thoroughly. It's just Governments regardless of country miss the point sometimes that migrating to another country takes a lot of planning, money and sacrifice and I feel for those who have booked non-refundable flights to get to their interviews, or have travelled a long way, etc. The lack of notice will definitely hurt them financially.

I totally understand the reason they introduced the new law and agree with it as it protects children. Its just the way USCIS does things sometimes is frustrating and to see what it does to people like David and his wife who were supposed to be interviewed next week upsets me.

We will all get through it though because the end goal of being with our loved ones far outweighs the trials of going through all the delays and paperwork.

Hang in there everyone!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-25 22:30:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
What I don't get is why they introduced the change "effective immediately". It shows a great lack of customer service and empathy to do that so suddenly, especially when they would be fully aware of the huge impact this has on people's lives. I mean let's face it, it's a huge decision to migrate to be with the one you love in the first place, plus it takes a lot of planning and money to do it. Also why introduce this so suddently when with other changes they have made they usually give a bit of notice and announce that on a certain date the changes will be implemented like with IMBRA. I just don't get it. :angry:

I am so sorry for all the couples who are suffering because of this. It's hard to watch it happen when we all know the pain of waiting and the frustrations already experienced with this process. It's almost like you are punished for wanting to migrate. I understand that with terrorism and violent crimes, etc, USCIS needs to be thorough but somehow the process makes you feel like you are not worthy and they are playing god. Anyway, that is my little vent.

Hoping and praying for speedy processing for everyone affected by this.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-25 20:17:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi David,

I'm glad you can still go ahead with the interview and at least submit your papers. I sincerely hope it goes quickly for you. Unbelievable that they didn't give people any notice about the new legislation!! :angry:

We are only engaged so I think we are OK because we only the filed the I129F fiance petition, am trying to search on USCIS for info but it's like searching for a needle in a haystack as usual. When my fiance got back from Iraq we were almost going to get married then, now I am glad we waited.

Hang in there!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-25 01:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi David,

I am so sorry to hear about the hassles you are having. I was going to ask if you and your wife were getting excited about next week but now I am upset for you that you have to go through this. It's absolutely disgusting how they treat people and stuff up their lives, I am still in shock. Reminds me of the IMBRA RFE's.

Well I hope you get some help through the Military. My man is Military also.

Keep us posted!

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-25 01:16:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Kath,

Sorry to hear you have been so sick especially when it's so cold over there at the moment. Sounds like your hubby has been really sweet looking after you. Are you feeling better? Also sorry to hear about the test not going too well, but you were sick and that always makes it harder plus nobody else got through anyway. Sounds like it was really tough and 6 hours that's ridiculously long.

Well at the moment I am trying to sell my car and just waiting for this damn interview to be over. I keep thinking jeeze Colorado will be cold when I get there and it's 38C here in Canberra today mmmm will be interesting to see how I adjust to the climate change.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-19 23:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Awesome news David!!! Congratulations!! :D :D

I have been wondering if you had heard yet....your wife's interview is 3 days before me. Let's hope we all get through without any more stress!!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-17 01:24:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks Michelle,

Jake filled in an I-134 for me and has sent me the evidence for his income. I am thinking that I might take some of my own income evidence along with me just in case. Mainly because I am a paranoid, nervous wreck. lol :wacko:

Can't wait until all of this is over. Hey I bet you must feel a great deal of relief now you have the interview out of the way! Wishing you all the best. :)

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-13 22:06:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey everyone,

I have a question after reading Michelle's interview review.....

Do I need to supply my income details as well. You know bank statements, tax return, pay slips, etc, at the interview?

It doesn't say anything in my interview instructions so just wondering what everyone else did or are doing?

I am already so nervous about the interview and it's still 2 and half weeks away. I think of all of it this is the hardest wait because you know that this is the final approval. Where others as stressed as I am? I keep getting a nervous tummy everytime I think about it! :wacko:

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-13 21:27:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I forgot to say Congratulations Michellek! Wonderful News :D You must be so excited, not long to go now and you will be reunited. Wishing you the best of luck.

Paul, what a saga. Jeeze...I hope they don't hold you up too long. We got RFE'd for the K1 in addition to the IMBRA RFE but they were pretty quick at responding once we submitted the evidence so I hope yours is processed fast too. I know it's frustrating waiting though. Good luck and don't let the stress make you hit the cigs more! :)
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-12 19:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Paul, Sorry to hear about your police certificate stuff up, hope it's all sorted soon. Hey at least you are doing your fingerprints electronically, I had to do my with ink in Canberra...took half an hour to scrub it off!

David, I can't believe the letter you got from the consulate. It sounds a bit weird. Hope you get news soon, hang in there.

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-12 03:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi David, you should hear any day now. I wrote an email saying i needed to know for work reasons to arrange leave and I got an answer straight away. Still no packet 4 though.

Ausqueen, thank you for your kind thoughts. You should hear soon too. It is definitely a relief once you get an interview date.

To everyone else in here that I haven't met yet...HELLO!!! I am currently in Canberra staying with parents (used to live in Melbourne) until the big move to Colorado Springs.

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-10 01:37:00