K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSkype call record question
Hi Ariana,

We use Skype too and had the same problem so what I did was used the 'print screen' button on my keyboard and pasted it into a word document. When you do this you get the record of calls but you need to scroll down and print screen each section of call history. So you end up with a whole lot of printed screens in the word document but it shows all the calls.

Hope this makes sense PM if you need help.

Good luck! :D

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-01-14 21:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
We didn't have photos of us together and also they lost my copy of my information page from my australian passport so we got a second RFE. All fixed now though just waiting, they got more information than they probably wanted cause I just visited my fiance in the US so included all that information as well.

Hopefully approval soon.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2006-10-30 19:49:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Kath, No worries glad my timeline is of use for others. Have you had your interview yet? I am having the night off! Choccies and DVDs tonight, everything can wait until tomorrow.

Hey Moonie, Kath is right hold off until after easter as sometimes the interview date can be close after you receive your pkt 4. I know how you are feeling though, I was worried when Jake had to do all the I-134 stuff, it took ages to get his letter from the bank and then he accidently trod on it in the snow and got it all muddy, jeeze was I worried about it and it all worked out fine. I think the point you are at right now is one of the most stressful and intense times in the process. Hang in there! Come in here and talk to us when you need! :)

Hi Rings, it's good that you are getting all the material together that Loke needs and it sounds like things are starting to move along for you, YAY!! :D As I said to Moonie, it's exciting and stressful all at once and you feel quite overwhelmed sometimes. Just do little bits at a time and you will get there.

Hey Vik, if you get a chance to get on here, hope you arrived safely and are having a wonderful time with you fiance!! :dance: :D

Hammy's quiet do you think he's OD'd on Choccy Hot Cross Buns??? :P :yes: :lol:

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-04-05 04:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Yummo! Yummo! Yummo! Those recipes are great, Paul! I'm too scared to make them though cause then I'll just eat them! :whistle:

Jeeze, I hope you sell your car soon...I had real trouble getting rid of mine. Have you tried an E-Bay auction yet? ..I got a lot of interest from that but I had already sold the car so I had to pull the advert off before the auction closed. Good luck!

So who's next in the line to leave Oz after us lot?? So far it's Me, Elle, Tamzo and Paul....??

My fiance has gone into nesting mode now my arrival date is close, he's making plans and working on getting things ready to move into our's so sweet! :blush: :luv: ...makes it all worth it!!!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-04-04 07:33:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Paul and Tamzo I wish you the best of luck for next week! It will soon be over and you will have yr approvals! :yes: I did the same thing. I went to Sydney the day before my interview and found out where the Consulate was so I would be ready and relaxed the next morning.

Paul, did you have to post Chocolate Hot Cross Buns!!! :help: I love them!! :no: If you post anymore recipes I will get fat! :wacko: Have you sold your car yet?

Hey All, Vik left tonight for her great reunion in the USA. Our thoughts are with you Vik for a safe journey and a wonderful reunion with your fiance! :thumbs: :dance: :D

Congratulations also to David and Stephanie! Well deserved and long waited for! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Hey Jodee...sending you some aussie hugs and good wishes girl! Wishing your hubby a speedy and safe return to you!

Well I am flat out also..almost finished the packing. Starting to do all the farewells with friends. Jake has to pick up his furniture in SF after I arrive there so we are going fly down and do a road trip back to CO driving a truck which should be fun! Who was it in here who was talking about road trips? Was that you Seren?
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-04-04 05:08:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hi Guys,

Can anyone tell me if a temp EAD stamp is issued at the LAX POE? As far as I have heard it is only issued at JFK? Anyone know?

Thanks :)

I am going through JFK POE on the 18th April and will report back if the temp EAD stamp is still being given out there (the last one and only place). Hope I don't have a wasted trip.

Meowgirl, When I visited my fiance in the USA I took with me a letter from my employer saying I had a permanent job and a letter from my parents stating that I was living with them so I had proof of Ties to Australia just in case. I was never asked any questions, I am sure your fiance will be fine.

Hey Elle, yeah i hate to say it but I started cleaning up and condensed down my 3bedrm unit last year in April ready for packing. As for furniture I am shipping a camphor chest my grandmother left me and an antique dresser which is pretty small and about 4 or 5 boxes. You better hold off on the babies or you won't fit into all those clothes and shoes yr packing lol :P :lol:

I finish work on the 16/4 (two days before I leave :help:), we really need the money cause Jake is living on base so we have to set up an entire apartment. A month's notice is good if you can give it for your resignation but, give at least a fortnight. I gave a month's notice but I am in the Public Service.

Thanks for letting me know you had a meat pie, jeeeze....grrrr! :( lol I am still on scrambled eggs, soggy cereal and sipping my tea through a straw :crying:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-04-02 01:19:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Jo,

I booked in to do my police check before I recieved Packet 3 also. It was fine and also lucky I did cause I had to wait 3 weeks to get it!

Good luck, hope you get Pkt 3 soon! :D


PS. Kath and Paul, I am still packing, :yes: just having a break and shopping online.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-04-01 05:14:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Paul, I actually started cleaning out stuff in April 06 too, yeah Ok i guess it's a girl thing lol. I am also in one bedroom at my parent's place and still have about 4 boxes in storage to go and that's it...thank god! :wacko:

I really hope you sell your Ford soon, selling the car was the thing that worried me the most!

My tongue is healing up well now. Am still on baby food though.

You must be getting close to your interview. Have you got all your paperwork in order? You will be fine, it's easy just stressful preparing. :)
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-04-01 01:56:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Welcome to VJ Meowgirl!

Hey Kath it looks like Melbourne Rules!!!! :P to Hammy! lol Well of course Melbourne's the best city (cept for the weather sometimes)

Hiya Elle, how are you going?

I am getting so excited now! 16 days until I go!! You know I am going to bug you all with my counting down the days! :yes:

As for packing stuff can one person own so much junk?? My advice folks is start cleaning out your junk now cause when you start to pack up it's a lot when it's all in the one room and you are trying to put it in boxes. :wacko:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-04-01 01:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Welcome to the new VJ'ers in here!! :D

It's getting a but squashy can everyone move over...jeeeze! :lol: :P

Hey Kath, have you heard about the volunteer work yet? Yep, I'm still on the mushy foods but getting better. Had choccy today was so so so so good! :blush: No mean comments Hammy! I'm watching you! :yes: oh and thanks for posting the lamington spongecake I want some! :help:

Seren, I know Forest Rd well. I miss Knox and Melbourne!!! :crying: And as for packing..grrrr...I am so so sick of it! I sent the shoes, was 8kg and cost $125 to send air mail...not bad I think saved me excess luggage costs. It will be hard to go without for 2 weeks but I have 3 pairs here still. The packing is going badly :hehe: , cause I keep procrastinating, its sorting out what personal things you want to keep, like ornaments and photos, etc. What to ship over, all that stuff is hard and messy. I don't have much left but am now heavily into repacking for shipping. another VJer from that area!!

Tamzo you will be fine for your interview, I know it is stressful but it is really a lot easier than you think it will be. I was the same and when I got there it was that it?? lol Good luck!

So how many adelaidians and how many Melbournians?? Show of hands?? I need to know that we Melbournians still have the upper hand! :lol:

18days to go until I go!!! Wahoo! :dance:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-30 02:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Oops sorry Serendip, I meant soon to be hubby I didn't realise yr a K1'er like me. Yeah that thingo is called the checklist. Give me a yell if I can help you in any way.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-27 01:59:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Pris, I don't have any advice except to say hang in there! Everything has a way of working itself out. Send you hugs and good wishes. (F)

Same to you Moonie, I hope you get a better job soon! :)

Hi Seren, WOW!!! You are so right isn't it a small world! Tell your hubby that I lived in Narcissus Ave about 6 blocks from the train station on the tennis court end of the street. It on the basket ball court side of Boronia. I loved it there it was quiet, green, lots of possums at night and I use to walk there all the time too. It's a wonder I never bumped into you! lol Knox was great too I loved the fact that you could hear the bell birds singing in the parking lot, that used to amaze me.

Yeah I sold the car last weekend so that is a huge weight lifted. Only 3 weeks to go now and counting! Very excited. Jake has booked our apartment which is available in April and I sent all my shoes today so I don't have any excess luggage to pay for now. Just packing my stuff for shipping now and cleaning out paperwork, etc.

So you are getting pretty close too now...exciting huh! Hope you get speedy appointments for the medical and police check! :)

My fiance and I met online as well, he was in Iraq at the time so we used to make up imaginary dates and pretend we were going somewhere special or we were on holidays in another country, was goofy but also very sweet. We are like two big kids together and I love the laughter that I share with him. :luv: Now I have gone all sooky! :blush:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-27 01:55:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Rings,

How are things progressing for you? Is it warming up in Colorado yet? I can't wait only 3 weeks to go until I am there!! :D
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-26 02:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Jo,

Welcome to the Aussie Forum! Everyone is great in here, very supportive so feel free to ask if you need any information. :) Btw I used to live in Boronia not far from you. Am living in Canberra with my parents now until I go in April!!! Yay!! :D

The Police Certificate can take up to 3 weeks to process and in some states (like mine ACT) it can also take about 3 weeks to get an appointment for finger printing, so that's 6 weeks in total. Well that's how long mine took. The medical only took about 2 weeks from the time I had my appointment to when I had the report in my hands.

Both yours and Pris's stories of how you met are lovely. It's funny how things happen, I love hearing how couples have met on here.

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-26 02:22:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Oh jeeze Hammy, I am not even going to encourage you! :lol: lmao
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-25 04:34:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
I just noticed your cheeky little posting Kath!!! :lol: lmao You do realise it hurts for me to laugh!

Cruel Woman!! :P
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-25 04:18:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi All,

Wow you have all been busy posting over the past few days took awhile to catch up. Some excellent information too! I was interested in the DVD stuff so Vylex and Kath thanks for posting that info it is very useful. :thumbs:

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and support. The surgery went well. I am still very sore so talk is limited oh and I have to eat mushy baby food :angry: for awhile yet but am on the mend! :)

Meauxna, I read your stuff on the SSN. I will be going through all that in a few weeks so it will help me a lot thank you! :thumbs:

Hi Kath, how is your Mum going? Is she getting better (F) . Good luck with your volunteering sounds like it will be fun and interesting. :D

David, I wish Stephanie good luck with finding work quickly too.

Elle, have sent you the shipping link that i had. Not sure who to use now they all seem ok.

Oh and Hammy I noticed your comment, "Lyndel... what do you mean "IF I POST ANYTHING SILLY"
LOL COULDN'T RESIST THAT ONE.. YOU MAKE IT SOOOOO EASY SOMETIMES." Your wifey has her hands full with you! :yes: lol Does she know the meaning of 'Cheeky' and how that applies to you! lol :P
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-25 04:01:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

Hi Moonie, hang in there. I think you have gone through the worst of it now. It's tough doing the medical, police check and all the forms and then having to wait to see if it's ok. I remember it stressed me to the max. Just think, only the interview to go now. It gets easier once packet 3 is in. Sending you good vibes for a speedy approval! :star:

Sorry, Tamzo and Moonie I meant both of you for the above comment jeeze and I haven't even had the anesthetic yet! :wacko:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-21 01:10:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Kath, sorry to hear your Mum is sick. I hope she recovers well and quickly from the surgery. My stepfather gets skin cancers alot but not as big as that. He usually gets them iced off. I am sure your Mum will be fine. (F) (L)

Hi Moonie, hang in there. I think you have gone through the worst of it now. It's tough doing the medical, police check and all the forms and then having to wait to see if it's ok. I remember it stressed me to the max. Just think, only the interview to go now. It gets easier once packet 3 is in. Sending you good vibes for a speedy approval! :star:

Well I think my car is sold...finally. A girl frm work looked at it last night and fell in love with it. She loves Hondas too so I am happy. Her boyfriend and a mechanic are coming to look at it tonight and if they are happy it will go to it's new home this week. It's weird I am happy and sad all at once....all part of this new life we are all working towards I guess.

Also I went to a specialist today and found out I have to have day surgery tomorrow...grrrr. It's so fast the Dr discovered a lump on my tongue that has to be removed....OUCH!!! The doctor thinks it is harmless but wants to remove it jsut in case. I just keep thinking OUCH! I am sure all will be ok and luckily they are putting me under so I won't know about it until it wears off...OUCH! Best part is I get a week off work, worst part is nothing but mashed food for 5 days! Lucky i don't have to talk on here or you will all be laughing at me when I come home talking funny! :P So I am warning you in advance that I will be under the influence of an anesthetic tomorrow so please forgive me if I post anything silly! :lol:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-21 01:02:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Elle, I hope you can get your super...I couldn't get mine except for my own contributions but that may just be the Public Service. Would be really interested to know how you go. Good luck!

Kath are you still on the internet??? :lol: What time is it there??? :P

I have another questions for you all.....Jake doesn't have much stuff for our apartment because he lives on base and I really don't want to use his funky cutlery (flatwear - USA translation) that has been in storage for +3years right? Now I can send my cutlery via mail all safely wrapped in bubble wrap but I read up on Australia Post and you are not allowed to send weapons...would you classify cutlery as weapons? I asked at the Post Office today and they were unsure and said it may get confiscated because it will have knives even though they are blunt ended. I don't want that to happen as my stuff is expensive and my mum brought it for my 21st. Anyone got any ideas who I could contact and ask, maybe UPS??
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-20 03:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Wonderful news David and Stephanie!!! Yay!!!! :dance: :thumbs:

Hey Serendip, great that you heard something! ....see I told you it would be soon. But just remember it is truelly ok to vent in here. I think all of us have done it at some stage! :wacko:

What a great day all round....I am waiting for someone to come and look at my car tonight...cross your fingers that it sells.

I do have a quick question about superannuation... I found out that you can get your personal contributions paid out but not your employers that's with the PSS. I am thinking this will help us a bit. Is this true? I am happy for my super to sit there but would be nice to have the little bit that i have contributed....your thoughts?? :blink:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-20 01:50:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey Serendip, awesome, a road trip coast to coast that would be a lot of fun. Yeah, we are starting to make plans now and talk dreams etc, (like I want two alpacas in the back yard if we get a farm lol) it helps keep you focussed when things get a bit tough. We started our Visa Journey last May so it's been a long haul. Now I just can't wait, we are also planning a weekend in Vegas and camping up the Rockies when the weather warms up! It's Jake's birthday just after I arrive so I am thinking to make an aussie BBQ for him.

If anyone wants to make suggestions of what is typically aussie that we can have it would be much appreciated! Do we really have traditional aussie BBQ food besides maybe damper or beetroot?

I also told Jake not to buy too much in groceries before I come over because I love grocery shopping over there. I read all the packs, become fascinated with thingys like spray-on cheese and runover people with my trolley :blush: (cause they push their trolleys on the same side as they drive). It's great fun!

Hammy, thank you for that eddiebauer link, will check it out...I have to say poor fish being kissed by Jake! :lol: I think he will be too chicken though. lol Now how many sleeps till your interview??? Most important thing to remember is all the papers in the order as the consulate requests. You'll be just fine though! :yes:

The LLBean site was good but jeeze waders are expensive and the fishing rods even more expensive. Choccy eating is a much more economical hobby! :devil:

Oh and KATH you need to get of that internet and get some sleep, sis! lmao :P

See ya
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-19 01:09:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey Paul, awesome, thank you I will tell Jake to check out the link as well.

Meanwhile i will ensure i have a supply of choccies in case we can't catch a fishy for dinner (none of that hershey ####### though, no offence to any americans on here but cadbury choc is so so good! ;) )

I grew up at Tathra/Merimbula on the south east coast so am traditionally a salt water fisherwoman so this fly fishing is new to me, I am just hoping not to get water in my waders or to hook my ear or Jake's cause i am completely unco! Think this will test the marriage!! :lol: I keep telling Jake that he has to kiss the fish before he throws them back to which he says "Ewwww!!" what a wuss! :lol: Hope he doesn't read that....nuh i tell him when he's wussy! :hehe:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-18 00:53:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
PS. Oh my god Kath and Caroline, that cake looks like heaven...mmmmm.....choccy!! :blush: I don't think i can make it cause i will eat the whole thing! BURP! lol
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-18 00:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Thanks a million Hammy, I will check it out.

What I wanted to do was take one extra bag as excess luggage so that I have what i need to dress professionally when i get there and then send the rest via shipping cause it's stuff that I won't need for awhile.

Jake and I are checking out fly fishing ideas, how cool is that. Can't wait to get to colorado and try it!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-18 00:15:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Congratulations Elle!!!! :D sorry for the delay in replying I've been a bit busy and haven't been online for a couple of days.

As for my thoughts were to take two suitcases (32kg) with clothes and paperwork, and an extra sports bag for my shoes. I thought even if I have to pay some excess it won't be much surely if its just continental airlines in the USA and the international flight is already covered. I will ring up and check though and I will let you know how I go.

I also checked out shipping some time ago. I will get you the link later, for some reason yahoo is playing up for me tonight and I can't get into my email.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-17 05:00:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Congrats Rings, that is wonderful are on your way! :D

Em, I don't think i wished you Congrats on the arrival of your baby so belated Congratulations. It's such a special time. I am surrounded by friends having babies at the moment, seems like a lot of people got up to some hanky panky around June - August last year! :lol:

Hi Kath, how are you going? Jake says it's warming up in his area what about where you live??

Serendip, thanks for the link to that website it's great! :D OH NO!!! They're out of stock in Twisties and my fav choccy Cadbury Hazelnut!!! :o Guess I'll have to take a stash with me. :yes: I can't go without choccy! I got a 4 bar a week habit! :lol:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-13 05:38:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER

OH and David you too!! You have been waiting so long for this so congrats to you and Stephanie. I really wish you all the best! :D

Hi Tamzo, I had to wait about 4 weeks to get my police cert interview too and I am from the ACT...I know it really sucks but you will get through it....hang in there! :)

How is everyone else???

Well I joined the gym yesterday just for the month until i go, hopefully to relieve some stress and work the chocolate off (not that certain people in here share theirs anyway!! :lol: )

I am still struggling with packing..what to take...what not to take, but getting there. Why do i have so many clothes?? Why?? :wacko:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-12 02:47:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER



I'm dobbing you into your wifey! Betcha she will make you share your choccies! :lol:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-12 02:35:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi All, how is everyone... wow so much is happening at the moment!

Congratulations on your up and coming interview Hammy! You must be tickled pink, how exciting!

Oh and goodluck to Vik and NYCangel for interviews on Monday. I will be crossing fingers, toes, knees, etc for you! We will want updates straight after OK!

Now who was it that posted the flight booking links was that you Kath? yeah I'm sure it was you oh and Vik too. Thank you so much you two for posting links definitely saved me some money! I ended up booking my internal US flights with

Serendip, you wanted flight costs...I can only do the international one in aussie dollars but easy to convert. I am flying sydney/bangkok/Newyork JFK, so that JFK is my POE and I can get the temp EAD stamp...cost was $1400 AUD approximately including tax. It was really hard to get a flight with JFK as the POE. Then I am flying JFK/Houston/Colorado Springs and that is costing about $183 USD including tax. Hope that helps.

40 sleeps to go!!! I have given up choccy (ok, ok I'm lying! :whistle: ) and have now started on those little packets of french fry type chippies...grrr to comfort eating!!! :wacko:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-09 01:41:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hiya All,

Gee the name changing stuff is really complex too.....I hope you guys work it out ok.

I had to renew my security clearance at work the other day and everyone was groaning about how hard it is...well...after the Visa process it was a breeze! :D They only wanted the last 5yrs of employment and residence and I am using the police certificate I did for the Visa which is quite useful.

Anyway, I just dropped in because I learnt a handy little piece of information to consider on your final flight to the USA. Apparently, if you let the airline know you are travelling on an imigration visa and your ticket is also one way some are very helpful and don't charge any fees for excess baggage. I am flying via Bangkok to JFK with Thai Airlines. The travel agent checked with them and they were great and said no cost if i wish to bring a couple of extra bags. Awesome cause being a girl i have heaps to take! :lol: Anyway, hope this helps some of you as well!

Take care
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-06 04:25:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hey All...well getting pretty exciting in here isn't it, things are on the move! :yes:

Congratulations Elle!!! YAY!!! :thumbs: :dance: :star: Another Aussie through. Told you it would be easy! Bet you're relieved! I have a definite date for leaving Australia now...18 April, flight booked, I will visit my bro in Sydney before I go so if you are still around we can catchup for coffee.

Hey folks if any of you are thinking of flying soon better check flights now cause I had a really difficult time getting a flight into JFK as my POE because of Easter and school hols. Now flying through Bangkok.

NYCangel awesome news that you were able to change your interview date! :D
Moonie I think I already wished you congrats but if not congratulations to you and to Vylex too on the NOA1 oh and Serendipitous on your NOA2 (my god yr timeline is so quick compared to ours)...wahoo!! :D

Hi Jodee, my fiance is military too so I know what it is like and how proud of them you feel. Jake came back from Iraq last year and now I just want to get over there and spend time with him before he has to go again. I wish your hubby a safe and speedy return. Thank you to all who serve our countries.

Well I have a question.. I am not sure how to handle my name change when i am married....I want to hyphenate my name so I have mine and Jake's surnames but I am wondering because it will be complicated whether I just use his surname in bills for the AOS proof and what happens when I apply for SSN when I get there and then get married?? Name change then?

Oh and Hampster, chocolate free today! :P I am so proud of myself but then again it is only 6.13pm still time to lash out and grab a choccy if I need! :devil: Thank god that adelaide song didn't stay in my head! lol

See ya!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-03 02:18:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Elle, no i don't think you have to get the copies certified unless you want to. I just did it cause I am an parnoid freak :lol: plus it looks impressive to have the AFP official certified stamp on them!

Try and get some sleep, hang in there!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 04:54:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
PS. I only had two 50g blocks of chocolate today, trying to wean off my addiction.....thinking tomorrow i can just go cold turkey...... :o
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 03:52:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Jeeze, turn my back for 5 seconds and you lot go nuts with the postings! :P 3 pages of it!!!!!

Hey Vutapson, welcome to the Aussie Forum, it's a really nice bunch of folks in here...Yay more aussies and ameristralians to chat to! :D Btw, the story of how you met was really amazing!

YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS DAVID AND STEPH!!! BOUT TIME! :dance: :dance: That is wonderful news and I am so happy for you! You must be so relieved that the waiting is over and CONGRATULATIONS ALSO TO MOONIE ON THE are on the way! :D

Hi Elle, when you are photocopying your stuff for the interview photocopy a few extras of your police certificate apparently from what others are saying on VJ that it can be really handy to give to the employer when getting a job that requires a background check because that can be a slow process and they will just accept a police cert if you have it. Wishing you heaps of luck for your interview! :D

Awesome video clip Vylex, belly laugh! Needed that!

Hampster, packet 3 and 4 were sent to me from the consulate, regular mail. Pkt 3 had Visa app forms, I-134 affidavit of support, medical instructions and the checklist that you fill out and send back to them with the stuff they request. Pkt 4 was just a small envelope with the visa appointment letter. PS, don't think i didn't notice your little comment about my chocolate habit! :lol: It's been noted! :yes: :lol:

Vik, yeah I am headed to Colorado Springs about an 1.5hrs from Denver. Rings and Loke will also be in Colorado. Hey if you are planning to fly out around Easter, better think about getting seats held on flights as soon as you can cause I tried today and the cheapest flights were sold out..mind you I am trying to fly so that JFK is my POE to get the temp EAD stamp. Food for thought anyway. :)

NYCangel, I visited Jake twice on VWP with no hassles. Just make sure yr aussie has a letter from his employer stating that he has a job here in Oz and a copy of a bank statement or bill with his home address on it. I never got asked for it but if they won't let him in at the POE, he can use those documents to establish strong ties with Australia so they know he is not wanting to stay.

Hey Kath, when i explained the term 'DAG' to Jake he was stunned! :lol: Now he calls me a dag or a yobbo! I just wish he would quit trying to say "G'day" it sounds so bad with an american accent trying to do australian. :blink:

Well, I am over my hissy fit, finally. Jake applied for an apartment today, which I'm sure we will get. I am looking at arriving in the states around April 6 of course pending selling my car.

Thank you so much Kath and Hampster for getting that Land from Down Under song stuck in my head for the entire day!!!! :wacko:

Anyway, enough dribble out of me...toodle oo! (trying to think of aussie ways to sign off is that english??)
See ya!
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 03:48:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Congrats Rings on the NOA, that's great news! Priscilla yours won't be far away now I hope. Fingers, knees, toes, etc, crossed for you!

Hey Vik, wow your interview is real close then! How many sleeps is that? :) I am sure you will do just fine and you will also feel so much better when it is over. The relief is amazing. I am planning to leave Oz early April now so we might be going at the same time. Are you going through JFK to get your temp EAD stamp? I will be flying to tahiti then JFK, Denver and Colorado Springs. I think i get in at the inhuman hour of 3.20am. Are you going to be living in SF, my fiance is from there. Wow we might be able to catch up there sometime when we go for holidays to see his Mother.

Btw, how did you sell your car so quick? That's great now if you could just sell mine..... :P

Thank you again roomies for yesterday, I am much better today. It's called chocolate and I am taking it medicinally! Seriously, it was you folks in here that perked me up again.
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-27 05:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
PS. Hampster I worked out my dates from NVC to Interview and posted it in your other thread!

Hope it helps! :)
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-26 04:39:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi All,

Thank you all for your kind words,thoughts and hugs! It gave me tears..YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO MAKE ME CRY, JEEZE! :lol: BUT then i read Paul's message and got the giggles, what's this?? Vienna coffee, tim tams and a case of vegimite???? Cheeky man! But seriously you are such a bunch of sweeties and your messages made me feel so much better. The Aussie forum is the best! It's great to have the connection that even if your friends and family don't understand you can come into VJ and everyone gets it. Well, I called Jake today and told him that we shouldn't argue at this late stage, he apologised but is still doing the sulky thing cause he got in trouble off me, so things are looking brighter.

Anyway Hampster, glad to see yr back and had a great time with your wifey. It's hard giving stuff away isn't it. It seems to multiply..I am still giving stuff away 9mths later. It takes time to realise just how much you CAN'T take with you.

Hey Vik, I think you are right, we are the only single ones we better stick together girl as the others out number us, and I can't understand much of the K3, CR1, stuff either. Plays with my head! :wacko: So have you got an interview date yet?? When is it?

Thanks again all! :luv:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-26 04:20:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
Hi Emerald not sure if I said welcome so, WELCOME! :D

I see Hampster is back from his little holiday and all smiles too!

As for the rest of you. I have been reading your posts on K3's, etc and you lost me at I-130 ;) . Talk about complex! Good luck to you all whatever path you are taking. Our K1 took approx 10mths so I just hope you get through faster.

Well i am having a crappy weekend, as much as I love my mother she is driving me crazy ( i have lived with them since we started the K1)....and following a close 2nd is my fiance who is being really insensitive at the moment! I truelly felt like I was in the twilight zone today. I am now looking at leaving Australia on the 6th April well that is if my cold feet don't win and I do a runner to the UK :lol: ! Sorry, but I have had it today, Jake doesn't get my position but what made it worse is that he didn't want get it either. I got attitude instead. I'm the one moving, getting rid of everything, leaving family and friends, living with parents, paying all the phone bills, supplying the income cause he doesn't earn enough and I get ####### for it and no support today! This is a hard thing to do, but it's harder for the one doing the moving. I am self sufficient and smart but sometimes you just need a hug right? Not too much to ask.

Sorry I am so negative this week, but this is the reality of the visa journey. Every now and then you lose your mind and it bites you on the butt! Then you get back up and dust yourself off and move on. I was seriously ok most of the time until recently.

OK that's two ventings much do I owe you guys?? :P
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-25 03:12:00
Asia: East and PacificLAND DOWNUNDER
HI Nycangel, Welcome to the Aussie forum! Good luck with getting an earlier interview date. Your only hassle might be that they have a certain quota of Visas they are allowed to give out per month as far as I know so that may stop you getting a better interview date. When you get to the interview make sure they take your SO's passport for the Visa. They have been stuffing that up lately and giving the passports back.

Hey Priscilla, I finally saw your wedding photos, ok it took me a while to find the gallery...I am a bit slow! They are beautiful! I loved your dress.

AND...thanks Everyone for your kindness, you're a bunch of sweeties :star: , I just had a crappy day yesterday, but today was better except that I ate an 150g block of choccy in one sitting...grrrr :blush: . It's funny cause I am generally a positive person but this Visa process makes you flip out from time to time. One minute you are excited about being reunited and your new life together, the next minute you are overwhelmed and paranoid about the paper work and then there are those moments that you miss your loved one so much it hurts. Jake and I don't argue much so I am glad for that, but long distance arguments on the phone are the worst. I definitely think it has made us stronger as a couple and we tend to laugh at things rather than get into a tizz about it these days.

Hey Kath, Jake didn't understand about recycling either, he just throws everything in the trash. I have a lot of work ahead of me...he is addicted to pizza and thinks it covers the 5 food groups...NOT! :lol:
girlfrmozFemaleAustralia2007-02-21 01:08:00