CanadaHow will I know which consulate?
Yes, K-1's are based on regional. So Alberta gets sent to Vancouver as Previous Post states...Goodluck! P:)
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-02-06 17:49:00
CanadaHealth Insurance?
As my fiance and I found out, if you are a woman who is considered fertile, so under I think 50 years of age or something like. Regardless of planning to have children or not;Insurance would be outrageous. His work covers a lot of it but once I am on there we will have to pay $300.00 a month...he was paying $50.00..We shopped around and apparentlly this is a good deal. So I am not totally surprised by the $400.00 a month. But it still stings.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-01-23 11:00:00
CanadaCalgary's lone K-1 / K-3 doctor
Honestly the whole medical thing, is not that bad. I have a terrible fear of doctors, and needles. I chose to have it all done in the sameday just to get it over with. The worst part was the physical, and that was mainly cause it was cold in the office..hehehe....he is really nice..doesn't talk much which is cool. Comes in does his thing...over in like 5 minutes. Then you talk with the nurse again about where to go. No worries.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-02-06 21:46:00
CanadaCalgary's lone K-1 / K-3 doctor
I went for the medical in Calgary. I called one day and got an appointment for the following week. He will only take Canadian Cash. There is no actuall line up as you see and hear about in other places. He is located in a plastic surgery place. The nurse will come out and get you. Ask a bunch of questions..then you show here you immunization records. The only one that I didn't have a current one of was Tetnus and that was free if you have Alberta Health Care.

From there she takes you to get weighed, quick eye exam. Then takes you to a room. Tells you to get undressed including Undies....and the doc comes in and does a very thorough exam. Gave my the shot. From there you will have to go to get your blood tests done, at a seperate clinic. Which can take a can be busy but they move pretty fast. Also you will have to go to a third location for your chest xray. Will take a few hours in total. Since you are going to 3 seperate locations in the city to do all this.

A couple of days later I called and they said my results were all in and I went and picked them all up..and Faxed off my checklist to Vancouver consulate and waited for my interview date. Goodluck.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-02-06 13:45:00
CanadaPacket 3 from Vancouver
You can't submit the checklist before the Packet gets to you. You have to check off all the boxes that apply to your situation, then you will have to forward the completed checklist to the Vancouver Embassy VIA fax if you want to get an interview date a bit faster (ie: a week or so for response).

As far as what is on the checklist well that can take a while to tell you. But basics include Canada wide police check, and a police check for any place outside of canada you lived in for at least 6 months. A copy of you long form birth certificate, Medical, US passport size photos, if you were married before you need copies of docs for that...I don't know specifics, and a few other documents that you have to print off line and fill out as well. So best to hang tight and wait for your packet 3. usually takes anywhere from 2-3 weeks to get it from the Embassy. After you fax the checklist you will likely have to wait a week for them to finally get you a confirmed interview date. Which they can email you and they will then send you your packet 4 which will have a letter stating when your interview date is for. KEEP THIS LETTER! You will need it to jump the line outside the Embassy the day of the interview in Vancouver..Best of Luck..
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-02-06 14:00:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...
I dont have an exact time as to when the consulate recieved our stuff from NVC but I think we ended up waiting about 3 weeks.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-11-09 01:35:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...
Count me in. I think I got a little to ambitious about putting my preffered date at November 13th. Ah well as long as they give me a date I will be happy.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-11-08 11:19:00
CanadaCanadian TV in the US

You can pick up the CBC in Buffalo too of course, but here in Baltimore .. nada - zip - big fat zero.

I miss Coronation Street.

Ok.. you can laugh now.


Me TOO! I often go online and read ahead since we are so behind in Canada. Not quite the same though... :(
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-02-14 21:56:00
CanadaWork Authorization

Reba -

Sorry for the lack of information. She is coming in on a K-1. Interview is last week of March, so she'll be coming in right after. Actual wedding will be a few months out, but we want to do marriage certificate immediately. So we want to have the application ready to go the day we get the certificate. What I'm fearing is something such as it taking 1 month to get the marriage certificate or something of that sort. Just wanted to have all bases covered!

Thanks guys!

I might be misunderstanding the marriage certificate part, if so forgive me. I just want to clarify, You DO have to get Married to get a Marriage Certificate. Which you will need in order to send in the AOS paperwork. They will not accept a Marriage license which is what you have to apply for before you get married. Once married you can go to City Hall and get the Marriage Certificate which states you were legally married.
I might just have read that part wrong but wanted to make sure we were all on the same page. Goodluck!

Edited by CanuckmeetsYank, 08 March 2007 - 07:00 PM.

CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-03-08 18:59:00
CanadaMarried name
I opted to change my name as soon as possible, just so I could get use to it. Plus when we filed AOS they needed to know if I was taking my husband's name or not. All my Canadian accounts and cards still have my maiden name, for now. Goodluck!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-03-07 13:54:00
CanadaMy Experience changing my Drivers License today..

Well I'm not going to speak for the other Canadians here but the only reason why I'm moving is to be with my husband as it makes more sense for his career to stay there for now. If the marriage ended, I'd come back to Canada in a heartbeat.

Patriotism is all fine and dandy except when it single-handedly dismisses critiques in a STFU kind of way. That doesn't sit well with me.

I'm agreeing with you too. The only reason I'm here is because of my husband as well :)

Don't care one bit about patriotism or "the American Dream" (sorry, Ant, I had a career going on for me back in Canada and didn't need to move here to fulfill any dreams... my "dream" is to be well-travelled and a citizen of the world, and the term "patriotism" actually sends a shiver down my back).

I agree. I too am here for my husband. I had a well established career back in Canada, and family and friends. But made the choice to come here for him. Grant it I will make the best of a life here I can for us and our family. But should something change or happen to him I would also move back without a second thought.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-03-10 14:30:00
CanadaMy Experience changing my Drivers License today..
Just to clarify, my Original post was not meant to "bash" or offend any USC. We were just talking about some of our experiences here, and having a sense of humour about the whole thing. That was all. Sorry if this offended anyone.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-03-09 11:35:00
CanadaMy Experience changing my Drivers License today..

Oh, the hilarity. Personally, I am American, my husband is the Canadian (lucky him) and I knew a good deal about Canada. We did learn Canadian geography where I come from. However, I will say that when I was a little girl I thought that Saskatchewan was where the Sasquatch came from. Funny that my husband is from SK! Haha.

And just to add to the funny stories about uninformed Americans: A month ago my husband and I went to file our taxes. The preparer asked my husband where he was from and he said "Canada." She got quiet and then after a while said, "I don't know anything about Canada. I'll admit it. I'm just a stupid American. I mean, I know what all the PROVIDENCES are called and everything, I just maybe don't know the cities or where they are."

I nearly died. I was kicking my husband under the table. When we got home we had a good laugh about that. Providences. Sheesh.

:lol: Now that IS funny. At least she was honest! LOL
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-03-08 18:51:00
CanadaMy Experience changing my Drivers License today..

I know a lot of people look to VJ for information about changing their licenses over. Just thought I would share my experience :) :

So I went to change my Alberta license here in Illinois, and after my experience in the Social Security Office I knew this was going to be fun. I went down there armed with all my documents required and my marriage certificate so that they could change it to my married name.

Well I got the the counter and told the young woman what I was there for and showed her my paper work. She immediately asked her supervisor if my license was from Canada. He said to me that I didn't have a Canadian License. I said yes I do..its a Canadian license. He said no its not. I said Alberta is a province in Canada..that is my last address before here..he took off with my license to ask someone else if this was true. So while he was gone , she took my Birth Certificate and asked if Nova Scotia was in Australia. Then I realized these people have likey not left Chicago before now. I explained to her where Nova Scotia was to give her an idea. Finally the guys comes back with my Alberta license and says to the young woman "She's right. It's in Canada" sounding a bit surprised. I just laughed and thought to majority of Americans really have no idea what is out there beyond their borders!

All in all it was not that difficult to change the license. I did have to do the Eye Exam and written exam before they would issue the Illinois one. Some states make you do the road test as well as the written.

Tick another one of a kind experience off my list, only found in America! ;)

:lol: :lol:

That is very funny. We usualy in the USA just study American cities and regions. In highschool we can take geography as an elective if we want. Now that we have these state test we study towards them. That means math reading science.

So you didn't have to take the written or driving test here in IL? Wow!!! Just asking because my husband has a Jamaican licenses. How long could you drive on you CA licenses before you got your IL licenses?

Take Care

Well they will make you do the Eye Exam and the Written for sure..and in some cases they will have you do the Road exam. Everything I found before I went to the DMV just said they may or may not do the road exam, they don't say when they would have someone do the road test. But you could always call the DMV and ask just so your fiance can prepare when he is ready. All the best.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-03-06 22:24:00
CanadaMy Experience changing my Drivers License today..
I know a lot of people look to VJ for information about changing their licenses over. Just thought I would share my experice :) :

So I went to change my Alberta license here in Illinois, and after my experience in the Social Security Office I knew this was going to be fun. I went down there armed with all my documents required and my marriage certificate so that they could change it to my married name.

Well I got the the counter and told the young woman what I was there for and showed her my paper work. She immediatly asked her supervisor if my license was from Canada. He said to me that I didn't have a Canadian License. I said yes I do..its a Canadian license. He said no its not. I said Alberta is a province in Canada..that is my last address before here..he took off with my license to ask someone else if this was true. So while he was gone , she took my Birth Certificate and asked if Nova Scotia was in Austrailia. Then I realized these people have likey not left Chicago before now. I explained to her where Nova Scotia was to give her an idea. Finally the guys comes back with my Alberta license and says to the young woman "She's right. It's in Canada" sounding a bit surprised. I just laughted and thought to majority of Americans really have no idea what is out there beyond their borders!

All in all it was not that difficult to change the license. I did have to do the Eye Exam and written exam before they would issue the Illinois one. Some states make you do the road test as well as the written.

Tick another one of a kind experience off my list, only found in America! ;)
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-03-06 17:48:00
CanadaHow Understanding is Your Family
When we first told everyone that we decided to pursue this K visa to have me move to the US. We got a lot of different reactions. Definatly got the whole will you be a USC once you are married still get that once and while. My family thought that I would never be allowed back in Canada. I think that was mostly paranoia. Mostly now its the whole why can't you work? What is taking so long..that sort of thing. My Brother is constantly asking me about that. Why I am not working...and since I am not working why don't I come home to visit. So I am constantly explaning the process to him.

My husband's family usually asks about if we decided to have children what they will be. I like to say hopefully healthy small human beings who grow up to be well adjusted adults.. ;) .
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-03-23 11:42:00
CanadaCalgary Medical
You can email the office in Vancouver as well to find out if they issued your interview date and when it might happen to be. If you were curious.

As far as the medical, maybe the delay was they forgot to do the HIV test..hence they have to run the blood again. I heard that happen to someone else who had medical done in Calgary. Not to worry (easier said then done I know)...all will be fine. It will get there this week I am sure..they never do these things as quickly as we would like...
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-04-01 07:25:00
Canadamephys's big day!!
WoooHoooo! Congrats! I know you arent moving quite yet but let me be the first Welcome you to Illinois! All the best for your move. :jest:
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-04-04 12:26:00
CanadaCulture shock for Canadians in the US
For Me I found that it was the small things that have sent me for a loop. Like waiting in line at the post office. Mind you, Canada post is not much better but I seriously watched the clerk come off a break serve one customer then put her sign up for another break. I waited about 25 minutes to get a bloody stamp.

I moved to Chicago from Calgary and I am originally from Halifax. So I went from small city to medium Large city to OMG! Way to many people! That is taking sometime to get use to.

The rudeness I finds varies from time to time. I have encountered some really nice people, and I have had some quite terrible service. My Favorite was when I went to Borders and was looking for this particular book for my fiance, so I asked the guy at the counter for it by name. He asked me to repeat myself about 3 times and finally said "where are you from?!" I gave him my death stare and said I just moved here from Canada, I didn't think I was speaking any other language then english!

Banking here is very different then what I am use to. There it this whole your debit card is sometimes a credit card just depending on the machine at the store. Sometimes you put your PIN # in sometimes you sign.

I have to agree with a few other people here the sales are fantastic! They really do know the meaning of a sale.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-01-12 10:52:00
CanadaCanadian Pizza Question

I personally prefer the pizza from Pizza Delight (a chain found in Atlantic Canada), pizza from Big Red's (found only in Nova Scotia), slices of donair pizza from the place next door to the museum in Mahone Bay, and slices from any of the places at the infamous "pizza Corner" in Halifax, NS.

I guess I like my Nova Scotian pizza. :P

Mazzio's makes an ok pizza, but nothing that makes me go "wow".

Ahhh Pizza Corner...nothing better after a night out at the Bars (Dome)..I miss HALIFAX! :crying:

As for the OP..hmmm I don't really know..I will have to say Canadian Pizza. Not quite as greasy as some of the Pizza I have had here. Mind you..Chicago has the best deep dish I have ever had..Can I sit on the fence?
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-05-15 19:56:00
CanadaUpdate on our Case being processed after Denial
I was just reading through this thread and my heart was breaking. I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS!!!! That is fantastic news!!!!! All the best from here on you and your husband!!!! :D
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-05-18 16:10:00
CanadaIncorrect postal code
I would definatly call the Consulate and just ask them to send out another Packet 3. I PM'd the number to you with the extention. They are really nice and I am sure there will not likely be a problem. That might be the fastest way to get it.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-03-09 11:45:00
CanadaPolice Certificate

Yes he has the right form. Every RCMP for whatever reason have a different Colour/style sheet, but it all means the samething. Mine said exactly what his does. I DO NOT Have a record either, so it was just blank.
Good luck in the process!

Actually I just reread you OP. IF he DOES have a record I am not sure what the sheet would look like. In the past those WITHOUT a Record have had the different colour style sheets. Sorry about the confusion.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-05-19 07:18:00
CanadaPolice Certificate
Yes he has the right form. Every RCMP for whatever reason have a different Colour/style sheet, but it all means the samething. Mine said exactly what his does. I DO NOT Have a record either, so it was just blank.
Good luck in the process!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-05-19 07:08:00
CanadaAny fellow Canuck in Illinois?

Yeah! That was me! :lol: I am sure yours will go much smoother! Take Care!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-07 16:31:00
CanadaAny fellow Canuck in Illinois?

I forgot, I am about 1h or 45 min east of chicago, I could probably try to go there but i've never been downtown Chicago

If you can get your local DMV branch to do it then I would do that..downtown is just nuts. The DL is good for 4 years.

It will expire on my birthday(Nov) 2011... and it was issued March 6

Edited by CanuckmeetsYank, 07 June 2007 - 04:25 PM.

CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-07 16:25:00
CanadaAny fellow Canuck in Illinois?
Oh..I thought it was right after my I94 expired but I just checked. I did it a few days before the I-94 expired. Hmmm...they are really hard to get answers from there I know...I am not sure if they will take the NOA notice..cant hurt to try.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-07 16:20:00
CanadaAny fellow Canuck in Illinois?
Hi Memphys;

I live in Chicago and change my DL over. They(Illinois) says that you are suppose to change your DL after 90 days. I am sure if you wanted to wait until AOS or EAD wouldn't be a big deal I really don't know.

All I had to do was take in my SSN which had my maiden name on it..and utility bill ( for address) my passport, Canadian License and my Marriage Cert to do the name change. That was about it. I went to the office on Randolph downtown Chicago. There is a desk when you walk in tell them what you are there for. They give you a number and check your docs. Then you will have to go to the counter when called do your eye exam..and written test right out in the open. Not a big deal . They are suppose to give you back your Canadian license as well. Not a big deal. I don't even think they checked my could take the forms in with you..but I think all they really want to see if that you have and I-94.
Hope that helps!

Edited by CanuckmeetsYank, 07 June 2007 - 04:10 PM.

CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-07 16:06:00
CanadaTo put LPR or No LPR that is the question?
Hey Everyone;
This question is a bit off topic but I thought who better to answer this question than my fellow VJ' all their wisdom.

So now that I got my green card (YEAH!)..I am starting the grand ol' job hunt. would you put on your resume/application that you are a Legal Permanent Resident..or would you leave that out?
If you would put it on there would it be cover letter or resume?

Thank you in advance for any imput on this!
Canuck :alien:
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-12 20:07:00
CanadaMaking the move with your pets
My Cat has traveled almost as much as I have! LOL. I was worried about bringing her with me to the US but actually it went really smoothly.

I found and airline that would allow a limited number of small pets on board in the Cabin under the seat. The only thing she really needed was to get papers from her Vet saying she had her rabies shot up to date..and her health records stating she was healthy and not sedated at all. So we went through customs she looked at her papers, and that was about it. We got on board, she cried a bit for the take off and while you are de-planing she gets a bit anxious but settles down again. I am so glad I brought her with me. It really helped having her with all this transition, and she loves it here in our new home!
Safe Travels!
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-03-05 15:55:00
CanadaTo put LPR or No LPR that is the question?
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I really appreciate it. My concern was when you look at all my experience it was obviously in Canada. So I worried that they would toss my resume aside thinking I am not legal. I agree its none of their business..but this was something that crossed my mind. Any thoughts? Thanks again.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-12 20:27:00
CanadaTo put LPR or No LPR that is the question?
Hey Everyone;
This question is a bit off topic but I thought who better to answer this question than my fellow VJ' all their wisdom.

So now that I got my green card (YEAH!)..I am starting the grand ol' job hunt. would you put on your resume/application that you are a Legal Permanent Resident..or would you leave that out?
If you would put it on there would it be cover letter or resume?

Thank you in advance for any imput on this!
Canuck :alien:
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-12 20:07:00
CanadaAir Canada & Pets
If you look around there are still a handful of airlines that will let you have the pet under the seat. However they limit the number of pets per flight so that could be an issue trying to get your pet on board.
When I flew to the US in December(2006) the only carrier I was able to find to take her on board under the seat was united. Others would still let them in baggage..however you have to read the fine print some wont do this certain times of the year due to lack of A/C or heating.
I think its terribly unfair to have to send them on cargo planes now. I understand what they are trying to do..but they should accomadate the few passengers that do travel with pets if they can. I guess if I need to travel again with my pets..we will be least you know they being handled properly.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-23 14:46:00
CanadaAnother interview story
Congratulations! :thumbs: Great review.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-22 11:39:00
CanadaHappy Canada Day
Happy Canada Day everyone!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!
Hope you are all celebrating it in some special way!!!!
P.s Happy Birthday Ramos and anyone else celebrating their birthday today!

Edited by CanuckmeetsYank, 01 July 2007 - 05:26 PM.

CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-07-01 17:24:00
CanadaMedical Review - Calgary

Glad you posted this so that people can avoid this guy!! Are there any other "American Approved" Dr's in CalgarY? (crosses fingers)

Unfortunatly not...I had to have the same Yahoo...but at least that part is done.

Good luck at the interview Scott.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-30 09:11:00
Canadamy husband is tooooo sweet!
That is really sweet!!!!

Funny I was feeling homesick the other night myself and yesturday my husband comes into the bathroom while I was doing my "face" and yells "Happy Canada Day!!!" LOL..I just laughed and said "umm, thanks but its Sunday." lol...pretty cute.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-30 09:21:00
CanadaHow did you guys meet?
I decided to leave my then Career to travel the UK, and Ireland. Found myself staying at a hostel in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was traveling after finishing his degree..and working at this hostel. We hit off as friends..but decided it was best to just stay friends and nothing more. We parted ways to head back to our home countries. I had a feeling I was going to see him again..just didn't know when or where.

Fast forward about 4 years, and he emailed me out of the blue. We exchanged numbers next thing I know I am on a plane visiting him in Chicago. We dated long distance for 8 months, then he visited me in Calgary..and proposed!

Here we are! Finally together.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2007-06-12 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do you see if your case was :touched:
Okay so I have been reading all this great information and stuff. But here is my question and it might sound a bit stupid but here goes. I keep seeing people saying their cases have been touched. Where are you finding this. We mailed our forms on March 7, received the NOA1 March 24,2006 then we had our case moved like most people from NSC, to CSC and when I got on line to check out status we got something saying that we will get notice when approved. But nothing out being touched, and there are people saying they have been touched and they filed later than us. Equiring minds want to know. Thanks for your help. :energetic:
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-06-04 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP: G-325 A biographic sheets
I was just checking my copy of the I129f and the A# appears to be in a section for the USIS. Then you will each have forms to sign and send back. Your alien fiancee is the beneficiary. the person applying on their behalf is the petitioner from what I can see done here...hope this helps you out a bit...before you send it all in make sure you get lots of evidence of your relationship to go with it. At the advice of our lawyer we sent as much as we could get together...letters from family members stating they know of our relationship...and pictures of us as a couple plane tickets, stubs, telephone bills, emails, card, announcements..anything you can think of. It sounds overwhelming but once you get started not so bad.
CanuckmeetsYankFemaleCanada2006-06-05 12:56:00