CanadaVianca & Dale Approved
CONGRATS and good luck in your new home biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-08 06:36:00
thanks for the aproval wishes and best of luck to you guys too , ( just wish they would send out this visa in mail already )
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-08 07:36:00
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Nov 6 2007, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Nov 6 2007, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 6 2007, 07:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are welcome, Lona. But just wait until you file for AOS and try to establish an identity here in the US. That's when the real fun begins! laughing.gif

Ditto Krikit.... wait until the real adjustment begins.... fun, fun, fun.....

Okay you chicken littles.. smile.gif tee hee.. Be nice.. please don't scare the soon to be PR's.. smile.gif lol

LMAO chicken littles thats cute havent heard that exprecion in years lol biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-07 05:28:00
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-06 12:14:00
Its been a long road and we want to thank you all for all the help and suport you gave during this process we couldnt have done it without your help here,
all those documents that had to be filed out , we had no clue how to complete all the documents when we first began the K1 , this site is great for any new comer we want to thank each and everyone who helped trough this process biggrin.gif biggrin.gif:D:D TONY AND LONA biggrin.gif:D:D:D
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-06 07:28:00
CanadaNo sign of the visa yet
I know the spreadsheet gives an average time of 6 days , i lookd at it but those 6 days include sat and sund so its basicaly a average of 4 buisiness days , since canada dont deliver mail on those days.
my interview was 3 days ago I like to know if there are other people who had theyre interview on a monday and when did they get the visa send out ?
I been looking at canada post and nothing has been send out yet , am getting anxiouse to see something maild out,
just to make sure I got the right tracking number ,it is located on the resive right under the canada post logo where it sais item number right ??
( I know thats where it is cose thats the only number i got on my resive , but just want to give me a piece of mind )
was hoping to move tonight when my babe has to go back home since he got to go back to go back to work tomorrow , but looks like I have to stay a few more days, dont get me wrong about that we waited for allmost 4 years to be able to finaly be together for good so few more days aint nothing ,
i just want to know about this mail stuff
( am a perfectionist drives me nuts not knowing so any help is deaply apriciated thank you
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-08 06:58:00
CanadaIts a busy week in Montreal, Nov 8th interviews
GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!
smile dont be nervouse ,at the start tony was more nervouse then me
if you cant smile try to put a real stupid song in your head that makes you smile or think of it like you goin to a gameshow and win a million bucks ( thats what I did it worked lol )
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-07 05:53:00
CanadaLeaving for Montreal
QUOTE (Jeremy + Kristy @ Nov 8 2007, 07:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Leaving for Montreal in a couple of hours. It's going to be all kinds of driving. We're staying at the Holiday Inn Montreal Midtown.

Here's what's in a accordian file, please let me know if we're missing anything, and wish us luck:

Packet 4 (interview letter)

DS-230 Part I (Kristy)
Two DS-156 (typed with barcodes)
DS-156K (unsigned)
Two 2"x2" passport photos
Medical Exam packet (Kristy and daughter's)
Long form birth certificate
Police Certificate
$200 USD
12"x15" signature required Regional Xpresspost mailer

DS-230 Part I (Kristy's Daughter)
Two DS-156 (typed with barcode)
Two 2"x2" passport photos
Long form birth certificate
Custody and support documents
Letter from her father stating he knows about and allows the move

Letter of Intent to Marry from me (such a romantic way to propose, no?)
Notarized Affidavit of Support (I-134)
Letters from both my banks
Letter from my employer
My divorce decree

Most of everything of the original I-129F
Copies of everything else, above

My passport
Hotel confirmation

looks good to me , make sure you got copies of everything they like to see the orig and keep the copies , ( they keep the orig police cert ) good luck and save trip
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-08 07:43:00
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-09 07:55:00
CanadaDoug is Officially APPROVED!!!
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-09 07:56:00
CanadaMontreal Review
QUOTE (TennCAN @ Nov 8 2007, 07:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dale’s appointment was at 9 a.m. We were anxious but not willing to wait in the cold so we walked to Tim Horton’s for breakfast. We ran into fellow VJers there (very cool). We arrived at the consulate at about 8:45 a.m. As we entered a security worker asked what we were there for and asked to see our appointment letter. He then directed us to stand in the line on the left in the entrance way and wait. Ran into more VJers there! Shortly after we were ushered in and instructed to present our passport and letter. The security check was a breeze. We had to empty our pockets and have our coats, etc sent through the scanner. We walked thought the metal detector, I got scanned with the baton thing and were told to go to window 14 on the 19th floor. At window 14, we waited in line to get a number. There was a slight hold-up because the clerk working that window got sick. We got the number and had a seat in the waiting area. Saw another VJ couple there too! We watched for our number to appear on the digital screen. Shortly after, we saw C5 window 11. We walked back to window 11 and a very nice blonde lady collected the paperwork. Right off, she sent Dale to pay the $100 and while he did that I started handing her the paperwork. Dale came back in a few minutes and we finished up. We were told to have a seat across from the window and the she would call us back to the window shortly. When she called us back it was to get Dale’s fingerprints. After that were told to go back to main waiting area and wait to be called to Room 7 or Room 8. When we sat down were thrilled because it was only 9:30 a.m. About ½ hour later we were paged to Room 7. The man behind the glass had us raise our right hand and say everything we submitted and were about to tell him was true. The man had Dale sign the DS-156K form. Dale was a little anxious and attempted on both lines. The man stopped him and told us it happened all the time. He asked how we meet, and asked about Dale’s work. Dale answered and I couldn’t resist putting my two cents in. Then he said we were approved. It was smooth from start to finish. Dale and I were extremely relieved and glad it is over. Now we can focus on our December 8 wedding!!

P.S We stayed at La Tour de Centre Ville. Nothing fancy but clean and very close to the Consulate. Also stumbled across a great little spot to eat - Bagel Expressions on Beaver Hall. Great food and prices!

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-09 07:54:00
CanadaApproved and review!
congrats and good luck in your future biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-11 05:47:00
QUOTE (stacy28ca @ Nov 10 2007, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are to cute smile.gif good luck to you and tony


thanks hon hope you got your visa too already and good luck to you , your daughter and your better half as well tell your daughter was very nice meeting her too biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-11 05:57:00
Thank you everyone yes it was a looooooooong road and its just half way done , but the most important is am finaly be able to be with my babe,
without having to count the days when I,m supose to go back to canada no more visiters wavers yeahhhhh
no more left and right travels every 2-3 weeks no more tears when having to say good bye when time came to go back ,
all this i couldnt have done without the suport of my kids my babe and yes defenatly YOU GUYS HERE SO FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART TY FOR ANSWERING EACH AND EVERY QUESTION I HAD AND WILL HAVE IN THE FUTURE even yes I know some where rather stupid , lol
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-09 14:30:00

to bad it didnt come yesterday I could have went home with tony , but oh well WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO
Moving day is monday ,finaly i can say Baby am homeeeeeeeeeeeee
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-09 10:31:00
Canadawife crossing to hand over complete k3 document package
QUOTE (Earmuffs @ Nov 12 2007, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
when she goes to adjust her status she will need to file the I-693A instead of doing another medical.. Basically it makes sure she has the required shots.

I could be wrong but to my understanding , K3 visa holders dont require medical check up before crossing the border , they need it after they crossd the border so he dont realy need the vaccination worksheet , anyone correct me if I,m wrong but isnt it true only k1 visa holders need full medical before crossing and K3 need it after crossing the border ?
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-12 15:23:00
CanadaMisty's Interview Review in Montreal
sure is wierd 2-3 weeks but hey you got aproved thats the main thing ( you got any cats or dogs you named husband ??he could have ment them ) lol , congrats and good luck in your future biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-11 05:50:00
CanadaValid CDN Passport vs. Expired CDN Passport
QUOTE (blooberry @ Nov 11 2007, 05:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all,

Of all the sheer coincidences! My five-year Canadian Passport and my temporary 2-year U.S. Green Card are set to expire in the same month! (April 2008)

Of course, this discovery has made an already-anxious personality (me) even more anxious. ;-)

(I wish I could tell myself to be more laid-back, but it is difficult -- especially when dealing with a serious subject like immigration status.)

Here are my -- hopefully easy to answer! -- questions:

Do I have to wait for my CDN passport to expire, before I can apply for a new one?

A fellow VJ-er posted this:

they won't renew a passport until its just a few weeks left on it, or has expired.

Silly me for not reading the paperwork carefully -- I visited the Canadian Consulate in San Francisco to renew my passport, only to be told that they don't do that, and I'd have to mail it in.
However, the lady behind the desk, told me to send it to Quebec early because "currently the Passport Office is five months behind." (!!!)

That being said, the Canadian Passport website states that processing "can take up to seven weeks."

So I don't know what to believe. And I certainly don't want to mail my passport in now (November 2007) if my passport is only going to be rejected for arriving while still valid.


When I apply for the "Lifting of Conditions", am I required to provide my CDN passport?

Since my temporary Green Card expires in April, I can effectively send in my "Lifting of Conditons" paperwork in January. (90 days, or less, before expiry.)
But depending on how long it takes for my CDN passport to be renewed, my passport may be in transit. Will I need to show my CDN passport as "proof" of anything?

Thank you SO much for any advice or kind words! :-)

Lisa (and Brian)

sorry i cant help with the passport and lift condition question , but I do know since the new law came out and everyone traveling by land or car has to have a passport , the waite time to resive your new passport is pretty long , ( i read montreal got a backlog up to 5 month now ) maybe someone with more knowledge can answer you more
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-11 06:15:00
CanadaP.O.E Review
QUOTE (Len_and_Bren @ Nov 13 2007, 03:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats babeeee!!! Now go ahead and marry the DUDE!!!! kicking.gif

hell yeahhhhhhhhh am goin to marry that dude in 2 weeks woooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-14 12:13:00
CanadaP.O.E Review
Yeahhhh we made it , it was easier then expected
ok here is our story , we left the house in canada at 7 pm last night arrived at the Quebec la cole border around 7;40pm right from the start when the officer saw the brown envelope in my hands he had a friendly smile
askd Tony how long he was in canada and whats the purpuse , then he askd me whats the purpuse with a smile like do i realy have to ask , lol ,
had a huge wide grin on my face telling him am here to activate my K1 am finaly aproved , so he took our passports smiled said well lets see if we can turn you into an americian hun ,
told us to park and go into the office .
after about a 10 min waite they calld us to the counter where I handed in the brown envelope and the inventory list of things we had in the truck ) ,
the officer lookd at the list gave it back said ty thats fine he askd a few questions ( like a normal conversation where I,m from in germany , he went to germany once )
how long we been together what tony does for a living , then askd so you going to marry " that Dude huh " said yup I sure am biggrin.gif in a joking way he said well he looks like a fine dude ,
said OH I AGREA HE IS < LOL then he talkd to tony for a few like he knew him for years ,
was to cool so friendly ( at the back I saw a few officers who use to give me the visitor waver in the past , they must have knowen I finaly got aproved lookd over with a big smile )
he explained the process as he lookd at the documents , ( the other officer who first took our passports came behind him , in a joking way askin him , what takes you so long you going to make this young lady an americian ? the officer who deald with my files smiled said am working on it .
then enterd all the data in the computer took my fingerprints and mugshot said welcome to america you got 90 days to marry and congratulations paid the 6 $ for the I-194, we both had a grin on our faces that reached from ear to ear said thank you very much sir and left , the whole thing took like 45 min was quick extreamly cool and friendly without any hassel biggrin.gif:D
I can finaly say " YEAHHHHHHHHH BABY AM HOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-13 09:02:00
CanadaWe Made It
LOL the house is a mess , I know exactly how you felt , am a nead freak kinda freaked out the day when I woke up in the morning and saw all the boxes , statred unpacking till it was all set and done ( early morning till the night ) anyhow glad you made it WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO CONGRATS biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-15 09:00:00
CanadaWE GOT IT!!
yeahhhhhhhhhh go get hitched CONGRATSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-15 08:55:00
CanadaWedding date set
AWWWWWWW thank you everyone yes we are so exited to be able to finaly waer our bands
oh waite a min
( we are already waering our bands since the last 2 years , when we got engaged we bought weddingbands as engagement rings , Tony is workin with the public and wanted to keep H*&^Y woman away when I had to be in canada it sure worked they lookd at the ring and kept distance lol , so we will use them now when we get married , I told tony I dont want a big diamond am a simple girl and those bands have sentimental values wich mean more then a diamond ,they been trough everything with us , I like to use the same bands biggrin.gif ) and we also have matching tatooes since the last 3 years, wich was done in purpose of being soulmates for life (a cobra wrapped around a heart we designed so it looks like the cobra is guarding the heart about 4-5 inches big )biggrin.gif
see we already are waering our weddingbands and its defenatly for life biggrin.gif:D
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-15 09:23:00
CanadaWedding date set
We where finaly able to set our wedding date to the first of december
found a justice of peace here in town , wich is great it will be a small wedding but very memorable sorounded by mountains and just imediate family ( my growen son and daughter will take the train to be with us and few from Tony's family on that memorable day yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh )
WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO crying.gif biggrin.gif heart.gif kicking.gif biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-14 12:08:00
CanadaFood stuff at POE
dont forget to stock up on MARS BARS < I lookd everywhere in mass as well as in conecticuit and jersey couldnt find none , ( am chocoholic ) the lady behind the counter told me oh Mars well sorry we dont sell that here in the states anymore but we do have snikers wich is the same , told her NO its not am a chocholic i know my chocolate , lol
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-12 15:36:00
Canadaneed help
thank you for the help yeah misa can be a lifesaver she helped me in the past with many things too biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-17 09:23:00
Canadaneed help
there we go again need help
ok am in the middle of filling out my I 485 application , I got stuck on part 1 question |
I-94# is this the departure number on the i 94 or the number where it sais K1 xxx xx on the i 94 and on part 3 question , Nonimmigrant visa number , is this the control number on upper right corner , or the Axxxx xxxx number or the pet. EAC-XXXXX NUMBER ?
THERE SO MANY NUMBERS . if anyone can help i apriciate it thanks
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-16 15:09:00
CanadaWhat to do about another board that is fizzling out
tell them jerry springer is coming to the forum . lol
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-15 09:35:00
CanadaVaccination Worksheet
QUOTE (flames9 @ Nov 15 2007, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Best to be nice, ya never know when you have to go to them for a real visit!! They just may forget the lubrication,lol

to be honest with people like that ( she was very unfriendly to talk to ) I would think twice to go see her , if I had to I rather would go to ER , ya never know shes probly a butcher in desgiuse lol
I recomand Dr Arnold to anyone biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-17 09:34:00
CanadaVaccination Worksheet
this is actualy kinda funny ,
yesterday I spend the day looking for a civil surgeon in my area ,
i found 1 right here in town and about 5-6 in the city wich is like 20 min drive ,
anyhow first I calld the one in town , the lady tryed to convince me that I need full medical ,
told her no I came on a K1 visa , k1 requires a one time medical before enter the country then she said yes you do need a full medical or you can be concidert eligal ,
I started to crack up laughin at her told her lady do me favore please open the gov website read everything you can find about immigration on K1 visa , I know for a fact that I dont need a full medical , she said well since you know it so well I guess I could transcript the vaccination to the suppliment form ,
i said good so how much will it be ? she said 60$ ( i was like damn golddiggers lol ) told her ok I will set an appointment but might have to call back to cancell it she said OK FINE , lol ,
then i calld the rest of the doctors on my list each and everyone tryd to convince me that I needed full medical , or they charged between 40 - 60 bucks ,
so I calld the good doctor in texas ( the lifesaver everyone talks about here biggrin.gif )had to leave a message , but then they calld back
the lady was real nice said to just mail it in with a check of 10 $ and some private info they required , as soon as they reseave it they can mail it out within 24 - 48 hrs , I was like wow this is perfect thank you hung up ,
then calld back the first doc told her well I have to cancell my appointment , she said you need a full medical right , I said nope but I did find someone who will do exactly what is required by law for 10$ so thank you and please like I said do some studies about K 1 immigration have a good day < :LOL
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-15 10:12:00
CanadaVisa didn't come today
QUOTE (flames9 @ Nov 16 2007, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
jeez, everyone knows its a different mailguy!! Congrats!!

mine wasnt a diferant mailguy , was the reg mailman supriced me too ,
anyhow glad you got it congrats and save trip biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-17 09:30:00
CanadaSSN ???
Got a question about the ssn card ,
I like to know if thats true when you applied for k1 and checked the box on ds 156 to resive your card do they realy forward your information to the local ss office and you get your SSN card automaticialy in mail 2-3 weeks after you enter the states ? , or is that false and you have to aply for it your self as soon as your married ??
if its true and you get the card in mail ( with maiden name ) is it a big deal you change name after the marriage ?
any input is apriciated thank you
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-20 06:52:00
CanadaInterview Fees
yes 100 in U.S currency cash for each ,
also to 2 copies of DS 156 + DS 156 k for each is required to download on line for the interview
good luck
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-23 12:36:00
Canadapacket 3
as far as I know yes you have to send duplicates for everyone ( I maild mine with the checklist was no problem ) also be prepared to pay 100 in U.S for each visa aplicant at the interview good luck
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-24 13:25:00
CanadaI may have to go back to Canada and refile as a K3
My name is Tony and I am Lona's future husband,I would just like to comment on the situation
with the 23 yr old and the 9 yr old:

He said "he wished he could stab him", that constitutes a "terroristic threat" in the
state of new jersey,I am a former resident of the state and the last time I checked,
he could be charged with terroristic threats towards a minor,so the big mouth should
shut his trap......immediately.

Next,My advice to the mother of the child,you and your husband should find a different
place to reside,not all apartments in n.j. are expensive,especially 1 bedrooms, you just
need to know where to look,your husband should know the areas,if he is from jersey,
look online,you should find something affordable.

Don't go back to Canada..think it over..If you are here already,why go through the hassle
of a K-3?? The K-1 was hard enough,this is your family,let NO ONE get in the way of breaking
you up,talk to your husband and immediately make plans to move with in laws is a have no freedom and you live under their rules,not a good way to live..I suggest
for the sake of your child and your relationship...MOVE OUT A.S.A.P helpsmilie.gif

Thanks for your Time
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-21 10:52:00
CanadaI may have to go back to Canada and refile as a K3
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 21 2007, 07:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We are living together until I started working, his family told my son and I for 2 years that we could come and live here while we found a home that was in a good school district and everything.

I have talked to my husband, I have talked to my mother back home.

My husbands brother told my son he "had a knife and could stab him" on Sunday. This is when it all really began. There's so much more. I stand by my son more than I stand by my husband. I have to keep my son in our room until my husbands brother leaves the house. Last night my son heard the entire fight. This morning he's telling me it's all his fault. I don't like seeing him blame himself for everything.

I didn't realize that it was going to be like this here.

We're looking at our options, either me coming back down later or him coming up to live in Canada.

We'll be alright.

ok reading this , OMG the 23 year old acts more then a 6 year old ,
I see your point on wanting to leave ,
this is mental child abuse what the 23 year old is doin to your son , I would react the same way and belive me every good mother would too
you are a great mother your son is 9 he cant defand himself it is your job to protect him he needs you to stand up for him , wich you are obviously doin smile.gif
I hope you and your husband can sort things out wich ever way its goin ,
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-21 08:41:00
CanadaI may have to go back to Canada and refile as a K3
first am sorry you are goin trough this ,
as everyone said I agrea think it over , do you realy want to go trough the whole process again with K 3 , whos there to say it will work after k 3 is aproved ?
i would realy sit and talk to everyone involved in the house ,
i know NJ is expensive and people there can be extreamly outspoken , my inlaws live there as well am just lucky they love me and accepted me like a daughter ,
my question is didnt your husband know what he was getting into when he said 'I DO '
as for the 23 year old no offence but what right does he have to complain hes in the same boat as you or he would be living on his own ,
( I would ask him nicely to listen to some tunes on the headphones till your son sleeps if it bugs him so much wink.gif )
I have 2 kids on my own ( well growen kids 21 and 19 they love tony like hes theyr dad )
but I know kids at the age of 9 can be a handfull and singing himself to sleep is actualy cute they should be happy he aint yelling and screaming " MOMMMMMM I DONT WANT TO SLEEPPPPP "
I would defenatly not trow the towel at this point ,you came way to far , this is for better or worst .
worst would be if you start again with K3 you have to sit on a daily basis thinking will this happen again when I aproved now ? will i be able to get along with my inlaws knowing the past we had ,
I would just hang in and talk to everyone who lives at the house concerning this mather .
after all your husband married you knowing you bring a child into the relationship right ,
wish you good luck hang in
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-21 08:27:00
CanadaIt's here
wow cool CONGRATSSSSSSSSS !!!! biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-24 13:12:00
CanadaCan Montreal override Vermont
your very welcome
I just lookd at the waver forum and found some interesting reading , I hope it helps or maybe you could copy and paste your question there , I saw a lot of people in the same situation as you two , good luck ,
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-23 13:04:00
CanadaCan Montreal override Vermont
sorry I dont have the answer , but wanted to say hi and tell you both have been in my toughts
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-23 11:36:00