CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Feb 22 2008, 11:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think they cashed they cheque but my bank isn't showing it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wouldnt worry about that , when they cashed my cheque we was able to see the numbers but couldnt put it in the account to check status , then resievd the 3 NOA"s wich had different numbers ( the first NOA last number was off by 3 the 2nd and 3rd NOA last number was off by 2 )
so probly the numbers on the cheque wont enter in the system ,you should get the NOA soon since they cashed the cheque then you will be able to check status ( unless USCIS wont enter the cases till after biometrics, lots of people where only able to see status after biometrics )

BEWARE checking status on line is very harmful side effects can cause sweat outbreaks nausea and uneasieness in the nervouse system ,if you experience any of those sympthoms please be adviced you are checking AOS status more then once a day , and try to limite your dayly AOS checking on line intake to once a day. overdose of AOSCHECKING is harmfull to your health
, (had to invent a lil BEWARE since it was to late for me and I experience the side effects of checking on line ) lol
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2008-02-23 15:30:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Lona.C. @ Jan 24 2008, 11:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jan 24 2008, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol krikit

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much, they might see that you are human and appreciate it! If not, just means there is a better job around the corner (and I mean that, not just saying it for effect smile.gif )

shes limited in french and is looking for a job since she got out of highschool 2 years ago , she got hierd at a sommercamp for kitchenhelper she did great there they paid good and want her back next summer but thats in toronto and the camp stopes for the winter she lives in Montreal , she got her highschool degrea but Montreals a B&^%$ to find a job if your not perfectly bilangual ,
even I been helping her looking on line for a job wish there was more I could do for her, but I guess its up to her and to keep the faith

I know most are probly already living in the states like myself , but had the idea and ask here maybe I get lucky for my daughter ,
by any chance does anyone know of places where they hire english people in Montreal ??
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2008-01-24 11:41:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jan 24 2008, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
lol krikit

Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much, they might see that you are human and appreciate it! If not, just means there is a better job around the corner (and I mean that, not just saying it for effect smile.gif )

shes limited in french and is looking for a job since she got out of highschool 2 years ago , she got hierd at a sommercamp for kitchenhelper she did great there they paid good and want her back next summer but thats in toronto and the camp stopes for the winter she lives in Montreal , she got her highschool degrea but Montreals a B&^%$ to find a job if your not perfectly bilangual ,
even I been helping her looking on line for a job wish there was more I could do for her, but I guess its up to her and to keep the faith
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2008-01-24 11:15:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Nini & Bee @ Nov 14 2007, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our cat Stella is limping around right now - during her checkup appointment at the vet today (she's diabetic) one of the nurses was rough with her while taking her out of her carrying crate and getting a blood sample from her leg. My mother-in-law is super pissed and so am I. mad.gif

I hope your cat is doin better give it a lil smootch on the head from me wink.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2007-11-15 09:41:00
Canadaadresse change
QUOTE (trailmix @ Apr 7 2009, 12:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lona.C. @ Apr 7 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
on the AR 11 , it ask for port of entry , we drove in trough quebec ( Montreal i belive it was champlain )
so what do i write there ?

Hi Lona, good to see you!

For the port of entry you enter whatever the U.S. side is - rather than champlain.

Your new house is lovely, congratulations smile.gif

hiya Trail good to see you too , but hmmmmm by any chance do you know the us side's name when I enterd from La colle , champlain QC ?
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-04-07 11:48:00
Canadaadresse change
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Apr 7 2009, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yepper - I did this last Oct - worked great, got the confirmation, all fine.

Hiya Lona - how's it going? biggrin.gif

hey wiz and kriket doin great here , marriage life is running smooth
we found this lil ranch its so cute , 3 bed rooms huge yard are closing on the house may 29 ,
already locked in the interest rate at 4.6
we got real lucky on this lil gem , hope you guys are doin great too and thanks again for the help

QUOTE (Lona.C. @ Apr 7 2009, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Apr 7 2009, 11:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
yepper - I did this last Oct - worked great, got the confirmation, all fine.

Hiya Lona - how's it going? biggrin.gif

hey wiz and kriket doin great here , marriage life is running smooth
we found this lil ranch its so cute , 3 bed rooms huge yard are closing on the house may 29 ,
already locked in the interest rate at 4.6
we got real lucky on this lil gem , hope you guys are doin great too and thanks again for the help

this is the house we are buying

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-04-07 10:55:00
Canadaadresse change
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 7 2009, 11:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For you: AR-11

For your husband: I-865

Nice to see you again, Lona. Congratulations on the new house! smile.gif

THANK YOU KRIKET very nice to see you again too
on the AR 11 , it ask for port of entry , we drove in trough quebec ( Montreal i belive it was champlain )
so what do i write there ?

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-04-07 10:42:00
Canadaadresse change
hi everyone been a while since i posted , hope everyone is doin good,
for us we are doin great we are in the middle of buying our first home ( a nice lil ranch )
we will be moving midle of june , now my question is , since I have to file removing of condition in Nov ,
I know I have to give them our new adresse as soon as we move ( dont know the exact time frame )
does anyone know wich form to use to change adresse for me and my husband )
can i do it online or am I better of doing it double online , and per reg mail ?
any help is apriciated thanks , and again hi to all my old friends


Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-04-07 10:21:00
CanadaWorking for Canadian Company
QUOTE (MichelleMcK @ Sep 18 2008, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiancé's company (that he works for currently) wants him to work remotely (through his computer) when he moves to the U.S.

Is this legal? He would still claim taxes, but just be doing basically the same job, but in the states.

to my understanding this is not legal , once you arrive in the states with k1 visa you are not aloud to work till you file your aos and you eather have the EAD card or your green card , yes some say k1 is work authorized , but only for 90 day and with the stamp ,
so my advice is as soon as he comes file for SSN , get married file the aos waite for the EAD card or green card wich ever comes first , then hes legal status to work here in the us good luck smile.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2008-09-18 09:47:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner?
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2008-01-24 11:03:00
Canadachange of adresse
cool thank you guys now I feel alot better thought I did something wrong and they will hunt me for not filling ( even though I filled but cant proof that I did other then that wierd print out where it doesnt show any personel info )

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-08-31 14:46:00
Canadachange of adresse
ok here is the deal as time comes close for removing condition I want to make sure I did this a11 right
we bought a house in may so I changed adresse for my husband as well as for me( am the green alien )beginning of june .
I used the a11 online as well as i mailed it in mail
so the online thingy gave me a notice stating that they recived my aplication and my legal obligation has been fulfilled ,
to reprint another copy click here , but when I click on here it asks for a confirmation number wich they never gave me ,
( am glad I printed that recive cose i cant even get to the page with the completed a11 )
and when i mailed my husbands change of adresse they send me a hardcover confirmation in mail , is it normal that the alien ( me ) dont get a hardcover in mail and just have this print out as proof , or did I was supose to recive a hardcover confirmation notice in mail like my husband did , ?
and is this print out realy enough proof that I filled A11
( even thoug i dont have a confirmation number to see if it realy took the application )
any help is appriciated
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-08-31 14:23:00
Canadacan a father interuped a k2 visa ?
QUOTE (Danu @ Aug 31 2009, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She will need a letter from him stating that he knows and is ok with his child moving to the states. Has he been paying child support? If not I suppose she could always tell him that if he makes it difficult that she will go after him for support. If she is, she can try to strike a deal with him on it to make it easier if he tries anything to keep her from taking the kid across the border.

thats a good idea with the child support deal , only thing is I heard in DR they dont have a law stating your obligated to pay, I dont know how true that is , if its not true and he gota pay I will defenatly pass this info over to my friend ,
if any what could happen if he refuesses to sign the papper ?
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-09-01 05:41:00
Canadacan a father interuped a k2 visa ?
I got a question for ya here ,
I got this friend hes in middle of k1 they got aproved the papperwork is being send to her country for farther proccessing ,
she got a daughter and is filling k2 ,
now all of a sudden the father of the child pups up ( the child hasnt seen the father since she was a baby he abbandoned them )
now he wants visitation with the child ,the child is 5 years old doesnt even know her father ,
does anyone who reads this know if he can cose a problem so she wont be able to get her visa ,
they just got aproved on the I 129f

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-08-31 14:58:00
CanadaGot a call from Montreal
PS; dont worry about not have been able to give much suport to us here , it was you who needed our suport and wow am just glad to hear its finaly going in the right dirrection crying.gif biggrin.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-09-01 11:52:00
CanadaGot a call from Montreal
thats strange who knows maybe they like to send you a congratulations cake for being the strongest and most determand they have ever ran across since they realized you guys are still a couple even with all the B,S they put you trough
I would call them see what they want let us know
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-09-01 06:05:00
CanadaJust got a package from Montreal...
QUOTE (TayL @ Sep 1 2009, 10:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Sep 1 2009, 10:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If you do have to get a replacement (and I think we need clarification on that) you would fill out this form and the fee is $ 340

I expect we'll need it replaced, though I'm not willing to give in and pay 340 bucks until we've exhausted every other possible way of obtaining the original. And neither's he. Ooooh I'm mad. Cause we went online and his address seems to be correct. And it's been that one since April. But I have this horrible feeling that they've sent it to his old address, in which case we'll never see it.

I hope it can be found , but got a question you said he changed adresse at the postoffice ,
did he also change it with USCIS and kept the proof ( a print out or copy of the orig change of ad send in mail ) ?
I would call them and see if they got the right adresse in theyr system ,good luck

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-09-02 06:50:00
you are not able to book an interview apt , the consulate will do that in time come , if the I 129f expiere before the interview it will automaticaly be extendet by the consulate at the interview .
as to your 2nd question , yes once she got the visa she got 6 month to enter the US , once she enterd you guys have to get married within 90 days
good luck
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-09-08 08:07:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate question
lol yup I agrea everyone looks stressed , looked to me like at a Dr office ( only more roomy )waite for the unknowen
and when its all done they eather got a huge grin or a fron on theyr faces ,
see its like going to the dr so try to hold your pee and smile ,lol
what helped me was I put a real stupid song in my head and kept humming it
people looked at me like I was a nut but thats nothing new and it realy did help to stay calm and smile ,lol
good luck
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-09-23 08:49:00
Canadaholy effin drama
wow now this is some sick chicky ,
what i would do is still attend all family gatherings and be civil to everyone including the psychoward case
( I know easier said then done but ) if your civil to her and she starts her ####### at a family gathering at least the whole family will see her true color comming out maybe they realize shes a skizo ( or how you spell that thingy )
and feel the need to call the lil yellow bus to pick her up
also save every message they leave on your answering machine you can use it when if you have to file a restaining order ,
show it to the cops say see the aliens already invated the US ( lol of corse am just kidding about aliens , but that will be great effidance of harassment )
hope things work out for you
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-09-28 06:37:00
CanadaDoes I-134 need to be notarized?
when i was at that stage the I 134 needed to be notorized unless they changed the rules good luck
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-10-24 09:29:00
CanadaVISA APPROVED TODAY!!!! Whew. Because it ALMOST didn't happen!
Concrats , see why i love VJ smile.gifsmile.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-10-22 15:51:00
CanadaH1N1 Vaccination
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Oct 26 2009, 07:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ew, I never knew it had all that ####### in the shot.

Besides, the news has been making everyone so paranoid.
The H1N1 flu isn't as bad as they're making it out to be. It's a flu..
I'm sure it'd be less wide spread if people just stayed home and just rested like we do with the normal flu.

But that's the news putting those thoughts into our head that it's a terrible thing and that we need to avoid it at all costs by getting the shot.

I agrea wow had no idea it had all that stuff in it , am kinda glad now am a germ freak ,
( some might laugh now but i even wipe the grocery carts with those sterile wipes before i touch them yup even the seat where people put there children in it ,
you never know if a child has a lil leak trough the diaper and we put our eggs and bread in there so it wont get squeeshed ,
i know to much diaper info but well its the trueth it happens when my kids were babies so i think better save then sorry ) and nope i will not go for the H1N1 I get the reg flue shot and continue to be a germ freak to stay save
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-10-26 06:21:00
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Oct 25 2009, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Lona.C. @ Oct 25 2009, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i would love to have a dirndle ( you know that german outfit from the oktoberfest for girls ), since I am german but lived in canada for 20 years i would wear that with a toque yup gotha have a pompom on it and big snowboots , lol

but since I dont have what I realy would like to wear , hmmm I guess I just put a white bedsheat over me cut 2 holes in it for the eyes ,cut a plast pumpkin in half use it as a hat and vo la the halloween ghost is in mass , lol

and yes i use to always go trough the candies my kids brought home , half of them use to end up in the trash cose eather the wrapper wasnt wrapped close , or I was to paranoid thinking people use needles to inject drugs in
( apples or home made rice crispy squares or other home made stuff )

now I since my kids are adults them selfs I still give out candies but i buy the once where the wrappers are seald
like sours or lil chocolates chips extr HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE

Lona, it's always a pleasure to hear from you! good.gif A dirndle is a great costume the only downside is that people will just keep giving you orders for beer. laughing.gif Cheap and easy costume this year is to put a paper bag over your head and go as a Leafs fan. laughing.gif All the homemade stuff we got on Halloween either went in the trash or went outside to feed the birds, so that's not paranoid. Sleeping Beauty ate an apple from a little old lady and look at what happened to her. laughing.gif

hey Mumsie good to see you too , lmao i like the idea with the paperbag , lol here in Mass we even got huge papperbags ( we have to use them for the yard waste not allowed to used reg plastic trash bags like in canada )
lol so yup the papperbag will fit great its probly the size of a minni dress hehehe I can cut a hole for the head and arms , decorate a straw hat with leafs have a apple in my hand and a sign around my neck saying sleeping beauty has woken , lol laughing.gif

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-10-25 13:20:00
i would love to have a dirndle ( you know that german outfit from the oktoberfest for girls ), since I am german but lived in canada for 20 years i would wear that with a toque yup gotha have a pompom on it and big snowboots , lol

but since I dont have what I realy would like to wear , hmmm I guess I just put a white bedsheat over me cut 2 holes in it for the eyes ,cut a plast pumpkin in half use it as a hat and vo la the halloween ghost is in mass , lol

and yes i use to always go trough the candies my kids brought home , half of them use to end up in the trash cose eather the wrapper wasnt wrapped close , or I was to paranoid thinking people use needles to inject drugs in
( apples or home made rice crispy squares or other home made stuff )

now I since my kids are adults them selfs I still give out candies but i buy the once where the wrappers are seald
like sours or lil chocolates chips extr HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-10-25 12:58:00
CanadaHappy Halloween!
hehehe i like the adams family this is cool hehehe
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-11-01 07:54:00
CanadaThe pet thread!
QUOTE (thetreble @ Nov 1 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 1 2009, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's what our house is like too...... and we don't even have any pets!!! laughing.gif


lol where did you get a pic of my kids from ?? ohmy.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-11-01 12:51:00
CanadaThe pet thread!
awwww so many cute babies , I love animals , I got a Boxer ( named bones )and a lil parakeet ( named lil peep )
got a pic in my profile but here is a video we uploaded on you tube , can you tell who got the pants on in that video the boxer or the birdy , lol
( they love eachother )
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-11-01 07:50:00
CanadaBridezilla Update...(I think I'm OK posting this here...)
omg I just read the whole story for the first time , i feel bad for your family but glad your bil woke up ,
gotha say omg this is one hell of a soap pup ( sorry no harm intented )
am glad your bil got out but wow her demands are way out there , how can she ask for him to pay her dept she brought into the eh yeah marriage , she had this dept before marriage .
like others said you should defenatly write a book title how to avoid gold diggers
am realy sorry your family has to go trough this

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-11-01 12:16:00
CanadaBrother and Cdn groceries - only 2 hrs away
cool i just searched for ketchup chips and look what i found ,
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-11-11 15:19:00
CanadaBrother and Cdn groceries - only 2 hrs away
glad you had a good time with your bro , my daughter is going to come on the 21th shes going to bring me my mars bars yeahhhhhhhh ( I found mars at the local stop n shop but they tasted stale and hard :S
i also found some kraft cheese wiz at the stop n shop it actualy tastes good tongue.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-11-11 15:10:00
CanadaFunny things to declare over the US/Canada border...
on our last trip to see my kids in canada we brought them like 10 loafs of toast ,since its pretty cheap here paid 1$ compare to montreal almost 3 bucks we had them on the back seat the guard askd whats that ,
lol we said its our food for the next 3 days while we are in canada ,lol
then on the way back we bought like 2 lbs of chicken mock ( similie poulet ) ,and 10 pack of mars bars ( 1 pack with 4 in it )
the guard asked whats in the backseat bag ,we told him he said oh someone likes chocolate ,
tony started laughing said yeah she eats it on the sanwich with the similie poulet , lol
the guard smilled wished us a save trip lol

Edited by Lona.C., 08 November 2009 - 03:22 PM.

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-11-08 15:20:00
CanadaNovember 11 - Remembrance Day/Veteran's Day
today is a sad day ,its to remember all the soldiers
we also remember tony's Mom who has her b day today but sadly past just before christmas last year sad.gif

Edited by Lona.C., 11 November 2009 - 03:06 PM.

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-11-11 15:05:00
CanadaChristmas Presents...whatcha going to buy?
we already got our xmas gift the house we bought we are still working on it getting windows replaced it will be all done in about 2 weeks biggrin.gif
( all the cash we put in this house to update it its a xmas gift for hmmm probly the next 10 years , lol ),
you think its to early to talk about xmas ,lol think about decorating for xmas , lol
am probly going to start decorating our house in 2 weeks so its ready for turkeyday ,
we are planning for the kids to come from canada for turkeyday so we can celebrate xmas and turkeyday all in one shut with the kids here ,
already talked to them they love the idea and plan to come for close to 2 weeks we will pay for theyr train tickets and give them each a paver from our driveway so they wont forget how we live ,lol ,
( just kidding will go out and bring them shopping ,when we see theyr eyes rolling out on something they realy like we will suprice them with it biggrin.gif
so we will have an early xmas with the kids in our home then at xmas time ,
his sis and niece with husband and baby might come from jersey for xmas so its probly going to be all about the baby's first xmas

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-11-01 12:45:00
CanadaOffer accepted!! We will be home owners!
Congratulations , yes its very exiting specialy when the owner accepts a offer well under the listing price ,
you got any pics ??

Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-11-30 08:59:00
CanadaOMG, I've Won the Lottery!!!
ohhhhhh a gingerbread house now am jelouse ,
I trade you my carribean cruse trip that I won from (lol)
( all you have to do is pay the hotel and all side costs for the gingerbreadhouse ,lol
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-12-07 08:12:00
CanadaI need a Tourtiere Recipe
I didnt try it yet ,( so I dont know how it will taste but it looks good , and i will make it for xmas )
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-12-07 08:05:00
CanadaGot the Social Security Card
congrats ron and sharon am glad things are finaly looking up for the both of you ,
and wish you a great day on your wedding smile.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2009-12-13 12:48:00
Canadabest show ever--Cops!!
LMAO I luv watching Cops , and all those reality shows , ever watched holly @#$%!!!! ?? its a show where tards think theyr stuntmens and do stupid stuff its graphic,
but damn the world needs idiots so us smart people can look great laughing.gif
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2008-02-02 08:05:00
OMG first year watching the superbowl as husband and wife , last 3 min before the touchdown I said come on eli give my babe his wedding gift , and BOOMMMMMMMM TOUCHDOWN ,WAS LIKE HOLLY S@$%^ OMG HE HEARD ME , ( lol )
I thought tony goin to get a stroke he was so wired up wow what a game
Lona.C.FemaleCanada2008-02-04 08:22:00