CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
QUOTE (warlord @ Feb 10 2009, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Joes Crack shack I'm not impressed with. I'm a huge seafood person, so I eat it several times a week at home (octopus, cuddlefish, clams, squid etc). Red Lobster is far better then Joe's is. They're food is kind of more like a Long John Silvers fast food style seafood rather then the good style. Plus too much of it seems to be fried which I despise in my seafood (other the odd fried squid as an appetizer, but that's it)...

Are you telling me you don't like the cocaine-laced "catch of the day"? unsure.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-10 20:00:00
CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
QUOTE (*Marilyn* @ Feb 10 2009, 11:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Feb 10 2009, 07:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Feb 10 2009, 09:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (warlord @ Feb 10 2009, 07:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh yeah as mentioned a few times already. I forgot to say for fast food In and Out Burger is definatly the best on the planet. Animal Style!!!

I'm surprised so many are listing the Olive Garden. I swore that's in Canada too or at least used to me wasn't it?

Yes, they're in Canada. Not everywhere though. They weren't in Saskatoon when I lived there. I'm surprised anyone would find it great. To each their own though. I've eaten there a lot of times, and I enjoyed it, but it's certainly not too "Italian" and not all that great. Just my opinion.

Oh it's all about the breadsticks & salad for me Carla..

yeah those are the best things there and their strawberry margaritas..mmmm

other then that I am not to crazy about Olive Garden either...

On a somewhat related note... I almost spelled "Olive Garden" as "Oliver Gardener." blink.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-10 14:12:00
CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 10 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (?Stiggy? @ Feb 10 2009, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow, some people put Olive Garden? I thought theres Olive Garden everywhere in Canada, lol. At least in Winnipeg when I lived htere uptill 2 yrs ago.
My fave is Chili's!

Yes, it's in Calgary too. I have eaten there a couple of times, maybe it's one of those chains where in some places it's fabulous and some places it's just....ok. Then again there was usually a line out the door at the one in Calgary - but Calgary is crowded laughing.gif

I don't have a favourite restaurant.

I remember seeing an Olive Garden somewhere in Edmonton. I don't remember where, though. I kept hanging around Whyte Ave.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-10 14:10:00
CanadaWhat's your favorite restaurant in USA ?
In Houston, I'd say Tony's, Taste of Texas, Pappadeux, Pappa's Steakhouse, Fogo de Chao and the Melting Pot.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-09 17:19:00
CanadaMoving this weekend
QUOTE (Reba @ Mar 4 2009, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Speed limits in BC are lower, and mostly 80km/h. Every other province its 100 or higher.

So, hows the weather in Texas? Got a tan yet? biggrin.gif

What she said! tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-05 02:36:00
CanadaMoving this weekend
QUOTE (lawg @ Mar 4 2009, 08:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The next morning we managed to get an early start and had a relatively sane drive until we got to Dallas..... The traffic was horrendous!!! I mean bumper to bumper... even when we got I-45 from Dallas to Houston - there were just insane amounts of vehicles. We drove and drove and then we stopped.... litterally on the road. There was a traffic jam by Huntsville, TX. We sat on the road between Huntsville and Houston for over two hours. We moved a little bit but not much above 10 mph. Lily was screaming at this point. We are trying like hell to just get to the house. Finally we make it to Houston... Little did I know but John decided to take us on the biggest roads he could find in the city... I-45, Beltway 8, I-10!!! I have drove in cities like Edmonton, Saskatoon, Calgary but never in traffic like this..... I was totally nerve wracked! But we made it to the house without a scratch.. Thank God!

Congrats on making it to your new home. Katy is a nice area and you'll have access to Katy Mills Mall.

Overall, I'd say West Houston is the nicest area of the city. If you feel like driving a little ways, stop off at the Galleria, Highland Village or go downtown. You can easily get to downtown using I-10, just stay off the 610 Loop. One word of warning about downtown: Watch out for the MetroRail. For some reason or another, the "geniuses" behind that decided to make it silent and give little-to-no warning that it's moving. There have been tons of accidents involving the MetroRail colliding into cars.

I've lived in Houston my whole life and I know I-45, I-10 ("the Katy Freeway") and Beltway 8 like the back of my hand. Once you get into Houston, the freeways become insane. God, I love that. kicking.gif

I'm sorry you had such bad traffic on the way and that you got stuck between Houston and Huntsville. I hate Huntsville. It's a nice place to blow through at 60 MPH, but it's an extremely depressing place. That might be why the major TDCJ prison system is there.

One thing I've realized about Canadian highways is that the overall speed traveled seems to be a lot lower than what I was accustomed to in Texas. For instance, speeds seem to reach maximum of 80 KM/H, which is about 50 MPH. I'm used to driving somewhere around 80 MPH (roughly 130 KM/H) on the freeway.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-04 18:19:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Mar 5 2009, 11:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am not making an American/Canadian comparison just so you know dpx.

This has nothing to do with borders. I don't think that the reason my boss thinks its okay to drink and drive is because she's an American. I have had many Canadian friends who did the same thing and it dissapointed me to no end.

I am saying that someone who kills someone by drinking and driving better be some big mans gf in the prison over in Camden. I found it funny how my boss and coworker were sticking up for him is all. He didn't intentionally kill, but no one is a moron when it comes to drinking and driving... we all know the risks.

I wasn't implying an "America vs Canada" issue. Not really, anyway. I was just stating some differences, but that doesn't mean one is necessarily right. To be honest, I tend to side with Canada on the whole "drinking and driving" debate.

QUOTE (JillA @ Mar 5 2009, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Drinking and driving is one of my serious pet peeves, it really upsets me. So many lives are lost of the stupidity and carelessness of others drinking and deciding "it won't happen to me" and then killing someone. Oftentimes the drunk doesn't die or get hurt it's the innocent. I say send them to jail, they deserve to pay for ending someone's life.

I agree.

I got into a severe car accident years ago due to a woman drinking and driving. I was headed down Memorial Drive (one of the most well-known streets in Houston) and this SUV barreled through the stop sign on an adjacent road (I think it was Knipp) and slammed into my passenger side. My car went spinning and literally flew into a ditch on the other side of the road.

I sued her and the woman's attorney attempted to claim it was MY fault. She said she didn't realize Memorial Drive was coming up. Maybe I'm crazy, but if you're unsure of the roads, why would you speed up and go through a stop sign? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense, now does it?

Anyway... I won the lawsuit (we settled out of court), but the entire process took months.

Edited by DeadPoolX, 05 March 2009 - 05:07 PM.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-05 17:06:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Mar 5 2009, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

So we're sitting here, the other assistant, my boss and I were talking about this kid who was driving drunk with his friend, got into an accident and killed his friend, he, as the drunk driver, got 8 years and they were going on about how its too much time and how he isn't even in a good jail.

W T F?

Good jail?? 8 years not enough!?

They were saying how there's good jails down here for white collar people... is this true?? If so, WHY!?

You get drunk. You don't drive.

I told my boss that I don't drive after a beer even, and she was saying how she drinks and drives all the time. Like its no big deal!

I don't understand. sad.gif

I won't say that Americans feel drinking and driving is okay. MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) successfully lobbied to change the drinking age from 18 to 21. Unfortunately, many people are careless and/or stupid. They think they can drive while plastered and that simply isn't the case.

I don't believe the penalties for drunk driving in the U.S. are quite as stiff as they are in Canada. It's left up to the individual states and depending on the state, drunk driving may be classified as a DWI or DUI.

As for "good jails," do you mean jail or prison? They're two entirely different things. Regardless, there are relatively low security prisons and jails for white collar criminals. The idea behind that is white collar crime isn't the same level as violent crime. Embezzling funds is a lot different from murdering someone.

Edited by DeadPoolX, 05 March 2009 - 02:07 PM.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-05 14:06:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 5 2009, 07:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
As for the bachelor party - sounds like the person organizing it is just looking for a good night out at everyone elses expense. The whole stripper club thing is interesting. If my Husband wanted to go to a strip club and get turned on by random naked women - well the thought kind of makes me want to throw up (disclaimer: I am not anti strip club - to each his own).

I don't think my wife would mind if I went to one. On the other hand, she knows I have very little interest (if any) in going.

QUOTE (JillA @ Mar 5 2009, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
That's exactly it, Tmix. Glen doesn't "want" to go to the strip club, per se. I mean he sort of has to since it's a bach party and all, but he's only been to 1 in his life and said it was dirty and gross. If he went every weekend I'd have a problem but one time for a bach party, that's OK by me.

I've been to a number of strip clubs in the past and while I wouldn't say most have been "dirty and gross," I have to admit that the women seem off. Some of the strippers look really hot (at least in low-light situations), but you soon realize that many of them are doing drugs and/or getting paid for "favors" on the side.

I've found that there are two types of strip clubs: Full nudity and partial nudity (i.e. topless only). The major difference -- aside from how much skin is shown -- is that fully nude strip clubs don't serve alcohol. That's because the fully nude strip clubs allow in 18+ and the drinking age is 21 and over in the United States. Partially nude strip clubs, however, do serve alcohol and sometimes even food.

To be fair, I've only been to strip clubs in Houston. That city has a ton of them, the majority of which are on Westheimer and Richmond. If you live in Houston, you'll know what I'm talking about. It's hard to miss when a strip club can be virtually next door to a four-star restaurant.

Houston is one of the "strip club and brothel" capitals of the U.S. or so it's been said. I'm so very proud. wacko.gif

QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Mar 5 2009, 10:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (flames9 @ Mar 5 2009, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Only been to 1 strip club??? is that like the drunk driver that tells the cop he only had 1 beer? lol

LoL, most strip clubs are pretty lame tbh. A lot of guys go in and mistake Strip Club for Brothel. whistling.gif

There is a reason why they have the lights so low in strip clubs........

I think the whole "brothel" idea comes from the fact that many strippers will do "extras" for an additional fee. That assumes there are private rooms, of course. It's still illegal and if the police decide to raid the club (which they do every so often) they'll charge the stripper, the patron and the owner of prostitution.

For the record, I have never done that. I simply didn't trust the women to be clean and the last thing I wanted was to acquire an STD or get arrested.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-05 14:01:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 4 2009, 02:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Mar 4 2009, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 4 2009, 05:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm almost ready to cry.. the house sale fell through and our landlord just told us to pay him the money this month. The people upstairs are EXTRA loud right now, I"m all alone and I'm really really really frustrated.


GRRR! Is there any way to get out of the lease, due to the conditions or something? (you mentioned mold in the bathroom) you could claim that is unsafe to be around and try to find a new apartment?

THat's the frustrating part.. it looks like the only way to get out of a lease is for issues of safety (no heat, water etc).. when the lease document says we have a right to peace and quiet.. literally.. but that apparently isn't enough to get out of a lease ... bah!!!!

There is mold, but it hasn't grown and I don't think the health dept. would say we could really state this is a health concern. It's just black mold.... and most of that area is dry right now, so there's no more mold growing.. it just looks horrible this brown nasty spot with black stuff around the edges.

Can you sublet? unsure.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-04 18:00:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 3 2009, 12:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Mar 3 2009, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Western society, in general, concentrates on many less-than-important facets of life. rolleyes.gif

But Americans are professionals. Tell me Deadpool, you have been in Canada several months, do you have any idea what Stephen Harper's wife looks like...what her name is even?

Hmm... it wouldn't be "Priscilla" would it? innocent.gif

QUOTE (BermyCat @ Mar 3 2009, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Phil doesn't seem to be adjusting well to this depression medicine his doctor put him on. He's been complaining of dizziness since he started taking it last Wednesday. Yesterday, he even had a co-worker drive him home from work because he was too dizzy to drive. Of course, the stubborn man refuses to to call his doctor. He's determined to suffer until his appointment in two weeks.

Why is his general practictioner medicating him anyways? Is that normal here? In Bermuda, your doctor will send you to a psychiatrist if you need meds for any mental health condition.

~ Catherine

It depends on the GP. Some feel they have a handle on all types of conditions and medication needed. Others realize that there are specialists -- such as psychiatrists -- in the medical field who should handle these cases. Honestly, I'd suggest seeing another doctor -- if for no other reason, to gain a second opinion.

One reason a GP might dispense psychotropic medication is if the patient has seen (or is seeing) a psychologist. In this case, the psychologist would work with the GP in order to have medication prescribed based upon the psychologist's recommendation. For reference, psychologists have either a PhD or a PsyD and unless practicing in the states of New Mexico or Louisiana, cannot prescribe medication (and even then, they're restricted to psychotropic medicine). Psychiatrists have an MD, so they're allowed to prescribe medication of any type.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-04 03:20:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (thetreble @ Feb 26 2009, 05:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ah that's such bs! That is one thing I hated about living in apartments, you never know who you are going to get stuck with in the building. I hope someone knocks down their door, like the police, and tells them to leave the premises. That is who the new owner should be contacting at this point.

My wife once lived in an apartment where the people living parallel to her had sex at odd hours. During a weeknight, for instance, they'd decide to do the horizontal bop at 3AM. Needless to say, that irritated my wife since she was trying to get some sleep. It didn't help matters that my wife and I only got to visit each other every four months.

QUOTE (Emancipation @ Feb 26 2009, 11:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do people not do research? Do people not READ? unsure.gif

Read? On the Internet? What next? Spelling and grammar? unsure.gif

QUOTE (MrsCat @ Feb 27 2009, 03:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't like taxes. I was hoping for a refund and owe $500. crying.gif I wanted a new camera body. . . . . . sigh.

I can't imagine anyone likes taxes. Well, except maybe the government.

QUOTE (thetreble @ Mar 3 2009, 05:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So many things American society concentrates on that aren't a big deal. Why would this be a problem? Who even cares? Her dress was appropriate.

Western society, in general, concentrates on many less-than-important facets of life. rolleyes.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-03 15:05:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (eyoa @ Feb 25 2009, 09:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's god damned snowing in Vancouver. What is this... every other part of Canada??

No kidding. I'm tired of all this snow. If I had wanted snow, I'd have moved to Alberta or Ontario!

My in-laws told me that there hasn't been this much snow in BC for about 60 years. wacko.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-26 03:16:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Feb 24 2009, 01:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Feb 24 2009, 01:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sooo sick and tired of hearing about octomom.... I wish she'd go away!

Stop watching reality t.v. then tongue.gif

QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Feb 24 2009, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 24 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
good to know. huh.gif

And knowing is half the battle! kicking.gif

Wasn't that the line they used at the end of G.I. Joe cartoons when they were trying to teach a lesson? whistling.gif

Some of those public service announcements were a little freaky. I remember one where this kid was about to drink bleach (or whatever) and out of nowhere, Roadblock appeared outside the kid's window. I don't know about you, but that would scare me! blink.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-24 17:16:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 24 2009, 12:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
good to know. huh.gif

And knowing is half the battle! kicking.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-24 16:26:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (thetreble @ Feb 24 2009, 06:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ah, hello Vent!

So I'm sick with strep throat. It's yummy in my mouth right now. biggrin.gif

Also, when we did our taxes a few weeks ago we filed for the Federal First Time Home Buyer's credit. It is a $7500 credit which you must pay back to the federal government over the next 15 years. Basically, they take $500 from your tax return every year for the next 15.

Well, we just found out that with the stimulus bill, if you buy a house starting Jan. 2009, the First Time Home Buyer's Credit is not only increased to $8,000, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY IT BACK.

So, we closed our house Dec. we would have waited, we would have been 8 grand the richer. mellow.gif
Oh yeah..

And I'm sick. and at work. and my head is going to explode.

If you're taking antibiotics (which you probably are since it's strep), make sure to eat yogurt. Antibiotics kill off bacteria, both good and bad. Yogurt helps to replenish the "good" bacteria to some degree. It's not perfect, but it can help and it's better than doing nothing.

Antibiotics are one of the main reasons women get yeast infections. Bacteria naturally keep fungal infections at a minimum, but with the removal of all bacteria, these fungal infections can occur easily.

For the record, fungal infections due to antibiotics can happen to men too (it's simply less common). I took antibiotics for strep throat, ignored the yogurt and got candidiasis in my mouth and throat. I had to get some orally-applied fungal medication.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-24 15:31:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Gypsyangel @ Feb 23 2009, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And the cell phones ... we're on a family plan for $60 a month that somehow costs about $100 a month. Go figure.

Are you doing any of the following...?

1. Making long distance calls inside or outside the country (both depend on your individual plan).
2. Calling others before the 9:00pm cut-off (before that time, all calls will cost minutes off your plan).
3. If you use up your monthly allotment of minutes, each and every call (whether sending or recieving) will cost you.
4. Using text messages (there's a small fee each time you send and receive).
5. Sending e-mail (without a plan that allows this, e-mail will cost each time you use it; with a plan, you'll have a set monthly fee).
6. Using your cell phone outside the country (if you use your cell phone in Canada, it'll cost a LOT more).
7. Using the Internet.

Any one of those -- much less a combination -- can make the monthly bill skyrocket. There are plans you can add to whatever plan you already have that allows all of the above, but it'll cost more per month. If you don't make use of most or any of those on a regular basis, then you're better off paying the fee when you use them. If you are making a lot of calls to Canada or want to make calls when in Canada, I'd strongly recommend a phone card.

For reference, Verizon isn't the only provider that does this. Most, if not all of them, do something equivalent. In Canada, it's the same case. I have a cell phone with Telus and if I call someone in the U.S. (without a plan specifically set up to do it), it'll cost me a lot more. The cut-off time and minute allotment remain, as well.

My wife and can call/text each other without any cost or using minutes (Verizon is similar in that you can call any Verizon cell phone for free). E-mail and Internet use aren't an issue for me since I have an unlimited data plan (I've got a blackberry, so it's practically necessary).
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-23 16:59:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 23 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey DPX look...

Canada is down as one of the worlds friendliest countries. tongue.gif

I guess I got lucky and somehow found the non-friendly segment of the country! tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-23 16:36:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (JillA @ Feb 22 2009, 04:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think "here" can refer to anywhere. You find rude and inconsiderate people all over, no matter the country. You also find nice and kind people all over too. Whether Canada, America or anywhere else you find lots of rude or nice people.

This is very true.

I'm not suggesting that Canada is full of nothing but rude people. The area in which I am living seems to have more of them, however.

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 22 2009, 04:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow DPX I am so sorry you live in such a sh1tty area of such a big and amazing country. You'd figure you could find a place where people were nice. Personally, I haven't experienced the things you speak of and I've lived in many towns and cities in Canada and spent most of my life there too, granted I have met my share of arseholes here and there, but never a city or town full of them. You just seem to have plopped yourself right in the middle of crapville!

Hope you find a better place soon. smile.gif

The strange thing is that I'm living in a fairly good area. I think a lot of people are too preoccupied with themselves (and whatever they want) to realize there are those outside their immediate bubble. This is true in the U.S., as well. I think I'm just experiencing it here more, but maybe I've run into the wrong individuals.

QUOTE (TayL @ Feb 22 2009, 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

That last is really the fault of the commission system. If people would just pay their employees according to quarterly work reviews (based on various factors, not just sales), then there would still be the desire to do well and hit sales goals among employees, but people would be MUCH less rude about it.

I don't even understand the point behind commission sales. I know managers say it "encourages employees and promotes team work," but I'd say it's the opposite. If salespeople are hovering around customers like sharks circling a victim, that'll not only get customers annoyed, but other employees as well.

If these stores really wanted to encourage team work and sales (without those in sales stealing customers or pissing customers off), they should implement a "division-wide commission." In other words, if there's a group working in the camera section, then anytime someone made a sale from cameras, everyone in that section would receive a commission. That'd promote team work and keep employees from trampling over one another.

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 22 2009, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thats funny because Future shop only gets paid 7% commission on their sales but a regular wage on top of that. They do get paid rather well. I have never dealt with pushy sales people at future shop.

I have dealt with pushy people at the Brick. One guy pretty much followed me out of the store once trying to sell me a washer, I just thought the bubble windows were cool... I was in no position to buy.

Damn Canadians. tongue.gif

I've had that experience at The Brick before, too. Some of the salespeople there are a little creepy. I saw a few wearing the type of suit a car salesman would've worn in the 1970s. blink.gif

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-23 04:08:00
CanadaThe Vent
Here's my vent for the day...

Why are so many individuals rude here? Maybe they're not overtly rude and inconsiderate, but it still boils down to the same thing: Not thinking of anyone else but themselves.

It doesn't matter where my wife and I go. We can be in a mall, grocery store, furniture store, our apartment building and so on. Here's what I've found the overwhelming majority of people do:

1. Don't watch where they're walking.
2. Remain completely oblivious to anyone around themselves and often stand in the way of others.
3. Walk right up to you or into you, automatically expecting YOU to move for THEM.
4. Watch you as you try to enter an elevator (where the doors are starting to close) while you have packages and don't bother to help at all.
5. Don't bother to open the door if someone is carrying packages. Instead they look at you as if they're wondering WHY you're having trouble.
6. Seem to have very little concept of "personal space."

All of those piss me off. I know some of you might feel I'm a bit rude, but at least I'll open the door for someone if they're carrying packages; hell, I'll hold the door open if someone is behind me or immediately entering.

Number Six occurred when I was in Future Shop (but it's happened at other places too) where my wife and I asked a salesperson where Mario Kart Wii was. He showed us and then continued to stand next to us. I waited a minute and then said, "Thank you." I assumed my tone had indicated I wanted him to go away.

He responded, "I want to know if you're going to purchase it."

I replied, "If we do, I'll alert you. Now please leave us."

He asked, "Why?'

I was getting annoyed at this point, so I said, "You work on commission, right?"

He nodded. I then said to him, "Good. You've just lost yourself a sale."

My wife and I walked out. We bought the game at EB Games.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-22 19:19:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 21 2009, 06:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Feb 21 2009, 03:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Honestly... HFCS isn't any worse for you than sugar. HFCS or sugar have relatively the same effect -- it sweetens, too much isn't good for you and if you have have too much of either, you can easily gain weight. Maybe some people dislike the taste (which is their prerogative), but the real problem isn't HFCS itself. The U.S. adds both HFCS and sugar to many products, when one of the two would suffice.

The whole HFCS is "evil" (or whatever) is patently false. It's as harmful as sugar, which means it should be taken in limited quantities. Excess of either can could be detrimental.

Are you saying we are ignorant deadpool!

Hmmm... I don't believe I said anyone here was ignorant. blink.gif

QUOTE (TayL @ Feb 21 2009, 09:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've read studies that said it was fine. I've read studies that said it was bad for the pancreas because it was an "unbalanced" sugar. The whole thing confuses me and worries me, so I decided to look at it another way:

The thing is, you find it mostly in processed foods and breads. Well. I can make my bread at home with minimal fuss for less than I can buy it for in the store (at least, I can in Canada) and it tastes better than storebought bread of any kind. (Yay breadmaker!) And I don't need the massive amounts of sodium and fat and sugar in most processed foods, seeing as how I know large amounts of sodium are bad for me and I'm not supposed to have a lot of fat or sugar due to a medical condition.

I don't see HFCS in flour or water or yeast or apples or raisins or any of the other ingredients I use in my cooking. I don't like the flavour of most processed foods, having been raised almost exclusively on home-cooked things. Seeing as how the only thing I ever use ANY kind of cornsyrup in in my cooking and baking is when I make cinnamon buns, why would I be overly concerned over HFCS?

Honestly, there are likely worse things in processed food than HFCS, so why not make your food from scratch? Rather than buying a frozen meal to put in your slow cooker (really, that was the limit in laziness for me!), cut up some meat and carrots and potatoes and turnip the night before and plug it in in the morning. It takes a few minutes longer, sure, but it'll taste a hundred times better and be far better for you. It can go quite quickly, too, if you have two cutting boards and two knives and both you and your partner chop stuff up. And if you've got an older child, three cutting boards and three knives. There are dozens of things you can have in the slow cooker all day (meats, vegetable dishes, curries) that the largest amount of work you'll have to do when you get home is throw some vegetables into the steamer and serve food. Sure, it might be a tiny bit more expensive than some of the pre-made meals, but it'll taste a hundred times better and you know the quality of all the ingredients. And have the 5 year old put together a salad--I know me and all my sibs LOVED tearing up lettuce for salad at that age cause we felt like we were actually helping.

Baking is actually fun to do as a family--when my fiancé was up, we made cookies on a lark. It took us about 15 minutes plus bake time and they were a thousand times better than anything we would have bought at the corner store.

So why worry about HFCS? Why not just worry about putting appropriate meals together? Steamed peas, from frozen peas? No HFCS. Prep time? 2 minutes plus maybe 7 minutes cook time. Carrot sticks? No HFCS. Prep time? 5 minutes. Bread in a bread machine? No HFCS. Prep time? 7 minutes if I'm doing a loaf I have to hand-form, plus around 4 hours of rising and bake time. Rice? Well, brown rice takes about 40 minutes to cook, during which I typically watch tv or play video games, with a timer to remind me to go stir.

I think that North American culture in general has just removed the joy of cooking right out of our lives and led us to believe that it's wayyyyyyy too hard to do and takes far too long. If you don't like cooking, I really recommend you go find a brand new recipe you've never eaten before and throw it together. You might be surprised by how exciting trying something new is, and it becomes a LOT more enjoyable if you do it alongside someone else (provided you are okay with sharing your kitchen!).

That's absolutely it! Great post! good.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-22 19:05:00
CanadaThe Vent
Honestly... HFCS isn't any worse for you than sugar. HFCS or sugar have relatively the same effect -- it sweetens, too much isn't good for you and if you have have too much of either, you can easily gain weight. Maybe some people dislike the taste (which is their prerogative), but the real problem isn't HFCS itself. The U.S. adds both HFCS and sugar to many products, when one of the two would suffice.

The whole HFCS is "evil" (or whatever) is patently false. It's as harmful as sugar, which means it should be taken in limited quantities. Excess of either can could be detrimental.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-21 03:42:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Feb 19 2009, 04:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Necrotica @ Feb 18 2009, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am so annoyed right now. The Social Security office won't let Réjean file for a replacement Social Security card without his actual green card. They won't accept his I-551 stamp. I have heard reports of it taking months to receive a new green card. How the heck is he supposed to prove that he's eligible to work? Will his I-551 stamp and his drivers license suffice? At least we were finally able to get THAT replaced!

I called the Social Security Administration's customer service line and talked to a really rude lady. She also said that he can't file for his replacement SS card until he gets his actual green card. Then why the #### does this document on Social Security's website say "Accept as valid a temporary I-551 stamp with a future expiration date"?!

I don't have the energy to deal with this bullsh*t.

Sometimes anger gives us enormous energy to deal with bullsh*t. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this.

"You have controlled your fear. Now, release your anger!" kicking.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-19 11:13:00
CanadaThe Vent
Well, it took about three hours to go through the entire Customs idiocy to get my car legally into Canada. It is here, however. One thing I want to note is that BMW Canada says an American recall letter won't suffice for RIV. Why do they say this? Because they charge you $500 for the recall letter itself.

I went ahead and sent RIV both Form 1 and my U.S. recall letter. I received a response that same day and it was approved. I now have to bring Form 2 with me to get my car inspected.

I can't believe BMW Canada is trying to rip people off like that. I've had nothing but good experiences with BMW in Texas. Maybe I got lucky. Regardless, the recall letter I got from BMW USA was no-charge.

Oh well. At least it all worked out.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-16 15:38:00
CanadaThe Vent
I think I may have some hearing loss. Most people lose some hearing as they get older. But they can usually hear just fine. I don't know about me.

I can hear most sounds just fine. It's not like I miss a doorbell, get confused in conversations or can't hear someone else on the phone. My worst problem is hearing speech in TV shows and movies. I can barely make it out. In fact, last night I put subtitles on.

It may not be hearing loss because it only seems to occur when watching TV. One complaint of mine is that TV shows and movies (especially movies) jack the music and sound effects way up, but don't do a thing to help speech. To get the speech up to acceptable levels, I have to turn the volume up. Of course, this raises the music and sound effects, as well.

I really wish television sets had separate audio controls for speech, music and sound effects. Video games do this, but for some reason, TV shows and movies don't. The worst part of this is when I watch TV and I have difficulty hearing the show. Naturally, I turn the volume up and when a commercial comes on, it's blasting.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-15 12:30:00
CanadaThe Vent
Have I mentioned how much I hate government?

Government Idiocy
I wanted to know more information about importing my car to Canada. I've read all the rules and regulations and complied with them in order to have my car shipped up. I couldn't drive it up -- I lacked the time to do so. Now it's in Canada and I call all the necessary government services up.

Here's how it went:

I called Transportation Canada and they referred me to the Registrar of Imported Vehicles. RIV tells me to call the Canadian Border Services Agency. CBSA says I need to contact the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia. ICBC directs me to AutoPlan. And... AutoPlan says I need to call Transportation Canada. wacko.gif

So I go to ICBC to get my Canadian DL. I have all the paperwork ready. I make sure to inform the lady behind the desk that my name is the same as what's on my Texas DL and not the PR card. She says that she can only go by whatever is on the PR card. I tell her I can supply her with proof of my name, including U.S. passport, birth cert, visa to enter Canada and so on. She says none of that matters.

Someone waiting in line was a CBSA officer. He came up to the desk and asked if he could help. I informed him of the PR name issue. He said that's due to the data system at Immigration Canada only allowing a certain number of letters. He also said that Immigration Canada refuses to update it, since they already have the info in their severely outdated system.

The CBSA officer went onto say that I could get an amendment to my PR card, stating what my real name is. They wouldn't replace my PR card (until it expires), but I'd have proof of my name.

The lady replies that even if I had an amendment, she'd still have to go by whatever is on my PR card. The CBSA officer then attempts to reason with her, but she refuses.

After that, I went to AutoPlan to talk to them about driving my car in Canada. They said I needed to get a "Point A to Point B Permit." Without that, I couldn't legally drive in Canada and that permit allows me to drive my car from my home to an authorized inspection site. Here's the catch: I need my official title.

I tell them that I had to put the title in the glove box of my car when getting it shipped up. That doesn't matter. So I need to rent a car to get the warehouse in Surrey (where the car was dropped off), get my title, drive to an AutoPlan, get the permit, drive back to my car and then take my car home. Did I mention that the permit AutoPlan gives me is only good for one day and in order to get a new one, I need to physically go there and pay? The permit isn't even good for a full 24 hours. If I got one at 6AM or 7PM, it'd still expire at midnight. I should also note that I'll need one of those "Point A to Point B Permits" for at least two days; maybe more.

BMW Canada and Canadian Tire
I still need to get it inspected. To do that, I need to pay the RIV for Form 1 and send them my recall letter. I got a recall letter from my dealership in Texas. Apparently that's not enough. I now have to bring my car to BMW Canada, have them do whatever inspection they claim has to be done and get a recall letter from them.

Once I have BMW Canada's recall letter, I can then send a copy to the RIV and wait for them to send me Form 2. They don't give an expected time frame for Form 2 to arrive. Once I actually have Form 2, I can then bring my car over to Canadian Tire and have them do another inspection.

After Canadian Tire's inspection, I can finally go get auto insurance from AutoPlan.

That's my vent for today. mad.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-12 14:23:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 11 2009, 07:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Feb 11 2009, 03:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is simple. Tell everyone that while on the plane, Wes (that is his name, right?) caught the flu and can't spend much time on his feet, walking around everywhere. The fact he's "sick" will keep others from coming over and since these individuals are from all over, it's unlikely anyone would see you two out. If they do, have Wes start coughing on them.

If that doesn't work, tell them you have more important matters to attend to and if you have some spare time, you'll introduce Wes. Perhaps that's not the nicest approach, but the time you two spend together -- considering the frequency of such meetings -- overtakes meeting friends.

Are you supporting lying to the religious group deadpool!

I am, after all, evil. devil.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-12 00:42:00
CanadaThe Vent
This is simple. Tell everyone that while on the plane, Wes (that is his name, right?) caught the flu and can't spend much time on his feet, walking around everywhere. The fact he's "sick" will keep others from coming over and since these individuals are from all over, it's unlikely anyone would see you two out. If they do, have Wes start coughing on them.

If that doesn't work, tell them you have more important matters to attend to and if you have some spare time, you'll introduce Wes. Perhaps that's not the nicest approach, but the time you two spend together -- considering the frequency of such meetings -- overtakes meeting friends.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-11 15:53:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 11 2009, 10:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I will not speak because the words I speak will come out wrong.

Breathe. Breathe.

Our events planner is DRIVING ME INSANE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mad.gif

Play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. That'll make you feel better. It's always been cathartic for me. biggrin.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-11 13:37:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (TheATeam @ Feb 10 2009, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Geez, that does sound a little bit scary! I will say though, that could happen anywhere, not just Calgary! smile.gif I personally think Edmonton is much worse for that kind of thing, but that's just my opinion! Calgary always seemed like the "happy shiny place" compared to Edmonton!

Oh I see something brewing here....

[Mortal Kombat Announcer Voice] Calgary vs Edmonton. FIGHT! kicking.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-10 19:58:00
CanadaThe Vent
I'm no longer going to the Off-Topic forum. Any topic, no matter which one, seems to be a lesson in frustration and futility. No one listens and no one ever changes their mind.

The worst part about OT is that some people -- and I won't be naming anyone in particular -- like to toss insults at those who disagree with them. Instead of debating the topic at hand, they debate the person. It seems to be a recurring theme.

I'm all for a good debate, but not when the topic derails into "you're a moron because you don't agree with me." wacko.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-10 14:01:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 9 2009, 03:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Last year social studies focused more on american history, human behaviors, black history and the presidents.

This year its kind of more or less the history of NJ... I guess that can be pretty bland. tongue.gif

All I know is I disliked Texas history. unsure.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-09 18:57:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 9 2009, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Math, Reading and Science.

Funny thing is, he didn't improve in social studies and last year that was his A subject. Still has a C in that one. sad.gif

The difference between last year and this year might make all the difference.

Here's an example: In my freshman year of high school, we were taught algebra, U.S. history, biology and literature including Greek mythology.

I liked algebra, biology and Greek myths (although some other stuff we had to read sucked). In my sophomore year, it was geometry, world history, physics and really boring literature (at least in my opinion).

Where do you think I did the best and the worst? Maybe he likes whatever math, reading and science is being taught now, but dislikes the current social studies course has to take.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-09 17:54:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 9 2009, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I just got back from Parent teacher interviews to discuss Ethan's latest report card.

He went from D's to B's. The teacher, the school and no one can understand it. She says she is still concerned about the fact that he doesn't focus though.

Obviously he is focusing on something. ####### people??? The school psychologist asked Ethan why he did so well in the past two months and his response apparently was: ""Because I felt like it" She said that is abnormal. sad.gif


Its driving me nuts.

He's smart. But he only shows his smarts when he feels like it. Stubborn I tells ya. Just like his mom. tongue.gif

Nothing wrong with the kid. Which subject(s) did he improve in? If a particular subject (or even what's getting taught at the moment), that can make a huge difference.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-09 17:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (JillA @ Feb 7 2009, 07:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Feb 7 2009, 05:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danu @ Feb 7 2009, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A LOT of people have issues with their items going missing when sending with UPS as well. Like stores receiving shipments with holes in the boxes and items gone. It happens a lot to the smaller computer companies around here. Very uncool. is FedEx good in the states?

FedEx is fantastic in the U.S., so I don't know why I didn't use them. I did get them to send my PC, monitors and sword collection. However, I felt that items such as books, clothing and DVDs would have a fairly good chance of arriving safely. I suppose I was wrong. mad.gif

You think your sword collection would get held by customs over a box of clothes!

No kidding! Swords are actually weapons. Maybe they're not too useful nowadays, but they could still kill. My clothes... I don't know what the hell that's about.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-08 03:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Danu @ Feb 7 2009, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A LOT of people have issues with their items going missing when sending with UPS as well. Like stores receiving shipments with holes in the boxes and items gone. It happens a lot to the smaller computer companies around here. Very uncool. is FedEx good in the states?

FedEx is fantastic in the U.S., so I don't know why I didn't use them. I did get them to send my PC, monitors and sword collection. However, I felt that items such as books, clothing and DVDs would have a fairly good chance of arriving safely. I suppose I was wrong. mad.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-07 17:51:00
CanadaThe Vent
Here's another rant that goes along with my previous one...

My wife and I really buffered the items we shipped. We wrapped two layers of bubble wrap around my stuff. Somehow UPS managed to damage some of my books and broke the seven of DVD cases. The book damage wasn't extensive (some corners heavily bent), but the DVD cases? There are large gaping holes in some of them and others were nearly smashed to bits. blink.gif

I spent over $230 USD to have four boxes of my personal items shipped up here. I'd like to think that for that amount of money, UPS could be more careful. As I said, the books had relatively minor damage and none of the DVDs themselves were rendered unplayable (as far as I know), but that's not the point. Every item I stored in those boxes -- with one exception -- was in perfect condition. Knowing this, I received the boxes and some of the items were broken beyond repair.

I'm not including the "clothing issue" (where my clothes are held up at Customs) as UPS's fault. However, the condition in which some of my items were dropped off, I can only hope my clothes aren't filthy or torn. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they were.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-07 11:31:00
CanadaThe Vent
Well... I'm a little confused. unsure.gif

My wife and I were down in Houston to pack up and ship my things to Vancouver, right? I sent the important stuff using FedEx -- my computer, both monitors (I have a dual-monitor setup) and my sword collection. The other items -- four packages containing games, clothing, and books -- I shipped with UPS.

My FedEx stuff arrived the day after we got back. The UPS stuff started coming in about two weeks after we sent it off. I expected that and wasn't annoyed. However, I got a phone call from UPS a day or two ago and they asked me to send "proof" that I live in Canada legally.

The woman working for UPS asked if I was a Canadian citizen. I told her, "No, I'm not. I'm a Canadian permanent resident." She paused for a moment and then asked for my Canadian citizenship ID.

I began to wonder if she was even paying attention or if she herself was here legally, since Canadian citizens don't need an ID beyond a driver's license -- unless traveling abroad, of course. I told her once again that I am a Canadian PR and not a citizen. She seemed satisfied with that and then said CBSA was holding one of my packages and they needed proof of my legal residency.

I was okay with that. I photocopied my PR Card, Visa and U.S. passport and faxed it to them (with a cover sheet). I called her back 30 minutes later and she said she had received the fax. I asked her which box was held up and how long it'd take to arrive. She replied, "It's a box full of clothes and it should be there tomorrow."

Maybe I'm missing something, but how could clothing be any sort of risk to Canadian security? What am I going to do? Strangle people with a sweater? blink.gif

So the first day (the day she called) I received the first package. It had books in it. Today two packages arrived (more books and games/music). Supposedly the third package (the one containing my ever-so-threatening clothing) is going to be dropped off on Monday, since UPS doesn't seem to deliver on the weekend.

To be fair to UPS, this isn't their fault. CBSA is acting weird (like usual) and doing what government does best: screw things up. wacko.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-06 21:32:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Danu @ Jan 31 2009, 12:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sometimes is the wives on that show that piss me off the the one drill sergent lady with no hair who made the kids goto bed like exactly on time all the time and there was no play time, just chores. Its like she was trying to raise perfect little slaves mad.gif

Either that or make her kids hate her. There needs to be rules, but kids also need time to play and have fun.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-31 15:36:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Danu @ Jan 30 2009, 01:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I really need to get this off my chest so here goes.

So my parents know of the plans (obviously) for Wes and I to get married. I come home last night and my mom goes "so why didn't you go with a work visa instead of a fiance visa?" I HATE having to try to explain myself and I wish she could just stop asking me questions. If I could have gone there for a bit to just be with him first I would have, but I couldnt (its like she assumes I have looked into NOTHING) but heres a crazy idea too. I chose a Fiance visa because...uhm...I love him?????? What a wierd concept. I talked to my dad at one point because this isnt the first time she's been llike this. She toggles back and forth between super helpful and then this...and it makes me feel really torn. My dad told me its just that they are both concerned for me as Wes and I haven't been in the same physical space for very long (after his visit we will have been together in person just over a month). But what they seem to forget is any waking moment that we aren't at work we are talking to each other.

Seriously, Wes works PST night shifts, and I work EST day shifts. Our days go I get up to goto work as hes coming home to goto bed. I get home from work when he gets up, we talk till he goes to work, at which point I goto bed. We do this EVERY day. So even though we aren't in the same actual room, its like we are in the same space. We talk about anything and everything. We know about everything each other wants, from pets to kids, to future plans for jobs/educations, we talk about money, we both know about exactly how much the other one owes and have an idea of what is in each others bank accounts right now. Its not like we just decided upon this without thinking about anything.

My dad's response at one point made me sad too. He said "just remember if things don't work out, there is always divorce." I know there is. I don't really want to think about that though thanks. Wes and I were both previously in 3+ year relationships where we did everything we could to try to keep it together, so we are fighters, we will fight through any issues we may have. Neither of us is opposed to councilling either should we need it, but we both doubt that we will as we have become very good at communicating (go figure lol) and we love each other very much.

What really perturbs me as well is the fact that my parents did something very similar, at almost the exact age I am now. They only were together 6 months before they got engaged, yet somehow they think because they lived together for a longer period before engagement than Wes and I have seen each other, that they had more "quality time" or some BS. My dad was in the military so part of this time he was away on excercise too and not actually there. Wes and I have been talking for almost 2 years, every day.


Ok I'm done...sorry about the long post but this had me in tears last night and I'm not sure how to talk to my mom about how its making me feel because its not like I want to leave them, but I love Wes....and when I bring up my feelings to her she tends to get defensive.

My family was similar. They told me things such as, "talking on the phone isn't the same as being with them" or they said, "you two haven't lived everyday life together." Yes, I know that. However, we've talked far more than most couples. Lack of communication is one of the primary areas in which relationships fail. So it seems to me that basing your decision on the knowledge you've gained through talking is a better way to choose a spouse than how most people do.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-30 16:21:00