CanadaWhat do you do?
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Apr 19 2009, 06:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm still in Canada currently.
I'm a cake decorator for a grocery store's bakery.

I went to college for Culinary Management, but ended up hating the kitchen... and I love cake decorating, so here we go.
It's alot of fun.

You might like this website about unusual cakes then. smile.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-19 09:53:00
Canadawhy did u choose to live in US instead of Canada?
Well, I actually move to Canada from the United States. I love the U.S., but it made more sense for me to move. We were tired of having to settle for a week here or a week tere for the past three years. The immigration process to Canada was easier and took less time (six months when applying outland) versus the long processing times U.S. immigration involves.

My wife isn't opposed to moving to the U.S., but she wants to stay on the West Coast. She likes the idea of living in Oregon or Washington State. She also said that Austin seems nice and Houston wouldn't be necessarily be bad, but she likes to have some winter and thinks Houston is too large.

Overall, I don't mind Canada. We live in Vancouver, so the weather isn't too cold. We had snow this past winter, but my inlaws said we had a very unusual winter -- one that hadn't occurred in about 60 years. I also got tired of the 100°F and 100% humidity in Houston. tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-18 12:32:00
CanadaBC Ferries
So my wife and I are on a ferry and when getting into our car, I noticed something. A sign on the wall, right near us, that displayed the following:
Attached File  IMG00081.jpg   70.79KB   28 downloads

That alone made the two hour ride worth it. biggrin.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-27 17:48:00
CanadaPepsi with real sugar coming to USA...
QUOTE (TayL @ Feb 19 2009, 09:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's not major in Texas, Kori's told me, but it's apparently the only hot cereal he eats. He enjoyed my Red River when he tried it--but I eat it with maple syrup and he wanted brown sugar, so he refused to try it again because it wasn't sweet enough. (he was sampling out of my bowl)

The thing that weirded me out the most about the grits wasn't the grits themselves but the packaging. They had a recipe on them for "quick cheese grits."

That included "processed cheese spread, cut into cubes." I was shocked to discover that you can buy a BLOCK OF CHEEZ WHIZ! EWWWWW. I thought it was a misprint at first.

To quote a line from My Cousin Vinnie: "No self respectin' Southerner uses instant grits. I take pride in my grits."
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-19 12:33:00
CanadaPepsi with real sugar coming to USA...
QUOTE (TayL @ Feb 19 2009, 09:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh... Then I really am moving to the land of nutcases. THEY EAT THAT??? He claims it's really good. I like my Red River Cereal, kthnxbai.

I've eaten grits before. It's not a major food in Texas, which is good, since I didn't like grits. It tastes like lumpy wet sand.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-19 12:13:00
CanadaPepsi with real sugar coming to USA...
QUOTE (trailmix @ Feb 19 2009, 06:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Feb 18 2009, 06:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The reason HFCS is used in the U.S. (and to some degree, Canada too) is because American farmers created a surplus of corn. The U.S. government subsidizes the farmers and so they make more corn. The corn is then sold at a lower price since every farmer is doing it and then the U.S. government once again subsidizes the farmers. Because there's so much corn -- which is bought by companies at a much cheaper price than sugar -- HFCS goes into just about everything.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Did the farmers create a surplus of corn, or did corn get subsidized and therefore that created a surplus?

Yes, Canadian companies are probably starting to shift to HFCS - however there is a backlash on the horizon, it's already started - so hopefully they will think twice.

I'm not really sure. The details are in a book called "The Omnivore's Dilemma." I haven't read it in a while so I don't remember it all. What I do remember is the overabundance of corn is used in many products, including the creation of HFCS.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-19 11:33:00
CanadaPepsi with real sugar coming to USA...
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 18 2009, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyways. rolleyes.gif

Okay... unsure.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-18 19:12:00
CanadaPepsi with real sugar coming to USA...
QUOTE (mkg265 @ Feb 18 2009, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh my god!!!! If only coke would make coke classic with real sugar I'd be a happy duckling. American coke is too syrupy for my taste. I've been drinking Boylans, Jones and the Whole Foods brand when the mood struck me for a soda but I'll be happy to buy sugar filled pepsi in a regular supermarket.

Thanks for the heads up!

There used to be sugar in American Coke. It got switched to HFCS in the 1980s with the introduction of "New Coke," which claimed to have a new formula and a better taste. While it wasn't hated, "New Coke" wasn't that popular either. Coca-Cola then decided to go back to the old formula (which is why Coke cans now have the label "Classic Coke"), but they still used HFCS.

The reason HFCS is used in the U.S. (and to some degree, Canada too) is because American farmers created a surplus of corn. The U.S. government subsidizes the farmers and so they make more corn. The corn is then sold at a lower price since every farmer is doing it and then the U.S. government once again subsidizes the farmers. Because there's so much corn -- which is bought by companies at a much cheaper price than sugar -- HFCS goes into just about everything.

To be fair, much of this wouldn't have occurred had tariff and sugar quotes been implemented in the late 1970s. The price of sugar (in both the Canada and the U.S.) is twice that of HFCS. So companies realized it was far more economical to use HFCS, rather than continue with sugar.

Oh and believe me... Canada is slowly switched to HFCS as well. The overall cost of sugar versus HFCS, that latter of which Canada can get a cheaper price, has become a huge deciding factor. Especially since importing products to Canada costs a lot, regardless of the item.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-18 18:21:00
CanadaWorking for Canadian Company
QUOTE (Krikit @ Sep 18 2008, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I did it, and so did a lot of others. It's not illegal. Though you'll find many on VJ who will argue the point. Some feel they are experts in things which they have no expertise or background in. Suffice it to say they are wrong and don't even bother arguing the point.

The EAD only authorizes work for an American employer. The US has no jurisdiction for authorizing employment for a Canadian-based company. Just make sure the Canadian company knows he's a non-resident so he gets taxed appropriately, then claim that income in both your US and Canadian tax return. Easy peasy.

Not to be too picky, but isn't that what this whole website is essentially built around? This is a place for the "common man and woman" to handle the legalities of immigration law by themselves. How many of us have actually gone to law school? Out of those who have, which ones have specialized and practice in immigration law?

It's commonly repeated on VJ that an immigration attorney is a "waste of time" and will only "drain your wallet." Perhaps in some or even most cases, that might be true. However, if we're only looking at who the "experts" are and who has the "qualified expertise and background" in this area, then very, very few of us would really fit that bill.

Reading information on websites (including VJ) and listening to second-hand advice from strangers on the Internet only means we're banking on the information we believe to be accurate. We're taking a huge risk by relying on people we don't know and who probably have no qualifications in this area (other than the ability to use Google efficiently) to guide us.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-09-22 03:21:00
CanadaThe and Canada
QUOTE (Randomizer @ Apr 30 2009, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Charlotte, right? It ain't that bad out there.. is it?

Aw #######. You had to open that flood gate, didn't you? star_smile.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-30 18:16:00
CanadaThe and Canada
QUOTE (Randomizer @ Apr 30 2009, 03:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Apr 30 2009, 06:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Screw the hospital I just say: "Take me to the bar, a few pints will fix it" tongue.gif

So you said 'the bar'.

Not "Take me to bar".

Does anyone say "Take me to bar" ???

A law student whose brain was fried by studying.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-30 17:33:00
CanadaThe and Canada
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Apr 30 2009, 03:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Screw the hospital I just say: "Take me to the bar, a few pints will fix it" tongue.gif

That's Canadian for "Bring me to the ER!" biggrin.gif

Edited by DeadPoolX, 30 April 2009 - 05:32 PM.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-30 17:31:00
CanadaChanging your last name; thoughts?
My wife was hesitant to change her last name. She liked her name, but also wanted to incorporate mine as well. She didn't see one surname as being more important than the other. So she hyphenated it.

One thing I do need to caution about hyphenated surnames is that sometimes organizations have difficulty with it. For instance, the airline industry goes berserk when they see a hyphenated name. It's not that the airlines have a real problem with it, but their computer systems are old and it costs too much to upgrade them.

Most people and places don't have a problem with it. Just be prepared for a lot of people to drop your maiden name in favor of your married name or think that your maiden name is your middle name.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-05-01 16:37:00
CanadaHow much is the taxi from YUL - Montreal airport to d/t Montreal?
I've never been to Quebec, but I have been in a lot of airports. Most airports aren't too close to the city. I'd keep $60 or so in your wallet when riding to and from the airport. You might not need anywhere near that amount, but it's always better to have more money than what's needed versus less.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-05-02 04:33:00
CanadaThe official animal of Canada
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ May 1 2009, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Early Canadian economy and the raison d'etre for much of Canada's early existence - at least for its European discoverers - was the fur trade. Beaver pelts were the 'fur' of choice as it was used extensively to make men's hats - beaver hats were very much in fashion at the time and for many years afterwards. When the French were defeated on the Plains of Abraham and "Canada" came under British rule, Britain actually discouraged settlement in the areas west of Lower Canada (Quebec), wanting to preserve the rich and lush forests and rivers for the fur trade and afraid that settlement would impact the availability of these animals. It was only with the American Revolution and the arrival of UELs (United Empire Loyalists) that Britain's hand was forced to open up the fur trade lands in Ontario (Upper Canada) for settlement. They tried to settle all the UELs in the Maritimes first but literally ran out of land for grants. Then they started to give grants along the St, Lawrence River - then along the Shores of Lake Ontario, then along the shores of Lake Erie and finally along places like the Thames River and the Detroit River. Squatters had already settled on many of these areas and the legal battles of land ownership continued well into the 19th century.

Anyway, it was because of the wealth derived from beaver pelts and the role the fur trade played in Canada's history that the beaver was chosen as the symbolic animal of Canada. Heck, at one time beaver pelts were even used as the monetary unit of exchange.

Oh, and yes, you can eat beaver, although I understand it is better in a stew.

Oh please... that's what my wife said. I know better! The beaver is cursed! Curse, I tell you! It's beady little eyes and that flat tail. It's planning something, oh yes. energy.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-05-01 17:26:00
CanadaThe official animal of Canada
I started thinking: The UK has the lion. The U.S. has the eagle. What does Canada have? The beaver -- a little buck-toothed water rat that gnaws trees down in an odd form of assisted suicide.

Does this beaver have heat vision? Is it a ninja? Maybe a vampire? Can it go 12 rounds in a cage match versus an otter? Was Jerry Mathers somehow involved? Can a REAL beaver (Rob & Mel, I know what you're thinking!) be eaten?

These are questions that have never been answered...

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-05-01 17:11:00
CanadaAAA - my new American $50 friend
QUOTE (JillA @ May 6 2009, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ May 6 2009, 12:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ May 6 2009, 08:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ May 4 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got auto insurance with Geico when I moved here, and they have emergency assitance as part of their regular package so I just call some 1-800 # and a tow truck is supposed to come find me!

Geico has roadside assistance? We have Geico. I must remember to ask my husband why we have AAA then. unsure.gif

There are probably some benefits that go beyond Geico. If nothing else, AAA is recognized in Canada, so if you're driving there at all, you're covered.

Yes but someone else on here said that they called Geico from Vancouver and they still sent someone to help!

Well... then I have no idea. unsure.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-05-06 12:28:00
CanadaAAA - my new American $50 friend
QUOTE (Krikit @ May 6 2009, 08:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ May 4 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got auto insurance with Geico when I moved here, and they have emergency assitance as part of their regular package so I just call some 1-800 # and a tow truck is supposed to come find me!

Geico has roadside assistance? We have Geico. I must remember to ask my husband why we have AAA then. unsure.gif

There are probably some benefits that go beyond Geico. If nothing else, AAA is recognized in Canada, so if you're driving there at all, you're covered.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-05-06 11:01:00
CanadaAAA - my new American $50 friend
I've got AAA. I recently called CAA to ask about transferring my account over and they said it'd be best to wait until my AAA account has expired. That way, I don't have to pay for CAA when I already have AAA. I really appreciated that honesty.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-05-06 08:46:00
CanadaCell Phone pay-as-you-go crappy???
QUOTE (JillA @ May 6 2009, 10:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ May 6 2009, 12:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Pay-as-you-go isn't crappy at all. The level of service depends on the provider (which is exactly the same when having a service plan) and the overall expense might be lower if you rarely use your cell phone.

My wife and I have a 3-year family share plan with Telus. That worked out really good for me since I was able to get a Blackberry Pearl 8130 at no cost. However, my wife uses her phone so infrequently, she wishes she had gone with a pay-as-you-go phone instead.

OMG I hate Telus!! I had SO many problems with them in Canada I couldn't wait to end my contract! Every time I hear TELUS my blood pressure raises mad.gif

We've got Telus TV and Telus Internet, so my wife wanted to go with their cell phones as well. So far, Telus seems to be pretty good. No worse than Verizon. When our contract is up, maybe I'll consider Rogers.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-05-06 12:27:00
CanadaCell Phone pay-as-you-go crappy???
Pay-as-you-go isn't crappy at all. The level of service depends on the provider (which is exactly the same when having a service plan) and the overall expense might be lower if you rarely use your cell phone.

My wife and I have a 3-year family share plan with Telus. That worked out really good for me since I was able to get a Blackberry Pearl 8130 at no cost. However, my wife uses her phone so infrequently, she wishes she had gone with a pay-as-you-go phone instead.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-05-06 11:44:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Jan 26 2009, 05:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Jan 26 2009, 06:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jan 26 2009, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Deadpool...don't mind me saying this but your dad sounds like a get me? laughing.gif

I wouldn't say something usually so rude about someones family member but man..he just sounds like such an a-hole.

I don't mind at all and he is an a-hole. Fortunately, I won't have to come back anytime soon and if I can avoid it, I won't visit again.

I am sorry that you Dad is like that. It is tough on you when you are trying to be the better person. Good for you, though, for holding your own even though you had to yell to get him to listen. He sounds like one of those doctors who suffer from the "Doctor God" syndrome - tough on everyone around them, indeed.

You nailed it. Although I think he'd deify himself even if he weren't a physician.

He really pissed me off last night, too. My wife and I are working hard to pack stuff away and have it shipped up to Canada. We took a break at night to watch a movie. My dad sees us and asks, "Do you have everything packed?" His tone suggested that he wasn't merely asking a question, but insinuating that my wife and I should "get off our a$$es and do more work." I told him we're taking a well-deserved break.

He also expects us to bring any old clothing or items to United Way. We have a lot of work to do, plus we've made arrangements with FedEx and the auto shippers. That apparently doesn't matter, since we need to take the donations over (and make several trips if necessary). Did I mention he's getting the tax credit? I refused and told him if he wants it done, he can do it.

We can't complain about any of this, as well. He'll just rant on and on about how tough his day was. The funny thing is he doesn't get up until 9AM, so maybe if he woke up earlier, he wouldn't have to work so late. Maybe he'd also get up earlier if he didn't spend all night snacking, watching TV and messing around on the computer playing Freecell.

My wife made dinner last night, too. In my opinion, she makes excellent meals. My dad said the food was "good, but needed some work." My dad wouldn't know how to cook if his life depended on it! He couldn't tell the difference between a stove and an oven -- I'm not exaggerating, either. I was about to launch a verbal war with him over that, but my wife gave me a look that said: "Leave it alone."

His kitchen is a complete mess. He doesn't cook, so he doesn't care. He makes his housekeeper or his pseudo-girlfriend do his grocery shopping since he can't be bothered. Well, when we're here, he expects us to do the grocery shopping and tells us we need to "clean up" the kitchen and do the dishes, the latter of which he leaves in the sink. He could put them in the dishwasher, but he won't.

I forget what my dad wanted, but he yelled at me to get whatever it was. I didn't hear him since I was in the kitchen and he was in his bedroom with the door shut. He then stormed into the kitchen and asked me why I didn't get it. I told him I hadn't heard him. He then told me to get and bring it to his bedroom. I have a broken toe. I can barely walk right now. I told him about that and he said, "So it hurts a little. Big deal. Now move it!" My wife brought the item to him.

And finally... he's still arguing with me about how an immigration lawyer would've "sped up my process." My immigration to Canada took a total of six months. I've told him about how long it takes to immigrate to the U.S. and he tells me "that's impossible" and that I'm wrong.

My brother, who's a law student, has told him (and me) that unless your case is highly unusual or you're careless when filling out forms, an immigration lawyer isn't of much use. My brother went on to say that in some cases, a lawyer might actually slow the entire process down.

My dad argued with him, of course. Somehow he thinks he knows more about the immigration process than I do and knows more about law than my brother. Amazing, isn't it? wacko.gif

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-27 17:27:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jan 26 2009, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Deadpool...don't mind me saying this but your dad sounds like a get me? laughing.gif

I wouldn't say something usually so rude about someones family member but man..he just sounds like such an a-hole.

I don't mind at all and he is an a-hole. Fortunately, I won't have to come back anytime soon and if I can avoid it, I won't visit again.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-26 18:10:00
CanadaThe Vent
And now for a rant of my own...

My wife and I flew down to Houston, TX so we could package some of my stuff up and have it sent to us in Canada. This includes having my car shipped (although we're not boxing that up).

Due to the overall importance of our mission, I took the liberty of breaking a toe on my right foot. This thing hurts like a m0therfvcker! I'm walking like a spaz now, too. My dad shows no sympathy. In fact, my wife and I got dressed up to go out to dinner because he wanted to and simply couldn't understand why "a little foot pain" was slowing me down.

Next up... my dad. Again. He thinks he knows best. I'm having my belongings shipped up and he's telling me how I should have it shipped. In return, I told him that I'm shipping what I own by whatever carrier I wish. He doesn't listen, though. He never does.

This is how it works: He tells me to do something or suggests something (which isn't a suggestion). I tell him "no." He then processed to further emphasize his point and won't let up. I try to remain calm and keep telling him "no." Eventually, I yell because he simply will not listen. Once I do that, he tells me that I "have anger issues" and that I "need to act like a human being." blink.gif

Of course... my dad never has a nice thing to say to me. I've lost over 80lbs in the last couple of years. Due to recent inactivity, I've gain maybe 10-20 pounds back. So my dad tells me, "You look really fat and awful." Well, gee... thanks dad! What would I do without you? wacko.gif

Honestly, my dad is one of the most self-absorbed and completely egotistical people I have ever met. For instance, when I was younger, I'd try to get my hair to stay down before we went out anywhere (my hair tends to stand up as if I stuck a fork in a toaster) and my dad told me to "just go, it doesn't matter what your hair looks like." I then pointed out that he makes sure his hair looks good. My dad replied, "That's because I have a reputation to uphold."

Reputation? Yeah, I'm sure the waiter serving us or the kid behind the concession stand at a movie theater will really notice (or care about) your hair. rolleyes.gif

My dad also maintains that he's "the best doctor in the hospital where he works." That's great. I'm happy for you. Why do you insist on telling me at every opportunity? I don't really care.

Some of the best so-called advice he's ever given (and never ceases to make my brother and I laugh) is when he tells us about women. He told us...
1. Get a girlfriend in college. She'll cook for you and do your laundry.
2. Never get a woman something practical. They like jewelry.
3. Have sex with as many woman as you can.

Now... let me be clear. The last piece of advice really sounds nice if you're single (which I was back then), but there's also a little difference between his day and today. There's a little disease called "HIV/AIDS" and far more people are careful about who they screw. Not everyone, but many more than before. As for the other two gems... well, it depends on the woman. Of course, my dad will say I'm just "being stupid" if I say that.

I've also found out recently that my dad cheated on my mom several times. He has no remorse about it and said it "saved their marriage." I suppose that's one way to look at it. Nevertheless, my brother and I were a little shocked and none-to-happy about this revelation. Even worse was that he told me that I will probably cheat on my wife and that "all men do at some point." He said I'll get tired of being with one woman and look for sex elsewhere, which -- according to him -- is apparently "okay." He also instructed me to never tell her if I cheat, since she "won't understand."

Imagine that. One spouse not taking it well that their partner cheated on them. That's some newsflash, right?

What really annoyed me about that is he was telling me that I will cheat on my wife and even giving me advice how to do it, in addition to saying it's "perfectly acceptable." Just because he did, why should that be any indication I will too?

Edited by DeadPoolX, 25 January 2009 - 11:56 AM.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-25 11:56:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jan 21 2009, 10:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ugh why does everyone suggest I go to a doctor when all I have is a freakin cold?? There is no cure for the common cold!

And then people always ask: "Did you take something?"

Why? Why do I always need to take something???? YES I TOOK MY ENTIRE DAMN MEDICINE CABINET AND I STILL FEEL LIKE #######!

Well... a cold can turn into something worse.

A few years ago, my mom told me to "rest and take it easy" when I had a cold. Naturally, I ignored her. I figured it was "just a cold" and I'd get over it as I had done before. Unfortunately, I wasn't so lucky.

My cold turned into pneumonia. I have asthma, so perhaps I'm more susceptible to that than those without it, but the point remains that what started as a cold transformed into a potentially life-threatening issue. I was given antibiotics and it took a long, long time to recover.

It's a good thing my mom was watching so attentively, too. My dad thought I was dramatizing my illness, but my mom took my temperature (105F) and drove me to the ER. I'm glad she did, since I was told that due to the severity of my pneumonia (coupled with asthma), it probably would have killed me if I had left it.

QUOTE (MissStacey @ Jan 21 2009, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is it just me or you find that Americans think drugs are the answer to everything here? You should see the medicine cabinet that Mel has- it is half a Pharmacy. When my stepson gets a sniffle, he is loaded up with copious amounts of this #######.

Growing up in my house we had a bottle of Tylenol, maybe some cough syrup and a box of band aids.

I can't speak for other people, but my dad's a physician, so we had tons of medication around the house. The only thing he suggested for a cold was the typical over-the-counter stuff that'd take away -- or at least suppress -- the symptoms. Sometimes that's important if you have work or school. It's hard to concentrate while your nose is running, your throat hurts and you're sneezing.

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jan 22 2009, 07:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well the United Kingdom/Britain refers to England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland. England is just well... England.

Yeah, I've found a lot of people can't tell the difference between the UK and England. I think the problem is that the country most identified with the UK is often England. I first learned the difference in a World History course during high school. My teacher actually had an in-class argument with one of the students who insisted that England and the UK are one and the same.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-25 11:25:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jan 20 2009, 09:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm just not willing to feel bad about it for days or have to watch what I say. It's so hard when it is family because I also don't want people bad mouthing me to my inlaws saying that I'm not co-operating. I feel like im being pulled. My dress was $210.00 WITHOUT alternations. Between shoes, dress, shower gift, wedding gift, hotel, my husband and I are looking at about 1500.

My commute is long. So on Friday when i went to her house, by the time I got there I had driven 5 hours that day. That is a lot to ask of someone just to get measured.

Also, she got every single piece of cooking equipment you can imagine for christmas. (she has no house.) So I don't know what I'm supposed to buy her for her wedding?? laughing.gif

I'm just so done with it all. I love my sister in law and we have a good relationship. I don't want any one badmouthing her for a silly reason like her measurements are wrong.

If you can't make it through something like that, how will you make it through life?

How's this? innocent.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-20 12:35:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jan 20 2009, 09:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyways, Amanda... you need to put this bride in her place, or take her aside and let her know her behaviour is out of line. If she is like this now, imagine what it will be like in the weeks before the wedding?? Man I feel for your brother in law marrying such a woman. I wish all the brides I worked with were family so I could tell the b1tches where to go.

If this bride is as nuts as she sounds, then irritating her may not be the best solution. At best, this incident will come back to family somehow and might cause a discussion revolving around, "Why are you upsetting so-and-so?" At worst, she may go psycho on you.

You could always choose the "phoning in advice" option that I suggested before or go talk to your brother-in-law. Regardless, I'd avoid direct confrontation with someone who's going ape$hit.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-20 12:07:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (thetreble @ Jan 20 2009, 07:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I feel like because it's family I have to stick it out.... it's a long story but there was a lot of drama this weekend over something that happened. I put my two sense in, she got mad, etc. etc.

Her wedding isn't for another 8 months and she's already having panic attacks and I saw her neck get a rash on saturday while at the bridal shop.

I'm not into drama...her wedding is not my priority but she wants it to be? Eh. I'm so over it.

Why don't you just offer to provide advice over the phone? Maybe that won't work if your future sister-in-law is in the same city as you, but if she's not, you could opt to do that. This way you're not bailing on her, but you don't have to deal with the craziness in person and, in a worst case scenario, make an excuse to get off the phone.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-20 11:51:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jan 16 2009, 10:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jan 16 2009, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OMG, do you recall a member named Daisy? She was here about two or three years back. She would ask the exact same question over and over and over and post it in every forum imaginable. People kept asking her for specifics (I believe it was the timeline and visa type or something) so they could answer her question with correct information, but she just wouldn't do it. It got to the point where members were literally SCREAMING at her. OMG, it was HYSTERICAL. I was literally rofl.gif . laughing.gif

The one with the Husband and children and they were all moving from Canada together??

Anyone have any links? I'd like to read this. tongue.gif

Oh and MrsCat... marbles taste good! They're like Flintstones vitamins, only smooth and round! wacko.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-16 13:27:00
CanadaThe Vent
Here's another issue I forgot to vent about...

There's some sort of small elevated bump on my lower-left jaw right behind the wisdom tooth. It doesn't hurt (unless I specifically jab at it) and it's not exuding pus, but it's very annoying. Whenever I close my mouth, it feels like there's a small marble in there.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-16 13:17:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jan 16 2009, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A-types always like to be right. Two A-types will bug the heck out of each other. Sometimes you just have to let it go.

You've just described my dad and me. tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-16 13:12:00
CanadaThe Vent
Okay, let's see...

1. I'm in Vancouver. It's cold and there's snow. I despise both (especially since the cold can bother my asthma). According to my in-laws, it hasn't snowed this badly in about 60 years. Lucky me. I'm from Houston, TX and the weather is far warmer all year long. My wife is originally from Edmonton, so we both moved to BC since it's supposed to be a bit warmer. So much for that!

2. My dad, while meaning well (I suppose), thinks he knows everything about Canada. The last time he spent any real amount of time in Canada was in the 1960s. Sure, he and my brother came to my wedding (it was on Granville Island), but they only stayed a few days. Even so, Canada has changed a little in the past 40-something years (such as going from Fahrenheit to Celsius and using coins instead of $1 and $2 bills).

Interestingly enough, my in-laws still think -- and discuss measurements -- in imperial. They know Celsius and use it too, but imperial is easier for them. I realized this when my brother-in-law asked how far such-and-such place was and I said 80 miles. He didn't know what that meant in kilometers. My father-in-law, however, understood and explained it.

3. Once again, my dad is irritating me. He claims that a lawyer would have made the process faster. It doesn't matter that it took a little under six months for my wife and I be together. Apparently, a lawyer would have somehow cut the time down.

My brother, who is in law school, says my dad is wrong. My brother has said that a lawyer wouldn't make the process go faster (unless you were really careless when filling out forms) and could actually slow the process down in some cases. He's tried explaining that to my dad, but as usual, my dad won't listen.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-16 12:57:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Jan 15 2009, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So you headed to the urologist Charles? I wasn't gonna touch that one. I knew what he meant, and thats enough for me. Only time i'll criticize someone's grammar is if they have made a point of doing it to others. That whole thread had "Please Flame Me" written all over it.

That actually reminds me of something...

My dad's a neurologist. So whenever my mom (or my brother and me) said that to someone in conversation, the reply would be: "Oh, so he's a urologist." The two deal with completely different parts of the body, but somehow, the mistake is made on a consistent basis. I suppose a lot of people are having issues with "one head or another." tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-01-15 17:18:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 21 2008, 09:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Dec 21 2008, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My rant: I have the Select Service account plan with TD. If I keep my balance above $5,000 every month, I don't get charged the $25 fee. I've had this account for two months and so far, every month they charge me the $25, despite the fact I have far more than $5,000 in there. I've even called TD support and although they claim to "fix" the problem for me, it keeps occurring.

They refund the charge, but that's not even the point. If I have more in my account than the required balance, this shouldn't happen. That's my issue. Unless my account does fall beneath $5,000 (which it hasn't yet), I don't want to deal with this.

QUOTE (Krikit @ Dec 21 2008, 06:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I found it very disheartening dealing with the government bodies here in the US. I don't think there was one office I went to where I didn't have to stand my ground and insist upon my rights. Very very frustrating. I'm so glad that first year is over. sad.gif

Same experience, but with the Canadian government. Honestly, I think government in general (no matter which country we're talking about) is illogical and screwed up.

I think the difference is that in your own country you know how to get things done.

Take your problem with them registering the wrong name for your PR - I bet you I could have cleared that up in a day or two.

I have banked in Canada with TD and CIBC, I have banked in New Zealand - hands down, without even a close runner up - RBC U.S. is the absolute worst bank. I haven't even bothered to post about them lately - but the problems are ongoing and I don't think a month has passed where I haven't had to call them to correct something. I don't understand how they work - which makes it more difficult.

I really don't know if I could've cleared up the PR issue any faster in the United States. I've never applied for one there, so it's entirely possible the situation wouldn't be much different.

As for the the American branch of RBC, that hardly surprises me. They're a Canadian bank trying to make a foothold in the United States, which at the moment, is suffering from national banking issues. RBC's banks are located only in select areas of the U.S. and most Americans have never even heard of them. Considering the recent banking issues, I think they're doing pretty good. They'll never rival BoA in the U.S., but BoA couldn't compete with RBC in Canada.

What I find most interesting about RBC's American branch is how they changed the name and symbol. Instead of referring to it as "The Royal Bank of Canada," it's simply called "RBC." The crown that used to be above the globe was removed when RBC expanded into the U.S., as well. I've read that RBC did those, because it figured most Americans wouldn't like seeing anything related to royalty. I can't say I completely disagree, but if a company is doing well and can help me somehow, I don't really care what they're called.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-12-21 12:30:00
CanadaThe Vent
My rant: I have the Select Service account plan with TD. If I keep my balance above $5,000 every month, I don't get charged the $25 fee. I've had this account for two months and so far, every month they charge me the $25, despite the fact I have far more than $5,000 in there. I've even called TD support and although they claim to "fix" the problem for me, it keeps occurring.

They refund the charge, but that's not even the point. If I have more in my account than the required balance, this shouldn't happen. That's my issue. Unless my account does fall beneath $5,000 (which it hasn't yet), I don't want to deal with this.

QUOTE (Krikit @ Dec 21 2008, 06:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I found it very disheartening dealing with the government bodies here in the US. I don't think there was one office I went to where I didn't have to stand my ground and insist upon my rights. Very very frustrating. I'm so glad that first year is over. sad.gif

Same experience, but with the Canadian government. Honestly, I think government in general (no matter which country we're talking about) is illogical and screwed up.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-12-21 11:36:00
CanadaThe Vent
When applying for healthcare insurance, you must lie to them if you have an illness or require medication from the start. Health insurance will not cover any pre-existing medication (which is part of the reason to have it!) and any illnesses you may have had beforehand.

So here's what you do: When they ask if you're taking medication, say no. Only say yes if the drugs are very cheap, in which case they may not have a problem with it. Healtcare companies can tailor your coverage, so if you take psychotropic medication, they may decide your coverage won't apply to psychotropic drugs, but will apply to other medication -- that's why it's important to keep your medications to yourself and not tell them ahead of time. When they ask about pre-existing medical conditions, say there are none. If you've had anything like the flu recently and it's on file, simply say it was a one-time issue and you do not have a recurring health problem. They'll work with that.

Once you are accepted, then you may use it to get medication and cover procedures. They cannot drop you after they've accepted you (which is why you can be covered for expensive procedures and then kept on).

You might think what I'm suggesting is wrong, but it's the truth -- right or wrong. I know a close friend who was denied health insurance by every provider simply because she gets migraines. In every other way, she was extremely healthy. She was still denied since that'd mean paying for her prescription migraine medication, all of which can be very expensive. As an example, one Relpax pill is $23.

You cannot be honest with them. If you are, you will not get accepted unless you have never had a health problem and take absolutely no medication.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-11-21 15:10:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (thetreble @ Nov 18 2008, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You see the thing is, I'm really iffy about chiropractors. Maybe if I had sustained an injury such as yourself, krikit, in an accident hen I would be willing to go to one. But I don't know the cause. I just woke up and it was like this sad.gif The worst part was that Monday morning when I woke up I was fine. It didn't start to kill my until about an hour later out of the blue. It is possible I pinched a nerve ors omething like that, but I just wish it would go away.

I also was thinking about other symptoms, because of course with a stiff neck always comes meningitis scares. But I'm fine besides the excrutiating neck/shoulder pain.

On my right side I have a chronically sore rhomboid muscle. I used to be a big volleyball player and pulled it when I was about 16. Now that I work on a computer all day, it often acts up.

It feels like that, sort of, on my other side now, just with the added pain in my neck.

Any advice on what I can do personally to help? I've got Asper cream I rubbed in last night and that made it feel a bit better.

My dad -- who is a neurologist -- claims to see many patients who've been injured by chiropractors. Apparently, quite a few in that business don't know what they're doing. If you find a good one (that's been highly recommended by someone you know and has went to them), you'll probably be fine. However, going to one that is virtually unknown to you may not be the wisest choice. Instead, I'd recommend a good massage therapist and perhaps something like Aleve (naproxin), which is a fairly safe NSAID. Advil is also an option (ibuprofen) but I've found Aleve to work better overall. Both are over-the-counter, so you won't need a prescription for either.

A quick test for meningitis is tucking your head into your neck. By this I mean lowering your face so it's pointed downward and as close to your body as possible. If your neck is exceptionally stiff and hurts while doing this, you might have meningitis. I want to emphasize that this is not a perfect or 100% accurate test by any means, so if you find the above occurs, don't panic. Many cervical conditions can mimic this.

The good news is that if you've had this problem for a while, it's highly unlikely that it would be bacterial meningitis. That can easily kill someone within a week if medical assistance isn't given. Viral meningitis is usually considered less serious than the bacterial form and generally won't kill as quickly; however, it can cause a lot of damage so treatment is definitely needed. Bacterial conditions are also more easily treated than viral ones.

The best way to find out about meningitis is to see a neurologist and possibly have a spinal tap, although I'd recommend doing the latter only if absolutely necessary. My dad claims spinal taps don't hurt and that all you feel is pressure, but I have trouble believing that. When someone sticks a needed into your spinal cord, it can't feel good.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-11-19 15:18:00
CanadaThe Vent
From what I've heard, UPS is notoriously unreliable -- at least in Canada. I've never had a major problem with UPS in the U.S. (although they sometimes leave important packages by the door where anyone can take them), but according to my wife, it's not unusual for UPS to "claim" they've made a delivery attempt when they never bothered. Even if they do make an attempt and adhere one of those notices to your door, the time frame they write on there will almost always be incorrect. For instance, if UPS's sticker says they'll arrive around 10 AM, they could easily show up at 5 PM (the opposite is true, as well).

The only carrier I really trust is Federal Express. They've been exceptionally reliable and very fast. The downside is that they cost more (sometimes much more) than UPS. But I'd rather pay more and actually receive my item than pay less and gamble with it.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-11-18 09:43:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Aug 27 2008, 12:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
my hands are so flipping itchy.... owie owie owie..

I get this every summer.. it's driving me batty today.. i'm sooooo thankful for Aveda anti-itch cream.. FER SURE..

What causes that anywhoo.. little pimply bubbles, peeling skin and ITCHHHHHHH...


silly asthma... WHY did my Grandma have to give me that ??????? tongue.gif

You might want to give Zyrtec a try. It's OTC (it was once prescription) and you can find at Walgreen's, CVS, etc. Most of those stores have their own version of it too, which is just as good. Make sure to compare the two, however, to make sure it's the exact same thing. If it is, the store's brand will usually be much less expensive than the name brand.

I used to have this internal itching sensation all over my body and it wouldn't stop. It'd sometimes keep me up at nights, too. It'd appear during the spring and summer and then disappear during the fall and winter. This led me to believe it was an allergy, so I tried Zyrtec (there are other OTC antihistamines available, but they can make you drowsy) and so far, I haven't been itching since. I take one pill every night before bed. smile.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-08-27 15:25:00
CanadaThe Vent
You might find this helpful:

It's designed by Google to let you create your own Custom Search Engine. That helps to narrow down the useless junk that's out there on the Internet and when you do find websites that are relevant to your search, you can enter them into the search engine as well, so it'll look at those too. You can also place it on your iGoogle homepage too, which is handy.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-08-26 16:21:00