CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
So... my wife and I were shopping one day and this a$$hole doing a survey walks up to her. He begins asking questions and even after my wife tells him she's not interested, he keeps pushing. I then walked up to the guy and the following conversation ensued:

[ME] You're doing a survey?

[HIM] Yes, I am. Would you like to do it?

[ME] Absolutely.

[WIFE] ::doesn't say anything, but looks at me oddly::

[HIM] Would you say you shop here often?

[ME] Yes.

[HIM] What for?

[ME] Cottage Cheese.

[HIM] What?

[ME] Cottage Cheese. It's the "other white meat."

[HIM] At... um... clothing stores?

[ME] It's usually available every other Thursday with a purchase of $50 or more. It's fantastic on wool.

[HIM] Um.. okay, let's try something else.

[ME] Of course.

[HIM] What's your profession?

[ME] Dispensing Cottage Cheese.

[HIM] Right. Okay. Who do you work for?

[ME] Her majesty, the Dairy Queen. I believe she got that nickname in high school, but I can't be certain.

[HIM] That's it. You're not taking this seriously. I'll find someone else to take this survey!

For reference, I don't work at Dairy Queen or any other fast food outlet. Never have. It worked for the situation, however.

My wife couldn't believe I did that, but after thinking it over for a moment, she couldn't stop laughing. tongue.gif

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-16 06:55:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (trailmix @ Apr 8 2009, 08:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Glad your anniversary was so happy Carla! I love the word 'spray' when used to describe a bouquet of flowers smile.gif

Well, we have now officially been in the U.S. for one year. Actually I thought we entered the U.S. on April 8th, but I just looked at my Husband's passport and it was April 3rd - the stamp is not very clear laughing.gif

Good morning!

Congrats! good.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-08 10:01:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (trailmix @ Apr 7 2009, 07:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sentinel @ Apr 7 2009, 10:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 7 2009, 06:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone ever wonder if, one day, you'll read a post, look over at the avatar pic, and recognize someone you know? lol

Sure. Whenever I look at the posts I've made, I'm pretty sure I recognize the guy. tongue.gif

So that is what you really look like hmmm.

Well, I've got more hair. The green armor is mine, though. kicking.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-07 22:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 7 2009, 06:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone ever wonder if, one day, you'll read a post, look over at the avatar pic, and recognize someone you know? lol

Sure. Whenever I look at the posts I've made, I'm pretty sure I recognize the guy. tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-07 21:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
My wife and I were in a grocery store today and she went off looking for olive oil or whatever. I was sent to look for apple sauce. It's been increasingly difficult to find unsweetened apple sauce lately. So I find unsweetened apple sauce and I call my wife on my cell phone. The following exchange took place:

[ME] "The chicken has been choked. The assault commences in 10 minutes."

[WIFE] "What the...? You do realize I'm only one aisle over, right? You could've just walked over and got me."

[ME] "Yes, but that's what they're expecting us to do!"

[WIFE] "Right. Okay. Why don't you get the apple sauce and meet me in the next aisle."

[ME] "Hmm... fool the enemy. Good idea!"

[WIFE] "Exactly." ::wanders off muttering about weirdos::
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-06 22:09:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Krikit @ Apr 3 2009, 12:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sentinel @ Apr 3 2009, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Apr 3 2009, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know some of you on facebook may have already seen me talk about this... but have any of you heard about the crayola 3D colour explosion kit?? You can draw and then you put on these 3D glasses and your drawings become 3D. I am so intrigued by this.

I am stopping off at target tonight after groceries to pick one up.

I don't care how old I am, I freaking LOVE crayola. biggrin.gif

I think you can do that by dropping acid, too. unsure.gif

Is there something you'd like to share with us, DP? tongue.gif

Nope. Too busy watching my hand. kicking.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-03 14:35:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Apr 3 2009, 10:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know some of you on facebook may have already seen me talk about this... but have any of you heard about the crayola 3D colour explosion kit?? You can draw and then you put on these 3D glasses and your drawings become 3D. I am so intrigued by this.

I am stopping off at target tonight after groceries to pick one up.

I don't care how old I am, I freaking LOVE crayola. biggrin.gif

I think you can do that by dropping acid, too. unsure.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-03 14:28:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Apr 3 2009, 08:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why did Helen Kellers dog run away?

Wait this isn't funny unless you can actually hear the answer... nm. tongue.gif

Two things:

1. If you ever watch Family Guy, Stewie once said: "This is more pathetic than the time I played Marco Polo with Helen Keller!"

2. In German, the word for basement is "keller." How did I remember that? I thought: "Where would I keep Helen Keller..."
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-03 12:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Apr 2 2009, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yea I tried it last summer when I first started there.... I ended up throwing the club and walking away. laughing.gif
I couldn't even hit the ball, and when I did hit it, the ball would go like 5 feet forward and then hit the grass. I don't get the game at all! I just threw the club and said: "GOLF IS STUPID!"

I've always wanted to see a porn-themed mini-golf course. It'd give new meaning to a "hole in one." biggrin.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-02 20:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
Am I the only who thinks "twitter" sounds dirty? unsure.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-02 20:18:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
My wife's out of town, so I decided to setup a little project. You see, my wife claims I snore. So I put my camcorder on her end table and had it record me (with night vision). I also did this because I seem to move around a lot at night.

Well... I checked it this morning and although I didn't move much at all, I seem to snore like a somewhat irregular chainsaw. blink.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-02 10:34:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
I just thought of something. Quite a few years ago (when my brother and I were living at home), my mom had bought "beaver fur pillows." I have no idea why. I think she thought they looked nice on the couch or whatever.

Anyway... my brother would often fall asleep on the couch and would rest his head on the beaver fur pillows. So one day my brother hadn't socialized much with us and when we went out to dinner, my mom asked what he's been up to. My brother responded: "I've had my face in beaver all day!"

My mom choked on her drink and I started laughing. blush.gif

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-02 10:08:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Apr 1 2009, 11:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mel hasn't see any of the Star Wars movies. When she told me that, I was like "SO you're that one person on the planet". I was all set to go rent the whole series and watch them with her. Her response was "no thanks, I have no interest". ohmy.gif

I sat through Phantom Of The Opera, She should be subjected to Star Wars rofl.gif

That's right! You endured The Phantom of the Opera, so now it's her turn to handle The Phantom Menace! tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-01 13:30:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
So... I have black gloves. Big deal, right? Well, I'm not used to wearing gloves and when I put them on, I generally spit out a Darth Vader quote. Last time I got my gloves on quickly, so I made fist and said: "All too easy." My wife rolled her eyes at me, to which I responded: "I find your lack of faith disturbing." tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-01 12:55:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Mar 31 2009, 04:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Marilyn* @ Mar 31 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i had the weirdest thing happen today..

I stepped in something kind of gooey on the floor close to the door and I went to wipe it up and it smelled like Vics vapour rub.. the thing is we don't have Vics vapour rub in the house blink.gif

That is tres weird. blink.gif


"The Case of the Defecating Ghost!" unsure.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-31 23:45:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Mar 31 2009, 11:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would never go to Disney in June/July/August! Smart kid! The crowds and the heat would be too much for me.

We went at the end of September and it was really hot but not crowded so we never really waited in any lines. Actually their whole 'skip the line' pass is AWESOME.

Yeah, the summer months are definitely too hot for Disney World. Orlando has similar weather to Houston and the very last thing you want to do is stand out in the sun -- and humidity -- for hours on end. If you're looking for an easy way to get on rides, go early in the morning or wait for one of the many parades. What happens is when a parade flows through the park, people line up like lemmings to watch it. I love that, since that means there are fewer people waiting in line to get on rides! biggrin.gif

Even worse than Disney World in the summer is Las Vegas. It may be a dry heat, but you can literally feel the searing heat radiating from the ground. It's just that bad. Fall and Spring are good times to go, but I'd never go back in the summer.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-31 15:45:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (thetreble @ Mar 18 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Deadpool, you have insulted us! We consider her VERY important and most of us have ties to Britain. Most of my friends do not have any ties to America whatsoever.

Ahem, Your Majesty, you must forgive Deadpool as he knows not what he says. Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!

Maybe out there in the good ole West where you live you don't notice an influence, but many of us here on this board are god damn Englishwomen and Englishmen.

Do you know how I know this? I' will give you an example. Look at the types of food people put on the dinner table. I came to live in NJ and realized no one ate roast beef dinners and potatoes. No one had Yorkshire puddings or meat pies. These are things many Canadians eat!

My issue wasn't with tradition. Believe it or not, there are many American traditions and going beyond that, there are religious traditions as well.

My point was that the Queen has very little power and say in Canadian government and the average Canadian's way of life. Royalty was, at one time, very powerful and had a large amount of influence. In today's world, the Queen is little more than a figurehead (with no real power to speak of) and the British monarchy, as a whole, exists more for tradition than anything else (unless you count the occasional tabloid story).

I really don't see how my outlook on this matter is, in any way, insulting. If nothing else, I consider myself standing up for the rights of Canadians. Why should the UK have any input in Canadian affairs? Canada is its own nation, with its own laws and people. Canadians are not "British subjects" but citizens of their own country. They answer to Canada and Canada only. Maybe some traditions from the UK are popular, but tradition and governing power are two very different things.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-18 16:50:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (JillA @ Mar 18 2009, 11:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I like how we get the Queens birthday off work yes.gif

Now that's a definite positive. biggrin.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-18 14:03:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Krikit @ Mar 18 2009, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Mar 18 2009, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There's a number of things in Canada that are taking a while to adjust to, as well. I have to remember to say "university" instead of "college", deal with different forms of dates (sometimes the date is written American-style and other times it's more European-style), the metric system, banking and above all, seeing certain documents reference the Queen or royalty in general. I realize the Queen is a figurehead with no real power in Canada, but it's still annoying.

Haha. I related to your post right up until you came to the Queen. Time to read up on your Canadian history and the ties to the Crown, methinks. Also good to read up on "Crown land", "Crown corporations", "Crown wards", "Queen's Counsel", etc, etc. smile.gif

Well, I just mean that the Queen has no real authority in Canada. Her representative, the Governor General, is supposed to act on behalf of the Queen, but the GG is a Canadian. So the Queen doesn't have a say in how Canada is run, but the GG can step in under certain circumstances. The Queen is more of a figurehead than anything else.

QUOTE (Krikit @ Mar 18 2009, 11:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Mar 18 2009, 02:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Isn't that like the UN? Technically there's power but it can't really be enforced? Think about it -- if the Queen ordered this or that, why would Canada have to obey? Canada is its own country with its own elected leaders. In terms of culture, it has more in common with the U.S. than it does the UK. Sure, it's a Commonwealth nation, but that's more of an association; it's no longer a colony and therefore, makes its own laws.



You are so wrong, DeadPool.

With few exceptions, I see Canada and the United States have very similar cultural influences. Both have taken ideas from the UK and changed them to suit their own country. Mass amounts of immigrants have also shaped the nature of the U.S. and Canada, leading to far more culturally diverse nations than those in the United Kingdom.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-18 13:53:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 18 2009, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Mar 18 2009, 01:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There's a number of things in Canada that are taking a while to adjust to, as well. I have to remember to say "university" instead of "college", deal with different forms of dates (sometimes the date is written American-style and other times it's more European-style), the metric system, banking and above all, seeing certain documents reference the Queen or royalty in general. I realize the Queen is a figurehead with no real power in Canada, but it's still annoying.

uh.. she is the official head of state.. so she's not powerless.. just because she hasn't used that power doesn't mean she doesn't have it...

Isn't that like the UN? Technically there's power but it can't really be enforced? Think about it -- if the Queen ordered this or that, why would Canada have to obey? Canada is its own country with its own elected leaders. In terms of culture, it has more in common with the U.S. than it does the UK. Sure, it's a Commonwealth nation, but that's more of an association; it's no longer a colony and therefore, makes its own laws.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-18 13:39:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Mar 18 2009, 08:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The ladies daughter is 17 and was asking about schools because her poor daughter is going to do her grade 12 down here and I told her that she would be fine. I don't want to offend anyone *cough*DPX*cough* (wink.gif) but I feel that the schools in Canada better prepare someone than the schools down here and when asked if they're easier or more difficult I replied with easier. But again it's my opinion. tongue.gif

I'm not offended. tongue.gif

As some others have said here, the schools really depend on the state, city and district. There are always your "good" and "bad" schools. Sometimes the problem is with the other students and not the education. I went to a "good" school but my so-called peers were vicious monsters and made my life a living hell. The students can turn any school into a "good" or "bad" one.

I will admit that history isn't often taught too well. With the exception of one teacher in high school (honors course), the curriculum centered around the positives of the U.S. and completely avoiding the negatives -- unless it related to racial or gender issues.

That pissed me off. The textbooks would spend 10 pages on women's suffrage and barely give a paragraph to World War I. I realize women's suffrage was important to the U.S., but somehow I tend to think WWI was a little more important to both the U.S. and the world as a whole.

QUOTE (Krikit @ Mar 18 2009, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Heck, I had a terrible time adjusting to the way Americans do things, period, let alone bringing school into the mix.

I can relate.

There's a number of things in Canada that are taking a while to adjust to, as well. I have to remember to say "university" instead of "college", deal with different forms of dates (sometimes the date is written American-style and other times it's more European-style), the metric system, banking and above all, seeing certain documents reference the Queen or royalty in general. I realize the Queen is a figurehead with no real power in Canada, but it's still annoying.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-18 13:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 17 2009, 08:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's funny, just reading the girly thread and the ban on bikini waxes in NJ.

What is funny is how everything has a warning on it now, was reading that thread and thinking about how every window in this house has a warning sticker on it that opening a window can be dangerous!

So while getting cereal just now I wondered if they have a warning on Soy Milk - sure enough - 'not to be used as infant formula' laughing.gif

My favorite warning sticker of all time reads: "Do not use hair dryer while asleep in bathtub." blink.gif

I'm not even sure how that would work, but apparently, someone has tried it before. Of course... I bet someone's tried cleaning their ears out with a drill, too.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-17 12:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
Well, my wife and I have been watching a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer since I bought her the collection consisting of all seven seasons. I also got her the five-season collection of Angel. I found both for very reasonable prices on eBay and they were new.

I only watched the first couple of seasons of BtVS, since it became too "melodramatic" and full of "angst" for me. Due to my wife's urging, I'm watching the other seasons with her. It's not bad.

She's also playing Mass Effect while I'm on Fallout 3. Both excellent games, although I had to show her how to play a Tactical Shooter. She's used to Adventure Games, Role-Playing Games and the occasional First-Person Shooter. By "occasional" I mean she's only played F.E.A.R. alongside me in Co-Op mode.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-16 12:35:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Mar 13 2009, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Mar 13 2009, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh ya you're on a different time of day than us...


Damn. And I was hoping for one more octo-mom story. tongue.gif

I'd be more interested if the kids had eight limbs.

Edited by DeadPoolX, 14 March 2009 - 02:53 AM.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-14 02:51:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Mar 11 2009, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 11 2009, 11:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

We haven't bothered to visit yet

That's funny a friend of mine who is from Orlando told me this past weekend that if I saw "the mouse" to go and kick him in the shins for him smile.gif tee he.. I feel EXACTLY the same way about Anne of Green Gables to tell you the truth! laughing.gif

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-11 12:07:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (trailmix @ Mar 11 2009, 09:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Mar 11 2009, 12:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ROFLMAO, when I was in college, in S.C. (Clemson Univ.), One weekend, everyone was going home. Seeing as I was from L.A., and couldn't, I went home with a friend. He was from a small town in S.C. (Kingstree, S.C.). On the saturday night, we were hanging out with some of his friends from high school and they suddenly decided around 1:00 a.m. that we should go play "Highway Baseball". This involved hanging your body halfway out the window of the car, and hitting people's mailboxes off their post. The things you do in small towns to amuse yourself. I was seriously thinking they would suggest cow-tipping after that. whistling.gif

We are 20 minutes from the happiest place on earth - Disneyworld, couldn't they just go there instead? dry.gif

I like Disneyworld. My favorite ride was Space Mountain. It wasn't the best roller coaster ever, but it was completely in the dark. Since I had to remove my glasses anyway, I felt like I wasn't missing out on any visuals. tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-11 11:57:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Krikit @ Mar 11 2009, 09:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Liz! It's good to see you!

Oh, Gawd. My computer is doing weird things again. Just when I thought I had it licked. crying.gif

What's it doing?
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-11 11:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
My wife likes to watch HGTV sometimes. One show she enjoys is called "Property Virgins." It's basically the same premise as "House Hunters" in that couples are looking to get a new house or apartment and need the show to assist them.

Anyway... we were watching this and towards the end of the show, one of the home owners said she and her husband had lots of potential buyers coming over to check out the house. The show had fixed up the house so it'd have a better chance to sell on the market.

For some reason or another, a thought popped into my head near the end. Not just any thought, but one that's incredibly odd. I turned to my wife and said, "Can you imagine someone asking to see the house and while running around screaming, he asks for potato salad?"

My wife paused and looked at me. I believe she rolled her eyes. unsure.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-05 02:43:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
So... my wife and I just got back from visiting her parents. I like my in-laws, but I'm still unsure how to act around them. I'm getting better at gauging their responses, but I'm still on a moment-to-moment basis. My wife thinks I've been getting along with them better (not that we ever didn't get along), especially since her dad and I share a lot of common interests.

One thing my father-in-law knows is cameras. He was a professional photographer for years and was actually in-charge of a photography company for all of western Canada at one point. He's retired now, but I'm interested in cameras and photography (it goes along with my graphic design background). He was showing my wife and I his old camera collection. By old I mean the sort of cameras that fold out like an accordion. That's pretty damn cool.

He also had genuine Nazi documents and photos. These weren't his per se, but my mother-in-law's father worked for Allied Intelligence during World War II. He apparently "procured" these items before heading home. wink.gif

As I'm a huge fan of military history, I found these documents and photos immensely interesting. I also know German, so I was able to translate most of it, although some words I had never seen before. I would've liked to examine those documents more, but my father-in-law put them away and told me I could look them over at a later date, when my wife and I were visiting them on a longer basis.

The one person in my wife's family I don't really get along with well is my brother-in-law (he's my wife's sister's husband) and it almost seems like he tries too hard to be intellectual. Don't get me wrong -- I'm up for an intelligent debate or discussion and I've gone to college (or university as Canadians might say), but there's a difference between speaking intelligently and knowing the topic versus thrusting what you know into any topic at any given moment.

I suppose one problem is that he's a flaming liberal. I'm more liberal on social matters, but on other topics -- such as military, foreign relations and economics -- I'm far more conservative. So we'll sometimes debate and he gets very annoying very quickly. He won't even entertain someone else's viewpoint. I don't expect him to immediately agree with me (or even at all), but it'd be nice if he could see someone else's point-of-view.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-03-03 14:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (JillA @ Feb 18 2009, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ber + Ter @ Feb 18 2009, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sorry but I have to say this. I hate using a GPS that just so happens to get me even more lost than I already was.

I can totally relate!! I got a GPS from my MIL for Xmas, she felt bad for me getting lost all the time in a new city. So it's a piece of GARBAGE and it got me lost 3 times. It literally missed turns on large roads and to make sure I wasn't crazy my husband tested it and said it was wrong the 3 times, he couldn't figure out why or how the GPS could make such errors. So I don't use it anymore and I use mapquest instead!

Maybe I'm lucky, but my GPS works really well. I bought one of the best and while I could have saved money by getting a lower-end GPS, I feel the money was well spent. My wife and I have used it more times than we count. Maybe Vancouver is a difficult city to navigate (especially when you're new to it), but we probably would've been lost without it.

If you're set on using online maps, I'd go with Google Maps. I think it's more versatile, since it you can actually view the streets and area from a first-person viewpoint. Plus it integrates into Google Earth, which is pretty neat.

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Feb 18 2009, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hate it when someone asks for directions and then you tell them and then they say: "Well my GPS says this.."

Then don't waste my time by asking me you grade A moron.

I agree. If you're going to trust your GPS over someone else's directions, that's fine; however, don't ask someone else for directions.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-18 13:12:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Ber + Ter @ Feb 18 2009, 09:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sorry but I have to say this. I hate using a GPS that just so happens to get me even more lost than I already was.

Which type do you have?
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-18 12:58:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (ozone_1974 @ Feb 16 2009, 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JillA @ Feb 16 2009, 10:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK this is really funny. This woman in Hong Kong has a temper tantrum after finding out she missed her flight.

lol, at some point in the mist of being so upset for missing her plane, I thought she would even attempt harakiri laughing.gif

I can't imagine how she'd react if she were turned down by Customs. tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-17 03:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
Speaking of zoos...

My wife and I visited the Houston Zoo a while ago. When we entered the primate section, there was this bridge-like area that confined different monkeys and apes to their artificial habitats while keeping people safe.

So we're there and we spot a male mandrill. Many people are watching it and out of nowhere, it sits down and begins masturbating. A few minutes later, it ejaculates all over itself and the ground.

Naturally, this was a somewhat unusual viewing experience. I was able to record the act, as well.

Most of the women thought this was incredibly gross (my wife did too and she now refers to mandrills as "perverts") while the guys thought it was fairly humorous. I include myself in the latter. The best part was when the children started asking, "Mommy, what's that monkey doing?" whistling.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-11 13:49:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
They should make "The Timbit Cup." Whoever wins gets all the timbits they can eat.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-11 01:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (JillA @ Feb 10 2009, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I've been invited to a bridal shower, and I'm confused by an insert in the envelope. So the bride has a registry at Taget and BB&B, cool. But the insert says "There will also be a well of wishes, so bring a small item for the new Mr. & Mrs" Is this a nice way of asking to bring $$ to the shower? So bring money AND a gift?

Give them half the money and inform them that "they'll get the rest after the job has been completed."

Oh wait... wrong board. Don't mind me. whistling.gif innocent.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-10 19:56:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (*Marilyn* @ Feb 9 2009, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok so our 5th anniversary is coming up and I want to get the hubster some tickets to a basketball game..

his favourite team is the Lakers but there are only a few tickets left for those games and they are crazy expensive so I was thinking of getting him Los Angles Clipper tickets..

the other day I saw some coupons for Clipper games and I asked the hubby if he would ever want to go to a Clipper game and he said yes...

but now I don't know which game to get tickets for... there are 3 choices.. The Portland Trailblazers, The Indiana Pacers or the Sacramento Kings... I could ask hubby but I want it to be a surprise.. unsure.gif

I'd say the Kings. My reason for this is that many cities within a state have rivalries of some sort. Houston and Dallas, for instance. In Canada, it's Edmonton and Calgary. If your husband's team defeats another California team, that might mean more than simply beating an out-of-state team.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-10 03:20:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (*Marilyn* @ Feb 8 2009, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Feb 8 2009, 03:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*Marilyn* @ Feb 8 2009, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ugh.. it keeps not letting me pick the seats on the plane for my family.. I could with the first ticket I messed up on but now it won't let me sad.gif

hopefully they get to sit reasonably close to each other...

Which airline?

American Airlines... I think it is because there aren't a lot of seats left... on the actual ticket thing it says they will assign seats at check-in.. but when I actually try to choose seats it says try again later...

and like I said I was allowed to pick seats on the first ticket but then a few minutes after I got them I realized I made a mistake so I had to cancel those tickets and get new ones and it wouldn't let me pick the seats... although there actually were quite a few seats left when I picked the first time unsure.gif

Try calling them. If you can actually get past the automated service and speak to a real person, you might be able to get your seats ahead of time. If that doesn't work, you need to get there early, since the seating arrangements will be "first come, first serve." If you can't get seats together, try switching seats with someone else. Usually people will do this if it's for a couple or a family.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-08 18:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (*Marilyn* @ Feb 8 2009, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ugh.. it keeps not letting me pick the seats on the plane for my family.. I could with the first ticket I messed up on but now it won't let me sad.gif

hopefully they get to sit reasonably close to each other...

Which airline?
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-08 18:17:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (Krikit @ Feb 8 2009, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I want to play with it! laughing.gif

And once again... my mind heads straight for the gutter. whistling.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-08 13:20:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Deux
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Feb 7 2009, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My husband thinks that they made a fake card using my number and are using it for gas stations. Which would make sense, since they could swipe it through at the pump without a clerk seeing it. But how many vehicles can you seriously need to fill with $700 in gas purchases in one day. blink.gif

The criminal mind is a bizarre place.

My CC number was stolen the very first time I used a credit card online. It was also my first credit card (or at least, the first one in which I was the primary user). The thief had bought a ton of electronic equipment, so the credit company (MBNA, before they were taken over by Bank of America) called me up to ask about. I told them I hadn't done that and they canceled the card and sent me a new one. Eventually I received another new card from them, but this time, it was under the BoA label.

One thing I really dislike about most restaurants in Canada (at least the ones I've been to in Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver) is that they display the entire credit card number on the bill. The customer has the number entirely blanked out except for the last four digits, but the merchant copy keeps the whole thing. Half the time I blank it out with a pen. I've never seen a restaurant in the U.S. do that (unless it's really, really old fashioned and uses a non-electronic method of payment).

The U.S. certainly has its share of scams, though. One time I was called up and told I had been "selected randomly and won a free gas card." The guy on the phone then said they needed to verify my identity with a major credit card. I responded, "You obviously know my identity if I've won this card, so why do you need a credit card?" He paused for a moment and then tried to rephrase his question, emphasizing the overall importance of the gas card I had apparently "won." I told him "no thanks" and hung up. Amazing, isn't it? wacko.gif

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-02-07 17:48:00