CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Feb 25 2008, 03:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was also made fun of for using the word "Expiry date"
They use expiration date...I've always used Expiry. blink.gif

That's another one that I've found really odd. Why "expiry?" Something expires and therefore, has an expiration. The date of said act would be the "expiration date." smile.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-02-25 16:59:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Feb 25 2008, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called a garbage disposal a garberator the other day and everyone burst out laughing..

it IS a word right? blink.gif

Well, I'd never heard that word before meeting my wife, so it must be a Canadian term. At the very least, it certainly isn't used in the United States.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-02-25 16:31:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
I'm the USC here and must have a very odd accent. Even though I grew up in Texas (and no, relatively few of us speak with a "drawl" or like cowboys from the Old West; at least not in the major cities, anyway), my parents and the rest of my family are from New York. So I've had a mixture of both in my life, including terminology and yes, this may come as surprise to those not native to the U.S., the words we use can differ dramatically depending on what region of the U.S. you're from.

For instance: What Canadians would call "running shoes," Texas (and I imagine most of the Southern states) refer to as "tennis shoes." However, in the northeast, they're called "sneakers." Because my parents always called them sneakers, my brother and I grew up saying that word (in addition to other terms as well). Doing so apparently identified us as "northerners" to the ears of many Texans, even though we were born-and-raised in the Lone Star state.

In fact, it's rather funny, now that I think about it. When I'm in the north, people faintly pick up that I'm from Texas (I've been told that my so-called "Texan accent" is extremely mild, only coming out when I get very angry) and when I'm in Texas, a lot of people think I'm from a northern state, such as New York. tongue.gif

Anyway... back to the point of this thread. My wife and I have had discussions about the differences in American and Canadian English before and sometimes it's quite startling. The first time she noticed it was when I was telling her about my Dad's raised marble entry and I used the word "foyer." She stopped mid-sentence and asked me to repeat myself. So I did and then wanted to know if I was joking around with her. I had no clue what was going on, and told her I wasn't joking. When she told me what the issue was, I laughed. I said we (the United States) tend to pronounce "foyer" as "foy-err" and not "foy-yay."

My wife wasn't quite comfortable with it, for some reason or another, but she eventually let it go. We've come across other U.S./Canadian pronunciation differences as well. I've noticed she says "pasta" different than I do, but I've never said anything. I figured there's no need to make a scene; she won't change her pronunciation (why should she?) and she might take what I had to say as a criticism, so I'm better off avoiding that mess altogether. We discovered that we pronounce "niche" differently as well. The "pro/prah" and "zee/zed" stuff were immediately noticeable, but not a big deal (although she did once refer to a BMW Z4 as a "Zed-Four" instead of a "Zee-Four" which just sounds so very, very wrong).

My wife's said that a lot of words from the U.S. (including the spelling and pronunciation) have creeped into Canadian English over time, due to the closeness of our countries, trade/economics and above all, Hollywood. Since Canada sees more of America than the U.S. sees of Canada, it makes sense that Canadians would get a larger dose of American English than vice-versa.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-02-20 18:15:00
CanadaWhere are the Canaliens?
I added my (current) Canadian and (previous) U.S. home on there. I'm the yellow film projector. tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-12-05 13:28:00
CanadaWhere are the Canaliens?
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Dec 3 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dan and Ali @ Dec 3 2009, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Dec 3 2009, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did you guys put it right at your address (or your street at least), or did you just put a vague reference to your city? Icons placed mid-ocean notwithstanding...

I really want to sign up for this even though I haven't moved yet ... I know where I'll be living, though!

I haven't moved yet either! So I put myself at my Canadian address now, and the US one where I'm moving to smile.gif

I wouldn't put the icon at my address. Somewhere within the general vicinity perhaps, but not right in front of my home. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I like my privacy.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-12-03 15:41:00
CanadaWhere are the Canaliens?
QUOTE (Ravenesque @ Dec 3 2009, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm confused!! Which map are we using?




Anyhoo, I marked myself at Vancouver, BC in both.

Holy #######! Raven, you're less than 30 minutes* away from me. tongue.gif

* Time adjusted for HWY1 means 90 minutes.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-12-03 15:35:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Oct 24 2009, 09:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The idiot who was tailgating you because you were doing the speed limit switches lanes and speeds away only to be pulled over by the local constabulary for speeding. good.gif

A similar thing happened on our way to Horseshoe Bay a few weeks ago. There was this a$$hole who was speeding, darting around the lanes and tailgating. Out of nowhere a cop car sped into view and pulled the ####### over. I thought that was awesome. biggrin.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-10-25 23:42:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
QUOTE (trailmix @ Apr 7 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sentinel @ Apr 3 2009, 02:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Poutine grosses me out so much. It's disgusting and a heart attack waiting to happen.

In the mall the other day, I saw KFC in the food court so I looked at their menu. It confused me. They didn't have buttermilk biscuits! sad.gif


This kind of thing always makes me laugh.

In one sentence you call poutine a heart attack waiting to happen.

In the next sentence you are pondering eating KFC and buttermilk biscuits laughing.gif

I didn't say I was going to eat at KFC. I merely noticed it and was a little confused. But you're right -- if I had intended on eating KFC, I'd be a complete hypocrite. tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-07 14:24:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
Poutine grosses me out so much. It's disgusting and a heart attack waiting to happen.

In the mall the other day, I saw KFC in the food court so I looked at their menu. It confused me. They didn't have buttermilk biscuits! sad.gif

Edited by Sentinel, 03 April 2009 - 01:54 PM.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-04-03 13:51:00
CanadaDon't you love it when...
My wife and I are thrilled that immigration has gone through. We should be legally living together in the same country by August (or September, by the latest). kicking.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-06-05 01:19:00
CanadaAny value bringing Canadian Credit Report to US

They are trying to transfer to US, not to Canada.

RBC happens to be one of the only places I could find that WOULD accept your canadian credit history, but only when applying for a loan through them in the US

Yes, I know. I simply thought that if Canadian banks would take American credit history, it's possible the reverse is true as well.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2013-02-25 02:51:00
CanadaAny value bringing Canadian Credit Report to US
I moved from Texas to BC and the first bank I went to was TD, who did accept my US credit history. I also had a letter from Bank of America supporting my credit history, so maybe that helped too.

I never needed a secured credit card; in fact, the first credit card I was able to get in Canada was one of TD's best cards with an extremely high limit.

I think some banks, like TD, are more flexible than others. I've noticed that RBC is a bit more rigid, for instance. I'd also suggest looking into credit unions, as you'll not only find checking accounts without a monthly fee or limit, but often more credit cards without annual fees as well.

Auto insurance records also transfer so long as you have your US insurance company send the information. In my situation, my driving history allowed me to get a 40% (now 43%) discount with AutoPlan. I don't know how it works in provinces without government-run auto insurance, however.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2013-02-19 15:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOld TSC cases transferred to VSC
QUOTE (kalstravels @ May 5 2008, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd like to remind you that Texans have the right to fly our state flag at the same height as the US Flag (condition for entering the Union) so its quite clear to me that under USCIS policy, not all resdients have the same rights.

That's not quite right. Texas is in no way "special" when it comes to flying its flag. If you don't believe me, that's fine.

However, you might believe what Snopes has to say about it instead. They cite their sources and reference the Federal flag code as well as the Texas flag code.

Oh and just so you know... I have nothing against Texas. I am a Texan and I've lived here my whole life. I just dislike incorrect information being passed off as fact. wink.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-05-06 18:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmerican soldier kill Iraqi child and then hug him
QUOTE (VJ Troll @ Apr 22 2008, 08:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ Apr 22 2008, 09:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (VJ Troll @ Apr 22 2008, 08:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (almaty @ Apr 22 2008, 09:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (VJ Troll @ Apr 22 2008, 08:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do we even know there's a war going on in Iraq?

Maybe the war is actually in Albania.

sounds like a great idea for a movie

We should get Dustin Hoffmann!

Anybody but Nicholas Cage.

What's wrong with Nicolas Cage?!?

Yeah! We could use Ghost Rider right about now too! wink.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-04-22 09:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow to Make your husband Happy
QUOTE (Happy Bunny @ Apr 22 2008, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Gaby&Talbert @ Apr 22 2008, 05:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Break the chain and teach your daughters to not get involved with violent men, teach your sons to respect women and to stand up to men that don't respect women.

I would assume most violent men don't show their violent tendencies until AFTER they're involved.....

Theoretically speaking, it would be a dumb move on the man's part. Of course, I'd wonder what he's really looking for in the relationship if he's acted one way before and another after. She won't want to stay with him if he's a "different" person, especially if becomes increasingly violent.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-04-22 16:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow to Make your husband Happy
QUOTE (Happy Bunny @ Apr 22 2008, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If a man is violent with you, don't worry about karate, just shoot him.

That's right. Follow the Indiana Jones School of Fighting: When dealing with a man swinging a large sword, just shoot him.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-04-22 15:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow to Make your husband Happy
It's a husband's and a wife's duty to take care of each other in multiple ways. Happiness doesn't rely on one person or the other; it's a team effort. When the want and willingness to make it work falls apart, so does the marriage.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-04-22 11:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow to Make your husband Happy
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Apr 22 2008, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I made it very clear from the start, hit me and your A$$ will go to jail. A womans body is fragile, and can not handle even the slightest force against it. My Moroccan man is very sweet and gentle, he would never hurt me. This type of thing is what makes MENA men look bad in American eyes, but lets face it, any culture is capable of this not just Arabic.

I disagree with that statement -- at least, how it's presented here. Not all women are the same (just as not all men are the same) and I've come across some damn sturdy women. Some of these women were far more "hardy" than quite a few men I've known. So to make a blanket statement and say "a woman's body is fragile and cannot handle even the slightest force against it" is probably not all too accurate. It may be in your case, but then again, you're not all women.

As for a man hitting a woman... I'd say it's justifiable if the man is defending his life. In the event the woman is attempting to severely injure or kill the man with a weapon (i.e. knife or firearm), then he'd really have no other choice but to do whatever he could to "take her down." Maybe that's not the most chivalric thing to say or do, but it's better than being dead. Hopefully cases like that would be few and far between too.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-04-22 10:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question about marriage and crossing the border...
Okay, thanks, Neiks. That actually makes me feel quite a bit better. :D

If things go like that, then I really have nothing to worry about! Besides, I've spoken to my fiancee about this, and we both firmly decided that not only is "telling the truth" the best policy, but that we need to relax and remain calm when heading to the U.S. or Canada. Acting anxious will just get us noticed more and probably pulled aside.

So perhaps the best policy is just to be honest, relax and bring documentation that we're each headed back to our home countries after we spend a week with each other and our families. :)
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-05 18:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question about marriage and crossing the border...
Thanks for your input about "secondary" and as I said in a previous post, my fiancee and I have NO plans to get married on this trip...or any other trip in the immediate future. Chances are, we'll have to use the K1, even though it's not the best for us. We'd much prefer the IR1/CR1.

And this raises yet ANOTHER question. How does anyone get to use a K3 or IR1/CR1? I mean, you need to be married BEFORE the fact, right? Well, I've done some research and it seems to me, that in order to get married within the United States, you need a social security number. What I've read is that in order to get an SSN, my fiancee would need to be here via the K1.

So how do people get married in the U.S. without the use of a K1?

Once again, we don't wish to break any laws. So if the K1 is the only way to do it, then...well, that's that. But if there is another way, we'd really appreciate knowing! :)
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-05 17:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question about marriage and crossing the border...
Kathyrn41, thanks for the information. :thumbs:

It's good to know that, as long as we have our documents that prove ties to the U.S. and Canada, we should be let through to our fiance/fiancee's country. The only bit of evidence we won't have will be the K1 visa application. We have no intention of getting married for a while yet (ours is a long engagement), and even when we do, we may apply for a K1 or perhaps do an IR1/CR1--it depends on how everything works out. Everything else, we should be able to get and have ready, just in case we're asked for it.

Question: How long does "secondary" take? We have a flight that leaves at 11:00 AM, and we probably won't be able to get to the airport until 8:30 AM at the earliest. We need to get our boarding passes (stupid airline won't let us print them out online...), go through regular security and then through U.S. customs.

I'm not overly worried about my entrance into Canada. What I'm concerned about is when my fiancee and I come back to the U.S. for our New Years week-long vacation.

Sorry about the constant stream of questions. I guess I'm just an inquisitive guy. ;)
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-05 16:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question about marriage and crossing the border...

I can't speak to what the Canadian BPA would do.. but as a whole, they have been a lot more lenient on allowing SO's entry to visit...

Okay, that's good to know. I only want to visit my fiancee and her family. I have NO intention of marrying her while I am in Canada. I would also bring whatever proof I can as a backup method of proving that I do intend to return to the United States after my visit.

On the US... Maybe.. the course of your relationship is creating a bond that makes it more and more likely that you are a risk for overstaying your period of authorized stay. A boyfriend carries a different kind of perceived bond that a fiancee has and lastly a husband has. The more of a bond that you have to the US.. the less you have to Canada. The fact that you are travelling together could make things worse... or better as they can now question you as well...

The answer is yes.. having a fiancee in the US brings greater risk of denial of entry. Entering for the purpose of marrying a USC I would say would bring an almost automatic denial if it came out... But stranger things have happened...

Well, my fiancee is NOT entering with the intent to marry me. We just want to have a trip together in the U.S. for New Years. If she brought proof (i.e. flight itinerary, pay stubs, letter of employment, apartment contract, etc.) that she's headed back to Canada after her stay with me, would that enable us to make it through unscathed? Or is it really a crapshoot?

Why would traveling together possibly be worse (or better)? How would traveling together even make a difference? We wouldn't go up to the same customs agent at the same time, and I doubt we'd even be in the same line (aren't there different lines for citizens coming back to their home country and visitors?)

Be sure you answer all questions truthfully... answer only what is asked.. but divulge anything that a normal person would be expected to answer.. failure to divulge key information could be interpreted as a material misrepresentation which results in a permanent ban on entering the US... the worst immigration sin there is is to lie...

So it wouldn't work at customs for us to refer to each other as "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" then, huh? Yes, I know that, according to what you wrote, that would be a "failure to divulge key information, which could be interpreted as a material misrepresentation." But the real question is: how would they know? I really don't advocate spinning the truth, but just from looking at us, there's no way customs could tell if we're boyfriend/girlfriend or fiance/fiancee without us telling them. In fact, unless they asked, they wouldn't know of any relationship at all!

I'm NOT saying we WOULD do that. I'm just asking, HOW would customs KNOW the difference unless told? They don't have some "magic relationship reader" at hand or whatever.

Well...unless they specifically ask about our relationship, then we won't mention it. Otherwise, the nature of our trip is a "vacation." That's not lying. It is a vacation. My vacation to Canada and her vacation to the United States. If they specifically ask relationship-related questions, then we'll have to say something about visiting and/or traveling with our "fiance/fiancee." I just hope being honest and doing the "right thing" doesn't mess everything up. :unsure:
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-05 12:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question about marriage and crossing the border...
A two-part question then...

I'm visiting my fiancee (and her family) this Christmas. When the Canadian agents at the airport ask me what the nature of my trip is ("business or pleasure?") and I tell them "pleasure" and they ask more about it, do I divulge I'm going to see my fiancee? Would that keep me out of Canada? :unsure:

On the second half of the trip, my fiancee and I are headed down to the U.S. to be with my family. I shouldn't have a problem getting through customs; however, when they ask my fiancee the same questions the Canadian customs agents asked me, what should she say? If she says she's visiting her fiance's family, would that keep her out of the United States? :o

I don't want to lie when crossing the border. Neither does my fiancee. However, we also don't want to be barred from seeing each other or have our vacation plans ruined this winter. So what do we do?
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-04 15:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question about marriage and crossing the border...
Okay, this is all GREAT news! :D

Now I know my fiancee and I CAN get married within the United States without the use of a K1 visa. Of course, my fiancee will have to bring a number of documents to prove she's returning to Canada. She'd also have to leave the U.S. after the wedding, but that'd be a (legal) necessity in order for us to start filing the IR1/CR1. As I've said before, I don't want to break any laws doing this.

Thanks for all the responses, and information! :thumbs:
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-04 13:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question about marriage and crossing the border...
Okay, now I'm REALLY confused. :help:

On one hand, I'm being told it's ILLEGAL to enter the U.S. with the INTENT to get married (without the use of a K1 Visa), and on the other hand, I'm being told it's perfectly LEGAL, so long as my fiancee (who would then by wife) RETURNS to her home country of Canada, and THEN we file for the IR1/CR1.

Just for the record, we were NEVER planning on having my fiancee stay here in the U.S. during the processing of the IR1/CR1. She'd remain in Canada.

My fiancee would have information regarding her ties to Canada--employment records and so forth. What else would be considered "really good" proof that my fiancee would be returning to Canada after the wedding?

Edited by DeadPoolX, 04 October 2006 - 08:08 AM.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-04 08:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question about marriage and crossing the border...
Well, thanks to both of you for replying to my question. I didn't receive the answer I was hoping to get (although I'm not particularly surprised by the fact that my own country would make the situation as difficult as can be...), but at least I received an answer.

I don't want to break any laws. Besides just being "plain wrong," if we were to get caught, we'd be in some serious doo-doo. So...we have to find a way to make this (legally) work. I'm not sure how we will, but we'll have to find a way. :(
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-04 00:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question about marriage and crossing the border...
I don't get it. I mean...I get it, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If she COULD be denied entry into the United States for merely stating the truth, how does anyone get into the country in order to marry and then process an IR1/CR1?

We'd do the K1 if it'd work for us, but it just won't. The logistics of it fail to comply with what we require in order to make things fall into place. Obviously, not everyone does a K1 visa, so there must be a way to make an IR1/CR1 succeed in our situation.

If there is a way...what would it be? I can't imagine NO ONE has ever entered the U.S. with merely a passport with the intent to get married, return to their home country, and then file an IR1/CR1. SOMEONE here must've been through these same set of events before, or at least, know of someone who has been or is going through them.

Once again, any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks. :)
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-04 00:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question about marriage and crossing the border...
Okay, I've read that you should always tell the truth to customs. However, if my fiancee tells them that she's planning on going across the Canadian-American border in order to marry her fiance, I doubt she'll be allowed entry into the United States.

So what do we do?

Does she say she's just going for a visit or a vacation or whatever?

We don't really like the K1 or the K3 visas (for a number of reasons, one of which being that she has to spend several months or longer unemployable while within the country). The IR1/CR1 is more to our liking, depsite the fact we'd be seperated and she'd have to go back to Canada after the wedding. The thing we're looking at is the fact that she'd immediately be a permanent resident and able to work once everything was finished processing.

So is she allowed to enter the U.S. with her passport and get married to a U.S. citizen? What happens if she's honest and tells customs that as well? Will she be refused entry? If so, what should she say?

If this seems like a stupid post, well...sorry. I just want everything to run as smoothly as possible, and I have a number of questions. That's all.

Thanks ahead of time. :)
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-03 19:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDepartment of State
According to the U.S. Department of State website, they are based in Washington, D.C., and if that's the case, you should time your phone calls along with the Eastern time zone. To make it easier (since you're probably outside the United States), you might want to utilize a free online website such as That link will direct you to a website that has a "time zone converter and calculator" which takes into account daylight saving time (DST), local time zone and accepts dates from the past or the future. It's really a nice little site to have handy, especially when you need to convert time zones. :)
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-11 20:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo you have to apply from within the United States?
My fiancee (who would be my spouse by the time we proceeded with this plan) and I would do DCF if it were still possible. According to the new thread about DCF being eliminated, NO U.S. embassies are allowing it anymore. Since that is the case, our plans have been disrupted. Not as badly as some (who have already poured lots of time and money into the process), but this definitely makes things more complicated.

Yes, what I meant wasn't necessarily about applying (poor choice of words), but the ability for my fiancee (who, once again, would be my spouse by the time we opted to do this) to petition to apply for the IR1/CR1. What I want to know is "can I (the USC) be in Canada while doing all of this, or would I be forced to remain in the United States?"

If the issue is just about maintaining a U.S. domicile, then I have a joint sponsor. You see, right now I am attending a university and have an apartment, but it's not permanent by any means. My "main" residence is also still listed as my father's house (he's the joint sponsor). Is it okay if the sponsor and joint sponsor's "principal" domiciles are one and the same or do they need to be different? I was planning on getting a new home (obviously) before we moved down to the U.S. from Canada (where I'd be getting my PhD), but that may not be in time for the paperwork.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2007-01-24 14:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo you have to apply from within the United States?
Okay, I have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to anywhere on here.

Can someone apply for the IR1/CR1 while in another country or do they have to be living within the U.S. at that time? If I can live in Canada while applying for the IR1/CR1, then that'd be fantastic! If I can't...well, that'd really throw a wrench into the works.

Anyway, help would be appreciated. :)

Edited by DeadPoolX, 24 January 2007 - 12:44 AM.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2007-01-24 00:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCanadian Fiancee - Need Help!
Thanks a lot! :D

This bit of knowledge helps out quite a bit.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-09-19 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCanadian Fiancee - Need Help!
Hi all,

I'm new here, as you can probably tell. I'm engaged to a wonderful, beautiful, absolutely amazing woman from Canada. We'd like to get married within the next couple of years and I'm not entirely sure how to go about it.

You see, I know about the K-1 Visa, and all, but there's another potential issue...

I've read that the U.S. citizen has to prove that they can financially support the incoming foreigner. Well, here's the kicker. I'm in college right now. We were planning on getting married when I'm starting (or in) graduate school to get my doctorate. Even if I do make some money while doing grad work, it surely won't be a lot, and I won't have time for a full-time job (and even if I did, I probably wouldn't make enough to satisfy the support requirements since all I'd have is a B.S. degee; most doctoral programs don't require you to have a terminal M.A. or M.S. degree before entering them since you attain that within the doctoral program) so how in the world would I prove financial support for my fiancee?

Yes, my fiancee will be working, and I'll be recieving stipends for my work in graduate studies, but overall, it won't be the same as if I had a full-fledged career going. Is there a way for someone to co-sign or something? If there is, I could always get my father to do it, since he makes more than enough to satisfy the U.S. government's requirement.

I apologize if this is in the FAQ somewhere (I looked, and I didn't see it, but that doesn't mean it isn't there...) or this question seems rather silly. The point is that it's important to both my fiancee and me, and any help would be very much appreciated. :)
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-09-19 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about visas in general
Well, I'm confused. That's putting it mildly. I've looked up information about the different visas and read over many, many different threads and posts, and all I've come back with is bewilderment.

I'd basically like to know WHICH visa would be the best for my fiancee and me in our situation. Yes, I have read the comparison list; however, I think I need some human input on the subject.

Okay, here's the lowdown: My fiancee and I have known each other for around four years or more and been together as a couple for a little over a year. We met online. We've recently become engaged. She's a Canadian citizen, and I'm an American citizen. Now off-hand, one might suggest the K1 visa, as that is designed for foreign fiancees to enter the U.S. for 90 days, in which they must get married and then immediately file for AOS, an SS card and an EAD. If I have any of this wrong, please correct me.

We won't be getting married until I've finished my college undergraduate work and have entered graduate school (or immediately before). To make a long story short, I'll be attending to my studies pretty much full-time. I won't really have the time for a job while in graduate school, or if I do, it won't be much since all I'll have is a B.S. degree. Basically, my fiancee needs to be able to come down and immediately look for (and hopefully attain) work. She doesn't want to be without work for several months straight, or longer. I know I can PROBABLY get a joint sponsor out of my Dad, but we need to be able to support ourselves.

Then there's the issue of the wedding itself. With a 90 day limitation, that doesn't leave a whole lot of time for a--as my fiance puts it--"real wedding." She doesn't want a "quickie wedding" and I'm inclined to agree. While my fiancee is fine with a small wedding, she wants something that is memorable and all.

Another potential sore point with the K1 is that my fiancee wouldn't be allowed to leave the country during the processing. She doesn't like that. She's afraid of what might happen in Canada--a family emergency or something. Is there a way for her to go back, in the case of an emergency, without voiding the K1?

What happens to my fiancee after we're married (assuming we do the K1) and we file for AOS, SS and EAD, and all of those take longer than 90 days to complete? Does my fiancee have to go back to Canada or can she stay with me?

Now...about the K3. Does it matter WHERE we're married? Could we get married in the United States or Canada and do the K3? Is my fiancee even allowed to enter the U.S. from Canada using her passport, claiming it's for a visit and then marry an American citizen? Would she have to state upfront her intentions to marry me? Would that prohibit her from entering the country? Do I have to be in the U.S. in order to apply for the K3? In other words, I'd still be a citizen, but could I visit my fiancee after she goes back to Canada after our wedding (as per K3 procedure) for extended periods of time? Could I visit her at all? Could she visit me? After the wedding, does she have to go back immediately, or can she stay in the U.S. for a certain amount of time--or does doing so prolong the K3 process?

What about the IR1/CR1? I've read that in some circumstances it's faster and that the foreign spouse can enter as a permanent resident, with the ability to work. Does this mean they don't need to file for AOS or get an EAD? Do they get their greencard immediately? This would be nice, as it'd allow my fiancee to enter the U.S. and work immediately, but I've also read that she wouldn't be able to join me until ALL of the processing is complete. During the processing time, could I visit her in Canada?

And finally, the DCF. I've read that in order to do this in Canada, I'd need to be a resident of that country for two years (I think). Maybe I'm wrong about that. Whatever the case, I'd need to be living there. And I'm not. However, if I did my masters degree (and maybe even my doctorate, although I've prefer persuing that in the U.S.) in Canada on a student visa, would that allow me the ability to go through with a DCF? Or would the student visa prohibit that? The DCF would be the preferred method, as it's the fastest way to go and enables us to get what my fiancee and I want. But it may be impossible.

Anyway, sorry about this extremely long and verbose post. I just had a lot to say and ask. Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks ahead of time! :)
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2006-10-03 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDrug Use
QUOTE (Racerly @ Mar 25 2008, 02:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please help. During K1 medical of course they will require drug test... I'm sure most people have used drugs at some point of their life. How long will the drug stay in your body? Or does it depend what kind of drug it was used? What if it's just mariajuana or weed? What if you took it 4 months ago or 6 months ago will it show on the medical results at the embassy?

If you took a drug four-to-six months ago (and haven't used it since), you'll be fine. Different drugs will stay in your body for different amounts of time; however, they'll usually remain for somewhere around a few days to a few weeks or in more rare cases, about a month. Any longer than that and the drug will have passed through your system.

Do make sure to list and/or explain any and all prescription medications you're currently taking. Sometimes, the chemicals in illegal and legal drugs are so similar (or legal medication can be used for illegal purposes), that unless it's on record that you take that medication, the drug lab screening you will assume you having taken the substance through illegal means.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2008-03-25 02:47:00
CanadaCanadians on US Health Care reform
I've experienced both the American and Canadian versions of health care. Neither one is perfect, but if I had my choice, I'd go with American health care. It does cost more, but as with most things in life, you get what you pay for.

In the U.S., I've never had to wait more than a few days for any procedure. If I wanted to see a doctor -- a specialist, not a GP -- I could do so within a day or two. There was never any wait and I certainly didn't need a referral. Did I need health insurance? Yup. I had Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Texas and it certainly wasn't cheap, but it paid for my prescription medication and I never had to wait to see a doctor. That alone makes the cost worth it.

In Canada, it's difficult to find a GP who is even accepting patients. Once you do, however, you need to get a referral from them in order to see a specialist. Then it's time to play the "waiting game." I've used this example before, but in May my GP scheduled an appointment for me to see an ENT. The earliest I could get squeezed in was the middle of August.

BC Health Care requires premiums (despite the fact you also pay for it in taxation) and it doesn't cover prescription medication. For that I'd need separate insurance from a provider like Blue Cross. Some benefit. rolleyes.gif

But that's the Canadian health care system -- everyone gets it, but expect long wait times, extra costs in premiums and higher taxes and the need for private insurance if you require medication.

Edited by DeadPoolX, 26 July 2009 - 01:44 AM.

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-07-26 01:44:00
CanadaMore Canadian cities added to Google Street View
According to the Globe and Mail nine more Canadian cities to Google Street View: Victoria, Nanaimo, B.C., Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Sudbury, Ont., London, Ont., Sherbrooke, Que., and St. John's, N.L.

I've already started "spying" in those cities. Well, the cities I've been to (Victoria, Nanaimo and Edmonton), but it's still fun.
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-12-02 19:48:00
CanadaA little laugh for the designers...
As I resurrect this thread, here's an article about company logos that designers (and those who know them) might find amusing.

Just so you all know, the logos shown in that article are all REAL. I even looked some of them up just to be sure. tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-12-09 08:23:00
CanadaA little laugh for the designers...
I just saw this thread now and all I have to say is... OMFG! That is, unfortunately, so damn true. Really. wacko.gif

Loved the comic, Sprailenes. tongue.gif

I have a friend who'd really like to see this. She had a client one time refuse to pay her for her work because the "economy is bad and he needs to make money." blink.gif

To complement that comic, here's a video off YouTube:

DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-12-05 12:35:00
CanadaWeird Things Americans Have Said To/Asked Me
You know what I don't understand about Halloween? Why don't kids go door-to-door when trick-or-treating anymore? It seems parents take them to malls or other gatherings now. I remember checking out the entire neighborhood while looking for candy. That was in the 80s, but come on... it's not like it's suddenly become too dangerous to trick-or-treat. Hell, I'd do it if it wouldn't look so odd. tongue.gif
DeadPoolXMaleCanada2009-10-27 12:07:00