K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for some hope...
So basically I will have to be apart from my Fiancee for a few months after the K1 arrives. After reading some of the trials that others have gone through, I know I am a lucky one then to be able to see my fiancee so much....

I have a lot of respect for everyone who has to face this ordeal, and I know with my wifey to be, it only makes me that much more sure what we share is Something that will last. It will be difficult for the first little while afterwards, not being able to work, then finding a job once the EAD clears, but I think after that all the stress of things to come will all be worth it and we can truly be happy. I wish everyone on these forums the same. Right now I just want to know as much as I can before the time comes, because knowledge is the best weapon to have when it comes to anything really... thank you again for the help so far... LOL
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-13 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for some hope...
Well I must admit, all the answers have eased my mind a bit, TY to all who have said some useful advice, and especially for the hint to get my long form birth certificate. Didnt even think of that... LOL

From the sounds of it, I think I will be in the same boat as IAmPatricias... I have a feeling that I will be getting an RFE letter sooon after my 5 months has come up. I know that worrying and freaking out is pointless, but when it has everything to do with your happiness being out of your control, I think that is what gets to me. But thank you again to everythone for their good advice and kind words, I hope my journey goes quickly so I can be with my fiancee soon enough.

Why is it the more you love a person, the harder it is do say until next time, and the longer it seems until the next time actually comes? Even if it is only a few weeks?

One question, once the K1 comes in, does that mean my next border crossing is my last? I am planning on staying back for a month or two to properly train someone for my job, and tie up any loose ends. I don't know if I could stand not being able to see her for 2 months really, and I would like to know if I can visit after being accepted for the K1, or once I hit the Ambassador, I HAVE to activate the K1. thx again.
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-13 09:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking for some hope...
New to the site here. In September, my now Fiancee and I filed for the K1 Visa, not truly knowing how nerve racking it truly would be. All of our paperwork has been sent off, and so far seems like everything is going alright. We have had no contact since, unfortunately, and now I am starting to freak out a bit....

I have seen processing times differ between cases, but usually it seems like people are notified every time their case is even touched by a person at the USICS, I dont think we have had one, and I figure thats a bad thing. But I have faith that by valentines we should receive at least a notice of action, because that will be our 5 month date. After that, I don't know what to do. I just wish their site was not so vague on details I suppose, because with everything we will have to get ready for, and no definate date we can set yet, we are starting to worry a bit.

I just want to know if the 5 month average is for the process to be complete, or the time frame between NOA1 and 2. I just want to be with my baby, plain and simple. Any information that could be slid my way, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,

Andrew D F Edwards
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-12 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresconsulate confusion

Yep, like amykathleen2005 said, NVC knows where the paperwork needs to know. The USCIS, however, does not, so our NOA2 came back with "Toronto" listed as our consulate, though we are definitely processing through Montreal, so when the day for your approval comes, don't worry about your NOA2 telling you to go to Tel Aviv.

Did the same thing... any problems so far with you doing that? Too bad they didnt do them at the consulate in Toronto... that's only an hour from here... LOL
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-10 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE after almost 5 months.....
great.... beacause I dont use CC's, and because I normally pay with cash, I will not be getting my K1 it looks like.... Because of people just looking to use the system for a green card in the past, I have a feeling I am going to get hosed on this.


If I could I would bring her here, but with cost of living, me only being in my job for a few years compared to her, her working for the city there, it is not logical for me to make her pack everything up and move up here. We have talked about the rest of our lives together, and are actually looking forward to it, for the first time in my life I am happy for what is to come, and now because of what they say a lack of evidance, even though we gave everything we possibly could and had, looks like the USCIS will deny me? Not bloody likely. I have fought for a lot in my past, but if it comes to it, the past will look like a playground arguement compared to this. I refuse to beleive I cannot be with the woman of my dreams becasue some pencil necked paper pusher wants to know everything about our lives together. We are homebodys, we are recluses, we are perfect for eachother... thats all they need to know. Sorry about the rant.. I am just frustrated, and upset..... Who knows, maybe they will actually take into initiative, look at the times I have crossed and come back, and cross refrence the receipts and other secondary evidance they have... but that seems too much like work I suppose.


I feel a bit better now... sorry for that guys.... :S
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-16 08:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE after almost 5 months.....
We have only had our one hotel stay in Detroit.... the rest of the time I have driven to Ohio to be with her. We have sent in ticket stubs from movies, our trip to cedar point, all those trivial things we sent in to back up we have physically met, I mean why wouldnt a time dated photo be acceptable as proof of meeting? Its not like I photoshopped myself on the picture... LOL But right now I am getting a schedule down of all my visits to include with the passport photos... I am praying that they can pull up my entries to the us and see that they do match up to the dates I will include... I just don't know what else I can do other than affadavits and all the other secondary evidance we have.....
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-15 11:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE after almost 5 months.....

It sounds to me like they are asking for proof of meeting in person in the last two years. You cannot go and ask for a stamp now, because you need proof that you met in the two years before you sent in the petition (ie you must be eligible at the time of submission, can't get eligible now if you weren't then). What did you send in as proof of meeting?

Exactly what the forms had asked.... we sent in hotel receipts, color photos, the receipt for the engagement ring, the signed letters of intent, there wasn't much more we could have done other than the passport. I feel stupid now for not including it, but the stamp thing is going to hurt me isn't it? Right now I just don't know what else I can do, I just want to be with her so badly, and from the sounds of it, I won't be able to.... it is depressing me to no end..... :(
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-15 07:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE after almost 5 months.....
Okay, so heres the situation now....

We have the RFE. It is asking for copies of my Passport and all stamps, here is the problem. I have always used the Ambassador bridge to cross, and not once have the border crossing officers given me a stamp for my passport. Will this cause a problem with the RFE? I really want to find this out quickly because the RFE expiry is the 12th of March (I know, more than enough time) If it will be a problem not having stamps I can probably get one this weekend on my next trip, but I am just wondering if they can pull up all the information from the systems since the passport was scanned in. I could send the copies to my fiancee in Ohio right now, if I knew the stamps weren't direly needed......
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-14 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE after almost 5 months.....

At least someone is looking at your file now.

Forgot about that one important thing there..... Thank you for making me see that while I am in a bit of a spot, at least there is more progress than before.... :)

But I brought up the phone records as a way of showing it has been ongoing. Thank god Rogers has the unlimited North America plan, and I snapped it up when I did... LOL
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-11 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE after almost 5 months.....

Don't stress! I got an RFE last week and it was because of me missing anything. They wanted to know what state we were getting married in. Now that's frustrating!

Seriously? The State? I dont even remember talking about that with her when we were filling in the papers... :S

Maybe it was just some omitted detail... I dunno. It just sucks they dont explain it for #######.... :(
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-11 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE after almost 5 months.....
Well, its official, after almost 5 months of feeling confident that the forms, pictures, phone records, and hotel bill would get me to my baby, an RFE is released in our names. Still havent seen the list of things they need, but I am not sure what else we can do to prove to them that we are in a comitted relationship.....

I do think it's BS that showing receipts from dinner and movies and gass bills are accepted forms of primary evidence, yet time stamped photos are secondary along with phone records.... It shows us together, and how often we talk to eachother..... :(

I have seen stories of other people on here with less evidance getting accepted, and it disheartens me to see my RFE. I can't really show passport stamps, because they just give me a quick scan and send me on my way.... what else can we include to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt we are together, and want to be for years to come?
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-02-11 08:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 online couple/evidence of ongoing relationship
You are worried about admitting to meeting your hunny online? Welcome to the club! There are many of us on this site.

I have talked to a few, be it meeing in chat rooms, through dating sites, World of Warcraft, or myself through the X Box.... It doesn't matter how, just that its true, and every one of us have some sort of story to tell.... Mine is about operation human shield, and we laugh every time it comes up...

But just enjoy what you have, and just know it will get stronger and better once the distance is gone... that helps me get through the days apart..... And know that all of us know what its like, and will be here to listen and try to help if there are any questions.
CaBOoSEMaleCanada2011-01-27 12:19:00