Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative process im stuck
Contact your congressmen or senator, I dont know if any of you live in California if you do then contact Barbra Boxer use her website to start an inquiry one of her assistants will contact you in a few days. They have connections that make things happen..... I have seen it happen multiple time. Good luck'
sn530MalePakistan2012-06-16 21:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)US Citizen, Spouse was refused a Visa after the interview, Walima Requirement
walima pictures as a requirement for marriage? waoh ok! i thought the nikanamma and wedding pictures would have been sufficient!
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-30 14:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy Denied Visa

I am so sorry. I am also so ashamed of the way US Embassy people treat foreigners. Americans should treat others better than this, with basic human dignity. I want you to tell your spouse that this is not the America that is true to its values.

I wish you all the best to getting a visa (F)

Have you ever gone to traffic Court? or DMV? .... i think one can relate the experiances are similar to that of a forigner at the embassy for an interview. Some people are with intent just trying to find one way or another to enter the US and its unfortunate the actions of the few cause many others to suffer for the actions of a few.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-16 18:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy Denied Visa

Thank you for the information....but 180 days??? :( So we are looking at the end of this year just to be able to respond.

nope....not with a 5 page REF and my original docs lost

I Dont know what other people are doing, my understanding is submit only necessary information and take additional documentation as necessary to the interview.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-16 18:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy Denied Visa

This is pure curiosity, and I apologize I can't be more helpful, but why did you send in 2000 pages in response to a RFE? This is good to know for the future... Best of luck...

why do i get the feeling they have to electronically keep documents and not physical record?.... i think someone did not want to have to scan 4 REAMS of paper! seriously 2,000 pages of documentation?.... dont you think that was a bit on the excessive side? ... just a little bit?
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-16 15:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy Denied Visa

Many people have kids together, all it takes is 5 minutes or less. LOL

Yeah it dosent get anymore Bonafied then that! :whistle:

Edited by sn530, 16 July 2012 - 03:27 PM.

sn530MalePakistan2012-07-16 15:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy Denied Visa
Its very unfortunate the departments do this sort of things, Because the actions of a few influence the judgement of individuals that affects the mass amounts of people.

what seems to amaze me is the request to provide proof of a bonified relationship when the couple have KIDS together... i dont know what more proof is needed.... perhaps a video of the creation process ... i dont know! :blink:
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-16 13:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy Denied Visa

You can't go by my time line. I had filed a lawsuit against the State Department because of being in AP so long. The embassy rushed our case back to NVC and we got our NOIR in record time. All in all I would say 2 to 3 months for us to be reaffirmed and case sent back to the embassy.

....Note to self : " DO NOT MESS WITH Carolynhotstuff"
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-16 13:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)how to contact embassy
Call this number
Tel: (92) 51-208-2700

when the recording starts push 1
then second recording starts push 7
then when the next recording starts push 1

best way to get a hold of someone is when you call the embassy push 0 and 0 it routes the call to a operator speak in urdu! Everytime i spoke english they would hang up on me! call right at when they open! i think thats 12:30 .
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-05 12:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Going to another Country while case is in AP

Dont lose job chance just give request passport back and give the reason why requesting passport back...coz No buddy knows when AP is complete.

sn530MalePakistan2012-09-17 11:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Waiver I-212

Never able to connect any person whom i can talk always listen recording pist off now from this feel there is no one to answer phone or on email.

when the recording starts just push 0 it connects to operator... although half the time they hangup, it has worked for me before.
sn530MalePakistan2012-10-01 16:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Tax Transcripts & W2s and their acceptance !
only the Petitioner and Beneficiary are allowed to enter the embassy, co-sponsor and others have no reason to be present.
Copies are fine as long as they are ledgable and do not look like they have been altered! They generally trace the W2's to the Tax's Filed!
sn530MalePakistan2012-10-02 17:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Job Changed & Case completed at NVC

Thank you london92 & sn530 for your reponses on this post.

By the way, sn530 & london92 both of you have an interview date line up in this month. Good luck with your interview :thumbs:

Thanks and goodluck to my fiance she is the one going to the interview! as the day gets closer i think i am spending more and more time on here worrying about it!
sn530MalePakistan2012-10-02 17:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Job Changed & Case completed at NVC

Hi sn530,

I was thinking about the questions CO asked in other cases from the beneficiary about where your husband/wife works and what title?

Now, in this case my wife will answer about the new job title and Employer info which is obviously not going to match what stated on the AOS form they have it. So, I think taking a new AOS form with Current Employer letter will help.

You are right provide what they asked not more then that :thumbs:

yes exactly, thats why take the info with you as long as she can tell were you worked before and tell them you have changed jobs then its fine! I would consider the interviewing agents at the embassy are human and they would realize people do change jobs and they do move for jobs and over time income goes up. There for if your wife can explain the variance in the question and answer and update them with new information and has backup ready she is in good standings!
sn530MalePakistan2012-10-02 17:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Job Changed & Case completed at NVC

I am in the same situation as well my fiancee just started working fulltime and her old affidavit of support is not valid as it doesnt show her current income. So i asked her to send me a new 1 along with her recent payslips and a letter from her employer which i will take to the interview directly. In your case i would send it to the nvc and take it to the embassy as well. just to be on safe side.

Agree with you however Suggest not sending additional documentation unless requested. At this point if you send anything to the NVC center they will have to forward it to the embassy and it will more then likely not make it with your packet... just hold on to it take it with you.. if they ask for the forms then provide it.
Keep in mind the forms are filled out long time ago, and if everyone started updating the forms it would really make a lot of work for the embassy!
ONLY submit additional documentation if it will help your case! DO NOT submit additional unnecessary or nonrequested items!
sn530MalePakistan2012-10-02 17:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Facebook and Skype Chat History Print ?
Any proof that can be submitted is at the discretion of the interviewing agent, weather they accept and find it to be useful or unnecessary. If you would like to take chat history/images and you feel it will help you.. then do it! I have read cases from others were they have not been asked for proof of ongoing relationship, others have submitted 500pages and been declined visa. Its better to go prepared! however the best proof is the involvement of the family with you. Taking pictures of each other spending time with the family is very strong proof of a pious and honest relationship

Edited by sn530, 02 October 2012 - 05:21 PM.

sn530MalePakistan2012-10-02 17:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Interview Experience

Since your case is similar to my case , and u are pakistani having a interview in Abu Dhabi, i should just be prepare for myself and Aamir that we will be put on AP also at interview stage...SIGH ..................

I would hate to be the one to tell you guys this but I have a few friends who had to breakup Engagements because they could not get a visa, and all of them were living outside of pakistan. I dont know what it is but it seems to be a pattern. I hope you are one of the first to prove this pattern to be incorrect and wrong.
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-24 17:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Interview Experience

The US embassy Abu Dhabi returns the passports to all people who get AP because you have to give back your passport to your UAE sponsor. But the thing I don't understand is why they gave back my original Birth certificate and original police certificates. They only took copies of these documents.

They returned your birth certificate because they have already varified your birth there is no need for it anymore, same thing with the police report. I have seen them ask other to resubmit documentation but they do not ask for those hese items again because they will probably not change . Police report they may ask for another more updated one but its also unlikely. They took copies so they can keep them for there records.
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-23 22:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Interview Experience
Did the cosponsor go with you to the embassy? Like the post above says returning the passport might not be a good sign. So I guess now starts the wait for AP.I have heard of some people getting visa within a few weeks after AP so don't let this experiance let you down. It could just be a agent having a bad day.
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-23 09:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Reply of my email from embassy
Contacting senators and other agencies sometimes slows the case down. best thing to do is contact the Embassy directly if you have not heard anything for a while and make a pleading rather then having others check on the case status.
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-19 17:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)What Is A-Number ????
Looks like you got your answer!
sn530MalePakistan2012-12-12 16:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP after petition reaffirmed
when was the last time you went to pakistan?
sn530MalePakistan2013-01-07 19:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP after petition reaffirmed

You can't get into Islamabad embassy without an appointment. I know they won't give us an appointment until they are ready to do the interview. We just have to wait and let our congressman's office do their thing with checking on our case every month.

see if you find a method to contact Hillary Clinton... (no im not joking) she is one of the only embassador that has a influential presense in pakistan. She use to have a way to contact her when she was a senator but now she is the secreaty of "department of states" which is a direct link to whom you need help from. If you figure out a way might want to share it with others who have been stuck in AP for a while. I searched online for a while could not turn up anything.
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-24 14:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP after petition reaffirmed
Carolina I guess what you gotta do is do some carolinahotstuff footing to Islamabad embassy and talk to the horses mouth and see if that helps. I have a feeling it wount do much considering the current affairs of Pakistan and the USA ..... don't really know how to explain the ediotic behavior of mob mentality.
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-24 09:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP after petition reaffirmed
Has the embassy made any contact with you or your husband?
When and what was the last contact they made or interaction you had?
What's your future game plan and is there anything you are working on or doing to progress your case?
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-23 23:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP after petition reaffirmed
I hope something happens for your case soon.
sn530MalePakistan2012-09-23 10:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME

She find a jon 8 $ per hour onky can work 40 hours per week.wht u think.she tlk to a laywer he told jer tht embassy shoukd accpet socical security pays or statment. If nothin haopen after 3 monthe we will sens embassy the job latters she got hope it will help out if its requirment meet min amount.

Minimum income requirment for 2 individuals by USCIS is about $19,500 lets round that up to 20,000 for safe measures. A person works 2,080 hrs a year working 40hrs a week. with that estimate income should be a little over $10/hr I hope your fiance is able to find a higher paying job. I dont know where you will be living but living on minimum wage is vitually impossible without some sort of assistance and only working 40hrs a week.
sn530MalePakistan2013-03-13 16:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME

the interview was on couple of questions.he saw our pics and dint ask for any other prof or anything much about me. the poin he raise to me tht u write on ur application tht ur fincace is home make,means no job at the moment,i said tht she get every money social security checks.he said tht do u hav those documents means prof of checks i said we allready giv it in file.he said we dont hav it.even i know i send thm.thn i said can i send thm later he said yes u can . and then he said to me tht i hav bit confusein about ur visa and he give me a blue sheet with only 1 mark tht is (likly to bcome public charge) thts all

now why she got social security cos he worked passed years tht y state pay her,its her own money but she dont get any benifit from gov.we use joint sponcer cos we dint meet thorw povert guaidline .and plus we thought case must b strong .but tht time we wasnt know tht thy dnt accpet join sponcer for K1 officer alos told me when i said tht we hav joint sponcer. she get about 2105$ every money tht is around 24000$.joint sponcer is her a very close friend. tht make around 50000$ per year.
now what he sould do at tht stage,should we call uscis or nvc ? we dint provide thm pay stub.and thy dint ask what we should do .


Social Security is something that everyone pays into but only get if people meet a certain catagory. Regardless of the situation people who are on Social Security are already a public charge and thus the beneficiary is also to become a public charge. The USCIS would probably frown upon that. I would suggest getting a job and getting off of social secuirty. I have not seen many people with low income get K1 visa hopefully I am wrong and someoen can tell me otherwise.

Besides that good luck!
sn530MalePakistan2013-03-12 11:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)K1 VISA ADMINISITRATIVE PROCESSING TIME

hope everybody will be fine,i had interview on 31JAN 2013 ISLAMABAD pakistan after few questions the conslour officer give me blue refusal sheet with senction212a(4)(become a public charage) even i have joint sponcer .she is a home maker dont hav job but she get checks every month amount 2105$ from social security ,they have my passport yet and they give me a blue sheet denial writen and some other .thy have my passport yet,when i check my case status .it was updated on 2FEB like that

(your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrativ processing.this processing can take sevral weeks,plz follow any instrustions provided by consular officer at the time of interview,if futher information is will be contacted)

now i check the status today on 25FEB status was updated but same status that i wrriten please anybody can tell or have any experince that what they doing now or what will happen many weeks it will take more cos it allready taken 25DAY.will i recive visa or not .or what will b there nest step .will i revice some kind of call or latter ?
hav a nice day

Can you provide a DETAILED transcript of what happend at your interview?
what questions were asked and what your responce was? (This gives a better understanding of what the red flag would be)

you mention that the joint sponsor gets a social secuity check? Once again not sure what the issues are with the case to beging with but if you think that it was due to this then. How much is the income of the Petitioner? (person sponsoring you) and why do you need a joint sponsor? who is the joint sponsor and why do they get social security?

Immigration department does realize that some people who are filing for K1 visa or CR1 were previously Students and during educaiton they might not have had a job thus it is ok to have No imcome prior year, however during the sponsoring time they also ask for past 3 months of pay stubs. purpose of that is to show that you NOW have a job and are projecting to make more then the poverty guidlines. Basically need to show proof that the income is over $24,000 for the year.

Couple of things that the embassy will look further into is, Education, Age, Race, Demographics of 2 individuals beneficiary and petitioner, Career path. These are all aspects that are reviewed, the background check also goes into the review of a persons credibility to repay credit. NO one can tell why you are in AP or how long you will be in ap. some peopel never get out of AP or are stuck in it for 3 to 5 years!

anyways good luck!
sn530MalePakistan2013-02-27 19:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)CEAC Status changed From Ready To AP
I hope what posts above say is true because i have seen the opposit happen. Someone i kno the siye says issued but DOS says in AP.
sn530MalePakistan2013-03-24 11:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Story at embassy and administrative processing
It's common don't take it personally it's because Pakistan became one of the countries that had a lot of men coming to usa through this route then not maintaining a relationship with the citizens that sponsored them. Just hang in there if things go well you will hear back from them soon.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-22 20:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)VISITING MY WIFE! I NEED ADVICE!!!!

There is very little you can do to help the case once it is in AP, most of it has to do with whatever process it is going through, and since you do not know what the issue could be then there really is no solution. (not sure if that makes sense) basically if you dont konw what the problem is, its hard to come up with a answer to the problem.


However there are a few things that people often overlook such as preparing for the interview in the first place. (yes preparing... do you have any idea who many times married people from abroad dont know how to spell there significant others Last name... or even know the parents name, and what city they will be going to or what the other person does for a living) 

Second Items that is very good proof of a genuin relationship is the involvement of family.  Most South Asian families are very Family oriented, its very uncommon that the family is not involved with the unity of two individuals.... so pictures with large groups of family, something signifiying that the two people are accepted and recognized as a couple is very important and probably the best proof.


so in your trip to Pakistan take pictures you and her with Family, Friends and different locations.


Also honesty is the best policy, explain why what were and how wheverever they ask at an interview and dont try to make something up they can usualy tell, most people who interview individuals on a regular basis and if that is there job function they learn to be able to detect when someone is being honest and not.


other then that good luck!

sn530MalePakistan2013-08-16 12:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is it worth Hiring an attorney in regards to AP?
Sometimes people dont realize the more work attornies create the more they get paid. Only 4 professions exist that no one can live without and feel screwed after they deal with them 1. Dentist 2. Auto repair 3. Attorney and 4. Insurance.
sn530MalePakistan2013-09-11 21:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Is this the dreaded ISL AP?
If they gave her a token (its a slip with a number on it) that's a good sign it is used to Clame the passport from the courier service. That means it won't take long.
sn530MalePakistan2013-09-13 08:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker


Not much of a 'smart VJ' person. But my two cents on that response from the DOS is that he has cleared the security clearances. Once the security clearances are done, the information is sent back to the consular officer. He then has to make a final decision on the case; visa or no visa, that is if they have done any needed field investigations.



I agree with Waleed, the DOS sometimes will miss read or miss interpret the notes on file, you can call them again to varifiy what you have been told. Meaning call again to check status but dont tell them "i called earlier and they said so and so" just ask them for update on case same way you did before and see if they tell you the same thing. If they do then the information you have is true and correct and inshallah soon there will be some action on your case unless they want to put you back in AP for some other reason.

sn530MalePakistan2013-08-02 17:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Hi guys just wanted to stop by and say salam and hello. I have been reading some posts here and there I hope with the month of ramadan coming to an end next  week some visas start getting issued soon.  Ones again I hope for the best for all keep each others in your prayers. Did anyone get a visa that was on ap for long ? 

sn530MalePakistan2013-08-01 14:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Hey guys,

I have been missing in action for a while, I hope some people have gotten there visa issued there were in AP. My wife and I had our Adjustment of Status Interview a few weeks ago. It went well.... considering the fact i forgot our wedding date :D  The agent we had at the office was super nice and the interview was more of a socializing meeting then anything else. My wifes Green card was requested and sent to be printed... inshallah she should get it within a few days.

Once again if anyone needs some help with filing the Documents or have some questions contact me I am always willing to help or guide.

sn530MalePakistan2013-05-31 15:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Hey guys have not been here for a while got a bit busy with work. Have we got any good news recently ? Anyone get out of AP after a long period ?
sn530MalePakistan2013-04-30 12:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Does anyone know if you can still telephone the embassy? What hours do they take phone calls?

I called the embassy and the only way i was able to get through to them was by pressing "0" and keep pressing "0" at all ques. It started rining and someone picked up I talked to them. Then the next time i did that they would just hangup on me. But atleast this way you dont have to listen throuh the whole promop to get no responce at the end. Look at the embassy contact at the portal the number is there.
sn530MalePakistan2013-03-25 16:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Hi everyone,

My husband's visa was denied and our case was sent back to USCIS. We appealed and won so our case was sent back to the embassy. Sense then we have been in AP for 8 months.

A few days ago the embassy sent my husband an email requesting a new medical, DS230, police certificate, affidavit of support and his passport. Yesterday I got an email from my lawyer saying the embassy had contacted her. They want to do a telephone interview with me and couldn't reach me. So she sent them my phone number and I guess I need to stay home for the next few days.

I am hopeful that we will get the visa soon because they asked for his passport. I am praying for all of us to get our visa's soon.

Thats some really good news! I hope you get a call very soon and maybe you should consider setting up call forwarding to your mobile if you dont pickup at home :D
sn530MalePakistan2013-03-05 11:07:00