Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

dear sn and other friends keep me in your prayers for my upcoming interview..

Keep others in your prayer and we will keep you in ours.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-12 03:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
To the people who messaged me just wanted to tell you guys I got your messages I am doing best to memorize everyone's names and truly praying from the bottom of my heart. I am at our mosque right now and they will be starting a nightly lecture I'm sharing the link below of the past lectures of every night, I encourage everyone to listen to these 20 min lecture I can promise you you will at least laugh once and gain a world of knowladge. From these lectures you yourself will find a way to relate with the teachings, just wanted to share this.


Listen to lecture 3 or 4 its a good one to relate to.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-12 00:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Last ten days of Ramadan are here and these are known to be the best few nights to ask for our prayers to be answered. I was at taravie yesterday at our masjid the lecture was about praying for others. So the next few nights I'm only going to pray for others and not myself,. Because to be honest I think Allah already has given me things and taken care of me. So if you want me to remwmebwr you by name and pray for you send me an IM. Next taravie is in 12 hours from now.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-10 11:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
So I did some research online and if for some reason you feel your case has fallen through the cracks the place to direct inquiries to is the us counslate general in karachi..... has anyone here done this yet?
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-09 02:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

I among many of you here feel the pain of being felt like your stuck in a broken system with no where to go. No one to ask for help, no where to go for comfort. However my hope remains that we will all make it and that we won't let this broken system break us. I refuse to be trapped in a document driven system of someone to tell you that your not in love. As long as I know what is true in my heart I will remain strong and I encourage every one here and others who are not on this forum to remain strong with your head up high. We have too many people counting on us to let any one of them down. Brothers sisters son daughters and parents all looking up to us for the encouragement they need to move forward. Stay strong and prosper. Were all in this together.


Perhaps we should try and brain storm some ideas of possibly locating a resource that could actually HELP and not the phone number to the embassy that leads to no more then another daily pill of endless hope.

Do we know of any Senitors that have some sort of connections?
How about contacting the embassaidor of US to Pak?
is there an ombudsman that will interact between embassy and applicant?
somem individual who feels they have some sort of responsiblity to resolve these issues?
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-08 01:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
I bet there is a complaint box inside the embassy probably hidden behind a vending machine. I can't say for sure about every government agency but majority of my professional career has been spent working government jobs and there is always a path or channel which complaints are to be directed . I can't say I agree with everyone's view of the interviewing agents as the bad guys, they also have to justify by documentation of opinion. We also have to take into account many years of abuse of the system. I personally met and know 3 very wonderful women whom were taken advantage of and left with broken hearts promises and children when the honesty of just wanting American citizenship...still makes me sick thinking of what kind of animal would do this but that's the reality of it all. Thanks to the few rotten apples the whole bunch suffer. Btw if anyone wants to take there anger out on this broken system I could accidently give you some addresses of people who broke it feel free to go ask them. : )
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-07 23:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Well I may not be going through Islamabad but I follow you all and I love you all you truly inspire me. Especially my girl EAbbas. mmwah But to you birthday (um is it boyt or girl sorry) this is for you.

mememememememe lalalalalala do-re-me-fa-so-la-te-doPosted ImagePosted Image
? Happy ? birthday ? to ? you,Posted Image? Happy ? birthday ? to ? you,Posted Image
? Happy ? birthday ? Dearest ? SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555553333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333330000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000,?....Happy ? .........birthday ? tooo...... ? yooouu...
Have a most Blessed Day and go and celebrate You!Posted ImagePosted Image
And Always remember your Birth Date is the day the world could no longer wait for the essence of YOU!Posted Image : )Posted Image

?? ?H?A?P?P?Y?¸.•.¸*Posted Image* ¸.•.¸?B?I?R?T?H?D?A?Y?¸.•.¸*Posted Image*

That was awsome! can you make a video to go with it?
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-06 17:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

So true! I'll be taking another pill tomorrow before my flight to Pakistan where I will be recieving permanent treatment (my wife in my arms). Best case scenario is something will be resolved when I'm there.

Congratulations buddy! I wish the best for you and i hope the meeting of tomorrow will be a meeting of life time soon.

BTW this is my 200th Post! (you should be honored it was used for your reply) :P

This makes me SENIOR! muahahahahah! (Thank you ... Thank you.. yes it took a lot of hard work and effort to accomplish this... speically for me)

Edited by sn530, 06 August 2012 - 03:56 PM.

sn530MalePakistan2012-08-06 15:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

There has to be someone or something we can do. If not we will all just sit here for god knows how long while life just passes us by. People around are getting married, going on their honey moon, enjoying one another. We haven't done anything wrong. We all deserve to be with the ones we love and cherish.

Apologies to everyone I am just frustrated. This process is draining me. I feel as if I am in a dark room filled with keys trying find the right match so I can get out. Lately it just feels impossible.

Dont get fustrated, sometimes the thing or the one we desire the most is held back from us just a little more then when we expect and in that time we learn to strengthen our will and the amount we cherish the other person. Keep focused and in due time things will work out... and if they dont then maybe you are being saved from sometimg that coudl have been much worse or are lead down a path that was ment for you two to share in another place together.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-06 15:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Today my husband and I are celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary. I just wanted to share this special day with you guys.

Happy anniversary!
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-06 15:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

I called DOS today and the lady who answered the phone was more helpful the most. Of course she stated that our case is still in AP, but told me that the reason why its in AP is because the embassy is reviewing to see whether or not we are eligible to receive the visa or not. There is no time frame on how long that will take. I am beyond frustrated with this process. I hate being in a gray area of anything in life. We sit here in this gray area while life just passes us by. Not sure of what to do.

humm... i guess she really impressed you "more helpful the most" lol! jk jk! I tottaly understand what you are going through, and agree how irritating and fustrating it is! Unfortunatly the operators that pickup the phone get asked the same question and they are nothing more then just operators they dotn have your file in front of them. So essentially what they do is give you a "Pill" ... its kind of like a pain killer, you believe it for a while and then the affects of the pill wear off and then the pain is back and the phone is back on the ear in hopes for a better pill for next time. Needless to say nothing will make you feel better till this issue is resolved and your in the good graces of an approval.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-06 13:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
MBA2012, Eabbas and carolynhotstuff..... Thank you for the wishes!

Lian, Yeah surprise in my office there are 2 other guys same birthday! Its kind of strange because there is a total of maybe 43 People in our branch and 3 peoples birthday all on the same day.

OH yeah is there a way to track the Packet 3 once it has been mailed from the American Express drop off location or what they call the perfered or authorized mail locations.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-06 13:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
So thought I would share some update with the people who are regulars on this post. Today is my birthday! And for my birthday I asked my fiance to complete packet 3.5 and get it mailed. We had some issues finding her birth certificate and getting everything together I guess it was a matter of luck it would get mailed today. So she sent me s picture of the receipt and tracking number. I guess I got my birthday gift! So now the official wait begins!

Btw she keeps asking what I want for my birthday what do you all do with this long distant relationship? I hought about asking for a lap dance but I think that wount go over very well.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-06 04:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Do you guys think it is wise to write a complain to the Attorney Genral's office regarding our case?

Your the first person I know who has done it. I think if you have a ladgitimate complaint and evidence to support it you may have some influence. But once again I hate to say this that so many people have abused the system that its not really intent of the agents to precieve everyone the wrong way it just comes with the job. Hopefully if it gets attention of the AG it might raise a few eye brows and move things along. Bit still complaining does not guarantee anything it could bring negative attention you dont want.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-06 03:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

my husband did for sure but i want to say i also got a copy in my emails

Thanks again eabbas
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-05 20:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Cool thanks eabbas and MBA and who received the email beneficiary or applicant.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-05 19:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Anyone know if packet 4 is sent electronically or is it physical copy and whom do they mail it to?
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-05 06:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker


s.ali interview CR1 (male) Sept 21, 2011------- Visa Received 3 months later
Barikhan F-2A visa Sept 22nd 2011 --------Visa over 3 months later
S&S CR1 (male) Oct 19, 2011 --------------Visa issued 2 months and 2 days later
shmalik K1 (male) Nov 2011 Visa -------------received Jan 6, 2012-2-3 months?
a and k K1 (male) June 6, 2011 ------------Jan 9th 2012 to pick up visa---7 months of AP
Winning23 K1 (female) December 19th 2011 ----- AP for 3 weeks
Syed Ali (B1/B2 Visit Visa) Dec 2010 AP-------- Visa received Jan 25, 2012--1-2 months?
Lahori82 CR1 (female) Dec 20, 2011 ---------------Visa in 1.5 months
SM-pk CR1 (female) Oct 2011 AP ----------------visa received FEb 9th 2012--4 months?
Faki CR1 (male) September 30th, 2011 -----------visa received 4 months
Forever Love Cr1 May 26th 2011 ---------------received March 1, 2012 after 9 months and 6 days
RealAl Cr1 (Male) 1st Interview - April 9, 2011 --------Visa issued March 4th 2012-11 months of AP
Gil1234 K1 (male) June 6th, 2011 -----------------VISA received March 14 2012-9 months and 1 week of AP
gtvapsamtik Interview CR1 (female) July 14th 2011 AP/AR--Visa received at 8 months 3 weeks after interview
bilal coudhary CR1 (male) Oct 6, 2011 pending additional AP------- Visa received April 19 2012 6 1/2 months after interview
longtimewaiter CR1 (male) April 2011 pending AP---------- Visa received April 19 2012 1 yr after interview
Worth_the_Wait K1 (male) Feb 23 2012 pending AP--------Visa issued April 30 2012 2 months and 1 week after interview
RiaB CR1 (Male) May 17th 2012-----approved at interview waiting for Visa to be issued (Visa issued May 19th 2012 received May 21 2012)---4 days after interview
khuram CR1 (female) interview Aug 10th, 2011 pending AP ------- Visa Issued April 23 2012 8 1/2 months after interview
Faisal khan CR1 (male) Oct 13th 2011 pending AP-------June 8 AMEX called to pick up Visa 7 months 3 weeks after interview--- Visa received June 11 2012
Adeelwali K1-May 16, 2011 interview AP (DOS says Visa issued June 13th- 1 yr 1 month after interview --- Visa received June 25 2012
John Dam Dam K1 male March 22 2012 interview ---visa received June 22 2012 3 months after interview
Sabrina.Asad CR1 (male) Dec 19th 2011 pending AP/ visa issued July 23 2012--- almost 7 months after interview
Steamcake CR1 July 23 2012 visa approved/waiting on issuance
hyder_ejaz Student Visa July 23 2012/pending AP/---visa issued August 1 2012 --8 days after interview
Naum CR1 (Male) July 31st 2012 Visa Approved/waiting on issuance


2009 Interviews
SchipM8 K1 Dec 2009 1st interview, May 2011 2nd interview pending AP--- Case sent back to USCIS expired

2010 Interviews
maabish interview CR1 (male) 28 july 2010 pending AP
Soccer.player FB-2 (male) Sept 9th 2010 pending for both AP and current Priority Date/ Requested fresh DS230, Medical and PCC from embassy/Embassy requested return of passport

2011 Interviews

Rafi CR1 (male) March 10th 2011 joint sponsor requested pending AP
Pari786 CR1 (male) March 2 2011 pending AP

Carolynhotstuff CR1 (Male) 2nd Interview May 8th 2011 pending AP/January 12, 2012 Home investigation/ Jan 24th 2012 Congressman got reply from Assistant Counsel at embassy that he will look into their case/ Case sent back to USCIS/received NOIR/replied to NOIR-case reaffirmed June 11 2012
Lots of Patience CR1 May 8th 2011 pending AP
khalidnfatima K3 (male) June 15 2009 interview case sent back to USCIS -LOST CASE CLOSED-Refiled CR1 May 13 2011 interview pending AP

Eabbas Interview CR1 (male) June 15th 2011 Mandatory ap

BrokenHeartD (male) CR1 July 5th 2011 pending AP/ July 10 2012 received a call from Embassy to submit his medical and ds230
Sabian K3 (male) July 11, 2011 Pending AP-sent back to uscis
sm2010 CR1 (male) interview on July 12, 2011 pending AP
Austin Guy (Male- 69 yr old father) July 12,2011 pending AP
aishanabeel (male) CR1 July 25 2011 pending AP/requested 2nd biometrics July 12 2012


samranaz CR1 (male) September 9th, 2011 pending AP
WaitingAP (male) CR1 Sept 20 2012/pending AP
Arif Ali K1 (male) Sept 26, 2011 pending AP
s&S88 interview CR1 (male) Sept 28,2011 pending AP (Requested senator help Feb 22th) Embassy emailed to include information about immediate family members and current job info Feb 24th 2012

Maila CR1 Oct 6th pending AP

Moshin786 K1(male) Nov 28th 2011 pending AP-sent back to USCIS for revocation/ marriage planned in pakistan/Married May 19th Filed CR1 July 9th

sajidla IR1 Interview date Dec 19, 2011 Pending AP
MBA2012 CR1 (Female).....1st Interview Dec 22, 2011; 2nd Interview Feb 13, 2012.....Pending AP
far316 CR1 (female) December 21 2011 pending AP

2012 Interviews

Yoursonly CR1 Jan 26th 2012 pending AP
Fahad99 CR1 (male) Jan 30 2012 pending AP

mrjanu85-March 9, 2012- pending AP

FifiSabz CR1 (male) June 14 2012 AP pending
Heartandsoul CR1 (male) June 21 2012 Denied/trying to keep case at embassy
Anas & Ayesha CR1 (Male) June 27th 2012 Denied/trying to keep case at embassy
Aisha& Wajid CR1 June 29 2012 Denied/trying to keep case at embassy

princess18 CR1 (female) July 30 2012 AP pending

Upcoming interviewsBest of luck!

SarahZeeshan CR1 August 29 2012
sn530 K1 (female) Waiting for interview date

Edited by sn530, 02 August 2012 - 05:51 PM.

sn530MalePakistan2012-08-02 17:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Just a question ...... has anyone ever written to the ambassador to Pakistan of USA? Wouldent he be the one that oversees the embassy?....... thoughts?.... feedback?
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-02 06:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Hello everyone! I thought I should come out of hiding and say 'Hi' now. As you can imagine, being a female and our case going all smoothly all the way, Alhumdulillah, this happening now - being put in AP - was a bit of a surprise. My interview was very smooth and very brief. We had front-loaded our application so I could see the CO already flipping through all the relationship evidence and pictures before she even called me up to the window. Right when I was expecting her to say, "You're approved...", she reached for a green slip and handed it to me, telling me they needed more time on our case and that she couldn't give me any idea of how long it could take.

Hubby and I have been taken aback...he's coming to visit me in a week, after 11 months of being apart, and the plan was to take me back with him in early September, where he's starting a new job and we were to set up house together. But we do not know what Allah Knows and Plans for us... just hoping it'll be over soon.

I will put up a detailed account of my interview experience here for everyone soon, Insha'Allah.

Much love and thank you for making this thread...keeps everyone united! May we all be rejoined with our spouses... very, very soon. Ameen. :)

dont worry about it too much, maybe they just needed some time to review the documents you submitted and get the visa processed.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-01 17:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Hi, im silent reader of this form. When i checked my case status it says this...
Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrativeprocessing. This processing can take several weeks. Please follow any instructions provided by the Consular Officer at the time of your interview. If further information is needed, you will be contacted. If your visa application is approved, it will be processed and mailed/available within two business days. Under the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act, Immigrant Visas for "Diversity Visas" cannot be issued after September 30th of the year in which you were selected to apply for a Diversity Visa. For example, entrants into the Diversity Visa Program in Fall of 2011 were selected for Diversity Visa 2012 Program, and selectees MUST apply and receive their visa prior to September 30, 2012 otherwise they lose eligibility to receive a Diversity Immigrant Visa, regardless of additional administrative processing. In addition, please note that some immigrant visas may not be able to be issued if the annual numerical limit for that category has been reached.

For more information, please visit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV.

I dont understand why they are talking about diversity visa? My interview was 20 september 2011 and im on ap since then. Plz reply...

Hum mm.... welcome to the group of waiting in AP indefinately
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-01 04:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Maybe you misunderstood him

his interview was December 2011 but his 2nd wedding anniversary is today :)

:wacko: <----- affects of ramadan! lol

well congratulations on your wedding anniversary and im still sorry that your on AP. Hopefully soon!

and I am also thinking about going to Lahore in maybe October. I hope my fiance gets her visa and maybe she can come back with my parents whom will be visiting or with me.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-31 16:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

s.ali interview CR1 (male) Sept 21, 2011------- Visa Received 3 months later
Barikhan F-2A visa Sept 22nd 2011 --------Visa over 3 months later
S&S CR1 (male) Oct 19, 2011 --------------Visa issued 2 months and 2 days later
shmalik K1 (male) Nov 2011 Visa -------------received Jan 6, 2012-2-3 months?
a and k K1 (male) June 6, 2011 ------------Jan 9th 2012 to pick up visa---7 months of AP
Winning23 K1 (female) December 19th 2011 ----- AP for 3 weeks
Syed Ali (B1/B2 Visit Visa) Dec 2010 AP-------- Visa received Jan 25, 2012--1-2 months?
Lahori82 CR1 (female) Dec 20, 2011 ---------------Visa in 1.5 months
SM-pk CR1 (female) Oct 2011 AP ----------------visa received FEb 9th 2012--4 months?
Faki CR1 (male) September 30th, 2011 -----------visa received 4 months
Forever Love Cr1 May 26th 2011 ---------------received March 1, 2012 after 9 months and 6 days
RealAl Cr1 (Male) 1st Interview - April 9, 2011 --------Visa issued March 4th 2012-11 months of AP
Gil1234 K1 (male) June 6th, 2011 -----------------VISA received March 14 2012-9 months and 1 week of AP
gtvapsamtik Interview CR1 (female) July 14th 2011 AP/AR--Visa received at 8 months 3 weeks after interview
bilal coudhary CR1 (male) Oct 6, 2011 pending additional AP------- Visa received April 19 2012 6 1/2 months after interview
longtimewaiter CR1 (male) April 2011 pending AP---------- Visa received April 19 2012 1 yr after interview
Worth_the_Wait K1 (male) Feb 23 2012 pending AP--------Visa issued April 30 2012 2 months and 1 week after interview
RiaB CR1 (Male) May 17th 2012-----approved at interview waiting for Visa to be issued (Visa issued May 19th 2012 received May 21 2012)---4 days after interview
khuram CR1 (female) interview Aug 10th, 2011 pending AP ------- Visa Issued April 23 2012 8 1/2 months after interview
Faisal khan CR1 (male) Oct 13th 2011 pending AP-------June 8 AMEX called to pick up Visa 7 months 3 weeks after interview--- Visa received June 11 2012
Adeelwali K1-May 16, 2011 interview AP (DOS says Visa issued June 13th- 1 yr 1 month after interview --- Visa received June 25 2012
John Dam Dam K1 male March 22 2012 interview ---visa received June 22 2012 3 months after interview
Sabrina.Asad CR1 (male) Dec 19th 2011 pending AP/ visa issued July 23 2012--- almost 7 months after interview
Steamcake CR1 July 23 2012 visa approved/waiting on issuance


2009 Interviews

SchipM8 K1 Dec 2009 1st interview, May 2011 2nd interview pending AP--- Case sent back to USCIS expired

2010 Interviews

maabish interview CR1 (male) 28 july 2010 pending AP
Soccer.player FB-2 (male) Sept 9th 2010 pending for both AP and current Priority Date/ Requested fresh DS230, Medical and PCC from embassy/Embassy requested return of passport

2011 Interviews

Rafi CR1 (male) March 10th 2011 joint sponsor requested pending AP
Pari786 CR1 (male) March 2 2011 pending AP

Carolynhotstuff CR1 (Male) 2nd Interview May 8th 2011 pending AP/January 12, 2012 Home investigation/ Jan 24th 2012 Congressman got reply from Assistant Counsel at embassy that he will look into their case/ Case sent back to USCIS/received NOIR/replied to NOIR-case reaffirmed June 11 2012
Lots of Patience CR1 May 8th 2011 pending AP
khalidnfatima K3 (male) June 15 2009 interview case sent back to USCIS -LOST CASE CLOSED-Refiled CR1 May 13 2011 interview pending AP

Eabbas Interview CR1 (male) June 15th 2011 Mandatory ap

BrokenHeartD (male) CR1 July 5th 2011 pending AP/ July 10 2012 received a call from Embassy to submit his medical and ds230
Sabian K3 (male) July 11, 2011 Pending AP-sent back to uscis
sm2010 CR1 (male) interview on July 12, 2011 pending AP
Austin Guy (Male- 69 yr old father) July 12,2011 pending AP
aishanabeel (male) CR1 July 25 2011 pending AP/requested 2nd biometrics July 12 2012

samranaz CR1 (male) September 9th, 2011 pending AP
Arif Ali K1 (male) Sept 26, 2011 pending AP
s&S88 interview CR1 (male) Sept 28,2011 pending AP (Requested senator help Feb 22th) Embassy emailed to include information about immediate family members and current job info Feb 24th 2012

Maila CR1 Oct 6th pending AP

Moshin786 K1(male) Nov 28th 2011 pending AP-sent back to USCIS for revocation/ marriage planned in pakistan/Married May 19th Filed CR1 July 9th

sajidla IR1 Interview date Dec 19, 2011 Pending AP
MBA2012 CR1 (Female).....1st Interview Dec 22, 2011; 2nd Interview Feb 13, 2012.....Pending AP
far316 CR1 (female) December 21 2011 pending AP

2012 Interviews

Yoursonly CR1 Jan 26th 2012 pending AP
Fahad99 CR1 (male) Jan 30 2012 pending AP

mrjanu85-March 9, 2012- pending AP

FifiSabz CR1 (male) June 14 2012 AP pending
Heartandsoul CR1 (male) June 21 2012 Denied/trying to keep case at embassy
Anas & Ayesha CR1 (Male) June 27th 2012 Denied/trying to keep case at embassy
Aisha& Wajid CR1 June 29 2012 Denied/trying to keep case at embassy

hyder_ejaz Student Visa July 23 2012/pending AP
princess18 CR1 (female) July 30 2012 AP pending

Upcoming interviews

Best of luck!

SarahZeeshan CR1 August 29 2012

sn530 K1 (female) Waiting for interview date
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-31 12:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Today is my 2 year anniversary.

Not sure if I should say congratuatios or im sorry.

have you guys thought the ones in AP for over 2 years what the next best alternative is? What if the visa never gets approved and just stays in this AP process? then what?
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-31 11:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
New motto for Islamabad embassy."we don't refuse your visa we just put it in administrative procedure"

Then again can't blame the people working there they are just following procedures and protocols.Hang in there everyone!
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-30 02:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
Mine says "your case is ready to be scheduled for an interview “ and some other stuff . I think it'd too early to be online trolling vj. Then again can't think of anything else to do after sahoor.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-29 06:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Today my friend give me this link to know the status of ur case... plz check this and tell me about this its true or not???


That's pretty cool I had not seen that before. I was redirected to https://ceac.state.g...ker/Status.aspx I think the link was in error.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-29 03:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Im wondering.... if you don't mind if I'm not on often can you help me with the tracker?... im stressed beyond comprehension now between my daughter being so very sick and working and trying to have a normal life with my husband via the pc. This AP is so heartbreaking it hurts so much now my heart i feel it tearing in two pieces. All i want is my daughter well and my husband home

I will still be here but if you come online and see a status change please feel free to make the change I guess i need a little help... and i have trouble asking but this time i really need it... if its too much for you please let me know and i will keep up my pace. But it would be helpful to know there is someone else keeping a watchful eye on the tracker... many many thanks and appreciations...

Sure would love to help, Let me know how you would like to coordinate... and I hope you realize your presence here is very much appreciated and important to help a lot of us who have yet to go through the process still.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-25 03:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Congratulations to Sabrina.Asad.... Hope we all hear the same news soon...InshAllah.

Well friends, my wife (USC) emailed the congresswoman to inquire about our case from the embassy and in reply she got this...

"I checked with my contact at the Visa HQ in Washington who has access to the consular data base. He could only confirm that your husband’s case is still under review – I can only assume the documents you sent to the embassy have been joined to his file. I’m confident that a decision will be forthcoming but if you wish I will check on the status once again in a few weeks - that is - if your husband is not notified in the meantime."

Thats an articulate way to saying "we called the embassy and asked for the case status and that all they told us" .... why do i get the feeling that contacting congressmen and senators provides no results and or assistance.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-24 16:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
I heard we had another approval today from the interview, Hopefully the person posts here.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-23 16:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Well our application must be holdin the desk up so it won't wobble then :(

Just be glad its being used to hold the table up and not as toilet paper.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-23 13:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Does this sometimes mean that the embassy has gotten the ball rolling or did they just happen to fall Over and see the application under the desk?

hummm.... thats a good question.... maybe someone should stick a $100 in an application somewhere see if that would make things go faster.... on the alternative maybe nothing would happen, and someone would just get a 100 dollars richer.

Edited by sn530, 23 July 2012 - 01:23 PM.

sn530MalePakistan2012-07-23 13:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

Alhumdulillah! My husband's visa was issued today :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

See what did i tell you all, Sabrina is going through the first stages of APPROVAL!

Congratulations and we are all very envious of you at this moment!
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-23 11:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker
:whistle: <---- This is what you do when your in AP
:unsure: <---- This is what you feel like when in AP
:angry: <---- This is the OCASSINAL feeling one gets due to AP
:help: <---- This is what One wants when in AP
:blink: <---- This is what you look like after a few months of AP
:o <---- This is the expression one makes when they Get the APPROVAL after months of AP
After that all sets in :dance: and :rofl: and :P and finally :D

Good luck to all who are going through this, I got a little bored and wanted to give everyone some incouragement, on this visa endavor we have all embarked upon.

here is a little bit more wisdome and a way to look upon life and journey.

You can't connected the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwrds. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. you have to trust in someting.. your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever it may be. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

so keep looking forward and moving on the right path.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-23 11:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)New Islamabad AP Tracker

I sent an email last month seeing as how my case was in ap for 6 months they say after 6 months you can email. No response. That wasn't a surprise. I wish I had someone on the inside to see what is actually taking so long. Have they been working on my case for 6 months now or are my papers just sitting on a stack waiting to be stamped?

actually I have noticed if i stack papers high enough they can be used as a foot rest! But i think at the embassy they are probably used for better purpose then that like a fan when the power goes out. just kidding! seriously sometimes it appears that nothing is happening but perhaps there is some work being done to your file, Also keep in mind limited resources with high demands cause backlogs that last a long time. I dont think anybody has anything personally against anyone and im sure they would love to help. Just hang in there guys Inshallah things will move right along and one day you will see light at the end of the tunnel sooner then you think. And once you do see the light please give hope to the others because the long wait is well worth the rewards!
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-19 01:00:00
CaribbeanHelp with Cell phone
Just another option if you want to go another route and not have another phone stolen.

This will cost about $40 and acts like a local USA number, needs connection to High speed internet. Its a one time payment and unlimited calling.

I sent one of these to pakistan and we can talk as much as we want.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-16 16:33:00
USCIS Service CentersElectronic Notification
I only got 2 messages from them, 1 was that it was recieved NOA1 and the other was NOA2. In the mean time i also had a change in status for an RFE no message for that.

Based on my experiance i would say only get it when the application is approved.
sn530MalePakistan2012-07-25 18:47:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat happens after Service Request?
unfortunatly the uscis is not binded to any deadlines they will just say to wait another 15 days after the 45 days pass.
sn530MalePakistan2012-08-06 14:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing
For the people whom are on AP from Pakistan. I have a couple of questions.

1. Is the beneficiary male or female?
2. What is the age?
3. Education attained?
4. Work experience?

Reason I ask these questions I think we might see a profiling occur. Past decade many men from Pakistan would get married to girls of Pakistan decent to attain a green card. Unfortunately due to the attention of the bad the honest people are now suffering the consequence. This is also to wear off the ones who are still trying to take advantage of the system and gives more time for others to get to know each other married or not! If you are really upset and feel this is unfair give your Senator a call they all have agents and resources designated for immigration purposes but be prepared to defend your case and why you should be given assistance to. I personally know plenty of people who have done that. But if you have Nothing to hide let the AP come through in it's ordinary time.

Edited by sn530, 03 June 2012 - 08:06 PM.

sn530MalePakistan2012-06-03 19:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative process im stuck
Contact your congressmen or senator, I dont know if any of you live in California if you do then contact Barbra Boxer use her website to start an inquiry one of her assistants will contact you in a few days. They have connections that make things happen..... I have seen it happen multiple time. Good luck'
sn530MalePakistan2012-06-16 21:53:00